Volume 2 Shiver me timbers!

Story by Stallon_Becket on SoFurry

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#2 of A Pirate's Life

A Pirates Life

Volume 2: Shiver me timbers.

"Admit to your crimes and your life will be spared!" Henningsway said approaching the battered wolf who had just stopped screaming. It had been nearly a full day of continuous torture, the brig master had already removed three of the wolf's fingers and had lashed him multiple times. he coughed up blood and looked at the Captain.

"I... didn't do... anything..." he weakly sputtered. Henningsway walked over to the chained crew member.

"Now I'm reasonable up to a point... but you're starting to piss me off! We found scraps of the wench's clothes in your foot locker!" He gave a resounding backhand to the face of the traitor, that echoed down the halls. Henningsway then turned to the brig master, the hulking bull had a grim smile on his face.

"Take an eye out and start on a few toes... if he does not confess in twenty four hours, then we'll execute him on substantial evidence." Henningsway strode out of the cell to let the brig master go to work. As the door closed the screams from the wolf started up again.

Meanwhile in the ships galley, Victor sat at the table facing Rath who stirred his gruel. The two were close collegues and had spent much time in the bars chasing females and such, but they hadn't spoke since the female's escape.

"So it was Nelson?" Rath inquired scooping up a portion of his food and eating it with distain. The grey wolf eyed his friend and fellow officer with an arched brow.

"The evidence is apparent." Victor said nonchalantly. Showing that stone cold exterior that made his motives a complete mystery.

"He was a prick anyways..." Rath sighed and drank his water. Rath wondered if the female had made it away, or was lost at sea and dead. It didn't matter anyways he'd probably never see her again.

Just then Jon walked up to the table and sat down. The grey wolf was especially nervous, but trusted his only real friends on this god forsaken vessel he was assigned to. He gave a nod to Rath and Victor he began to whisper.

"Did you hear? The Captain says the traitor is going to be executed tomorrow..." Jon didn't get to finish his sentence as Victor held up a hand.

"Ensign Timbuck, I'm the intelligence officer on this ship. Not to be rude, but I know all about what the Captain says... its my job to know." Victor snorted just a bit and then smiled. "Just like I know that in twenty four hours we'll be at port..."


Clara blinked and sat up in the bed. The last thing she remembered was... she looked around frantically and saw the sleeping Captain at his desk, his hand rested on his cutlass. Clara, as quite as possible, slipped out of the bed and began to move towards the cabin door.

"Ahem... up so early?" said Erik his tail swishing from side to side as he lifted his head. Clara squealed and backed up against the door trying to open it. Erik stood up and approached her slowly.

"I'm not such a bad guy." He purred to the mouse.

"You call, kidnapping me, not bad?!" she shouted. Then she realized that she was talking to a Pirate that was almost two feet taller than her and she retreated to a corner.

"Well its' my crew that decided this, not I..." Erik stepped towards her and sat down in front of her. He gave a smirk that was both charming and yet devious.

"Where are you from?" Erik shifted and positioned his cutlass behind him.

"I'm not telling you scoundrel!" Clara huffed and crossed her arms turning her head away.

"Don't be difficult, I only want to get to know you before I have to release you." Erik gave a warm smile; that only unnerved her, with the exposing of his teeth.

"You would release me?" She inquired skepticly

"Why sure! Pirate's honor!" he held up a left hand, while his right hand went over his heart.

"Pirates don't have honor..." Clara said meekly.

"Well think about it... did they really hurt you? Or hurt any of your crewmates when they robbed that vessel?" Erik said, in a matter of fact tone.

Clara thought about it for a moment, they had threatened, but never acted. They had been a little rough with her, yet had not really hurt her at all. "My crew listens to me and I say no bloodshed, then there is none... on our honor m'lady." Erik continued.

"So, how about that talk?" Erik gave a dashing grin.


Celese woke up and of course got everything set, she woke the rest of the crew, secretly copping a feel from Tal, and then woke up Dana, the ships cook. Once everyone was up, she checked to make sure Dana was cooking breakfast; then she went to wake the Captain.

As she approached the door she could hear noises from inside the cabin and when she unlocked and opened the door there was Clara giggling with laughter, as Erik sat across from her recounting a tale.

"...then the guy swings his sword, right? and Tal ducks under the swing and jabs him right in the kiester!" Erik made a motion as if thrusting a sword and Clara guffawed before tittering.

"He must have jumped about three feet in the air!" Clara began to laugh again, then spied the doberman watching them; her giggling died down.

"Captain breakfast will be ready in a few ticks." Celese said with a smile.

"Thank you, first mate." Erik nodded to her "Come Clara time to meet the crew..." he held out his hand to her, and mouse dubiously took hold.

The crew greeted their Captain with a loud "YAAARR!" as he came out of the cabin leading Clara. Introductions were made as well as apologize.

"Sorry to frighten you like zat luv." said the lapin. "I'am called Frenchie." The jackrabbit smiled and spun around before bowing.

"Didn't mean to scare the skin off ya." Leanne said stroking her own whiskers lightly. The bobcat grimiced before she curtsied to Clara.

"Yeah we were just havin a bit o fun." The ferret said, still holding her whip "Helen's the name, at your service." She cracked the whip, making Clara jump again.

"Polly was just kidding! Rawk! Polly was just kidding!" said the macaw as she gliding down onto the ships deck gracefully and cocked her head inquisitively.

Everyone formally introduced themselves, each a lady, sailor, and pirate, except for one; a large female razorback standing silently in the crowd.

"Clara this is Karen." Erik said introducing the boar. "You'll have to excuse her but she does not have a tongue." He spoke lightly "It was cut out by her enemies, yet she speaks with actions." The razorback snorted and thumped her heavy quarterstaff on the ships deck. That's when a loud voice broke out from the galley.

"Chow time you varmints!" was shouted from the kitchen followed by a loud whiny. Dana emerged from the galley with her cooking spoon in hand. The crew turned to the Captain.

"Attack..." Erik sneered and the crew ran for breakfast. "Well Clara shall we go as well?" the tiger lead her back towards his cabin.

"Aren't we going to?..." Clara began.

"Eat? Yes but Celese will bring us our breakfast, the perks of being the Captain." Erik swished his tail as they walked to his quarters to enjoy the morning meal.


Laura was less sore, but still she had horrible nightmares. In her dark dreams she could see the brig master licking his lips. The large bull would flex his leather lash and begin the whippings. However he would whip her as to only draw a little blood for he need her conscious to know what he would do next.

He'd violate her two or three times, cruelly pinch and twisting her nipples as he raped her, trying to get some kind of vocalization from her. But Laura would not submit or scream, even when he'd thrust up into her as hard and deep as he could she would only weep or whimper.

She still felt that sticky mess shooting up into her, and she'd awake in a cold sweat with a yell. Of course she'd have to regain her composure, so often she tried not to sleep. As such on this particular day, as she stood on the deck of the Prideful Pony, she had been awake for twenty four hours.

"Still having bad dreams?" inquired Galvin, the ships Captain. Laura turned to the equine who stood there sipping his tea leaning against some crates. Laura nodded and sighed.

"Here have some tea you'll feel better." He offered her his cup, which she graciously took, "we'll be pulling into port in an hour and we have to switch ships..." he walked towards his cabin.

"W-wait..." Laura said, and the horse halted and looked over his shoulder. "What do you know about the Scarlet Squall?" Laura's demeanor seemed to darken as she said the name of that accursed terrible ship.

"I'll tell you what I know..." Galvin said "Follow me..." he motioned for her to follow him into his cabin.


The next day at dawn, Nelson's corpse hung from the bow of the Scarlet Squall, Henningsway was pleased that the traitor was now dead. However the bastard had been defiant to the last. He listened to Victor's report and nodded.

"So, Pilferer's Peninsula?" The Captain inquired looking at the map.

"Our spies say its a hot spot of activity, as well as numerous sightings of Erik the White there." Victor pointed his claw at the land mass that seemed to jut into the cove from the range of mountainous land mass.

"Then we set sail once the men have gathered supplies, we will lay a trap for the bastard there." Henningsway sneered thinking about how that white tiger's corpse would hang or even better to have his head mounted on a spike on the bow. Not only that but the gold as well, he couldn't stop thinking about the gold.

"Yes sir Captain sir." Victor saluted and walked out leaving the wolf Captain to brood over the coming events.

Meanwhile in the town Rath spoke quietly to Jon, the grey wolf nodded in agreement as the larger arctic wolf explained the plan to him. Just then a voice startled them by speaking.

"Its set..." came Victor's voice in a low tone as he emerged from the darkness, the three of them had business to attend to and they had to make sure not to arouse suspicion. Rath gave a slight nod to Victor who backed away into the darkness.

"Ok buddy it's time to go..." Rath picked up his sack of good and Jon followed in suit as they headed back to the ship.


Clara had a full day, wandering around the ship with Erik and watching his dedicated crew working to make sure the ship was in top condition. It wasn't just the orders of their Captain that drove them. It seemed as if they cared for the ship, it was indeed their home, and they tended to it with love.

She also watched them practice, it seemed the one of the crew who only briefly introduced herself as Chiako, was from the far east. She was a Siamese cat, and soon enough Clara realized that she didn't speak common tongue. In fact she only spoke in an odd language.

However the crew seemed to follow her hand to hand combat instruction perfectly well as she lead them in exercise.

"Ichi! Ni! San! Ichi! Ni! San!" was the command from Chiako with each punch, the rest of the women gruelingly followed along. Whenever someone would deviate Chiako would stop the group, walk over, and firmly correct them in stance, posture, or balance, then return to instructing.

Erik watched them, but took notes as well, following along a bit. When finally Chiako dismissed them by placing her right fist in her left palm and bowed. The rest of the female bowed back and then dispersed to rest from their workout. Chiako then walked to Erik and gave him a bow, and he bowed back before she looked to Clara.

"Daijobu deska?" she inquired. Clara shrugged with uncertainty and looked to Erik. The tiger just gave a merry smile.

"Uh... die joe boo desk..." Erik sloppily said and Chiako nodded with a smile then bowed again "Konbanwa Erik-san" with that Chiako turned and walked off.

"What did she say?" Clara asked Erik. The tiger merely shrugged.

"I think she was asking if you were alright... I just repeat what she says." Erik grinned sheepishly as they absconded back to his quarters. This time Erik did not lock the doors, of course he knew that they were out at sea, even if Clara got into a lifeboat there was no way she would know where they were going.

"So, now what?" Clara asked sitting on the edge of the bed. Erik took his sword off his belt and sat beside her.

"That's up to you. Are you going to try and run away? or kill me in my sleep?" he said the last question in classic jest. Clara sighed and collapsed back on the bed.

"I don't know what to think..." Clara said looking up at the ceiling. Erik set his cutlass down on the nightstand. "I don't think I can run especially when I don't know where we are, and killing you would only get the crew to kill me so I guess I'm stuck here." Clara turned over on her front and huffed.

"Well being stuck here isn't so bad is it?" Erik said with a low purr. Clara was taken aback a bit.

"N-now wait a moment! I..." she eeped as she found Erik's nose touching hers.

"Have you ever kissed a man before?" Erik said softly, his hot breath brushing against her lips as he spoke. Clara was frozen, unsure of how to respond.

"A-are you trying to seduce me?" she gulped lightly. Erik laughed heartily and grinned, fully exposing all his pointed teeth.

"Well I am a pirate!" he said proudly. Clara was unsure how to take his response, however maybe if she was cooperative...

"And what do pirates do with captive women?" Clara pulled the sheets of the bed to her chest as if it were added protection for the dress she wore.

"That depends on what pleasures the pirate seeks." Erik's lips met Clara's and she pulled away shyly but did not retreat from him. She was very hesitant on her next course of action. Erik did not advance any further waiting to see how the mouse would respond.

"How... how dare you!" Clara came back with a slap to Erik's face, the tiger did not even try to defend himself his head terking to the side as her palm hit him. He blinked and winced a bit from the hit.

"You really don't know your manners! The woman decides who she wants to kiss!" Erik suddenly found Clara grabbing him by the back of his head and her lips, this time, mashed to his. He was startled but he waited till she broke the kiss.

"No... how dare you! Shiver me timbers I'm the Captain of this ship, and I kiss who I want!" he kissed her fiercely grabbing her around the waist pulling her to his body. Clara was now afraid but enticed by this male. How could such a despicable profession as his be so appealing to her?

Clara didn't even resist anymore as Erik began to let his hands wander down over her body. The mouse knew it would come to this, of course what would a pirate do with a delightful creature like her?

In turn Erik felt her hands wandering over his body in mock resistance. However he knew that it was all an act. He wanted her and soon she would want him as well. He picked her up and somewhat softly tossed her onto the bed.

Before Clara knew it Erik pounced on her and his kiss once more collided to her lips again as his hands moved to undo and doff his clothes. She helplessly struggled, but not in desperation, but in excitement. Once the tiger was down to only his boxers he then strived to deprive the mouse of her garments.

She squealed as her dress was pulled off and she could see that erection starting as Erik now purred lustfully. She slapped him again which did nothing to stop him. Now she was naked under him as he looked down upon her soft grey furred body and licked his lips.

"Animal!" Clara hissed to him, but Erik knew that she wasn't insulting him but taunting him, teasing him, as if saying at the same time; please don't hurt me sir! Catch me if you can bastard!

Erik grinned and grasped Clara's wrists pinning her down as his rough tongue licked over her left nipple. Erik was rewarded with a gasp from the mouse and he repeated the action on her right nipple earning a very pitched moan from the female.

"Your going to pay for those two slaps my dear..." he threatened and she suddenly found his lips around her right nipple his tongue lashing to that little nub of pleasure. Clara gasped at the sensation and struggled lightly.

After torturous seconds of inflicting pleasure upon her, he switched to her left breast, his tongue working feverishly to keep the intensity high. Clara squirmed and bucked her hips up against his, throbbing, boxer restrained pole and moaned.

"Ah! I see you now show your true colors!" Erik teased her and Clara suddenly found his hands around her hips as he moved down licking her belly. Her eyes went wide as his head dipped down between her silken thighs and she felt that rough wet muscle lick over her sensitive and defenseless clitoris.

Clara gasped and clutched the bed sheets before letting out a shaky moan. Erik carefully licked over that mound and then he dipped his tongue into her little slit and purred. Sensation shot though Clara's body as she trembled and grasped his head urging him to keep going.

Erik continued with his torment of rapture to her. His hands holding her, preventing her from escaping as his tongue pleasured her. Then she felt him pull his tongue out. Low and behold his boxers were off and his full raging penis was exposed as he moved over her getting into position. His left hand moved and grasped both her wrists as his right hand took hold of his member.

Suddenly Clara was suddenly afraid. The sensation gripped her so suddenly that her heart nearly skipped a beat. Now pleasure was replaced with terror as the truly frightened mouse imagined that this huge tiger would mercilessly fuck her. She now struggled with genuine effort. Erik however held her down, but paused watching her frantic struggles.

Clara thrashed wildly for a bit before she noticed that Erik has stopped and was observing her. Slowly her struggles ceased and she looked up to him with fear in her eyes. He looked back into her eyes and his expression softened. It was obvious he was only playing a game with her, but had no intention of truly harming her. She gulped nervously and closed her eyes.

"P-please... go slow..." she whimpered. Erik nodded and slackened his grip on her wrists as he guided his member to the slick entrance between her legs and rubbed the thick leathery head to her moistness. Clara squeaked and tensed up a little expecting him to suddenly ram it into her.

However, Erik slowly rubbed it to her slit getting the tip generously lubricated before he pressed forward in a slow, yet steady pace. Clara gasped feeling it softly penetrate her and her eyes shot open. She looked down and saw that he had only placed the head of it into her and had paused to let her adjust to the feel of it.

Erik looked into her eyes and kissed her tenderly as he slid a bit more into her, she squirmed deliciously under his penetration. He eased a bit more into her feeling her moan against his kiss with every inch he pressed into her with. Then suddenly it was done, all eight inches of hot throbbing tiger cock buried into Clara's hot, wet, mound of sex.

Clara yelped a little as she felt it bump to her cervix and Erik pulled back a bit with a concerned look. Clara trembled a bit but looked back up into his eyes nodding. Erik eased back into her to the hilt and Clara let out a long moan feeling her belly so full.

Erik growled with pleasure, and drew back slowly, he pulled back about halfway and then slowly glided back into her. He eared another heated moan from the mouse as he felt his cock head bump once more to her cervix. He gave nice slow yet long thrusts into her, each time earning a new response from her which only made his desire for her grow.

Clara could not believe this was happening! This is not the outcome she had expected, yet now here they were embraced with passion as she now lightly bucked back against the male thrusting into her tunnel of lust. She softly whimpered and leaned close to Erik's ear.

"Fuck me..." she gasped huskily and Erik responded by speeding up the pace a bit, his left hand still holding her wrists as his right hand now caressed and fondled her breasts. Their hips colliding as the tiger rutted to the sweet mouse under him his cock plunging in and out.

"Oooohhh! Yes!" Clara exclaimed, she had even surprised herself. It now seemed like her body was taking on a mind of its own. Her hips grinding back to Erik's thrusts as she suddenly felt the urge to feel his release. She tilted her head back exposing her neck as she felt her own orgasm building within her depths.

Erik could not hold back any longer! With a few more quick thrusts and then a final deep plunge he roared, as his seed was released his mighty jaws opened and he wrapped them around Clara's soft exposed neck!

Clara cried out in a mix of surprise, terror, pleasure, and outrage as she felt Erik's fangs against her neck. She wanted to thrash but she was afraid that if she made any movements that he would injure her. This forced her to stay still and quiver as she felt him spilling his hot load into her belly as her own climax released and their juices mixed.

Erik gave a few more light thrusts just to make sure he had emptied his entire supply into her and then he released her neck. He had not even so much as made a scratch on her delicate flesh, he licked over her neck lightly and released her wrists before pulling her to him in a tender embrace.

Clara was shaking all over, but also felt so warm, so very, very warm. She moaned lightly as she felt Erik's penis starting to rapidly deflate in her, yet she still was stunned by its presence inside her.

"you're... you're a horrible beast." She whimpered to him. Erik softly licked over one of her ears lovingly, she snuggled up against him her arms embracing him.

"Can you do it again?" she asked. Erik was a bit startled, but soon that surprise was overwritten by the feel of his cock swelling up again inside her. It looked like was going to be a long night ahead for them...