U.C.O.D. Return Of Justice: Chapter 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#5 of U.C.O.D: Return of Justice

It's nice to finally be able to put descriptions again!!! I missed this feature so much! Anyway, second part of the last UCOD series. Cyllea and Eve engage in a little fun on the fields and Kane becomes a true Carnian.

The day was long, the sun hovering over the mountain retreat like a hawk above a fresh kill. Eve and Cyllea had been out all day plucking the remaining potatoes out of the ground and placing them into a large basket. They were exhausted, overheated, and pouring with sweat.

"There's gotta be...an easier way...to do this," Cyllea panted.

"As soon...as you make it...I'll happily...employ it," Eve grunted as he yanked one of the potatoes from the dirt. The two made their way through the harvest like ants, effectively gathering the vegetables into their buckets. As the last potato fell into the metal container, Eve collapsed to the dirt.

"Hey," Cyllea panted and collapsed on his chest. "Don't conk out on me now, big guy..."

"Too tired," Eve groaned. "Must sleep..."

"You can't fall asleep out here, the Raptors'll find you," Cyllea gently prodded him in the ribs. "C'mon, let's get inside before the sun goes down..."

"Meh," Eve grumbled and rolled over. Cyllea giggled and playfully slapped her forehead.

"Oh dear...fine then. I guess I'll just have to give you the strength then..." Cyllea paced around him and rolled his sleeping form onto his back, splaying him to the sky. She scanned her eyes up and down his "unconscious" form, letting her gaze rest on his unprotected sheath. She smiled widely, unable to contain her excitement and then gently leaned in.

Eve suddenly felt a warm gust of air wash over his sensitive sheath, making him shudder! His eyes shot open and he sat up in surprise, but before he could look down he felt a strong hand press against his chest.

"Just relax," Cyllea whispered, her gentle breath again wafting over his exposed maleness. Eve closed his eyes and lay back once again, smiling softly.

Cyllea's tongue slipped tenderly forth and wrapped around the organ, making Eve sigh. Her grip tightened slightly around the tip, then releasing and gently sliding her tongue down along its length until she reached his base.

Eve's cock was just beginning to push through his shrinking sheath when Cyllea noticed. She quickly lowered her head down and pressed her lips against his exposed head.

"Get nice and hard for me," She said as she opened her maw and wrapped her lips around the opening of the sheath, feeling his big dragonhood growing harder and harder in her mouth.

Eve moaned and pushed his hips up a bit, driving his cock even further of his sheath and into his waiting lover's mouth. Cyllea's rubbery lips stroked the smooth meat gingerly, her tongue sliding across the head and up and down the underside ever so gently. Her breath was warm against Eve's skin, making his scales flutter with pleasure at every breath.

"Oh Cyllea," he moaned. Cyllea giggled and ran her cool paw up and down his belly scales, rubbing over all of the erogenous spots she knew he had. Eve's head was spinning, between the blowjob and the gentle massage; he had no idea which one he would cum to first!

Eve began weakly trying to hump into her mouth, but her paw against the inner part of his thigh told him otherwise.

"Don't move, hun," she whispered, leaning against his chest as her paw took over her mouth's previous job. "Just lay there and cum for me..."

"Yes ma'am," Eve groaned and let every muscle in his body go numb. It was like he was floating in space and the only thing he felt was his mate's ginger touch around his dragonhood, pleasing him with her soft strokes and occasional licks and sucks.

Cyllea gently reached down to his base and stroked him, wrapping her lips around his head once again. When the black dragon felt those warm, soft, gentle lips wrap around his sensitive head, he felt a prickle of intense pleasure zip across every nerve in his lower body!

"Cyllea..." he moaned, trying to get her attention, but finding himself very weak.

"Gonna cum?"She asked sexily, her smooth voice driving him to the very edge of orgasm!

"Uh-huh..." was all Eve could muster before he basically lost control of his entire physical being. Cyllea giggled and increased the intensity of her stroking.

"Come on, cum for me," Cyllea teased, stroking faster. "Cum for Cyllea..."

Eve couldn't take it anymore! He wrapped his claws around his snout to keep himself from roaring, finding himself completely rejuvenated and full of life again! His reptilian cock erupted from his mate's soft touch, shooting thick streams of sticky dragon cum into the air and onto Cyllea's face and paw.

"Good boy," Cyllea giggled. "Feel better?"

"Like I could do it all again," Eve said with a wink. Cyllea blushed.

"Well, the way I see it, I think you owe me one!" she said and licked the cum from her paw and her snout. "And boy...*yawn*...am I feeling tired..."

"I'll see what I can do," Eve grinned, standing to his feet.

"But I think we should go inside first. I doubt I'll have as much *ahem* volume control as you did," she said and blushed harder. Eve necked her with a chuckle.

"You don't need to control anything baby," he whispered, making Cyllea whimper quietly and neck him back.

"And look on the bright side!" Eve continued. "The harvesting is all done, the chores are taken care of, and Darrow is feeling well enough to take care of himself again! Tomorrow...we get to sleep in..."


Dirge's castle always did possess an eerie visage when night rolled around. Its tower-light always drowned the streets in red glow, and even seemed to graze the moon with its ever-reaching peak!

If one did not know the atrocities committed inside, it would actually seem to be rather beautiful in an odd, morbid sort of way.

But tonight it was doubly so. Tonight, all the Carnians and townspeople had gathered in the courtyard of the palace to engage in a rather unique ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Grimlock called out over the crowds of townsfolk herded into the center like cattle. The Carnians lined the walls on either side, ensuring that there was a boundary between the people and the stone of the palace. Grimlock stood at the front, with Kyasha to his left and Oxide to his right. The Sisters were standing not far off, right next to two large Carnian golems that guarded the palace doors from both sides. "Let me be the first to welcome you all to one of the most sacred ceremonies in Carnian society! Now...I know a lot of you were a bit hesitant about joining us at first, but it really does make all of our hearts shine to see such a magnificent turnout!"

The townspeople began muttering to themselves, a few fearing that this was all just another elaborate scheme to kill off a few hundred of them in one move, as Dirge had done once or twice in the past...

"Tonight is the night in which we welcome a new member into our ranks!" Grimlock continued. As he spoke, the large doors behind him swung open slowly. Grimlock turned around and then nodded. "I shall now turn the chair over to our illustrious Emperor, Serga Carnivex Morbossus Gride!"

"Thank you, Grimlock," Dirge grumbled sarcastically as he made his way to the front. "You do know how much I love public introductions..."

Grimlock chuckled nervously and tugged at his collar before standing closely next to Kyasha, who rolled her eyes in annoyance. The townsfolk fell to their knees as Dirge entered full view, standing with his wing-like cape flowing in the breeze.

"Well, I don't mean to sound redundant, but welcome one and all! I'll just cut straight to the point; we all know why we stand here tonight don't we?" Dirge asked. "Of course we do! Tonight is the night that our favorite gryphon becomes an honorary member of the Carnian Empire!"

The entire crowd remained silent.

"That means clap," Dirge said, irritated. Almost immediately, the crowd erupted into tumults of clapping. "Thank you. Now then, I say it's about high time we get this started, eh?"

"Agreed," Grimlock said. He burst into blue flames and was gone, only to appear again outside a wooden door inside the palace.

He knocked a few times before calling out.

"Kane?" he asked. "Kane? It's time, my little friend."

"I'm not going," Kane's muffled voice said from inside the room. Grimlock raised an eyebrow and opened the door. Kane was on his bed, lying on his back with a pillow over his face.

"But why?" Grimlock asked. "Tonight is the most important night of your life! It signifies your very transition into a whole new world!"

"But I don't want to," Kane said, still under the pillow.

"You're not nervous are you?" Grimlock scoffed. Nervousness was a sign of weakness that Carnians couldn't afford to show...

"Hell no!" Kane said, tearing the pillow away from his face. "No...it's not that. I'm just...I don't know if I really belong here anymore..."

"What makes you say that?" Grimlock asked, taking a seat on the pillows across from the bed. "You chose to follow Carnia, and so you have. You have every right to be here, brother!"

"I mean...*sigh* I know I do...it's just that I feel like I only joined up because Gride showed me all of those things with that spell...all of those visions. I just feel like I'm joining for all the wrong reasons!" Kane said. "You're going to laugh at me now, aren't you?"

"Quite the opposite actually," Grimlock said with a small smile. "I must admit that I respect that. As much as it pains me to do so, it is rather admirable."

"R-Really?" Kane asked.

"It is an undesired answer, and I'm very disappointed that you waited this long to make this known, but what you just said is something I can admire greatly," Grimlock continued. "To follow a cause, you must believe in it. Carnia is a way of life, my little feathered friend, and if you do not believe in it than what can be done?"

"I...I honestly thought you would kill me," Kane said quietly. "I figured this would be, like, a serious affront."

"Well, it kind of is," Grimlock chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "And I probably should kill you, but I won't. Over the years that we have known eachother, I feel like I've developed a bond with you. Enough so that I can freely call you my brother and you may do the same!"

"Brother?" Kane asked. In Carnia, to be one's brother was a very heavy title. It meant that you had one who saw you as an equal in both physical and psychological stature, one who would fight for your life and expect the same from you.

"Indeed!" Grimlock said, smiling slightly. His smile faded though, as quickly as it came. "This is very difficult for me."

"How come?" Kane asked, immediately wishing he had withdrawn the comment. "I mean...I apologize if I've drawn you into an uncomfortable situation...brother..."

That seemed to mend things.

"I am not the most trusting person," he said. "I have always had a rather prevalent issue about allowing my life to be entrusted into the hands of another. Ever since my childhood."

Kane really didn't want to pry, but he was so curious now...

"If I may..." he asked. Then he cleared his throat. "Belaak orsuna bela kanrah?"

"Your Carnian gets better every day," Grimlock chuckled, clapping. "Very well...I was very young when my mother and father were murdered by Dameon Swade. I lost my older sister that night as well, probably taken away to be raped by the Behaku hordes..."

"Damn," Kane marveled. "That's harsh...I mean, I knew Dameon was no nice guy...but they never told me all of that..."

"Oh yes...Dameon Swade was the most ruthless Behaku Lord in history," Grimlock said. "There were none who could compete against him in cruelty or in ambition. But...do you want to know a secret?"

"Sure," Kane leaned in. Grimlock leaned closer, as though he were speaking to a small child.

"He was Carnian once," Grimlock said with a devilish grin.

"No way," Kane said in disbelief. "You can't possibly be serious..."

"Oh but I am," Grimlock laughed. "He was once a full-blooded Carnian, serving under the rule of Lord Gride. Ask him yourself sometime! I'm sure he'll remember..."

"I just might do that," Kane said with a laugh. "You know...its crazy the things you learn..."

"Isn't it just?" Grimlock said. "Now then...will you join me in the courtyard?"

"I shall," Kane said smiling. He got up from the bed and hopped onto the floor, walking next to the red-skinned lizard as they teleported to the courtyard.

The ceremony was still in action, nobody had moved except for Dirge, who had taken to leaning against one of the golem's massive arms.

"Ah, welcome back," he said as the two appeared once again. Then he leaned in to Grimlock, his voice an angry whisper. "What took you so damn long?"

"Unimportant, my lord," Grimlock whispered back. "Nothing to concern yourself with."

"I decide what's important," Dirge said sternly. "Grimlock you are damn lucky that killing you would severely depress me..."

"I'm very grateful, my lord," Grimlock said with a small chuckle.

"This is an enormous step in your evolution Kane," Dirge said as he turned to the gryphon.

"I realize this," Kane said, emotionless. "But I am willing to make it, Lord Gride."

"You have great conviction in your words, gryphon," he said. "An admirable quality."

Kane smiled and looked down. Kyasha couldn't help but hide a grin.

"He's certainly got more than one..." she snickered to herself. Dirge's head snapped up to her and her snickering stopped, but the small smile remained.

"What was that?" he asked, his yellow eyes senselessly glaring into her. She shrugged with a coy smirk.

"Oh nothing, my lord, nothing at all," she smiled. Dirge clicked his jaw.

"You watch your ass," he warned and turned back to Kane.

"Watch it for me," Kyasha chomped her teeth at him playfully. Dirge immediately glared back.

"I will end you," he said, pointing his bony claw at her. Then he turned back to Kane and looked down at him. "Jenner Kane. It's been seven years since you decided to take a step in the right direction and league yourself with the most powerful force in history..."

Kane looked back up.

"Since then, I have seen times in which you have bathed in the blood of Carnia with more vigor than any mortal I have yet encountered...for this have I decided to fully integrate you into my ranks..."

"For this I have decided to give you a name worthy of Carnia's title of Baneliege."

Kane's eyes opened wide.

"Baneliege?!" he asked in surprise. A Carnian Baneliege was the highest military title given! Lord Grimlock was a Baneliege, Lady Kyasha was a Baneliege...it was something Kane had not expected in the least. "I'm to become a Baneliege?"

"Without a hint of doubt," Dirge continued. "Have you decided on your new name?"

Kane controlled himself once more, composed his emotions and then stared back into the Serga's cold, lifeless eyes.

"I have, my lord," he said. "Under careful consideration, I have decided upon my new name."

"Then let us hear it!" Dirge said, holding his arms out to the bowing masses. "I'm sure you are aware, though...that this name cannot be changed...regardless of what may happen...are you aware of this?"

"I am, Lord Gride," Kane said. "I am aware of this and the name I have chosen will not change."

"Very well, then reveal it," Dirge said and stood to his full height over his underling.

"My name, the name of my corporeal form until the day my life leaves my body, is Faust...Vinson Faust," Kane said proudly.

"Vinson Faust," Dirge said, thinking the name over in his head. "So it is, and so it shall be...now...and forever..."

Kane kneeled on his front paws. Dirge pressed a claw against his head.

"By my power as Serga Carnivex, I christen you Vinson Faust: Baneliege of Carnia," Dirge said loudly. "Rise, Faust, and receive your new title with honor."

Kane lifted his head and smiled.

"I accept this title with honor," he said. "Now...and forever."

"Now...and forever..."