Forgive Me- Tavis 9

Story by tapanther on SoFurry

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#9 of Forgive Me

DISCLAIMER: Because every story needs one. This is a work of fiction. This chapter has M/M love, kissing, cuddling, anal, oral, it's a little rough, theres some cursing, a tie. If you are under the legal age (18/21), it is illegal for you to view this material, or you are offended, you may leave. Otherwise read on. Any resemblance to real people/places/events is purely coincidental in nature. All characters from the series, unless otherwise specified in all parts in existence and from this point forward are copyrighted to Thomas Andrews (tapanther). Permission is given to copy the story for personal viewing, so long as the text remains unaltered. You may not post this story elsewhere without the author's (me) consent. If you wish, send me a PM for permission. I'm sure it will be granted. I do not own nor claim ownership of any possible brand name or trademark, etc.; those are all copyrighted works of their respective owners.


NOTE: Due to me being to lazy to put for italics, all mental notes/thoughts will be in some form of brackets. Ex: [It's been so long since he's been this lively].

By the way, sorry for the delays, but I've been a tad busy with other things. I'll try to write more often, but you can probably expect more delays.

Part 9


P.S. Don't you hate it when your tongue freezes and you can't talk right?

_"How bad is it?"

"The leak is in the sealed area. There's no way to get to it. The temperature will keep rising 'til it reaches 1,000 degrees, and . . . "

"And? And WHAT?"

"No one knows."_

"Hey Chris! They're talking about your cock!"

-Hissed- "James!"

[Heh, those two make a good couple. Reminds me a little of when David and I were in college. He didn't tease me that much though.] We'd been watching K-19 for the past hour or so, just waiting for the sun to go down so we could all go out for a coffee, and maybe some dancing. Chris and James were cuddling on the couch, I was in the easy chair with David was sitting on my lap. I could tell that Chris and James were really in love, cuddling and hugging even through a depressing movie. [Why the bloody hell did we watch K-19 on a romantic night?]

"Now James, play nice, you know puppy is ver-"

-Ding! Dong!-

"Who could that be? David, could you get it?"

David kissed me lightly on the cheek before he stood up and went to the door. Since the doorway was out of sight, we were forced tow wait for David to get back and tell us.

"So Chris, David told me you wanted Crux's number. Just be careful, the last thing you want is to be one of his . . . toys. I've got nothing against him, or the guys he's with, but it's just not my cup of tea you know."

"How come? All David told me about him is he'd help me find some 'things' I'm looking for."

"You do know he's into heavy S/M, right?"

"Is he like rapi-"

"No, no. technically it's all consensual, but . . . you know."

"Tavis, sweetheart, did you order something 'special' without telling me?"

[Crap! David's birthday present!] The moment I realized what a stupid idea it was to have David answer the door, my paw shot up and smacked my forehead.

"Well, I was gonna wait 'till next week to tell you, but I guess you already know, so . . . Happy Birthday love."

I went up to David and hugged him tightly, even though his real birthday was still four days away.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa. It's David's birthday? Did Chris know?"

"It's four days away, but he kinda already got his gift."

"Well, in either case, happy birthday David."

"Yeah, happy birthday."

"Thanks guys. Say, should I open up my gift?"

I raised my paw up to my eyes and covered them. David's gift wasn't exactly something I wanted Chris and James to see. And of course, both of them said 'yes', so there I was, my face burning with embarrassment as David tore open the package.

"Wow! Oh Tavis, how did you know? Oh Honey, I love it!"

He pulled out a leather vest and ass-less chaps. The moment Chris and James saw, they started smiling deviously. Apparently we weren't the only ones who thought leather was hot.

"Hey, why don't you two go put your leather outfits on? We'd love to see them, right Chris?"

"Umm, kinda . . . yeah."

[Great, now David will think it's fun and we'll end up doing a strip show for them.]

"Hey that sounds like fun! Come on Tavis, you put your's on, and I'll try these out!"

[Do I know him or do I know him?] We headed into our bedroom, David went into the bathroom to change, so I stayed outside. I went to the closet and I pulled out my vest, chaps, arm and wrist bands, collar, and thong. I kinda hadn't washed the stuff in a while, so it all smelled a little of sweat and arousal, which usually got David really horny. [Can't say I blame him though, I paw off with his thongs.] I quickly stripped down and put on the leather, and waited to see how David looked. When I ordered the stuff for David, I wasn't sure how he'd look in it. Most of the models on the website were either wolves, tigers, or lions, and they were all pretty buff. Imagining what would look good on a lithe fox wasn't too easy. I picked out what I thought would look hot, and that turned out to be a fur-tight vest, ass-less chaps, and with a little help from our good buddy Crux, I'd gotten David a studded collar. I'd bought the collar separately, so I was gonna give it to him on his actual birthday. I saw our bathroom door open slowly, and a timid David stepped out. He looked so hot in leather, and I could tell he thought so too. He really wanted to flaunt his stuff, but with Chris and James there, and him with his bare ass and sheath.

"Hey Sweety, why don't you put on that black string bikini you have to cover your package. Don't want to give Chris and James the wrong idea."

"Good idea. -pause- Wait a minute, this is wet. -Sniff sniff- Tavis!"

[Oops, did I accidentally give him the thong I pawed off on a while ago? Silly me.] Well, David's crotch was now covered in cum, and he just didn't have time to wash it now did he?

"Oh come on, you'll be fine. They won't even notice."

"You sneaky devil. Alright, I'll go out, but close your eyes first. Ah-ah-ah! Close them. Now, stay."

I knew I wasn't gonna like whatever it was David was going to do, but it couldn't be that bad, so I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt him yank down the thong and shove my cock in his mouth. Before I could react and pull away, he started to bob up and down my cock, and immediately I got hard. I really didn't want him to stop now, cause if I didn't shoot a load in his mouth now, I'd be horny for the rest of the night. Of course, David did stop, and I realized why; he wanted my cock to be hard when we went out to show Chris and James. The thing I was wearing wasn't gonna hide anything, so I'd be just as embarrassed as he was. Well, being horny really lowers your inhibitions, so I just pulled the thong up, making an obscene bulge in it. We just walked out, and gave Chris and James quite a sight. They were so shocked; Chris almost fell off the couch. James was smiling intensely, and I could tell he had plans of his own for Chris. [I'm actually feeling sorry for the guy, that James is a handful.] It was very strange to see a raccoon wearing a predatory smile.

"Well, I see you too had fun. See Chris? I told you h-mmphhh!"

I laughed so hard right then. Chris shot forward and wrapped his hand over James' mouth, preventing him from saying whatever it is he was gonna reveal. James may have been the dom in the relationship, but in sheer physical strength, he was no match for Chris. Well, at least he doesn't lead him around in a leash --- yet. I was a little worried about Chris getting in trouble at work if James decided to have him wear a leash, but if there was anything from the old Chris left over, it wouldn't be a problem.

"Anyways, we're gonna run and get a change of clothes at home. We'll meet up with you at the coffee house."

"Alright. David and I have some unfinished business. We'll see you then. Just see yourselves out. Now, as I recall, someone owes me a blowjob."

"Tavis! Bad kitty! You don't get to be horny any more!"

We all laughed at David's silliness. You can always count on David to say something funny. [That's why I love that fox. The cute face and sexy ass help too, but he's just the greatest guy anyone could ask for.] I dragged David to our room, and pushed him onto the bed, not to hurt him, but more in a playful manner. I tried to look as dominant as possible, buffing out my muscles to make myself look bigger and tougher. I could tell it had an effect on David, 'cause his cock began to poke out of his sheath. In a short time, it was up to its full six inches. For a fox his size, David was actually a nice size. Six inches long was hardly my nine, but then again, sometimes I worry I'm stretching him out to the point it hurts. Also, his shaft was just shy of two inches wide, which felt pretty good up my bum. The one thing David had me beat though was on the knot. It's about as big as a lemon, not the wimpy tiny limes, but the bigger almost orange sized ones, and it hurts like hell going in, but once it was in . . . all I can say about it is 'Wow'. It feels amazing once it's in. But David wasn't gonna fuck me right now, not enough time to wait for his knot to shrink AND meet Chris and James at the coffee house. Besides, David owes me a blowjob.

"You owe me bitch. Now open wide."

"Well, aren't we feeling dirty today. Hah, it's been like a year since you've called me 'bitch'. We haven't done this in so long."

He was right. We both liked a little cursing and stuff once in a while, but I hadn't gotten a chance to call him bitch or anything like that since he'd been in the hospital, and he hadn't really had a chance to top me in all that time either. [Wow, we need to make up for time lost. Maybe tonight I can be the bitch . . . yeah. Oh, it's gonna hurt like hell though.]

"Yeah . . . you wanna do this another time?"

"And miss a chance to suck that monster of your's? No way. Besides, this bitch wants it bad."

"Heh, well then, get on your knees and suck it."

David got off the bed and kneeled in front of me, flattening his ears against his skull to fit the sub part. He slowly undid the fasteners on the chaps, and pulled them down to get better access to my thong. He whined a few times as he reached out and slowly rubbed my cock through the thong. He bent forward and kissed the obscene bulge that had formed. I let out a soft growl, as if telling him 'careful bitch'. He put his hands on the thong's waistband, and slowly pulled it down partway. Most of my cock was showing, but the thong was still holding it down by the head. I was getting so hard at this point; the thong was stretching as my cock pulled on it. I felt David's hand go into the thong and grab hold of my cock. The feeling was so good, my cock spasmed in his hand, jumping out of the thong. David began to tease my cock, running his nose all over my cock, inhaling deeply the musky scent. He slowly rubbed the head, and lightly ran his pads along the underside, driving me crazy.

"Get ready slut, you're gonna choke on my cock."

I grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him forward, shoving almost five inches in his maw in a matter of seconds. I knew we hadn't done this in a while, so I was gonna give him a little while to get used to it before I started pushing my cock into his throat. I stopped pushing his head forward, and let him start bobbing up and down my cock. [God, it's been ages since we've played like this.] Months of staying in a hospital hadn't made him lose his skills in the least. If anything, getting blown by David felt even better than before. I knew I wasn't going to last much longer, and if I wanted to give his throat a decent workout, I had to shove my cock in now.

"That's enough practice, take a deep breath bitch, cause I'm not pulling out until I blow my load."

[There's something about wearing leather that just makes you a tough bastard.] He let go of my cock for a moment, and climbed onto the bed. He lay face up, hanging his head over the edge so I could push all the way into his throat. I walked closer to his face, and slowly slid my cock back in until I felt it touch the entrance to his throat. I felt David draw a deep breath around my cock. I let him exhale and inhale again, and grabbed his head. This was my favorite part, since I knew David could hold his breath for about a minute and a half, more than enough time for me to blow a load straight into his stomach. I pulled out until just the head was resting on his lips. I started to both hold his head down on my cock and push forward to get my cock all the way in. I felt my cock head hit the back of his throat, and that's when I pushed forward with my hips and held his head in place. I didn't feel him gag, so I pushed harder. Suddenly, I felt the head go into his throat, and the rest of my cock slid right in. I had about four inches of cock straight down his throat, something that took years of practice to do. I love the feeling that I get when I have all of my nine inches in his throat and maw, it's so moist and warm, not to mention tight. Also, there's a feeling of utmost trust between David and I (control too, but that's different), since we both know that he really could choke on my cock if I didn't pull it out in time. I slowly pulled my cock out of his throat, feeling his throat expand slightly for the head and then close down to normal as it was left empty. I pushed forward again, and this time it took less force to get my cock in. We did this little stretch three more times, and I knew that it was a matter of seconds before I blew. Fortunately for David, his throat had gotten used to my cock, and I could freely thrust in and out, so I did. I gave his throat a quick and rough fucking, just the way we both liked it. The pleasure was too much now, I really couldn't hold it in any longer, so I shoved all nine inches in as far as I could. I felt my cock spasm in his throat, and I knew he could feel it too. As I threw my head back, I caught a glimpse of David furiously pawing off, a sign that he was loving it and was good for a little bit longer without air. In all, I shot about seven or eight spurts right into David's throat. When I looked back down, I saw that he had shot his load too, and his crotch fur was a gooey mess. I left my cock in his throat to relish in the feeling since David made no sign of needing air at the moment. Over a minute had passed since David last drew a breath, so I began to slowly pull out. When my cock left his throat, I pulled it out quickly, and let David cough a few times as he finally exhaled. I helped him sit up as he caught his breath, and gently rubbed his neck. I knew he was gonna have a sore throat for a couple of days, but I was gonna have a sore ass later tonight, so I wasn't too worried about it.

"Ready to go meet Chris and James?"

-Hoarsely- "Y-eah. Did you get bigger while I was gone?"

"Haha. I wish. But if I was bigger, I'd probably tear your ass like I did that condom."

David tried to laugh, but all that came out was a hoarse crackle. I told him to rest his throat for a good while, that way his voice would get better. We took off the leather clothes 'cause we were going to a coffee shop, not a leather bar. Then, it hit me. I realize that both Chris and James had seen me in a thong with a hard-on! Immediately I felt stupid and embarrassed. Now I dreaded heading out to meet them at the Fox Hollow. I shook my head trying to clear my head, but I still felt stupid.

-Raspy- "Anything wrong Tavis?"

"I just realized I gave James and Chris quite an eyeful."

"No kidding. When you get horny you do tend to think more with THIS head than that one."

David ran his hand over my cock as he said "this" and kissed me on the cheek when he said "that".

"Yeah, but I blame the hot foxy next to me."

I leaned over and kissed David on the cheek and rubbed his back. His fur had lost some of it's sheen while he was in the hospital, but with a little care we could get it back up.

-Lightly- "Tavis? You okay Honey?"

" -Sigh- Yeah. I keep feeling like it's my fault you keep getting hurt, and I know it kinda is."

"Aw, come on. I told you, it's not your fault. We both knew it'd be hard to be together back in college. Hey, cheer up. We've done good; we have a house, jobs, and we're together. Now let's put something decent on and head out."

David was right, at least partially. But there was something about him that just made everything feel better. We got up and I put on a pair of jeans and a light blue shirt that David had given me years ago. The color had faded, and it was nearing a cool grey rather than blue, but I loved that shirt. It was very special to me, not just because David had given it to me, but because when I'd gotten it, it was just covered in David's cum. He told me he'd had it for a month before he gave it to me, and had pawed off on it nearly 80 times. When I opened the box, the smell of cum was overpowering. I swear, after that, the house smelled of cum for a month. How he hid it from me I'll never know, but I'm glad he did. I had so much fun licking off some of the cum and adding my own; but eventually I had to wash it, and wash it again, and again, and again, to get the smell of fox cum to die down. If I put my nose close to it, I swear I can still smell David's cock.

-Hoarsely- "If you wear that you're just -cough- gonna get horny again. You always get horny when you wear that shirt."

I turned around and there was David, dressed in just a simple pair of grey sweatpants and a soft grey tee. As always, he looked cute in it. I flashed him a smile, and pulled the shirt on, inhaling deeply enough for him to hear. [It still smells like cock!] I got next to him, and groped his ass through his pants. He squirmed a little, and hugge me tightly.

"I love you David, I'm so happy everything's back to normal."

"Me too -cough cough- Ugh, that meat of yours really tore up my throat."

"Sorry. -Pause- I'll make it up to you, I promise."

He smiled a little, and tugged at my arm, telling me we should get going, so we did.

It took 15 minutes of walking to get to the Fox Hollow, so by the time we got there, Chris and James already had half-drank coffees in hand. We walked in, and I saw Chris lower his sight slightly; he must've still felt ashamed to look at me. {I guess our little talk didn't help much. Or maybe it's something else . . .] His gaze wasn't the same as it was a few days ago, it was . . . different; like he wanted to ask something, or say something, but was ashamed. James on the other hand seemed perfectly at home, just like everywhere else. And just like him, his tongue got ahead of Chris' hand.

"Hey! You guys wanna go to a strip club later on?"

-Hissed- "James! Think BEFORE you speak! Not after; before!"

"What? You said you wanted to go see Ken again, they're here, Tavis is horny, I'm horny, and we have nothing better to do."

David and I were softly chuckling at ourselves. Well, David was coughing; his throat wouldn't let him laugh. [That James is a real handful; I hope Chris can handle him.] James was right about a few things, I was horny, and I could see the faint outline of a cock snaking it's way down James' thigh; but David and I had better things to do. After all, I said I'd make it up to him. I was wondering who this 'Ken' fellow was, but I had a feeling we were gonna meet him sooner or later. I looked over at David to see his reaction. He looked a little uncomfortable, and with good reason. David wasn't one to go to clubs, and to be honest, neither was I. Also, we weren't very comfortable with the idea of going to a public sex show. We'd gone to one in college . . . let's just say more people were looking at us than at the leopard onstage. I could tell David was thinking the same thing I was, since he was squinting his eyes a little; something he always does when he feels uncomfortable. [Well, flattening his ears would probably be too obvious, so that works I guess.]

"Well, thanks for the offer, but it's just not our thing."

"See? I told you they wouldn't wanna go."

"Oh lighten up. I asked, he said no; big deal. I wonder if McKeller is doing anything tonight, maybe Asai . . ."

I immediately saw Chris' eyes shoot wide open, like something'd just hit him. He looked like he wanted to say something, and I could tell it was gonna be good, 'cause the corners of his mouth slowly curled up and his eyes were near bursting with anticipation.

"You're not gonna believe this! David, you remember that one video, uh, what was the title again James?"

"Predator's Plaything."

"Predator's Plaything! That one; the second wolf, the one with the fourteen inch dong?"

-Scratchy- "Yeah. Why?"

"He works at the precinct now, and apparently, he was quite taken by me."

"Whoa whoa whoa! You showed him our porn?"

-Scratchy still- "They're all in the same place! You didn't want to hide them."

[Wait a minute . . . did he say the guy works at the precinct?] I stopped in mid motion, and slowly turned to look at Chris. He was smiling a bit, and for some reason, he was a lot more relaxed than he'd ever been around me.

"Chris . . . did you say the guy works with you two?"

"Yeah, his name's McKeller. I've never seen his tool though. Hey James, have you noticed he never showers with us?"

"Actually, SOME people are too busy making it a strip show to notice us little guys staring."

James nudged Chris a few times as he spoke, and I saw Chris' ears flatten a little, and he shrugged. Strangest thing, he looked kinda cute shrugging. He just seemed so comfortable; I can see why James liked him. But, Chris isn't my David, and regardless of how much he's changed, I still don't feel perfectly comfortable around me. [Maybe it's because he reminds me of what I did.]

"Hey, while you two sort out that stuff out, I'm gonna get some coffee. You want anything Honey?"

-Raspy- "Nah, throat hurts."

"Sorry about that. I'll be right back."

-Chorus- "Ok."

[Uh oh, they're looking at David funny. They're gonna ask why his throat hurts aren't they?] The one bad thing about the Fox Hollow was that they only had two registers, and there were usually close to fifteen people waiting in line, so it was gonna take a good while. I looked over my shoulder at David, and to no surprise, he was shrugging and trying to make himself disappear. No doubt Chris and James were trying to grill something out of him. [Well, at least Chris won't bother me about it. James on the other hand . . .]

"Hi! Can I take your order?"

I was drawn from my thoughts by a very peppy, high-pitched voice. I shook my head quickly to clear my mind. At the counter was a young border collie; she looked to be around twenty-something, probably still in college.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought. Uh, can I have a . . . uh, hmm; can I have a vanilla latte? Medium please."

"Sure! Do you want extra vanilla shots with that?"

"No thanks."

"Okay! That'll be two fifty-seven. Thank you! Let me get your change. -Brief Pause- Hey, are you doing anything in -looks at watch- fifteen minutes?"

"Heheh, I'm actually kind of on a date . . ."


". . . with my boyfriend."

"Oh! I'm so sorry, it's just you don't look gay, I mean like, you're not . . . you know? I'm sorry. Here, does he want anything, I'll pay for both of you."

"Wow, thanks, but pay for his and we'll call it even."

"Okay! What will he have?"

"Uhhh, a vanilla frappuccino."

"Okay. If I can say so, he's a very lucky guy."

[So am I.] I went over to the little window to wait for our drinks, and thought about me and David. So much had happened in the past few days. David came home; Chris and James got together; Chris and I kinda made peace. [Life is weird.] Our drinks came out, mine piping hot and David's cool and refreshing, just what he needs for his throat. I walked to our table, and immediately noticed the grins on Chris and James' faces. [Uh oh. They know.]

"So Tavis, you and David have fun after we left?"

"Why ask if you know."

"James, you and I have got to have a little talk about thinking before your mouth gets me into trouble."

-Raspy- "Thanks Tavis, but I didn't want anything."

"Come on, that'll numb your throat."

"Heh, after swallowing that baseball bat I bet it hurts."

I saw Chris smack himself on the forehead. [He's got his hands full with that raccoon.] Thinking about it, Chris was also a lot more relaxed in public than he'd been at our place, or the hospital for that matter. David slowly sipped on his drink, swallowing a little bit of his frap to numb his aching throat. Chris was taking large gulps of what little must've been left of his coffee, while James had finished his long ago. One of my uncles, nice guy, died young though, once told me that you can tell a lot about a person by how they drink coffee. Personally, I think he was a little nuts, but he always came up with good reasons. He told me that drinking coffee is one of the few ways people still connect; one of the last common social gatherings, "short of nudie bars of course" he'd say right afterwards. Good old George; he had a heart attack when he was thirty, and I lost one good friend. If anything, my dad got even less bearable afterwards.

-Numbed- "Davis, you sule you'le okay? You'de been zonin oud a lod. Sdupid ice."

"Yeah, I'm fine. You sound funny; is your tongue frozen?"

"Can'd you dell?"

"Well, at least your throat doesn't seem to hurt anymore. And if you get over here, I'll warm your tongue up."

"Ooh, that'll be good. See Chris, they kiss in public, why don't we?"

"Because we're cops, and we don't want everyone to know."

"Danks, bud we dond wand drouble. We'l' do id at home."

David sounded really funny, I had a hard time not chuckling and making him feel bad. James was starting to rub against Chris, who was starting to squirm a little trying to get away from James. We'd all finished our drinks, so I threw the empty cups away.

"Well, it's starting to get late, we're gonna head on home. You two can go to the club if you want; invite that McCain guy, he'll love it."

"McKeller, and maybe. Have a great night. I'll have Puppy here call you tomorrow; maybe we can all go on a double date."

"James . . . ugh, why do I even bother?"

David and I got a good chuckle out of that. We said our goodbyes and left. Fortunately, this time we got home safely. We still needed to clean the place up; I saw a couple condom wrappers strewn about from the other night. [Speaking of condoms . . .] I twirled around and grabbed David to pull him into a deep kiss. He was a little startled, but melted like putty in my hands after a few seconds. He ran his hands all over my back, sending little sparks down my spine. [Mmm, vanilla. He should drink that more often.] He ran his hand down and started to play with my butt. He ran his fingers along my crack, and tickled my pucker. [Ooh, cheeky fox.] I was really enjoying his playful caresses, both with his hands and his tongue. It was still a little cold, but it was quickly warming up. I pulled back enough so I could look straight into his lovely golden eyes. They were a brilliant gold, slightly leaning towards orange. Whenever I looked into them, time seemed to stop around us. I couldn't help but smile; I love him so much. He's always been the sweetest guy, always so kind and forgiving. I lifted my paw to run it against his cheek, and lightly scratched his chin. I felt a warmth spreading through my body, but it was different than what I'd felt before. I felt no lust, just happiness and glee. I felt like I hadn't truly seen him in years; hospitals don't allow for very many romantic moments. My eyes began to tingle, and I felt a tear starting to form. I blinked a few times, and a tear managed to escape, and slowly made its way down my cheek, but David reached up and wiped it off. We slowly closed our eyes and leant in, turning our heads just enough for a deep kiss. Slowly, I felt his muzzle make contact with mine, and I pulled my love in, holding him tightly against my chest. I felt his tongue gently rub against mine, showing every bit the tenderness that made David so wonderful. He then carefully ran it over my teeth, eliciting a soft moan from me. I bent down and picked David up and into the cradle of my arms, briefly breaking our kiss to breathe. We broke our kiss again, and I led us to our room, which was easier said than done while holding David. I lay him down on the bed, and climbed on top of him, kissing him all over his neck and face. I didn't let all of my weight press down on him, but just enough that it would pin him to the bed. He'd once told me he loved it when his body was surrounded by mine, like it was at the moment. He must've been loving it, since I felt something beginning to poke into my stomach.

"Happy foxy?"

He smiled at me and nodded his head. I began to lap at his neck, and every now and then, I'd scrape my tongue all the way from his neck to his forehead, getting a few shudders out of David. He always loved it when I licked all over his face, which was actually something I truly enjoyed doing. In no time at all, I'd licked all over David's face, matting his fur down in saliva. I reached over into our night table, and pulled out a box of David's condoms. We each had to use a different size, for obvious reasons, and David usually bottomed, so the few times we used his were very special to us.

-Raspy- "Tavis? You sure? You know you'll be sore for a few days."

"Yup. But it's a good pain, and I owe you a couple of these."

-Raspy- "I love you."

"I love you too. Now slip this on while I find the K-Y."

We'd kinda lost the lube the other night, so it took about five minutes to find it. [What the bloody hell was this doing in the fridge?] Well, needless to say, I was shivering a little and really welcomed the warmth of David's cock. I got on the bed, and raised my ass high in the air waiting for David to top me. He was really excited about doing me again; so much so that he pushed a little too hard at first, and shoved his cock in rather than letting me slowly let it in. It didn't feel like someone was tearing my ass apart, but it did hurt a lot.

"Aaah! Give me, ahh, give me a sec."

-Rapidly- "Ohh, sorry Tavis; I didn't meant to hurt you, sorry. You okay? I didn't mean to push so hard."

"I'll be fine, just let me get used to it again."

It took a few minutes, but I did feel much better. It still hurt a little. [What's strange is that it didn't hurt this much last time; then again, last time I was horny as hell for a couple hours before he did me, that might've covered up the pain.] I waited a few more minutes, and gave David the thumbs up to keep going. He slowly pushed in about an inch, and pulled out gently as his paws softly rubbed my butt. [Now that's the David I know; gentle and sweet.] He pulled back until only the head was in, and I felt empty, which was a good thing cause it meant I'd stretched. He slowly pushed back in while I pushed out to make it easier for him. Some people would say David isn't very big; those people haven't had his cock shoved up their ass. [Hopefully, they won't either; he's my fox.] By the time he got all of the shaft in, my ass was itching for a good fucking. I clamped down on David's cock for a moment, and quickly loosened up again; this was our usual "fuck me" signal. So without further ado, David pulled out a little faster than before, and pushed back in a little harder. It feels so good to have all the little bumps of his cock run in and out; I started to moan softly from how nice it felt. David quickly sped up, and in no time, he was really giving my ass the fucking it needed. I started to thrust back against him, feeling his knot slowly getting bigger. If he didn't stick it in before it got to full size, it was gonna hurt like hell on the way in. David was loving this, he was panting and grunting, but they were all happy noises foxes make when making love. He was starting to thrust hard now, and a few times I felt his now racquetball-sized knot beginning to slip in, and I knew it was a matter of minutes before it would get too painful to get in. David must've been really close, because he was really putting his all into it. I was getting pushed hard onto the mattress, and a few times I felt like I was slipping from his thrusts. Suddenly, his whole cock, knot and all, forced it's way into my ass, and my growls turned into a muffled scream.

-Muffled- "Ahhhhhmmmmphhhh!!!!"

With the knot in, David couldn't pull out anymore, but he still humped my ass hard and fast. He thrust his cock in as hard as he could, shoving it as far as it could go. He then bent down and hugged me as hard as he could, and I felt his cock throb several times, especially the head. He relaxed and I could hear and feel him panting heavily against my back. We rolled over, stuck together thanks to his knot, and lay on the bed for a long time. I was still horny, but since David was completely exhausted, I pawed off slowly, relishing in the afterglow of mating with David. It didn't take more than a minute of two before I shot my load all over my hand. I slowly lapped up the salty goo, offering some to David. He greedily slurped all that was left, and wouldn't let my hand go until he made sure there wasn't any trace of cum left. We lay there for over an hour, basking in the warmth of each other, all of our troubles and problems forgotten. Slowly, we were brought back to reality as the night grew colder, and my thoughts turned back to Chris and James.

-Slightly Raspy- "Tavis, thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too. Thank you too, that was good, but I'm really gonna be sore tomorrow."

"Sorry. You think Chris and James are having fun without us?"

"With James around, I'm sure Chris is having the time of his life."

End Part 9.

I hope you liked it. I'm sorry it's been a while since I've written anything, it's just I've been kinda busy with school, work, and spending time with a really sweet guy. I'll try to write a little bit every day and see if I can get another chapter done in half the time. Thanks a lot to everyone.

Thanks to:

Cauldron O Boyfur











Thanks Kitty, you've made me so happy.

If you have any comments (+/-) PLEASE send them. I appreciate and read every single one I get. You can send me an e-mail, post it here, send me a PM, whatever you like best. I hope to hear from you. Thanks for reading.