Commission: Earthside

Story by Vorel Ashurha on SoFurry

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This... is my longest written piece ever. It sits at 14,340 words.

It's a private commission, and names/looks/powers have been changed at the commissioner's request.

I'm really, really proud of this piece. There is an in-depth sex scene, so this is marked as adult. It's... to be fair, my favorite part. I spent a lot of time on it.

The story follows a young woman named Allison, dead by the hand of the dark lord Sukresh. Her and her companion, Enthir, are transported back to earth one fateful night. They spend their time there in ecstasy, until they begin to feel themselves fading away. They soon discover that their reasons for being Earthside once more are far from wholesome, as Sukresh attempts to destroy them there once and for all.

Characters (C) Their Owner

Story (C) :vorel kurikicon:

In her dreams, the streets ran red with blood. Allison knew she was pure, but the violence never stopped when her eyes slipped closed. Sukresh's touch was too powerful. The nightmares had begun after their last encounter, and had stayed with her ever since. Her memory of the night was strong, and often crept unbidden to the fore of her thoughts. It was this horror she dwelt on, alone in the forest as she waited for Enthir, unable to turn her mind from anything else as darkness fell.

The sound of shrill laughter cut through the fog as Allison crept along the damp grass. Cold dew soaked the bottom of her feet with every step, but she didn't seem to mind- the flickering lights in the distance drew her in as though by magic. Her eyes remained focus ahead of her, ignoring most of the terrain and scenery as she was determined to reach whatever lay between the dancing red glows. Finally the mist parted to reveal two decaying corpses flailing and jerking wildly. Clenching her throat to scream, she was prevented from doing so by a soft, pale hand.

"Now, now, you don't want to scare them away, do you?"

Turning her eyes upward, she met the silver gaze of none other than Sukresh. Panic began to saturate her very core as she threw his hand away from her lips.

"I should have known! What sort of new trickery is this?"

Sukresh tilted his head to the side and chuckled.

"My dear, I simply felt I should put things in perspective for you. I know you're still angry about your death, am I correct?" She nodded grudgingly.

"There, see, I knew it. What you don't realize is how happy it has also made you. You've spoken to your father, yes?"

Allison sighed.


"Had you remained alive on Earth, he would be lost to you forever. You would not have the friends you do. While it is true that here you have limited technology, is it really so bad?"

"You will destroy that realm, Lord of Oblivion. I can't allow that. It's... It just isn't right..."

Sukresh knelt before her, pulling out a small glass globe and offering it to the young girl.

"Allison, do you know what would happen to your father if he struck me down?"

She shook her head.

"Look into the globe. It will show you."

She lowered her brown eyes to the swirling lights inside the object as it grew warm in her hands. The scene depicted was awful; she watch as her father drew a sword and ran it through Sukresh's throat. Pulsing black energy began to seep from the wound as the villain's eyes rolled to the back of his head, until finally his weakening form exploded in a shower of black ash. Coughing, her father turned to leave- when out of seeming nowhere to thick black tentacle made of the very darkness itself lashed out and grasped the man by his midsection. Slowly an ink-like substance began to flow from the point of contact, snaking along every inch of his body until at last he was solid black. His lids opened, reveal pupil and iris-less white eyes that seemed to bore into her soul as his lips began to move.

Very faintly, she could make out what it was he seemed to scream from his tortured maw: How could you make me do this? How could you resign me to this fate? So transfixed was she that the young girl didn't seem to notice when Sukresh began to chant under his breath. After a few moments of staring blankly at the fading images of the orb, she relaxed her hands and allowed it to fall to the ground with a soft thump.

"Would he... Is that what would really happen?"

In her heart, Allison knew that this... this thing could never be trusted, but seeing her father's sick transformation had moved her. Sukresh ceased his chants and nodded at her, his expression somber.

"I'm afraid so. Ruling oblivion is a nasty thing, child. You seem to be overlooking that. Until your timely demise, all I could do was sit in blackness, solitary, suffocating in the emptiness. That's oblivion is you know, 'limbo'... it is a tangible nothingness, where there is only you and your thoughts. It is the same for everyone, that division. Now, imagine being that way since the dawn of time immemorial. That is my hell, Earthchild, that is what awaits you and your father should you strike me down."

Allison averted her eyes, turning over his words in her mind.

"Yet if we do nothing, you will ravage the living world."

"And if you do something, you are damned."

"You are the king of deception, Sukresh. I cannot trust the silver words dripping from your tongue."

He sighed and raised himself from the ground. Turning his back to Allison, he gestured with a hand at their surroundings.

"Do you know where we are?"

She shook her head.

"We are in the heart of Steppe Cemetery, young one. And this... this is your grave."

Allison pushed her way past him, carefully avoiding the twirling bodies in an attempt to prove him wrong. However, the light shone strong on the onyx statue of a cherub and the enraged words at its base were impossible to mistake.

"Here lies Allison Gradstone, loving daughter. May angels bear her to her rest."

The color drained from her face as she watched the reflection of the flames writhe and dance on the monument.

"You knew you were dead; you intruded into my memory of your funeral, remember?"

"Yes, but..."

Sukresh began to understand.

"But below you at this very moment is your maggot-infested corpse, which I'd imagine is infinitely worse than your beautiful postmortem makeover from the funeral."

She nodded, backing away from the soft ground as quickly as she could.

"Do you also fear freshly-cut grass, girl? There is nothing menacing about your corpse. Here; let me show you just how unafraid you should be."

He extended his hand toward her, his skin seeming to glow a pale orange as the flames danced. Very cautiously she took his hand and allowed herself to be led back to the top of her grave. Allison's eyes began to slip out of focus.

_ "Dance with me!"_

Sukresh began to twirl her around in a circle, sending her skirt fanning around her shapely legs. He let go of her hand and began to clap rhythmically as she started to dance of her 'own' accord. As if being manipulated like a puppet, her limbs began to shake and jerk much like those of the fiery zombies framing the small area. Her head lolled back on her neck and she began to moan as she hopped and whirled, starting out slowly at first and picking up speed as the dance wore on. Sukresh too was dancing as he kept the beat, jigging and howling with amusement as he watched the gentle curls of Allison's hair bounce and splay as she moved. He began to chant then, and from behind the strange fog creeping into her mind Allison heard the unmistakable sound of the ground tearing open. Hundreds of bodies in varying states of decay began to gather around them, spasmodically moving to the beat of Sukresh's hands beneath the blazing fire and cold moonlight.

_ Inside she was horrified as she fought for the control of her body, but the haze was too strong. All the young girl could do was watch as these disturbing events unfolded around her. Sukresh crept closer with each portion of his jig, twirling in time with Allison's jerking body. When he was nearer than she was comfortable with, he leaned in and hissed in her ear._

"You and your father and all of your companions will be MINE. I will devour you, I will erase you from history, I will slaughter your entire lineage if I must, but the Living realm will belong to me."

He grasped a handful of her locks and jerked her head back as he ran a hand up her thigh.

"My Allison..."

Suddenly from beneath her there came the sound of shifting soil as a skeletal hand grasped her ankle with an iron grip. The entire scene seemed to drain of color as her head reeled. She loosed a scream from her throat as she fell over, her eyes falling onto her grinning, half-rotted doppelganger. All around them the mist began to creep in.


She had woken in her bed, screaming. Enthir gave her a harsh scolding. He hadn't seen the mud on her feet, the grass stains on her skirt, the slimy trail of dead flesh on her leg...

Allison shuddered and wrapped her cloak tighter around her slender frame. He would be here, and she would be safe. She just knew it.

"Allison! I didn't expect you to show."

Enthir's tall form was silhouetted against the violet sunset, his raven hair glowing in the dying light. Allison stood and smoothed out her skirt, trying to hide the tears in her eyes.

"I'd never pass up this opportunity, Enthir. You know I love herbology. Where's this Moon Lotus you spoke of?"

Enthir motioned for her to follow him and set off toward the southern grove, occasionally looking over his shoulder to make sure she was still there. She followed eagerly, excited for any distraction from her morbid recollections. As they walked, she marveled at the simplistic beauty of the forest. The Grove of Ancients, it was called. During the days its canopy kept everything dark and somber, a brilliant emerald sparkling above the floor as the sunlight fought to penetrate it. The deep brown of the trunks was healthy, the color of earth, rich and beautiful. It was like walking through a dream world. Night is where the hidden magic of the ancient wood shone, though. For all its daytime glory, nothing she had seen so far in this world was as beautiful as the bio-luminescent plants and fungi that flourished in the Grove during the dark hours.

As the sun finally disappeared, flowers began to open along the path. Their petals were long, a good four or five inches, and they radiated a soft silver light. In their centers rested stamen, long and willowy, almost like tentacles, topped with what looked like tiny glowing glass orbs. All along the trees mushrooms and fungi woke from their slumber, adding hues of orange, violet, and green to the mix. Some flashed multiple colors. It was like being on another planet, a magical world all its own.

Enthir followed the path of the silver flowers for a good twenty minutes before leaving it altogether, heading deep into the trees. Allison followed him, careful not to get the soft cloth of her skirt caught on the far-reaching branches. The pair emerged in a clearing ringed with glowing scarlet mushroom. Careful not to tread on the fungi, Enthir crossed into the center. The young woman followed him. He motioned for Allison to sit an she did so unquestioningly. Enthir drew a small pouch from his pocket and sprinkled a fine shimmering dust in the very center of the earth. The ground pulsed and stretched, and a small bud sprouted from the chaos. Dirt sprayed from the small hole and Allison moved her arms to protect her face. Within a matter of moments the fountain of earth had stopped. The bud of the flower sat on a four-inch stem, glowing slightly.

"Enthir, is it going to-"

"You have to kiss it, Allison."

She raised a delicate eyebrow skeptically.

"Do what now?"

He jerked his head toward the flower.

"You won't be disappointed, I promise. It's the only way to get it to bloom. The kiss of a virgin maiden. Once it blossoms, though, it never decays. The Moon Lotus is very rare, but it's a potent ingredient for healing potions and poultices."

With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, Allison leaned forward and placed her lips against the silky flower. Warmth flooded her body and she jerked backward in surprise. The flower had begun to spin, opening and growing, sending a shower of gold dust flying through the air as its petals sprouted. It was silver trimmed with gold, a sparkling opal resting nestled in its very center. Beads of clear water gathered around the gem, forming a small pool.

"By the Gods, Enthir, this is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen! May I harvest it?"

Enthir produced a small silver-bladed knife from his boot and passed it to the marveling girl.

"Cut very carefully."

Allison carefully severed the stem. The glow of the flower grew stronger. She produced a small silk scarf from her satchel and wrapped it very carefully, placing it inside when she was finished.

"Enthir, I cannot thank you enough for this gift! Who knows what I could create with this- I might be able to restore your eye!"

Enthir smiled sadly at her, his empty socket hidden by his long hair.

"I wouldn't want you to. This is a mark of my shame, even if you could restore my eyes I would not allow you too. Sometimes people just want to atone."

She leaned in close to him and brushed his hair out of his face.

"Enthir... I don't know what you feel you need to atone for, but-"

Her words were cut short as the ground beneath them crumbled inward, opening up like a fetid maw and swallowing them whole. As the earth sealed itself, Allison's muffled screams could still be heard as she sank deeper into the blackness. A baritone laugh rang through the now empty forest, echoing off the ancient trees.


Allison opened her eyes and tried to move her neck. Her entire body ached. It took a fair amount of effort, but she was finally able to turn her head. Enthir lay beside her, limbs akimbo from their fall. She stumbled to her feet and brushed off her skirt. Her head reeled; they were no longer in the forest. The sun was rising, spreading soft orange rays of light through the thin layer of cloud. Something about this place was wrong, out of sorts. Turning her back to the sunrise, she gasped. This was a modern city- this was her home. She fell to her knees beside the unconscious Enthir, tears forming in her soft brown eyes.

Enthir's lids lifted to reveal the weeping girl, her hands over her face as her body shook with sobs. He got to his feat unsteadily and limped over to her, placing his arm around her slender shoulders. Waking to find Allison in such a state was... strange. Normally she was outgoing, confident, strong. Watching her in such a fragile state was hard for the man. Allison leaned into him, resting her head on his chest.

"Enthir... Enthir, I'm home."

He raised his blue eyes to the sky and was met with the most beautiful sight he had ever seen- the virgin day's light gleaming off of buildings taller than most castles he had seen. The sun danced and flashed along thousands of rows of windows, giving the skyscrapers the look of flowing gold.

"Allison, where-"

"Chicago, Illinois. We're Earthside. This was where I lived before... before the accident... I never thought I'd see it again!"

Fresh tears rolled down her pale cheeks. Enthir wiped them away, and stood, helping the young girl to her feet.

"How long has it been?"

"A year. It's been a year..."

Enthir nodded and nudged her forward.

"We need to find out why we're here. Do you know anyone that might still live here?"

"Of course I do- my mother. Follow me."

Allison set off toward the city, with Enthir in tow.


The city sprang to life around them. People scurried about without so much as a second glance at the knight and the petite woman, which seemed wrong to Allison. Enthir's armor alone should have brought a myriad of stares and exclamations. The crowd on the sidewalks parted for the pair, almost automatically. While Enthir marveled at the modern architecture, Allison made her way back to her mother's apartment. It did not take her long to find her way back to Jefferson Street- her feet seemed to walk the path of their own accord. The tall, white building loomed high into the sky, casting a dark shadow across the asphalt. Enthir looked at Allison skeptically, but she urged him to follow her. They entered the complex.

When her father had passed away, Allison's mother moved them downtown to be closer to work. Mrs. Angela Gradstone was a lawyer, and her job meant the world to her. The change was hard on the young Allison, but she grew to appreciate the bright lights and bustling energy of Chicago. As modern as it was, it carried an air of history that their former city of Algonquin would never be able to compare to. Adjusting to her new school was hard, but the bonds she formed there made her stronger. She could remember the first boy she liked, Tony, helping her pass out cookies in fourth grade. It brought a smile to her face thinking about it now. Being in the apartment was like coming up for air- it filled her body with a relief and an appreciation for life unlike anything she had ever known.

The three-bedroom dwelling was almost the same as it had been when she left. Even her bedroom remained untouched- the outfit she had planned to wear that night still hung on the door of her closet... She wiped at her eyes and sniffed, fighting the urge to weep once more.

"Enthir, you can store your armor in the closet. I'm going to step out of the room and grab you a change of clothes. Okay?"

He nodded and began unbuckling the leather clasps holding his plate in place. Allison ducked into her mother's room and collapsed on the floor, unable to control herself any longer. She cried; cried for her lost youth; cried for her family; cried for her home; cried for the friends she left behind; cried for Sukresh's intervention. If not for his twisted lust for power, her and her father would still be alive.

Don't... Don't cry. Be strong. You know you can do this. You have to figure out why you're here- you won't find the answer in your tears.

You're right, I won't. Ugh, what is wrong with me? I can do this. I WILL do this.

She dried her face and turned to her mother's dresser. It did not take long to find her father's old clothes, though there seemed to be more than she remembered. Settling on a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt, she headed back to her room and knocked on the door. Enthir answered, swathed in a white sheet. It did nothing to hide the definition of his powerful muscles. She handed him the bundle of clothes and turned away, blushing. The door clicked behind her, and she sighed with relief.

A few minutes later the door opened and he stood there, dressed, his long hair pulled back and secured with a black hair-tie. The scars that marred his strong features had once made her uncomfortable, afraid even, but not any longer. Now Allison felt that they added to his beauty. The shirt flaunted his physical perfection, and it took all her strength to keep for staring. She entered the room and sat down at her desk, resting her head in her hands. Her dark locks fell around her like a curtain. She was in her own world, detached, distant. Ideas floated around her mind- how they had gotten here, why they were here, why no-one seemed to be able to see them. The most likely answer two the first two was, obviously, magic and Sukresh. It made little sense without a motive, though. The whole situation was confusing and illogical. She could not suppress a frustrated groan.

Enthir approached her, placing a strong hand on her shoulder.

"Allison, why don't you tell me about these things, and what they do. It'll take your mind off things."

She turned and smiled at the tall knight, though her eyes remained troubled.

"It's been ages since you've seen earth, hasn't it?"

He nodded.

"Come on, I'll start with my books."


Allison took a seat on her bed and began going through her old possessions, explaining them to Enthir with pride. He hung on her every word, eager to learn more about her. It had happened the moment she entered Talon's manor- he had fallen for her beauty. He knew he was course with her, but it was fear. If he lost her, if anything happened to her... he did not think he could continue to exist. Allison was confident and strong, yes, but she was more fragile than she realized. This is what scared the older knight so deeply- he knew if he lost control, even for a moment, he would destroy her utterly. It had happened once before...

Lost in his own memories, he did not notice the tears trickling down from Allison's soft brown eyes. Her hands were clasped on a small case, an image of a smiling man with a guitar looking back at her. With trembling fingers she opened it and pulled out a gleaming disc. Her father's album... The girl stood and walked over to her dust-covered laptop, slipping the cd into the tray. She booted the machine and stood before it, waiting eagerly. Her media player loaded, and she skipped forward through the songs, clicking the repeat button when she found what she was looking for..

"And now we're going to slow it down a little bit, folks. This one goes out to my beautiful daughter, Allison. She's barely a year old, but I know she's going to be a heart breaker. No matter how old or independent she gets, she will always be her daddy's little girl.

You're the end of the rainbow, my pot of gold

You're daddy's little girl, to have and to hold

A precious gem is what you are

You're momma's bright and shining star

You're the spirit of Christmas, my star on the tree

You're the Easter bunny, to your momma and me

You're sugar, you're spice, you're everything nice

And you're daddy's little girl."

Allison wrapped her arms around her body and danced, remembering all the times she stood on her father's toes as they danced, laughing and smiling. She missed him, she missed him more than anything and she could not wait to find him in the other world. As she danced she cried harder, feeling the emptiness once more.

Enthir was startled out of his reverie by the sound of Allison's sobs. His heart tightened; she had shed many tears since they were transported here. He watched her revolving on the spot, the soft tones of her father resonating from her speakers.


She did not seem to hear him. He stood wand walked toward her, overcome with emotion. He wanted to cradle her, to shield her from the heartache and the pain of the world. She needed him, and he could not deny that he needed her. Enthir placed his strong hands on her shoulders and held her still, facing her toward him. She looked up, her eyes red and swollen, vulnerable and frail. Enthir leaned close to her and placed his lips against her forehead. Allison seemed to melt into him, flowing into his embrace and tilting her head. Their lips met in a passionate kiss and they lost themselves in to the moment.

Enthir marveled at the softness of her flowing blonde locks. She smelled of summer, of fruit and herbs, of medicine and compassion. Her kiss was full of longing. He could not understand why he had waited so long, why he had fought so strongly against it. Everything he wanted was here, in his arms, in this moment, and he would never let it go.

He pulled Allison toward the bed eagerly. She followed without complaint, reclining on the warm blankets as Enthir crawled up beside her. His strong hands began unbuttoning her blouse and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks. The blush stood out against her pale skin and Enthir smiled down at her. With her shirt open she felt exposed, embarrassed even, but that didn't stop her from wanting to be with him. He stopped after her shirt, leaning down and kissing the curves of her slender stomach. Allison sighed contentedly. Beneath his lips her flesh was soft and smooth. He relished it. As he rose the young woman smiled at him, running a hand along his muscular bicep.

"Allison, are you sure you're alright with this?"

"Enthir, don't be stupid. You know I am. You know I always have been. You have no idea how long I've wanted this."

Her eyes were full of purity and truth, accompanied by a deep-seated longing he could not believe he had missed before. She was angelic. He moved to her flowing skirt next, removing it carefully. Enthir placed the simple cotton garment aside, unable to turn his gaze away from her shapely legs. There was a long scar on her knee, a remnant from the car crash, and a smaller circular scar on her opposite ankle.

"Dog bite," she said sheepishly. "Our old Boston. He didn't like being nudged away from the door."

Enthir grinned at her.

"So he was an ankle-biter."

"Something like that," she replied with a similarly playful smile.

Allison's underwear were small and plain, simple white cotton. Enthir ignored them and began removing the shirt Allison had given him. The younger girl marveled at the scars that crossed his sculpted torso, each one thick and deep as though he had narrowly escaped with his life. He was gorgeous, though. Muscular and fair of skin, seemingly carved from living stone. Aye, he was a knight, and she knew that he kept himself in rigorous training to maintain a fighting figure, but she had never seen him without clothes or his thick plate mail. She traced his largest scar with a trembling finger, fearing to ask of its origins. Enthir noticed Allison eyeing the mark and pointed to it.

"Another knight. My battalion was ambushed by a group of Sukresh devotees while crossing through a swamp. Their leader rode a dragon that seemed to be made of the night itself. He called himself Urgosh. He was a hell of a fighter, a cruel and vicious man. The forces he led came at us out of nowhere. My men fought valiantly, but his warriors were not alive. They were twisted corpses, necromantic creations- we stood no chance. How do you fight against something that knows no pain, no fear? Nearly all of them died. Some got away. They walked back to the city and quit, refusing to leave their homes as their sanity withered away.

I fought against Urgosh. His dragon was violent, his breath a black cloud that devoured all it touched. It got my shield and glove right from the start. Most of my time was spent dodging its horrible black fire. I was too slow to avoid its massive claw, and it ripped through my armor as though it was made of silk. The wound was deep, and I was losing too much blood. The monster moved in to end me, but it stopped. There was a call on the wind, and echoing cry. It hissed something to Urgosh in its own language and took off, depositing the warrior on the wet ground beside me. He thought to take the kill himself, but I saw the water shifting beside me. I grabbed toward it as he swung, bringing up a rather angry water moccasin. Urgosh's wrist was close enough that when I tossed the animal its fangs caught him. The venom acted quickly, and I was able to make it halfway back before losing consciousness. When I awoke, I was in the doctor's home. No one heard from Urgosh, but I have no reason to believe he died."

Allison stared at him, mouth open slightly.

"I... Wow. I don't know what to say. That must have been horrible, Enthir. I didn't want you to tell me the story now... I've ruined everything."

She began a frustrated slump backwards onto the pillows, but Enthir caught her deftly.

"There's no need to apologize. I want to share everything with you."

He kissed her, cutting off her protests. Their osculation escalated as Enthir trailed his hands down her body, unclasping her bra and slipping away her undergarments. Allison lightly slapped at his jeans, staging a groan of frustration. He unbuttoned them and let her tug them down, kicking them away once they were low enough. They lay there, naked, entwined, enjoying the feel of their bare bodies as they caressed one another gingerly. Allison was afraid to ask him to make a move, and Enthir was too shy to.

Finally the girl could take it no longer. She pressed her warm body against him, rocking her hips and running her hands through his silky hair. He responded almost instantly, gripping her around the waist and brushing her legs apart with his hips. Allison bit her lip in anticipation, waiting for the pain. Enthir entered her gently but quickly, minimizing the sting as her virgin flesh opened to him. She sucked in a hissing breath as the length of his member stretched against her. He slid inside of her as deep as he could, and she wrapped her trembling limbs around his muscular back.

Enthir thrust into her, gripping her shoulders as her muscles tightened around him. He moved with ease, losing himself in the rhythmic motions of their passion. In and out, their breathing hard and heavy as sweat rolled down their naked bodies. He could feel Allison's heart racing against his chest. With a quick movement he sat up and pulled her with him, burying his face in her bosom.

Allison couldn't help but moan as she was lifted off her back. She bent her knees and began to gyrate her hips, pushing herself down into Enthir with unchecked enthusiasm. Her neatly-trimmed nails dug into his skin as she clenched at him, panting as they joined. She had always wondered what it would be like, her first time with a man, but this... This was exhilarating.

It took all of Enthir's self-control not to finish. Allison was tight, and though inexperienced she was doing everything she could to make it pleasurable for him. He began to pull her toward the edge of the bed, rising to his strong legs as he cradled her buttocks in his arms. For a moment he staggered, pushing her into the wall before him, but she seemed to enjoy it. The legs wrapped around his waist gripped tighter and he pushed upward, driving himself deep into the beautiful woman. She made a noise and her eyes opened, the brown glowing an odd orange. She smiled in a foreign way; her smile was ravenous.

As the cool wall rubbed against Allison's slick back she grinned, sultry and feeling stronger than ever.

"Enthir," she panted, "take me to the shower. Now."

"God, yes."

She gave one final thrust downward before leaning forward and preparing herself for the travel. Enthir's impressive manhood still penetrated her soft flesh as he moved them toward the bathroom, and Allison leaned her head back and enjoyed the sensation. She frowned as he lifted her and set her on the floor, crossing her legs as he turned on the warm water. Enthir offered her a hand and she took it, stepping into the porcelain shower. It was large and roomy, with both a seat and a frosted glass door. Allison had often fantasized about it, but of course had never acted on those imaginings. Now, though... Now she would get her chance.

The water was warm, pouring down onto them with just enough power to massage their bodies. Allison stood facing away from Enthir, towards the strong glass door. She turned her head, her wet hair clinging to her slim shoulders. With a wink she motion for Enthir to come forward. As he stepped closer she lifted one leg and wrapped it around him. He gripped it tightly and took her other leg in his free hand. By holding on to the silver handle of the door the was able to pull herself up, her back arched and her breasts pressed against the steamy glass. Enthir rocked his hips, parting her lips and driving himself into her again. She cried out in surprise, but her muscles clenched around his length in pleasure.

He was rough this time around. He pounded himself into her, her round buttocks bouncing against his navel as he cradled her thighs. The water beaded on their skin and rolled down the curves of their muscles, splashing against the floor as they made love. Allison sighed, her chest slamming against the door as Enthir's large manhood split her again and again. She let one hand fall away from its perch and ran it along her body, stopping once she reached her pelvic region. She traced her fingers down, feeling Enthir's shaft and her flesh around it, feeling the heat burning from her clitoris as she touched him. In and out, in and out, and her fingers drank it in. He was slick, slick with her juices and the thought excited her. She walked her fingers up, up to where the flesh was hot and tingling. Without hesitation she began to massage it, sliding two fingers along the soft skin.

She picked up speed, timing it with Enthir's thrusts, and sensation flooded her lower body. Her legs quaked as spasms hit her, her thigh muscles jerking with pleasure. Fast. Faster. More pressure. She could hear him grunting behind her, his grip tightening. She felt as though she were going numb, when suddenly fire lanced along her muscles. She moaned in ecstasy, the sound echoing through the closed shower as her vaginal muscles clenched and released, five times, six. Enthir's cry joined hers and she could feel him as he thrust thrice more, harder, his cock pulsing and spraying hot liquid inside of her. He slipped out and sprayed a little more onto her rounded rump, digging his nails into her soft flesh. White fluid and a small spattering of blood leaked from her nethermost regions as he set her down, the steam so thick she could hardly breathe.

She sunk to the floor, relishing the feel of the water as it washed away their mess. Enthir joined her, wrapping his arms around her wet, naked body.

"I'll never leave you, Allison. I swear this."


They sat there until the water ran cold, existing only for each other until the icy spray woke them from their trance. Allison kissed Enthir's forehead as she shakily climbed to her feet. She was freezing. As she exited the shower and reached for a towel, she heard the front door click open and a woman's voice drifted through the apartment.

"No, I don't think Thai would be good for- Italian sounds fine. I just need to take a shower and get dressed, I'll meet you there in an hour. Alright? Heh, love you too. Bye."

Allison grabbed Enthir by the arm and began tugging him toward the exit. They were naked and wet, and she knew her mother wouldn't look too kindly on her dead daughter hiding in the bathroom. As they neared the door, however, they had to jump back- Angelise Gradstone opened it abruptly and laid her clothes down on the marble counter. She paid the two intruders no mind.


The woman ignored her.

"Mom, it's me, Allison. I've missed you so much!"

She moved to hug her mother. As her arms touched Angelise's, the woman shivered. She did not turn her head.

"Allison, I don't think she can-"

"The fuck she can't!"

Allison was turning red, her eyes narrowed in anger.

"Mom! MOM! Please! Look at me! I just, I just need you to look at me!"

Angelise began brushing her teeth, seemingly oblivious to her daughter's screams.

"Come, Allison. Let's go to your room. I don't think anyone can perceive us."

She allowed Enthir to take her arm, casting one last glance at her mother as they left. Angelise let her dark hair fall around her shoulders as she undid her bun, shaking out the kinks as she watched the mirror. She was beautiful... Allison blew her a silent kiss as she rounded the corner.

As they dressed, Enthir watched the young woman like a hawk. Her tears did not come, but the expression of contentment had faded from her delicate face. She looked... empty, mournful. He could understand why. This entire ordeal had been hell for her.

Allison slipped her clothes back on, keeping her back toward her muscular companion. Too many emotions raged inside her, fighting for dominance. Should she be pleased? Excited? Sad? Hurt? Worried? Inquisitive? They had only been Earthside for a matter of hours, but they hadn't even attempted to find out how they had gotten there. With a sigh she tied her skirt and sat before her computer once more. Her eyes widened.

"Enthir? Would you please come look at this?" Her voice shook.

He leaned over her.

"Look at what, Allison?"

She hovered her mouse over the small clock in the corner of her desktop.

"It was the sixth when we arrived, right? We share the same calendar?"

"Yes, we do. This can't be right, there must be a mistake..."

March Tenth, seven forty-three pm.

Four days had passed.


Enthir paced around the room, his brows furrowed in thought. They had arrived earlier that morning, had walked to the apartment, and had made love. It had been maybe four hours, tops. There was no way time could work that way. True, they were not living beings and thus the rules of the living world held no power over them, but this was ridiculous. They weren't living in a badly-written novel.

Allison rose and grabbed his hand, her skin cold against him.

"We don't know how much time we have here. We need to find out how we got here, and how to get back. We could fade away if we don't."

He looked down at her and brushed a lock of hair from her brow.

"Of course. Let me get my armor."

Allison helped him into it, buckling the suit into place. He turned to her and knelt down, and she gingerly placed the helm upon Enthir's head.

"How do I look?"


They shared a smile. Enthir leaned down to kiss her. As their lips drew near the building rocked from side to side, a cacophonous roar tearing through the air. The pair fell to the ground, Allison screaming as her head collided with Enthir's steel pauldron. Stars danced before her eyes as Enthir hauled her up, blood trickling from his lip.

Immediately Allison raced to the window, terrified, eager to know what could cause such a quake. The sky was black with a giant, breathing mass of swirling darkness. She could see light reflecting off of iridescent scales, flashes of metallic claws, and at one point a blazing silver eye.

It was a dragon.

"My god... Urgosh... No..."

"No, Enthir." Allison shook her head, her face drained of all color.

"It's Sukresh. He's here for us."


In the skies above Chicago the dragon waited, his strong wings flapping powerful gusts of wind toward the city. The citizens of the "windy City" paid him no mind- they could not see him, and the gales were nothing new. His silver eyes scanned the skyline, seeking the faint trail of the Grove, the magic of the flower, anything that could point him in the direction of the fool creature and her tin-can pet. Sukresh knew the secret they did not. Here, his victory would be assured.

He waited for days, lurking patiently. He knew they would have to reveal themselves at some point. No one could hide from him forever. Besides, their time was ticking away moment by moment. They would blink out of existence, gone to trouble him no longer. He could claim his rightful place, yes... After eons, both realms would luck up and worship him as their god. All he had to do was remove the final Grail from existence. It would be easy, yes, such a frail creature... One swipe of his talon, one bite from his massive jaw, and she would be blinked out of existence forever. He longed for it. He longed to be free.

Sukresh began to grow weary of waiting for the duo to appear. As the fourth day dawned he knew he must make the move to draw them out. The warm rays of the sun caressed his ephemeral form as he circled the city, his brow furrowed. There was something odd about the tall white building hear the center, a gleam he could not put his finger on. He began to fly nearer to the strange skyscraper. As he drew closer, the black barbels trailing from his face began to quiver and rise.

"The Earthchild! She is here!"

With a bellowing roar he threw his body against the steel building, sending it rocking down it its very foundations. The metallic scent of fear reached his sensitive nostrils- it was a very human aroma, but there was something deeper buried beneath that. Something eternal. Something pure. Realization spread across his feral features. Yes, of course, it made sense to him now.

The Moon Lotus. The fool child had carried it with her.

She was making this far too easy for him.

Sukresh opened his maw wide and sucked in a breath. A jet of pure blackness welled up from inside of him and exploded against the building, eating away at the structure and revealing the cowering people within.

No eyes glanced his way. The pathetic creatures could not see him, could not revel in his glory. They could fear his power, though, and he knew they did. He could feel it. He continued to attack the building, ripping it with his powerful limbs and unleashing more of his horrible breath weapon, until every room was exposed to him. Screams filled the air and he couldn't help but laugh. Sending nightmares to weak children was fun, yes, but not nearly as fun as tormenting large crowds. He existed for this.


Allison dropped to the ground as twisted metal and crumbling plaster fell around them. Sukresh was not letting up. Enthir grabbed her by the arm and half-dragged her away from the broken walls of her bedroom. It seemed as though the entire complex was exploding around them. Metal groaned as the beast attacked. It took all of Allison's might to keep from screaming. As they exited her bedroom Enthir pulled the door closed behind him and began glancing around for anything that could be used as a weapon.

"We have to get out of here before he brings the whole place down!"

"But my mother, Enthir! We have to save her! I can't let her die here!"

Allison broke Enthir's grip and crawled toward the bathroom, nicking her palms on the shards o broken glass littering the hall floor. The door was open. Her mother was in the shower, water off, unconscious. The young woman yanked the door open and grabbed her limp parent, struggling for breath as she tried to haul the full-grown Angelise from the porcelain floor. She did not notice Enthir enter or push her aside. The knight took the woman and slung her over his shoulder, taking hold of Allison once more.

"We have her, now let's move! We'll be safer if we leave- the longer we stay, the more likely he is to kill everyone in here. Come on, Allison!"

He ran toward the door, careful not to get his ankle caught on any of the debris. Drywall dust rained around them as he kicked open the front door, leading his lover through the shattered paths of the once luxurious apartment building. They took the stairs three at a time, with Enthir being careful not to harm Mrs. Gradstone. Their progress was halted around the tenth floor- a crumpled heap was all that remained of the staircase, resting at least six floors beneath them.

"Dammit! Enthir, what do we do?!"

"Do you have any rope in your satchel?"

"No, I don't. We were just supposed to be gathering ingredients for the alchemists, I didn't bring any gear or supplies!"

Enthir took a deep breath and set his burden down, resting his burden against the remnants of the guide rail. He smiled weakly at Allison and got to his knees, preparing to climb down the wreckage. As he disappeared beneath the lip of the floor Allison whispered his name. He didn't seem to hear her.


The descent was troublesome. There were places that crumbled away beneath his grasp, leaving him dangling loosely above the dangerous twisted metal wreckage. Often his armor would smash a potential foothold and he would drop a foot or so. In his protective suit he was far heavier than normal, and his mobility was limited. He hadn't wanted to remove it, for fear of the great dragon blasting his acidic breath through the building once more. By the time his plated feet hit the ground he was drenched in sweat, his body aching from the strenuous climb.

"Allison! Toss your mother down to me!"

Though terrified Allison obliged, struggling to lift her mother and send her over the edge. She was able to manage. She kissed Angelise's forehead and let her fall, her dress fluttering as she dropped toward Enthir's outstretched arms. He caught her deftly and sat her down, turning his head back up to Allison.

"Your turn! Jump, Allison!"

She hesitated. The armor would hurt, and free-falling scared her more than most things. It came from her memories of the crash, of sailing through the windshield face first, feeling like a ragdoll as the momentum carried her to the concrete...

"Enthir... Enthir, I can't! I'm too afraid!"

As the knight opened his mouth to reply, The building began to shake once more. A massive claw gripped the modern-styled apartment, tearing the walls away. A massive silver eye burned behind Enthir. It began to reach for him...

"Allison, there's no more time! Jump!"

Allison took a breath and leaped, screaming as she fell. True to his word Enthir caught her and began to run.

"But, Enthir, my mother! We can't just leave her there! He'll destroy her!"

"Allison, if we get out of the building he'll leave her alone! Trust me! Right now, my priority is getting you out of here in one piece!"

His strong legs vaulted across the chunks of stair and ceiling littered across the marble floor. Sukresh's horrid laugh echoed all around them, as though they were trapped inside of him. As Enthir crested a large piece of drywall the front door became visible.

"Hold on, Allison. This might hurt."

He lowered his helmet and charged, bellowing as deeply as he could. The glass shattered outward as he burst through, pieces cutting into Allison's soft skin as they sliced through the air. She hissed in pain, but did not raise an objection- she knew they had to get away from the building, for the sake of her mother. Enthir kept running, cradling the younger woman in his arms as they crossed the city, able to feel the cruel gaze of the Lord of Oblivion on their backs.


"Where can we go?"

"There's a bridge that crosses the Calumet, but it's up near 130th. If we can get across the river, it might mask our scent."

"Good. Let me know if you need me to stop, Allison."

She nodded weakly.

Sukresh flew overhead, concentrating on the spell that kept him cloaked from their frantic eyes. Their fear was strong. Terror was good; terror meant his plan was coming to fruition. In their blind panic they would head right into his trap. Finally, he would win. Finally he would rule without fear of the Grail's intervention.

As the tiny figures ran towards the bridge, the large dragon could not help but suppress a smile. They would make a stand here, a token show of effort, and he would let them- for a time, at least. Then he would devour them. The bridge was the perfect place for some such standoff- should he fail, and it was highly unlikely, the freezing waters would drown them.

He swooped in for the kill.


As Enthir's armored foot landed on the bridge, he felt the cement begin to quake. The air around him rippled and the massive form of Sukresh was revealed. Blackness trailed from his ephemeral body like smoke, reaching toward him and the young Allison. The only part of him that seemed solid were the plated scales along his neck and back, and the exotic silver eyes burning inside his draconian skull. Massive wings sent wind rushing against them, nearly forcing them backwards off the stable bridge. Enthir set Allison down and pulled a jagged piece of glass from her pouch- a remnant of the door they had crashed through.

Sukresh laughed and flicked his tail, never taking his gaze off of the armored knight.

"How do you enjoy being home, Allison? Is it everything you had hoped for? How is your mother doing? Were you able to meet Stephan yet? She has a new beau- it's been years since your father died, after all. Isn't it romantic the way she keeps your room perfect? She does love you- did love you."

He reached up to his back with a massive claw and lifted the limp body of Allison's mother. He threw it at the girl. She screamed as Analise's skull collided with the ground. Her limbs were contracted in impossible, non-Euclidean angles. It was obvious she was already dead.

"Enthir, you said she'd be fine! YOU TOLD ME SHE WOULD BE OKAY!"

Tears streamed down her face as she screamed at the warrior, fury and sorrow warping her pleasant features into a nightmarish mask of pain. The blood from her superficial woulds stained her torn clothing, giving her the appearance of a ghoul. Enthir wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she beat her tiny fists against his steel armor.

"This is all your fault! We should have brought her with us, we should have stayed back to defend her!"

"We couldn't, don't you see? he would have brought the entire building down on our heads. This was the only choice. At least you can be with her now, right?"

Allison gave him a look of pure venom.

"Yes, now my mother is dead with me. Small comfort." She turned to face the dragon, running on pure hatred.

"I will tear your heart out and eat it myself. I am tired of running, tired of hiding from you. This ends today, Sukresh!"

She screamed in fury and charged forward, her bloodshot eyes full of nothing but vengeance. It was easy for Sukresh to bat her aside with one lazy flick of his claw- she weighed nothing. Allison flew through the air and landed against one of the metal beams arcing over the bridge. The wind left her lungs and she sat gasping for breath.

Though she was angry with him, Enthir's feelings remained the same. Seeing her so easily knocked aside, so easily wounded... it brought up a fury in him he hadn't felt in many, many years. With his small weapon clutched in his hand he ran toward Sukresh, counting on the weakened Allison to provide enough of a distraction. He darted around the dragon's flank, heading for the corporeal tip of the dragon's massive tail. With a powerful leap he managed to grab a hold of the thick limb and climb atop it. He slammed the shard down into the meat with a bellow, tucking his legs close to his body as the dragon whipped him off.

Dark blood trickled from the wound. Sukresh ignored it and turned to face the knight. As Enthir got to his feet Sukresh took to the air. He sucked in a deep breath. Black fire jetted from the horrendous maw of the dragon and splashed along the concrete, melting the tar and eating through the supports. Allison screamed and scrambled away from the disintegration. Sukresh dove toward Enthir. His large talons tore through the metal crowning the bridge and tossed it away like splintered match sticks. The deafening roar of the twisting iron made Allison's teeth ache, and she covered her ears.

As his claws closed around the armored Enthir, the knight drove his helmet into the tender flesh surrounding the dangerous digits. The spike was enough to cause Sukresh to shriek, but his resulting anger caused him to begin crushing the human in his powerful grip. He smiled as the knight's bones began to crack.

"Hey Sukresh! You're forgetting something!"

He turned.

"We're already dead."

Allison charged, a large beam clutched in her arms. She was covered with a faint white glow. The Moon Lotus lay on the ground, three of its petals missing.

A large crowd had gathered around the bridge that seemed to be destroying itself. A mound of twisted iron lay in the Calumet, and massive holes littered the ground of the structure. Cars were backed up both ways, oblivious to the battle taking place on their road. The cement bucked and swayed, as though caught in the grip of a powerful gale. News vans had begun to arrive, documenting the strange destruction.

No one came to Allison and Enthir's rescue. No one even knew they were there.

Sukresh ignored the living and focused all his energy on the girl rushing toward him. She bellowed and leaped into the air, driving the large chuck of iron in her arms through the dragon's chest. He howled and slapped his tail against the bridge, causing the south end to crumble completely. With hatred twisting his features he darted his neck forward. His sharp fangs were bared.

Enthir was there in a flash, knocking Allison to the ground as he forced himself between them. The teeth of the dragon pierced his gilded armor. Blood flowed freely from the small of his back, leaving streaks of crimson trailing down his protective suit. His blue eye met Allison's brown, and he gave her a weak smile as he collapsed.

"You will die here, child. Your time is fading- I know you feel it. Surrender to me, surrender your soul, and I will send your lover back to the world between."

Allison closed her eyes. Yes, she could feel herself slipping away. Sukresh was so close, so close to winning, so close to securing his role as lord of the three realms. What would her mother say, if she saw her longing to give up? What would her father say?

"I would say, 'My daughter was always so strong... seeing that inherent strength fade was the hardest thing I have ever witnessed. As our world is plunged into darkness, I pray that she finds it in her heart to forgive herself.'"

She could feel her mother's presence beside her.

"I would say, 'Our family fought against Sukresh's darkness for years. Allison was our last scion, our last bastion of hope. A task of such importance should not have had to pass to a teenager. She did not deserve the pressure placed upon her- it is my fault she cracked. She did all she could, and we will always be grateful to her.'"

Her father had joined her.

Of all the terrible consequences that loomed on the verge of her surrender, disappointing her ancestors was the last thing she wanted. The Gradstones were given a task, and by the Gods she would fulfill that task. Though she could not see her family, she could feel their hands resting on her slender shoulders. The power of the flower still coursed through her veins. She had a fighting chance.

As she contemplated Sukresh waited, his muscles tensed to pounce. The glow that surrounded her intrigued him- he had never seen a Gradstone exhibit magical talent before. It smelled familiar somehow, but he could not trace it. There was too much on his mind. He was anxious. He longed for the kill.

Allison took a deep breath and ran toward the massive monster lurking across from her. Her small shoes pounded against the weakened concrete as she rushed him. He leaped forward and roared, his hot fetid breath driving the curious crowd back. The stench was overpowering. As Allison closed the distance Sukresh waved a claw and muttered a guttural sound. A beam of dark purple energy shot forward from his paw, cutting through the girl- at least until it curved back, rocketing toward him. As it collided with his ethereal form, he felt the veil covering them shatter. The aura that surrounded her... it was strong, stronger than anything he had encountered in his long lifetime. The crowd surrounded the demolished bridge held their breath, unblinking, staring at the bloodied girl and the gigantic monster in abject horror. A loud scream rose from their ranks and multiplied as people began panicking and running for their lives. Sukresh roared and sent hot jets of his strange fire into their midst, melting the fleeing humans to flesh-colored puddles.

A few cameras flashed, but Allison ignored them. As choppers began to fly in, their guns blazing as they aimed at the dragon, she saw her chance. Distracted and sloppy, Sukresh wasn't paying her the slightest mind now. He swiped his powerful claws at the whirring helicopters, spraying black fire when he could. The bullets passed through him harmlessly, more an annoyance than a hazard. It was Allison who had to be careful- she knew the magic of the flower could only protect her for so long...

Summoning up the last of her strength, the human girl charged. The aura around her flared to blinding levels as she neared. She leaped, aiming for the dragon's outstretched neck. Her hand balled into a fist as she arced through the air. She took a breath and reached out before her, holding her fist out as she crashed into the corporeal scales protecting his soft throat. Allison's hand sliced through the scales as though her hand was a knife, severing sinew and tendons. Black blood rained down upon as she clung for dear life- the dragon bucked and seized as his life poured from him like a river. His body jerked and rocked as it sank to the ground. The burning silver eyes began to fade, staring at the blood-soaked form of Allison as he died.

The helicopters began to back away as the newspeople, emboldened by the death of the mighty beast, began to swarm forward like carrion vultures. Some had their sights set on the heroic young woman herself. Allison raced back to grab her flower and her bag. Enthir lay unmoving on the concrete.

"Oh my god! Enthir, Enthir, can you hear me? Please, please, answer me!"

"Th... The river... bed... Jump... without... me..."

"I'll be damned if I'm going to leave you here, Enthir! Come on!"

She knelt down and began tearing at the straps holding his armor in place. The crowd was drawing nearer...

It took her a good three minutes, but she was able to cut the straps and free him from the steel prison. She got under his shoulders and lifted, the power of the Moon Lotus granting her just enough strength. She led them to the edge of the bridge and jumped, taking a deep breath of air before her head sank.


The icy waters of the Calumet clutched at Allison as she kicked her feet, heading toward the bottom. Dirt stung her eyes but she held them open- she would not allow herself to close them. Enthir mentioned the riverbed... what was she supposed to be searching for?

As though in answer the soil began to swirl and collapse in on itself, creating a vortex of glowing green light. She turned her head to look at Enthir, a puzzled look on her face. He was unconscious. Fear of him drowning gripped her, and she began swimming toward the portal with all her might. As she drew near it began to suck her in, spinning her madly. She fought for control but she could not free herself. The harder she struggled against the portal, the harder it pulled. Finally she was sent spiraling toward its center. Enthir began to slip out of her grip, his limp body pulled by the powerful might of the vortex. Allison tried to call his name, but the frigid waters poured down her throat. She closed her eyes as she struggled for air, her body compressed as she was forced through the portal.

Coughing and sputtering, she felt warm grass beneath her palms. The spring air was refreshing, melting the ice in her lungs. Her entire body was soaked through, and she could not help but shake. She was freezing.

"It's about damned time, girl! You guys were gone for days, I thought you'd decided to ditch us for good."

Allison turned her gaze upward, and grinned widely.

"Calen! What are you doing here?!"

The elf grinned.

"Well, Sofia did a bit of scrying and saw you guys were in trouble. I think she managed to get a message to Enthir... I don't know how though. Long story short, she opened a portal and sent me here to wait. Speaking of the meaty link, where is he?"

"Oh god! He was pulled away from me in the portal, I don't- I don't know!"

She struggled to rise, her wet clothing heavy and her body exhausted. Calen rushed to her aid, supporting her as he led her over to a log.

"Look, little miss adventure, I've brought you a towel. We'll have to hang your clothes to dry, but it won't take long. Magic is fickle, honey, you know that. It may take him a while, but he'll show up. Unfortunately."

Allison shook her head.

"You don't understand, Calen, he's hurt. Badly. Sukresh bit him, and-"

"Woah, slow the hell down. That big-ass dragon, that was Sukresh? Holy- you guys are lucky you escaped!"

As he talked, the bronze-skinned man helped Allison out of her clothes. He offered her a large towel, big enough to cover her entire body. She wrapped herself in it shamelessly- she had nothing to fear from Calen.

"So, dish. Tell me what happened."

Allison did, beginning with their meeting in the forest and ending in the icy Calumet. Calen wrinkled his nose when she mentioned their intimate moment, but he loved to gossip and she knew it. Sure enough, he asked for all the juicy details, and laughed when she grew too embarrassed to continue. As they discussed Sukresh, Allison couldn't help but feel a sense of growing unease.

"How did it end?"

"We... Enthir took his bite to protect me, and I... I ate a few petals from the Moon Lotus. I felt powerful, in control. It was amazing. There's... There's something bothering me, though, Calen. I killed him."

"NO. WAY. You killed the lord of oblivion?! Hot damn, Allison, that is AMAZING! We knew you were the Grail, but that- wait. Doesn't that mean-"

"Yes. I'm... I'm the lord now. I don't know how the change works, but I'm terrified. I don't feel any different, but... Calen, I had a dream, months ago. A dream Sukresh placed in my head. He showed me the transformation one undergoes, and it... It looked painful. It was horrible. It begins with this disgusting tentacles of darkness..."

She shuddered, turning her gaze from her friend's. She was terrified. Calen could tell, but he did not press the issue. Allison sat in silence, her fears swarming her mind. Would she be as cruel and power-hungry as Sukresh himself? Would she hurt the people she cared about? Would Enthir still love her?

Calen watched his friend, fighting to keep his features free of expression. He was scared. Everyone knew the legend of the Lords of Oblivion, of how the power warps and corrupts. Perhaps with her blood, she would not rule as Sukresh did...

As both sat deep in thought, a pale green light flashed in the clearing. Calen noticed a bright gleam, and rose to investigate.

"Allison! he's back!"

Jolted from her thoughts the girl stumbled over to the still form of the man she loved.

"Quick! Bring me my satchel!"

Calen brought it to her and knelt beside the pair, watching silently. Allison rolled him onto his back and sought the wound. The skin around the bite was a sickly green, and the dragon's fangs had pierced him deeply. His organs had been missed, but the discoloration was what worried her- if it was venom, they would need to act fast.

"Calen, can you start us a fire?"

"Psh. Of course I can. Just give me a moment."

The brown-haired elf began gathering kindling, placing it in a small ring of stones. He knelt before the circle and began to chant. His people where often praised for their kinship of the aspects of nature, and Calen's bond was just as strong as the rest. A tiny flame flickered to life within the twigs, and he whispered his thanks as he returned to Allison.

"The fire is set. Need anything else? I want to help- it's fun!"

"Well, can you boil some water for me? There should be a small iron kettle in my bag."

Calen withdrew the kettle and filled it from his water-skin. He placed it in the flames and sat back, waiting.

Five minutes had passed before the water was hot to Allison's preference. He brought her the kettle and she began adding herbs. Three leaves from the Moon Lotus, the blossom of a columbine, some indigo leaves, and a few petals of a snapdragon blossom. She stirred the mixture with a stick, moving her arm clockwise as gently as she could. The mixture began to turn a bright orange, and she breathed a sigh of relief. It began to thicken, and she finally withdrew her implement.

"This might burn, love. I'm sorry."

Allison upended the small kettle, pouring the orange poultice over the ugly wound. Steam rose from Enthir's bare flesh as the medicine began to work, killing the dragon's venom as it knit the wound closed. The woman sat back, her brow furrowed as she waited for her patient to wake.

His eye opened and he looked around, chilled to the bone and groggier than he felt he had ever been.


"I'm here, Enthir! Oh, thank the gods you're alright, I was worried sick."

"Hmph. Looks like the oaf will live to die another day."

Enthir's eyes fell on the grinning Calen, and he scoffed.

"Oh good, the fairy's here to chide us on our fashion choices and get us thrown out of taverns."

"We just saved your life, Enthir, the least you could do is save the douche-baggery for when we're home. Embarrassing me in a public forest. Shame on you."

"Sorry," Enthir grumbled. His dislike for the jovial elf was strong, but he knew civility was the best course.

"Look, Enthir, my poultice may not be a permanent fix. We need to get you back to the manor, ASAP. I'm sure Sofia can patch you up better."

"That's an excellent idea! On the way here I passed through a gorgeous little town called Efferi, it cut my travel time by, like, an hour. Can we go through there, pretty pretty please Allison?"

She looked at Enthir. It was true he was naturally fair-skinned, but he seemed far more pale than usual. His eyes were sunken, ringed with dark bags. He looked weak. She had healed him, but she could not be sure she had gotten all the dangerous toxin from his body.

"Enthir, we're going to take a shortcut, is that alright?"

He nodded weakly.

"Good. Calen, can you get his other arm? We're going to help support him."

"You want me... to touch him? Ugh. For you, I will."

He wrapped the knight's arm around his shoulders.

"Don't even think about getting fresh with me, Enthir. I'll have you know I have standards that you just plain don't meet."

"Wouldn't... dream of it..." He smiled.


Efferi was a beautiful village indeed. Allison thought back to her childhood on earth- She had seen a movie once, Belle and the Creature, where the young heroine lived in a similar home. The roads were cobblestone, red and gray stones forming a beautiful swirling pattern in the streets. The homes and shops were bleached white stone, their brown wooden roofs tiled with rounded pieces of wood. Everywhere she turned people smiled and laughed as they went about their daily business.

"Oh, Calen! Do you know if they have an inn?"

Enthir's color had improved as they walked, and he was able to support himself without help. His clothes were far more damp than Allison's, but he did not complain.

"Aye, Calen. I'm beginning to grow hungry. Is there a place we could stop for a while?"

Calen smirked.

"Of course there is! It's adorable, come with me!"

As they followed the bouncing elf, none of them noticed the guards trailing behind them.


Allison inhaled deeply, drinking in the scents of baking bread, spiced potatoes, and warm cider as the serving girls wound their way through the labyrinthine passages between tables. Her stomach rumbled heartily, and the others grinned.

"How much longer do you think we'll have to wait?" she asked, eyes locked on a tray containing a delicious-looking stew.

"Probably another half an hour, why don't you look around?"

Allison nodded at Calen, and excused herself from the table to go see what little sights the tavern had to offer. The elf clapped a hand playfully on Enthir's broad shoulder.

"Drinks on me?"

Allison wandered around the first room of the inn, letting her eyes drink in all the sights. The people here were of a rough sort, dirty and loud and rude. She was a little chagrined she had been sent without a companion, but it also gave her a chance to be brave. Very rarely did she get time to herself, even if it was to explore a seedy tavern solitarily.

Apart from a few pool tables and the dining area, the first room had nearly nothing to offer. Something caught her eye as she scanned the inn- a doorway with curtains. She peeked around the corner into the back, curious as to what they could keep behind the cheap cotton strips acting as a partition. There was a medium-sized makeshift stage, atop which were women dancing either naked or mostly nude.

Her eyes widened and she felt color rush to her cheeks, embarrassed to even lay eyes on a sight like this. Men cheered and whooped at the ladies, tossing coins and paper money in their direction. Allison turned to leave, but found her way blocked by three cruel-looking me who reeked strongly of alcohol.

"Hello, love. How's about you get up there and put on a little show for me and my friends?"

She tried to shoulder past them, but the stood fast.

", thank you, I'm not that sort of girl."

"We could change that."

He reached for her blouse, his filthy fingers leaving streaks on the white material as she pulled away.

"I SAID NO!" She hollered, glaring at the men and wrapping her arms around herself as if she could hide from their lewd eyes.

"Oh I heard you, poppit, but words aren't going to stop me." The man stepped forward, grinning, until a large hand fell on his shoulder.


"Hahahaha, oh man, that was priceless, the look on their faces!"

Enthir took another long drink from his mug, smiling broadly and laughing. Calen smiled at his grudging company, amazed to see him merry for the first time in a long while. In fact, he couldn't recall ever seeing the stern knight smile. It warmed his heart to see him throw his cares away for awhile- it didn't, however, make him like the man any more.

"We need to do that aga-"


There was silence at their table as their eyes locked.


They shouted in unison. Enthir stood up so quickly that his chair fell on its back. Like a flash, he moved across the tavern towards where he heard the cry. The thought of her danger sobered him quickly. He saw her blocked by three men, the foremost of them reaching for her. He clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"I think if you value whatever sorry excuse you have for manhood, you will leave the girl alone. I'm not going to warn you twice."

Allison looked up into Enthir's stern face, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. He had come to her rescue...

"Let's go. We're done here."

He reached through and took the young woman's hand and led her back to the table.

"No one talks to me like that, asshole," growled the leader of the lechers.

He drew back his fist and punched forward, straight into the back of Enthir's skull. A glimmering golden ring on his finger tore the soft skin apart, making a large gash that zigzagged across his scalp. Enthir turned around, his eyes crackling with rage, and threw a powerful attack. His fist collided with the other man's jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground, and he prepared to rain blows upon the fallen man.

"Go ahead, Enthir, that's just the sort of rage you're known for."

Their eyes locked, and recognition passed between them. He drew his fist back before his second attack, a look of horror on his face. His back straightened and he began to exit the inn.

"We're leaving. Come on."

Calen placed a hand on his wrist.

"Is everything alright, Enthir?"

"I said we're leaving!"

He stormed forward and slammed the door behind him. Allison looked at the other patrons, concern etched on her features.

"Come, let's leave this foul place."

She and Calen hurried after him, tossing a few gold coins on the table as payment for their drinks. Allison cast one last puzzled look over her shoulder as they left, looking at the man rubbing his jaw, whose face dripped with venomous hate.

"I dunno, I can't find him anywhere," Allison heard as she opened the door on the cool spring air, "Maybe he went home."

An armored guard and a woman stood before the inn, their backs to the door. The woman was dressed in far finer armor, a crest featuring a dragon visible on the back of her suit.

The tall woman shook her head at the guard's suggestion.

"No, Lady Saffron. He went somewhere to hide."

"Have your men spread out to find him- I want him brought in tonight. No exceptions."

She turned to Allison.

"You, you were with the knight Enthir inside. Will you aid us in our search?"

She hesitated, drawing her shawl around her shoulder.

"Why do you seek him? Everyone seems to know his name here."

The woman ignored her question.

"If you find him, bring him over to the stable."

She motioned toward where the tavern's patrons' horses were chewing lazily on oats.

Allison turned and headed off down the path that led to the woods. The air was peaceful, quiet save the light breeze stirring the branches and the chorus of grasshoppers frolicking in the grasses. She took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air, smiling in spite of the gravity of the situation. The path took her through a thick cluster of foliage, where her ears were greeted by the sound of weeping. Allison picked up her skirt and ran through the brush, calling Enthir's name as she moved. Rounding the corner, she saw him sitting on a rock, his head in his hands, tears dripping through his fingers.

"Enthir?" she asked, approaching slowly, "We're worried about you. What happened in there? How did he know you? Why are the guards searching for you?"

Allison laid a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up. His eyes were bloodshot and swollen, full of agony and sorrow. She knelt before him and took his hands.

"The story I've told you and everyone at the manor... it isn't the truth."

It was hard for the woman to keep the surprise off her face.

"That man... That man knows me from my life. I've hidden behind my shield of lies so long, and now... He's here, he remembers, and everyone's going to ask. It's hard for me to talk about. Hell, it nearly kills me to remember. Now I have to face it... I have to face myself."

"What do you mean?"

He sighed. It was a mournful sound, and Allison felt her heart ache for this man.

"My wife was having an affair. I lost control... I came home and found them in bed together, and... something just snapped inside of me. I... I shouted, and the man ran outside. I stalked after him, vaguely aware of the thunder rolling overhead. There was a flash of lightning, and I felt my body burning. I felt trapped as I screamed in pain, fighting to stay on my feet. Something happened, then... I wasn't myself. My body changed, into this... Monster.

My hands were no longer the familiar human digits, but jagged yellow claws that crackled with electricity. My skin hardened, as though I had donned a suit of armor. I could feel the electricity coursing through my blood. They screamed as I looked up... I think I was smiling. I don't know. I tried to pounce on the man who defiled my marriage, but before I could reach him my wife had grabbed a hold of my tattered clothing and was pleading with me to let him go. Remember, Allison, I was not myself. I spun around and smacked her with the back of my claw, knocking her to the ground. I was... I don't even know, eat her? Rape her? Whatever the beast's intentions, there were not pure.

She grabbed me, and I could see that just touching my skin caused her physical agony. I fought back, and she managed to dig my eye out. My... my rage boiled over and I shoved my hands through her chest- through blood, bone, muscle, and flesh, until I was able to wrap my digits around her beating heart. My hand clenched. I tore. She was dead before me. I must have managed to wrest control at that point, because I screamed. I screamed, I wept. And I tore at my face and body."

Enthir gestured to his largest scar. Allison touched it gingerly, tracing it with her fingertip, a look of sadness on her face.

"And what of your daughter?"

His face contorted in agony, and he dropped his head to his chest.

"I did not kill her. She was not in the house, her body was missing. I awoke the next day laying next to the remains of my wife. I saw the blood on my hands, I felt the wounds on my face, and drew my own conclusions. For a few years I remembered bits and pieces, mostly in dreams. On nights when it storms, I lie in bed, shaking, terrified the lightning will return and free whatever's inside me. If I hurt you, Allison, I don't..."

He began to weep again, and she wrapped her arms around him.

"I don't think I could live with myself. I'm always afraid of losing control and destroying the people I love... I've done it once before, who's to say it won't happen again?"

The warmth of his body felt reassuring against Allison's slender frame. As she rested her head on his back, listening to the rhythmic pounding of his heart, she realized just how much he meant to her.

"V...Enthir?" She asked meekly, her eyes closed and she drank in his scent.



She hesitated, biting her lip, scared of what he might think, or say, terrified he might spurn her.

"I love you."

Enthir turned his tear-stained face to her, and smiled. She found it to be the most beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on.

"What took you so long?"

He drew her in for a kiss. As their lips locked, she felt a change inside her. She felt... confident. Enthir broke away and stood up, holding his arms out to her. She walked into them and basked in the joy she felt in his embrace. He ran his hands along the curve of her back as he lowered his head to kiss at the nape of her neck.



"Please... I'm new to this. I've never had a relationship, but I... I'm ready for this. Especially after all that happened in Chicago. I was so afraid of losing you..."

He pulled her down to the ground and kissed her deeply, his hands beginning to undress her.


Allison awoke the following morning, wrapped in Enthir's cloak. The knight was nowhere to be seen. Calen sat perched on a branch above her, staring down at her with fear etched across his usually happy features.

"Calen, what... Where's Enthir?!"

She tried to sit up and her head swam.

"Careful, Allison. They sucker-punched you while you slept. That damn amazon woman dragged him off a few hours ago, growling something about 'paying for your sins' and 'the blood of innocents'. We might be able to find him at the keep. Come on- just take it easy, you might have a concussion."

They set off, the girl following her friend as they walked through Efferi's empty streets.

"Calen... where is everyone?"

He frowned.

"I guess they're all at the castle. We'd better hurry."

He grabbed her hand and broke into a fast sprint, half-dragging the poor girl behind him.

Calen burst through the front door, panting. His cotton shirt was damp with sweat. Inside, people were packed from wall to wall. A deep voice boomed across the room.

"Enthir of Efferi, you are charged with the brutal murder of Lady Saffron's mother ten years ago. How do you plead?"

"Lady Saffron?"

The woman from the inn stepped forward and removed her helmet. Long raven hair fell to her waist, straight and shining. Her bright blue eyes were full of tears, tears of anger. Her beautiful face was contorted with hatred.

"Father... The town will never forget your atrocities. I will never forgive them. You will pay, I don't care what it takes. You destroyed my family."


"Do not call me that! I am your child no longer! I haven't been for ten years."

"I did not... I did not have control of myself. Yes, there is a monster inside of me, but I never wanted to hurt your mother- though she loved to hurt me. She was beautiful, and I was young. I could not see her for what she was. The menfolk talked, but Adelaide.. Adelaide was the only one for me. I didn't know what would happen, I didn't know she'd... she'd..."

He sighed, tears of his own trailing down his scarred face.

"Josephine, I loved your mother. When I caught her in bed with Aaron Stark, something awoke within me. I've been in isolation for years, for fear of it happening again. I have paid for that night, every night of my life. Don't make me suffer more than I already have."

She considered him for a moment, then turned her back on him.

"My lord baron, as high justicar of Efferi, I sentence the man Enthir Bregard to death by hanging."


Allison screamed and pushed forward, shoving peasants to the ground as she carved her way to the front.

"You can't kill him, it was an accident! Lady Saffron! Lady Saffron, please! I beg you!"

The woman's cold blue eyes turned toward Allison, and she smiled coyly.

"You love a monster. He deserves to die like a monster."

Calen grabbed Allison and pulled her to him, wrapping his thin arms around her.

"We'll go back to Kennan and get Arnorath! He's the only one who can free him now, Alli, but I swear to you he will. Come on!"

"I'll be back with Lord Arnorath, do you hear me?! LORD ARNORATH!"

Calen pulled her out of the keep and toward the road- he planned to head back to the manor as quickly as possible.

Allison's last glimpse of Enthir set the tears in motion- he looked miserable, but resigned to his fate. He did not want to be saved. He turned toward her as the doors closed, mouthing a goodbye.

_ I will never stop loving you._