Russell and Bruce: A Sight for Sore Eyes

Story by Mel_GC on SoFurry

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Sorry for the wait, took longer than I thought I would on this one.

Kinda pulling a George Lucas with these. This one's set a few years before Homecoming, only a few months after they met in the bar, which Bruce owns and runs. Russell travels a lot. Blah blah, should be pretty self-explanatory.

Also, forgive me if the sexy bits aren't as detailed, I kinda wanted to spend more time on developing the two of them a little more this time around. Like with dialogue! :O

Anyway, thanks in advance for reading, and please enjoy.

Bruce checked his watch for what felt like the hundredth time that night. Five-o'-seven. The tiger sighed, scowling, and scratched his gut. Russell's plane wasn't even supposed to land until six-thirty, and he was already coming unglued waiting for the big bull. It was a slow night in the bar, which only made it worse. The burly tiger gazed out the window of the bar. At six-foot-one and packed with muscle, save for his ample beer-belly, he could be a pretty intimidating figure, but he sure didn't feel like it tonight. Tonight, he was all mush.

"What the hell you done to me, Russ...?" he mumbled to himself. Before Russell, Bruce had always been the macho-man, unattached. He'd drifted from guy to guy, in and out of relationships at his, but not always the others', convenience. But this one... Bruce had never felt like this about someone before, or at the very least, not in an exceedingly long time. He was different, and in the best ways possible. Even just thinking about Russ was enough to make the cat grin like a dope.


Bruce snapped from his revery at the sound of his name. The voice had come from Todd, a young husky, and a regular patron. He was alone this evening, his tabby-cat girlfriend evidently indisposed.

"Sorry, Todd, I... I kinda zoned out there," he admitted. "What can I get for ya?"

Todd chuckled, "Another round, for the third time. What's got yer head up in the clouds, Bruce, you've looked a little out of it all night. What gives?"

Bruce smirked as he filled up another mug of the husky's brew. "Ah, it's nothin', I'm fine," he replied, sliding Todd's drink to him. He leaned down, resting his elbows on the bar.

"Pfft, horseshit!" Lacey, Bruce's second-in-command of the bar had slid up beside him while he wasn't paying attention. He cocked an eyebrow at the slinky raccoon and her outburst.

"Don't look at me like that, it is and you know it is." She turned to Todd and continued. "Don't you believe a word of it, Todd. Stripey-pants here knows exactly what his deal is." She then lowered her voice to a still very loud whisper, her hand shrouding one side of her slender muzzle. "Word has it it's got somethin' to do with a certain bovine..."

"Ooooh, that's right, he's getting back today, huh?" Todd asked, before taking a generous pull on his brew.

Bruce glowered at Lacey in mock contempt, the faintest smile teasing at the corner of his mouth. "How 'bout you get back to serving drinks, like I pay you for, instead of gossiping with the customers?"

Lacey only laughed. "Gossip my ass, it's been written all over your face all afternoon! Hell, it's been like pulling teeth to get you to even get a single damn thing done this week."

"You guys haven't been apart for this long yet, have you?" Todd asked, munching on peanuts. "You two got any plans?"

"Hmm," Lacey mused, her ringed tail swinging behind her playfully. "If I had to guess, probably a few celebratory new dents in the ol' headboard. Certainly hope you guys got that frame reinforced."

Todd snorted into his drink and set it on the bar before bursting out laughing. "Hahaha! Might need to warn the neighbors beforehand!"

"Neighbors nothin', they gotta send the whole block a PSA, don't want Animal Control checking out the house on the corner for reports of a pack of rutting Kodiaks," the 'coon returned, accompanied by her signature deadpan delivery.

This sent Todd into another fit of laughter, almost spilling his beer.

"I think that'll be QUITE enough outta you, Lace," Bruce huffed, snatching the towel off his shoulder and slinging it in her face. She pulled it off, grinning wickedly before whirling away to see to her bar-tending duties, her perfectly curvacious form swaying sensuously as she went. All of which was lost utterly on Bruce.

"Seriously, Bruce, think of the children," Todd could barely get the words out between his inebriated giggles.

Bruce straightened again, snatching up the husky's mug from in front of him. "Keep it up, chucklenuts, don't think I won't cut you off." He turned to fill a new mug for Todd.

Todd gasped, still grinning, "You wouldn't!"

"Try me, mutt," Bruce growled back, smirking, but letting a dangerous glint into his eye. He didn't really care about their teasing, but the banter was fun. It was one of the things he loved about this place and its people.

"Hey, I resent that!" Todd stuck out his pinky as he lifted his new round. "Pure-bred, I'll have you know, I even have papers..." he scoffed, eyes closed in feigned indignance.

"Heh, brother..." Bruce rolled his eyes and went to the opposite end of the bar to clean up a bit. He checked his watch again. Five-twelve. He heaved another exasperated sigh, his broad shoulders sagging. Gonna be a long night.

After the next couple of hours, Bruce had finally quit peering at the door each time someone walked in. "Get a grip," he scolded himself, annoyed at his own behavior. "He'll get here when he gets here."

Ignoring his own chastising, the tiger looked at his watch yet again. Seven forty-three. Alright, any time now. His stomach knotted again at the thought, that stupid grin returning to his muzzle. He quickly snorted and shook his head, trying to get himself back on task. The bar had picked up a bit in the last hour and he had some food to get out to the front.

A few minutes later, he hurried back into the kitchen, a tray of dirty dishes in his arms. Bruce set down the tray and wiped his brow. "Whoo, ended up getting more of a workout tonight than I thought," he thought.

Then, he froze. His ears swiveled on his head to catch the sound he thought he'd heard behind him.

Out front, a massive, dark brown-furred bull had just stepped in the door. He was quite the impressive sight in his suit, which clung to his heavily-built frame, the fabric straining over his muscles as he hefted his bags into the bar.

"Hey, Russ," Lacey called, "good to see ya again."

"Russell! 'Sup, buddy!" Todd chimed in. He raised his mug a little too enthusiastically and sloshed a good portion down his front. "Aww..."

Russell smiled warmly in response to the welcome. "Hey, guys!" He made his way up to the bar, which he towered over. "I'm so happy to be back. Is, ah... is Bruce around?"

"Oh, he's moping around here somewhere, he's been inconsolable all week." the raccoon responded, scanning the dining room for any sign of the tiger.

Without warning, a big, orange paw landed on Russell's shoulder and spun the bull around.

Before Russ could react, Bruce grabbed the bull's tie, pulled him in, and kissed him hard. Russell blushed heavily, eyes wide as he dropped his bags. He quickly recovered and embraced the tiger back, wrapping his arms around him tightly.

Bruce broke the kiss and looked up at Russ. The bull's blush waned a bit as a bemused grin spread on his face. "Well, hi, Bruce!"

"Hey babe, missed ya!" Bruce let that dumb smile go in all its glory.

"Haha, I can see that. Oh, I missed you too!" Russell squeezed Bruce tight again, and closed his eyes, letting the tiger's smell wash over him after far too long.

"Easy, lovebirds, don't go making a scene. Believe it or not, we do get patrons of the familial variety from time to time," Lacey teased, to which Todd began to giggle again, while Russell blushed harder.

Bruce glared over Russell's shoulder and flipped the two of them off, which only proceeded to evoke cackles from both. Bruce turned his attention back to his bull. "God, I missed you," he repeated, quieter this time. He rubbed his hand on Russ' waist, tracing the outlines of those fantastic muscles with his fingertips. "We should celebrate."

"Alright," Russ chuckled back, "You want me to grab a table?"

"Actually..." Bruce firmly grabbed the belt loops on either side of the bull's slacks and yanked him close, pressing both his belly and his groin into his mate's. "... I think I've got a better idea." His eyes narrowed, twinkling with mischief.

"Oh really?" The bull grinned, "Well should we, maybe find somewhere a little more... private?"

"Hmm that can certainly be arranged." Bruce turned to the bar and called out, "Hey Lace, lock up for me, will ya? Somethin's come up."

"...In your pants?" Todd inquired, giggling to himself uncontrollably.

"Watch it, pup!" Bruce pointed his finger at the husky as he and Lacey broke out in more gales of laughter. "Aye aye, Cap'n, don't you two go getting into too much trouble," the 'coon called to him.

"Heh, we always do!" Bruce yelled back as he heaved one of Russell's bags up over his shoulder. "C'mon, bull, we got some catchin' up to do," he remarked as he smacked Russ' ass.

Russell blushed furiously again and grabbed the remainder of his luggage. "I-I, uh... I guess I'll see you guys later..." he stammered as he followed Bruce out the doors.

By the time the pair had made it back to the house, both were beyond ready to go. They were on each other the moment they stepped foot in the door, tearing clothes off one another as they made their way upstairs.

The door to the bedroom flew inward, barely hanging on to its own hinges. The two clung to each other, an incomprehensible mass of brown, orange, and black furred muscle. They ravaged over each others bodies, reacquainting themselves after what felt like an eternity. By this point, they'd both shed most of their clothing, Bruce in his boxers and wife-beater, Russell only wearing his pants.

"Hmmf," Bruce grunted as he finally pulled his muzzle away from Russell's. "On your back." Without waiting for any form of compliance, he pushed both hands into Russ' chest, shoving him down on the bed. He finished stripping, peeling his wife-beater off, up and over his head.

Russ grinned watching the tiger's gut bounce back into place as it slipped free of the shirt, hanging slightly over his waist-band. Even more enticing was Bruce's fat cock flopping into view from beneath his boxers as the tiger slipped them off. "Now, ain't that a sight for sore eyes..."

Bruce moved to the end of the bed and knelt down between Russell's legs, going for his belt. "Look who's talkin'." Bruce responded, groping the bull's crotch through his pants with one hand while his other worked at the belt.

Bruce finished undoing any and all inhibitors between him and his prize and eventually worked Russ' pants and underwear off. "Now what do we have here?" he teased, lowering himself to the bull's groin. He nuzzled the magnificent package before him, drawing his nose all over the bull's sack. He flicked out his tongue for a few licks before diving down below, shoving his muzzle into Russell's taint and breathing deeply of the heavenly, musky scent.

"Mmmmmm, you like that spot, huh?" Russell moaned at the much needed attention on his nethers. Bruce nodded, peering up at Russell over his groin, the bull's nuts comically bouncing up and down on his face. He breathed in another long whiff, his eyes rolling back.

Russ chuckled, "Come on, you gonna spend all night down there?"

"Maybe I will!" Bruce retorted, as he straightened his back, finally pulling his nose out from under the bull's sack. His eyes narrowed as he bent down over Russell again, planting his paws on either side of the thick, brown legs. "Why," he continued as he began to crawl his way towards Russell's head, slowly slinking like the big cat he was. "was there something in particular you wanted, Moo?"

Russell smiled at his Bruce's nickname for him. "Whatcha got?"

Bruce settled on Russel's chest, straddling him, the tiger's own rod prodding at the bull's chin. He raised an expectant eyebrow, smirking down at the bull. "Well...?"

Russell slipped his broad tongue out of his maw and gave a few slow licks across the head of Bruce's cock.

"Hnnfff, yeeeah...." Bruce moaned out, closing his eyes. He reached with one hand up to Russell's head and stroked him lovingly.

Russell opened his maw and took the head of Bruce's manhood in. He suckled gently, rolling his tongue expertly under and around the sensitive glans. Bruce edged himself closer to Russell's head, gently forcing more of his length into the bull's open muzzle. Finally, he was completely buried inside the bovine maw. He rocked his hips, slowly starting to hump directly into Russ' face.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Russell moaned around Bruce's cock, his chocolatey baritone sending waves of vibrations through the tiger's groin. He rubbed the tiger's belly as it rested brushed the top of his muzzle with each thrust.

Bruce grunted in response and grabbed the headboard for leverage. His humping became more intense as the bull pleasured him. He gasped as Russell wrapped his tongue around his shaft, slathering over every delectable inch. Bruce's grip tightened on both the headboard and one of Russell's horns and he picked up his thrusting, pistoning his meat in and out of the bull's mouth, fucking his muzzle hard. Russell screwed his eyes shut at the barrage to his mouth and throat, but dutifully continued working Bruce's dick as best he could, both of his hands squeezing and toying with the tiger's ass.

Bruce could feel his climax approaching. Russell looked up questioningly at him as he pulled his hips back on the bull's chest, slipping his throbbing member out from between Russ' lips. "Nnnnoooot... just yet, Moo," Bruce grinned back at Russell, panting now as he lightly scratched at the bull's cheek with his claws. He inched forward and pulled his cock up over Russ' face, before letting it drop back down over the bull's nose, spattering pre-seed on the bull's muzzle. "Looks good on ya."

"Fuck you," Russell retorted. Still, he couldn't help but lap up the lightly salty mixture of Bruce's pre and his own spit as it dribbled down to his mouth.

Bruce turned his head and spotted the bull's own member down behind him as it stood proudly between Russell's thighs. "Oh-HO, kitty's cock that good, huh?" he laughed as he slid back down the bull's chest and stomach, his drooling and spit-covered tool leaving a regular snail-trail in his wake. "Maybe you want a little more?" Russell could only blush as the tiger reached his cock, the ebon member pulsing in need against Bruce's back.

He pressed his rump against Russell's cock and rolled his hips a few times, grinding against the shaft. "You're just achin' for some of this ass, ain'tcha?"

Russ grunted, grabbing up bunches of sheets in his clenched fists. "Jesus, Bruce, just put it IN already!"

"Haha, thought you'd never ask!" Bruce flashed an evil grin at his bull as he pushed back against Russell's cock a few more times, smearing the bull's pre all over his ass and lower back.

Russ leveled a wary eye at Bruce, the tiger's expression betraying his devious mind. "Why don't I like that look on your face?"

"Ya catch on quick," the tiger replied. With that, he shifted himself down between Russell's legs and hoisted the bull's legs up and out of the way. He bit on his lower lip in anticipation as his cock pressed against Russ' tail-hole.

"Don't you dare, Bruce, I swear to GoooOOUUUFFFFFFFFUUCCKKK!!!" Russell arched his back as he was unceremoniously impaled on Bruce's luckily slickened but still girthy dick. Shock waves of pain and pleasure ripped through him, his hole forcibly stretched to accommodate the sudden, but not entirely unwelcome intrusion. Gradually, the pain subsided and was replaced entirely with the familiar bliss of Bruce's mating.

Bruce picked up right where he'd left off in Russ' maw, and began thrusting away at a decent pace, slowly picking up speed. He knew he wouldn't last much longer after the attention from the bull's masterful muzzle, so he'd better make it good.

Bruce laid himself down over Russell, his belly firmly pressing the bull's cock between them. He used the position to really get a good rut going, thoroughly breeding the bull deep.

It was Russ' turn to grab the headboard, gritting his teeth as Bruce pounded him, the tiger's fuzzy gut rubbing his bullhood in all the right ways. He clenched his eyes shut, trying to concentrate on out-lasting Bruce. With the cat being possessed of an uncanny stamina, Russell usually never managed to come close.

Bruce growled, nuzzling Russell under the chin while he humped away. "GodDAMN, you're tight..."

"You know... I'm.... NNGG... gonna... kill you... right?" Russell grunted out each word as Bruce pummeled his hole, the tiger's cock ramming his prostate relentlessly.

"Hahaha, you're too adorable when you're pissy," Bruce replied. He gave a quick lick to the end of Russ' nose while he raised himself back up on his paws.

Bruce's thrusting grew slower as he neared his climax, though no less powerful. His eyes drooped and his jaw slackened, drool dripping from his hanging tongue to Russ' chest. Finally, he let out a yowl and slammed his hips hard against Russell's ass, driving his cock deep into the bull's tight passage. Growling, Bruce twisted up his face as he finally unloaded his seed at long last.

Unfortunately for Russell, the tiger's last few drives proved too much for his neglected hole. The bull's whole body tensed as his release pulsed through him, his cock spasming, coating both his and Bruce's bellies with his spunk.

Bruce sighed, pure, dumb satisfaction plastered on his face. "Hooo, thanks, Moo, I needed that.," he said as he gently patted the bull on the head for a job well done.

"You have no idea how lucky you are there's such a thing as jet-lag," Russell said, his last few orgasmic quivers subsiding. "But I'm still going to get you for that."

"Hmmmm I look forward to it..." Bruce was already fading. He flopped down on Russell's chest, then slid to his side, his arm draped over the bull's torso. He edged closer to Russ, snuggling in warmly, his head resting on the bull's arm. As usual, the cat's deep, rumbling purr started up. He let out a long, tired yawn. As he closed his maw, the tiniest bit of his pink tongue stuck out from his lips.

And just like that, he was out.

"You're also lucky you're so damn cute," Russell admitted. Annoyed or not, he couldn't help but smile as he watched Bruce fall asleep, the tiger's purring slowly giving way to light snores. Russ shook his head as he laid back against the pillows. Within moments, he drifted off himself, his exhaustion finally getting the better of him.

Morning light shone in through the cracks in the blinds, dust dancing through the beams as they made their slow trek across the room. Bruce cracked his eye open as one moved to hit him in the face.

"Mmmffhrmmfm...." he grumbled as he screwed his eyes shut again and rolled over, fleeing from the light into his bull's arms. He patted the sheets next to him blindly. No bull.

He sat up on his elbows and peered around the room, wincing at the sunlight.


No answer. With a shrug, Bruce sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He yawned wide and idly scratched his belly. He had to smile when he felt he and Russell's dried cum still matted in his fur. "Hmm-hmm, shower time."

Bruce grunted and heaved himself up off the bed. He stretched, his toes curling on the carpet, then shook his head to attempt to clear away his drowsiness.

Bruce plodded his way to the bathroom and stopped to admire his reflection in the mirror. He stood sideways and flexed at himself. His muscles tensed, his upper body going rigid. All except for his belly, of course. He relaxed and patted his gut, grinning. He was fond of it, after all these years, though he hadn't quite reached the level of affinity that Russell had. Bruce had always gotten a kick out of the bull's apparent infatuation with it, though. And who could complain about regular belly-rubs?

Bruce left the mirror and rounded the corner into what was probably one of his absolute favorite parts of the house: The massive walk-in shower. It was all dark tile with a large, rainfall style shower head. They'd also had a textured, non-slip floor installed for Russell. His hooves and tile never did get along.

Bruce flipped the tap on and waited for a moment for it to get good and hot. Once the steam had fully saturated the room, he stepped under the nozzle and let the water pour over him.

As he stood in beneath the shower head, he failed to notice the imposing brown form step through the fog behind him. Russell had already stripped and was just admiring Bruce, watching as the water streamed off him in rivulets. He was simply beautiful, in the strongest, most masculine ways possible. Like the way those strong, solid shoulders and arms rippled and coiled beneath Bruce's supple fur as the tiger scrubbed himself down, or the way his densely-muscled, yet deliciously padded ass rolled and bobbed with his every move. Or, best of all, the way those cuddly love-handles and belly softened his physique, giving him a subtle, blue-collar touch. As far as Russell was concerned, Bruce was the absolute perfect mix of sexy and adorable.

Bruce's tail swayed lazily back and forth as he lost himself to the invigorating warmth. His ears perked as he heard Russell grunt, the bull finally making his presence known.

"Mmm, that's a nice ass ya got there, kitty," Russ said, his voice lowered into the gravelly rumble he knew drove Bruce wild.

Bruce grinned before slowly turning to face Russell. "Well, if you like it so much, why don't you come ov-OOOOFF!!"

Just as he caught his first glimpse of Russell, the bull rushed him hard, pinning him to the far wall. His hands planted on either side of Bruce to prevent any escape attempts, however unlikely, Russ leaned his head in and panted heavily in the tiger's ear. "Time to teach you a lesson..." he breathed in a husky whisper. He drove his hips against Bruce, his rock-hard bullhood grinding up against the cat's belly.

"Heh, I DID get you pretty good, didn't I?" Bruce returned, nipping at Russell's neck.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet." In one swift move, Russell bent and grabbed Bruce's legs behind the knees and hoisted him into the air, sliding the tiger's back up the slick shower wall.

"Woah-hoho!" Bruce beamed at Russ, nothing if not unabashedly turned on by his bull's display of strength. His smile faded somewhat, though, as he made a startling revelation. Although his downward view was taken up entirely by Russell and his own gut, he didn't have to see the bull's monster of a cock to know where it was. "Now just wait a sec, Russ, I'm not even-..."

"Well, you know what they say about messin' with the bull..."

With that, Russell slackened his grip and let Bruce drop right onto his drooling member, moaning as he roughly entered the tiger's ass. Bruce let out a pained roar, arching his back as Russ' bullhood plunged into him, the bull continuing to lower him, without stopping, all the way down to the hilt. "Shhhiiittttt," Bruce hissed out between clenched teeth as he finally felt his rump connect with Russell's hips. He clawed at the wall behind him, willing his body to relax as Russell immediately struck a vigorous pace.

The bull plowed into Bruce, the tiger's hole squeezing him like a vice as he drove upward and inward. Gradually, the pain subsided and Bruce settled into Russell's rhythm, rolling his hips in time with the bull's thrusting. He grinned with satisfaction as Russell grunted, his cock jumping deep inside the tiger.

Bruce wrapped his arms around Russ' neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. Their maws joined, each tongue playing in the others mouth. They pulled away from each other, both huffing and groaning. Russell pressed his forehead into Bruce's shoulder, his thrusting became faster and shallower as the tingling pressure in his groin built, mounting steadily towards his climax. Bruce nuzzled Russell's neck, eyes closed, as he dug his claws into Russell's back, gripping his bull as the cock inside him laid full force into his prostate,

Russell lowed out, from deep in his chest as his orgasm washed over him. He bucked his hips, simultaneously releasing his hold on Bruce's legs, letting gravity push the cat down on his bullhood as far as he'd go. His cock erupted within Bruce, coating the tiger's insides with his thick, hot seed.

Russ' legs quivered beneath him as he spent the last of his strength pulling Bruce up and off of him. His softening meat pulled out with an audible slurp as he backed away from the tiger, setting him down on his feet. He gave Bruce a quick kiss on the nose before turning to the face the shower and rinse himself off. "Told you I'd get you back."

"Hey, hey, woah. You're not gonna just leave me hangin' here, are ya?" Bruce protested, a cocky smirk on his muzzle. Russell glanced behind him. Bruce was gesturing at his crotch where his own cock still jutted out proudly, bobbing lightly in the warm, humid air.

"Oh for the love of... come here." Russell rolled his eyes and waved the tiger over.

Bruce sauntered over, his cock swinging before him as he went.

"Turn around." The tiger did as he was told and faced his back to the bull. Russell wrapped his arms around Bruce and pulled him back into his body. He ran his hands over Bruce's chest, working his fingers through the plush, damp fur. Bruce melted into Russ' embrace, purring like a motorboat. "Oooooh, that's good..."

Russell chuckled and pinched one of Bruce's nipples lightly, making the tiger jump. He then reached his hands down over the tiger's belly, again rubbing him all over, slow and deliberate, kneading the tiger's gut before slapping an open palm on the fuzzy ball, a loud smack echoing through the bathroom. "Oof, easy," Bruce giggled.

Russ kept his left hand on the tiger's belly, rubbing and massaging him thoroughly. His right eventually found its way to the tiger's groin. He wrapped his fingers around the fat length firmly and began to stroke. "Oooohhhhh.... HMM- ...yeeaaaah..." Bruce moaned and grunted as Russ pushed a finger into the tiger's navel, a particularly sensitive spot. Russell tugged on Bruce's rod, squeezing and twisting his meat as the cat writhed in his arms.

"Almost... *huff* ...there..." Bruce thrusted into the bull's hands, his tail curling around Russell's leg.

Russ grinned and pulled his hand away from the Bruce's belly and brought it around to his rear. He could feel that Bruce was right on the edge, and decided to nudge him over. He wedged his finger in between the tiger's cheeks and prodded at his abused tail-hole. At just the right moment, he shoved a thick digit in past the loosened ring and delved deep into the tiger's ass. Bruce growled and clenched his teeth as he shot his spunk on the shower floor, cock pulsing in Russell's grip. "Nnnnnnngggaaaaaaaaahhhh, there we go....", he finished with a sigh, his body going slack.

"You done now?" Russell asked, letting go of Bruce and returning to the shower to finish cleaning up.

Bruce shivered as Russ pulled his finger from beneath his tail. "I'll say. You kicked my ass, Moo. You're a hell of a lay, you know that?" He grabbed a wash cloth off a small shelf on the wall and moved over next to Russell under the water. "I mean, not the *craziest* time I've had, but still great..." he teased.

Russ eyed the tiger, raising an inquisitive eyebrow at his snarky remark. "Oh really, is that so?" he asked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Care to elaborate?"

Bruce laughed, a smile spreading on his muzzle as he worked some shampoo into his fur, partly at the look he was getting from Russell, but mostly he couldn't help but grin as he reminisced on an old memory.

"Well... there was this one time..."