The Alpha's Choice

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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When the moon rises, the Alpha seeks his tribe for those willing to share his strength. Who will be worthy of taking everything the Alpha is willing to give? Who will stand to the challenge of the strongest hunter of them all?

Hello y'all!

Here's a one-shot from me...this is what happens when I try to write what I think I should write...and end up writing something else altogether.

Don't forget to comment if the story sparked thoughts in you! All feedback is greatly appreciated and will help me measure the quality of my work.

Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Cheers, and keep on reading!


For the Alpha, it was rarely nothing more than a natural end to his day, not much more than the wash in the river nearby or his evening tea drank from a bowl with his comrades around the fire pit. This other kind of routine was yet another part of his duties as the leader of the pack, even if someone would go on speaking that it was rather a perk than a demand upon him, but sometimes, it could be both.

Do not understand the Alpha wrong, he was tall, strong, and with a smell to make any female swoon, should he ever look for a mate, and his virility was unquestioned amongst his kin, but for someone to have an obligation of the sort as bestowed to him by the shamans, it could became somewhat daunting, on occasion. So much meaning was put into what was a simple act of nature in the end, a burst of energy, release, and silence in the forest again.

They were there again, as always when the Alpha returned to his hut through the small campsite, mingling outside his door. You usually smelled them before you even saw the small assorted group, their musk heavy in the air even through the smoke. The Alpha's nostrils flared when he took in the scent through his rapid stride, walking with a confident step towards his dwelling.

There were four males there, tonight, not an unusual number, the Alpha noted to himself as he came close enough to discern faces. Many familiar ones, as familiar as their scents, so were their faces and their bodies, unashamedly displayed in full nakedness, down to the inches of red skin spread over their bellies. He even caught one of them with a paw around his cock, squeezing on it to make sure to be in full hardness before the Alpha would come and make his pick. They all stood with their legs slightly apart to show what they had between them, hanging in they grey pouches. It was an important display of virility, as much as the hard shafts, the confident poses, and the looks that averted to their toes only after a moment of eye contact with the Alpha, now upon the small group.

The Alpha was an immense male, and he made no effort to hide his body, except for the leather loincloth around his narrow waist. His shoulders were broad and licked with grey fur that looked healthy and thick against the winter months. He reeked of masculinity, hunts, and, and sex.

The group of males bowed their heads and stood in their places, in expectant silence. Their ears were half flat and not one of them dared to wag his tail, but they kept them still, in a small angle, so that the Alpha, while walking slowly along the small group, would see everything on them, including the strength of their hips.

The Alpha grumbled to himself, taking his slow stroll around the group of males and watches, and smelled, with enjoyment, how they reacted to the dark, vicious sound. Some tails jumped, some shoulders flexed, a few, as he noticed, even bared their teeth in a deep breath. The Alpha felt his sheath swell under his loincloth and become hot. His breath rumbled.

"One of you..." the Alpha's voice roamed through the night air and reached every ear within their vicinity. "One of you craves me most...which one it is..."

The wolves did not speak even when spoken to, knowing that nothing they could say would make the Alpha sway in his decision. The Alpha could speak anything he wanted to rile the wolves up, hoping to work them into a frenzy of lust before he would make his choice, and leave those who remained frustrated, and questioning their maleness. That was what this was all about, after all, amongst other things.

The Alpha's gleaming eyes continued to roam up and down the toned bodies, broad hips, jutting rears and harsh, curved cocks, swollen and dark with arousal. Any of them would have brought him great pleasure, and all of them had done so in the past, the Alpha thought with quiet, mild amusement while he stalked his prey. His own arousal grew rapidly, and his musk mingled with that of the males in the center of his attention, feeding on it, and growing more anxious.

Even if they remained quiet but for their breathing, the Alpha could see it, without a question. More tail flicks, more nervous ears, more straining arousal, despite having no relief for their hard flesh, no touches except for the wind that rustled through the camp and brought the smell of cooked meat from the hunt. The women must've been preparing the last scraps still.

What a choice...the Alpha flexed his arms as he walked, letting the wolves know who they were dealing with, and playing with, while he assessed his rights with his eyes. Antiman...tall, with a white streak over his face, a keen hunter with trap snares...with eyes and a smile to melt hearts, if needed, male hearts, though, as were to his best liking. Isi...bowman...he, the Alpha knew, did not discriminate when it came to bedding males or females alike, and his proud cock surely would've pleased either, the Alpha was sure as his eyes passed the jutting spear. Wayna...he...whom always looked like he was smiling even when he didn't, was more like Anitman, in the Alpha's eyes, slimmer, faster, and more proficiency in the stealthy art of hunting, rather than Isi, the bigger, stronger type, capable of running and chasing his prey across the distances before going for the kill. The Alpha knew that he shared a hut with another hunter, Quidel, whom was unmated like the young male now looking at the Alpha, having to crane his head upwards to meet the taller male's gaze.

What really stopped the Alpha's eyes, however, was the wolf standing on the edge of the group, slightly apart from the three others, a figure who was not as familiar a sight in these gatherings, the Alpha had to admit to himself, as he took recognition of the face, and the scent, mixed into one confirmation of identity to the hunter warrior. This was Nahuel, only moderately shorter than the male intently looking at him, broad in shoulders, fast in his paws, and who was merited to be very keen with the spear he was adept at throwing. His furs were dark and streaked with black over his back, giving him a coat not often seen amongst his kin on the tribe. He was a dangerous male under the times when he was needed to be, which had not been for two summers now, something the Alpha was grateful for, and that fitted him fine. His smell was pleasant for the big male, a mixture of the earth and the heat of a burning coal, and a hint of a tickle of a wind on one's whiskers. He was the one the Alpha had caught with his paw over his groin. He had nothing to be ashamed of, with that kind of a stalk rising from his sheath.

The Alpha felt an extra twinge of arousal in his belly, coursing through his own hard, leaking member, pressing to the smooth leather of his loincloth, stroking over his skin with every step he took. Nahuel's presence piqued him, for he could name at least four females the hunter had dallied with but knew of no male who could boast to have enjoyed him...except for himself, of course. The Alpha's strength was welcomed by everyone, and wished for by most...and then there were those like Nahuel.

The Alpha stepped behind the tall, prone male, and breathed deeply, leaning his muzzle close to the back of the neck of the hunter, to take in his scent fully. His eyes noticed a minor flick in the hunter's ears, a reaction to the sudden sound, coming from behind and likely forcing him to fight his instincts, to keep from turning around. The Alpha's eyes moved slowly from those tall, pointed ears down the muscular back and to the roundness of the hunter's hips and his loosely hanging tail, almost touching the moss-covered ground.

The Alpha grunted and breathed out deeply, stroking over the wolf's neck with his heat. The shoulders twitched, momentarily, from the touch without a touch. The Alpha swallowed.

"Hmmm..." the big male rumbled.

The Alpha sauntered over to the front of his tent and eyed the row of aroused males for a few moments, enjoying the excitement and tension in the air, for it was his doing and of his own making, and that way, the best kind for the powerful wolf warrior.

"He has been chosen," the Alpha barked out, face impassive, with the secret burn held back, only by just, for his own pride.

He could see the eager eyes, locking upon his form, seeking any cue, any clue, and any message that could hint to the nature of the choice...who would be bestowed with the Alpha's strength tonight.

The Alpha stepped forward, stopped, to enjoy another wave of tension in his audience, and then stepped the right, this time, closing on the end of the line.

Wayna and Nahuel looked at the Alpha now, standing a foot away from them, feeling the two males' breaths upon his face as he stared at them with his big, heated eyes. The musk seemed to intensify and made the Alpha salivate a little, and he made no effort to swallow, instead allowing a small trickle to fall from the corner of his maw and make a pearly fall to the ground. The two other males hung their heads in resignation.

The Alpha, still not smiling, lifted his huge paw and curled it around the thick, muscular, deliciously tense arm of the dark warrior wolf, and looked him right in the eye.

"Nahuel, you have been chosen tonight," the Alpha grunted with delight.

The wolf nodded simply and let his ears fall.

"Yes, Alpha," the reply was curt and spoken in a low voice.

The Alpha's heart raced as the heat began to overtake him.

It was time.

"Until tomorrow," the Alpha directed his words in a bark towards the three others, standing there on their makeshift line, heads hung, with no reduction in their arousal, however. A row of males and a row of thick cocks, the Alpha noted to himself, on the back of his mind.

The three males gave quick looks at their remaining comrade, who stood still, held by the arm by the Alpha who was taller than him by only a small way, but the leader of the pack certainly won him when it came to the mass of his muscles, proudly displayed. Nahuel stood there impassive, meeting the Alpha's eyes with resolution that the bigger male could only admire, and desire, in his own way.

The Alpha did not need to speak when he maintained his hold on the wolf's arm and led him over to his tent, and then invited him in, for none could enter the Alpha' s tent without a permission. This time it was a smile from the Alpha, and a nod of his great head, gesturing at the doorway covered with the skin of a great deer.

"Please enter."

He allowed the warrior to step in first, before ducking through the small doorway into the semi-darkness within. Coals burned in the fire pit on the centre of the hut and rose in a curl towards the hole on the ceiling where it escaped to meet the stars, and their hue was all the light present at the moment. The Alpha blinked when his eyes began to adjust to the relative darkness rapidly, allowing shapes to emerge from the dark. Everything was familiar for this was his home, he could navigate it with his eyes closed if needed, but now his eyes had something to seek, the shape of the male only three feet ahead of him. His musk mixed that of his own, impregnating the air and belongings in the room that held the Alpha's own natural scent, but now, the new male was adding his own, and it made the tall male breathe deeply, take it all in.

The Alpha would not waste time, now that he had what he desired. He only needed one long step and he was there, standing behind the male he had chosen, with his thick, formidable arms wrapping around Nahuel's body. It was a firm embrce and pulled them together, one male, slightly younger, held to the Alpha's chest, enclosed in his arms fully. Nahuel felt slightly tense and did not move yet, but the Alpha did not mind, especially with his hard cock pressing against the curve of the wolf's firm rear, stroked by Nahuel's tail from one side on his sensitive skin. The Alpha breathed, crooned, and lapped on the back of the wolf's neck.

"Hmmmmm..." he breathed out and breathed in, smelling the musk they shared, and the arousal in the air.

His palms became flat over the wolf's chest and belly, feeling the ripple of muscles. The fur was soft under his palms and his pads, adding to the allure, as much as the strength contained in this attractive, warm body.


The wolf breathed out when he felt the Alpha's hot tongue spread saliva over his neck, marking him with the bigger male's scent for the night. The Alpha reveled in the slight shiver he felt course through the attractive male's form.

"Why come, Nahael?" the Alpha whispered, curious to hear the warrior's thinking behind his choice to come and offer himself for the Alpha's desires.

His tongue trailed upwards, along the back of the wolf's neck and towards one of his ears, flicking rapidly. The Alpha's paw naturally curled around the thick flesh he found from the apex of Nahael's thighs and felt how it pulsed against his palm.

The dark male rumbled.

"Need...extra strength for the hunt," the wolf replied in his deep voice, pleasing the Alpha's ears.

The Alpha squeezed the flesh in his palm and pulled his paw up and down over the hard cock, spreading a hint of slickness over its length that had gathered on the blunt tip. His paw moved down as far as the bulb of the knot at the base and then returned up along the hot curve, allowing his silky palm furs to caress the trembling flesh slowly, teasingly. His own hips pressed firmly to the wolf's rear and heated his own cock, trapped between their bodies.

"You are strong..." the Alpha whispered, his teeth flashing for an instant before they nipped on the edge of the ear he had already covered in slick saliva. "Why need more...?"

The wolf in his embrace was pinnacle of strength, the Alpha thought, listening to the deep breaths and feeling the strong pulsing of Nahael's cock in his paw. The warrior's body tensed under his words.

"I need it...I need it..." the wolf grunted, tilting his head back.

The gesture bared his neck, and the Alpha, never to waste time, did not wait. His teeth scraped against the exposed throat, and he rumbled deeply, making sure that the young warrior would feel his Alpha's might in his voice as well. He joined in, even, rumbling and breathing out while the Alpha held his neck in a soft hold, jaws closed only as much as it was needed, to apply the pressure required by the message of lust.

The Alpha's cock throbbed and spurted a trail of clear fluid against the wolf's rear, smearing it with his scent and his heat. Nahael's tail flicked sharply, stroking against the Alpha's thighs. He growled and tightened his grip, paws and teeth, for a few seconds more, before the moment passed. It felt almost impossible to keep his hips steady anymore.

"Three steps" the Alpha grunted, his muzzle pressed to the back of the wolf's neck.

They walked as one, Nahel held tightly, and taking three steps as was told to him, until he felt a softness under his footpaws, signaling the end of the road. The Alpha's teeth tugged on his neck scruff.

"Down...down, Nahael..."

The warrior fell to his paws and knees, spread over the thick fur of an enormous black bear on the hard stomped ground, providing a warm place for the Alpha to rest during the night, and for the entertainment of his guests. The Alpha was upon him, following his movement without a break in their contact, holding onto the fine, strong body. The big male ground himself against the warrior's body, pressing his muzzle against Nahael's shoulder while his leather-covered hips humped the wolf's rump rapidly, working himself into an erotic frenzy. The Alpha grunted and drooled, feeling the friction over him, his ears flicking from the noise of the harsh slap of their bodies together. His tail lashed out.


Nahael's head fell, exposing the back of his neck, while his body backed against the Alpha's, straining with power and desire for more.

The Alpha removed his arm from the warrior's chest and stuck two fingers into his muzzle, suckling on them until drool dribbled from his digits. A few droplets fell over the arch of his paw, before his paw was pushed between their bodies and then under the wolf's rear, seeking its cleft.

"Hmmmppp..." Nahael rumbled.

The Alpha kept his other arm firmly around the wolf warrior's waist, his body held in a curve to maintain it close to the wolf even while he performed the actions needed to prepare them for what was meant to follow. His cock wouldn't strop throbbing when his fingers stroked through the silky crevice and then up, to seek the hot spot of heat under the rapidly moving tail. The Alpha smiled viciously and pushed, applying slick pressure with his pads.


"Oh yes..." the Alpha snorted, his teeth and lips making a mess of the prone male's neck while his fingers curled and pushed, dwelling into the wolf's flesh and penetrating him, helped with pressure and the wetness of his ample saliva.

The wolf remained still but for the coiling energy coursing through him, brought on by the almost alien touch upon his body, breaking into his body with intent. The Alpha grunted as the gripping heat closed upon him, trying to eject him, but failing, for he was stronger...he held the wolf's will, and that was enough.

The Alpha stroked and pushed and gained ground, until he deemed that the wolf was as ready as he would ever be. It felt almost a shame to remove himself from Nahael's fine grip, but he knew it to be a momentarily loss, one he would remedy within moments.

His passing paw tugged on the cord holding his loincloth in place and also tugged the very same piece of leather away, with the help of a sharp flick from his tail. The Alpha's cock bounced up and dribbled clear fluid over his sleeping furs and Nahael's rump, propelled by the upwards jumping angle as he was released. The air kissed him and made the Alpha grunt hotly. The scent only grew.

"Oh gods almighty..."

Nahael groaned when he felt the paw grip on the base of his tail and lift it up, clear over his rump and then curl over his back, to expose him completely to the Alpha's whim. The larger male knelt back and pushed his muzzle down, over to the base of the now held tail, breathing in the clean musk and the heat that made him throb powerfully.


His tongue pushed out of his muzzle and thrust between his vicious front teeth, to drool and stroke over the hot pucker he knew to be found there. The tail in his grip trashed, the warrior rumbled, and the Alpha, immersed now in the wolf's heat, simply grunted with delight as he tasted Nahael's core. The wolf was driving him mad with lust, and he would not wait long...not even with the pleasure he could commit with his tongue, tasting the warrior in a forbidden way. It left him needing more...and fast.

The Alpha stood to his knees, straightening his body to its full imposing height as he made his move forward. One paw gripped onto that tail to keep it out of the way, while his other paw caught his slick, blunt tip and pressed it against the slight give of the hole he had just marked with his saliva for taking. The flesh pulsed under him, shivering and trembling along to the tense beats of Nahael's heart, a knowledge that aroused the Alpha to no end.

"My you..." the Alpha bit his teeth together and pushed.

It was not a simple affair to press his flesh into the wolf's tight hole, but the Alpha was experienced with all sorts of males on their paws and knees in front of them, and he knew when to push, and when to wait for the right moment to catch these bodies off-guard and use that for his advantage when taking a tight, hot male rear for his pleasure. Nahael's tight rump seemed to resist more than the lustful holes he was well used to, but it only meant that the initial entry would have to be slower...and potentially extremely pleasurable.

The tall wolf hung his head and growled when he was spread open, taking the Alpha's great length in strides until the bigger male's bulb of a knot touched his dilated hole. His smarting hole flexed desperately around the shaft imbedded into his rump, trying to decide what to do with the strange sensation of being filled up to the brim by such hot, hard, deep presence that made him ache.

The Alpha's paws slammed on either side of the wolf's body and gained ground while he leaned over his warrior in the classic mating posture, hips hugging the wolf's violated rear, his own tail held proudly while he remained within Nahael's barely accepting body. A clear trickle of saliva drooled off both corners of his muzzle. The Alpha shivered.

The hot stroke began from the first flexing of the Alpha's hips, driving him fractionally deeper into the warrior until he pulled back and immediately pushed himself into the heat of the warrior's tight hole. The simple repetition of the movement triggered the response of his instincts, one gained at birth and rising in intensity until now it would not be ignored, but it craved for more, for release that could be had from mounting a willing female or a male, and taking his pleasure within that wolf.

The Alpha's body ground heavily onto the kneeling wolf as he took him in rough, bucking thrusts that made their balls bounce off one another, bared teeth and created a slap of Nahael's own hard cock against his belly, gaining its full heaviness after the heat inside him turned from pain to slightly reluctant pleasure. The Alpha was ramming deep inside his guts, never stopping keeping in a constant motion of driving his hard, glistening length back and forth through the complaining grip of the wolf's pink opening. The tunnel beyond squeezed and rippled, adding to the sensations that drove the Alpha breathless and gave the wolf on the bottom a strange sense of fullness, and pleasure, that slowly grew. He took everything that was being offered and did it with only the occasional grunt amidst the breaths that had become a constant panting, unstopping when the Alpha took his warrior roughly.

The pace hastened and became almost desperate, with the Alpha's body flexing as he drove himself to the limits of his physical endurance, as if he was chasing prey during a hunt, not taking a male for his pleasure in the comforts of his hut. Hit aching knot pounded the opening between the wolf's firm cheeks, touching it on every thrust and reminding both of them what the culmination of their illicit mating would have to be, and it would happen soon. Their bodies raced for that moment, the Alpha in charge, as was his nature, the warrior, compliant as much as he decided to be, taking the wolf inside him and remaining still, to take the onslaught of curious sensations and the constant, relentless drive. He knew it would hurt, blindingly so for a moment, perhaps, but the prize...the prize of the Alpha's strength, held inside his body as a sacred offering...


The two wolves barked and growled, and Nahael's body went slack after a moment of extreme tension, when the sizeable knot breached him and entered his body, locking them into place in a single moment of extreme heat. The weakened wolf slumped down, followed by the weight of the Alpha's hips, bearing down on him, buried to the hilt inside the tight hot, convulsing rear.

The Alpha only needed to grind his hips against the wolf's rump and the heat exploded out of him, through his body as a fierce fire at first, then shooting out of him in a bright flare of pleasure from his balls, through his shaft and then, oozing as a liquid fire, deposited into the groaning wolf's hot confines. The Alpha bit by instinct, taking the shoulder as his target and locking their bodies together, with arms, muzzle and his mighty cock that was shooting the day's worth of seed into the warrior's expecting hole. The frenzied pounding his heart echoed in his ears and made the Alpha forget everything except the pleasure, he even allowed the ritual to slip from his mind and become something secondary to the experience of pleasure that strained his body.

Minutes later, his body became numb and worn out, slumped over the form of the still panting warrior, shoulders slung low, his muzzle resting against the soft bear pelt, with his rear up, half-buckling knees holding him in the submissive posture of the tie. Nahael's body trembled from the power seeping through his insides, with the knowledge and the actual physical sensation of the undergoing transfer of heat and power between the two strong males. He would receive a fraction of the Alpha's power inside him, make him a better warrior, and perhaps with the gods' luck and blessing upon him, while the hunting party gathered and ventured out to find sustenance for his tribe. He would hold a hint of the Alpha's spirit with him, and carried a whisper of the wolf's formidable experience with him, hidden in the deep crevice of the warrior's body, placed there in the blaze of heat.

Nahael felt the energy within himself even now, in the squeeze of his body around that strange flesh inside his ass, and in the continuing pulse of his own cock, hard, straining and leaking against his chest. He was tempted to use his pawn on it, but the warrior knew that he would have to wait until the first kill of their hunt, when his own offering could be made, to give the nature a small offering from the fruit of his loins, and repaying the Alpha's grace in such a way. The meat would be ever the sweeter for it, cooking over the story fires, when the night swallowed the camp.

The Alpha would be seeking to give his grace that night as well.



Thank you for reading my story.

If you have any comments, don't hesitate to drop me a line or two. The comments are the best measure of the quality of my work, and I appreciate all the feedback I get.

Don't forget that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.
