
Story by EgoDominusTuus on SoFurry

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Two human females are about to get the surprise of their lives... who knew that a sexual encounter could lead to teeth... claws... and moans of animal pleasure?

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Tiffany had consumed a shot of liquid courage before she'd even summoned up the strength to call Natalie to come to her house; as it was, her sharp, green eyes were staring at the full body mirror that she stood in front of with an expression very akin to horror in them. Usually the shy, timid girl... she couldn't believe what she was wearing. A darker, burnt orange bra with matching thong... and a strap-on. It was the latter part of her outfit that was really getting to her-she'd never seen herself in something like this before. Nat was always the one who dominated her, always the one who took control-seeing the sex toy standing erect from her thin frame almost made her run to the bathroom to hide.

As it was though, Natalie seemed to be growing impatient in the living room, "Tiff, what are you doing in there? Writing a novel? You said you had a surprise for me!" She could almost hear the taller girl pacing around impatiently, "Come on out here and give it to me!"

Taking a small, shaking breath, Tiffany tried to summon her courage up once more-the alcohol had left an awful taste her her mouth... she wasn't about to go that route again. Instead, she closed her eyes for a moment and ran her fingers through her short, dark hair. Letting her breath slowly escape her lips, she turned from the mirror before she could take a second glance at her slender frame and it's new equipment and made a b-line for the door. It was a little hard to do, but she forced herself to grab the knob and open it-the sight that was waiting for her was nearly enough to make her give a little 'eep' of embarrassing excitement and close the door again:

Natalie was sitting on the couch in a skimpy little white dress-that dress stretched and fit perfectly over the curves that Tiffany loved so much. Her partner was the opposite of her in every way. Light blonde hair that brushed past her shoulders, brown eyes that spoke of strength and determination... she was a good five inches taller than Tiffany as well. All of these differences were what made her love Nat, but she couldn't help but to wonder if Natalie ever wished that she were stronger, different... thus the idea of her little surprise had come to life.

She was worried for a minute that Natalie was going to laugh at her-a broad smile spread across her face, and Tiffany could feel it as the crimson color of shame began to spread across her entire frame. However, when Natalie-still grinning like a fiend-brought one hand up and untied the string holding the straps of her little white dress up so that it fell in one liquid like movement around her ankles, the flush of Tiffany's cheeks felt hot for a whole different reason.

"This is the best surprise that you've ever given me, baby," the smile was still spread across the taller girl's full lips... but the look in her eyes was not of mirth. Natalie walked forward and wrapped her arms around the her girlfrend, leaning down and whispering softly against her lips, "Show me what you can do with it?" Her mouth pressed forward-she bit lightly against Tiffany's lower lip, pressing her body flush against the smaller girls so that the hardness of the strap-on was pressed between them. Her tongue gave a quick little lick to the lip that she had just bitten. Natalie's hands smoothed gently down Tiffany's back, nails dragging slightly until she came to her ass. She gave a gentle squeeze and then stepped back from her lover-letting the smaller girl loose, she turned around and leaned against the back of the couch so that she could bend over. Her full ass was offered up, and Nat grinned over her shoulder, slowly swaying her hips back and forth, "How do you want me?"

The smaller woman gave a small, shy little grin and stepped forward. Her hips swayed slightly, so that the tip of the her rather large, strapped erection played a soft little line along Natalie's clothed core. Tiffany leaned down and brushed Nat's hair off of her shoulder before placing a gentle little kiss between her shoulderblades. "Just like this." The words came out as a whisper-the burst of courage from before was returning, Tiffany felt stronger than she had in a while. Her fingers slipped down Natalie's body, giving a gentle squeeze to her full breasts before tracing down her curves. Her thumbs hitched at the sides of Nat's underwear and pulled them slowly down her hips until the fell to the floor around her heels. Small, manicured hands then slipped back around smoothing down her pelvis before slipping slowly between her folds so that Tiffany could play little teasing circles at Natalie's clit. A little shudder rippled through her lover's body, and Tiffany couldn't help the soft, satisfied grin that spread across her lips and gave her the courage to move her hips forward so that the tip of the strap on pushed slowly into Nat's already wet pussy.

"Damn it, baby... this is... mmmm." Natalie's words were cut off as Tiffany flexed her hips so that the hard length of the strap pushed inside of her-the feel of it sliding in until it hit Nat's limits made both girls shiver in pleasure.

"You like this, don't you?" Tiffany's hand smoothed up along Natalie's back until she held her shoulder for leverage-the smaller girl began to move as though she had been born to do it all along; her fingers continued to play expertly at Natalie's clit, while her hips thrust again and again into her tight core, until the taller girl was moaning and whining little a small, sweet little animal beneath her thrusts. Tiffany felt, for a moment, as though everything inside of her was swelling, growing all the larger for the sudden strength and power that she felt, and the pleasure that rocked through her as the sex toy pressed and worked against her own clit with every thrust that she delivered to her whimpering lover.

Her hand moved from Natalie's shoulder to smooth back down along her back-a soft little slap was delivered to Tiffany's ass... and it was then, as she thrust back inside of her lover's wet core that she noticed something off...

A tail?

"Why are you stopping? Don't!" Natalie's voice rang out as Tiffany's hips ceased their movement with the strap-on buried deep inside of Nat. Tiffany, however, was a bit too distracted with the fluff that was spilling from her lover's back, just above her ass. Fingers stretched forward to tentivly brush it... and were just as quickly pulled back in shock. Her nails were beginning to change-sharp claws, almost like that of a cat...

And more than that... as her eyes looked on, orange fur striped with black began to spring from her pale flesh.

Realizing that there was something wrong, Natalie stood up from the couch, turning to face her lover... and had to twist her neck upward. Tiffany took a moment to notice the curved changes to her lovers face... soft, doe like... "Natalie... what's happening?"

Natalie was looking at her with what she could only imagine was the same expression that was on her own face. Tiffany looked up quickly to the mirror that hung to the left out the couch. Taking a small step to the side, her jaw dropped open... to reveal curved, feline teeth. She was taller-much taller than she had been. The thin frame was being replaced as she watched with a more voluptous, curvacous figure. The burnt orange of her bra was becoming far too tight for the swelling breasts that were growing as she watched-in a quick motion, she unclasped the material that matched the fur springing up to cover her body and let it fall to the ground. Her ample bust was displayed, and a tail flickered back and forth slowly in interest as she stared at her reflection. She looked like... a tiger.

More than that... she felt like one. Suddenly, the strap-on around her waist seemed sexy, sensual... and as her cat-like eyes flicked back to her girlfriend, something tight in her stomach clenched. Was it wrong that she felt so aroused seeing the little deer looking up at her as though she were almost afraid.

"What's going on?" It was Natalie who asked this time... small ears that had sprouted from beneath her soft, blonde hair flickered slightly.

"I don't know... but..." Tiffany stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her lover, who was now cradled against her curvacious frame... "It's almost exciting, isn't it?"

For a beat, Natalie didn't reply-she, instead, looked up at the face of her lover, so exotic now. Slowly, she nodded, biting her lower lip as she did so. The toy was pressed flush between their bodies once again as they stroked along each others curves, feeling the differences beneath their fingertips. Finally, Natalie spoke in a soft voice... "Do you think we could..."

Her eyes glanced down to the head of the dildo between them. Tiffany looked as well, and then give a nod. "I want to..."

Without another word, the young deer turned, once more bending over the couch-her little tail stood erect, and her ass was offered into the air in such an enticing way that a low growl of desire escaped the tigeress's lips. Tiffany fell to her knees for a moment, wrapping two strong arms around the others legs and leaning forward-her tongue darted out to lick between the folds, lapping hungrily for a moment at Nat's quivering little clit, before delving lower to tease her opening. A small squirm, a gasp, and the tigress felt her own core clench tight with desire. She stood in a quick motion and thrust forward, this time letting the entire length of the false cock enter quickly into her lover. The quick motion caused a scream of pleasure to escape the Nat's throat, and her fingers tightened on the couch-it was perhaps that scream of pleasure that caused both of the girls to realize that, whatever had caused this transformation, it wasn't as bad as it could have been. On the contrary, it was like an aphrodesiac... though it was Tiffany who seemed to be feeling it the most.

Strong and powerful for the first time, her hand once more gripped Natalie's shoulder, while the other dove down her smooth stomach between her legs and began to work her clit with sure fingers. Another cry of pleasure escaped the deer's lips-she'd never felt anything like this before... she'd never been the one to be dominated in such a manner... and yet the feel of the thick cock thrusting into her aching pussy over and over again was enough to make brown eyes roll back into her skull with pleasure. Her entire body was shaking, shivering, and she tried to work back against her lover as best she could.

The growls from Tiffany's throat were growing louder with each thrust that she delivered-her fingers were drenched with the wettness from working at Natalie's clit, and she could almost feel the ripping pleasure that was beginning to build up inside of her lover. Her tail flicked back and forth faster and faster as her hips continued to work in and out, a vicious tandem with the thundering of her heart. The strap-on thrust inside of Natalie again and again, and with each thrust, it beat back against Tiffany's clit, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. The litany of the deer's cries was enough to make Tiffany's own eyes close in pure pleasure. Her hand moved from Natalie's shoulder to her hip and she held tight as her thrust became more powerful, coming faster and faster as both girls breath began to quicken.

"Oh, God... Tiff... fuck..." Natalie's words came out between breaths, between cries of pleasure as that warm, tingling sensation like a cup nearly full began to brim and spill over. Tiffany could feel it as her lovers insides clenched, spasamed-she saw it as Natalie jerked backward, spine straightening as orgasm took her over. The tigeress's hand shot to her lovers smaller breasts and gave a squeezing massage to her nipple, which brought forth the scream that Tiffany seemed to absoloutely crave-that scream was what tore her over the edge, that and the feel of Natalie thrusting her ass back against her again and again so that the sex toy was almost a vibration against her own swollen center.

Orgasm swept over her in a nearly vicious wave of pure pleasure. She gripped Natalie tight and worked in and out of her, eliciting scream after scream from her lover, which pulled a near roar from Tiffany in return. The sound of cock thrusting into wet flesh, of bodies crashing together, of screams and moans, and of thundering hearts was like a chorus in the room... until finally Natalie collapsed beneath her hands, her knees having given out from the feel of pleasure and being well and truly fucked for the first time in her life.

Tiffany held her up, catching her breath for a moment while cradling Natalie against her. Her heartrate slowly returned to normal, finally she heard her lover speak...

"That was..."

"Amazing?" Tiffany finished for her.

Natalie twisted her head to look at Tiffany's predatory, feline eyes for a moment. She was beautiful-she truly was... and she had a newfound strength and confidence that Natalie couldn't help but to find sensual and sexy. And yet... there was a hunger in that gaze, and Natalie wondered if it could ever be sated-but God, she was willing to try.

"That was instense." The young deer finished her sentence. With a wicked grin, Tiffany lifted her lover into her arms and started to carry her towards the bedroom. Natalie gave a little squeak and looked at her with wide eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm ready for round two." She bent down, catching Natalie's lips and giving her a hungry kiss that left both girls breathless.

"This is turning out to be quite the surprise..." The small deer's words echoed with desire as the bedroom door shut behind them.

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