Night Assault

Story by KarATe KAT on SoFurry

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#2 of the Drifters

I think this one should be a little better then the last one. I tried to make the yiff scene a little longer this time. Please leave comments, rate and enjoy!

By the time Atra and Sheila returned to the town it was 3:21. The Drifters were

currently using the town like a base of operations. The government of the surrounding

area had heard of the Drifters and hired them to get rid of Eshnaka, leader of The

Desert Ambushers. He had controlled the country and made them pay an insanely

high tribute for their protection for quite some time now.

The town itself was made of about a 150 villas surrounding a small plaza in the

middle, it was usually used as a small market during the daytime and used for shows

sometimes. It was surrounded by a small wall, because of some stray animals and a

few marauders. The villagers were all desert foxes, but very friendly.

The gates were opened as the APC approached. Most of the villagers had gathered at

the gates to hear the results of the battle. You could clearly see the anxiety in their


As the APC came inside, a door opened on the side of it. Out came Atra in baggy,

camo pants, a grey t-shirt and black sunglasses.

After a while he yelled: "Eshnaka is dead!"

A mighty cheer exploded from the crowd. Some started to cry in joy while others

either jumped around or thanked their god.

"So how about we throw a party?"

Everyone roared in approval as Atra walked towards the plaza with the APC trailing

behind him. Many gave him a pat on the back or shacked his hand.

When they arrived at the plaza the APC went to one side of the plaza and set up it's

audio system and started to play some fun tunes. Sheila came out and walked to Atra.

"So, what are you going to do, my little hero?" She asked as she gave him a light kiss.

"I'm gonna have to meet Derrek and get some information from him." He replied

"Ok. Don't take too long, I want to have some time with you myself." She said as she

grinned and walked away.

About 40 minutes later the soldiers returned. The people greeted them well and

offered them some food and water. A small group of people were in the plaza,

dancing, while others were preparing for the festival. Baking, dressing up, stuff like


Atra spotted Derrek in the group and walked up to him.

"Did you find anything?" He asked.

"Nothing much, except this." He said as he handed Atra a file.

"What's this?"

"A buisness contract between Eshnaka and someone called Chen Cai. As you

might've guessed he's chinese and apparently he has a small stronghold close to the

city Kashi in China. Eshnaka and Chen were planning something big. Eshnaka was

selling him massive amounts of weapons from those factories we saw in his fortress.

If my conclusion is right, Chen was planning to take over Kashi. We checked the

factories and found tons of weapons. We found these revolvers and decided to give

them to you." He said as he took two guns out of his back-pack.

They were magnificent. The guns were painted black and shiny. The barrels were

about 20 centimeters long, the chambers could hold 12 bullets and the handle was

made from some type of black plastic, with grips. Another thing that was cool was

that the hammer was shaped like the head of a snarling cheetah. He tried holding the

gun and it was surprisingly light. The gun felt good in his hands.

"Do you like them?"

"I love them." He said as he tested the sights.

"So, what will we do next?"

"I guess we'll stay here for a day or two and then journey to Kashi. We could use a

little R&R."

"Right, I'll see you later. Me and the guys are gonna go get changed."


Later that night, somebody who had a portable laser show set it up at the plaza and

most of the youngsters danced like there was no tomorrow. The older folks watched

or talked together. A few people had set up a few tables with food and drinks for those

who wanted. The soldiers blended in with the locals and most of them danced. Derrek

was teaching a few teenagers to shoot from various guns. He set up a few target

dummies in the main street and let them fire with their guns at the dummies.

Atra was sitting in a corner of the plaza and telling others how he had defeated

Eshnaka and his crew. A few people had gathered around, mostly kids. He showed

them his prized swords and many of the grown-ups thought he was lying. When he

was done telling his story, he walked over to Derrek.

"Do you have any rounds for these?" He asked as he showed him the revolvers.

"Here, try these." He said as he handed him a cartridge of bullets.

He loaded the guns and took aim at a dummy 20 meters away, beside the teenagers.

He fired all shots from his guns and hit all in the head.

"Amazing..." He whispered to himself.

"Wow. I thought you used swords because you sucked at using guns, but you proved

me wrong." Derrek said as he chuckled.

Sheila walked up to Atra and whispered in his ear: "How about a dance?"

He turned around. "Of course." He said as he grinned.

She led him to the plaza and they danced for about an hour.

Later, they went to the warehouse where they were staying. The townsfolk had

emptied out an old warehouse so the soldiers could stay there. They had put up a few

bunks, computers and other stuff.

"I'm feeling a little horny, how about you?" Sheila asked with a grin.

"I love the way you think." Atra replied with a smile.

They were about to kiss when they heard gunfire and screaming outside. Atra loaded

his guns and took a few rounds with him.

"Could you cover me with a sniper rifle?" Atra said as he ran for the doors.

"On it." She replied, while loading a mean looking rifle.

Atra ran out with his swords in his hands and his guns in his belt. A terrified man ran

to him and said in panic:

"The marauders are here! Hide!"

Atra ran as fast as he could to Derreks last known location. He saw him and the

teenagers shooting at a group of the mauraders behind a barricade they had made.

"What the hell happened?!" Atra yelled over the noise of the guns.

"Some marauders attacked a few seconds ago! The others are fending them off in

another part of the town! They don't seem to have any vehicles but they sure do have

alot of firepower!"

"Here, let me help!" He yelled as het took position beside Derrek.

He fired off about 6 rounds, all of them hitting the advancing marauders. They were

firing back but because of the movement, their guns became inaccurate. Atra was

firing when he noticed alot of them being taken out by bullets to the head. He looked

to his right and there was a boy holding a sniper rifle. He was extremely calm and

knew exactly how to handle the gun. He was about 16 years old and every one of his

shots hit their mark. Damn, he thought, I really need to recruit that guy.

"Will you be able to hold out without me?" Atra asked.

"Yeah, I think so. Go help the others, they're defending the streets to the left and right

of this one. I'm sure they could use your help."

He went to the streets to the left and found a few of his men there, behind a simular


"Atra! We need you to storm that building over there!" One of his comrades yelled as

he pointed to a big house at the end of the road, close to the wall.

"They smashed out a window and put down a heavy machine gun and they're pinning

us down!"

Atra found a radio and tuned it a little bit.

"Sheila, can you take out that heavy machine gunner?"

"Negative, I can't get a clear shot."

"Crap, I'm gonna have to get this motherfucker myself." Atra said as he jumped over

the barricade.

He ran towards a few of the men and deflected the bullets shot at him. He killed 5 of

them and ran into a building to the right.

He ran up the stairs and got onto the roof. He ran and jumped onto the roof of the next

house and did this a few times, getting closer to his target. he was careful to take

cover so no one could see him, until he jumped onto a flat roof, 2 buildings away from

his target.

He saw a sniper perched on a roof, 50 meters away from him. He hadn't noticed him

before, but it was too late now. He wouldn't be able to shoot at him from a range like

this. The sniper took aim and Atra thought with himself: I'm dead. He closed his eyes

and awaited his fate.

He heard the shot, but he didn't feel anything. He thought he was dead, but when he

opened his eyes, he was still in the same place. He looked to where the sniper was and

saw him gripping his chest. He collapsed and fell off the roof. Sheila, he thought with


There was not time to lose. He ran and jumped to the next roof. Within seconds he

was on the roof of the building he was travelling to. He killed a few snipers on the

roof and cut a hole in it. He jumped down the hole he created and sneaked downstairs.

There were only 4 people on the lower level. 2 of them were guarding the door to the

room with the machine gun. He threw a small lamp at one of the walls. The guards

looked at the place he had thrown the lamp. He came from behind, while they were

distracted, and cut their throats.

He opened the door slowly and saw the two men in the machine gun. One was feeding

it with bullets while the other fired. Atra tapped them on the shoulder and when they

turned around he shot them between they eyes.

He aimed the machine gun at the marauders that were approaching the barricade and

fired. He was behind them now, so it was easy to take them out.

He went back to the roof, picked up a sniper rifle and headed to the streets to the right.

Most of the marauders had been killed. He picked off the survivors with the rifle. Atra

and his men pushed forward to the gates, or what WAS the gates. The "gates" had

been blown to pieces. They surrounded the "gates" and took cover in the nearby

buildings. Atra perched himself on top of one of them. The remaining marauders were

coming in from there. After quite a while they suddenly stopped coming.

Everything was silent for a moment, you could've heard a needle fall. Suddenly

someone yelled:


Just as he yelled, a tank came in through the gateway and a ton of marauders. There

couldn't be much more of them and Atra figured that this was the last wave. He

jumped down and drew out his swords. He slashed through a few marauders as he

neared the tank. He came up on the right side of the tank and slashed at the tracks.

Now it couldn't move, but it could still fire. It turned around to shoot Atra. Atra cut of

the barrel and the tank fired. The tank missed and ended up firing at a few of it's own

men. Atra heard the tank reload and thats when he dealt the execution strike. He

shoved his sword down the remaining barrel, into the shell that was loaded. He

quickly pulled his sword out and jumped away, with cat-like reflexes (he was a feline

after all). The shell exploded inside the tank, killing its crew and wounding some of

the marauders. Those that were still alive, fled.

Atra and his men roared in victory.

"Those of you that thought I was lying when I told my story, this is proof of what I

can do!" Atra shouted as he lifted his swords.

His soldiers took care of the bodies of the marauders while the towns people kept on

partying. Soon the soldiers joined them and Atra went back to the warehouse.

Sheila was waiting for him inside, taking care of the sniper rifle and sitting in a chair.

She was only wearing her bra and pants now.

"Thanks for covering me back there, you saved my ass." Atra said as he walked in.

"Do I get a reward?" Sheila asked with a grin.

"Of course you do." Atra replied.

She took off her bra and he took off his T-shirt. He kneeled in front of her and started

to suck lightly on her left tit while he massaged the other one. She softly moaned and

smiled. She held his head and started to moan a little more. He started sucking on the

other tit and rubbing the other until they were soft. He then zipped down her pants and

slowly removed her panties. She was soaking wet when he pulled them off. He licked

her toes a little and then slid a finger into her tight pussy. She moaned and closed her

eyes. He slid another two fingers into her pussy and started to push back and forward.

She pushed her breasts together and he started to lick her clit. He fucked her a little

faster and harder and she started to rock herself back and forward in rhythm with his

fingers. She loosely held his head and pushed a little.

They did this for a few minutes until she stood up and pushed him into the seat. She

ripped of his pants and boxers and looked at his hard cock for a few seconds. She

started to suck on it and rock her head back and forward, slowly taking more and

more of his cock in. Atra threw his head back, closed his eyes an started to purr in

delight. After a while she managed to get all of his cock in her mouth and she was

started to work up some speed. He placed his hands on the back of her head and

pushed ever so slightly. They did this for a few minutes until she stopped and then sat

on his stomach.

"You ready?" She asked as she smiled.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He replied, while opening his eyes.

She slid his cock in her pussy and he firmly gripped her ass. They both moaned as he

started to pump slowly. Her breasts started to bounce a little and she was breathing

heavily. Her pussy was extremely wet and tight now. He started to pump a little

harder and faster now and she started to rub her clit. They started to moan a little bit

more and louder. He now started to pump her as hard and fast as he could. She

wrapped herself around him and started to moan louder and whisper:

"Oh, Atra..."

He gritted his teeth and started to grunt a little. They fucked like this for quite some

time until he stood up, holding her and pumping. He held her to one of the bunks and

laid her down on her back and held her by her hips, on the edge of the bed. Her

breasts started to move back and forward in synchrony with his pumps. They were

both breathing heavily now and moaning alot. She flipped herself over and he started

fucking her doggy-style in the bed. He grabbed her breasts and pumped as hard as he

possibly could. They were both moaning so loud now that they almost shouting.

"I'm...I'm gonna cum!" She shouted.

"Me...too!" He shouted.

After pumping for such a long time they finally cummed together and moaned softly.

They lay down in the bed, hugging each other and drew the blanket over themselves.

"Good night." Sheila said as she kissed Atra.

"Good night." He replied as they both fell asleep.

They both wished that the embrace would last forever, but like all good things, it must

come to an end sometime...

And this story must come to an end too. Hope you enjoyed it.

make war and love

Links to the songs: []( []( Please go easy on me and tell me what you think....

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