A New Dorzeli\'s Second Day

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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This story takes place right after the events of Gingerbread Man: 2109 and is a bridge to the next series ("Truth and Consequences"). It has two parts which are presented here as one. Enjoy.

I again thank all who read my first series.


This story and all the characters within it are the sole copyright of the author and it should only be read by those 18 years or older.


A New Dorzeli's Second Day


Lieutenant Matthew Thorn could tell from the expression of joy he saw on his Dorzeli-Ki lover's face that she was extremely pleased with his latest accomplishment. This caused him to smile, despite the fact that the deed had somewhat disturbed him: He had never killed anything in order to feed himself when he lived on Earth, but the hunger he awoke to that morning could not have been satisfied in any other way.

Feih Desslat, leader of the Desslat clan of Dorzeli-ki on the planet Dessla, affectionately massaged his stomach as they sat beneath the shade of one of the large trees in the vast Desslan forest digesting their morning meal. "I know Jason only gave you some knowledge about your new body and its abilities, but the way you captured that young Driska then took its mother when she tried to rescue it was a tactic that I would've expected from an experienced, naturally born Dorzeli rather than from someone who had been one for less than two days."

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just did it like they do it on the Nature Channel." When he saw that his answer had confused her he briefly explained that he had been an avid watcher of televised studies of Earth's wildlife when he was young and had borrowed several techniques from various predators that had been featured. Then he returned her compliment; "You didn't do so bad yourself. That male you caught must've weighed close to two hundred kilos."

She made little of the size of her kill; "It was only an old bull that couldn't keep up with the rest of the herd." He saw a look of concern appear on her face. "You've definitely learned well from observation, but that doesn't explain why you stared at that adolescent you caught for such a long time before you finished it off."

He sighed and looked at the ground in front of him; "It reminded me of a similar animal called a deer that I saw on an ancient video recording when I was a child, especially after I killed its mother."

She nodded her head as if she understood exactly what he had referred to. "Jason told me of your people's habit of making companions out of some of your world's food animals and small predators. Did you have one like a Driska?"

Surprised at how sympathetic she sounded, considering what they had just done to their prey, he turned and looked in her eyes and smiled. "No. I was always more of a predator man myself."

She grinned and moved her hand lower. "Did you learn anything else from that 'channel'?"

He leaned forward and whispered in her ear and her smile grew. She promptly stood up, stepped in front of him and peeled away her flexible, anti-laser armor, which had been given to all her people to protect them from Soriss beam weaponry, in a very suggestive manner. He still marveled at how its color pattern and fit matched her body so well that, from a distance, she would look as if she was naked.

His heart raced as she teasingly revealed her magnificent, well built, bipedal, twin tailed, dragon-like body to him until she encountered some difficulty removing the tight fitting uniform from her most notable assets.

He had first noticed her generous mammalian breasts when she caught him fleeing from a Soriss ambush and had assumed that she was the equivalent of at least a forty-eight double D if she were measured as a human. When she finally freed them he saw, as he had on three previous occasions, that there was no hint of sag to them; like the rest of her body they looked quite firm.

Matt fondly remembered how, on the night before Supreme Commander Jason Monroe-Talbot transformed him so that he could be her mate, she tricked him into massaging them by getting him to treat what later turned out to be a minor wound on her upper chest: she had urged him to go lower until he was rubbing the last of his first aid cream on them; something he had secretly wanted to do since the moment she professed her love for him after he had saved her life several hours before.

The rest of her torso, like his, was not unlike a human's, except hers was slightly longer. Both of them were covered by a thin, but dense, coat of medium brown fur, not scales as some would have expected given the obvious reptilian ancestry of the Dorzeli. It ended with a tail that split into two highly prehensile halves: both were long enough for her to touch her nose with their tips if she curled them over the top of her head: his were similar in length. A thinner coat of tan colored fur covered their fronts from their cheeks down to her groins and matched their bovine-like, forward pointing horns in color. A mane of hair ran from their foreheads down both of their backs: hers was the longest, ending just beneath her shoulder blades.

She had almost finished disrobing when he stood up and removed his own custom fitted armor with its Mendall-Earth Alliance insignias and his officer's rank, but when she moved next to him and resumed rubbing his abdomen he gently stopped her.

Confused by his actions she asked, "I thought you'd want to celebrate your first successful hunt?"

"There's nothing I wouldn't love more, but..." he paused and tried to think of a way to tell her what was on his mind without angering her. He decided to use the most respectful approach he knew and bowed his head. "I know I'm supposed to obey you in all things concerning the Dorzeli and because of your status as the leader of your family you'd have to assume the dominant role in our relationship, but, for this one time, I..." He paused and looked up.

The frown he saw on her face caused him to assume that she was going to refuse his request. Disappointed, he again bowed his head. "I'm sorry if I've over stepped my bounds." He was pleasantly surprised when she gently stroked the left side of his face. He looked back at hers and saw no sign of displeasure.

"Because I want you to be happy with your new life I'll allow you to do anything you want as long as you'll stop when I say so, even if I'm obviously enjoying myself." He smiled and began to reach for her, but she backed away. "But first you're going to have to earn that privilege."

Matt wondered what she meant by having to "earn the privilege" as she squatted down and folded her suit.

She stood up, used two hidden elastic bands to strap it over her shoulders in the fashion of a backpack and looked directly into his eyes. He tensed when he saw how serious she had become and focused on her to the exclusion of all else around him.

"Yesterday, you caught me only because my family's curiosity about you caused them to block my path. This time you're not going to have their help." She turned and walked away.

Matt knelt down to retrieve his suit and remembered how they had surrounded them, but stayed out of sight when he caught up with her after she had led him on a mating chase from the Alliance's new base. Only an order from her had caused them to leave.

When he glanced up and saw that Feih was already out of sight he hurriedly folded his uniform, slung both it and his combination particle beam/Vulcan cannon over his shoulder and took off after her at a full run.

He focused on her intense, erotic scent to the exclusion everything around him and followed it through the Desslan bush until the he detected the scents of other Dorzeli and what he now knew to be that of humans; he found both to be quite pleasant. He slowed, looked around and realized that he was close the location of the Soriss outpost Feih had destroyed when she had rescued him three days earlier.

He was stunned when he checked his implanted receiver's chronometer and learned that he had been running for over sixty minutes.

He briefly marveled at his new found stamina, he felt almost no effects from his run, until he recognized that some of the Dorzeli scents belonged to Feih's family. He concluded from the weakness of their spoor that they must have used the same path to return to their home territory on the other side of the lake. He also discovered the reason for the presence of the rest and the humans when he came into full view of the remains of the former enemy encampment.

He saw a team of Alliance personnel and three smaller Dorzeli-an, one male and two females, all half his near seven meter height, going over the damaged Soriss equipment and buildings. When they spotted him they alerted the humans to his presence. Soon they all stared in his direction, some with their mouths open.

Matt thought that, as one of the largest predators on the planet, his presence had troubled them until all of the Alliance personnel saluted him. He assumed that they had recognized him from the weapon he was carrying as, under the rules of their exile from the Kroon Empire, none of Dorzeli on Dessla were permitted to possess high tech offensive weaponry and cheerfully returned their acknowledgement of his identity. He became momentarily puzzled when all of them, especially the human and Dorzeli-an females, smiled and pointed in the direction of the lake.

When he comprehended what they were trying to tell him he nodded in thanks and prepared to continue the pursuit, but before he could a cool breeze refocused his attention to his lower regions. Embarrassed by the state his body was in, due to the effect of Feih's pheromones, he turned and ran toward the lake. His sensitive hearing picked up some laughter as well as a few compliments from the Dorzeli females, as he left the area.

His condition had changed little when he broke through the tree line onto the beach a few minutes later, where he saw that Feih was already a good distance out into the lake. Without a moment's hesitation he plunged into the cold water which helped reduce his "problem".

His forward progress was not slowed by his large waterproofed weapon and he was happy to see that, when he neared the halfway point across the lake, he was actually gaining on her.

He was almost two-thirds of the way across when he heard something approach him from his rear. He thought it might have been a stray Soriss fighter and stopped to arm his weapon, but when he turned and saw that it was a newer version of a Mendallian Cherrodon Shuttle he relaxed. The large transport's gun turrets swiveled to cover all points of the water around him when it came to a hovering stop a dozen meters above his right.

"Lieutenant Thorn," began the message from his implant, "This is Captain James Overton of the new Cherrodon Shuttle Akita. We've been ordered by Major Harrison to escort you and Chire Feih Desslat across the lake just in case any of those Soriss automated guards were still active. Sorry we're late, but there was a commotion back at the former Soriss camp that we had to check up on before we could get here."

Matt remembered the shark-like robot that had almost drowned Feih the last time they were on the lake. He thanked him and returned his attention to the chase just in time to see Feih exit the water and disappear into the forest.

He knew that, with her superior land speed, there would be no way he could possibly catch her and growled in frustration. Then an idea came to him.

He looked back at the shuttle and studied the craft's configuration, then asked Captain Overton a question. The long pause that followed caused him to believe that the shuttle's commander was going to refuse his request until his reply came.

"That should not be a problem lieutenant." The ship passed overhead then descended until it almost touched the water to his left.

He made his way toward it the moment the Cherrodon sized door opened. He ignored the various human and Lemuroid Mendall soldiers that scattered upon his approach (he was more worried about catching Feih than if they were afraid of him) but when he peered inside he saw that Overton was right. Even though the entranceway was big enough for him, there was not enough room inside for him and the two large fox/hyena-like Cherrodons who appeared not to be as concerned by his presence as the rest of the crew were.

Matt backed away, re-examined the ship and noticed that the top did appear to be flat enough to allow him to ride there although it was much smaller that the rest of the ship.

"Sir, can I..."

"No problem lieutenant. This ship's powerful enough to lift four Dorzeli-Ki if it had to."

He thanked Overton and climbed up onto the ramp. He heard a few gasps and low volume whistles from inside; he was no longer fully erect but he was still very much exposed.

Embarrassed for the second time in an hour he quickened his climb and apologized, "I sorry for the show Captain" Then tried to settle into a comfortable position but found it difficult on the very smooth surface.

Captain Overton's laugh caught him off guard. "Don't worry about it lieutenant. We're just about used to Dorzeli displays and shows of affection."

Matt smiled; he had heard Dorzeli laughter in the background as the Captain spoke. It soon faded when, as much as he tried, he could not find a comfortable position in which to lie down in the limited space he had behind the small cockpit. His dilemma was solved when Overton asked, "Have you ever ridden a skateboard before lieutenant?"

He nodded and said, "I was one of the best in my neighborhood."

"Then stand up and hook your claws around the auxiliary module brackets, they should give you some stability."

He found the brackets Overton had mentioned, used great caution when he stood up and followed his instructions with the forward most unit with his right foot then the rear most on with his left. When he found his balance he announced, "I'm ready."

"Then hang on."

The ship slowly rose and moved forward on a course to follow Feih. This worried him, considering the conditions she had set.

"Captain, can we circle around to the north?"

Overton seemed to sense the reason for Matt's request. "I see...then it's a good thing we're tracking her only with our passive sensors; I wouldn't want her get be mad at you (or me)."

The ship changed course and picked up speed, but kept its altitude low. "She's moving pretty fast; we're going to have to kick it up a gear."

Matt nodded and roared out, "Open her up." He felt the nose of the ship dip slightly and accelerate.

He enjoyed the entire ride as they left the lake behind and skimmed the tops of the trees forest so much that he would have given voice to it if he was not afraid that Feih might have heard him.

A few minutes later Captain Overton announced; "She's stopped about thirty clicks to the south of us and we're now between her and the rest of her family; they're another fifty deeper into the forest. According to the treaty we'll have to turn back soon."

He sighed, "I understand sir."

The ship slowed, lost altitude and started to turn toward the Alliance base when his hawk like vision caught signs of movement on the ground; "Sir, I think I'll get off here."

He heard a bit of amusement in Overton's voice when he responded; "Ah, good idea Lieutenant Thorn. It's never a wise idea to go to your girlfriend empty handed."

The ship dipped toward some open ground and when he felt it was low enough Matt leapt from the ship: "Thank you, sir."

"You're welcome lieutenant and good luck." The ship peeled away when he hit the ground at a full run.


Matt found Feih leaning against a tree in the area where, four days earlier, she had laid him down to rest after they had fought and destroyed three Soriss fighters that had pursued them and was startled to see that she was pleasuring herself with one of her tails while she massaged a breast with one of her clawed five fingered hands. He was a little upset by what she was doing until he heard her gasp; "Please hurry Matt. I need you so much."

He grinned and made sure that each step he took toward her coincided with a moan or other sound from her. When he was almost with arms reach he asked, "Starting without me?"

Her eyes shot open and she froze.

He bent down and gave her a long affectionate lick on her left cheek, but when he tried to back away to allow her to stand she grabbed his arms with just enough force to hold him in place.

"How did you catch up with me so quickly?" she asked, still in shock from his unexpected appearance. "You were still in the middle of the lake when I left the water."

He smiled then said, "We humans have our ways."

Her eyes narrowed after she sniffed him; "You used that heavy shuttle I saw to get here."

"How did you know?" he asked in surprise, "You were well into the woods before I even came up with the idea."

Feih saw his caution and released him. "It was the ozone I smelled on you; the Alliance's and Soriss ships use the same basic method of propulsion and it's all right; I said you had to catch me, but I didn't say exactly how, but," her voice took on a deep tone that his new instincts told him that she meant business, "next time I want you to do it on your own." He acknowledged her order with a simple nod.

She smiled and leaned back against the tree. "You can go get my present now."

Matt bowed to her and walked back into the woods behind him. A few moments later he returned with a freshly killed Driska and handed it to her. She accepted it, but after a close examination she frowned then asked, "Where did you get this?"

Puzzled as to why her expression had soured, he asked, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"This animal's from a herd that my family was trying to rebuild after the Soriss tried to exterminate them in an attempt to starve us out."

Matt's heart sank, for as kind as Feih had been to him over the past few days, he had been warned by Jason that she could be a strict disciplinarian when it came to her wishes and Dorzeli customs. He did his best to soften any negative reaction he thought might come from her, including, he feared, outright rejection and bowed his head in apology.

"I'm sorry Feih, but I was afraid that you'd be angry with me if I couldn't catch you, so I thought I should get you something just in case you found out how I got here." He turned his head away from her and his voice became shaky. "I-I guess that I failed you on both accounts."

She surprised him when she took his chin in her hand and redirected his face toward hers; "I would never punish you over something as trivial as this bit of fun I was having with you and with no Soriss in our territory and Jason's promise to supplement our dietary needs after they've been driven from the planet the Driska's prolific breeding cycle should restore their numbers in a few years, even with this loss."

Stunned, he asked, "Our territory?"

She grinned; "As my mate whatever belongs to me or my family will also belong to you too as soon as you depose Daihas." He saw her grin widen when he cringed at the thought of having to fight, and defeat, her brother. "You'll only have to get him to back down by intimidation, but if you have to become physical try not to seriously wound him. I love you, but he's family."

Matt took a sobering moment to think about what she had said and his chances against her brother. He was taller than Daihas, but, he thought, her brother had to be as good a fighter as she in order to hold his present position. But when he looked into Feih's smiling face the memory of their days together and the love they had for each other helped him make up his mind with a clarity of thought and strength of conviction greater than at any other time in his life; even stronger than when he proposed to his ex-fiancé a year earlier.

"I'll do whatever is necessary when I meet him."

She reached out to him with her free hand and said, "Good. Now come and share this with me."

Relieved, he smiled and sat next to her.

The moment they finished the animal off Matt wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her close. "Thanks for forgiving me for using that shuttle to catch up with you."

She nuzzled him on his left cheek. "You've made it easier for me by your quick progress. I especially liked the way you got as close as you did to me without my sensing you, but how did you fit inside that ship? Cherrodons are large but..." He saw that his smile had told her what he had probably done. "You rode on top of it just like I did when we fought those Soriss fighters, didn't you? That's why you smelled so strongly of Ozone." He nodded his head.

She laughed then playfully licked his face then said, "I knew you were the right one for me. Now start doing what you want before I change my mind."

Matt heeded her words and started by licking her from the base of her neck up to her lower jaw. A low, almost purr like rumble came from her throat and increased in volume when he reversed his direction and worked his way back down her neck to her chest.

Feih hissed with delight when he took her erect right nipple into his mouth and suckled, but when she grabbed his horns to hold him in place he stopped and removed his mouth from her teat. She remembered her promise to allow him free reign and released him.

Matt rewarded her by running his tongue over the sensitive nub while pinching her right one between his left thumb and index finger. He felt her body shiver with pleasure.

He soon switched breasts and moved his other hand down to her groin, but when he remembered how dangerous his claws could be by how easily he had mauled the Driskas he stopped and replaced her tail with his right one. She gasped when it squirmed and gyrated its way deep into her vagina. Moans of joy escaped her mouth and increased in volume when he sped up his motions.

He kept it up until she was on the brink, then slowed his rhythm until he felt her body relax, then sped up his tail's motions once more. Even he had to growl in pleasure as the tip of his tail, which was as sensitive, if not more so, than the tips of his fingers, sent pleasurable sensations up through his body.

Again and again he did this to her; pushed her to the edge of ecstasy then let her back down before he pushed her back to the brink.

Almost half an hour later she cried, "Please, stop!"

He pulled his face from her chest, licked his snout and stared into his taller lover's face. She panted and tried to catch her breath until she looked down toward his groin.

He saw her eyes widen in surprise when she looked back up at him. "How have you've been able to hold back this long."

His teeth were gritted when he answered, "It's been very hard."

She snaked one of her tails around his erection and it did not yield one millimeter when she gave it a quick squeeze. "Yes it is." A toothy grin appeared on her face when he growled in response.

They both laughed as she released him. He stopped when she asked him to; "Please, take me like you did yesterday."

It sounded to him to be more like a desperate plea than an order, but the memory of how feral he had become each time they had made love caused him to say, "No. I want to be more controlled than that. I need to know that I can hold back that side of my new nature in case..." he stopped and turned his head to look back in the direction of the Alliance's base of operations.

"Only your enemies have anything to worry from you" she flatly stated. When he turned back to face her he saw a look of genuine concern on her face, "What did you feel when you came across that mixed team back at that outpost?"

"You led me by there on purpose?"

She smiled at the sound of surprise in his question. "Yes I did. Now what did you feel when you saw them?"

He looked away from her. "I-I felt nothing."

She grabbed his head, forcibly turned his face back to hers and growled, "Please Matt, tell me the truth."

He knew he dared not to lie to her again; "I felt...I don't know how to exactly explain it, but it felt like love or lust. Not as deep as what I feel for you but it was...similar." His eyes widened when she smiled at his revelation. "That was what you felt when you first intercepted me?"

She released him "Yes, and it took everything I had to keep from taking you then, but we Dorzeli are disciplined if nothing else." She smiled. "But it was a close call."

Matt thought, "If I had only known..."

"I hope that trick I played on you ends you fears on how you'll behave around your people the next time you meet them." When she saw him begin to frown she asked, "You don't have any enemies among them do you?"

"Not any that I personally know of," he truthfully answered, "but Jason has so many back on Earth, especially now that Freerah has changed him, I don't know if I could control myself if they should try to get to him through us."

He heard her impatience for him to resume when she growled, "We Dorzeli have better control over ourselves than that; we're not just simple animals. I or any other Dorzeli-Ki or An would do what you're thinking of only on his orders, if even then, or if our lives were threatened, which I doubt any human would be stupid enough to do. Now I order you to finish what you started." She smiled then added, "Any way you want to."

Encouraged by her reassurances and his experience when he came upon the investigators he resumed his assault on her body and this time he did not hold back. He pushed her until she screamed out with her first climax of the day.

Matt removed his thoroughly cum coated tail from her, licked it clean and moved to mount her face to face.

He was pleasantly surprised when she did not protest this move as she had yesterday when, while still mounted to her from the rear, he lifted her from the ground and took her while standing up, something he later learned that no pair of Dorzeli had ever done.

He started with a few quick thrusts then alternated with teasingly slow ones while massaging her breasts and licking her about her face and throat. Her muscular depths responded by squeezing and massaging him in an attempt to get him to give up the first of the several loads of life creating fluids his new body was capable of producing per day. But through shear will power and determination he resisted her efforts as the Dorzeli heart within his chest, engineered to handle over two and a half times the stress any member of that species could ever be subjected to, helped him maintain his pace and the necessary blood flow.

He felt as if he could keep on making love to her forever, but each successive contraction of her body pushed him closer to release and when she came a second time, they came at such a ferocious rate that his resistance was all but gone.

Feih's roared and brought her face nose to nose with his and bared her sharp poisonous fangs at him. From some base instinct within his new being he responded in kind and promptly flooded her womb with his seed.

Matt closed his mouth when his last load left him and Feih followed suit, then pushed at him. He took this as her unspoken command that she wanted to get up and backed away from her until his penis slipped out of her. He looked down and was pleased to see that what he had felt was true: he was still as hard as when they had started.

She surprised him when she sat up, grabbed his member with her left hand and pointed to the space between her large breasts with her right.

Astonished that she would suggest the act he hesitated, but when her grip strengthened and she pulled his heavily cum coated penis forward as she laid back he moved into position and kneeled down so that it came to rest between them.

She grinned and squeezed her mounds together until the front half of his organ disappeared between them. "I suspected that you wanted to do this ever since I had you climb onto my body the other night."

Yes, he thought as he began to thrust through her mammary love canal, he did want to do this back then, but he was too small and frail as a human to try it or withstand her full sexual fury at that time. Now he was more than large enough; with a phallus that was almost as big as his human body had been, but when sensed some loss of rigidity he became afraid that, despite not feeling any sense of tiredness or fatigue, he might not be able to continue.

"I-I don't know if I can finish this."

"You do want to do this, right?" He shook his head yes and a mischievous grin appeared on her face.

He suspected what she was going to do, but was too slow to stop her from pushing one of her tails into the female-like organ that was between the base of his penis and his anus. Unlike the first time it went in easily and he felt no pain due to how well lubricated it had become during their earlier session and soon slipped into a state of ecstasy.

Never had he felt anything as wonderful and as intense as what Feih was doing to him, even though he still had some trouble accepting the existence of his new orifice. He also loved that she had stimulated his maleness back to full hardness and rammed it forward with such strength that he almost hit her in her chin.

She responded by licking at his swollen cock head. This became too much for him; his organ escaped its pleasure prison and pointed skyward as he reared up and roared. It throbbed with the spasms of climax, but only thin streams of pre-cum came forth. Feih's tail had blocked the flow of semen from his internal testicles and storage sacs.

He reveled in the sensation of the multiple male orgasms that washed over him. He no longer cared that he could feel the quick slide into the state of pure bestial savagery he had experienced during their other couplings and, more importantly, when his hunger had forced him to mercilessly slay those two Driskas.

He was shocked and angered when Feih violently pushed him away from her with such force that he stumbled backward and her tail popped out of him. He growled at her with a ferocity that would have caused an observer to doubt if he had ever been human.

Feih growled back, jumped to her feet and leapt at him with her mouth agape and her claws ready to tear into his flesh.

He side-stepped her, and in one swift motion, grabbed a hold of her left arm, spun her so that she fell onto her back, jumped on her and pinned her arms to the ground.

They looked into each other's eyes and growled and hissed until she raised her groin so that it came in contact with his. He showed her a feral grin and rammed his way back into her hot pulsing depths.

There was no gentleness in his actions this time, as with so little friction left from their last mating he had too work harder and faster than ever to unleash his next load. This forced their fluids from their previous session to squirt out from their union and drain onto the soil beneath them.

Her screams and growls of delight and joy at what he was doing to her only egged him on until the absence of her tail finally allowed him to truly come.

Each near liter shot of cum brought him unbearable twinges of delight and pain; he responded to each one with near canine-like howls.

He was nearly finished when Feih once again showed him the fiercest face he had ever seen from her. He again responded in kind, but, despite all of his considerable strength, he felt her begin to successfully resist him. Then she began to grow in size. For the first time in days he feared for his safety; he had seen what she was capable of at her full size back at the Soriss base when she rescued him and afraid of where this may have led, submitted to her greater strength and size by withdrawing from and releasing her. She took advantage of this, grabbed him and rolled so that she was on top with her mouth above his throat when she assumed her full size; nearly three times her normal two and a half story height.

Matt closed his eyes and awaited her strike and stiffened when he felt her hot breath on his throat, but relaxed when she licked at it. When she stopped he opened his eyes, looked up and saw no trace of the threatening expression she had only a few moments before. Instead, a look of complete delight was on her larger than normal face.

"By the makers that was glorious!" She exclaimed in unbridled joy. "Not even my poor Hafnias could've pleasured me like that." He thought he saw tears in her eyes just before she hugged him to her breasts with a strength that almost drove the air from his lungs. "Thank you, and congratulations."

He was happy that he had out performed her former mate and that he was still alive, but was confused about what she was congratulating him about until he remembered one of the main things she wanted from him besides his love.


She lifted him up so that their faces met, "No, not yet, but you can keep smiling because, if the rumors that I've heard all my life are true, you've just surpassed every other male Dorzeli that has ever lived." He stared at her in disbelief.

"Most can do it five to six times a day, sometimes three times in a row, as Hafnias was able to do, but they're usually spent for at least a full day afterwards; you've just bested them all." Her ensuing grin went almost ear to ear.

He was at a lost at what to say about his vastly increased virility. He had made love to her over eleven or more times (he had lost count) in less than twenty-six hours and was just now beginning to feel the effects of it. Earlier, he had wondered if it was the Dorzeli norm, but now that he knew it was not he could only come to one conclusion. He looked down at his flagging member and said; "Jason must've done something to me."

"No," she sighed. "It was probably the both of us."

Astonished by her statement he looked up at her and asked; "The combination of your nanites and Jason's powers?"

"Maybe, if he was sloppy, but if he did this to you on purpose we'll have to find a special way of thanking him when he returns." Her grin showed off all of her teeth this time.

"You couldn't be suggesting that we..."

His expression of shock and horror disappeared when she shook her head no as assumed her normal size; "He's already made his preferences known to me so I doubt he'll be ready to experience that side of his Dorzeli nature any time soon, but we'll see what happens after Freerah returns."

The mention of Jason's missing mate, reminded Matt of the rumors of incidents that had occurred between her and some female members of Jason's original resistance group OWL (Organization for World Liberation).

He became distressed when the memory of one of the many Dorzeli customs Jason had given to him in his information dump resurfaced; it concerned what was expected of mates unrelated to the clans they joined. "Do you expect me to be with all of them?"

She caressed his face in an attempt to calm him. "You know my people don't have any problems with same sex couplings and since you're not related to any other Dorzeli on this planet or in the Empire there shouldn't be any barriers against any type of relationship you can have or want with the them; I won't mind sharing you, non-reproductively of course, and Bisafah is still too young. But as my mate and second in command you'll decide with who and when."

He was about to calm down when his stomach growled.

Feih laughed; "I knew two and a half Driskas weren't going to be enough for you so soon after your change."

He was embarrassed by his body's betrayal. "I didn't want to seem greedy."

Her stomach echoed his. Feih sighed; "It takes a lot of energy to fuel these warm blooded bodies of ours. And changing my size like that is particularly stressful."

He hoped that she did not know about the one vulnerability his form had which was also in the data Jason had given him. She quickly dashed that wish when she reopened her eyes.

"Jason told me that he didn't have enough energy to make your change permanent, and that if you didn't keep your energy above a certain level over the next few days you'd revert to your human form."

Matt started to become depressed at the prospect of losing her over this liability until she said, "If that happens I'll protect you from Daihas and anyone else, Soriss, human or Dorzeli, even if it means temporarily leaving my family until you re-mature." She smiled and looked at the shoulder where she had bitten when he was still fully human.

He caught her hint and asked, "Your nanites?"

She started to caress his chest. "Your long term change is permanent; Jason only accelerated the process, so you'll return to this handsome form in a few months, but lose your ability to talk in your native language or change back to your human form."

He decided that her love was worth that possible sacrifice and hugged her tightly to his body. "I love you Feih."

"I love you too Matt." She gently pushed him away. "Now let's get another two or more Driskas and make sure you're fit enough to meet my family tomorrow."

He forgot his worries about his new sexuality and happily agreed.

After they had dispatched two more of the moose-like animals they made love again then settled down in each other's arms for a restful night's sleep in an area from which they would see the Mendallian sun rise in the morning.