My First Crush part 3

Story by SuperBlue on SoFurry

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#3 of My 1st Crush

\Guys i'm sorry that this chapter took so long, i didn't really get alot of writting done. But then i finally finished it. Hope you guys like this one ^^//

Time went by and I couldn't stop thinking of what we were going to do for our date. I've never been on a date before. Usually I would think we would go to the movies, get something to eat and if your lucky make out or at least that's what the movies do.

It's after school now and me Nick and Chris are just getting out of P.E.


We were out of class and was heading out of school.

"Oh man coach was evil today." I groaned.

He made us run 20 laps around the field because he tripped and the whole class laughed at him.

"How can he make us run 20 laps just because he cant walk and he trips." Nick said.

"My legs hurt" whinnied Chris.

Sandy walked be hide us. "Sound like he really worked you guys".

"Yea he did." We all whined.

Chris dad drove up in his car, "Well I got to go cya tomorrow guys." Chris said walking away towards the car.

"Same for me I need to wait for my mom. Bye hot stuff." Sandy said winking to Nick.

"Haha she wont give up will she?" ask Nick.

"Nope unless she knows your gay." I said.

We walked towards the school parking lot. We stopped at his car, he had a nice car a blue BMW. "Wow nice car" I said.

"Thanks babe" he blushed a little.

We hoped in the car he started up the engine and we were off.

"So you do you live?" he asked

"Oh just up the road I don't live far from school, a few blocked down the road then make a left second house down." I explained.


We got to my house in no time, he pulled into my driveway.

"Hey I could be your ride everyday if you want?" he asked.

"I'd like that" I smiled. Nick put if paw under my chin making my head turn to his and he kissed me passionately. I murred in the kiss and he purred.

"Ill pick you up at around 7ish."

"Sure ill be done with my homework by then." I smiled.

"Hey maybe you can spend a night at my place after our date?" Nick asked with a little hope in his voice.

"Umm sure ill need to check with my mom though." We kissed one more time then I got out of the car.

I went in the house and I almost collapsed. I couldn't believe what just happened to me. Not only did I just get my first kiss, but my first boyfriend plus a date, the only thing im worried about is maybe this is going oh so fast. 'What am I thinking its not going to fast I really like him and he likes me' I thought.

I went upstairs to my room and closed my door. I went in my closet to see what I am going to wear, I took out a blue shirt and black button up shirt with my favorite black jeans that has a golden dragon on the side and it's a little big for me so it sages a little showing my boxers if you lifted up my shirt and I laid them down on my bed. I glanced at the clock. 5:36, 'about 1hr 30 mins to kill' I thought.


Nick drove home and got in his house. He was in a cheerful mood (Bet you can't guess why). He was skipping to his room when he almost knocked over his older sister.

"Hey watch where you're going will ya." She groaned.

"Oh I'm sorry Naz, just a little excited I guess."

"Why are you? You going somewhere?" She said raising an eyebrow.

"I got a date. Oh which reminds me I have to ask mom if he can stay over, but I'm sure she will say yes." He said jumping up and down.

"Well if you do come back don't wake me up I don't want to hear yiffing when I wake up"

He giggled, "Who said were going to be yiffing?"

Naz giggled too and left to her room. Nick went in the living room to find his mom sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Mom I need to ask you something." He tapped her shoulder making her jump.

"Boy don't scare me like that, I'm to old." She said.

"Pftt mom you're not THAT old, anyway it's your fault for watching this." He said pointing to the TV, she was watching some scary movie he didn't pay attention to it.

"Well what do you want Nick?"

"Oh right, well I wanted to ask you if my boyfriend can spend a night." He scratched his head. "We are going on a date and I thought maybe he can spend a night afterwards."

"Oh you have a date, well I'm happy for you. Its ok with me just be sure not to wake anyone up when you come in after your date."

He nodded and went up stairs to prepare for his date.

"Oh and Nick." His mom caught him; she walked in the hallway with Nick halfway up the stairs.

"Yea mom?" he turned around.

"Be sure that you keep your room closed." Nick blushed hard. His mom retreated back in the living room and Nick went to prepare for his date.


I grabbed my backpack and started on my homework. After I was done, I went in the bathroom and took a shower, brush my teeth and fur. I went back in my room and put on my selected clothes on then I packed some clothes for the morning. I went downstairs to watch some TV since I still had 30 mins to kill. I put my bag down by the door then headed to the TV, I flipped threw channels till I found something interesting.

My mom walked in the living room and looked at me up and down "Why are you dressed up going somewhere?"

I hoped up and hugged her "Mom I think I found someone he's really nice and cute, I'm going out with him tonight." I released her from the hug and smiled "Oh and I think I'm going to spend a night at his house after our date."

"Well honey I'm glad you found someone to make you happy. And have fun." she smiled back.

Then our doorbell rang "Oh that's him!" I said happily as I rushed to the door and opened it. There he was standing there looking hot as ever he was, he had on a red long sleeve shirt and a short black sleeve shirt over it and red paints with a black slash on the side.

"Hey hot stuff thought I be a little early" he leaned and gave me a kiss and I blushed. I picked up my bag

"Mom I'm going now ill be back tomorrow after school!" I yelled,

"Ok have a good time honey!" she yelled from the living room.

We walked outside and stopped in the driveway, we looked in each other's eyes. My eyes sort of glowed in the moonlight and Nick's eyes just look beautiful in the moonlight. We shared a small kiss then we walked to his car and he opened the door for me "Th-thanks" he walked to his side and hoped in.

"So, umm where are we g-going" I asked shyly.

"Oh I thought we could go see a movie then maybe get something to eat then we can go back to my place." He looked at me I was started to sweat a little I ducked me head so you wouldn't notice. "Nights you seem nervous don't be, its going to be fun I promise, I know this is your first time and everything so I will ask to do something first like if I want to hold your hand, I wont pressure you, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want your first date to be fun and exciting." Nick said

Nick sounded like he meant it. I nodded and took a deep breathe 'here we go' I thought.

"You look beautiful tonight." Nick said

I blushed. "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself handsome kitty".

"I wanted to look good for you"

"Well you look good in anything" Nick blushed at my comment.

He drove to the theater and we got to the ticket booth we didn't know what to see we finally decided on some romance movie. We got inside and got some popcorn and a drink and we headed to our movie I don't normally like romance movies but I didn't care as long as I was with him. We got our seats it was all the way in the back on the top row we were like the only one at the top but then again not a lot of people were at the theater, it was a school night after all.

He gave me a small kiss on the forehead and I blushed I didn't know why I blushed every time he did something like that but I didn't want him to stop either, the movie was starting. It was kinda cold in the theater, I wasn't a cold person but I usually get cold in the theater.

"Hey Nights can I hold you during the movie you look cold and then you can rest your head on my chest to warm up". I blushed a little and went as close as I can to him and he put his arms around me and I put my head on his warm chest. He purred softly. I felt so comfortable I didn't want to move at all just sit there in his arms forever, he felt so comfortable that I fell asleep during the half of the movie.

"Hey Nights the movie is over babe time to get up" I opened my eyes to find Nicks beautiful golden eyes staring at me. "Wow your eyes are beautiful" Nick said giving me a small kiss on the cheek. I stretched out my arms and yawned then I blushed realizing I dozed off on the movie.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep through the movie, I was just so comfortable that--" I was cut off by another passionate kiss.

"Its ok I know you were comfortable so I let you sleep, you look cute when you sleep." He grabbed my hand and we started walking out of the theater.

"Where to know?" I asked as we reached his car and we hoped in.

"Well are you hungry? What would you like to eat?"

"Umm well I'm not a picky eater anything you feel like eating is ok with me." I smiled

"Hmm how about pizza."

"Its ok with me"

We drove to pizza place and sat at a table by a window, we were about to talk on what to get when a waitress came. She was an old coon had short hair in the back. She didn't look all that old actually.

"Can I take your order boys?" she asked.

Nick smirked then turned to me. "Err, Nights what do you want?" Nick said

"Umm, I guess pepperoni and mushrooms, is that ok with you?" I responded

"You heard the roo pepperoni and mushrooms large pizza." He said in a funny demanding voice. I giggled.

The old coon wrote it down "What about your drinks?"

"Lemonade." I said

"Coke for me" Nick said

"Coming right up." She wrote that down and walked off.

"You know for an old coon she doesn't look that old." I said.

Nick giggled, "Yes I guess." He looked out the window.

I tilted my head "So what are we going to do when we get to your house." Nick smirked.

"I bet you thought of something perverted didn't you?" I blushed and Nick giggled as the coon came back with drinks in her hand. "Here you are boys" she handed us our drinks and trotted off.

"Well you didn't answer my question." I said wondering now.

"Ehh, you will see." Nick laughed keeping me clueless as our food came. It smelled great I picked up the first slice and started eating. Nick did the same, he ate fast. By the time I was done on my first slice he was already on his second. We finished and the coon came with the bill. Nick paid it and we left.

Then we drove to his house and stopped in his driveway. Nick noticed another car beside his moms in the driveway. He started shaking uncontrollably... It was his dad's car.


\ Lol I thought that would be a little funny to put that there ^^//

-To be Continued-

Hope you guys like that =T