The Pact pt1

Story by JoeWolf on SoFurry

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This Story is made by me fantasize on how i wanted long ago with my older brother XD

Well anyway, this story is about a young boy that's turning 18 soon and he's visited by his long lost older brother, surprised at his arrival, they both bonded till Joe went to sleep and awaken by the movement that his older brother got a plan for him!

What's going to happen to the poor boy?

"The Pact" Part 1

-Contains: Transformation, gay sex, rape, incest, and orgy-

As long I could remember, I was alone with just my mother, I didn't have any other siblings, but only a half brother, but he wasn't around to be my brother, he was hardly seen.. till now..

Today is the last day being 17, and tomorrow is my 18th birthday, I had not much planned, no party, nothing to do by to be alone and depressed. Most of my birthdays were nothing, just hardly anyone remembers it, I'm used to this.

My name is Joe, just a average Latin guy with just average life like any other, I remembered the scars on my body when I was attacked on my fifth birthday, I don't know if it was worse or an improvement for myself.

I'm 5'7, weight like somewhere 189 pounds, just black brown hair, eyes as brown as my skin. Turning 18 tomorrow is the same as growing up and my life is the same as always. But today is new for me...

Joe sighs and sits on the sofa, reaching for the remote to turn on the tv, but not much showing but "My Little Donkey" is on, but the boy isn't interested, so he changed the channel, surfing channel after channel till he found his favorite movie "The Fast And The Furry", but shortly it went to commercial and Joe sighs again, he begins to get up and walk into the kitchen to grab a snack for the movie.

But as soon Joe opens the fridge, he heard an knocking on the door, puzzled that his mother is at work and couldn't come home till late night cause of his mom's job, the boy went to the front door and peeks into the peephole, sees a older Latin guy, bald shaven, a long scar on his face.

Joe ponders as he almost remembers, so he opened the door slowly, as he peeps outside, the older guy said "Hey Little brother, how you been?" then Joe smiles and opens the door as he says "Hey Keino, whats up? What you doing here?"

It appears to be Joe's older brother Keino, so Keino replies and said "Nothing much, just here visiting, to stop by to wish my little baby brother an happy birthday!" Joe chuckles and says "Hehe, well you're a little early since my birthday is tomorrow, but it's good to see you bro, where you been all this time?!"

The old guy responds and says "Just been dealing with lot of shit, but I'm here now to see you. Can I come in?" Joe opens the door more and says "Come on in, Big bro." The tall guy walks in, and he's about 9 inches taller than Joe, as he walks in, he then walks to the sofa and sits down chuckling "Hehe, you'll be a man tomorrow, 18 years old, wow it takes me back about 12 years ago as I can remember, hahaha!" Joe looks at his older brother, see how strong he looks, and how old he looks as an 30 year old.

"Yeah, but I got a long way to catch up with you, big bro. but I don't feel any different since my life kinda sucks sometimes." The boy sits next to his brother and sighs. Then the older brother looks at his younger brother and smiles as he speaks "Well little brother, be glad I'm here." Joe chuckles a bit and says "It's good to see you again big bro, I bet your life kicks ass." The young boy sighs and looks into his art book, it's filled with his wolf character, he many times believes he was a wolf, wishing he could be one.

Keino smirks and begins to question his kid brother. "So, you ever most times want to be a wolf or a werewolf so to speak?" Joe looks at his man brother and asks "What?.. What's with the question?" Kei laughs and says "Come on, kid. I'm asking an random question since I been away so long!" Joe looks down a bit and then back up to his brother and says

"Well, I wanted to be like my character, an dark and brown wolf, with a bit of my hair, to have special abilities to run, to be stronger, and maybe a good sense of smelling afar."

Keino smirks and says "Well maybe one day it could happens, who knows." Joe smiles, then he begin to turn up the volume on the tv to continue watching the movie. Then Joe says to his brother "Thanks for coming over, big bro. I'm sure mom might be happy to see you." The older brother pats on his brother's head and snickers "Well, what are brothers for?" he secretly grins and waits for something.

He blabs a bit about an gang he's with called "The Brotherhood" and Joe wonders, then he asks his older brother "What's the brotherhood, bro?" Keino smiles and looks towards his lil brother and says "Well, it's a gang I joined long ago when I left home, they treated me good and later I became the leader of the pack. Maybe you would want to join us too, since you want a better life."

Joe looks down and speaks out saying "Well, I don't wish to be a gang banger, I just want to feel belong, to be noticed, and to be cared for." In respond of this, Keino holds his kid brother's chin up and says "Oh, it's not like that, this one different, it's a group for those who feel rejected from life, and want to seek an home among brothers, we don't do crap like those other fake gangs. We're in it for each other!"

Then Joe sighs and looks away saying "Well I don't know if I would feel wanted, maybe I meant to be alone, big bro.." Keino smiles and says "You should give it a try in the future." Joe looks back and spoke "Maybe.." The boy walks to his room and says "Make yourself at home, mom won't be home till late morning, I'll be napping." He closes the door, as the older brother sits there on the sofa and grins as he says to himself "No worries, little brother. You'll feel belong, in time.. Hehehe"

As time flies, it was 10pm, and Joe's mother had to work very late for over time, the older brother is asleep in the other room, as the house is quiet and Joe woke up a bit, having a lil trouble sleeping, then he feels something heavy behind him on the bed, and the boy slowly looks in the corner of his eyes and sees his older brother behind him, holding him, then he looks at Joe and says "Hello, Little Brother.."

Joe was slowly in shock as he wonders why his brother is right behind him, then says "Wh-what are you doing, bro?.." Keino smirks and says "You ready for a little trip?" Joe shakes a bit and slowly, and silently tries to move away, but the big guy muffles Joe's mouth with a towel, soaked with an sedation, the young boy instantly falls to sleep and heard the last words said to him "Night Little Brother, You'll soon feel wanted.."

-To Be Continued

The Pact pt2

"The Pact" Part 2 -Contains: Transformation, gay sex, rape, incest, and orgy- Barely waking up, as his visions are little blurry, Joe grown as he feels aches all over him, as he slowly notices his hands are in a bind, tied with a rope attached...

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A Warrior Side Tale Book 2

Another part of the story. :3 * * * After coming back to the castle, The king came and welcomed back Seito and said " My dear Soldier Seito, I have prepare a bed for your slave to sleep in when you turn in for the nights." Seito nodded and said...

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A Warrior Side Tale Book 1

This story was made a few years back, with me and my ex mate. Hope you enjoy. ^-^ * * * In a time where there villages and castles around everywhere. Even dragons and more. The story starts in a Kingdom Homeland call "Kinga Sota" Where the...

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