Dragonheart Part 36

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#8 of Dragonheart Part 29-58

Fairy entered Rubinos room and could not believe what a sight it is offered: an alligator knelt before Rubino, who was apparently naked and moved his head back and forth. Rubino stroked his head, muttered with obvious satisfaction while his tail slowly dragged across the floor. Then, only a few seconds after entering the room groaned Fairy Rubino, shortly clawed at the head of the alligator and held him.

Then he got up, dressed, and then terrified when he saw Fairy. Then, without saying anything, he left the room quickly. Surprised Fairy Rubino asked once what it was straight. "I test only the benefits that brings Sergalen body with it." He replied with a smile. "Before I ask you further ... could you please put on something?" Said Fairy blushed slightly as she Rubinos naked through saw fit body.

He nodded, took a pair of pants as soon as possible and pulled her close. "And what do you mean pretty please with" the advantages of a Sergalenkörpers test? "Fairy then asked curiously.

He went to the window, looked out a moment, then turned to her and said, "Sergalen in this part of the country are regarded as gods. At its head is Rain, a Sergalin who is revered by so many. There are three layers in this country: the top known as the "divine" layer which is only payable to Sergalen because drunterr is the "ruling class" composed of Scaliden and canids. Amtiefsten then is the "servant class" consisting of all other races, which allows the existence of rain in this country. "

This answered the question but not Fairys, so she asked again why he amused himself with this alligator. "It is the desire that brought him to me. A Scalid how this alligator was part of the ruling class, so far only he associated with his peers or those who were on his shift. Unfortunately for him, contact with Sergalen always something that was difficult because they turned up.

Nevertheless, there are many Sergalen, which turns into a dragon, a fox, a viper, or fall even in a dog, to marry him even ask because after something low, something that submits to them, they read your every desire, they end up in his life is, no matter when, no matter what. So it was not for me, marveling, as I spoke to this young alligator, and he immediately Anbat me.

In the following hours, I felt the power rush through my body. I was his master, his God. He did everything I asked of him. This is what I tested is:. How much power a sergal owns and how far would a servant to make his master happy "

"So this boy was just a test object?" She asked, interested. Rubino smiled briefly and said no. "He is my servant, my slave. He will be there for me when I call for him. His immense love is like a drug, of which I probably can never be separated, "he replied, laughing nasty. He put on more, and went toward the door and left the room.

"Where are you going?" Fairy asked him. "To Rain. I have yet to show her what I have become. "He replied and left. For a moment, then remained Fairy still in his room. You could literally taste the heat that Rubino had the dealings with this alligator, she was strong to feel it. In it grew a feeling of excitement, as if she herself were about to sleep with a Sergalen. But before that thought could recite them overwhelm the room and closed the door behind him.

Rain looked at Rubino. The sight of that look that he now had puzzled her greatly. "How were you able to move, your body?" She asked curiously. "Now let's put it this way: I was just longing for more." He replied calmly. "More? What do you mean? "She asked him again. "More of everything: power, lust, greed, hunger, desire. All these things that a human can reach only up to a determinate point I wanted to reproduce. "

She looked at him. He wants more than he could have a human body? She wondered whether he really was a man or rather a kind of parasite that when the body in which he happened to be brought to its limits will be changed. It had to be so, otherwise he would not now stand before you as sergal. She walked closer to him and took a smell test.

He smelled a sergal was that clear, but there was a smell that could not identify them. "What's that funny smell to you? It smells so ... manly. "She asked him. "You smell right, Rain. This odor comes from the male alligator that was until just prior to my room and I showed mercy. "He replied in the memory of reveling. Rain looked at him angrily.

Then she slapped his face, he fell to the ground, holding his cheek. "You dare to unite the body of a Sergalen with an alligator? Give me his name or I'll execute you, "she shouted angrily. "Are you sure that you will not likely put to death?" Rubino said quietly. Suddenly Rain how sword raised at them and they surrounded.

"What?" She asked, when suddenly Storm stood behind her. "Did she hurt you, Master Rubino," he said Rubino, who stood up straight. "Only a scratch, you can call your sword back, Storm." Said he. Storm nodded, closed his hand, whereupon the swords disappeared. After Storm disappeared again in a light blue and white and read them alone.

"How can he? And why was he? "Said Rain shaken. "Storm is my most humble servant. He would never allow his master hurt. Therefore, he will monitor my every step to make sure that I am always well guarded. "Said Rubino. "And if you would excuse me, I am in charge of my fox.

It seems as if he were in the age in which I was not there would be nearly broke. Therefore, the seals must be strengthened. "He left the throne room. Rain stood, made ??an angry face and shouted: "I'll kill you all!"

Rubino opened the big door to the room in which his clan was. His gaze fell to Storm, who was looking at him like an eagle, as his eyes would exist only for him. He went further and looked around. Then he saw that Arcade was sitting at the table in front with a piece of cake is. "Is today about Friday?" He asked. Arcade smiled. "Yes, today is pie-Friday." He said, and ate a piece.

Rubino recalled: Arcade had something different for each day that he ate only, on Monday there was fruit, cherries, preferably, Tuesday, he ate vegetables, especially carrots and radishes, Wednesday he was drinking wine all day, Thursday, there were biscuits, Friday cakes, Saturday and Sunday fruit and vegetables all came dran.Danach he went, he met with distilled water.

He sat and read a book and did not react when Rubino was standing right beside him. So he spoke to him not because he did not disturb him. "He's about to break the seals." Aqua Rubino said as several feet away from him. "I see." He replied, looking up at the cocoon that was locked in the Daimo.

He closed his eyes, he appeared before a flight of stairs that led up to him. The closer he came to him, the more moving the fox. When he finally stood directly before him, he touched his skin. It felt so hot that you would think they would burn you. This feeling sparked in him a certain amount of excitement. Most of all he would tear open the cocoon, and this mixture of fox and bats devour their bodies unite, even if only for a brief moment, probably would be enough for him.

The desire grew with every minute, it was almost impossible to suppress, stood up and looked at him Aqua. "Rubino, let it. That would destroy you. "He said to him. He took his hand away, he still felt his heart beat coursing through his body as he would lie directly above him.

Rubino closed his eyes around him appeared purple-red shimmering drums. Then crack the cocoon on, Daimo appeared. His hair had grown in some parts of skin, his eyes were dark blue on his back were wings excesses seen. A few seconds after he noticed his freedom, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the neck Rubino.

All startled in the hall, would rush to the aid of their leader, as the drums began to wrap around the fox. It also broke the grip around his neck, then his arms verschrenkt before him. At first his legs, then his upper body and finally his head to the left eye sealed. Then we heard a deep groan of pain that was accompanied by a tear in his turn.

It stopped abruptly, he just stood there, did not move. "That should suffice for now." He said, and went down again. "But for safety .... Arcade?" The cake fork in his mouth, he looked at the cage and then snapped his fingers. As if from nowhere to chains wrapped around Daimos new cocoon, making it even more was sealed. He thanked me and then looked around the room. "Where is our newest member? The sergal who gave me this wonderful body. "Rubino asked himself.

"Here, Master." Replied the dark half of the loud voice. He looked in the direction from which saw the voice and saw an orange pair of eyes that watched him, too. "Come out from the shadows, that you is not at all." Said Rubino. He came out of the shadows, he wore a wine-red chest armor, brown leather gloves and a black hiking pants.

"You tell us your name yet, new friend. Call him to us but if you're so nice. "Rubino told him, and went a little closer to him. He was only a few centimeters away from him and breathed into him slightly. "My name, Laron, Laron Zyvern." Laron said, looking nervously at Rubino. Rubino then put his hand on Larons shoulder, pulled him to him and hugged him.

"You were the one who gave me this body when I was about to end. So thank you. ", Thanking Rubino at the Sergalen and licked it on the inside of his ear along. Laron twitched slightly, as he underscore the warm tongue along his fur felt. The claws Rubinos who crossed slowly to the open spots on its shell along puzzled him.

Rubino then read it off again, but this look, this look with him, he looked as if they were destined for each other was for a moment.

Rubino turned to the other clan members and asked, "Is our other clan member ready for his candidate," There was a silence that Rubino suggested as a no. "Very well. Storm, go and get rid of him. "Storm nodded at this statement and then disappeared in a white-blue light. After he left the room again. Aqua looked at him and asked him what he had before.

"I'm going to enjoy myself a little." He replied lächelnd.Dabei he licked his lips still on while the door closed behind him. From the ceiling hung Daimo saw all what was happening. But he could not speak because his mouth was shut tight.

Storm appeared again, in front of a prison. "Here it should be." He said, and went inside. He arrived at the inspection, the guards asked him to leave all weapons. "I can not." He answered, however. The guard looked at him angrily. "Give us their weapons.", He asked him again, but Storm just shook his head.

When he wanted to go further, the security guard grabbed him by the arm and stopped him. In a split second appeared a sword, Storm took it into his hand and pierced the body of the watchman. The blood shot against the wall, his body took a few last breaths before the Storm pulled his sword again and it broke the grip of his arm. In no time broke the other guards off the alarm.

The prisoners were turned light of hearing, had been a little one who wanted to liberate them? And if so, who would it be?

In the next few minutes you could hear was, like the Storm guards attacked, but did not get far. With a second sword in his other hand he killed anyone who stood in his way. Then he reached the cell block he looked while he killed the guards in each cell. "Not here." He muttered, and went on. "Hey, let's get out!" He called after one of the prisoners.

Storm paused and pondered. "Dignity champions Rubino tolerate it? He would tolerate the release of criminals? "He asked as he was aware what he was doing really. He fetched another sword, destroying every lock cells. When the prisoners were of different races past him he gave to one of them.

"I am looking for a dragon. A certain named Setix. "He said to him. The prisoner, a gray husky stuttered and looked at him anxiously: "T-the-mu-mm of the other would-Ce-Ce-t-be Cell tract. "Storm Guy read, thanking them for their information and moved on. Out of the same cell block freed Storm sat on his way across the yard to the other wing.

Roughly in the middle of the court struck a ball next to him. He looked up and saw several rifles pointed at him. Then they started shooting.

The ball bounced to him then fly towards the somewhat however. Storm looked around and saw the ball a few inches in front of him shattered and fell to the ground. Then he disappeared again, came up behind one of the shooters. This turned around, startled, would pull the trigger just as Storm pierced him with three lances. Then he jumped to the next shooter, he slew them with a sword.

There were only two shooters remain. He disappeared, the shooter sought him in vain suddenly when his head turned by 180 ° and he fell to the ground. "Just one more." He whispered, looking around. Then he saw him, the last shooter as he was hiding behind a wall. He stretched out his arm, the shooter was watching it and therefore not noticed how the wall was standing behind and he was himself surrounded by about twenty swords.

Storm closed the hand and the only thing he heard in the next few seconds was the cry of the shooter when he was pierced by the sword. Storm then jumped back into the yard and went into the next cell block.

When he entered that he realized that there were only five cells in this row. He went to every individual, opened it and asked if they were Setix. Each of them denied this and pointed it to the cell at the end of the corridor. Storm go read it and went to the last cell door. With one blow he smashed it and saw a blue-black dragon with wings folded.

"Finally, someone comes and gets me out of here." He said, growling slightly. "I'm here because my teacher has asked after you." Storm replied in a tone as if to tell him that he had no choice but to come with him. The dragon looked at him and asked, "Do you even know who I am, man boy" Storm nodded and replied that he was aware.

"You are Setix ZeroOne, a dragon whose skills from my master Rubino Silver be desired." Setix looked at the boy. "I have no interest to put my skills to anyone." He replied, standing up. His clothes were torn to pieces, the elegant appearance of the one she had nothing left. "I have ordered you to pull in an emergency to him, even if you do fight back." Said Storm, holding a sword to his throat.

In addition, other swords presented to him, which seemed to change its position considerably. "All right, I'll go with you. But if this is not Rubino's worth it I'm going to kill him, you understand me? "He asked angrily. "Roger that." Said Storm, and let his weapons disappear. Then he grabbed Setixs arm and disappeared with him.

Rubino walked into a pub without being noticed in one of the most remote parts of the city. Among all the Sergalen much he does not much, except that he was here not only because of good wine. He sat down at a table far from the talkative crowd. He looked around, saw some faces again. He remembered how he had referred the wolves, snakes and Sergalen alone, facing to bring himself to use it without many words seduced into his room and took them to where he made ??his devoted love slave.

And while he looked around him, so were some Sergalinnen, with whom he spent a few nights. However, he realized that these were not as untergiebig as the men who literally only seemed still to live for his words. These women were much more aggressive, much more difficult to tame and satisfy particularly difficult. So he decided to prefer males with a group than to have fun with a single female, what he liked in the end even more.

Then he quickly became aware of someone young, old, perhaps the seventeen years, brown fur, pointed ears, a nervous glance, as he would for the first time in such a place. He was a shepherd, the Rubino recognized immediately. His skin began to balk him in his thoughts as he already began to take off. It developed from a man whose desire was to a normal level of an obsessive sexual animal instincts that only wanted one thing: unbridled sex.

These nights turned his human side, which always reminded him off on his plan, they should not disturb him now. He was now a sergal, he had to satisfy his instincts as human thought were inappropriate and unwanted. He watched the shepherd and was only waiting to be dressed in ordinary clothes trafen.In their eyes, he stood and had a pitcher of beer in his hand. But somehow he did not fit into this picture of a smoky, dark bar.

Then the shepherd looked at him, Rubinos trap was sprung. He tried to separate themselves again from the Sergalen glance, but he did not succeed. Much more it is as if an inner desire in him was beginning to awaken. The shepherd went to Rubino and asked: 'Is this place taken? "Rubino said yes and smiled. He sat down beside him, she started talking.

The German Shepherd was the first time at such a place, he did so on the advice of his father, so he sees how people spend their evenings lower layers. Interested Rubino listened to what his new friend told him. A little later, Rubino asked him his name. "My name is Ivan." He answered quietly. "Well, Ivan;? Do not you think also, we should try our conversation on a bit, continue privaterem place," Rubino said driven seducer.

Ivan looked at him shyly. He knew this and yet Sergalen barely felt it on as if he'd known him for ages. So it was not surprising that he could not resist his invitation.

Back at the palace with his guest Rubino went past the guards to his room where he beheld the door closed behind him and Ivan. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Ready for what?" Said Ivan surprised him. Rubino went closer to him, pushed him against the wall and kissed him. Ivan was shocked when the Sergalenzunge shoved in his mouth and around his schnürrte.

He immediately tried to push away from you Rubino, but the more his tongue was his resistance to Rubinos turned weaker and weaker until he blushes with him licked, without offering the slightest resistance. His will seemed every minute of their tongues were connected to melt away. Rubino opened his shirt and stroked his chest hair, massaging his nipples while the excitement grew more and more of both.

Rubino looked into Ivan's eyes, he saw that his view was reunited with his. He also saw that Ivan was willing to do whatever he told Rubino. "And once again proves himself to please try as much the lower strata of the gods." Thought Rubino and went back to Ivan. He looked at him, realized that everyone thought was wiped out in a fight.

So it pleased him, so it should always be asked if he, a God one of his servants. Ivan went on his knees, put the rest of his shirt and rubbed it on the step to recognize where a significant dent was. Rubino went closer to him, read down his pants and presented his shepherd's already stiff and pretropfende masculinity.

Without saying anything Ivan knew instantly what he had to do now. He crept a little closer to his master and then began to slowly lick his penis with your tongue up. Rubino let out a deep, contented murmur, which was accompanied by light pats on the head of Ivan. When his tongue reached the top member Ivan then began to slide slowly Rubinos manhood in his mouth.

Rubino grumbled now even lower, he always enjoyed the warmth of the Shepherd caught mouth. Rubino stood for several minutes as tail wagging, and heard only the murmur of Ivan, which with him every time when he took his penis out of his mouth only to then take him back to full in the mouth. He leaned against the wall, because Ivan's tongue did a great job: he could barely control his he could feel his semen slowly started to come.

But before this could happen, he pulled his penis out of Ivan's mouth, which did not please him. Panting, he wanted to follow the penis to suck on it, but Rubino held his head. "That was good. Now let's do something .... beautiful. "Said Rubino, Ivan moved up and kissed him once more intimately. It could also Ivan's pants fell to the ground eventually throw, which Rubino a look at his rock hard penis acting.

The desire seized him, and he wanted to suck this link, it play around with his tongue until his whole seed poured into his mouth and he could taste the flavors of the German Shepherd. But at the same time he wanted to push him with all his strength to unite his body with his servant. He had to make a difficult decision, which he certainly was not easy.

At the end he decided to continue the foreplay. He broke the kiss with Ivan, knelt before him and immediately took his manhood into his mouth. Ivan groaned loudly as he felt the Sergalenzunge on his penis. He sucked, kissed and nibbled on something even his penis, causing increased the feeling of pleasure both immeasurably. Then there was the massage his testicles, which Rubino intensified by the minute.

He stroked, caressed and squeezed it into a rhythm that brought the shepherd to the brink of madness. Never before had someone so spoiled him. "I must be dreaming, that can not be real." He thought to himself during his high point was getting closer. His groans grew louder with each moment, until he poured into his mouth then whining Rubinos.

Then sucked on the sergal, until no more came from the German shepherd penis. Exhausted, Ivan aided Rubinos settle on his shoulders, he could not. But Rubino had other plans, he did not even the slightest doubt, stop now. He stood up, grabbed him and put themselves Ivan on his bed. Then he lay down on the exhausted German shepherd who fell asleep already slow.

"I forbid you to sleep!", He told him. Ivan opened his eyes a bit and then looked into the eyes Rubinos. Meanwhile, look at him, broke out of a strange feeling of power when he could get something for their power. Shortly after the two were kissing again, Rubino was at the height of his excitement angelangt.So it was not long before his still erect penis in the Tailhole Ivan invaded and brought the two together into a groan, pleasurable.

This was followed by hard, with a deep groan accompanied shocks Ivan hinnahm a schmerzerfülltem first, then more relaxed werdendem face. "Who do you belong?" Rubino said then his penis while Ivan reached the stop. Ivan read not long in coming, and replied: "I am yours, my master. You're the only one I belong to all eternity. "

With a satisfied expression Rubino pushed further and further into the body of his new slaves. Again and again he heard the moan of Ivan, which was together with his moaning for a wild orchestra. When the shepherd then finally also narrowed, it was only for a few seconds, it was enough to bring an orgasm to Rubino.

In a loud, roaring sound just about all of his semen spurted Rubino, whom he had at that moment available in Ivan, who all received a groan. Rubino was based off of the shepherd, looked into his contented face and then read on him. This evening was different than the one before, too perfect. "Apparently this was my masterpiece." He thought to himself.

He pulled out his manhood from Ivan lay down beside him and looked at him. He saw his contented face when he had just met someone a lifelong dream. Rubino took his hand, held it and then slowly fell asleep.

To be continued .....