Aditi -- M.I.L.F. with Milk

Story by Tyvara_Panther on SoFurry

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#22 of The Bestiary

Tyler, a young bull, tries to retrieve his things from an old school friend, but when left alone with his friend's alluring mother, long-standing crushes are hard to ignore. What will he do if she returns his affections?

The Bestiary

Aditi -- M.I.L.F. with Milk By: Tyvara

Tyler sat in his idling car, his shaky hoof on the brake and black-speckled hand on the stick, while a war raged inside him. After highschool, Tyler's bovine friend, Jammal, had left for college out of state, conveniently forgetting Tyler's game system and a few movies at his house. Had it been any other friend's house, Tyler could have retrieved his possessions without a second thought, but not Jammal's. Inside the large house across the street was the most gorgeous cow he'd ever seen. She just happened to be Jammal's mother, Aditi. I never liked calling her Mrs. Zahran. Adi was so much prettier, and easier to get off to.

The morning sun flashed into his rearview mirror, refracting the glare into his eyes. He released the stick and wacked the mirror to the side, before returning to his former position. His mind still stuck on what had brought him here.

Back when they were calves, Tyler wouldn't think twice about lending Jammal some of his things now and then. It gave him an excuse to visit. The chance to be around Adi, was worth any price -- well . . . almost. She wasn't worth the ass-kicking he'd get from Jammal's dad, or the damaged friendship with Jammal. Not like he thought it would get that far, since Tyler had no delusions about his awkwardness. No matter how good-looking anybeast told him he was, years of embarrassing encounters with females had told him otherwise.

I'm lucky I got laid on Prom. The thoughts flooded his mind, and he released his grip on the wheel in exchange for his forehead, trying to rub out those unpleasant memories. At least she wasn't my first, but I would have appreciated knowing before hand that she wanted to screw me to make her ex jealous. Bitch. With a sharp shake, he tried to toss the images and emotions from him.

Still, his hold on the shift, and hoof-floored brake, remained unwavered. When his thoughts returned to Adi, it only made his hardon throb, lessening his desire to get out of his car. I can't keep thinking about her like this. She's a cow with a husband after all! She isn't some ditzy heifer from high school.

Jammal's dad traveled for business, so chances were high he wasn't around; and with Jammal away at college, this would be the first time he'd ever been around her completely alone. Additionally, Adi had a long history of strutting around the house in some deliciously seductive clothing. Tyler hoped that if she wasn't expecting company, then maybe she'd be dressed down a notch. Maybe. If not, Tyler, didn't think he could keep himself together. Just me and her. Something he'd certainly fantasized about -- even gotten off to, but the reality made his palms sweat.

After Jammal had left for school, Tyler had put off the inevitable trip to his house. But it was either give up his game system to the powers that be, and buy a new one -- which he didn't have the money to do -- or tuck back his erection and retrieve his stuff -- like a bull.

Slamming the stick-shift into park, Tyler, clicked off the ignition and his car rumbled to a stop. He cranked up the emergency brake as an extra step. I'm getting out of this car no matter what!

Adjusting his rearview mirror, he looked at his reflection. All he saw was the black-speckled face of a goofy teenager: one still too chicken-shit to get out of his car, because he might embarrass himself in front of a sexy cow. "Don't worry." He told himself through his reflection. "You'll just be quick. Get your stuff, rush back out. You won't have time to embarrass yourself. Just get out of the car, get to the doorbell, get your stuff, drive home. Simple." He gave himself a reassuring nod, as if that would make it better.

Despite his hammering heart, he thrust open his car door, but as he jumped out, he clanged his growing horns against the door-rim. The force doubled his vision, and got his ears ringing. "Damn, horns. First thing I do when I have the money is get a convertible." He rubbed his skull around the base of his horns. With a tilt to his head Tyler carefully stepped out of his car, then slammed the door in his own fit of retaliation.

Before his anxiety got the better of him, he bolted across the street and onto the lawn. He got half way across before his nerves began to swell inside him, like a fiery flutter of bees in his belly, and he slowed to a stop in the middle of the grass.

What if she's not home. He started to turn back. I should have called.

After pausing, he righted his path. No, I came here unannounced, in the early morning hours, planing she'd be messier in the morning. Not dressed to the nines like she usually is. Deep down, he hoped for an image much like his own mother in the morning, that way he could forget about looking at Adi in a sexual way ever again.

Right as he resumed his crossing of the front yard, a sputtering noise made him stop and look around. Then the lawn erupted with sprinkler water.

"Fuck!" He darted across the grass. One misplaced step on the slick ground toppled him and he fell, face first, directly into a sprinkler stream. Water wacked him in the face for a few seconds, then its spray traveled away, allowing Tyler to stand and walk to the edge of the lawn. Shit! Now I can't go inside like this. He looked himself over. He'd been soaked front-to-back and dripped a small puddle around his hooves.

He stood a few steps from the front door, ringing out his shirt, when a creaking sound caught his attention. Whipping his head toward the front door, he saw Aditi standing in the doorway, holding a steaming mug partway to her lips.

Of all the ways to describe her, unkempt morning-mom wasn't one of them. Unable to avoid staring at her, Tyler took in the sight. She'd forgotten to tie her purple silk robe closed, and the sash ends hung to her knees. Underneath, she wore a nightgown made entirely out of purple chiffon -- the diaphanous fabric doing nothing to hide the large black and tan spots of her cow-pelt. Her outfit cupped each full breast with a strip of fabric tied behind her neck -- her round nipples perked in the brisk morning air. The short dress hem sloped over her curvaceous hips, and ended right below her crotch. The only bed-fresh look about her, was her tousled dark-brown hair. She always wore it straight or up, so Tyler never knew it had a curl to it. It was thicker too, covering more of her short ivory horns than when she did something with it.

"Tyler? Oh my goodness!" She brought the mug down, brushing back a wavy strand of black hair. "You're soaking wet. Come inside and let's get you dried off." With a motion of her free hand she signaled him through the doorway.

Stammering over how unforgivingly sheer her clothes were, his tongue took forever to get untangled. "Um. I only came here to get my stuff back from Jammal."

"Oh don't worry about it. I can't let you get back in your car soaked to the bone." She smiled and motioned to him again. "It won't take that long. If you'd like, Jammal left a few things here, so you could wear something of his while yours dry."

Tyler looked down at his soaking clothes, then back at Adi, but she had disappeared inside. Guess this isn't going to be quick. He sighed and walked up to the door.

"Please wait in the foyer while I grab you a towel." Her voice called from inside her vaulted-ceilinged home.

Not wanting to drip water on her clean, tile floor, Tyler stood on the stoop. There he twisted the hem of his shirt to ring out the last of the drippy water. Once he finished, Adi returned with a purple, fluffy towel. She handed it to him, and Tyler quickly unfurled it around his shoulders.

"You can leave your clothes on the floor, and change in Jammal's room."

"I have to be naked?" Shit. Did I say that out loud? He bit his tongue.

Adi giggled. "Don't worry. I won't look. That's what the towel's for anyway."

Embarrassment blazed through Tyler like a hot poker. He wanted to be anywhere but right here. Instead, he nodded. "O-okay." His teeth chattered, more from nerves than cold.

"I have a pot of coffee going. Would you like a cup? It'll probably help warm you up," she offered, moving toward the kitchen.

Tyler nodded furiously. Anything to get her out of the room. Despite the wet and cold, Adi still wore the skimpiest outfit he'd seen outside porn, and Tyler couldn't hide his erection that well under a towel. He waited until she disappeared into the kitchen before ripping off his clothes and tossing them on the floor. Then he darted up the stairs to Jammal's old room.

When he reached the second floor, she called to him. "You like sugar and milk?"

"Yes on both." He slipped into Jammal's room and shut the door. Alone again, he let out a relieved sigh.

Using the towel, he dried himself off, while he took in his friend's room. Everything looked about the same. Some posters had been removed, and it was loads cleaner than when Jammal had been living there, but it had that feeling of vacancy. Tyler saw his game system tucked in a cubby under where Jammal's TV used to sit.

First, he turned to the closet to find something to wear. All that hung inside were a few dress shirts -- nothing Jammal would typically wear, so no surprise why they'd been left behind. Tyler went to the dresser, opening drawers until he found one with pants -- slacks or holey sweat pants. He took out black slacks and a dark blue shirt. Black and blue matches close enough, right? Sure. He nodded to himself.

While buttoning up the shirt, he glanced in the full-length mirror over the back of the door. I don't know why you're concerned about how you look. That obnoxious inner voice whispered to himself. Adi doesn't care what you look like. You're just Jammal's friend. She has a husband, and you're fresh out of highschool. Tyler brushed those thoughts aside while stepping into pants. It really doesn't matter what Adi thinks of me, I still didn't want to make a fool of myself. She may not be interested or an option, but she's still practice.

Dressed, he rummaged around for anything else of his he might have forgotten and found a few DVDs. Stacking the movies on top of the system, then the controllers on top of that, he gathered up his belongings and left the room.

From the top of the bannister, he saw that Adi had taken his wet clothes away. When he reached the first floor, he left his retrieved entertainment by the front door, then went to the kitchen. A cup of coffee waited on the counter top next to the wallet that had been in his wet pants, and Adi.

Adi sipped at her cup from the kitchen. Since going upstairs, she'd tied closed her silk robe, but that did nothing to hide her strip of cleavage, or the large size of her breasts. If anything it made her hourglass figure more pronounced. Thankfully her deliciously multi-spotted thighs were hidden behind the counter, but Tyler knew they were there.

"Have a seat." Adi held out her brown-and-black splotched hand to one of the barstools around the kitchen counter. "Can I get you something to eat? I would have simply dried your clothes, but there were grass stains, so I threw them in for a quick wash."

Tyler's heart raced. So now I have to wait around longer_? Great, just great._ He sat at the barstool across from Adi, covertly tucking his erection between his legs. Reaching for his coffee, he looked up at Adi's smiling face. He tried his best to avoid eyeing her cleavage, elongated by the way she leaned forward on the counter while she sipped her coffee -- but it was hard.

After the first taste of bittersweet liquid slid down his throat, he managed to form words again. "Thanks for the coffee Mrs. Zahran, I'll be fine with this."

"Oh, please don't call me Mrs. Zahran anymore. Jammal's father left me. I'm just Adi now."

Tyler didn't know wether to be happy or sad. He couldn't help getting a bit excited, but he pushed it aside. She's still Jammal's mom. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. Bastard said he felt old when he was with me." A sad look washed over her face in that moment, and Tyler noticed the little circles under her normally bright green eyes. Once she blinked, the sight faded, replaced by her quirky smile. "Fuck him. I don't feel old at all. At least I'm getting alimony for all my time."

Whatever she said, Tyler had seen that it hurt. He felt so bad for her. A beautiful cow like Adi shouldn't be sad over some stupid bull who didn't know how good he had it. "If you don't mind me saying, you've never looked old."

She smiled. "Thanks for saying that."

"No, really." He paused, struggling with what he wanted to say next, and wether he should. "I . . . I've always had a bit of a crush on you." The rush of revealing his secret aloud flooded through him.

"I'm only Jammal's mom." She shook her head slowly, fiddling with a strand of her dark-brown hair.

"You've never looked like a mom. You're too . . . sexy." That might have gone too far, but it was too late to take back now.

"You think so? I've always tried to stay active, and dress nice, but Steve never seemed to notice. He was always so busy with work and traveling. I sort of got left alone."

"How could anyone leave you alone?" Shocked at how his voice had run away from him, Tyler clamped his mouth shut, afraid of what might come out next. He looked away and mumbled, "Sorry."

"Don't be." Adi reached out and rubbed his hand. "It feels good to hear it."

Outside, Tyler didn't move at her touch, but everything inside him jumped a mile high. When Tyler faced their touching hands, then up, until their eyes met, he let himself stare. He liked how the big spots of her body turned into little freckles around her creamy-furred face. Her small white horns made her look so naughty sticking out from her tousled hair. Everything about Adi was so beautiful. He wanted to stay in the moment forever.

Before he realized, they'd both leaned across the counter, and their lips met. Their noses touched, their lips parted, and his heart skipped a beat.

When her tongue slipped into his mouth, he jumped, but drank in the sugary-coffee taste of her kiss. She continued to dip her tongue into his mouth, brushing against his, sending that dark taste of roasted beans and cream throughout his senses. The sweet, vanilla smell from her hair filled his nostrils and melded with the taste in his mouth. Each combined sensation tantalizing and engorging him further.

Reaching out, he slipped a hand behind her neck, pulling her closer to him. When she moaned into his mouth, he broke the kiss, retracting his hand and sat back onto the barstool.

"Oh, please don't stop," Adi whispered, her eyes still closed. "I haven't been kissed like that in so long."

"What about, Jammal?" His mouth still had a mind of its own. He didn't want to bring up the final obvious obstacle, but he couldn't take back what he'd said.

She opened her eyes and walked around the counter to where Tyler sat. "He doesn't have to know." Standing between Tyler's legs, she leaned forward until their lips almost touched. "Just, please, kiss me again."

Tyler wasn't about to say no. I've dreamed of this for so long. I'll keep any secret if it means I can have this memory. Slipping his hand back behind the nape of her neck, he pulled her close and kissed her again. He soaked up every moment, reveling in his fantasy come true, welcoming her sweet tongue with a groan of his own.

Slipping a soft moan through her kiss, Adi tucked a hand behind his shoulder. As she pressed herself against him, her voluptuous breasts squashed to his chest and her thick thighs squeezed between his spread legs.

Adi felt as soft as he'd always imagined -- squishier than his pillow, and warm, so warm. His free hand wandered over her ass. He gripped her perky cheek and she moaned again.

The fluffy tip of her tail caressed his arm, while she slid her other hand between their pressed bodies. Reaching his dick, she stroked it through his pants.

Unable to hold the kiss, words burst from his mouth. "Oh fuck." He'd been hard before this, now his cock wanted to explode any second.

Before he realized what Adi was doing, she'd undone his pants, and wrapped her hands around his erection. Using a firm grip, she stroked him: slow at first so that her fingers caressed his shaft like a naughty masseuse.

Tyler couldn't hold back his moans, but he did everything to keep from coming. He wasn't about to look like he had no control.

When Adi broke their kiss, she slid down his chest, her mouth inching closer to his crotch.

Damn! She's gonna suck my cock. The excitement in his chest, built to a frenzied flutter throughout his body. He closed his eyes for a second, as her lips slipped around his dick.

The second her warm mouth enveloped him, her tongue stroked along his shaft. She continued with gentle suction and began bobbing her head.

Tyler opened his eyes to watch her suck him. The reality of the moment overwhelmed him and his balls twitched "Woah." He panted. "I . . . I'm gonna come if you keep doing that."

Adi released his penis, her mouth hovering inches from the head while she looked up at him. "I want you to come. I haven't been touched in so long, so I'm not going to be done anytime soon." She paused thinking something over, then asked, "Can you go again after you come?"

Reminded of the evenings where he'd shot so many times to fantasies about her, he'd have sworn he'd lost the whites in his eyes from coming so much. "Yeah." He nodded. "I think so."

"Good." She returned her mouth to his cock, and sucked. So wet was her expertly tight-lipped fellation that dribbles of saliva trickled down his scrotum the faster she moved. Keeping her ass in the air, she ran her hand up his thighs while she worked him over.

Never, in his entire eighteen years, had he gotten a blowjob like this. Most of the females he knew didn't exactly like penises, but Adi sucked and licked, as if his dick were a candied treat. Tyler let his hands wander over her bobbing head, stroking her horns before gathering her hair behind her head. He watched her brown-tufted tail swish across the purple silk covering her ass cheeks. It's all too good. Exactly as good as I imagined. Unable to contain himself any longer, Tyler's orgasm rocketed through him. "I'm coming," he grunted right before the first spurt of come burst from him.

Adi drank it all down, guzzling his come with as much vigor as if he'd shot ambrosia down her throat. Afterward, she released his cock, using her tongue to dab at the corners of her mouth.

A buzzer sounded in the distance.

Both Tyler and Adi jerked their heads toward the noise.

Adi turned back first. "That's the washer." Standing, she leaned over Tyler, her lips hovering inches from his. "Let me get those into the dryer. Meet me on the couch with a condom." After a quick turn, she sauntered toward the laundry room around the corner.

Tyler watched her leave, then lunged for his wallet on the counter. Rifling through it, he found the string of condoms left over from Prom. Guess that box wasn't a waste. Glad he lived in an age where condoms felt like there's nothing there, his cock twitched simply thinking about burying himself inside her. He smiled, heading to the couch to get ready, removing his pants and unbuttoning his shirt.

The metallic snapping of appliance doors accompanied twisting nobs, until at last, the distant rumble of the drier filtered into the livingroom. Seconds later, Adi strolled from the laundry room, her purple robe removed. "You ready for me?"

Nodding, he ripped the condom wrapper open with his teeth. After removing the slippery disk, he slid it around his shaft, adjusting it to give him room to come. While he watched her walk toward him, his heart pounded. It's all happening, really happening.

Once Adi reached the couch, she straddled him and gripped his dick. Playing with the head, she rubbed it along her slit a few times, before sliding around the rim, welcoming him into her warm, pillowy pussy. A happy yelp flew from her lips as she inched down his shaft.

The sound got his pulse racing as much as his cock nestled deeply in her. I've never made a female make a sound like that. Tyler groaned into her breasts. Their softness enhanced by the silky chiffon of her nightgown, but the silk got in the way of what he really wanted. "Could you take down your dress?"

Adi smiled, flexing her muscles around his dick while rocking her hips. "Of course." Using both hands, she untied the straps behind her neck, keeping a steady sway of her hips.

Not caring about the sounds he made, he bellowed his delight at her squeezing motions that took his penis for a ride. When the silk ties fell from Adi's breasts, Tyler nuzzled his face between them. Taking his hands, he massaged her soft tits against his cheeks, soaking up the flowery yet subtly musky smell of her spotted fur.

What he wanted more than anything, was to hear her yelp like that again. While she continually rocked her hips, Tyler thrust up into her. That got her to moan a little louder, but wasn't the sound he wanted. He would keep trying until he did. With a bit of timing, their motions synched so that their groins were grinding, his cock squeezed by her cushiony walls. Despite her screams and moans, he ached for another yelp.

Turning his attention to her breasts, he maintained his thrusts while bringing a firm, pink nipples to his mouth.

She gasped, her lashes fluttering.

Encouraged, he sucked and nibbled, flicking his tongue over her puckered flesh.

That got the same happy cry to slip out her mouth, but her hip motions faltered to a stop.

Tyler released her nipple, his own motions slowing. "Did I do something wrong?" His chest heaved.

"No," Adi shook her head vehemently, "It's just that . . . if you keep doing that to my nipples, you'll make me lactate." Smiling with a coy quirk, her eyes begged him not to stop.

The idea intrigued him. "Do you like it?"

Her nod was so subtle, he only noticed her horns move. "It sort of makes my muscles relax enough to orgasm." She paused to bite her lip. "It can be a bit intense."

Simply thinking about seeing her orgasm like that made him want to try. Grinning, he returned her nipple to his mouth, and resumed his steady thrusts into her.

Adi returned to her giddy gasps of pleasure and hip rocking. "Yes, Tyler. Just like that."

Hearing her voice say his name sounded so good. "Mmm hmm," he moaned around her nipple, and sucked harder. Holding her soft tit, he massaged it while he teased her with his tongue.

She slid his other hand up to her free breast.

Cupping that soft-furred, squishy boob, he thumbed her taught nipple.

"Oh yes, Tyler." Her hip motions never faltered, her pussy muscles tightening with each tight suck he gave her.

At a sudden thought, he suckled her, massaging her nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. His eyes glued to her reaction.

Adi's face lit up and she squealed. "Oh, fuck yes!" She wrapped her hands around his head, gripping his hair and nudging him deeper into the embrace of her breasts. "I like it like that."

For a while they remained entwined that way: Tyler thrusting and suckling, Adi crying out as she rocked atop his dick. At some point the dryer buzzed, but the only sound he cared about was the growing volume of Adi's delighted screams.

Then, with a sudden burst, warm liquid splashed against his tongue. The taste was a milky, creamy nectar -- a sweet refreshing drink that filled his mouth while he sucked. Tyler's eyes flashed wide, and he thrust deep, drinking the warm taste of her.

Adi's muscles griped his shaft, tighter than Tyler thought possible, and she let loose a long orgasmic bellow, pitched like a scream. Her nails dug into his scalp and her thighs gripped his hips. Taking over, her hips swirled wildly while she came.

Tyler continued to suckle her, his eyes closed, letting her fuck him. When her hips started to slow, he switched to the other nipple. Rolling his tongue around the sensitive nip, he coaxed her other breast to lactate.

"Fuck yes, Tyler! Make me come again." Her hips took over again, bouncing and bucking like a rodeo girl.

Unable to keep up with her, Tyler cupped her breasts, and kept suckling. His own orgasm rapidly built up under her goddess-skilled attentions.

This time when she came, her body shuddered while her breast released another gush of milk. She squealed, her pussy rippling around him.

He released her nipple to belt out his own climax, and a splash of milk squirted him across the nose. Wrapping his arms around her to hold her closer, he plunged his dick into her a few more times.

"Yes, Tyler, come," she said.

Once he shot, the condom forced a wash of come to trickle back down his shaft. The extra slickness got his balls twitching, and he shot again. Afterward, his legs shook, and he slumped against the couch, completely spent.

Adi followed him, resting against his cheek as her chest heaved. "That was so damn good."

"Oh, hell yeah." He sighed, sliding his hands down her back to her ass.

"I haven't been fucked like that in years."


She leaned back, looking at him with the naughtiest smile he'd ever seen. "Do you have any plans today?"

Unsure where the conversation headed, his voice shook. "N-nothing important."

Gripping his shirt collar, Adi pulled him in for a fierce kiss full of tongue and passion.

Once she released him, his vision swam, all filled by her beautiful, spotted face and wavy hair. He loved the way she kissed.

"How about you stay and show me what that teenage libido can do." She gave a short, sexy giggle.

Tyler's vision cleared. "You'd want to do that?"

"Why not? You fuck ten times better than my ex ever did." Pausing she smiled. "I don't want Jammal to find out any more than you. But if I'm going to do something wrong, I want to make it a damn good memory for both of us."

"I can get on board with that."

"Good." Rising from his lap, Adi pushed herself from the couch. Slipping her nightgown off she threw it to the floor.

Staring at her naked, cow-spotted body, Tyler's dick stirred with new life.

"Come catch me." She blew him a kiss, and dashed toward the stairs.

Whipping off the old condom, he bolted after her.


By the time Tyler returned to his car, the streetlights had been on for hours. The sky above starrified in all its nighttime glory, and a cool breeze traveled up the back of his shirt while he unlocked his door. Adi's smell hung in his clothes, fresh from her dryer. Sliding his belongings into the passenger seat, he ducked into his car and buckled his seatbelt.

Before sticking the key into the ignition he sat in his car for a moment. "Did I really just fuck my best friend's mom all day?" he said to himself. He looked at his game system, successfully retrieved, then to the yellow streetlight flickering overhead. "Yes, yes I did."

All the pent up emotions in him exploded into gales of rioutous laughter.

He'd gotten the one female that he never thought he could. For an entire day, he heard her scream repeatedly how good he fucked, how big his dick felt, and how hot she found him. His chest filled with such a wonderful feeling, and the laughter continued.

No female could convince him he was too awkward, or too geeky, or not good enough. I might have some moments here and there, but if a cow like Adi can look past it, I know someone else can too. He'd done something wrong, and secret, and amazing. A secret between him and Adi for the rest of their lives. Memories he planned to revisit often.

When his sides ached from laughing so much, he sighed to a stop. Tossing the key into the ignition, he turned it over and the engine roared to life. He slammed the car out of park then chuckled as he released the emergency break, remembering how nervous he'd been that morning. The old Tyler didn't exist anymore, and he'd never be the same ever again. Not after a day like that.

The End


Author's Notes:

I went a really naughty route with this one. According to the book, Aditi is a primordial cow from Hindu tradition. An entity from which all things come, she is a cow that nourishes every living thing with her milk. She gives it freely, requiring only that humans behave as if they are her calves. It's also a name meaning boundless.

This was the story that begged to be written. To play on the calf/cow story I figured I'd tell a contemporary story of a fresh from high-school young bull and how he overcomes his awkwardness, thanks to the help of an attractive cow -- who just happens to be his best friend's mom. I've never tried my hand at a lactation story before, but this presented a good opportunity to try.

There was a time when I got milk fresh from a local dairy, I imagine the taste would be a warmed version of that. Dairy fresh milk is so good and typically I don't like milk at all (the stuff in the store tastes sour to me). But farm fresh -- that's what milk should taste like.

Thanks for reading. I hope you return for my next creature inspired story.