An Umbreon's Quest Chap 7 Forest Assault

Story by 502nickster on SoFurry

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I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters.

Please Enjoy.

The explosion came from the forest, a Zoroark jumped out from the forest. He had the mark 'T.A' on his chest. His eyes were glowing blue and a crimson aura circled his arms.

"DARKNESS AND TERROR!!" The Zoroark howled as he slammed his arms into the ground, spreading a massive red forcefield in across the field. He released a Night Daze.

Then, other dark pokemons came out of the forest, charging through the clearing.

Houndooms and Houndours flamethrowered all over the field, burning Furrets, Delcatties, Sandshrews and other small Pokemons alive. They pinned down all sorts of small pokemons, eating them alive.

Mandibuzzes swooped in from the sky, picking Cydaquils, Togepies, Igglybuffs and countless of eggs that belonged to all kinds of Pokemons, picking them all up into sky and taking them away.

Mightyenas and Liepards, Zoroarks and Krookodiles battled the larger Pokemons, like Rhyhorns, Marowaks, Kabutops and other Pokemons that can put up a fight , and easily defeated them as they were in great numbers.

The Dragonite flew up into sky and killed a few Houndours and Liepards with Dragon Rage. He looked confident, that he was sure that could overpower them all.

Then, two enormous Hydreigons came out of the forest, flying right into the Dragonite. The three massive monsters brutally battled in the air.

"RUN!! We are leaving!!" Garomun shouted. We ran the other direction, away from the onslaught. We ran through scorched ground, crossing over bodies of Sawsbucks, Kangaskhan, Electrikes and Bibarels, jumping over fallen trees and rocks.

Keltorie looked up into the sky and screamed, "No, wait wait wait!! GET DOWN!!" I looked up and massive orange figure came crashing into the ground in front of our way.

The dust cleared and there laid the Dragonite. His wings were ripped into shreads, large gashes on his chest and head, bite marks on his arms and his eyes were all bloody and wide open.

Keltorie and I climbed over the dead Dragonite, Amadea and Garomun ran around him. We kept running away from the massacre.

"Look out!" Amadea yelled. I turned around and a red forcefield of dark energy came dashing towards. Keltorie, Amadea and Garomun were able to jump out of the way in time, but I was not.

The dark energy hit me and I flew a few feet away, but it did not hurt very badly. "You ok?!" Garomun said to me. "Yeah, I'm fine! Go! RUN! RUN!" I shouted as I got up.

We hid behind a large rock, but then a humongous ball of fire blasted over the rock."AH!!! GO! GO! GO! RUN RUN!" I screamed.

We all ran as fast as we could, and we ran into a Poochyena. Garomun immediately hit the Poochyena with a Fire Blast.

We've made it to the other side of the field, and into the forest, away from the savage assault.

"You guys ok?" Amadea said, panting. Garomun nodded as he breathed heavily, Keltorie was leaning against a tree.

I looked at the aftermath of the monstrous onslaught. Nearly everywhere in the field was burned, thick smoke in the air, Team Ater had left and all the surviving Pokemons were abducted.

"So vicious." Amadea said. "They never stood a chance." Keltorie said as she came up to Amadea's side.

"C'mon we got to follow them." I said. However, Garomun said with raised voice, "What?! Didn't you just saw what they did? We can't just walk right up to them and take them on. Its suicide."

"What do you suggest then?"

"We need help Nicarun."

"You really think that there is someone who is really gonna help us take Team Ater down and get our family back?!"

"Look, take that Dragonite for example. His mate was taken away from him. He wanted to find her but he did not know where to start the search."

"So what are you saying then?"

"I'm saying that we're not the only ones who's had someone dear been taken away. We go to that town west of here, we get help and then we get back on the trail."

Keltorie then said, "Garomun's right. We have to try and find help. We can't fight them with just the four of us."

Amadea looked at me with a worried face. There's no point arguing and there's no time.

"Ok fine. Let's go." I said.

An hour later, we've made it to the small town. It's not the same as the city we've been before. The buildings are less in numbers, but still plenty. The buildings were smaller in height. And there were more vegetation around.

However, there was this particular building. It was massive, it may be as tall as the buildings we've seen in the city but it was extremely wide in length. It had a concave roof.

Garomun tried to talk to the locals around, but failed utterly. Everytime he tried to talk to someone, they just ignored him and walked right past him.

"Excuse me, do you kn-" "Hey, uhh can yo-" "Please just lis-" Garomun became frustrated.

And I became impatient. "This is a waste of our time. No one is gonna help us. Come on, let's go back and pick up their tracks again." I said.

"No wait. Look, over there." Amadea quietly said. I looked her direction, and saw the Weavile we've encountered at the beginning of our quest.

"He's alone? Maybe he can give us some info." I said.

"What makes you think that he's gonna talk?" Keltorie asked

"With a little persuation."

We followed that Weavile at a safe distance. After five minutes, I looked around, no one was around. Just us and the Weavile.

"I'll take him down quick." Keltorie whispered to us. She ran in and lunged at him. As soon as the Weavile heard her footsteps and turned around, Keltorie pinned him down, placed her paws on his chest and released a Thuder wave that paralysed him.

The Weavile yelped in pain. I walked up to him, and he grunted, "! Argh! You!"

"Happy to see me again, friend? You said that you would remember me." I said with a smirk.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you." The Weavile said to me with a groan, lying down on his back

"Your threats are showing real poor results." I said as I walked up to his side.

"The forest home, our forest home that you and Team Ater destroyed far south of here! Team Ater kidnapped some Pokemons from that place. Tell me where they're bringing them!" I growled at him.

"I don't know where they bring them. I was just assigned to provide support. After that, I was just told to stay here." The Weavile said.

"Then where is Team Ater now?" I hissed.

"How about you say please huh?" The Weavile chuckled, trying to move his body.

This interrogation needed to be more persuasive. I crouched down at his side and said with a cruel smile, "Please." I opened my mouth and a dark sphere appeared at my mouth.

I fired the shadow ball at the Weavile's side at point blank range, he bounced and rolled on the ground. Amadea then tackled him, ramming her body into his which cause him to bounced in the other direction. Then, Garomun fired an Ember at the ground, at the side of the Weavile.

"I can't tell you anything please. I am still in this organization. They'll kill me if I tell you." The Weavile yelped in agony.

I pounced on the Weavile, placed my paws on his chest and sunk my claws into his skin, causing him let out a cry.

"You should think again about who to be afraid of right now." I snarled at him as I slowly dragged my claws down his chest, making almost delicate, long cuts on his chest.

He screamed in pain until he gave in. "Ahh! Please! Stop! I'll tell you." He pleaded.

I lift my paws out of him. "I was ordered to wait here in case support is needed, because something big is gonna happen. Team Ater high ranking members are gathering at that stadium, that huge building. That''s all I know, I swear!" The Weavile said.

"So long." I calmly said to him as we turned and left him lying there.

And thus, we headed for the stadium.

Comments, Faves, Likes and Votes are greatly appreciated!

An Umbreon's Quest Chap 6 Camp II

I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters. In case people have trouble pronoucing the name. Keltorie (Kel-tore-rie) Garomun (Gar-o-moon) Amadea (A-may-dear) Nicarun (Nick-car-roon) Enjoy We headed for the home forest that was 7 miles away. As...

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 5 New but incomplete home

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An Umbreon's Quest Chap 4 City Rumble

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