Pokemon: Legends - Ch.13 The Titans and the Guardian Pt.2

Story by Angelonight on SoFurry

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#13 of Pokemon: Legends

Ch.13 The Titans and the Guardian Pt.2

The Island of Lightning

She had landed several hours ago. At first she had been all about doing this Island by herself. She had been driven even, to prove that she could do this on her own. Now that she was here though she was beginning to really wish she had gone with Blaze or Devin.

Heaving a deep sigh she did the only thing she really could do at this point. Reaching into one of her pockets she brought out two balls, Vul's and Bolt's. She just looked at the two balls.

She really wanted to release Vul and have him walk beside her. But he had had a chip on his shoulder lately, especially after she started to date Blaze, and even more so when she had evolved him into a Ninetails. She couldn't shake the feeling he resented her for some reason.

Heaving yet another deep sigh she put Vul's ball away and released Bolt. With a bright flash of red light Bolt sprang forth from his ball and gave a mighty stretch followed by an even mightier roar.

"By Arceus Amaya, you have no idea how good this feels"

Amaya watched in amazement as the heavily corded muscles on Bolt's back and legs rippled under his stunning coat as he stretched. He had evolved in to his last form of Luxray on the way to the Orange Islands during a sparring match against Vul. It had taken her breath away the first time she saw it. He was gorgeous and the embodiment of barely contained power.


"You" Amaya responded with a laugh.

"I swear you do that on purpose mate."

He smiled lovingly up at her and rubbed up against her legs like an ordinary house cat.

"Maybe I do"

She dropped down into a crouch in front of him and just hugged his wide Lion like head to her, of which he happily nuzzled into her nearly knocking her over.

"Come on you over grown house cat, we have a Legend to find." Amaya said regretfully as she got up and dusted herself off.

"What Legend" Bolt asked once again taking his spot next to Amaya.

"Zapdos, dat big bad t'under chicken. We are on his Island"

Bolt stood a little straighter and looked around some more, his eyes seemingly flashing as he did so. Then he sniffed at the air a few times before starting to move towards the center of the Island.

"Oy, Bolt, where are you going?" She had to run to catch up and stay caught up.

"The air is more electrically charged this way."

Together they moved off the beaten path and further into the jungle that covered Lightening Island. Neither one noticed as a small team of big burly men land on the beach and follow them in to the Island.

A few hours later

Amaya was finally starting to understand what adventuring entailed. In the few hours she had been on the Island of lightning she had been in more battles then she had been in the entire time she had been on the road. And everywhere she turned she was hearing the local Pokémon talking. It was taking her a bit to get used to the implants.

Bolt however seemed to be having the time of his life as he strolled along. It was no walk in the park, but he was out of ball so he was going to make the most of it. And after just a few battles with the locals he was feeling pretty good about himself.

Each battle Amaya would tell him what to do and he would do it without question or thought. When the battles were over he would thank his opponents, and more often than not they would thank him back before scampering off.

It was shortly after one of these many little skirmishes that Bolt stumbled through some bushes and stopped. Before him there was a massive rock out cropping. It over looked the entire island and included a breath-taking view of the ocean and the other two islands in this power triangle.

There was a couple very noticeable things that were off. The air and the ground was so charged with electricity that is was hard to breathe and hardly anything was growing. To Amaya this was clearly where Zapdos roosted. Bolt on the other hand was on overdrive. He was having a hard time concentrating with all the stimulus he was getting from the electrically charged air and ground.

"A-may-a" Bolt called out to her rather sickly.

Amaya turned to see Bolt stumbling and shaking his head at the edge of the clearing. She was about to ask him what was wrong when an ear-piercing shriek split the air, and lightning filled the sky.

Amaya didn't think she just reacted and hurled her 100Lbs frame into Bolts 100Lbs frame and sent them both crashing back into the under bush. Quickly she laid out on top of Bolts back and hugged his head to her chest so she could reach around it and hold his mouth shut and comfort him.

"Shh, quiet mate"

Bolt may have felt out of it all the sudden, but he knew when to lay low and be quite. He didn't need Amaya laying on top of him to remind him of that. Though somewhere in the back of his brain he wasn't complaining either. So he just laid there, drunk on electricity, enjoying the feeling of closeness to his trainer.

Zapdos screamed again as it came in for a landing on rock ground no more than fifty yards ahead of them. Electricity flew off his body in angry arches. The rocks seemed to glow as electricity pelted them, till the area was glowing.

"Who is here!" Zapdos shrieked.

Amaya didn't move a muscle, she was even too afraid to breathe. Together Amaya and Bolt laid there and watched as Zapdos feverishly searched his roost. Eventually he settled into a nook and started to eat a hapless Pokémon he had caught. Amaya was to terrified to move, and so was Bolt. He had no advantage he could exploit over the Legend.

So they waited. Eventually the Legend finished his meal and settled in to take a nap. Even then Amaya still didn't move out of fear. Bolt started to get antsy though, and started to squirm under her.

"Bolt you need to hold still"

"I can't anymore, I need to move"

As quickly as she could Amaya got off of his back, and was instantly on the ground next to him again. The sudden movement caught the Titans attention again and looked right at them. Once again they both froze. Silently they agreed to just wait and watch.

A Few Hours Latter

Amaya couldn't believe her luck, Zapdos had settled in and fallen asleep shortly after they stopped moving. As quietly as they could Amaya and Bolt crawled out of the underbrush and set to work.

"Hurry Amaya, something doesn't feel right here."

Bolt was right, something felt off, so as quickly as she could she took a few pictures of Zapdos while he was a sleep.

"There I got them, now let's get out of here." She exclaimed in a strained whisper.

"You still have to tag him for the Rangers." Bolt reminded her in just as strained a whisper.

She openly cringed at forgetting that and went to her pack to retrieve the gas-powered gun that had the tracking tags. Cautiously she approached, praying with each step that he would not wake up.

At The Same Time

Saturn was no longer a patient man. He had been, once, not too long ago. When he was a member of Team Gallactic he had always been patient. While Cyrus had been slowly losing his mind, he had kept the team going and the missions on schedule. Even when the Team fell apart he had tried to keep it together. All of the other lieutenants wanted nothing to do with it anymore. At the beginning of his association with The Void he had been patient too, but not anymore. Over the months his patients had been steadily slipping.

"Alright boys let's move in."

"But Mr. Saturn, we were told not to harm the girl, just get the jewel"

"Then don't harm her, but I am tired of waiting for Zapdos to unprotect that Jewel. And If Zapdos gets in our way, eliminate him."

The grunts just looked at each other concerned, but none were about to question orders. As a unit they charged in throwing Pokéballs. To say that Zapdos and Amaya were surprised would be an understatement as both were very slow to react.

A plethora of bright red lights filled the air and angry Pokémon started to close the difference. Amaya doesn't take long to react and empties her belt. She had been very busy while at the Ranch and had taken the time to train her team. The other four members of her team materialized in front of her. Not without complaint though.

"So not only have you completely forsaken me for your new favorite, but you just had to bring her with." Vul said quite tartly referring to Bolt and her Floatzel, Fang.

Vul had never liked Fang. At first she had thought that it was their opposing types. Soon though she had discovered that it was all Vul, Fang loved the little fire type when he had been a Vulpix. Then she had thought it was that Fang didn't always like to listen to her. Now that she thought about it though, Vul had always had some kind of attitude or another with her.

"Vul I really don't have time for this now mate." To emphasize her point she pointed at the pack of charging Pokémon.

"Oh great, now what have you gotten us in to!" He growled at her as he took up an aggressive stance.

Amaya pointedly ignored the belligerent Ninetails and started to issue commands.

"Skittles, Blizzard! Vul, Energy Ball! Bolt, Charge Beam! Glamour, Shadow Ball! Fang, Surf! Come on lets go!"

As one her team leapt into action. Maybe not because they wanted to listen to her, but all of them could clearly see the threat coming at them. Every single attack from both Amaya's side and Saturn's side was stopped though by a sudden and very violent thunder attack. Saturn was furious.

"What in the fuck is this happy Rapidash shit?!"

His question was very promptly answered by the very angry Zapdos.

"Who in the name of Arceus do you think you are!? You dare invade my roost, the great and mighty, Zapdos's roost!?"

Though Saturn didn't understand a word of it. All he heard was angry shrieking.

"I warn you now Zapdos, if you get in the way of my mission, I will kill you." To emphasize his point Saturn pulled a gun off his hip and leveled it at Zapdos.

Zapdos only response was to take flight and fill the air with his electricity. Amaya once again snapped out of her fright. Zapdos may be a Legend, and may very well be incredibly powerful, but he was also grossly out numbered.

"Everyone, attack again, defend Zapdos!" Amaya shouted bring her team back to the task at hand.

All hell broke loose as everyone started attacking everyone else and caught right in the middle was Amaya. Saturn and his goons were attacking her and Zapdos. Zapdos was busy attacking her and Saturn's goons. Amaya fought her damnedest to fend off Saturn's goons and avoid Zapdos's attacks.

"Amaya! This really fucking sucks!" Vul yelled as he dodged three attacks at once.

"Vul, Mate, I have no time for your attitude now. Use Over Heat!" Amaya shouted back as she delivered a well-placed knee to a goons gut.

Saturn dove to the side as a gout of flame covered the immediate area he had been in. A few of his goons weren't so lucky, but they did continue to fight on. Saturn took the opportunity to run at a little cave towards the back of the clearing. What drew him towards it though was that every time Zapdos Used an electric attack the cave had an extra glow.

That of course immediately drew Zapdos attention and attacks. Saturn responded in kind by releasing his team of Pokémon. With bright flashes Saturn's well trained Toxicroak, Bronzong, Galade, Rhyperior, Golbat, and Magmortar.

"You six better protect me as if your lives depend on it, because it does." Saturn left absolutely no room for interpretation as he went back to the cave and left his team to deal with the angered Legend.

Zapdos thought nothing of it, what were six more Pokémon to the great Zapdos. Zapdos dove at the six new threats spewing lightning everywhere. His feelings of superiority were short lived though as the Pokémon that most looked like Rhydon stepped forward and all of his lightning was drawn to the Pokémon's horn and diverted into the ground harmlessly.

Zapdos shock was short-lived as the frog looking one inhaled deeply and spewed a "Sludge Bomb" at him. Deftly He dodged away from it think he was once again the best. It was all a ruse though as the Bronzong unleashed a devastating "Solar Beam" that he had no time to dodge. Zapdos went down hard, and Saturn's team advanced on the downed Legend.

Saturn Smirked as he watched his team descend on the fallen Legend like a pack of starving animals. In all his life and all his travels, his team is the only constant. And very rarely have they ever let him down. Even now he could hear them tear in to Zapdos and hear Zapdos plaintive cries.

Closer he made his way to the seemingly insignificant gaze. Only once did he have to pull his gun and fire. One of his grunts had carried his battle to close to him and the grunts Mightyena almost took his head off. Saturn felt no remorse as he pulled the gun and ended the unsuspecting Pokémon's life. Of course the grunts life was lose too when he charged Saturn seeking revenge.

They really were tools, both Grunts and Pokémon. Tools to be used a tossed a side. And the best part, the best part was that just like tools there was a million more to replace the ones that displeased you.

"Oy! You are a sick, sorry bastard, aint'cha?!"

"He got in my way." Was his very simple and only response to the dark-skinned native girl who was traveling with Trainer Kuroaki.

"And that is 'ow you intend to deal wit anyting tha gets in your way, 'uh"

Saturn hated how thick her accent was, he hated how she was standing in his way like she was any kind of opposition. He hated her stance, her body language, her clearly enraged eyes. She was clearly judging him and who in the fuck was she to judge him. She wasn't his better, she was beneath him. An insect, a bug needing to be crushed. And was just what he was going to do.

Saturn brought his gun to bare on Amaya. Slowly, deliberately lined his sights up on her cute little smug face. With a sneer he started to squeeze the trigger. All at once the ground in front of him erupted and a cream and brown blur leapt up and bit his wrist so hard he thought for a minute that his hand may have been torn off.

"Amaya are you alright?!" Vul asked as he took up a decidedly threatening defensive position between her and Saturn.

Amaya was surprised to say the least. Not only had Vul gotten in a good hit he was now openly defending her.

"Yeah, I'm fine mate."

Saturn was quick to recover.

"Gallade, Golbat, Magmortar, destroy these worms."

The three Pokémon he called without hesitation left the battle with Zapdos to attack Amaya and Vul. Vul didn't back down either he just bared his teeth and stood his ground. Amaya frantically thought. Heat Wave would hit all three of them, probably mess the Galade up pretty good, the Golbat might avoid the attack, the Magmortar wouldn't even feel it. Time was out though they were charging.

A few drops of water hit Amaya. She had just enough time to look behind her, shout a command and duck.

"Vul use "Dig" now!"

Vul for once didn't question, he had smelled the extra moisture in the air, and dove at the ground using "Dig" just as "Surf" went flying over his head. Fang Had seen Amaya and her little Vul in trouble and had come to the immediate rescue.

Golbat flew high avoiding the crashing water, Gallade managed to block the attack, Magmortar could do nothing but look at the incoming tidal wave. The wave wiped out Magmortar and at drove Gallade to knee, Golbat snickered from its high vantage point till a shadow fell across it. Looking up the last thing Golbat saw was the smirk on Glamer's face as the Glameow delivered a devastating "Aerial Ace".

Saturn's Gallade Was now the only one standing facing this human and Her Floatzel and Glameow. Gallade took up a defensive stance fully intent on taking on the three females in front of him. But it was the sudden rumbling at his feet that got his attention.

Gallade jumped up and back to avoid the forgotten Ninetales "Dig" attack. He even allowed himself to smirk as he watched the Ninetales sail wide. The Smirk was replaced with shock as he watched the Ninetales muzzle fill with green energy. The intense look of hatred in the Ninetales eyes was the last thing the Gallade saw this day as he was blasted point-blank with an "Energy Ball".

Saturn heaved a sigh of disgust at the sight of half of his team fell. At least the other half was doing well against Zapdos. Saturn stopped watching his team and went back to retrieving the jewel.

Zapdos was beyond furious. None of his lightning attacks were hitting. As a matter of fact they were all hitting the one that looked like Rhydon. It was like all of his attacks were attracted to the damn things horn, no matter who he was targeting.

He didn't have time to ponder though as both the Purple Frog and giant bell came crashing after him. He did his best to defend but the two were just too fast. The Frog would rush in with a "Poison Jab" or a "Rock Smash" and he would dodge usually right into an attack from the other. And still all of his electric were drawn to the one Pokémon's horn.

"If you want my power, than have it. Let's see how much of it you can handle!" Zapdos shrieked in rage.

Zapdos's beady eyed focused exclusively on Rhyperior. Up until now their plan had worked, all of Zapdos's attacks had been drawn to him because of his Lightning rod ability. It hadn't been so bad at first, he had hardly felt it. Now though that Zapdos was focusing solely on him It was becoming harder and harder to ignore the growing pain from the continual attacks. Eventually his defenses did break down, and Zapdos made very short work of him. Leaving Toxicroak and Bronzong to deal with Zapdos.

Zapdos angry glare turned towards them now. Toxicroak nor Bronzong back down as they charged the rampaging Legend with "Sludge Bomb" and "Gyro Ball". Zapdos does his best to dodge, but fatigue was starting to set in and Zapdos was still hit hard with "Gyro Ball"

Zapdos went down hard. His arrogance though wouldn't let him stay down. Slowly, painfully Zapdos struggled back to his feet. When he finally got to them The Purple Frog and the Giant Bell were staring him down.

"You insolent upstart..."

It mattered not what Zapdos was going to say Toxicroak suddenly and without mercy "Poison Jabbed" Zapdos right in the throat. Not to be out done Bronzong blasted Zapdos point-blank with "Solar Beam". It was too much even for Zapdos, and he fell back to the ground. It was at this point that Saturn reemerged.

"I have what we have come for, let us leave. Dispose of her."

Amaya had no choice but to duck for cover and recall her team as Saturn's grunts laid waste to the out cropping. Amaya's lungs heaved as she curled up tighter and tighter so she wouldn't get hit.

All at once the attacks stopped, still she didn't move. Not a sound could be heard other than her own heart hammering in her ear. Eventually though she did risk a look. Everyone was gone, leaving only her and Zapdos.

Silently Amaya crept back into the out cropping. Saturn's attack had been unexpected, though she guessed she should have expected it. Cautiously she approached the fallen Legend. Zapdos lay facing away from her, his sides slowly expanding and falling.

"Well at least you're a live Mate" Amaya basically said to herself as she took her back pack off and fished around inside of it for a Super Potion.

Finding a few she started to spray down Zapdos. Eventually his breathing evened out. As an afterthought Amaya grabs the tag gun and tagged Zapdos.

"You rest now mate, I have a feeling this day is gonna get a lot worse."

With that said Amaya grabbed a ball off her and released one of her team. Vul emerged from the bright flash and just looked at her.


It was as much a question as it was a statement.

"Because, you are my first and best friend, and I need to get back to the beach fast."

"Why not Bolt, he is just as strong."

"Because I want your company, You have an advantage, And Bolt is hurt now."

Vul weighed her words and her raising anger. She obviously wanted to get moving and was in no mood for his attitude. Silently he took the lead and could hear that Amaya was right behind him.

He didn't hate Amaya, he didn't even resent Bolt or Blaze. He was mad though. She had promised him they would travel the world and become the best team there ever was. A bold statement he knew, especially since he was well aware of his own short comings and hers. But she had such passion and drive then.

Now, now she was in love and had a mate, and it was like she had forgotten her promise to become the best. He seriously doubted she even wanted to be a trainer any more sometimes. And he wasn't ready to be retired nor did he have a wish to become a contest Pokémon.

All to soon the sounds of the ocean interrupted his thoughts, and the beach came in to view.

"Well isn't this just great." Surveying the beach

Saturn and his goons had been very thorough and had obliterated her boat. Smoking wreckage of the boat laid everywhere.

"Well there goes that plan, so what now? We sit here on the beach, sing a few songs, remember how great it was growing up three Islands over."

"No, we do things the old fashioned way"

He was about to question her about what she meant, when he turned around and saw she had completely stripped nude and was fishing her swimming suit out of her bag. It wasn't the one she was wearing before though. That one was for show. The one she pulled out was made for performance. He watched as she packed everything up nice and neat.

"I that is quite the distance, are you sure your up for it? It's been quite a while."

"I 'ave to. Dis was my idea."

"If you want my advice, I would head towards the Guardian's island." Vul advised before going back into his ball.

Amaya picked his ball up, thanked him, kissed it and tucked it away. She then pulled out Fang's ball and released her. Truth be told Fang had been with her longer then Vul had. One of the first things any one learned in the Orange Islands was to have a reliable Water type because you never know when something was going to go wrong.

Fang looked over Amaya stretching out her limbs and then to the islands in the distance.

"It's been quite a while since we tried something like this, are you up to it?" Fang asked with a little tease.

"Are you?" Amaya teased her back.

Together human and Pokémon dove into the ocean, and started the long swim.

The Island of Fire

Blaze was completely in his element from the second he landed on the Island of fire. Everything was hot, everything was dry, and yet the flora and fauna flourished.

"Check this out Flara, isn't it great?"

"Yes very pretty Blaze."

Blaze looked down at his Flareon.

"What's eating you?"

"I really think we should have stayed with the others Blaze. This Void guy sounds really scary." She huddled in close to his leg.

"Flara we will be fine"

With that they had set off into the hot and dry jungle of the Fire Island. And for the next few hours they were indeed just fine. Flara's apprehension never went away though and she was constantly looking behind them. It was one of these times looking behind them that they found a large burned out clearing. She discovered this when she suddenly ran in to Blaze's leg.

Looking up to see why her beloved master had stopped she was greeted by the sight of Moltres just standing there in the middle of a burned out clearing. The more Flara looked the more she realized that was all he was doing to, just standing and staring out at nothing.

"Blaze what is he doing?" Flara whispered

"I don't know Hun, I think he is observing something." Just as quietly.

Flara continued to just look at the Legendary fire bird as it in turned looked off in to absolutely nothing.

"Blaze, um, I don't think he is looking at anything. I think he is just looking out into space stupidly like one of those Holiday birds that Aunt Rose gets at Thanksgiving and Christmas."

"Flara there is no way that the great and mighty Moltres would be that stu..."

Whatever he was about to say was cut off by Moltres suddenly cocking his head and let loose this call that was somewhere between a chickens cluck and a turkeys gobble.

"I stand corrected. Not only would Moltres do something so stupid, he is doing something so stupid. Man this is so not hot."

Blaze hung his head in disappointment. Moltres, the Legendary bird of fire, was nothing more than an oversized mentally challenged Turkey. Flara once again rubbed up against Blaze's leg. Blaze couldn't help it and chuckled.

"So what now?"

"Let's just tag him and get this over with." Retrieving the tagging gun.

"I'm sorry that the first fire Legend we came across is such a disappointment."

Blaze smiled down at her and scooped her right up.

"I should have known better sweaty, no 'mon is hotter than you."

She smiles and nuzzles in.

"Well isn't that touching?" A sarcastic voice asked from outside the outcropping.

Blaze and Flara turned towards the voice and were surprised to see A kid about Blaze's own age in a three-piece black suit who also had six henchmen right behind him. Without orders to the six henchmen released three Pokémon each. Not overly bad odds Blaze thought. Seven humans and eighteen Pokémon, he could handle that.

"I can see clearly in your eyes, Mate, that you think you can take us. And were we to play by league rules and fight you one on one you very well may beat us."

It was at this point that six more Pokémon all but exploded from the youths own belt. Six more Pokémon joined the opposing side. They were all of the poison type variety, and they were all bigger than the henchmen's Pokémon.

"But who said anything about league rules."

Blaze finally snapped to his senses. He didn't care who these people were, and he didn't care what rules they were playing by. He was a Kuroaki, and he would back down from no one and nothing. Blaze cleared his belt.

"Come on guys, Defend Moltres!"

On command Blazes team took up their fiercest stances ready to defend the Legendary Bird of Fire. This just made the youth laugh uproariously.

"Such confidence, you can only be a Kuroaki."

"What of it!?"

"Oh come on surely Devin must have mentioned me. Punk trainer with the Zangoose he stole."

Blaze did recognize the description. But this couldn't be the same kid that Devin described to him. That kid had been dressed like and acted like a punk. This kid was in an expensive three-piece black suit. That kid had only two little Pokémon left, this kid had a full team of well-trained Pokémon.

"I'll tell you what Mate. I like your attitude. I'll battle you one on one for Moltres."

"What do you want Moltres for Trevor?"

"Honestly, looking at him, I would never want him."

"What than!?"

"I want the jewel he protects, that combined with two other jewels will summon Lugia."

"Why is it that bad guys are so well-informed and good guys bumbled about clueless." Blaze thought to himself.

"Just once it would be nice to have the good guys be exceptionally well-informed and the bad guys be bumbling idiots. Oh and the cool toys, the good guys should have the cool toys."

"Are we going to do this or am I going to order these meat heads behind me to just roll over you?"

Blaze calmed himself. He was more than capable of beating this punk. Though he had to admit, looking at Trevor's team and his own, perhaps he should have worked a bit more on training his team.

"Nugget, it's time to start this fire"

Blaze's combustion took the field with a slight flourish.

"Rancid, go to work"

Trevor's Skuntank just lumbered on to the field.

Blaze knew he was in for a fight, he had no distinct advantage over Trevor's team.

"Nugget use "Double Kick" now!"

Blaze's Combusken ran forward without question and leapt at his opponent.

"Rancid use "Night Slash" on the ground to kick up some dust."

Nugget was already in the air and had no way to defend. Blaze could only watch as the Skuntank's front claws radiated a dark energy and it attacked the ground. Dust and debris flew into the air obscuring Nugget's vision. Nugget hit the ground hard and got back up on shaky feet.

"Rancid "Giga Impact." Trevor ordered very calmly.

Blaze couldn't even utter a counter attack before the Skuntank took out his Combusken. Blaze quickly recalled Nugget and watched as Trevor recalled his as well. Already this wasn't going well and he had no reason to believe it would get any better.

"Nate, come on out, I need you buddy." Blaze releases his Monferno on to the field.

"Fang, take to the sky" Trevor releases a Crowbat that immediately takes flight.

Blaze just knew that this Crowbat had to know some flying type moves, why else would he have sent it out. If one thing could be said, this was not the same punk trainer that Devin had defeated in Sinnoh.

"Nate use "Ember" to bring it out of the sky!"

"Fang dodge and use "Air cutter" Trevor countered.

Nate took a deep breath and let loose his "Ember" attack as Blaze had told him to. Fang however didn't wait to dodge Nate's attack and instead just used "Air cutter". The two attacks collided in midair and made a spectacular explosion.

"What are you doing?! Use "Wing Attack" now!" Trevor barked.

The Crowbat dove at the Monferno with intent to kill in its beady eyes.

"Nate quickly dodge and counter with "Mach Punch"!"

Without hesitation Nate dove out-of-the-way. He waited till he felt the Crowbat soar over head. In the blink of an eye he was back on his feet, and spun to attack.

"Fang take the hit and then use "Poison Fang"!"

Nate's energy filled fist makes solid contact with Fang. He didn't expect the sudden attack that followed, and all the sudden a shooting pain raced up his arm and he felt instantly sick.

"Nate hang in there buddy and use "Flame Wheel"!"

Trevor just smirks at them both.

"Fang use "Cross Poison"."

Both Pokémon staggered from their wounds before lurching forward to attack. Flame Wheel met Cross Poison in a dead lock. Nate desperately wants to please Blaze and Fang knows to lose is to die, so both poured on more power. Another explosion rocked the ground and the two Pokémon were forced apart.

Fang, the Crowbat, fluttered his wings barely staying in the air. Nate, the Monferno, could hardly keep his shaky legs under himself. As one they both dropped like lead, both unconscious when they hit the ground.

Blaze quickly recalled Nate. "You did an amazing job Nate, thank you."

Trevor on the other hand already had his next Pokémon on the field, and Blaze had never seen a more fierce-looking Drapion ever. Blaze could only watch as the thing drooled venom from its fangs and from its stinger.

"Feel free to release all your Pokémon if you want, it may be your only chance" Trevor sneers.

Blaze wished he was just being a bastard, that his words were just bravado. But he was no fool. He has seen Drapions in action, they are very powerful and have an incredible defense. Trevor's Drapion was no exception. He was right, his only hope would be to release all of his Pokémon.

"Are you going to do anything you giant rubber chicken." Blaze all but spits at Moltres.

Moltres just cocked its head once again and gobbled. Then promptly went back to looking stupidly about as if nothing was going on. All of Blazes hopes sunk straight to his feet like a lead weight.

"Zippo, Spike, Cinda we have work to do!" Blaze yelled releasing three of his four remaining Pokémon.

To their credit the three of them did not back down from the monstrous Drapion in front of them. Zippo even looked eager to take it on. Blaze couldn't help but feel pride at his team.

"Spike, Cinda attack from both the left and right sides with "Flame Wheel", Zippo rush in the center and attack head on with "Metal Claw"!"

Blaze watched as Spike and Cinda went streaking towards the Drapion. Halfway there they crossed paths and attacked from opposite sides. In the cross over Zippo went rushing in, his claws glowing a bright metallic grey. The two "Flame Wheels" connected with a mighty explosion, and there came a sound of screaming metal too.

Blaze thought for a second he had succeeded in a mighty attack. When the flames died out though the Drapion Spike in one claw, Cinda in the other, its murderous gaze was turned on Zippo.

"Scorpio, use "Cross Poison"."

Blaze watched in horror as the Drapion raised both of its arms, with his Pokémon still in claw, and attacked using "Cross Poison". Scorpio released Spike and Cinda before releasing its attack. Zippo didn't know what hit him first, his team mates or the "Cross Poison". All three of Blazes Pokémon went down hard.

Trevor just smirked and waved his men on. They too smirk and make for Moltres treasure. Blaze was powerless to stop them too.

"Do something, anything, you stupid legend!" Blaze yelled at Moltres before bending over and picking up a stone and hurling it at him.

Blaze watched as the stone soared through the air and hit Moltres squarely in the side of the head. Any other time he wouldn't have thrown it, and definitely would have run for his life. But right now he just didn't care, him and his team were about to die, and Moltres was about to be robbed.

Blaze watched in fascination as Moltres's body became engulfed in flame from head to toe. When the display was done all that was left on fire was the top of his head, wings, and tail. Intelligence returned to his eyes, an angry intelligence. With a mighty roar Moltres vented his anger at the sky sending out a gout of flame.

"Watch out, he has activated "Sunny Day"!" Someone yelled.

Trevor's team tried to make a run from the clearing, but Moltres cut them off. With a toss of his head Moltres sent a stream of flame that circled the clearing and set everything on fire with a massive "Fire Spin".

Blaze didn't dare move he was so scared. Trevor didn't either, but it was out of defiance and not fear. He was trying to think of the best course of attack to take the treasure and make off with it. His grunts provided him the opening he needed.

"For The Void!" His lead grunt bellowed before tossing the treasure sphere at him and charging Moltres, his squad behind him.

In the instant that Trevor caught the treasure sphere Moltres nuked the team of grunts with a "Solar Beam". The effects of "Sunny Day" taking hold as the charge time for the move vanished and he launched another "Solar Beam" at the spot where Trevor had been. Blaze had to dive to, the attack had been so close that it had raised blisters on the skin of his legs.

Trevor ducked his head and plowed through the wall of spinning flames, and burning foliage. Moltres was hot on his trail. A single mighty beat of his wings lifted him straight in to the clear midday sky. The force of that wing beat sent embers everywhere. Blaze recalled his team and took off after the two of them.

"Start the boat! Start the boat!" Trevor bellowed as he cleared the jungle and continued to run across the beach towards the rest of his grunts.

Behind him the jungle exploded in flames as Moltres took the beach. The sand melted at his feet as he landed to take a look around. Trevor didn't even break stride, if anything he put on more speed.

"Start the Boat!"

Moltres bellowed its outrage and took off once again took off with a mighty beat of its wings, his anger firmly focused on Trevor and the jeweled treasure he was carrying. Trevor swore that if he survived this he was going to kill his henchmen.

"Sir get down!"

At this point he didn't even question and dove into the sandy beach. Over his head his henchmen launched as many water and ground based attacks. In a very quick order Moltres screams of anger became cries of pain as he was brought down hard and fast.

"Shall we finish it off Sir?" A grunt asked approaching him with a gun at the ready.

"No! No, Void gave us orders not to kill these Legends unless necessary." Picking himself up and dusting off the sand.

Trevor bends back over and retrieves the glowing orange crystal ball from the sand, and dusts it off.

"Besides, we have what we came for."

Moltres, with a strained cry, makes one last attempt to get to its feet. Trevor just lashes out and kicks the downed Legend in the side of the head, and then spits on him.


Without looking back Trevor made his way back to his own boat.

"Destroy that other boat and let's get the hell out of here. We are late as it is"

The henchmen set to work and in short time Blaze's boat was destroyed and they were under way. Blaze and Flara got to the beach just in time to see Trevor's boat disappear over the horizon. With a deep sigh Blaze sat heavily on the beach and pondering what to do next.

Pokemon: Legends Ch.12 The Titans and the Gaurdian Pt.1

**Ch.12 - The Titans and the Guardian pt.1** **Vermilion City, Kanto Region** Devin watched as the cruise ship pulled up to the docks. He really was looking forward to seeing Blaze and Amaya. At the same time though he knew both of them would be...

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Pokemon: Legends Ch.11 - Making Connections in Kanto

Disclaimer: Pokemon and all recognizable characters and locations belong to Nintendo and Gamefreaks. The Characters of Rich, Kara, Loppy, Ashley, Trace, Amber, belong to my good friend Justmerg and are being used with his full permission. ...

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Pokemon: Legends - A Christmas Story

\*This is a story I wrote for the Christmas Story contest over on AGNPH. I did not win because I didn't finish it on time. But I put so much work into it that I had to share it with you. I am posting it seperate from the rest of the story because there...

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