Payment owed

Story by Schiron on SoFurry

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#1 of Short stories

Horny cop sitting on the side of a road as a speedster goes pass him. Pulling said speedster over the cop gives him two options and well the poor driver is left to the tortures of a power crazed officer.

Well this is gonna be a short story, simply put because I am testing out this comp. I am on right now and well if this posts then I know I can use it to upload my stories in the future. So please hang in there with me.


This story is Adult oriented, and Male/Male. So if you are not 18+ or into gay interactions, or simply not into stories of that nature in general please turn around and avert your eyes to another story you are/able to read. Also this story contains reference to drugs, so again avert your eyes if you find that type of stuff wrong.


Our story starts off with a rather bord cop sitting in his patrol car.

There he was in his car, the early sun peaking through the trees at him as a soft twitter of a bird pearched on a limb sang it's magical melody to the morning glow. A strong paw cupped over his mouth as he stiffled a rather long yawn, his eye's bloodshot with the sleep deprived look of a crack addict.

"Three minutes before everyone wakes officially to that annoying bird." His voice slightly groggy as he talked to himself. Giving a slight sigh he sat patiently on the side of the road waiting for a speedster, or sombody hungover from the night before. Slowly time passed, the three minutes he predicted was trailing by as each second seemed to last longer than the last. Just as he was about to move onto another area a car sped passed him; kicking over the ignition the cop slammed his car into drive and took off in pursuit.

Tires peeled against the dirt as he pressed on the gas peddle, his eyes set on his prey as he quickly closed the gap between them. With sirens blaring and nothing on his mind he felt the adrenaline rushing through his veins as the crazed driver in front of him slowed down immediatly after hearing the sirens.

Slowly the driver pulled over, his mustang a dull grey as the cloud of dust drifted pass on the air current that followed. Rolling down his window already the Driver poked his head out as he glanced back at the cop with a quizical look on his muzzle.

Pulling up behind the mustang, the cop grabbed his clipboard with the pad of blank tickets as he popped his door open. Setting one foot on the ground he simply pushed himself out and around his door as he closed it in a rythmic motion, standing at an astonishing seven feet tall he slowly made his way over to his prey. Reaching the vehicle he gave a snarky smile as he bent down and peered in at the Driver, his toothy grin giving away his glee at such an easy catch.

"Well, well, well... seems you didn't get to far away pup." His tone of voice somwhat light for his stature and build; although his dominating presence enough to intimidate even the worst of offenders.

"Umm... I wasn't trying to get "away" officer; I swear." The smaller Canine simply trying to explain his way out of the perdicament he got himself into.

"Sure son, that is what they all say. Hand over your ID and registration."

"Umm..." Scrounging around in his glove box the Canine pulls out a small envelope which he pulls out documents of his registration; slowly stuffing the envelope back into the glove box he pulls out his ID and hold both items out to the cop. "Here you go sir."

Giving a slight smirk the cop simply gripped the items as his eyes peer down on the smaller Canine; slowly they move from his muzzle down his chest and onto a rather attractive sight between his legs. "Tell you what, how about I let you off with a warning." Raising his eyes back to meet a rather happy face, the cop simply licks his lips. "On one condition..." Leaning in he pressed his lips to the smaller Canines as he gives a rather dominant growl before pulling away again. "You give me a blowjob right now, or you can say hello to a rather heft fine."

The smaller Canine couldn't help but smile; he was getting off with a warning for speeding and he didn't have to say anything to try getting out of it. Although his glee was short lived as he felt a tongue slither its way into his maw where it licked and slid across his tongue as it explored the inside of his muzzle. Before he could react it was already withdrawn as a strand of saliva hung from his lips to the cops; he barely heard what option the cop gave him as he was still in shock from the kiss he just experienced. "Sure..." His voice somwhat shakey as he answered without much thought; his body was frozen as he heard the passenger door open and close.

Slowly the cop made his way around the car to the passenger side; opening the door he slid inside as he kept his eyes on the smaller Canine rather intently. Licking his chops again he leaned over and softly nipped at his prey's neck; shivers trailed down his back as he felt his endowment spring to life rapidly as he waited for his blowjob. Slowly he slid his paw over the Canines leg as he started to grope the sight he found appealing from the other side of the door; giving another growl he bit a little rougher as he unzipped his prey's pants.

"Please stop." His voice quivering as fear over took him; his mind was screaming for help but his body simply couldn't contain itself as he felt his pants grow ever more tighter with each passing grope he recieved from the cop. "I'll take the ticket, just please stop." He wanted to cry, he wanted to just speed off and leave that spot, but in the end he knew that the cop would give chase and probably handcuff him next time.

Hearing only simple please of mercy the cop slid his paw inside the Canine's pants as he gave a long lick up the side of his face. "To late, you simply have to accept the punishment for speeding on my road." Gruff was the simple terms for his voice at that moment; the cop simply was lust driven now and all he wanted was to get off with the smaller Canines mouth around his member. Finding the opening to the Canines underwear the Cop pulled the dog's length out into view, with a simple grin and a rather quick paw from years of practice. He already had handcuffs in hand and against the steering wheel and throbbing flesh between his prey's legs. "Just insurance so you don't try anything handsome."

The Driver simply gave a yelp as he was pulled out of his pants harshly; his throbbing meat aching from the burn of the zippers scraping against his sensitive flesh. "Insurance?" Glancing at the Cop then between his legs he gave a gasp as he felt cold steel wrap below his already inflated knot; gripping the door handle he pushed it open as he went to lunge out. Giving a painful growl; the Canine hung halfway out as he whimpered, feeling a set of strong paws on his sides he slowly slid back inside the car as the car door shut.

"You shouldn't have done that, I mean seriously what did you think I was gonna do? I definitly wasn't gonna let you go free without paying me for my generosity." Gripping the Drivers chin he forced him to look back eye to eye. "Give me that blowjob or I will give you somthing to whimper about boy." A glare in his eye's as he undid his pants revealing his endowment to his prey.

With tears flowing down his cheeks, and a soft nod the Driver watched as the cop revealed himself. He was in pain, he couldn't tell if he was bleeding or if his knot was halfway inside the cuffs; all he knew was that he wanted it over with already. Through watery sight, the Canine managed a suprised chuckle at what he saw next. There in between the mighty Cop's legs stood an erect member standing at a good five inches if not less, the Canine feared it might of been bigger given his hieght and was wondering how he was gonna fit his muzzle around somthing so large. Although given the new sight, he knew it wouldn't be long before the Cop blew his top and it was all over. "Give me that already." His voice shakey from the pain he was in.

"Good, now do your job already bitch." Watching the Canine lean over the Cop gave a growl of anticipation as he felt the warm breath drift acrossed his exposed flesh. Soft gasps escaped his lips as he felt his entire length get engulfed by his prey; his right paw meading through the Drivers hair as his left snaked its way over the Canine's side and between his legs where he was pawing him off. "Thats it... keep at it stud."

The Canine simply did his task at hand; taking the cops rather small prick into his muzzle with ease was the first step. The second step was trying not to gag as he felt the officer's pre coating his tongue with each passing second, and the third and final step was suck fast and think later. His tongue was lathering the length in his saliva with ease; minus the foul taste he got from each pass along the tip of the throbbing tower. Giving a slight growl to the paw job he was experiencing from the rather talented Officer, the Canine kept going as he started to bob his head up and down the rod. "Come on, explode already." His thoughts barely able to get through as he kept focused on trying to make the cop cum.

"Damn you're good." Giving a groan the Cop tensed up slightly as he gripped a paw full of the Canine's hair; pressing down he forced the Dog to keep around his gushing tool. Growls filled the car as he came, shot after shot filled his preys muzzle.

The Driver started to feel his jaw ache as he kept pumping up and down on the Cop's junk, he started to think he wouldn't get him off and that he would do somthing else which involved another method. Just as that thought crossed his mind he felt the shaft in his maw tense up along with the noises the Officer was making, just as he was about to pull off to avoid the flow of cum he felt his head get pushed back down. With little strength to fight the grip off he simply closed his eyes as the warm liquid filled his mouth rather quickly; with each spasm the amount of cum seemed to grow in quantity as he was forced to swallow repeatedly of the bitter tasting liquid. Just as he swallowed an uncountable amount of cum the pressure from his head was lifted; pulling off quickly he sat up coughing.

"There your debt is paid to society, now you are free to go." gripping the door handle the Cop opened up the door and got out; walking around after closing it he leaned in the driver window and poked the Canines gut. "Just so you know, I will remember this cars plates." Giving a smile brifely as he tucked himself back inside his pants. "Drive safely." Walking back to his patrol car, the Cop drove on by with a slight wave of his paw.

The Canine watched as the cop got out of his car; a slight spasm of glee washed over him as he simply smiled at the cop as he spoke in his window. Watching as he tucked himself away he waved back as he passed. "Glad that is over... now I just need to get home and puke my lungs out." With a sigh of relief and a gut full of warm cum, the Driver started his car and started his way back onto the road just to give a whimper of pain again. "Fuck" The only word he let out as he realized his member was still handcuffed to the wheel.

The end.

Hope you all enjoy, and please comment if you can. I appreciate all of you that have read this, along with my other works. ALSO, I know there is bad grammer and misspelled words, but that is due to the fact I used the site to type this up and not word.

Again this is a test story to see if this computer I am on works with uploading stories, if it does then expect some more to pop up shortly after I figure out how to get my other working off the other computer I used before.

Getting a treat...

Well I am just using the site to type this up, so it won't be nearly as long as my other stories. And it won't be spell checked so it will probably have spelling errors and punctuation problems... I hope this turns out. Well enjoy my real typing and...

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Morning Tease

(This story contains M/M, wolf, mutt, oral, teasing. So if you aint 18 or of age please turn away, as for preferences if you don't like this type of story please turn away and thanks for reading this.) * * * (This is an old story, one I wrote back...

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Horse gets claimed (pt 2) - getting clean

(Contains M/M, Anthropomorphic characters, hyper cum scene, shower scene, and some other things :P ) The shower began to drip water as the pressure built up in its pipe bowls, slow gurgling to low to hear with ears of any type, emitting as the...

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