My Patience is Gone

Story by Riverweasel on SoFurry

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#6 of Poems

What a wonderful world I get the privilege of living in

How could I possibly complain

I'm the pride and joy the world, I'm an American

Shamelessly watching my freedoms flushed down the drain

I voted for Obama in the last election

He kept talking about hope and change

Perhaps I was simply a little confused

But Sarah Palin sounded a bit too strange

Perhaps instead, since I love animals and nature

"Drill baby, drill!" just was a complete put off in my eyes

Or maybe I didn't enjoy the notion that I should feel obligated

To sacrifice my life, pretending to not be fighting for the corporate guise

He told me we'd be out of Iraq, we'd be out of the war

That has so uselessly killed so very many

He said he'd promote equal rights for everyone, both hetero and homo

Looking back at how he did nothing, I can see how I'm no longer a fannee

But I was just barely eighteen years old

I had just been introduced to the system

I had the power of my voice sitting in front of my fingers

The voice of mine would be put on paper and the country would listen

Now I'm twenty-two and my second election is rolling towards me

Shouldn't I feel just as excited as before?

I've got Mitt Romney, and Santorum, I've even got Newt

All vying for the chance to knock down Obama's door

But as I listen to their debates, as I listen to what they're saying

All of them seem to echo the same things

They spend the whole debates ripping at each other

Instead of ever addressing the thin strings

That are so barely holding our country together

If you can even call our current situation so positively

All I see is that everything I joined the Army for is getting kicked to the curb

Screw prosperity, no need for equality, and fuck liberty

All we need is for the businesses and corporation to be running the show

I mean, look how well they represent the American people

They're totally looking out for us, those bankers and politicians

Just so long as they bend our will and convince us we're too feeble

To stand up for what's ours, to stand up for what's been taken

For if we do, the corporately owned media will emphatically

Tear us all down, say we're all clowns, they'll all frown

And claim that the fact Americans are protesting is a tragedy

They yell for first amendment rights when it works for their agendas

Then they yell for the separation of church and state later

Then they simply switch their positions and their beliefs

The very moment popular views switch on survey papers

Mitt Romney, he's the glorious, soon to be Republican nominee

Are you fucking kidding me! We can't do better than that?

The guy stands for absolutely nothing, other than the rich

Same old slob in the same old coat; simply put, the same old cat

Santorum is his main challenger and everything he says is disgusting

Comparing homosexual relationships to bestiality and more

Claiming the freedom of religion to tout his views

Yet never mentioning where his agenda shits on the floor

The once shining floor of American integrity and the values we upheld

That everyone has equal rights, not just if you're rich and white and male

And you happen to accept the view that for some reason

Allowing those different than us to marry will make our country fail

Let us scream fight for the freedom of religion

But only if it's a vote in favor of Christianity

For the thought that the first amendment was written to protect

All faiths and beliefs, including Muslims, is insanity

For you see, how can we be so blind, Islam is what's been curb stomping

Every freedom and right and piece of integrity we once had

No way could it have anything to do with our current political system

It's the liberals! It's the conservatives! Be angry, get mad!

This two party system is pathetic

Can't you see how much they have in common?

They're both in favor of whatever fills their pocket the most

Let them eat lobster and let us eat the noodles of Ramen

I had hope in this election, four years of Obama was enough

There were so many people to choose from

Yet out of them all, only one man stood out as what I wanted

He stood for the truth, for consistency, didn't budge for a crumb

He was ignored by our media, swept under the rug

Called a crazy person, just an old senile man

He calls for freedom, but clearly the time for liberty is over

Look at all the cash we're making, doesn't he understand?

And instead, this is the shit stain I'm forced to accept now

This is the country I was once proud to be a part of

United we stand, divided we fall, what a powerful phrase

So simple, yet so profound and surreal, why aren't we listening

I'm done rhyming, I'm done trying to make a point using satire

What the hell are we doing as people, why are we cowards?

Why do we tell the man who's house is being foreclosed

The man who has applied for countless numbers of jobs

The woman who can't afford to feed her family even one meal a day

That they should just stop complaining and do something about it?

Where has our unity gone? Why are we so separated now?

Why do we castrate ourselves from anyone who thinks differently

They're only a good American if they believe the same thing I do

Otherwise, they're an embarrassment, right?

I mean, America was only founded on the principles I stand for

My religion and how I see it should determine how this country is run

How am I supposed to stand by my country anymore

I'm not even proud of who I am

I used to be happy that I lived in such a prosperous country

Now I have to quietly say, "I'm an american"

Because, god, seriously, what is there to be proud of any longer

We throw our money and liberties away while the rich get stronger

We yell at those people who have the audacity to wonder

Why the government has waged war with its own residents

We demand that those who are unlike us are an ultimate danger

The threat against our nation clearly lies within the stranger

The hate and bigotry such an ultimate re-arranger

From how we were when this all started

In my opinion, it's either Ron Paul or bust

This country is not what I remember growing up in

But perhaps it was this bad back then too

I was just too young and naïve to see it happen

I remember getting a ride from my mother on my way back from school

Having to listen to her listen to Hannity and Limbaugh on the radio

Even then wanting to pound my head against the seat cushion

I'm not even sure where to end this tirade, I'm so disgusted with what I see

Being an American right now is not what I saw it be years before

I'm not even sure what to believe anymore

I used to think this nation was great, but now I'm looking at the pieces

The pieces of faith I had that this political system has ultimately shattered

I'm not even sure if it's worth picking them back up again

I want to fight for my rights, but I feel so exhausted

I want to fight for my liberty, but I feel so disgusted

I want to believe in my country, but I'm not blind anymore

If this is what this country stands for now

If this bigoted system of unfairness and inequality is our future

Then I choose to take no part in it

If this is all that's left to call myself an American with

Then consider me one without a homeland

For I will not associate myself with such blind hate

Give me Liberty or give me death

A line once said by a man named Patrick Henry

This is the line I will stand by

And to the government who thinks they have a right to take that from me

Understand this-

I raised my right hand and swore to bear allegiance to the constitution

I swore to defend it, against enemies both foreign and domestic

You are not fooling me, you are not fooling a whole lot of us

If I am left to either accept your form of tyranny or leave

Just remember, I signed to uphold my liberty

This is not the last you'll hear from me

If you choose to continue to strip me of my dignity

I will fight back, I will do whatever is necessary

America is my country, not yours

This land is mine, not the corporations

My rights are mine, but that doesn't give me the right to step on someone else's

I dare you, keep this shit up!

Keep calling women sluts

Keep calling homosexuals dogs

Keep calling Muslims terrorists

Just remember, I signed a contract

I raised my right hand and pledged my allegiance to America

No, I didn't pledge allegiance to your America

I pledged it to my country

You will not take this country from me

Peaceful rebellion only lasts for so long

I swore to defend the constitution of the United States of America

And you're stepping all over it

This is not the last you'll hear from me

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