Dragon's New Toy - Chapter 1
#1 of Dragon's New Toy
The fox jerked awake, his sudden change in breathing one of the only signs. I watched as his fingers, curled around an iron bar, flexed and attempted to move first, only to find themselves held fast by the strange half-metal half-wireframe gauntlet I created. It would have been fully metal, but I preferred to see my toys struggle.
The strange hybrid appearance continued along the entire fixture. Viewed from behind, this would appear to be nothing more than a vulpine statue in an explicit spread-eagled pose. From the front, however.... I licked my own snout as I watched the young, firm body buck hard against the restraint with the tiny bit of motion allowed within its enclosure.
I finally tilted my gaze upwards slowly, looking the fox in the eye. He had already opened them, but was having trouble adjusting to the strange obscurement caused by the thick transparent rubber mask encasing his entire head. I watched as his eyes darted to the side, catching sight of the nearest visible thing to the fox's head - a thin tube, leading upwards out of the fox's field of vision to a funnel, attached to a raised platform on the side. I grinned as I anticipated the fox's reaction to his new diet. The raised platform would only be needed for a short while; I intended to change the fixture in a week or two to further disturb my captive.
As the fox's muscles tightened and relaxed as he sought some way to free himself from the head-to-toe steel restraints, I reflected on how disappointingly easy it had been to capture him. I'd had my eye on the young fox for about a week, ever since he had first enrolled at the college nearest my cabin. When word was passed along the chain of informants that there was one I might be interested in, I wasted no time in mocking up a short-term parallel 'class schedule' and started attending the same classes. I found he was nearly oblivious when listening to his music player as he walked between classes, and once I knew that, it was only a matter of waiting until the right time, in a bathroom in one of the quieter parts of campus late at night. The poor fox's look of shock as he fell to the ground with his dick still pissing had been hilarious; having some of it splashed on me had not been. I'd burned the clothes later.
A muffled mewling sound coming from the raised funnel disturbed my reverie. Having finally adjusted his vision, he had caught sight of me through the mask. The dim light prevented him from seeing the full details of what awaited him; all he recognized was a vaguely humanoid blur against a lighter background. I smiled and walked closer slowly, letting the light that was centered over his head bring more and more detail.
I'm sure what the fox perceived must have been horrifying. Having woken up immobile and with his eyes strangely glazed, the first real thing he sees is this dark blur slowly approaching him. As it gets closer, he's able to pick out more and more details - the glint of light off my teeth as I grin at him, the sheen of light reflected off the tight rubber t-shirt I wore, the arch of wings as I relax and let them ease out from being held tightly behind my body... and as his vision moves downwards, he begins to make much louder noises, his muscles all tensing.
The moment when a fox realizes that not only has he been captured by a roving dragon, one who is easily half again his size, but that that dragon is quite aroused and has total control over his entire body.... Ah, the scent of utter fear, helplessness, and that hint of undeniable desire that so few of them ever really realize. It's more intoxicating than wines; I know not only from experience but extensive study.
I stop my approach, now no more than six feet away from him. The light now fully illuminated me to him, and his eyes are wide as dinner plates. They should be; I'm not one to brag, but I'm rather impressively endowed. Nearly eleven inches in length and black as night, my shaft has both the canine knot at the base, and the feline barbed tip. I have never been sure how I came to be configured so, but I've quite enjoyed it. Gentle mating isn't part of my tastes anyways...
I wrap my hand around the engorged shaft, sliding it upwards along the slick member. As I do, a thick ooze of musk, pre-cum, and a third secretion unique to me gathers on the side of my hand. Lifting it, I bring it closer to the fox's muzzle, chuckling as his muzzle wrinkles and he tries to pull back and is kept unable by the sheet metal behind and in front of his head. I smear the slime across the fox's nose, forcing him to take in the thick scent.
The effect is immediate and apparent; the fox's sheath begins to swell as the ooze is absorbed into his system both through the skin and through his breath, that 'special ingredient' acting as a potent aphrodisiac - not mentally, but physically causing the intense arousal and excitement of the depths of mating season.
As his foxhood thickens and grows, the red tip pushes through the hole in the wire cage I had designed for the purpose and into its new home - a thick rubber sheath, also transparent. The sensation is almost too much for my toy, whose instincts force his body to buck against its restraints; his shaft emerges fully in a matter of moments, the unformed knot pushing against the iron ring. Reaching down, I push hard against the wire frame, ignoring the yelp of discomfort as the fox's sensitive knot slammed through the unyielding metal and into its tight rubber prison.
Once in place, I reached under his trapped member to another circular opening, where his balls dangled through, and twisted the ring in place causing the inner circumference to tighten around the base of his sack. I kept going until I heard the fox starting to whimper in pain, then loosened it just slightly so that he'd stop. It's not that I don't enjoy the noise, but his muzzle had better uses, as he was soon to discover.
I moved behind him, and lifted the only part of him that wasn't encased in either rubber or metal - his thick, bushy tail. He tried to whip it out of my hands, but I was prepared for the trick and held it tight. Pulling it upwards, I used a small piece of rope to tie the tip of it to a ring on the back of the metal neck-plate, effectively pinning it out of the way. The captive vulpine began mewling again, the stench of his fear of penetration thick on him. I decided to give him just a preview.
Moving back to his front, I stood close to him, and began licking the clear plastic of his mask with my tongue. At the same time, I carefully brought my tail up between my legs and his, moving slowly so I didn't brush his thighs. The tip of my tail gathered another bit of the thick precum mixture from the tip of my shaft before smoothly moving up to the fox's now exposed tailhole. By now, the fox had begun to relax, his scent tinged with relief.... I stopped licking and pulled back so I could watch his rubber-encased face. My eyes met his at the exact time my tail plunged home, penetrating the fox and driving six inches of tapered muscle into his backside in one brutal move.
The fox's eyes bulged, tears brimming in them as a scream of pain echoed from the funnel on the elevated landing. His heavy-labored breathing only sucked more of the chemical-laden precum into his system, making his cock throb in its sleeve. Without warning, I yanked my tail from him, a gasp rushing from his lungs as he begins spasming, trying with all his strength to break his bindings.
Finally, I break the wordless silence hanging in the room. "Now that you're secured, I can go take care of some other things... I'll be back in a while." I turned away from him, heading for the stairs against the wall. The fox began squealing, an almost intelligible plea not to be left alone in his bondage. I didn't look back, just laughing; I didn't intend to leave him alone for a while yet, and by the time I did, I knew he'd be begging even worse for me to go.
I climbed the stairs, leaving my new toy's field of vision, but not the room. Silently, I crossed the elevated platform to the funnel I had secured there earlier. Detaching it from the railing, I brought it down beneath my still hard member - unlike many other males, I've never had a problem relieving myself with an erection. I closed my eyes and concentrated a second, then opened them with a grunt as I felt the flow begin. I leaned over and breathed deeply of the thick, rank smell of my own piss as it flooded into the funnel, then straightened to watch my captive.
It took a moment for the clear tube to fill with the hot golden brew, the fluid being rather thicker and therefore slower than water. I wondered briefly if my victim realized what the change of color in the tube hanging a few inches from his face meant, and made a mental note to secure the tube behind them next time. And then the last little bit of the tube filled, and its load spilled into the fox's muzzle.
The fox's eyes, having begun to drift close, suddenly slammed open, his hands spasming around their hold-bars as his muzzle began to flood. He coughed, sending an air bubble up the tube, but the flow simply continued, filling his muzzle. Finishing my piss, I carefully reattached the funnel - still holding a good quart and a half of fluid - to the railing, and walked back down the stairs.
From the front, the view was even better. I watched his throat work as he convulsively swallowed the bitter marking scent flooding down from above. His wrinkled muzzle and the clear plastic gave me the best view I've ever had of a muzzle being gradually filled again and again with my own piss. I chuckled as I watched him hold his breath a moment, his entire muzzle filling for the first time and leaving his tongue totally awash in the flavor, and then realize that it wouldn't work, forcing him to gulp the huge mouthful at once.
As he continued to chug, I reached down and stroked the underside of his rubber-sheathed shaft once, from base to tip. The effect was immediate as all of the muscles in his thigh and stomach tensed and then shivered, his nerves tuned more finely to sex than they ever have been, thanks to his intoxication. I continued the motion, tracing the second tube that led from the sheath upwards, connecting to his muzzle-tube just outside the entrance to his maw. I had fitted this one with a special one-way valve, so that the fluid couldn't flow backwards; I didn't want the recycling interrupted when the fox realized he could halt the flow by putting his tongue over the tube.
I moved around behind him again as I saw the last of the piss beginning to clear from the funnel end of the tube. Lining myself up, I press the tip of my shaft against his tailhole. I don't see a need for more lube; the thick ooze on my shaft is more than enough for me. He splutters with his last mouthful and screams into his tube again as I force the thick head into him. I rest a moment after I enter, not to let him get used to it but because his tailhole's resistance was actually difficult to overcome. Once I've taken a few breaths, however, I wrap my arms around the metal-encased vulpine's mid-section, and pull us together.
I ignore the pitiful squeals and squeaks of the fox as I begin bucking my hips into him. Spread-eagled and upright isn't the easiest position one can mount a partner in, but the added tightness of the strained tailhole makes for an intense experience. I take him in long slow strokes, letting him feel every bit of detail on the surface of my cocks from the veins lining the shaft to the itchy-tickle of the barbs on the tip rubbing against his insides.
As I use my pet for my pleasure, I begin to hear a change in the tone of his squeaks and whimpers, a rising tension behind them. I grin and alter my rhythm, starting to use shorter, shallower thrusts, the thick bulge of my knot slapping against his buttocks with each thrust. Finally, his intoxicated and abused body couldn't take it any longer; the fox let out a strange constricted howl through his tube as his orgasm gripped him, forcing his seed out of his cock and into the waiting tube. It wasn't enough yet to reach his muzzle, but it would make for a wonderful appetizer later.
As his tailhole spasmed around my shaft, I shuddered and thrust my hips hard, slamming the bulbous knot past the fox's tailhole. My captive's scream of pain and the warm drip of blood onto my balls were totally lost on me as I tied with him, his tailhole slamming down on the base of my knot and locking it firmly in place. I bucked my hips, the fox's yelps echoing throughout the small room as I rutted with his ass, finally spreading my wings wide and tightening my arms around him as my own climax struck me. I roared in release as thick ropes of my seed fired into the fox's abused and broken tailhole.
Half-collapsing against his back, I panted and waited for the sparks to clear from my eyes. I hadn't experienced an orgasm like that in years. Luckily, unlike a canine, my knot doesn't last quite as long; a few moments later, I felt the slight shifting that let me know it had loosened in the grip of my toy's rear. Moving my hips from side to side, I made the fox whimper in discomfort as my cock brushed against his sore prostate. I chuckled, and waited another moment before slowly pulling on the tie, forcing the fox's tailhole to stretch wider and wider before abruptly releasing my knot. I held on tight as the resistance passing my knot caused me to spasm, my hips bucking against the fox as my cock fired again. This final shot, I knew from experience, wasn't seed, but a 'plug' - a thick, gooey substance that sealed one's seed into one's mate. I grinned as I pulled out and I heard the fox grunt as he tried to push the build-up of unnaturally warm fluid against the thick plug. Until it broke down, he would be unable to remove my essence from his insides; by then, it would all be absorbed into his system.
Moving back around to the front of the fox, I cleaned my shaft with a nearby towel before tossing it aside. "That was a very good ride fox." The fox's gaze was almost laughably pitiful, like a little kicked puppy-dog; it was apparent that he was hoping that now that I'd have my fun he'd be released. "Definitely a good start to your new life as my toy."
I could smell the scent of defeat even before his expression showed it. "Oh, don't worry. You won't be stuck in there the whole time. I have a number of other fixtures that you can be fit into quite nicely. Some are nicer. Some are... not." I smiled as I watched the fox's eyes go wide as he tried to imagine something worse than his current predicament.
"For now, though, I'll leave you to sleep for the night. I might be back to give you a midnight snack a bit later, though." The fox couldn't keep his muzzle from wrinkling in disgust, which made me laugh again. "Yes, I'll definitely have to feed you more later. Perhaps something even more thick and creamy, eh?"
Turning my back on the sickened expression, I started to leave the room, only to stop and look back as I heard the fox begin to panic. His expression now was one of discomfort again, which gave me pause; I hadn't set up anything particularly bad to begin happening. I walked back towards the fox, and was half-way to him when his discomfort was suddenly relieved.
The thick rubber sheath covering his reddish-purple shaft bulged ever-so-slightly for just a split-second before the tension of the rubber forced it back tight against its contents, the clear covering taking on a thin yellow tint as the fox's overtaxed bladder released itself. The fox was still tense, his stomach tight as the pressure in him forced itself through his hardened member; I watched as the clear tube leading upwards filled, much more swiftly than with my own piss earlier. It reached the juncture point and spilled almost immediately into the fox's muzzle; the fox let a scream out up the tube that was cut off by a gurgle as more fluid rushed in and filled the tube, forcing him to swallow. Chuckling again, I watched his recycling a moment before turning to go, leaving my new toy to his fate for the night.
Moral of the story: Pay attention to your surroundings. Or don't. (*grumblerumble* Lucky fox....)
I may continue this later, or may not. ;)