Fire Down Below

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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A loose sequel to the Tabra's Vacation story I wrote a while back for my draggy. Instead of going to the Mushroom kingdom, this time he decided to go for one of the Pokemon countries. Actually owed him this story for a long time, got around to writing it just before Christmas and gave it to him, finally posting it online for everyone to see.

Tabra let out a throaty purr and narrowed his eyes as he flew through the air. There was something so exhilarating about being able to just soar through the sky and forget about the world below. It had always been of his favorite ways to relieve some stress, but certainly not his favorite. There were still far better things out there for that, but this was what he needed right now; A vacation away from his job and his life and all the troubles that came with them. His loving mate had seen him getting a bit too wound up and had convinced him to take some time off, even saying he would arrange for some fun activities to help him relax. Tabra wasn't sure what that meant, but he was grateful for it.

He'd been flying around for a bit, just gliding in lazy circles, when the wind shifted and brought a strange scent to his nose. The dragon shivered and a tingle raced down his spine as he banked, trying to keep his nose in that wind stream. What was that tantalizing smell? It was almost like fresh baking and juicy BB'Q rolled into one. Inhaling it deeply, he felt his body beginning to warm slowly as his bright blue eyes scanned the landscape for the source. A burst of flame suddenly caught his eye, making his head swivel around so fast he nearly dropped from the sky as it rose in a pillar before breaking into a shower of countless sparks. A bellowing roar followed the spectacular light show, the call lifting and dropping in a song-like pattern that was hauntingly familiar.

Before his rational mind could process what the signals meant, Tabra found himself angling towards their origin. He had almost overshot his target when another display flared up right beside him, close enough to grab his attention and focus his aim, but not that he was in any danger from the flames. His eyes narrowed until the burst of heat and light from that signal dissipated. This time there was no roar, just a deeply inviting croon that welcomed him as he dropped down to the ground at the edge of a tree line. Blinking at his discovery, he looked carefully at what he had found; A female charizard leaning against a rock, settled into a bed of soft tree boughs. It was easy enough for him to tell she was female, since her stubby legs were spread to show off her genital slit, the very source of the smell that had attracted him earlier.

Seeing the strange drake examining her, the female pokemon leaned her head forward to sniff at him, her eyes roaming over his body just as he had done to her. She must have liked what she saw because in an instant she heaved her body off her seat and rolled over onto all fours. Her thick, brightly-burning, flame-tipped tail swung out of the way to expose her swollen, dripping vent to her new suitor. Looking over her shoulder at him, she crooned again and wiggled her more than ample booty at him.

Tabra's own slit began to tingle and swell as this randy female presented herself to him, and now that he was this close to her, there was no doubt that she was looking for more than just a little spot of fun. She needed to be bred. His mind was starting to catch up to his body again, but there wasn't a single part of him telling him to leave. Every inch of his body was screaming that not only did he want this, he needed it, maybe even as much as she did. His sleek, buff muscles rippled under his azure scales as he moved in closer to the orange female. By the time he crossed the few feet between them, his cock was already as hard as it could get, with precum oozing along his pointed spear as he placed his hand on that massive ass. Her hips rolled back towards him as he rubbed the tip of his iceberg against the entrance to her inferno.

It only took a couple of seconds for him to line himself up with her opening, but that was already starting to wear on the desperate female's patience. She started to growl, but the noise suddenly broke into a rapturous cry as he pounded into her in one powerful thrust. Tabra groaned as her body wrapped itself around him, feeling like he had plunged his dick into a sleeve made of pure flame. Her warmth spread through his body, radiating outward from the point where their bodies met. She was having the exact opposite experience as his icy dragon prick lanced through her, already starting to sate the conflagration of her season. Flames rolled from her mouth as her jaws dropped open, letting out what sounded like a needful moan. Her tunnel clenched and grabbed onto the male's spire, stroking him and urging him to spill his seed into her. She wanted this stranger to put out the inferno that burned deep in her belly.

Tabra's hands slid around her wide rear, grabbing onto her hips as he pulled himself back. Another quick thrust into the female snapped her into motion, and the draconic pair began to shove and push against each other roughly. The virile scent of his musk began to mix with the delicious aroma of her estrus, forming a perfume that permeated their clearing. The blue-striped male growled deeply as he shoved himself in up to the root with every thrust. He could feel her strong tunnel grabbing at his base, trying to pull him even deeper as every thrust made it a little harder to escape from her folds.

She scratched and clawed at the stone she'd been leaning against earlier, hissing and snarling as she shifted and rocked her body constantly. The ridges along her chosen male's shaft were rubbing her in places she had no idea even existed. Every few seconds, their bodies would move just right and the breath would be driven from her lungs as he stroked something inside of her. She could feel the pleasure building; Far greater than any of her private experiences. There was a firestorm brewing on her body that was going to erupt at any moment.

Hot juices squelched around his cock and spilled down onto his balls, dripping onto the crude padding below them as the female's stubby, but thick and powerful, legs drove her back against him. She voiced her pleasure with a wide range of grunts and hisses while Tabra tightened his hold on her, feeling the female quake under him. Her maw lifted skyward as she roared with her first climax, flames shooting from her gaping mouth. Tabra could only groan as her body grabbed at him even harder than it had before.

He tried to keep rutting her right through her peak, but she was gripping him too hard. The gates of her pit grabbed onto him behind his half-formed knot and refused to let go, making his head spin as blood rushed to his member, causing that bulge swell up inside of her as soon as it was trapped. The charizard stopped mid-roar, looking plainly confused as his knot bulged inside of her, stretching her insides wider and wider until it had reached its full size. Feeling the immense girth locked within her rippling insides, she chuffed out a breath and pushed her wide rear back against him. The female even wrapped her massive tail around his body and jerked him forward, wanting to feel more of the huge bulb. This time it was Tabra's turn to roar as he hit his peak, blasting his icy seed into the female as she raised her head and cried out again as a second finish rolled through her body.

His head spun as he clung tightly to the large female's backside, standing on wobbly legs and leaning against her as he felt the cold cum he was pumping into her begin to pool around his cock. Every last drop was trapped by his knot as the charizard's tightly clenching muscles milked him dry. Looking at the female past her raised tail, he decided that she needed a name of some kind. Something fiery and exotic; Tephra would be a nice name for her. She looked back at him with a tender purr as she supported his weight. He answered her with a purr of his own and leaned forward to lick at her cheek. Craning her head around, she managed to stretch until their tongues met and twined around each other, but not quite in a kiss. Neither of them could contort far enough to get that far, but it was good enough for now.

He could taste her fiery breath as their tongues danced for a moment before she pulled away. Distracted by something, her eyes looked past him. Tabra turned his head and followed her gaze, seeing a group of large pokemon standing behind him; Two more charizards, and a charmeleon. All of them quite obviously male. The oldest charizard of the group was moving right up behind him, each heavy step stomping firmly on the ground. He wasn't the largest of the three, but he was still a very hefty male. He looked like the leader too, or at least the most experienced one, judging by the scars that marked his form. For a second Tabra wondered how he had missed these guys approaching, but then Tephra clenched around him for a moment, making his world spin again. Oh yeah, he had been distracted.

Without warning her tail began to move, rubbing along his thigh before sliding down under his tail, cradling it and lifting it up. He looked quickly at the female as she hissed something to the approaching male, who Tabra only just realized was sporting a massive erection. Feeling his rear exposed, Tabra nervously tried to tug away from the female pokemon, but her vice-like grip kept him trapped firmly in place. The tough-looking male seemed to chuckle, watching Tabra try to squirm away as he took one step forward and made his thick cock press right against the dragon's ass. Tabra's eyes went wide as the male's cock, already pre slicked with something, pushed firmly into his rear. His jaws dropped open and he moaned out loud, sounding much like Tephra when he had plunged into her. The charizard bull sunk several inches of his cock in before drawing back. Then, using his bulk, he pounded the rest of his thickness into the dragon, making the trapped male bark from the impact as he felt the larger male's balls slap against his own.

Tabra felt his stretched ass throb around the male's cock as he adjusted his stance. The base of it was so thick that it almost felt like someone was fisting him. His already wobbly knees gave out on him at the bull's first thrust, but Tephra's large frame was still there to support him. Purring and crooning, she encouraged the large male as he began to pound Tabra's ass. Every time the male moved, that massive cock rubbed against his prostate, making it all Tabra could do to keep himself steady right now. Small clawed hands grabbed around his hips, pulling him back into each of the male's short but powerful thrusts. This caused Tabra's knot to tug at the female's body, drawing the attention of one of the other males as she yelped and hissed in surprise.

The charmeleon moved closer and angled his head curiously as he ducked down to see what was troubling her while Barus, the nickname Tabra had given the bull male plowing his ass, grabbed one of his legs and lifted it up so he could see. Tabra was trying desperately to hang on as he was pounded, but any lingering control he had shattered when the inquisitive charmeleon, whom he decided at that point to call Silas, began to lick along his balls and the base of his trapped cock. Assaulted on too many fronts, he voiced a noise that was equal parts whine and bark as he fired a second, smaller load into the female. The dragon's hole clamped down around Barus' spire, making the charizard pound forward with a formidable bellow of his own. Cum so thick and hot it felt like magma was pumped into his stretched ass, and Tabra's eyes rolled back in his head as Silas continued to lap and lick at his spent cock and balls. The dragon groaned out tiredly as his belly began to bulge outward, overfilling from the sheer volume that Barus was injecting into him.

He was panting heavily for breath when Barus finally pulled out of his rear with a happy-sounding grunt, making Tabra shiver as the male uncorked his stretched hole and allowed all that cream to ooze out of him. Barus had barely even stepped away from him before the next male took his place. This charizard was bigger than Barus. Not quite as chubby-looking as most charizards were, his body rippled with powerful muscles. Half-dazed from the sexual onslaught, Tabra found himself thinking that Atlas would be a good name for this male.

Atlas absolutely loomed over Tabra, and only paused for a second to line up before he drove himself home with a single thrust. The dragon's eyes shot wide open and he let out a howl as he was stretched even wider than he was before! Even Tephra let out a cry, feeling the power of Atlas' first thrust as it drove her forward against the rock she'd been leaning against. She managed to hiss a complaint, but it went unheeded as the muscled male slammed into the drake's ass again. Tabra felt himself going cross-eyed as the fire-type Pokemon did his best to screw him senseless. His ass and tail were aching in the best way possible, but despite the pain he still spread his legs and pushed back as much as he could. He couldn't get enough of the charizard's cock.

Under them, Silas had rolled onto his back and begun working his fingers and tongue over Tephra's stretched privates in an attempt to silence her complaints. Tabra could feel her getting excited again, her body fluttering around his still achingly swollen and firmly tied cock as the female uttered a low moan. The charmeleon's fingers worked at the female's vent, slowly massaging and rubbing the mound and lips. Tabra quivered as he felt his knot shift a little, then pop free entirely as Atlas pulled him backwards. The charizard femme let out a sharp roar and spun, knocking Silas head over heels as she hissed at him, planted her rear on the ground and rubbing tenderly at her abused slit.

With his partner freed, Atlas lifted Tabra's feet right off the ground and held the drake against his chest. Looking for something to support himself on, Tabra reached back and held onto the Pokemon's neck, allowing the charizard to change his grip. Clawed hands cupped beneath his thighs as Atlas began to easily lift and drop the blue male. Gravity did most of the work, but Atlas drove his strong legs forward with a hard slap every time bottomed out. Tabra's cock bobbed in the air in front of him, slapping wetly against his belly scales as his world spun. He could barely even breathe as he rode the charizard's pole, let alone think about anything other than what was happening to him right here and now.

Hanging on for the ride of his life, he pushed against Atlas as best he could until the larger male leaned down and nipped at his neck with a mating bite. Tabra was panting and barking every few seconds as the male abused him in the way he loved. His tongue hung out of his maw and his toes curled as each thrust sent an overwhelming ripple through his own toned body. It felt like the charizard was trying to break him in half, and he wasn't going to voice a single complaint about that! Life crept back into his member as he was bounced up and down, his precum getting flung through the air it bobbed and began to stiffen up again.

Atlas groaned loudly over Tabra's head and suddenly pushed him down on to his cock as far as the dragon could go. Growling, he bit down onto the dragon's shoulder and roared around his mouthful as he began to erupt inside of the male's snug ass. He matched all the force of Barus' earlier eruption as his cock jumped and twitched inside of the dragon's rear, only a little of his napalm able to leak out of the tightly stretched ring. The dragon cooed happily as he felt his ass being pumped full of thick charizard cum, but the feeling was slightly bittersweet. Even if it had been a good one, Tabra was a little disappointed that the bull had given him such a short ride. He had just started getting accustomed to Atlas' girth, and expected this male to go much longer.

Tabra's disappointment was short lived though, and his backdoor buddy didn't leave him wanting too much longer. Before he was even finished making Tabra's gut swell with his load, Atlas began to bounce him up and down again, his cock slurping lewdly with the fresh coating of spunk. Before he could get too far into the second round, Silas looked over at the two rutting males and hissed something at Atlas while stroking his cock. The massive Pokemon looked down at his smaller partner and voiced a chuckle that sounded like tumbling boulders before suddenly flopped down on his back. Tabra felt his weight shift as the charizard simply fell backwards, keeping a tight grip on the dragon and never even missing a beat as he changed position.

With the two males on the ground, Silas scrambled into position, grinning at the impaled dragon as he scooted in nice and close. Atlas pulled out of Tabra's ass further than he had been during his rough mating, letting Silas slide his cock up against its underside before pushing forward. Tabra roared out in lust as he was spread by both of the char-cocks at once, nearly blacking out as they began to take him in unison. Atlas kept his thrust nice and slow, relying on his strength and force while Silas watched and judged his pattern before starting in as well. Each time Atlas would draw back, he would pound himself in up to the hilt quickly before drawing back out. Then when his larger friend was sliding back in, he would match the pace until they were both bottomed out. For every one of the big guy's thrusts, he was getting in two and sometimes three of his own.

It was all too much for Tabra and the blue dragon uttered a low cry, his former complaints forgotten as the sound was lost among the loud grunts and snarls of the two pokemon. With one last whine, his tired cock sprayed a meager load onto his and Silas' bellies. Curious again, the charmeleon leaned his head down to lick some of the iced cream from the dragon's scales, purring at the unique taste. Sweeping more of it up with his tongue, he arched his body forward to share it with Atlas. The big male leaned forward until their tongues intertwined, snowballing the drake's spunk.

Tabra was lost to the world as the two males continued to take him. He must have finally blacked out, because the only things he remembered were the sound of twin roars right near his head and more cum flooding his ass, this time escaping from his abused rear as Silas pulled out. Both pokemon panted heavily as they rested there, having slaked all of their need. Having finally succumbed to the intense rutting, Tabra purred lazily as he laid back on Atlas' warm belly, stretching his sore body out against the charizard's muscled form as he closed his eyes and began to doze. * * *

Once he felt like he could move, he pulled away from Atlas with a wince. His rear was hurting, and would ache even more in the morning. It was so worth it though, feeling how much he was stretched and filled. Getting up, he staggered around for a moment. At first, his legs wanted to mutiny and collapse, but after some walking they managed to keep him upright. He made a couple slow circuits of the area before a croon caught his attention. Tephra looked at him with bright eyes, reaching down to spread her pussy. "I don't think I can go again so soon." Tilting her head to the side, her wanting gaze changed to one that asked him, pleaded with him to try. He sighed and peeled himself away from the tree, "I'll try something, then if I'm ready to go after that we can, okay?"

Staggering over to the female, he almost dropped onto his belly as he tried to kneel. The charizard femme tilted her head to the side and watched him. His forked tongue snaked out to slide over her lips, tasting at her juices and his cum. Odd, but he was the only male that had come inside of her so far. Shrugging it off, he nuzzled against her petals and kept licking her body. Her scent and flavor began to wake up his body slowly. Even if his body was willing, he wasn't sure if he would be able to give her a good ride, he was just too sore and tired at the moment.

As he licked over her body, Barus slipped up behind him again and spread his cheeks. He looked back at the boss charizard with a gasp as the male lined his cock up with the drake's rear again. Tephra grabbed onto his horns and pulled his head back towards her snatch with a croon. Submitting himself to the treatment, he nuzzled her body and pushed his tongue into the female again. Barus's first thrust was hard, almost as rough as what Atlas has been doing to him. The bull pounded him hard enough that the tip of his muzzle actually spread the female's lips open. She arched up towards him and groaned, tugging at his horns again.

Barus wasn't done with just that one slam. He began to hammer Tabra's striped ass hard. Each thrust pushed the drake's muzzle a little more into the female. Tabra's heart began to pound as he licked at the female's walls, feeling her stretching out around his maw. Since she seemed to enjoy it, he began to push his head forward. Those soft, hot lips stretched out around his muzzle as he sunk deeper. Wiggling his head around, he rubbed the tip of his nose horn against her insides, smiling as she squealed and jerked. Her body grabbed at his maw and pulled at it as if it were a throbbing manhood.

The three dragons worked together as the excitement rose. Tephra was pushing her hips upwards, sliding further down on her seat as her insides pulled at the invader. Tabra held onto her body and shuffled towards, wiggling his muzzle and twisting it as she took more of him in. Behind it all, Barus held onto that sexy ass and rutted the drake with all the force he could muster. Inch by inch, Tabra's body was pushed into that randy, wanting female.

He held his breath as his mouth sunk fully into her body. Then up to his eyes. It felt like he was sliding into her even faster now. His cock was rock hard and aching now as the rest of his head slipped into her. The drake could feel her cervix against his nose, opening for him as soon as he touched it. His passage was eased by the amount of juices she was producing, and the sperm he had pumped into her earlier. It wasn't long before his head began to spin and his lungs burned. Chancing a quick breath, he discovered that he could breath. The air was hot and humid, but it was breathable.

Releasing his hold on her legs, he wiggled his neck into her body, pausing for a second when his shoulders touched her stretched lips. Where he might have slowed, the two charizards were just getting started. Barus pulled out completely as Tephra took a deep breath. Tabra's rear had just started to tighten back up when the bull slammed him with every bit of his bulk. Tephra cried out, the sound vibrating along the drake's body, as her body stretched around his shoulders. Tabra tucked his head down as her vagina tugged him deeper. Outside of her body, he felt a tongue slide across his cock as he sank chest deep into the female.

The tongue on his length was replaced by fingers, pressing his aching length against his belly just a second before he was pushed deeper. Only now did Barus stop his relentless pounding. Tabra felt the lead bull's hands pushing and positioning his body, Silas's smaller hands helping where needed. Now it was Tephra and his show. Wiggling his body, he curled his form up as the charizard female's body pulled him deeper. He curled his toes up as his feet pulled into her, then finally his tail. After who-knows how long, he felt her cervix closing up behind his tail, trapping him inside of her womb.

He purred louder as his hand slipped down to grip his cock, stroking it furiously. Tabra curled up into a tight ball, encouraged by the female's muscles. He rolled up tight enough that he felt his tip brush against his lips. Opening his eyes, he could just barely make out the shape of his body. Like the air, light filtered in through her stretched belly. In that ruddy glow, he licked over his cock, sucking on the tip as he jerked off quickly.

Tephra groaned as she felt her body closing around the strange male, laying back with a huff. She looked as if she had a dozen eggs in her, her belly distended from the full-grown dragon inside of her. Her skin bulged and shifted as the drake inside of her found a comfortable position. She could feel him wiggling and moving, a sensation that made her purr and look up at the three charizard males with a smirk. Barus was the first one to move over her, his cock spotlessly cleaned by Silas. The bull thrust into her stretched body and was already rutting her like a beast even as her muscles tightened up again.

Her massive belly jiggled with his thrusts as her tunnel got to a point where it could grab at the male again. Barus uttered a groan as her vagina clamped down around him, rolling and milking the male. Where he might have managed to last inside of the blue dragon's rear, there was little he could do to hold off against the needful pull and grabbing of the female. In just a few thrusts, he buried himself inside of her, his tip pushing through that barrier against her womb as he spilled his load inside of her.

Unlike the blue dragon's cum, Barus's seed only served to make her want more. And more semen came in the form of the other two males, each of them more than eager to fill her with their loads. The head bull pulled out of her, her body sweeping his cock clean. Rolling onto her side, she readied herself for Atlas as she purred seductively. Her eyes narrowed as she felt something cool spreading in her gut. The male housed there finally settled down, the bulge he made slowly shrinking.

Just two days after the rutting, Tephra was putting the last touches on her nest. Two of the males that had been with her earlier were gone, probably off in search of another female. The smaller one was still with her, helping arrange the nest. A ring of stones surrounded a ring of the softest sand she could find. Purring at him, she gave the charmeleon a quick nuzzle before waddling into the ring of stones. She looked like she carried the brood of a hundred males, her belly almost dragging the ground as she walked. Crouching in the next, she felt a shift.

She voiced a groan, the sound growing into a low roar as the first of the eggs began to shift and slide down her tunnel. Muscles slicked by her seasonal lubrication pushed at the egg. They rolled around the smooth shape, holding it tight. Silas scurried around to her front, watching as the bulge slipped down her body slowly. Laying on his side, he curled his head in close and licked over her lips. Gently biting, licking, and sucking on her petals, he coaxed them to a state or arousal. As his tongue danced over her body, his hand rose to stroke over her body, urging her clitoris out of hiding so he could toy with that nub.

Narrowing his eyes, he watched as that first egg slipped down her body. Licking and stroking her faster, he made the female tremble over him and voice a purr. He could see her gut tremble around the egg as he worked at a furious pace. The first orb popped out with a gush of fluids, landing in his hand. Silas put the egg down and rolled it away from them. Two other eggs joined the first, all three of them orange with yellow stripes. Each one exited the female with an accompanying tremble and a gush of fluids.

Silas rolled onto his back, feeling his own excitement growing as he watched the female lay the eggs, knowing one was his. His cock stood proud against his belly as he pushed his fingers into her body, pumping them quickly. Tephra trembled and let out a purr as she slapped at his shoulder and growled. Wiggling on the sand, the smaller adjusted his body as the female knelt over him. He placed his hands on either side of her body and spread her lips out. Silas licked over her snatch before pushing his muzzle against her. The female's body resisted just for a second before his blunt maw popped in with a lewd squish. Tephra let out sharp bark, not unlike that blue male, as he did this. Dropping her head down, she ran her tongue over his cock. She took him into her mouth eagerly and began to tend to his erection.

Holding tight to her rear, he began to pump his head back and forth. Silas breathed out little bursts of fire, just enough to lick at her insides without hurting her. She returned the favor on his cock, bathing it with flame as her hands roamed down to cup his balls and stroke them. He felt her body rippling around him as the fourth egg started its journey out. Opening his jaws, he licked at the egg for a second as he coaxed it down. Curling his lips over his teeth, he gently gripped the orb before pulling his muzzle out. Tephra trembled over him, roaring around the cock in her muzzle as she peaked right as his maw popped out of her.

He was grinning as he rolled his head, letting the purple and green egg fall to the soft sand. As if seeking revenge on him for his little trick, Tephra pushed her finger right into the male's rear. Silas's eyes shot wide as he arched up, voicing a grunt as she began to massage his prostate furiously. He didn't notice as her belly began to shift, the next egg coming down. The male's eyes rolled back in his head as he groaned out, tongue lolling from his mouth as stars danced and spun in front of his eyes. Her juices dripped onto his chest and throat as she bowed her body up. Silas blew with another roar, the sound starting deep in his chest before rolling up his throat.

Tephra's eyes closed as she hissed, feeling the male's thick spunk splash across her tongue. Only a small part of her attention was on him. She felt the bulk of her stomach shift and move as the final egg moved into position. This had to be the strange male from the day before. It had felt strangely good when she took him into her body, she'd never had a male that size in her before. Smaller Pokemon were fun, but when they came out, they were hardly any bigger than the egg she laid normally. This one, oh this one was huge!

Her body spread wide, easily as wide as when the male's shoulders went into her. She felt her hips dislocate and flare out, body stretching impossibly wide. Her breath caught in her throat as stars sparkled and danced in her vision. She came as the egg started down her body, but it wasn't going to stop at one. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes unfocused. Every shift of the egg meant another orgasmic wave crashed through her. Her fluids were dripping onto the male under her, even more building up behind the egg. She felt Silas lick at her body before uttering a hiss and scrambling away.

With him out from under her, she crouched lower, lips almost touching the sand as she shook. The bottom of the egg touched the sand and she began to rise slowly. Her body stretched wider and wider, fluids building and leaking around the plug. Gravity helped pull the thing from her as she rose up. There! The widest point popped out of her body, meaning that the rest slid far easier from her. Tephra let out the roar that had been building for several moments as she fell forward. The egg rolled and slipped out of her, leaving her panting and empty on the ground. Her whole world spun and danced as she rolled over slowly, looking at the egg and it's intense blue-on-blue shell.

The others would take some time to hatch, but seconds after it was free the biggest one began to wiggle. A crack here, a chip there, slowly the egg broke open. It cracked open with a sound akin to a great tree breaking. The blue dragon fell onto his side, gasping as he lay there. Rolling onto his back, he uttered a content purr as the fine sand clung to his scales. He gave the two Pokemon an upside-down smile and moaned, "Oh I really needed that." His jaws stretched wide with a yawn as he pulled himself free of the egg. Tephra gave a yawn of her own, rolling over to offer him a place to lay. Half-crawling over to her, he laid against the female and let himself drift for now, content.