A Strange World Chapter 4

Story by Zack_Wolfe on SoFurry

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#2 of A Strange World Series

Chapter 4:

One month had passed since john arrived on Venra. He was begining to understand some of the furs customs and their culture. He had spoke to many different dipolmats and media people. They had built a statue in honor of the momentous occassion. Krystal had been reviewing all of the data on Earth that the ships archives held and the scientist wrote their own for John to bring back.

John walked into the lab. He was exhausted, another meeting with the bombardment of questions was taking a toll on him. Luckily he could relax. He walked through the lab, checking on how everyone was doing. He walked over to a station where Red, Sky, and Krystal sat tinkering with some machine. "Hey John!" Sky said happy to see the human. Krystal looked over and smiled. Red glarred at him giving a barely audible angry growl. "What are you guys working on?" John asked his intrest was piqued. "It is a super high efficentcy engine to replace the one the other scientist stoleand disassembled from your ship." Krystal said. "Oh I see." John said. "I think I'll let you guys do your thing." He said with a tired tone. Krystal gave him a smile, Red simply glarred again, and Sky spoke up as he walked away. "John!" Sky said. "Yeah?" John replied turning around. "The researchers set up that exercise facility that you requested." He said. "Oh good." John said. He began to walk out of the facility and drove the hovercycle back to the apartment. "To think I almost died the first time I rode on one of these things, and here I am flying like an expert." He thought laughing to himself.

He pulled up to the skyport that was across from the apartment and walked along the silver walkway thatlead to the upper apartments. He walked in front of the white door and waived his band in front of the sensor, the door slid opened and closed behind him. Krystal would be coming home soon, so he began to prepare some dinner. He decided on some fish and a rice. He began to cook it, even though it would have been far easier to just let the devices cook it or even just order it, but he felt like cooking.

Krystal's mind began to drift, the engine in front of her went to the back of her mind. She began to get that feeling deep inside her stomach, she knew that it was close but not that close. You see the spring had come and that also entailed mating season. That time of year when the primal disires and instincts set in, it affected everyone it didn't matter how 'civilizied' you thought you were. She had to admit, she was starting to feel something for the strange creature. She was intially intrigued by him but now that intrigue had grown into something more. She had spent many late nights learning everything she could about the behaviors of humans. She put down on of the tools and gathered her things up. She quickly brushed her snow white fur making sure she looked somewhat decent.

She slung the bag over her shoulder and walked down the hallway almost knocking over on of the decortive plants in the hall as she ran into a wall. The wall just happend to be a big, annoying, person. "You should be more careful" Red said. "What do you want?" Krystal asked tired and impatient. "You." He said plainly. "Sorry I've told you a thousand times, I AM NOT INTERESTED!" she said trying to get through the wolf's thick skull. She didn't even know why he kept trying, or for that matter why he was in the R&D department. He was one of the dullest people she knew but even the R&D people need dumb test subjects. "Why don't you just go out with me?" He said angry and frustrated puffing out his large chest. "Because you are a stupid jerk!" She said walking away. "You like the Human don't you!? I've seen the way you look at him and you're living with IT." He yelled out as he drove his fist into the wall causing a thundering echo throught the hall and leaving a large dent in the wall.

Krystal walked so fast down the sidewalk she was practically running. "Why the Hell is he such an asshole!?" she thought now very angry. For the last three years he had been trying to mate with her. He only wanted her body. He always had two or three girls he would use. He really was a useless pathetic excuse for a person. "He thinks just because he is so Alpha he's entitled to whatever he want's like some spoiled child who wants a better toy than the kid next to him." She thought now sprinting past people. The loud click-clacking of the high heels on the pavement. Her mind was now racing, she didn't care about anything else. Her foot went to the ground but there was nothing underneath it to support her weight. The foot went forward, she lost her balance and the foot pad began to roll underneath her. Her ankle touched the ground and she felt the sharp stab running up her leg. "Damn!" She cursed out as she stopped. She had sprained her ankle, It was all that jerk's fault too. If he hadn't kept bothering her she wouldn't have been angry enough to sprint down the street. She took a deep breath removed the heels and tossed them as hard as she could at the nearby wall, she was really close to the apartment and it only hurt a little for now. She began to limp more and more with each step. Eventually she made to the the front door.

"Argh shit!" Krystal said stumbling throught the door. John had takenthe black earpiece off as wearing it all the time hurt his ear. "Damn that hurts." Krystal said. "You can speak english now!" he said in shock. "Yeah I have been learning on the late nights I was working in the lab." .The white wolf made her way slowly through the door. John looked over to see the pained expression as she made he way through the door. "What happend? Are you ok?" John said quite worried. "I was running and my stupid foot slipped." She said half annoyed because of the pain. "Why were you running?" John said worring that she might of had an attacker. "I just really needed to run." She said. "Here, sit down on the couch." John said helping her over to the large white sofa. She sat down. "Let me see it." He said gently picking up the foot causing her to lay down on the sofa."Well your foot doesn't look to bad." He said a little relief coming over both of them. "It still hurts though." she said. "Here." John said sitting on the couch placing her left foot in his lap. He gently began to rub the muscles aroung her ankle.

Some comfort came to Krystal as his hands gently began to rub the muscles, deep down she realized that she did love him. His hands began to work her toe and footpads as well. She let out a small sigh and moan as the strong yet gentle fingers rubbed her fur and skin. He was so caring towards her. "Does that feel better?" He asked. A smile came from her. "Absolutely." She said. Her fur was soft in his fingertips he admired how nice the white fur was. He began to work his way up her calf. She began to feel warm, his gentle touch combined with the pent up sexual hormones began to get her tingly. "Mmh" She moaned as her eyes closed. Electricity began to run from her foot to her groin. John began to work farther up the leg. She happily smiled. "Since I see you are enjoying this do you want me to massage the rest of you too?" He asked. Thoughts began to race through her mind, she needed to feel more of this. "Please." She said half begging. He looked into the her large blue eyes. He knew that it was mating season, he also knew that she had feelings for him. His hands began to rub her legs slowly working his way up her body until he was rubbing her thighs.

Her pink nipples began to harden she felt herself becoming very wet. He brushed his hands on her inner thighs. She let out a loud moan. "Hold on." She said as she removed her red dress. John watched her slowly lift the dress over her head. More of the white fur became visible. He felt himself getting hard. "That's much better!" She said letting her eyes met his. He looked at her belly, it was just right, firm enough, yet a little pudgy. His eyes work their way up to the two large mounds in front of him being held only by a thin white bra. The looked very soft. She laid back on the couch now revealing her soaked white panties, he could see how aroused she was. He knew she was in heat. His shirt came off and he moved his body on top of her's hovering in the air. "I love you" She told him. "I love you too." he said softly as he kissed her feeling the inside of her mouth with his tongue. She moaned softly, she began to grow even hotter.

John's hands began to explore every inch her body had to offer. His hands slid up to her belly gently rubbing it going up to her sternum. Her breathing became heavier with each pass of his fingers. He then grinned picked up his hands and began to rub her shoulders. His teasing was driving her mad, she reached a paw down to try and get some relief. "Uh un not yet, I'll take care of that but you are going to have to wait." He said a grin on his face. Set let out a groan, he knew how much she wanted it. He kissed her cheek slowly planting kisses on her muzzle working slowly down her neck. She gave little sighs with each one of the tiny kisses. His fingertips no began working her sides, he kissed her collar bone. His fingertips seemed to drift slowly up to the white mounds. His mouth moved to one of the mounds as he began to kiss it. His deft fingers began to unhook the small hooks that held the fabric away from her sensitive flesh. The fabric fell to the ground as John unhooked and tossed it to the side. The hands now touched the mounds, grabbing them, massaging them. He eyes looked at the two small pink nipples that were now very hard. His head moved down to one of the breasts as his free fingers played with the opposite one. Krystals body had begun to squirm around, she was panting very hard, she need to have him. His tongue licked the entire breast before he licked the little pink nub. "Oh yes." was all krystal said her chest pushing against his mouth.

Krystal's claws cut the thin fabric of her panties freeing her from the pleasure barrier. John's tongue switched to the other breast giving it the same treatment. Krystal's body squirmed around. "Please John I NEED it." She begged out. He began to slowly lick his tongue down her stomach. He reached the patruding pink tunnel of flesh. He rubbed the inside of her thighs. Her hips bucked wildly. She was having a very hard time breathing. Her chest rose and fell with each movement of John's fingers and tongue. His tongue teased her entrance working his was around the pink tunnel. Her hips pushed on his face. "Please, Please, Please" she begged out madly. His tongue licked the pink hole as it began to pour it's sweet juice. "Oh Yes MORE MORE PLEASE!" She panted as her body shook madly, hips pushed against his tongue. He drove his tongue into the hole as she shook even more. The tongue began to play with a little her clitoris in the tunnel. Her breathing was irradict she was almost hyperventalating. While his tongue worked it's magic he undid his constricing pants, his 7 inch rod was now as hard as steel. Krystal raised her hind legs into the air, her tail continued to pound the couch. He backed away from her. She had a small frown and looked at him. Her eyes were instantly drawn to his hardend flesh. She studied human reproduction but now she was going to experience it. "PUT IT INTO ME NOW!" She half yelled. She needed to have him in her.

He postioned the head in front of her dripping pussy. He slowly pushed his way into the hole. It was very hot and extremely slick. Krystal let out a long moan. John tried to push deeper into her. It was a difficult feat as her hole was tighter than anything else he had previously experienced. "OH GOD YES PLEASE I NEED MORE!" She pant-yelled out. He pused hard against her and drove the rest of the way in. Krytal was in pure ectasy as she was filled by his steel rod. Each movement drove her almost over the edge. John pulled back out and pushed hard inside her once more. After a few more tiny thrusts she began to relax allowing him to easily pound the hole. The hot, tight, slick tunnel drove John mad, his primal instincts said to pound the living shit out of her hole. He bucked harder and twice as fast. "OH FASTOHTTERRR! HARRRDDEEERR!" She screamed out as her eyes started to cross. She could no long think, istead she began to incoherntly mumble. He thrusted against her harder feeling himself get very close. "I'm going to cum!" he said pounding away. "UNF Pound me don't stop!" She panted. His hips smacked her ass and he drove himself deep inside her hole. He pumped her full of the salty white fluid. Her body was pumped full, her body began to twitch and convulse as she rode wave after wave of pleasure caused by this loving, caring, Human, Her love. He pulled out of her as they kissed and cuddled.