The Story (Tales of Drake and Xello Ch. 2)

Story by Xello on SoFurry

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The second chapter to my original series. Tales of Drake and Xello. Comments are welcome, and if you find mistakes, please point them out so i can fix it ^^

Xello was sitting in the passenger seat in Drake's red Corvette. "Nice car," He said, smiling at Drake. 'He must come from a rich family,' he thought.

Drake simply smiled at Xello. "Thank you, my grandfather gave it to me last year." He said. "So Xello, what do you do in your free time?"

Xello blushed. "I like to read and play video games." He said. 'Why am I blushing?' He thought to himself, and then started to blush more.

Drake smiled. 'I wonder what he's think about,' He thought to himself. 'He's extremely cute when he blushes.' "What type of video games do you play?" Drake asked.

Xello looked down before saying, "I like Final Fantasy, Zelda, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Halo, Guitar Hero, and many other games," he replied.

Drake looked at Xello. He said, "I'm not big into Final Fantasy, but I Love Super Smash Bros. Brawl. We can play that or Halo after we do some homework. What books do you like to read? I love fantasy books myself."

Xello blushed, "I like to read just about everything, but I love fantasy." 'Wow, we are really into the same stuff. He so cute and we seem to get along.' Xello thought to himself. 'I'm really starting to become attracted to this guy, but why?' "I'm not gay." He suddenly realized he spoke the last part out loud, and began to blush even more then he had before.

Drake laughed, and said, "So, what you thinking about?"

Xello stared at the ground, before muttering, "I don't know. How did you figure out you were gay?"

Drake stared at Xello for a minute. He noticed Xello's eyes were lost in thought, as if he was battling something inside. Drake put his paw on Xello's shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly. He smiled and finally said, "It's a long story, one I can tell you when we get to my house."

Xello nodded, and then went back to his thoughts. 'I need to figure out what's going on with me, and soon.'

They finally pulled into a long driveway at the end of Ashwood Road. Xello was looking a two story house, with blue paint on the outside and green trim. Several large oak trees dotted the yard. A flower garden was surrounding the house, containing so many different flowers of various colors. Drake looked at Xello and said, "My parents aren't going to be home for a little while. They don't know I'm gay, so please don't say anything to them."

Xello nodded, before unbuckling his seat belt and opening the car door. He turned around to grab his backpack. He stared to stare at Drake intently, admiring his blue eyes, noticing how soft and warm they truly were. He continued down his body, admiring how well groomed his fur was. Drake had some slight muscle to him. Xello began to blush when he realized how much he was staring at him. 'Maybe, just maybe, I'm gay, and I just found the guy I like.' Xello was beginning to blush even more so.

Drake noticed how much Xello was staring at him, but he didn't want him to get embarrassed. He pretended not to notice. "Xello," Drake said. "Let go inside. We have some homework to do, remember?"

Xello looked up, and said, "Oh yea, I kind of forgot." He chuckled slightly.

Drake's house was simply breath taking. The floors were made of rosewood, as were the stairs and tables. The paint on the walls was a very soft yellow, and had white trim. The furniture in the house was all extremely soft and matched the walls nicely. The spiral stair case was what rounded out the room. Xello noticed a 60 in. plasma screen T.V. handing on the east wall, with a Blu-ray player sitting on the table below it. The surround system was wired around the room. Xello started to feel jealous. 'I wish my house was this nice,' Xello thought. "Nice house," Xello said.

Drake smiled and said, "Thank you. Let's head up to my room. It's a little messy, but we can study in peace up there."

They climbed up the spiral stair case. The second floor flooring was the same as the down stairs. There were three doors. Drake went straight from the stairs and opened a door. Once they were inside Drake's room, Xello took a good look around. The walls were painted an ash grey. The carpet was the same color as Drake's eyes. There was a pine dresser in the corner, and a king size bed with black sheets and comforter against the wall. A 30 in. HD T.V. was opposite of the bed, with a Playstation 3, a Wii, and a Xbox 360 were all underneath on the black T.V. stand. An Alienware laptop was sitting on a black computer desk. There were two computer chairs by the desk. Xello thought, 'Wow, this is a very nice room.'

Drake said, "Make yourself at home. Would you like something to drink? We have Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, tea, water."

Xello blushed a little. "I'd like a tea," he said.

Drake walked out of the room, saying one second. Xello, noticed a shoe-box somewhat hidden under Drake's bed. He thought 'I wonder what's in there.' Xello knew he shouldn't look, but curiosity got the better of him.

Drake ran downstairs, humming some of the music from their marching show for the year. "I hope Xello is enjoying himself." He said. "It's been a while since I've had a cute guy over."

Drake walked into a large kitchen. The counters were made of steel, and the rosewood flooring was still present. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen. He walked over to the rosewood cabinets and pulled out two glasses. He walked to a deep freezer and put ice into both glasses. Drake looked out the window before walking over to the fridge. The sky was suddenly pitch black. Drake looked at the time. I was only 3 p.m. 'A storm is coming in. I hope it blows over quickly,' Drake thought. He opened up the steel fridge and took out a pitcher of tea. He filled up both the glasses, and then put the pitcher back into the fridge. "Do you want lemon?!" Drake shouted.

Xello had just pulled out the shoe-box when he heard Drake shout. "Sure!" He shouted back. He opened up the shoe-bow and saw several magazines. The covers were titled Gay Yiff Pride. Xello, now very curious, took out the first magazine and thumbed through the pages. He kept looking at the pictures, and started to get horny, his cock quickly coming out of his sheath. He quickly put the magazine back in the shoe-box as he heard Drake coming back up the stairs. He then re-hid the shoe-box back under the bed, and sat on the bed. The door opened slowly. Drake emerged a few moments afterwards, carrying two glasses filled with tea.

"There is a storm coming in," said Drake. He looked at Xello, and noticed him trying to cover where his cock was. He didn't want to call Xello's attention to it, but Drake still smiled. 'I guess he found my magazines,' he thought.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Drake set both the glasses on the computer desk, and picked up the phone. "Hello?" He said.

"Drake, honey, there is a very bad storm coming in. We aren't going to be able to get home. Don't leave the house." It was Drake's mother on the other end.

"Ok mom. Also, I have a friend over, I was going to bring him home later, what do you want me to do?" Drake said.

"Have him stay over. There is a tornado warning." His mother replied. "Call his mom, and give her my cell number. I'll talk with her."

"Ok mom, you guys take care." Drake said, and then hung up the phone. "My mom wants you to stay here because there is tornado warning," Drake said, turning to Xello. "Call you mom, and we can give her my mom's cell number."

Xello nodded, and Drake handed him the phone. He dialed his mother's number. "Hello mom."

"Hi honey." Renee said on the other end.

"Mom, Drake's parents are saying there is a tornado warning, and don't want him to leave the house, and would prefer if I just stayed here. They aren't here, and can't get home. If you need to talk to them, we can give you their number." Xello said all in one go.

"It's ok honey. I'd rather you two are safe then try to beat the storm. Just make sure you go to class tomorrow," she said.

"Ok mom. Love you." Xello said

"Love you too, honey," she said as she hung up.

He handed the phone back to Drake. Xello stared out the window and the already dark sky grew even darker. "My mom doesn't need to speak to your parents," Xello said. "Where will I be staying?"

Drake thought for a second, before saying, "There is plenty of room in my bed. Don't worry; I won't do anything without your permission." He thought to himself, 'I can't believe my luck.'

Xello nodded. He grabbed a glass from the desk and took a long drink. "So, how did you figure out you were gay?" He said, as he set his glass down.

Drake looked down. He thought for a few minutes before saying, "I found out because I just never found myself attracted to girls. I noticed I kept staring at guys, and when I blurted out to Ceres that I thought he was hot, he beat me up, calling me a fag. He was my best friend, but I guess he never really was my friend. Why do you ask?"

Xello blushed bright red when he said, "Because, I think I might be attracted to you." 'Oh no, I can't believe I just said that to him. I haven't even known him a day!' He thought.

Drake smiled. He walked over to Xello and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, you have plenty of time to figure out if your gay or not." Drake said softly to him.

Suddenly, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. Xello jumped with a yip. He got closer to Drake. "I hate lightning," he whimpered. 'He so warm. I feel safe in his arms,' Xello thought.

Xello looked into Drakes eyes. He felt so happy being held by Drake. Xello smiled and blushed a little.

Drake looked back into Xello's eyes. He said, "You have the most beautiful eyes ever seen."

Xello blinked at Drake. He leaned in closer and kissed Drake on the cheek. 'I can't believe I just kissed Drake,' Xello thought to himself. "I found your magazines, Drake. Have you ever done any of that stuff?" He asked.

Drake blinked and looked down. "No, I'm still a virgin. I'm waiting for the right guy to come along." He said. He stared back into Xello's eyes, and then kissed him on the lips. Xello murred at the kiss. Their lips locked. Drake pushed his tongue into Xello's muzzle.

Xello, still murring, was enjoying the taste of Drake's saliva; his tongue started playing around in Drake's mouth. Xello and Drake's eyes were closed, murring in unison. When they stopped, Xello said, "I think I love you Drake." He didn't blush this time. He knew that Drake felt the same.

Drake simply smiled. He drew Xello close and licked him on the cheek. "I think I love you too." Drake said. He started to slowly unbutton Xello's pants. Xello's cock was throbbing, wanting to be pleasured. Drake pulled Xello's pants off, revealing his silk black boxers with silver lines. Xello's cock caused his boxers to tent; pre was slowly leaking into his boxers.

Xello then pulled off his shirt. His body wasn't any special. His black fur was soft, and his frame wasn't muscular. He was thin, and looked somewhat fragile. Xello leaned closer to Drake and kissed him again, licking Drake's lips as so he could force his tongue in. Drake open up his mouth, just enough to allow Xello and his tongues to dance in each others mouths.

While locked in the kiss, Drake's hand went into Xello's boxers. He grabbed Xello's cock, playing with it. His pre coating Drakes hand. Xello began to moan with pleasure. Drake finally broke the passionate kiss and pulled Xello's boxers completely off. Xello's 7 inch cock stood erected in front of Drake, his knot starting to form. Pre was rolling down Xello's pink member, and onto his sheath.

Xello pulled off Drakes shirt and gasped. Drake obviously worked out. His body was well built. "You're even hotter without a shirt," Xello said, as Drake unbuttoned his own pants.

Drake blushed at this. "You look very hot yourself," Drake said, taking a sniff of the air. Xello's musk filled the room. His pants fell to the ground; Xello stared at Drake's blue satin boxers, admiring his cock that barely peaked out from the top of them.

Drake smiled as Xello reached over to pull off his boxers, revealing his 8 inch cock. His musk started mixing with the scent of Xello's musk in the air. Xello was now going wild as their scents both filled the air. He pulled Drake close, and wrapped his arms around Drake. Their cocks were rubbing against each others; both murred in response. Xello nipped at Drake's left ear, whispering, "I want you."

Drake licked Xello's cheek then whispered, "I love you Xello, and I love you more and more as I'm with you." Drake slowly kissed down Xello's body, sucking on his nipples when he reached them. Drake's tongue was swirling the nipple around.

Xello moaned in ecstasy. He had never felt such pleasure. Drake slowly continued down his body, until he reached Xello's cock.

Drake sat there and admired it lovingly for a moment, sniffing in as he did. He kissed it once; Xello to murred in approval. Drake then began to lick down Xello's sheath, causing him to moan in pleasure. Drake smiled at this, and looked up at him. Xello nodded, and Drake wrapped his tongue around Xello's cock before taking in into his muzzle. The taste of Xello's pre was salty, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Xello had never felt so alive. Watching and feeling Drake bobbing up and down his cock caused even more pre to shoot out. He put his paw on Drake's head, moaning constantly at the sheer pleasure he felt. He looked down towards Drake's cock, and saw him pawing off. Xello, panting with pleasure, said, "Let... me... have... a go."

Drake stopped on Xello, laid down on the soft bed, patting on it to single for Xello to come over. Xello didn't hesitate, and laid next to him, and took his cock into his muzzle. Both began moaning in pure pleasure, as they bobbed up and down each others cock. Xello was immensely enjoying the taste of Drake's salty pre.

Drake stuck a finger into Xello's pucker, using the very tip of his claw to pleasure Xello further. Xello couldn't stop moaning. The feeling of the finger in his tight, virgin butt was almost too much for him to take.

Xello was nearing his climax; his balls were swelling. Xello tried to hold on, but couldn't. He shot his load into Drake's muzzle, the violent orgasm sending him back into ecstasy.

Drake tried to swallow as much of Xello's sweet and salty cum, but some managed to dribble out of his muzzle and dripped a little onto the black comforter. Drake felt his balls begin to itch, singling he was nearing his climax. Xello didn't slow down on Drake's cock. He didn't try to hold it in. It was building up so fast in his cock, he didn't have time. He let loose in Xello's muzzle as he tried to deep throat Drake's cock, his cum causing Xello to gag for just a second. Xello started to use his paw to drain every bit of cum from Drake's cock.

After Xello finished sucking Drake's cock dry, he looked up at him with a big smile on his face. Drake smiled back. Xello sat up, and started the help Drake up. Drake quickly fell into Xello's arms, and leaned in for another kiss. Xello murred in the excitement. "I love you Drake," He said. "I want you in me."

Drake nipped at Xello's neck, and said, "You sure? We are going kind of fast." All Xello did smile and blush while staring into Drake's eyes.

"I've never felt this way about another person," Xello said. "I don't know why I love you so much, but I know this was meant to be." He got onto all four paws, his tail dancing around.

Drake grabbed Xello's tail and began to lick his butt. Xello moaned, and urged Drake on. He stuck his tongue into Xello's butt, causing Xello to murr. After a few minutes of licking Xello's butt, Drake Put the tip of his cock right against Xello's butt. "Are you ok with this?" Drake asked.

Xello nodded, and tried to stay relaxed. He felt Drake slowly enter, causing Xello to yip. His virgin hole wasn't use to anything going inside it. He wanted to close his hole, but he resisted that urge.

"Are you ok?" Drake asked, a little worried he had just hurt his new lover.

"I'm ok, just not use to this," Xello replied. "Don't stop, I like this feeling."

Drake slowly pushed further in, being a little bit more cautious. Xello was grunting, moaning, and panting from the sheer pain and pleasure he was having. Drake finally pushed his entire cock into Xello, and said, "God, your hole is extremely tight."

Xello looked back, his eyes filled with tears. "I've never had anything shoved into me before," He said, with a slight grunt.

Drake slowly pulled back out. Luckily, some pre had started to squirt out, giving a little bit of lubrication to Xello's tight hole. He then thrust forward, much quicker than he thought he would, causing Xello to yip again. Drake hesitated for second, then saw Xello nod. He started pulling in and out, taking care to try not to hurt Xello any further.

Xello was moaning loudly and panting very heavily. He was in pure bliss. He felt Drake's member hit his prostate repeatedly, picking up speed. Xello reached for his cock, which was now hard again. He started to paw off, a little bit of pre and started to come on, coating his hand.

Drake was getting into a rhythm as he was yiffing Xello. The warmth from Xello's butt was extremely pleasurable. He reached for Xello's cock, and felt Xello's paw there. Xello moved his paw as to allow Drake to play with his member. Drake felt tension building in his cock yet again. "I'm about to cum!" He shouted, moaning as Xello's tight butt was squeezing his cock tight.

Xello said, "Go... Ahead..." He was in such ecstasy, that he just wanted Drake to have his way with him. He felt Drake's cock shake violently in him. Drake shoved it in as far as he could, hit Xello's prostate. His load was filling Xello up. Xello was moaning, squeezing his cheeks in order to get every drop of cum he could.

When Drake's orgasm subsided, he slowly pulled out. Cum leaked out of Xello's butt and hit the bed. Drake smiled at Xello and said, "I want you to do me now."

Nodding in agreement with Drake, They switched positions. Xello, not 100% what to do, pushed the tip of his cock up to Drake waiting cheeks. He slowly forced his way in, feeling the warmth surround his cock. He quickly got into a rhythm similar to Drake's. He was going faster and faster, causing yipping from Drake, amongst all the moaning and panting. Sweat was breaking over Xello and Drake's bodies. The scent of their musk was getting even stronger. "I can't hold it back!" screamed Xello, thrusting his cock as far forward as he could, his knot forcing its way into Drake. Both screamed in pure pleasure. Xello's load started to fill Drake.

Both collapsed, Xello now tied to Drake. Drake looked over to Xello. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked.

"Drake, we just yiffed, and I'm tied to you, what do you think I'm going to say." Xello replied, panting as he did. He wrapped his arms around him, pulling Drake as close to him as he could.

Drake looked over at the clock, which now read 6:48. He looked outside, noticing how hard the storm was blowing. "Xello?"

Xello had fallen asleep, exhausted by his first time.

Drake smiled and thought, 'I finally found my love. I haven't even known him a day, and yet we took each others virginity.' Drake soon fell asleep in Xello's arms. Xello's cock was still inside him.