Daddy's Boyfriend: Brandon's Boyfriend

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Final Installment of Daddy's Boyfriend. This will lead up to Freshmen Year, a new installment with the Brandon, and a few other familiar faces. Stay tuned!

Daddy's Boyfriend By: Ace Wolf

_ Brandon's Boyfriend _

Where does love come from? Everyone falls in love, life itself is like a journey to find that loved one. Most stumble across it on accident; others spend an abundant amount of time searching. Why is this so-called "love" important?

It changes you. When falling in love you leave everything you've ever known or cared about behind. Picture being in a long dark tunnel and the person you love is the light. You'll do anything, be anything for that person, no matter what.

Love is different from other affections. It's stronger than a crush, and more severe than young love. Many say love is only experienced when you're an adult. Young love isn't on the same level as real love, but why is that? How can people put an age cap on something so personal, something that isn't their right to control?

Who knows?

Life will always throw you the curve ball. Something so precious is often unfair, especially my life.

My name's Brandon, Brandon Petro. I'm a ten year old bear cub, standing approximately four foot eleven, and from what people say I'm the cutest caramel cub in the world. Even though I'm young, everyone says I'm more mature than the usual ten year old, and they are all true. All my life I've dealt with family trouble; my parents stayed in constant fights, mom ended up leaving my dad because he was gay. That alone would cause anyone to mature quickly.

But that wasn't the only reason I grew up an incredibly fast rate. No. My gay dad found a boyfriend, but this boyfriend of his was unique. Dad was thirty-five, yet his boyfriend was an eighteen year old wolf, with gorgeous black fur, muscular body, and the most calm, deep voice you only could hear in dreams. Never had I shown interest in my dads lifestyle until the moment I met him. His name was Ace...

Ace was a permanent mark on my brain, he stayed on my mind constantly, and they're a few times he wasn't. The moment I saw him was the moment I had fallen in love with the most amazing fur put on this planet. The guy was twice my age, yet that didn't stop me from wanting what I want; loving what I loved, and the strange thing about the situation- he wanted me as well.

How would I know? Did my so-called crush blind me from the truth, that he could never love a kid? I would have believed that; I wanted to so badly, yet the truth shocking. After my dad and Ace broke up, strangely, Ace kept me around. A year passed since the breakup, and I'm constantly at his apartment, him saying he's babysitting.

The apartment -the place where I spent most of my childhood, and the place where this story starts. Everything happened on an eventful Friday evening, after coming home from a long day of school. Friday was the start of a weekend, and this weekend I had plans for Ace apartment. Just like every other weekend, Ace allowed me to spend Friday, and a majority of Saturday at his place. Those weekends were always perfect -I had Ace all to myself.

This week would be different. Not only were me and Ace going to be having a sleepover, but my friend Max would be joining us. Max was a

black and white husky, my age, and around my height. He was one of my best friends, which is odd. I didn't have many friends; having furs that we're immature around didn't quite suit my lifestyle.

Max was different. Most ten year olds were wild like animals. They dont care about themselves or others -reckless. Max, on the other paw, didn't act like the other savages. He was calm, collect, and always able to solve any problem by "smooth" talking his way out. He reminded me of a certain dark wolf, in many ways.

That day was one to be excited for; we had everything at Ace's place: video games, food, cable. Everything was set up perfect, even Ace was glad to have us. Strangely, there was no begging involved in letting my friend Max come over. Ace exact words were, "Anything to get you out of my fur."

Why argue with that? I mean sure it was an insult, but if it meant using his place for my enjoyment, why 'argue'? Plus I had very big plans for tonight, and Ace's place was the only way for me to enjoy it.

The bus stopped...

Myself and Max stepped off, excitement bouncing around our faces. The moment caused us to send out waves of enjoyment as we walked off the bus, and to an apartment complex, both giggling as we talked about our day.

"Man, I can't believe we're going to be spending the night here," Max said as I typed in a code. The code was for the apartment complex; they had a very nice security system. The place was made for people with a lot of money.

"Yup," I felt superior, knowing a fur with a place like this. "We have everything here... A Playstation 3, 360, Wii, and even the new PS Vita."


"Mhmm" I said, smiling and nodding.

"But how?

True enough Ace had a Playstation Vita, the newer version of a PSP. These wouldn't come out for another few weeks, yet he owned not one, but two. One was his, and the other was wrapped and boxed for my birthday. He didn't know I knew -I'm a nosy cub.

"Ace knows a guy, who knows a guy, who had early access to them," I said in a horrible Italian voice, as we walked toward Ace's apartment.

"That's pretty cool," Max looked around and stopped, forcing me to come to a halt with him.


"What's Ace like? You never really talk about him, and I don't understand why you hangout with him." The husky started walking again, slowly.

A small blush rushed over my cheeks. The question could be answered in so many ways, all different and unique. No one knew about the love I had for Ace, so I never talked about him, but then again I was never asked. I always wanted to share my feelings with another fur, it was always on my mind. There were times where I wanted to spill everything, but I was cautious. You see, if you haven't already noticed I'm ten, and Ace... Ace is a little older than me. I was never keeping the secret to protect myself, Ace was always at mind.

"Well..." As I began to speak a door opened, revealing a tall, dark, and muscular wolf.


Without even noticing my actions, I had walked to Ace's apartment. I was so deep into the question I misplaced myself.

"What's up lil guy, this must be your friend." I shook my head, turning toward Max.

"Max, isn't it? I didn't know you would have such a good body of fur." Ace said causing Max to blush lightly, and me to feel a little bit of jealousy.

"Yeah," Max said, scratching the back of his headfur.

"Come on in, get your weekend started." The big black wolf stepped back as we walked into his apartment. Once inside, Max maw dropped. The place was set up nice, a good format. There, at the entrance, a fur was able to see the living room, kitchen, and a mini-gym.

"Wow.." Max could not say anything but that one word. He was in total shock.

Ace chuckled, "Yeah, yeah. Now Brandon already knows the rules," He gave me a quick wink. "You are allowed in the living room to play video games, no running around, and only go in the kitchen to take things out of the refrigorator,"

"And leave the weight room alone... It's to risky for two little guys like yourself to be in there and getting hurt." Again, he caused me to blush, calling us little guys. Secretly, I enjoyed hearing him call me that -little guy. The name stuck with me; he used it a lot.

"Yessir,"Max and I said in Union, before giving off light chuckles. Ace looked down at us and smiled, before turning around and heading off to another part of the apartment. Once he left, I faced Max.

"So what do you wanna do first?" I asked. "There's the PS3, 360, or TV..."

Max looked over at the large, plasma screen, and tapped his chin. I guess he was trying to decide, but I had something in mind already -video games, cubs best friend.

"How about... ummm, what games does be have for PS3?" Max questioned. We made our way to the TV; I leaned down and started to rumble through the games. Ace had all of his games sorted out in alphabetical order, and by platforms, which made it easy for me to pick out a great action game.

Infamous 2...

I removed the game from it's slot, and raised it in the air. "Let's play Infamous!" Max face was plastered with a smile, and his body trembled slightly from excitement.

"Awesome! I saw the commercial for that, and it looked great!"

I worked my way over to the gaming system and powered it on. The Tv came alive, roaring through the sound system, and the PS3 logo appeared. I slipped the game inside, and retreated to a couch centered in the living room, with Max close behind.

Max and I started the game, and I must say it was electrifying! The graphics were smooth and clear; gameplay displayed a deep, vivid storyline that easily caught are attention. It wasn't long after the electric beams when the game had completely engulfed our young minds.

The story mode consist of us playing as a hero/antihero; they gave us the option to choose a path. The two paths were Hero or Villian, and you could only imagine the side are fragile little minds pick.

The Villian

Hours passed and the sun had slowly declined until we were left in the dark. We worked as a team, Max and I. The game stood no chance against two cubs like us, our intelligent little brains breezed past the game. By the time the sun went completely down, our character wasn't only sending out red lightning, but entire tornadoes. Being evil was so fun, but it was going to get a lot more enjoyable.

Darkness now filled the room, only light was the glow from our was pretty late now, and I knew it would be. Our determination fought through the tiredness, as well as the time. All I knew it was late.

Level after level; chapter after chapter. We battled each level like pros, not letting up on the enemies, and making the bosses our bitch! I bet if the game had the ability to give up, it would.

Once the game was finally finished, we watched the credits roll down the screen, taking the little light there away. I looked around and found that the game was a lot deeper than I expected. Food, wrappers, and soda cans were placed around the couch, like a sea of trash, and the couch was our boat.

I stood up and stretched, giving off a little yawn at the end.

"Awhhha... Ace is going to kill me..."

I could hear a chuckle come from my Husky friend. He stood up besides me and stretched, popping a few bones in the process. Max had a very nice body, I came to that conclusion as I observed him stretch. He wasn't like most of the guys at my school, they were all so pudgy. No, Max had a lean body, sorta like my own. Each curve could be made out, and his thighs were all white; I could see them through his shorts, always could through the shorts he usually wear -Khakis that dwelled over his knees.

"You're right dude," another chuckle escaped his muzzle. "He's going to destroy you!"

"Shut up and help me get this crap up..." I leaned down to start the chore we created. "I'm surprised he hasn't came out to check on us yet..."

Max shrugged and began to help.

"Don't argue with his babysitting methods, just go with it..." The husky walked over to the trash can and dumped an armful of garbage inside. "I think he's awesome if you ask me. He has this amazing place, with so much stuff, and a LOT of food!"

Max was right, Ace did have a lot of food. In a five hour time we consumed three frozen pizzas, a few microwaveable burgers, chicken nuggets, a dump load of popcorn, two 12 packs of mountain dew, and to top it off three gallons of ice cream. Somehow all the game playin made us incredibly hungry.

"I mean, why does he let you enjoy all of this?" I froze. "It's not like he's your dad."

Max was right, there was no reason for Ace letting me stay over all the time. Well, there was one, but I knew Ace would never actually love me. The only thing I could think of is him waiting for my 18th birthday.

I always dreamed of what it would be like when I was of legal age. The hope of everything being the way it is now, and me being with Ace as a couple. The thought of the two of us together forever had become my goal, and in the time I'd be working towards it.

I picked up the remainder of our trash and walked over to the trash can, dumping the waste. "H-he's like family to me, you know? I have two sisters, and my dad isn't the best role model, so I have Ace."


I could feel my emotions surface. My own family didn't even feel like family, while Ace knew me completely. Instead of always telling me what to do, he sits down and listens, and for him doing that I'm never alone in the world.

"When I started coming here he would always put me first," I explained. "My fears and weakness were not pushed off like parents usually do... he let me talk them out and face my fears, and to eliminate my weakness. If he ever has kids, he'll be the perfect father..."

I started to blush at the thought of a family with the wolf. That was also another fantasy I often had about Ace and I.

"He seems just as awesome as you say..."

There was a short pause.

I broke the silence with a yawn. "Anyway, it's getting late, how about we get to bed?"

Max chuckled then looked at a clock on the stove, illuminating in the darkness. It read '1:00'. Time really ran away. It was sort of strange how much time we spent in the living room, especially when I had plans for the bedroom.

"Yeah... where are we sleeping?"

"This way," I lead the way to the room we would rest. It wasn't a long walk, a few doors from the kitchen. When we walked into the room there were a bed, the one I would usually sleep in, and a blow up mattress. Ace must have fixed everything up.

The room wasn't anything fancy. Just a bed, dresser with a TV on top, and the usual night stand. The only thing that stuck out in the room was a large TV. It wasn't as big as the one we previously played on, but bigger than the average guest room television.

The fatigue had finally kicked in. Once we entered the room, or more importantly, saw the beds, our eyes dropped. Out of nowhere it felt as if our eyelids were lifting weights. Even though my body felt exhausted, my mind wouldn't allow me to sleep.

We scurried inside the room and let article of clothing drop off our almost-limp bodies. In no time we were ready for bed, and as soon as we were the both of us jumped in are beds.


Max and I lie there, bodies tired, minds drained. The only thing we could do is look up at the ceiling, hearing nothing but the sounds of our hearts throbbing.

"I had fun tonight, Brandon." Max said breaking the silence.

"Me too, I'm glad Ace let us do this,"

"Yeah, he's a cool guy..."

"Mhmm," I sighed contently. "Hey, do you want to sleep up here with me? It's a lot of room."

"Really? Yeah, I hate sleeping so close to the floor..." I inched over a little, and Max climbed in bed beside me. "Thanks."

Most people would know by now why I invited Max over today, it was very simple. Max, out of all the other kids at my school, or at least grade, was mature, and he took very good care of himself. He was the pup who obeyed his parents, made good grades, played sports, and actually would take a shower willingly. Other kids our age would rather die before taking showers.

The Husky also had a nice body, small, lean, and slender, with a four pack forming. I fancied his body, how well he kept his fur, and other traits. It was no secret that I liked my friend a little more than I should, and that is why I wanted him to come over Ace's for the weekend.

This weekend was about me introducing Max to a few 'big boy' games, but I didn't know if he would participate. Luckily, I fond the right advice, and I was ready!

Max inched into bed, pulling a set of sheets over his half-naked body. He left his arms above, turned away from me. Half his back was exposed, I could make out the lines of his tiny muscles -he was so cute in my eyes. It was time to put this into action; I didn't know how long I could take being in bed with him without exploding.

Being next to him send my body in a frenzy, and the only thing I could think of was touching him, or rubbing down his back; even reaching under the sheets to grab his fluffy little tail. My paws and legs trembled, but I guess it was from being anxious.

"Your tail is so fluffy," I said, filling the once silent room with a little sound. "Could you keep it above the covers, it'll get hot under here with it."

Max began to wag his tail, grazing over my weewee. I shuddered, and had to catch my breath. "Screw you dude, you know you like my tail!"

We both laughed, a little louder than we expected. It was so loud, it left an echo. The entire time I had two problems, both from his fluffy little tail: I was blushing, thank God it was dark, and my weewee was sticking up. I quickly cupped my paws over my groin.

Max turned around to face me; he removed his tail from underneath the sheets, and now his attention was on me. Half of his face was covered by the sheet, but his eyes never left.



"Why don't you hang out with your dad?"

I wasn't expecting that.

"What made you ask this?" I queried.

"Earlier you said your dad wasn't the perfect role model..." Max's voice trailed off, as if he was simply testing the water. I could see how hard he was trying not to offend me in anyway, but he was far from it.

"My dad is gay... He enjoys girly things, so I don't play well with him... It's like living in a family of women..."

"Oh," he said. "So that's why you only hang out with Ace?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's a lot of fun with Ace, he actually does guy things, like football, MMA, and stuff... besides, he treats me like an adult, rather a kid..."

"What do you mean?" The confusion in his voice was clear. Now was the time, it had fallen into my lap.

I sat up, the sheets had fallen to my waste. A small tent could barely be spotted, my weewee hadn't went down yet. "He let me do things only grown ups do... like driving... cooking dinner... and even sex..."

The attempt to slide the last thing, sex, in had failed. Max quickly caught on, he nearly knocked all the sheets and pillows off the bed as he shot up.

"H-he let you h-have sex?!" I guess this news was so shocking he had to choke on a few words before completing the sentence.

I just nodded.

"With who?!"

I thought for a second, this question was tricky. I couldn't possibly tell him the truth. The fear of having Ace sent away for a long time was overwhelming, so I decided to lie.

"I can't tell, it's a secret, but it was AWESOME!"

By now, Max was sitting on his paws, tuned completely in. The situation was completely unreal, because if a 10 year old is having sex, that only means one thing, the end of the world is near. That's exactly how Max took this information.

"How was it?" He asked with joy and shock present in his voice.

Now was my chance, to reel in my fish.

"It was fun, probably the most enjoyable thing a fur can do..." I grinned, but it wasn't noticeable since we were still in the dark. "But you'll have to try for yourself... I could show you..."

"Show me?" Max guffawed. "How can you do that?"

"Easy," I began. "If you really want to do grown up things, and you're mature enough for it, we can."

Max's face went from shock, to disgust, to confusion, all in one motion. I could tell he didn't like the idea, his body language had completely changed: tail tucked, fur standing up, and a low growl could be heard.

"Are you... gay?!" Max screamed in a whispered tone. The husky let out a louder growl when he said 'gay'.

"What? Me? No dude, but sex isn't about a boy or girl, it's about having fun, and sharing the experience with someone you care about."

The disgusted look had shifted, but in my favor. He looked a little less freaked out, and a little more scared. I inched closer, putting a paw on my friends shoulder. I could feel he wanted to jerk away, but his body didn't react.

"I know, a lot of people say two boys doing what girls and boys do together is wrong... but you know we are the smartest kids in our grade, we can prove people wrong." I knew my argument was set in stone. Max was a logical thinker, so before he decides on a certain mood, he'd take everything into consideration. Most people called him open-minded.

"H-have you ever done anything with... a boy?" Max's voice was only a whisper.


I nodded and said, "Yeah, and I had a lot of fun... but that's me. You don't have to experience it yet, maybe when you're older, like a teenager. I just brought it up cause we're best friends..."

Max looked down, lost in thought. He was given a lot to take in, to much for a cub who tries to process everything, all the time. I bet he was confused, but as I expected his curiousity was definitely sparked.

It seemed like forever, neither Max nor I spoke. I was waiting for him, and he probably hadn't decided on how he felt. With every second gone, I began to become nervous. In a way I knew what his response would be, but on the other paw, the silence could mean otherwise.

About a minute passed before Max actually spoke. He looked me in my eyes, I could see the disgust had completely vanished, and lustful desires had taken its place. The Husky raised a black paw and placed it on my cheek, moving closer, our muzzles were nearly touching. He pushed his soft lips to mine and drove the other paw for my cheek, lightly covering the other side of my face.

One of my paws slithered its way around Max, falling safely on his back. I pulled him closer, our lips pressed together gently. We didn't use our tongues like Ace and I do, but this could be his first time. No. It was definitely his first time, the lack of experience was very noticeable, but that didn't matter; we were lost in the moment, neither wanting to be found.

This was amazing, almost as great as being with Ace. I loved the feel of my Husky friend's paws, and how he gently brushed his tail over my thigh. The way his body trembled from excitement had caught my attention. It was cute, but everything about his innocence caught my eye.

The kiss broke. Max and I leaned back, our eyes closed with a very thin stand of saliva connecting our muzzles. He quickly looked down, a blush stained his cheeks.

"I want to try it... With you."

All I could do was smile. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the center of the bed, knocking the sheets completely off this time. We both sat in the middle of the bed now in nothing but our underwear; my drawers were still tented from earlier. That kiss didn't help one bit.

"Are you sure?" Max nodded.

I placed a paw at his chest and pushed him onto his back. I knew what I'd be doing. This was my friends first time, and I planned on making it unforgettable.

I slid my paws down his torso, stopping at the underwear. "If you don't want to keep going, let me know..."


Max attitude had changed. He seemed a little less weirded out, and more calm; his eyes locked onto me, not fully understanding what we would be doing. The little Husky's body twitched when my paw stopped on the underwear he wore, his tail slid back and forth over the bed, banging against my leg.

I jumped between Max's legs, my tent had grazed his lower region as I did. It felt amazing, how much I wanted to be there with him naked kind of disturbed me, but I brushed it away.

My friend just lie there, half naked, being handled delicately. One of my paws inches inside his underwear, peeling the elastic back to reveal his weewee. Just like mine, his stuck straight up, breaking the barriers of his sheath.

I took the time to take everything in. The Husky wanted this; he gave off a scent that only dogs gave off when in heat. He squirmed a little from being exposed. My guess is that this may have been the first time he's been nude for anyone.

Max was adorable. I loved his body with clothes, and now I had the chance to see it naked. I gazed over his tiny frame. The four packed anna were noticeable, even with the light given. They were white, surrounded by a huge amount of dark fur. I could finally see how his white fur went down his neck, covered his chest and abs, ending at his lower thighs.

The black and white Husky was simply beautiful. He kept good care of his fur. I rubbed down his thigh with my other paw, pushing his underwear down and running through his cotton soft fur. His underwear was removed and thrown to the side. The sight of him exposed was to much. I could see his body tremble and flex, and his weewee jump from excitement.

I leaned down, my nose touching underneath his tiny balls. I felt him shiver, clench up, and then relax, as his legs rest over my shoulders. My lower region started to react as well, as it twitched in anticipation. This was it, the moment I waited for.

Max really did have the cutest body I've ever seem. He was lean and soft; I ran my paws up and down his legs, pulling him closer to my face, and mashed my nose into his crotch. I inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of his lower region penetrated my nose. The smell was so intoxicating, so arousing, I had to give his cock a lick, but it didn't stop there. My muzzle extended and as I took in his cock and balls, engulfing him in warmth.

Max moaned from the new feeling, cocked his head back, and intertwined his paws in the bed. The Husky meat throbbed in my muzzle, spurting out liquid down my throat.

"Oh... awhhh..." Max twist in turned in my grip.

Max received the maximum pleasure, this being his first time only increased the experience. I had him in the zone, pushing all the right buttons with perfect timing. What my friend didn't know was that this was only the beginning.

I pulled back, taking my muzzle from his crotch. Max wasn't thrilled when it ended. The black ears perked up and moans stopped, filling the room with silence.


I grabbed ahold of Max's legs, throwing them over his head and cutting him off. Now it was just me and a virgin Husky's hole, gazing one another in face. I leaned down and licked the tiny hole, the tight pink muscle clenched and set off a series of moans, louder than previous love noises.

Ace had taught me this, with me being the practice dummy. I never really understood why someone would put their muzzle in a place like this, but now I understood. The taste was funny, almost a sour tingle. Every so often my lips would pucker up from the weird taste, yet that didn't matter. The desire to continue came strictly from the audible moans.

Max's pleasure was understandable; I definitely knew how this felt. Every inch of your body felt amazing, as the pink muscle violated your tailhole. It feels amazing, but it get better -way better.

Max wrapped his legs around my neck with a tight squeeze, almost tight enough to cut off oxygen, as his arms flailed throughout the bed. He continued to moan, each one getting louder -my tongue really brought out the groans.

I gave his tailhole a final lick, pushed back, poked it with a paw finger, before sitting on my hind-paws. I watched over his body, my eyes fixated on the body of fur.

"Are you ready," I asked, each word softer than the one before. "To have even more fun?"

Max leaned up and looked me in my eyes, confusion set on his face. I looked back into his eyes, noticing every bit of Agitation, as well as the calm baby blue eyes.

"T-there's... more?" I nodded, sat down flat, and pulled the Husky into me, our bare bodies fused together.

"Of course... We have to finish before we're actually done.." I explained.

Max was only inches from my muzzle. He breathed lightly, each breath lightly washing over my nose.

"How do we know when we're finish?" The Husky's voice was soft, yet determined.

I grinned, wrapped my arms around his waste, and licked his chest, as he say in my lap and on my tent; my cock ached and throbbed angrily for being contained so long.

"Trust me... You'll know..."

Max just sighed softly and embraced my neck, gazing into my eyes, mixing his baby blue eyes with my light brown ones. I pushed Max up, to remove my underwear, finally releasing my member, then kissed the white chest fur once more. Max murred.

I held Max in my arms, his tailhole barely gliding over my cock, at times accidentally sitting on it. I wasnt extremely huge, just around four inches. A respectable size for someone my age. Just the feel of the tight pink hole grazing my tip made my desires run in a frenzy. I wanted to be in him, more and more every second passed.

"This might hurt... But not that much, K?" Max gave a slow, uneasy nod, but stayed relax. With paws in his waste, he slowly descended, lowering down onto my four inch member.

At the feel of something invading, Max's hole clenched and his grip around my neck tightened; claws burried deep in my fur, but not penetrating the skin.


I whispered in Max's ear, and he lossened up at the sound of my voice. Slowly, he continued to sit down, engulfing my cock in the tight corridors of the pink tailhole.

As Max pushed my cock deeper into himself, his head cocked back. He clamps his teeth tight, trying to work through the pain, stopping every few seconds to regain his composer. It didn't take long for him to completely sit on it; once he did there was no movement, in fear there would be more pain.

Max took time to adjust to the new feeling; he left his body motionless, as he held close to my neck, tongue hanging freely. To my surprise, it didn't take long for him to become use to the feeling. I could feel his rump grinding into my pelvis.

I moaned, the feeling of him wiggling his butt and a tight hole around my cock was to much. This was new to even myself, I've never had the chance to plant myself into someone before. Being the one to give, instead of receive, felt better than I expected.

The little Husky started to grind harder, working my cock until his grinds became a slow hopping motion. He moved his body up and down, slapping down hard.

Max pushed himself up, and wrapped his legs around my waist, still riding me, and never coming off the meat he sat one. He was getting use to it, low moans escaped, followed by louder grunts, as his body bounced, paws gripped the back of my head.

With every drop, my cock throbbed. I reach around and grabbed onto his butt with both paws like they were breaks, in attempt to slow him down. With all the fast movement, the edging peeing feeling grew, and I wasn't exactly ready to finish up.

Max continued his moans, falling even deeper into the pleasurable, lustful desires. He let his eyelids fall, and arms drape over my back, letting me take control and slide in and out of him slowly, as I paced myself.

I grabbed the Husky's legs, flipping him in his back to get in a more comfortable position, one Ace and I had tried before -Max yelped in surprise, but also pain, being taken from his comfort zone, but he quickly got over it as I pushed myself deep inside him. Max moaned underneath me, his legs wrapped around my waste, and paws and head pushing against my chest. Each moan caused me to thrust harder, I could feel myself getting ready to finish, and each audible grunt caused me to move closer to completion.

I rammed my cock into him. Even though I wasn't the biggest guy out there, no where close to Ace, but the four inches I had was put to good use. This was the first time I had ever stuck it inside a fur, yet I knew exactly how to move my hips, seeing it any a few adult movies Ace had laying around. My lower region moved swiftly in a wave-like motion, punishing his insides.


Max yelled, yet I never halted. That feeling was close, and stopping just felt... strange...

"H-huh?" I asked, throwing myself into him faster.

"I-I-I gotta pee...!!"

I leaned up and took his cock in my paw, stroking it. The once wave-like motion turned into a steady thrust.

"Do it Max... go ahead..." I instructed, but Max felt a little uncomfortable doing so. Even if he didn't want to, soon he would have no choice. I continued to stroke his canine meat. A small knot had formed, I grabbed it and squeezed, all while I slid in and out of my friends tailhole. It wasn't long before the inevitable happened. Max's legs hugged my waist, as he thrust into my paw, cock his head back, and released a clear liquid onto his chest and my paw, his body shivering and tailhole clenching even tighter around my member now. I wasn't far behind, especially after his anal walls closed around my cock. I thrust into him a few more times before releasing my own seed deep inside him, cock throbbing and spurting inside him like a watergun.

I collapsed, landing on top of Max. The clear liquid from Max now smeared on my chest as I panted lightly, my own tongue now flopped out of my muzzle. I was exhausted, my body now limp, while Max just laid there, his chest moving up and down, pushing me up with each inhale.

We laid there for what seemed like hours, enjoying the resting period. Max's arms slithered around my back, rubbing up and down, tracing the lines of my little muscles, and stopping on my butt, with one paw full of butt cheek, and the other playing with my stubby tail.

I rest my head on his chest, his breathes were becoming shallow, and before long he was sleep under my weight, leaving me to myself. The feeling of happiness had set, as well as satisfaction and that feeling furs get when they think nothing bad could happen, and nothing could...


* * *

I opened the door, gazing into a dark room. There was only a little light illuminating from the open door only revealing a tenth of what seemed to be a bed. I walked in, nervous, not wanting to be here this late into the night.

One foot paw after the other, I made my way in. It felt like a lifetime walking towards the bed, but in reality only a few seconds had past. Once I made it to the bed, a deep voice spoke, freezing me in my tracks.

"Well, well..." My ears splayed against my head. I timidly looked up to see Ace in bed, turned on his side, facing my direction. There was a moment of silence, Ace's eyes were closed, at least that is what I made out. All of a sudden the covers were thrown back.

"Come on..."

A smile now plastered over my face, I jumped in bed with Ace, snuggling my back against his chest and sighed contently, feeling safe, secure, and most importantly, loved in a way.

Ace adjusted and threw an arm around me, holding my smaller frame in place, his chin rested on top of my head.

"Where's your little friend... Max?" Ace spoke; his chest rumbling, causing me to give off a giggle before sighing.

"He's sleep..."

There was a short pause.

"So, did you two..." I blushed, luckily we were in the dark and nothing could be noticed. Flashbacks from my experience with Max played, even though it was only twenty minutes ago.


"Did you have fun?"

"I did!"

I wrapped an arm around Ace's, placing my tiny paw on top of Ace's larger one. I had no problem telling Ace about what happened, even though most adults would freakout. In fact, Ace knew about everything before Max did. Ace and I could talk about anything, he was my safe haven. I told Ace about my crush on Max a few weeks back, and since Ace is a master at dating, he have me a few pointers, which came in handy.

Ace nuzzled the back of my neck, murring into my ear, causing me to do the same. "I'm glad you had fun..." He said and ran a paw up and down my arm. A soothing sensation shot through my body, as my eyes became heavy.


I yawned and leaned back into the big wolf's cheat, closed my eyes and drifted off to slumberland, feeling a sense of completion being in Ace's presence.


_ *Author's Note: Not the best grammar, but I wanted to get this story out of my head so I can give you guys something more entertaining! Feel free to point out any mistakes or anything, but more than likely I won't be changing anything. * _

Not Easily Broken

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