Nullum desiderium

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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#2 of sic semper

Another short featuring my persona doing his job. A wolf in man's clothing he is. Also don't worry, there's furs involved here, you just can't see them yet. Possibly because they don't have set names yet...

The one that will be most prominent is the one buzzing in his ear. "Affectionately" called callsign Bun-bun, he's the Operations Control Officer and the one who saved my characters bun with the security guard even though I don't show you the exchange because I want to show it from a different angle. He is a bunny and a computer tech person. I think I'm going to do a character sheet for him on my IB :3

Comments are very appreciated :3

Thanks goes out to Setekh for his help :3

He moved like he belong, he dressed like he belong, and he talked to Stan the security guard like he belonged. But Fernando knew otherwise. He was at least suspicious, because he had first hand made himself know all the other male nurses or nurses in training (not that he would admit to them he had been looking), and he had never seen him before. Tall, slim, blonde hair, reddish beard, and a happy voice as he chatted up Stan with "how's your wife and son." He watched him as he strolled confidently into room 332, but before he could test his suspicions he had to listen to Maggie, the nurse in charge of him and several other clinical students. Why would he go into 332, there was an unknown guy laying in there.

While the man lying in drug eased pain in room 332 was unknown to the authorities of this small Californian city and it's hospital, he was known to this mystery man. He was moaning in a delirium caused by a mix of being hit by a truck and the pain meds, but he still had a good bit of his mind. "You" he managed to slur out to sound of latex gloves snapping over the hands of the man who had chase him into that truck.

"Yes, me" responded the bearded nurse who strolled up to the right side of the bed with the patient following him with his head that he had trouble keeping up. "I take it then you know who I am" he said looking into the pain ridden mans brown eye with his sharp gray-blue.

"Yesh" he slurred out again. They had told him he was maxed on his pain meds, but that was because they thought he was human and that he had a normal tolerance. He was conditioned better, and he knew under normal circumstance he would have been able to get up and leave, but the truck had shattered his legs and pelvis.

"You don't know my name, but I know yours Gnaeus Magnus Sergius Tillia. Such a strong name, it's too bad you're a traitor." He shifted his gaze from the other man to the monitors that kept track of his vitals and switched them off, to make sure there would be no disturbances. Then he withdrew from his pocket a syringe and unscrewed the cap. He took the man's IV line and screwed the syringe into it. "Any last words" he said as he slowly started to push the contents of the syringe, something to make it quick in painless, out of respect for his target.

"No... regrets."

"Too bad. Sic semper tr?dit?ribus." With the drugs in his system, his breathing slowed as he slipped away. The assassin unscrewed the syringe and took it with him as he strolled out of the room at little faster than normal pace. He had been glad the security guard had been there so that he could look in the opposite direction of the nurses' station, where he could have been recognized. He removed his gloves and slipped them and the syringe into his pockets to be disposed of later, properly.

It was good that he had chosen to leave that moment, making his way down the stairs, because the curious young nurse in training had been freed from his supervisor. Seeing the strange person leave from the room, he ventured in. Seeing the monitors off he rushed over and checked the pulse to find none. He sprung into action calling a code. That's when all hell broke loose.

Down in the main lobby, it seemed that our assassin wasn't the only one to track down Gnaeus. Several men, sent to collect him and take him with them, were there and making a headache for the nurse in charge. The assassin knew they were Republic Intelligence, and tried to sneak past them, but one of them saw. Calling out to his teammates, and drawing his weapon. The assassin was faster though, drawing from under his shirt and his pant's waste his integral-silenced .357 compact and emptied the 13-round clip in the group of agents who were trying to spread themselves out.

There were five of them, and he felled the two closest to him and dove for cover ejecting his empty clip as the other three returned fire with their pistols but one had a small machine pistol. He rolled forward drawing a clip from his stash. Coming back up he reloaded and primed as the enemies rounds flew past him and the patients' around him heads, busting out the windows that were now behind him. He emptied his second clip with better accuracy than his first volley and eliminated the other three.

Reloading with the last clip in his possession, he dashed out the shattered windows, into the parking lot, looking for his extraction. What he found was a dark sedan with more enemy agents, armed with pistols and machine pistols. He returned fire, showing more discipline with his last thirteen rounds. Luckily another sedan sped through, crashing the party literally with an enemy agent doing a tumble over the hood. The assassin sprinted, firing his weapon, to the sedan as a person from the back driver side popped out with a carbine to give cover. Ducking into the passenger side, they sped off before any reinforcements the enemy may have ordered could get there and cut off their escape.

Sic semper traditoribus

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Confession *WIP*

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