Vince and Rocky: PART TWO

Story by Alyx_Gora on SoFurry

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Rocky lay awake in his bed. His roommate had fallen asleep nearly two hours ago, yet, he could not relax enough to sleep.

He was so warm... he thought happily. It felt so good just to lean on him... his nice, warm, furry, muscular arm...

_ _ Beginning to blush, he stopped thinking about that.

_ Why don't I just have the guts to tell him how I feel...? I'm so weak, I swear. Anyone else would have told him... I know if I go sleep, I'll dream of him and wake up sad and frustrated. There's no sleeping for me, I guess..._

He sat up slowly and glanced across the room at the blue, furry lump lying under the blankets in the bed across from his.

He's so adorable when he sleep... so... soft- looking, and peaceful. God, I love him. I gotta tell him. I gotta do it next chance I get, or I'll never do it. Sighing deeply, he laid back down and snuggled his blanket, slowly drifting off into a deep sleep.

Vince and Rocky: PART THREE

THREE The alarm shrieked. Seven AM. Wake up call. Vince and Rocky shot up simultaneously, startled out of their warm beds by the alarm as always. Vince jumped up and scrambled to put his uniform on, while Rocky tidied up the room for inspection...

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Vince and Rocky: PART ONE

ONE Vince opened his eyes gently, seeing a blurry blue glow everywhere. As his eyes began to focus, he recognized his dormitory- The metal airtight door, the big window looking out into the training grounds, the moonlight shining in, his alarm...

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