Vince and Rocky: PART THREE

Story by Alyx_Gora on SoFurry

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The alarm shrieked. Seven AM. Wake up call.

Vince and Rocky shot up simultaneously, startled out of their warm beds by the alarm as always. Vince jumped up and scrambled to put his uniform on, while Rocky tidied up the room for inspection while trying to button up his top.

"Here, lemme help," Vince said exhaustedly, buttoning up the top four buttons of his roommate's crisp, blue uniform, and then buttoning up his own shirt.

"Thanks!" Rocky squeaked, widening his eyes. "Don't forget your books, Vincent... you always forget them! And you have tests today. Here... I'll pack 'em for ya..." throwing three large textbooks into a bookbag with the words "VINCENT: YR3".

"There... all ready." Blushing a bit, he fixed his own collar, which had been sticking up, and grabbed his own bookbag from the shelf on his night stand. "Are we all ready to head out yet?"

Vince gave one last exhausted glance around the room, making sure everything was in order.

"Yeah, that should be it. Will we still make it to breakfast?" he asked tiredly.

"I think. Hey, it's Tuesday." Rocky said matter-of-factly.

"I know."

"That means pancakes. You like pancakes."

Vince laughed a bit. "I sure do. So stop yapping and let's go eat, you crazy little fox."

Rocky looked away to avoid blushing. "Of... of course!"

The two foxes left the room silently. Streaking across the training ground, they cut across the grass and arrived at the entrance to the main hall. They walked up, and entered the large hall. The tables were full of chatting foxes, bears, wolves, and others, all in their blue uniforms. Some were sharing food, some were doing last-minute homework, three or four were sitting alone reading. A loud group of Wolves and Hawks in red uniforms burst into noisy laughter as one of them, a black wolf with white-tipped ears, tipped back in his chair and fell backwards onto the floor with a thump.

"Heh... air force..." Rocky mumbles under his breath

"Mm... Pancakes. Aw, damn. Look at the line!" Vince groans, walking to the back of the line.

Rocky sighed, "Well, I'm sure they have plenty. And, if not... well, it's our fault for being slow I guess!" He giggled a bit and looks up at Vince.

"Honestly, Rock, sometimes I think you're on the instructor's side. It shouldn't be our fault- we enlisted, and we should get our pancakes. That's just the order of things. Or... the way it should be at least. We do the fighting and stuff, we should be getting the food." The blue fox chuckled, glancing to the front of the line. "Ah, we're almost there, anyways.

They both grab plates and move up through the line, picking out their breakfast from the buffet.

"Get a banana. You need to eat healthier." Vince said, looking over at Rocky near the pastries.

Rocky grabbed a banana and followed his friend to get pancakes.

"Sorry guys, we just ran out. Gotta get here earlier!" said the server, closing his cart and putting away his spatula. Vince and Rocky walked tiredly off, to a table with two extra seats.

Vince sat down next to another blue fox. He was slightly taller than Vince, with a white patch on his neck and chest, and bright green eyes. He had a great big smile on his face, and noticed someone had sat down in the empty chair next to him.

"Oh hello! And good morning, Vincent! Rocky!" He laughed, smiling and nodding to the orange fox across the table from him.

They both looked up from their trays and return the greeting, "Morning, Keff."

"How was sleep?" asked Keff, smiling. "Testing today, you know! Hope ya'll studied. I know I did!"

Vince laughed. "For starters, I didn't sleep. Nor did I study. Should be an exciting test for me."

"You'll do fine, Vince... I slept fine, Keff. And when was the last time I studied?" chuckled Rocky, scratching one of his ears tiredly.

Leff giggled just as the bell rang.

"Well, you two have fun, and good luck! Catch ya after class!" he said, scurrying off to his class.

"Let's head out to our tactics class, I guess." Said Vince, as he and his friend stood up and headed to the classroom for testing.

Vince and Rocky: PART FOUR

FOUR Vince flopped down onto his mattress and groaned. "Oh God, what a long day. I didn't think it would end." He looked around lazily at his room, illuminated by the harsh glow of the red lights above the door. Rocky jumped a bit, startled awake...

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Vince and Rocky: PART TWO

TWO Rocky lay awake in his bed. His roommate had fallen asleep nearly two hours ago, yet, he could not relax enough to sleep. _He was so warm..._ he thought happily. _It felt so good just to lean on him... his nice, warm, furry, muscular arm..._ _...

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Vince and Rocky: PART ONE

ONE Vince opened his eyes gently, seeing a blurry blue glow everywhere. As his eyes began to focus, he recognized his dormitory- The metal airtight door, the big window looking out into the training grounds, the moonlight shining in, his alarm...

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