
Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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This is the second part to my first story, "Dreams of the Moon." Thanks for all the feedback and favorites! They really spurred me to write the second part faster~

If you haven't read the first part yet, you should read it here:

As before, this story contains straight sex between a female dragon and a human, so if that's what you're looking for, you're at the right place!

And again, feedback is greatly appreciated!


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I slammed my car's door shut and waltzed up into the apartment complex. It was barely afternoon, but my boss had let me off work early so I could prepare for a sudden business trip tomorrow morning. That pretty much meant I had to go home, pack some personal stuff, and then print out piles of paperwork to organize before the trip. I hated that. The one nice thing I remembered I liked about working retail was that once you were off the clock, you didn't have to worry about work until your next shift. Of course, that was the only good thing I can remember amongst the hordes of angry customers.

To add to my fabulous day, I found the elevator taped up as I entered the sort of little lobby my apartment complex had. A sign indicated it was broken and I let out an annoyed sigh. My place was all the way up on the fifth floor.

I started up the long trek up the stairs. The only thing that kept me happy was my memory of last night's dream. Luna's face flashed before my eyes, and the entire way up I could just hear her say, "I'll find you."

Those words rattled and echoed in my mind, but they made me depressed at the same time. A crazy fantasy was all it was. But I didn't care; my blue dragoness was real enough to me. Then I tripped. It was rather unpleasant as I fell onto my briefcase. Luckily, I didn't break it, but my arm was sore the rest of the way up.

Needless to say, I was pretty agitated by the time I dragged my briefcase all the way up those flight of stairs. I fumbled with my keys a bit, but I managed to open the door without breaking the doorknob.

As soon as I stepped in, I smelt something that was entirely out of place in my apartment. It smelled like something was baking.

That was impossible. The first thing I thought was that someone had broken into my home. I looked around my living room, but found nothing moved or missing. I ran around to the kitchen, and the smell grew stronger. I could tell what it was now: cookies. They smelled strangely familiar as if from a memory long ago.

That was incredibly strange. Why would someone break into my apartment and bake cookies? Maybe one of my neighbors had their ovens break and I had forgotten to lock my door?

I grabbed a knife from the kitchen cabinet, just in case, and started tip-toeing around my apartment. Nothing was disturbed, except somehow my oven was on and making cookies. Once I was satisfied that nothing was trashed or stolen, I decided someone must've decided to come in and borrow my oven. I'd have to prepare a little unpleasant speech about asking before entering to someone, as soon as I figured out whom that someone was. I mean, unless it was Mrs. Johnson, the old lady down the hall. I probably wouldn't yell at her.

But it was still strange. My door was locked when I came up, so how could anyone come in, start cooking up some pastries, and then leave somehow while locking both of the door locks?

Bah, I was tired from the climb upstairs and needed to unwind. I shrugged my shoulders and thought that it didn't matter then. Nothing was stolen, so I figured I'd just wait for whoever came in to come back for his or her cookies. Maybe I'd even take one when they were done. I chuckled and thought that if they were Mrs. Johnson's, she might even let me have two.

Anyway, I set myself down on my couch and had a soda. I wanted to watch the television, but I knew I probably shouldn't. Maybe if there was time after I finished packing.

I sighed. Work was a pain, especially when it followed you home. I couldn't help but daydream about my dear Luna. I thought about the sky blue dragoness and me, just frolicking in a lush meadow under the sun. We used to do that a lot when I was a kid.

Of course, we have just as fun now when I'm an adult. Just in other ways. The front of my pants started tenting as I remembered the kind of fun we had last night and my hand started sliding over the fabric by instinct.

But no, I snapped myself out of those pleasant memories. I had to finish my work first, so I got up off the couch and went to my bedroom so at the very least I could change and work in something more comfortable than a suit.

I twisted the knob and pushed my bedroom door open. Then I stood flabbergasted as I saw what I was sure I must've been hallucinating.

There she was. Luna, the sweet dragon of my dreams, was there lying on my bed on her belly. Her scales rippled as her eyes met with mine, and then she leapt off my bed and embraced me, wings and all, in a feeling that was most definitely real.

I asked, "Am I dreaming?"

"Does it feel like a dream?" she replied.

"No, but I don't understand. I'm not hallucinating either? Have I gone insane in my desire for my true love?"

She nuzzled me and hugged me tighter. Her warmth spread throughout me and cured my pains as I felt all my problems melt away. "Don't be silly, Josh. I told you I'd find you."

I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her in a mutual embrace. A tear slid down my cheek, but I had to ask. "How?"

She kept hugging me like that even though I knew it was mildly uncomfortable for her to stand upright. "When you dream, you come into my world. I figured out how to come into your world when I sleep."

I didn't understand. "How is that even possible?" I asked. "I don't-"

"Shh," she whispered, "I love you, Josh."

"I, I love you too, Luna. But I really don't-"

"True love knows no bounds," she said. "I just needed to find an anchor. Something you link to me."

She unfurled her wings and let me see my bedroom again. It was then that I saw the dragon figure next to my bed glowing with a warm light.

But I was ever the cautious person. Sometimes I was even borderline paranoid: I was one of those people that lock their doors as soon as they get in their car, that let nobody know his passwords, and that actually read contracts. It was one of the reasons my boss kept me employed, actually. So I asked her, "How do I know I didn't pass out on the couch and am just daydreaming?"

"Feel my heat," Luna said. "Feel me."

She pulled me back until she let herself down back onto my bed, and she pulled me down on top of her.

"Take me, love." She asked, "Even if it's a dream, it's still a pleasant one, yes?"

"I, I suppose," I stammered.

Her warm embrace and her sweet voice already had me somewhat aroused, and I had no trouble pulling my pants down, though my boxers stayed on as a last nod to modesty. She helped me pull my shirt off, and then she placed a claw against my bare chest.

That claw was enough. Whenever I woke up, I could always feel that faint echo of her touch, especially her paw folded against my heart. This was different. I felt her heartbeat through her claw, and she felt mine. I gasped, and then nodded. "This is real."

"It's as real as your mind wants it to be," she said.

I wrapped my hands around her claw and pulled it away. Then I sunk my head to her neck and started crying.

"You're really real. In my bedroom. In my world. I've loved you so much, even though I thought you weren't real."

She tipped her muzzle down until the bottom of her head was rubbing along my hair. "I know. That's why I'm here now, love."

Tears kept dribbling down her thick belly scales. My tears. "We never have to be apart again?"

"A little. I have to go back when I wake up, just like you do. But then you can come find me when you sleep."

"But how? I only dream of you twice a month, at most."

I couldn't see, but I felt her move her arm to the table on my bed and reach back. "Open your eyes, love."

I did.

"See this amulet?"

I nodded. She was holding a silver chained necklace with a crescent moon.

"Wear it when you sleep. Then I can always find you."

I sunk my head back under hers. "I'll never go to sleep without it."

"I know you will," she said. Then she lifted me up a little with her strong arms and set me next to her.

She pushed her muzzle against my lips. I parted them as I pressed back, and her long and limber tongue made its way into my mouth. She lapped against the walls, and then wrapped her tongue around mine before trying to tug me into a deeper kiss. She wrapped her free wing around me, and I felt nothing but her warmth. I reached up along her lovely white hair and caressed the base of her horns as we lay locked against each other. There was no doubt about it now: she was definitely real.

My sweet dragoness kept her tongue around mine, and before long I became incredibly aroused. Luna must've realized too as she unfurled her wing, tore herself away from our kiss, and glanced down at the large tent in my boxers.

Then she did something I didn't expect. She raised her clawed forepaw and made a quick swiping motion. My boxers simply slid off as if she had commanded them to remove themselves, and that left my erection bobbing at her side.

"How did you do that?" I asked.

She licked the side of my neck and said, "When you're in my world, you have that kind of power too, remember? I have the same in your world."

That was a strange idea. I could manipulate things in my dreams, and Luna could manipulate things in the real world.

"Or you could just think of me as a mage," she said.

"It doesn't matter," I said, "As long as you are you, dear."

She nuzzled her mouth against mine and leaned her hips towards mine until her fleshy entrance tapped the tip of my head.

She whispered, "I need you, love. I want to feel you inside me."

I gasped as I felt the smooth slit in her underbelly scales open slightly as she pushed against me.

I wrapped my arms around her and twisted her body until she lay on her back. "Let me do the work today," I said, "You did all of it last night."

She seemed like she was going to open her mouth in protest, but then she stared into my eyes, stopped herself, and nodded. "Okay, love."

With her approval, I settled myself over her body and reveled in her majestic beauty. Her scales shimmered from the sunlight coming through the window. I stared at her eyes, and then I shifted my eyes to take in the splendor of her entire lovely face.

Luna had a little patch of white hair visible from where I looked, and I knew it flowed down the back of her spine to the start of her tail. I always thought her sky blue scales combined with her white hair would make her look like a wisp of cloud if anyone ever spotted her flying through the skies.

Her horns curled over and tapped against the edge of my bed. They were a brilliant silver, and shone like the stainless steel on my cell phone. Her ears were perked back in excitement and eagerness, and I reached a hand up to rub the base of one of her horns. She moaned as I rubbed that sensitive spot and I took the opportunity to dart my tongue into her mouth and into another entangling kiss.

And then I pushed my hips forward, slowly and gently. She was tight, tighter than even last night, and I went as slowly as I could. The head of my shaft nudged and pressed against her slit, gradually parting her warm lips until at last they parted and sealed around the sensitive tip of my cock. The penetration sent shivers down both our bodies, and I felt my handsome dragoness shiver as her tongue, wrapped around mine, tightened and quivered.

We didn't have to say anything to each other to express our pleasure, and I kept pushing into her as her entire body felt like it was growing hotter. Heat radiated from all over her body, but it was especially powerful around her loins. She shared that heat with me, and I truly never wanted to leave.

This was no carnal act of pleasure. I loved Luna, my radiant, luscious, dragoness with all my heart, and she loved me the same even if we were a world apart. The pain of reality, work, and life melted away as we lay together in our passionate display of love.

The tip of my erection hit another tight resistance, and I knew I had reached the first of her many ridges that lay inside her sex. They were positively unique, and no human woman could possibly simulate those sensitive ridges.

The pleasure was mutual, of course, and as I passed through each one both of us would grunt lightly through our kiss and her heat would intensify. Then I passed her sweet spot, and she whined as she unwrapped her tongue from around mine. Her insides felt a little wetter as she moistened herself from the pleasure, and my pre lubricated the way deeper.

At last, I passed the deepest ridge my length could reach, and I lowered myself against her to feel her entire body. My head settled right under hers, and I nuzzled the bottom of her muzzle with my fuzzy hair as I rubbed one of my arms against the base of her wings.

Her walls convulsed in response, and I felt them ripple and tug at my cock. She furled her wings around me and held me on top of her. She and I were now trapped in the intoxicating heat radiating from both our bodies, and it engulfed us in a sea of pleasure.

Then I pulled myself out of her sex, and again her ridges made both of us pant as my length passed over them again. I only pulled myself out halfway before pushing back in, just as sensually as before, and she reached her forearms out to pull my chest into a deeper embrace against her plated and flat, yet soft and warm bosom.

I hilted myself again, and felt my balls rest against those heavier scales on her underbelly. She rubbed the bottom of her snout along my hair, and we stayed in that position for a while.

And then Luna whispered lusciously into my ear, "You can go faster, love."

"I want this feeling to last forever," I said.

"Do you love me, Josh?"

I opened my eyes at the bluntness of her question. "Of course I do, Luna. When I'm with you, you, I don't know, you just make me feel whole."

"I know. I feel the same way about you, love. As long as we truly love each other, this feeling will last."

I nodded as I silently understood, and then I retreated my hips before sinking back into her fleshy ridged sex again. I kept this gentle pace of thrusting, and our moans filled our little bubble created by her wings.

The rhythm I was going at was mesmerizing, and every time my balls slapped lightly against her scales we groaned in ecstasy. She kept her paws pressed against my back, and I would occasionally lick her chest as we kept our passionate embrace.

Eventually, I started rocking into her faster and harder, her ridges gripping against my cock every pass, and pleasure spiked around our nether regions. She started pushing back against me as I kept bucking into her, and soon we were shaking the entire bed.

We were both in absolute bliss as every motion brought us closer to our climaxes, and the sounds of our lovemaking filled the little space she had made for us. It was entirely a shock when she unwrapped her wings around us, and the sunlight almost hurt my eyes.

I slowed down in reaction to the sudden movement, but she only thrust herself harder against me. I was really confused and wanted to ask her why she had removed her wings from around us, but then I felt my answer.

The tip of her tail slid into my rear, and I gasped in surprise.

"Ah, Luna!" I rasped.

I stopped thrusting as I felt her tail slide further into my ass, but she hugged me even harder as she tried to shove her sinuous tail as far as she could. The first few inches or so were smooth, like her regular scales, but then I felt her thicker underbelly scales start to develop, and they were layered like ridges. Each one that passed into me brought out another long rasp from my throat, and eventually I felt the slithering warm tail slide against my prostrate.

I shouted her name again and felt my length pulse as I deposited another load of pre into her warm sex. She slid in a little more, but stopped when she was satisfied with how I quivered against her body.

"Don't stop, love," she whispered soothingly.

I grunted, and started thrusting again. The feeling of her tail sliding in and out with my rhythm and slithering around my prostate was too much, and soon I felt my pleasure come to its peak as my balls pulled themselves against my groin, preparing to shoot their load.

She could feel me as I shook, and then she rammed her tail up my ass as far as she could get it to go without painful resistance. I screamed my dragoness's name as I came, and my seed pumped through my throbbing length into her sweet sex.

Luna reached her peak right after me, and I felt her arms tighten even more around my back as she tried to press her hips as hard as she could against my shaft even though I was as deep as I could go. Her fleshy walls suckled and rippled as she milked my cock of as much seed as I could give, and her sex erupted with her own cream as she came.

For a long time, we stayed reveling at the touch of each others sex and climax. Our pinnacle of pleasure died down, and then we basked in the afterglow of our most bonding act of love as we found happiness in just laying in each others arms.

I dozed off some time later, wrapped along the length of her lithe body. I woke up only an hour later, and to my utmost joy she was still there, just as real as ever, gently nuzzling against me. But my mind could not stay away from the troubles of reality, and I shot myself up from the bed.

"Crap," I said, "I have to pack for a business trip tomorrow."

"Don't fret, love," she said. Her soothing voice relaxed me and she continued, "I already packed everything for you. Try not to work yourself too hard."

"Oh," I said, "Thank you, Luna, my dearest."

I plopped myself back down onto the bed and leaned towards her for another kiss. The sun had set, but now the moonlight glimmered off her scales as she pushed her mouth against mine.

We stayed locked against each other for what seemed like an eternity, but alas, all good things must come to an end. She pulled away, despite my whining protest, and looked out the window to the moon.

Then she stared down into my eyes. "Look for me, love. I'll come back after your trip, but you can find me in your dreams."

I took a glance at the amulet, set on my table next to the dragon figure, which was barely glowing now, and nodded at her.

"I won't forget," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too, Josh."

The light from the dragon statue faded entirely, and then Luna's body was enveloped in a soft white light, like that of the moon. The light dispersed into little speckles which faded moments after she disappeared. And then I was left alone, in the cold and the darkness of the real world.

And then a smell wafted in through the door. It was a smell that was completely overpowered by the sensual musk of Luna's body and our love making: it was the smell of her cookies.

I went into the kitchen and pulled them out of the oven, which was set to keep them warm, and set the cookie tray on top of the table. I took a bite out of one, and suddenly I felt as if Luna's clawed forepaw was pressing against my chest again and we were feeling each others heartbeats. We were two souls, joined by love across worlds.

I shuffled back to my bedroom over to the amulet and put it on. Its very presence was soothing, and I looked forward to sleeping tonight.