The Warriors Sound

Story by Amithyst on SoFurry

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Dawn takes on her dominant side as she introduces Ger to some amazing new sensations through sounding.

This was written as an RP between a myself and a friend. For simplicity sake I've left this in the original format, just cutting the messenger tags out with the arrow symbols. > is Dawn's point of view. >> is Geranguas' point of view. I've also cut out a good portion of the starting banter because I know ya'll just care about the sexy times in the end. Keep in mind totems mentioned are the small charms shamen carry around, not the full sized thing. :P

And, without further ado, enjoy the show...

> Leans down to lick his nose and give him a quick smooch, "I think we have some things to finish." Dawn says, a smirk pulling at the edges of her lips.

>> Sticks his tongue out at her, then wriggles it a bit as well, "Do we now?" lifts a brow slightly before giving her rump a gentle squeeze.

> Nods at him matter-of-factly, "We had that distraction last time to put it off but not this time." she chuckles, twirling the loop of her necklace around on one finger, the totemic charms on it clinking together while they spun around.

>> Nods once and moves his fingers along her rump still, "Hmmm, I see... Though I recall 'last time' being me taking care of your needs whith you as a ghostwolf," he says with a soft smirk, his fingers delicately tickling along the base of her tail.

> She sticks out her tongue at him, catching the spinning charms in her hand, "Last time I had you pinned down rather than the other way around then." she says, wiggling her tail as his fingers tickled at it. She slid down his chest till she was sitting on his legs, leaning down to lick across his throat, nipping at it lightly while one hand trailed down from his chest to his lower stomach slowly to eventually reach his groin where she cupped her hand around him there.

>> Shifts his weight a little as she sat upon him, lifting his head just a bit as she nipped against his throat, "Hmmm... I suppose you've got me there," he says, only to grunt out as he felt her hand upon his groin, "And there..." He laughed softly and shook his head once more before closing his eyes and lightly pressing his hips up against her hand.

> Smiles against his throat giving a long slow lap across the area of his adams apple. Her fingers rub across his balls, lifting them from where they rest to press them more firmly against the bottom of his length, "Mmnhm, I defiantly has a Ger." she chuckles, her thumb stroking the underbelly of his shaft to get a rise out of him, her tail curling under her at the same time to stroke against his inner thighs.

>> Snorts up at her and then gives her backside a fairly firm squeeze, his fingertips trailing up against the tight pucker of her tailhole before smirking softly, "Most definitely," he says with a short nod, shifting his weight and pressing his hips up against her hand again, the length of his shaft starting to swell and grow hard from the simple attentions she was giving him.

> "Hehehee.." she nibbles along his collar bone a bit more, her tail arching upwards as she feels his fingers teasing her pucker. Lifting her hand briefly in order to slide her tongue along her palm and fingers then lowering them back down to continue their attentions with a slick coating of saliva now aiding their movements. Gripping his swelling pride she strokes him up and down a few times, her tumb pressing down on his tip while it rolls around the crown.

>> Licks along his own lips a couple times before pressing his hips up against her again when he felt the wet warmth of her saliva slicked hand grasping around and stroking upon his member, "Mmmm... Rather intent tonight, aren't we?" he asks in a playful tone, shivering just a little when her attentions came to the sensitive tip of his member, which was quick to draw out a bit of his warm pre against her fingertips.

> "Mmn, don't want anything drawing us away this time." she chuckles, sitting back somewhat, gripping the base of his shaft with her left hand as she draws the right with a firm grip up his length, pausing at the tip to roughly rub the palm of her hand back and forth across the now leaking head of his cock, using the provided bodily lubrication by sliding the outside edge of her second finger directly along his cum hole.

>> He would shiver a little as he felt her brushing her palm across the head of his shaft, which would only cause a bit more of his pre to flow out across it as she stimulated him in such a fashion, "Mmm, I see," he nodded before closing his eyes once more, his fingers delicately brushing across her tight pucker once again, then lightly down over the supple cheeks of her rear. He would ponder for awhile as to what it was that she was up to, though he wouldn't ask, figuring it was best to simply be surprised with whatever she was planning.

> Giving a wider grin she squeezes his shaft tightly and draws her hand up to his tip once more, gathering the leaking pre from his tip onto her hand. Bringing her necklace up she singles out one of the totem charms, sliding the rod like bottom half through the gathered juices liberally. Sliding her hand back down to hold him, smearing the left over pre down his length she traces the tip of the charm around the crown of his cockhead twirling in towards the center till it was poised vertically above his urethra opening. Grinning up at him as she pushes it just inside then releases it to let it sink down his cum tube with its own weight.

>> Would miss the grin with his eyes being closed at the moment, licking along his own lips a single time and grunting softly periodically when he felt her hand trailing over his cockhead with some form of regularity. When he felt the cool metal of the charm upon him, a shiver visibly traversed upon his frame before giving a soft sigh and relaxed just a moment later, "Mmmm, I see what you're up to now," he says with a slight grin. He drew in a sharp breath at first when the charm was pushed into his urethra almost suddenly, only to release the breath in a slow exhale when it slid slowly down into him, wetting his lips just a bit as well, "Mmm... Teasing the Ger," he chuckled softly, lifting his free hand to lightly brush across the side of her muzzle with primarily his thumb.

> "Mmn, I figured I'd return the favor for all the teasing I get." she chuckles, nipping lightly at his palm as it brushes her muzzle. She holds the charm with her right hand while the other wrapped around him continuing the slow up and down stroking, occasionally spaced in with her slowly raising and lowering the charm into his tube. Soon again though her hand holding the charm would leave for a time as she fiddled with something else. It would come back to pull the current charm half way out of his member, only this time, as it would usually make its own journy back down a second one pressed into the urethral opening, being pushed down with the first with her right hand while her left held his member upright with her fingers just below the crown.

>> Flashed her a grin, "Just remember, I can redouble my teasing with you," he says, before giving a slight nod thereafter as he closed his eyes once again, letting his head rest back against the floor. Geranguas shifted his hips just a little, pressing just slightly up against her stroking hand and grunting out softly whenever she would slide the charm out of him and hold his breath for a moment as she slid it back into him again, even going so far as to squirm upon the floor just a bit from time to time. Yet as he felt her moving to slide a second of the charms into him, he gasped out a bit louder than before and sat up somewhat as well to get a quick look to see what she was up to at that moment. He blinked a couple times before trying to push himself up with his arms, yet finding them a little weak in doing so, to which he merely thumped back onto his back again with a soft gasp, his abs flexing as his body tensed a little from the sensation of the second charm working to stretch his urethra open more so than the first was able to.

> "Hehe... mmmn... my Ger seems to like that a lot.." she teased, her thumb rubbing circles against the underbelly of his member just below the head, her hand working the charms sliding them down in as far as the actual charms on the ends would allow, using them to give shallow thrusts in and out of his urethra. "Mn.. looks like its giving a bit of a stretch to your little cum hole.." she murmurs, licking over her lips as she watches the rods moving in and out of the end of his arousal. She takes a rod between her finger and thumb on each hand and alternates raising one while the other is moving down and vice versa. She flicks her eyes up to his tensing chest and stomach every so often, enjoying the sight of seeing him squirm and gasp from the attention she was administering.

>> The 'introduction' of the second charm did allow for a bit of relief on his end, if only because of the pressure of his restricted passage would be lessened just slightly to allow a fair amount of his previously-trapped precum to escape between the slight gaps created between the two. The Warrior gave a soft snort at her teasing words, lightly chewing upon his lower lip, his hips giving involuntary twitches up against her from time to time before groaning out lowly when she started to push the two in and out of him in an alternating pattern, causing a soft gasp to escape him from time to time.

> Grins even at the sound of his snort, watching his facial expressions while her hands worked the rods. "Hehe.." her grin widens further at the slight thrusting of his hips, making her have to re adjust on her knees to keep from becoming unbalanced sitting on him. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you were enjoying yourself Ger..." she teased once again, pressing the two charms together again to work them with one hand, her other leaving to slide up his stomach, reaching up to his chest to give his left nipple a pinch, just for the sake to see a reaction, rolling it between her fingers roughly for a time then dragging her nails lightly down his ribcage towards his hip again. "Hmm.. what do we think about adding in a third...?" she coos, her left hand dragging the tip of a third charm against the bulged out underbelly of his member, letting him feel the cool chilled shaft that was the water totems charm against his heated cock.

>> Snorted at her again as she verbally teased him again and almost moved to lean in and bite at her hand when she gave his nipple the squeeze, the muscles of almost his entire upper body tensing up as she tweaked it. He merely gave a soft growl at her question, finding himself unable to answer about it otherwise, his member lightly throbbing with the presence of the totemic charms buried within his urethra, a small gush of his thick pre erupting forth from his tip from between the two there.

> She had to bite her bottom lip to keep from giggling, "Hmn, feisty Ger doesn't like his Dawn teasing him hmm? Being on the other end of the poking stick...." she continues to tease, if only because she saw it was getting a bit of a raise out of him. Giving one of the totems already inside his urethra a tap, the earth and air totems the ones in at current, the earth one started to lightly pulsate every few seconds, sending vibrations against the inside of his cock. Apparently having decided to indeed add another she slowly works the water totem down into the entrance of his urethra, stretching it out into a sort of mini triangle between the three. The water totem was chilled like the rod was made from ice, no doubt due to a bit of elemental aid on the shamans behalf. "Mmmn.. nice and frosty this one.. give my Ger a little cool down.. dont want things to get to hot or we might get burned." she teased with a small wink. She lifts the air totem up half way out of his urethra to push the water rod down the remainder of its length, the air sliding back in fully along with its mates soon after. "I can really see em in there now.." she says, tapping her fingers against the underside of his cock, now bulged out even further than before, then stroking her thumb up and down the taut sensitive skin, all the while her other hand moving the rods in slow thrusts up and down the inside of his prick, sometimes leaving in one while dragging out two, some times one at a time, and some with them all at once.

>> The muscles of his thighs and hips would give subtle tenses whenever the earth charm would pulsate within his urethra, the sensations really starting to get the best of the Warrior, while foreign and odd, they were also strangely good to him. His weight shifted slightly in his current position, only to gasp and squirm about for a moment when the third would start to slide into his already stretched urethra, bulging out the underbelly of his cock even further with it's presence, a much stronger shiver traversing the length of his spine as the unusually cool metal slid down fully into his shaft. As they came to fully rest within him, they would be forced just slightly out of him again as a fair amount of his pre gushed forth form him, spewing out around the three charms as the gaps were a few more than before with the addition of the third charm, allowing more flow of the fluidous arousal. The head of his shaft was swollen and rather firm, showing a heightened arousal in Geranguas as she started to work the charms in and out of him, reacting slightly more so when she moved all three simultaneously.

> Have almost a permanent grin on her features Dawn seemed to be enjoying herself greatly just from his reactions to her attentions. Seeing it grew the greater response she moved all three of them at once within his urethra, her free hand smearing the liberally spurting pre up and down his shaft, keeping him slick with his own fluids and adding stimulation to the outside of his length at the same time, her hand following the thrusting movements of the rods on the inside. "Mmmn.. your really taking these well.." she murmured after some time, "I think my big strong warrior can handle even more stuffed down into his lovely cock." pausing the thrusting for a moment she lifts up the forth and last totem she had, drawing it along her tongue to cover it with a bit of spit she then uses those currently within him to pull apart to form an opening she could wedge the fire totem into. Moving the others around slowly she manages to stuff the last charm down into his cum tube, his hole a small diamond formed by the charms now, stretched further than ever before. "Mmn.. I must say that is one extremely packed tight, hard cock.." she coos, using her fingers to lightly slap the bulging underside of his member. "And look at that swollen red head.." she adds moreso to herself as she shifts to a slightly different position, lowering her head down so she could drag her tongue around the entire circumference of the throbbing tip while she starts to once again thrust all four of the charms in and out of his urethra.

>> Would attempt to open his eyes, but the strongly pleasurable sensations were working against him and merely just decided to relax his head fully against the ground, his mouth hanging slightly agape and giving soft grunts and gasps from time to time as she continued to tease and work him over. His hips would give those idle pushes up against her hand as Dawn would start to thrust all three in and out of his urethra, causing him to also give a low and rather lengthy "Mmmmnnn". He then shuddered slightly as she mentioned the possibility of pushing yet another of the charms down his shaft, which caused both a twitch of his hips and a gasp from him, finding himself at a complete loss for words. He was in no real position to tell her not to, nor was he really able to even if he wanted to, and would gasp slightly louder as she pulled the three different charms within him apart to spread him open even more,his eyes rolling back and his head falling slightly to one side as he pressed his cheek against the ground a little, his feet and toes flexing as she wormed the fourth and final charm down into his cock. He was very-much on the brink of orgasm as she started to pump the group of four in and out of his throbbing shaft, being brought closer and closer to the first of his releases - or at least he assumed she wouldn't be letting him off easily tonight as he felt her tongue trailing along the tip of his shaft again.

> With all four totems fully lodged within his shaft she firmly gripped the base of his member with her left hand and thrust the charms in and out with her right all at once. She licked some of the copious drooling precum off of the head of his shaft, dragging her bottom teeth and lip across the area as well just to add further sensations. Then pulling back with a look of extreme glee, watching him squirm and pant and moan below her, she places her thumb and forefinger on each hand on the heads of the charms and slowly pulls them away from each other, looking down at the gaping hole of his urethra between the four rods and licking her lips, watching as his pre bubbles up from the depths of the stretched tube and oozing out around the rods, "Mmmn.. would ya look at that.." she murrs softly to herself, "looks yummy." licking her lips again before leaning down to worm her tongue in-between the four rods being held apart, her broad warm slick tongue adding a even more filler into his already stuffed cock as it wiggles down into his cum tube, lapping up the pre as it bubbles out, like a dog drinking from a bowl her tongue slipping up and down the most spread open top half of his shaft, savoring the warm salty treat at its freshest.

>> Arched his back a bit and gasped again as she slowly spread the charms apart from each other inside of his urethra to stretch him open even further, his hips twitching yet again as a result from the sensations that spiked into the back of his mind. A shudder rippled across his body from head to toe and back up again almost every time that he felt her tongue worming down and lapping inside of his stretched shaft, until he opened his eyes wide with a "Nnngh" and his hips gave a couple spastic jerks up against her. A torrent of his thick seed would quickly gush forth from him with surprising force, churning up far more of the potent fluids than ever before as it erupted forth from his shaft, even causing the already-bulging 'belly' of his shaft to swell up further from the sheer amount that he suddenly started to pump forth. The Warrior's hips would jerk firmly upward with each long spurt of his orgasm, his eyes rolling backwards once more as his head more or less fell limp to the floor once again, his toes flexing slightly in tune with the rest of his body as it tensed visibly, his abs in particular flexing rather firmly, giving visible outlines on his belly of each individual muscle there.

> "Mmmmn.." she shuddered with satisfaction herself as the forceful spray of his cum welled up from his stretch stuffed hole spraying her full on the bottom of her chin as she pulled her tongue out of his shaft, "Aaah.. good.. good.." she murred, opening her mouth to catch a liberal amount of his seed on her tongue, her hand simply jerking his shaft up and down for the duration of his climax to prolong it. Her other hand however was gleefully rubbing and squeezing against the spasticly flexing and twitching muscles all along his form. Her fingers in particular favoring the bulging lines of his belly and chest, pressing against them hard and dragging her fingernails across the area. "Yeah.. that's what I like to see.." she says with a wicked grin as she savors the cum she had caught in her mouth. Not that he could see it with how much he was shuddering and spasming in his explosive climax, but the set of her face seemed to have changed rather drasticly from normal. Her lips set in that wicked grin, eyebrows angled harshly. It seemed she had enjoyed it every bit as much as he had, the harder gleam in her expression of joy hinting at a switch over to a Dawn that was more dominantly oriented.

>> He grunted loudly as she first started to rub and drag along his tensing muscles through his powerful climax, his head shaking slightly as though to try to retain some sort of control over his vision, but it had long since clouded into a lusted state, merely working off of his sense of touch than anything else at the moment. His orgasm would be rather prolonged from the rather odd sensation of his urethra being stuffed as much as it was from all four of the totemic charms buried within him, making him even go so far as to give a soft whimper near the end of his rather voluminous release. Geranguas shifted his weight a little as his orgasm finally came to a stop, much of his fluids still constantly drooling out around the gaps each of the charms made from within his urethra, a light shiver traveling all along the length of his spine for several moments before he found himself able to relax once more... Or at least to some small degree of being able to relax, the sensation of still being liberally stuffed in such a manner was still causing a heightened arousal that he wasn't able to come off from, his cock still throbbing hard and twitching visibly in front of the Tauren, the fingers of his right hand twitching slightly as a side effect of his powerful orgasm - he would just randomly twitch in different areas on his body for some time.

> "MMmmn... well.. looks like there is one satisfied warrior in front of me.." she slowly coos, her finger lazily trailing through a pool of his own goo that had ended up on his tummy, the finger tracing around his navel for a moment before pulling away, a string of his essence clinging to her finger for a second before it breaks off. She moved to lean over top of him, the hand that wasn't supporting her weight moving in to scoop up his limp laying head. Turning his face to hers where she pressed a firm kiss against his lips, her tongue worming into his mouth to stroke along his own, her grip tightening slightly on the hair at the nape of his neck as she shifts so her knees would hold her up. Her other hand now free it moves to drag down his chest once more, pausing just before the tip of his stuffed prick and tapping a finger against the heads of the charms packed into his urethra. Any mercy that might have otherwise been given though would be put out of his mind as the pulsations of the earth totem grew stronger. What was more he would feel the stretching sensations growing, quite literally, as the diameter of the totems swelled out a bit, adding more length to them as well which had them stretching well passed what had yet been touched by the invading objects. As the swelling stopped she took a firm hold on he engorged barrel of his member and gives it a testing squeeze, a murr of satisfaction vibrating her lips against his as she felt the stretched almost abused underbelly so bulged out and hard.

>> He would take a couple moments to be roused from his dazed state, his right arm limply lifting off of the ground a moment later as he came to and rested it over her waist, his hand resting somewhat against her tail's base, but likely unintentionally, despite his habit of playing with the length. His head would lightly press upwards to tighten the kiss she held to him, his tongue lazily stroking here and there across hers with a fair amount of lag between each stroke that he gave, seeming as though that his orgasm had managed to take quite a bit out of him, still largely just not with it at the moment as she kissed him. He would only give a subtle grunt at first as he felt slightly intensified pulsing of the earth charm, his shaft already twitching and throbbing in tune with it, and now even more so with it's increased intensity. His eyes then visibly rolled back and his mouth hung open a tad loosely against her lips in the kiss as the charms seemed to swell up larger within his already well-stretched urethra, making him give a muffled groan against the Tauren's muzzle, his hand falling away from her form once more as a result of the stunning situation that she was putting him back into once more.

> "Mhmhm.." a grin pulled up the corners of her mouth and she slowly extracted herself from the kiss, drawing her tongue lazily across his lips and then down his jaw. She pauses to give a firm bite to the area between his neck and shoulder, her tusks pricking against his skin more firmly than the main portion of her teeth. Meanwhile, she had taken a firm hold of the totems in her right hand, moving the stretching stuffing pillars slowly in and out of his gaping cock hole. Pulling away from the love bite she licks across the mark it had placed on his skin, her muzzle rolling down across his pectorals where she drags her tongue firmly between the lines of muscle running down into his abdominals. "Mmn.. lets see this.. lets see how far we've gotten your little cock-hole stretched out.." she almost purrs as she sets back once again. Taking a firm grip on the base of his member she sloooowly drags the totem rods out of his cock all at once. As they are pulled free of his arousal she lay the dripping charms off to the side and spreads open his urethra hole between her thumbs, allowing her an unobstructed view down the gaping drooling hole. "Mmn oh wow.. we did make some good progress didn't we?" she coos, one hand giving a soothing stroke to his, briefly, empty member. Soon though he would feel her finger pressing in against his opening sliding in to the first knuckle, stretching him just a tad further than the four swollen totems. "Yeeaah.. look at that.." murring she steadily fingers his cock hole now while her hand simultaneously stroking the outside. "We have some fun still yet to be had....."

To be continued....(maybe ;P)

Walk with the Dawn

From a RP with Dichromaru\_Ichaxr, Gerangaus belongs to him, Blizzard owns WoW, Dawnwalker is mine. And with that enjoy.~ Deftly sorting through his mail, the Warrior sighed softly, flicking through a few letters and shook his head a little, mumbling...

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A Jelly Good Time

To a bird, the sight that was below, on the ground held it motionless in the air for a few moments. The hawk was slightly bemused at the actions of the earth-bound furs - though neither of the two holding its interest actually had fur. A Drake, black...

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