Walk with the Dawn

From a RP with Dichromaru\_Ichaxr, Gerangaus belongs to him, Blizzard owns WoW, Dawnwalker is mine. And with that enjoy.~ Deftly sorting through his mail, the Warrior sighed softly, flicking through a few letters and shook his head a little, mumbling...

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A Jelly Good Time

To a bird, the sight that was below, on the ground held it motionless in the air for a few moments. The hawk was slightly bemused at the actions of the earth-bound furs - though neither of the two holding its interest actually had fur. A Drake, black...

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The Warriors Sound

This was written as an RP between a myself and a friend. For simplicity sake I've left this in the original format, just cutting the messenger tags out with the arrow symbols. \> is Dawn's point of view. \>\> is Geranguas' point of view. I've also cut...

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