Project Neoblood: Chapter 2

Story by Trey Oran on SoFurry

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#2 of Project Neoblood

Project Neoblood: Chapter II

By Trey Oran

Author's note: Yeah...this is the next chapter for Project Neoblood. Of course, I would suggest reading the first chapter to get the point of this story. If you are not of legal age in your country, then click the back button. (Ex: England's consent is 16) If you don't know about the legal age in your country, then look in Wiki or something. I'm still a noob...kinda, but comments for improvement are appreciated. Now...enjoy the story. {RATE ME! :D}

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do not redistribute or modify this character file without my permission as you will be held account for leeching. Do not even claim it as your own property. Ask me if it is okay if you can copy this doc and spread it the communities that you are involved with. End of story.

Chapter 2, Part 1: Awakening And Recovery

All I remember was that I was knocked out by someone in that place. After that, I felt I was being picked up by someone, but by that time, I blacked out so I didn't know who it was. But now I am in this dark place; nothing but darkness surrounding me. I could only see myself; nothing else. I was wearing the outfit that I wore before. I tried running around, seeing if I could find an exit, but I couldn't. I was just running for no reason. Feeling scared for this, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't hear my voice. It was blocked. I tried gasping just to hear my voice, but nothing came out; just silence. Was this the world of nothingness, or hell? I could feel my heart racing fast just because of that thought.

After that, I woke up, elicting a sharp gasp. I looked around the area, and then noticing a shrine looking theme in this place. There were smooth, wood on the floor, reflecting light from the light bulb above me, and on the walls as well, but covered with light blue paint. Then I looked at the object I'm on, now knowing that it was a bed, which seemed to be full sized. The vibrant, green hue on the blanket covered the lower half of my body. Finding a previously soaked napkin onto my forehead when touching that area, I now realized...

I was saved...

Also, after identifying most of these things around the area, I've also realized...

I'm inside my home...

On my bed, in my room, my upper body naked, only wearing shorts, and yet I've pondered who rescued me. It couldn't be any of the anthros...could it? What kind of being would give me rough treatment, then try to save me afterwards? Am I that important to these people? Am I really the "so-called special guest" they've been waiting for? And if I was, what did they need from me? I cursed to myself, resenting going underground. I guess I was overexcited about this whole ordeal.

Then I heard some loud footsteps coming towards me. I tried to turn my head, but it was still sore from the blow I had obtained, making it feel stiff, so I couldn't turn it. Wishing that someone would save me, I closed my eyes, hoping that the footsteps would be a medic or police. The footsteps stopped and then I was able to see the figure's shadow. I tilted my eyes to the direction where the shadow was coming from and I gasped at the appearance.

Before me is an elephant, standing upright on his hind legs and tall as well. He looked like he was 6'4, and his weight looked slimmer than a regular elephant; at least up to 220 lbs. He was muscular and he had the occasional grey skin. He was wearing some tribal looking clothing; a vest with green and yellow stripes coming down vertically, so I was able to see his muscular body On his legs was brown pants with a loincloth in between, his muscles bulging out of the brown cloth. His head had the occasional trunks and figure. He has black eyes looking down at me, blinking as he was staring at me.

He looked at me, smiling a little. On his hands was a metal tray with some food and green tea. He put it down on the table beside me. I shudder for a bit as he was close to my face, and he chuckled a bit.

"Heh...when I saw you, you weren't that afraid. Now when you see someone like me come close, you get all shaky and scared. Not surprising really. I get that all the time when I worked with others." He chuckles again and sat down on the bed beside me. "So...Trey, was it?"

I nodded in return, still shaking a bit as I was looking at him. As he sat with me, it shook the bed a little because of his light yet heavy weight."

"I see...nice name. So you're the special guest everyone was talking about. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect a kid to come all the way to the underground. I didn't expect anyone else to come underground except creatures like us." He turns his head around, looking at me. "Well...sorry about the K.O back there, but there had to be some way to make you stable. My name is Kartz, by the way."

I sighed a bit. "Look...Kartz...I don't know why that you are here, but this is not I had bargained for. Just to avoid getting caught by someone else, I suggest that you would leave."

Kartz chuckled again. " don't have to worry about that. I'm disguised as a human, you see." He grins.

I slightly shook my head to avoid the pain on my neck. " look like an elephant to me. You don't look human."

He blinked and says, "What? What do you mean? I'm sure you're just lying."

I shook my head once again as I did not see the anthro in any transformed disguise. "I'm seeing you with a trunk, grey skin, some get up I never seen before, and you look a little slim than the heavy elephants I know off. That's what I see."

He widens his eyes and turned around as he called someone. "Roland! Come here!"

I heard some heavy foot steps coming from the door, which was the exit to my room. A rhino came in the room, having the occasional grey skin and horns. He was walking upright on his hind legs as well and he had the figure of a regular rhino, except that had looked a little slimmer that the ones I would see in this planet. His eyes were a little lighter than the elephants, having a darker grayish hue. For his clothing, he had on green short sleeve and blue shorts, which is barely doing any work covering on what was between his legs and for his muscular physique.

"Roland, you are disguised right now, huh?" The elephant said.

Roland nods and says, "Yeah. What's going on?" He turns towards me and waves with a smile. "'re awake now. That's good."

I shook my head and said, "The only good part for me is that even though you guys state that you are hidden in cloaks, I could still see you. Now then...isn't that a bitch?" I said with a slight snicker.

Roland cocked his brow and smiled. "Well...I think I know the reason. Somehow, most of his genetic code is still locked. Somehow, that blow I gave him must've unlocked one of his DNA. I guess I did a sweet job."

I clenched my fist and tried to get up from my bed, but my head was still aching me and Kartz held his hand to my chest; shoving me down to the bed and I made a small yell. "What the fuck was that for?!" I yelled.

"You're still not fully recovered from your concussion. You just woke up and we can't let you do anything for the time. All you could do right now is let us give you some service and you just relax, watch your T.V, and...that's about it. And when you do recover, we'll train you." He said with a slight grin.

I blinked a little and said, "What do you mean by training me?"

Roland chuckled and said, "Silly boy. We're not going to spoil the surprise to you. You're gonna have to deal with us for a while and someone else will train you and help you unlock your DNA coding."

I sighed and groan. "For the last fucking time, I'm not a hybrid. This is not some crappy fantasy RPG you know. I bet right now I'm induced with some kind of drug so that I could see you guys, or probably just some damn illusion. Just leave me alone so that I could recover on my own." And with that said, I turned my head for a comfortable position to sleep on and made fake sleeping noises.

In return, all I heard was footsteps leaving the area. As soon they left the room, I was going to rush to the door and lock it so that they wouldn't come back, but then I thought for a few minutes, wouldn't they use their intense strength on the door just to get in, or use some kind of lock pick to screw around with my lock? I sighed once again, turning my body so that I could see on what was on the tray. I saw some kind of broth that I never saw before and the occasional green tea that I drink every time I get up for the morning. I looked at the broth and grasp for it, drinking some of the liquid. I widen my eyes because of the taste. It tasted very good for something I never had before. It mostly tasted like cream, but it had some celery flavor to it as well. Plus, it was warm enough for me to drink.

I drank most of the broth and set it back onto the tray. Then I switched my attention to the tea. I grabbed the cup, but I recoil my hand as I felt the hot cup stinging my hand. I waved my arm to the air just for the sting to wear off. I wonder how long Kartz left it in the microwave for, I thought. I looked at the door again, to see if Roland or Kartz was coming. It's been a few minutes since they left because of my yell. I didn't care and pulled the drawer, taking out a book to read, titled "Rosalyn's Escape", and closed the drawer.

After 30 minutes of reading, I begin to think that they had really left my home, since that it was silent around here. My neck seems to be recovering in a fast pace. I wonder what Kartz put in the tea and broth. After stopping to a certain chapter, I got up and searched for them. I made a right and looked in the kitchen, which was pretty much next door to my room, and see no one using the kitchen. I got out and made a left to see if the anthros was lounging in the living room; and no sign of them. I took the stairs and see if they were in any of the 5 empty rooms, starting from right to left.

I looked in the first room and it was empty. All I saw was some specs of dust in the white colored room. I sighed and exiting the room, looking through the next one. This room was colored blue, but like the last room I checked, nothing or anyone was in there. I looked in the next room, this one being light blue. I saw lots of things in there like clothes; both modern and nothing that I've seen before. The clothing was inside some bags and the room was big, so you could put in practically anything. There was a king size bed that two big people could sleep on. Wait a minute...two big people?! Kartz and Roland are the only ones that I know that is big! So...this means...they sleep together?!

This confirmed lots of things. It confirms that the elephant and the rhino are still here; but only went somewhere. This also confirms that my caretakers are homosexual, but that hasn't bothered me. I had a feeling that they had some sort of connection when I first met the both of them. I wonder how long have they been in a relationship, or they could be just fuck buddies; satisfying each other's lust under the covers. I thought of hearing them moaning and grunting as they did it, and I could hear them from downstairs. Then I would have to go upstairs to tell them to keep it down, but I would just stay silent and go wide eyed when I see them naked and one inside the other; both of them blushing as they was caught. It would've been a bitch, but I laugh at the thought. I doubt that they would let me join them though. I'm not even sure if I want to turn it into a threesome. I left the room and went downstairs to see if they were at the porch at my backyard.

As I reached downstairs, I went to the back door and saw the anthros sitting next to each other. It seems that they were just relaxing and enjoying the outdoors. I grinned a bit and carefully walked towards the door. I was trying to see if they could hear me with the silent footsteps I was making. There was a room next to the back door, so I slipped through that room just to hear them what they were talking about. Luckily for me, the windows are not soundproof, so I could listen to everything they are saying. It feels rude, but I need to know why they were here.

Chapter 2, Part 2: Discovery of the Truth

Maybe I should introduce myself before telling you the situation that is going on. I'm Kartz Suran. I'm 26 years old and as you know already, I'm an elephant morph. I'm 6'4 in height and 260 in weight, although I look slimmer than the elephants you would see. I came from a different planet and so does Roland over here, but I'm not going to tell you the names. As you can see by the way I am dressed, I'm a monk while Roland is a martial artist, although he doesn't look like it. My job is to bring out the hybrid's spiritual energy from its lock while Roland's is to unlock one of his genes by training him. The process for Trey alone would take the maximum of 6 months to unlock one of his genes, but with our help, it shall only take at least a month. I don't know the full reason why Jakkaran want Trey to know fully about him and why he has to be on base once each and every gene is unlocked, but I have no authority to question him as he is our leader; brat or adult. I can't tell if he is a teen like the hybrid or an adult. Even some of my friends can't seem to notice the difference.

I knew that Trey was sneaking by us just to hear what we was talking about the whole time, but I think that he has the right to know why we had come and stayed. I have a feeling that he might just be upset about knowing what was going on and be emotionally locked up. Would I have to call him out of his hiding place and tell him the whole story, or just let him listen to us? I feel guilty doing both, but Trey should have the right to make his own choices. Besides, he's old enough and he's almost done with the school at Earth.

I know I can't make the choice myself, so I turned to the rhino next to me and went closer to his ear, whispering "Would it be best if the hybrid know about the full reason why we are here? I feel sorry for the kid if he finds out the purpose of unlocking his genes."

Roland sighs and was silent for a minute. I had a feeling that he was thinking about this as well as I was, but I'm not exactly sure. Others might have different perspectives, and Roland's might be more into the other way than my own. He looked at me and said, "Why ask me that over whisper for? We are alone. No one else is in this area."

I sighed a little and told him that Trey was behind this wall, eavesdropping onto our conversation. How I knew was that unlike some other races, I have enhanced hearing, so I could hear anything from behind a wall or 3 more. He blinked a few times and says, "Well...he's bound to find out sooner or later, and if he knows about this later, he's going to regret ever meeting us or knowing about that anthros existed this whole time. He might even try to kill us." He sighed and said, "Let's tell him. I don't want to see his reaction when we don't tell him."

I nodded and knocked the wall behind me. "Trey, we know that you are listening, you sneaky little spy. Come out with us. We need to talk anyway. It's important." A few seconds later, I heard some of Trey's soft footsteps going towards the door and open it, peeking outside. "Okay, you guys caught me. I'm not really surprised that you did though. Anyway, what is it that you want?"

I chuckled a bit, "Well...I wasn't surprised that you would eavesdrop in our conversation, but that is not important now. What's really important is that we have something to confess to you."

Trey nods and sits on the seat across from us. "The stuff that you want to admit is that you guys are either lovers or fuck buddies, because I went upstairs just to look for you guys and I see lots of clothes and other things cluttered in that room."

Roland laughed softly, nudging me with his shoulder. "Well then...we got ourselves an observer; a feisty one on top of that." He turned his head to Trey with a smile, " can say fuck buddies, but I don't think we're that close to being lovers aren't we Kartz?"

Chuckling from Roland's comment, I also turned to Trey with a grin, " could say that, Roland. But it seems that our little hybrid seems to be very interested in our little sex life. Let's ask you, you taken or do you currently have fuck buddies in your list?"


I blinked and started to shake nervously, trying to think of an answer. To be truthful, I never did it with anyone before nor did I have anyone under the covers with me. Yeah, I'm a virgin, but I didn't care about it as I didn't have anyone to love or someone to return that love to me. I sighed and looked at the two. "You guys really want to know about this, do ya?"

Kartz laughed softly and said, "You were curious about us, now we are curious about you. You don't need to tell us, but we are bound to find out." Roland nodded and added, " if we find any specific category of pornography in your pc or hidden somewhere, expect some embarrassment when we hold the evidence." The elephantine blinked and turned to the rhino, cocking a brow. "That sounds like you are about to commit blackmail."

I growled a little and sighed. "Okay...if you guys really want to know about my sexuality, I'm...." I stopped myself for a few seconds; blushing lightly, clenching my fist, just waiting to be ridiculed. There was a long moment of silence; no speech was heard from anyone's mouth; just the wind howling and whistling outside my backyard. The two anthros didn't even seem to whisper to each other after my comment. Still, I feel violated. I stood up, walked past the two and into the house with silent footsteps, not even glancing at the adults.

I was really ashamed of what they had said and myself admitting my virginity. Now I bet that they are thinking that they should take my virginity and get away with it. I don't even know if I should trust the anthros anymore. I should've said to change the subject, but I don't even know if they would let me do that. I went in my room, jumped onto the bed and dug my face into the pillow, just wanting to be alone and needing some time to think about letting them stay with me.


Wow...I didn't think that Trey would take these things seriously. After the whole silent scenario, he just stood up and went back inside, having a stiff mixed expression of sadness, hate, and embarrassment. When he left, I thought about the subject and it was not really our concern. We shouldn't have told Trey anything about the question. The only reason why we had bought him out of his hiding place was to tell him the truth, not to worry about his sexual life.

I looked at Kartz with a sad look onto my face and said, "Well...I didn't expect that would happen. I should've just concentrated on the main topic, not something general and random."

Kartz turned to me and nodded in agreement, returning the same expression. "It's not only your fault. We did get carried away with our words. We own Trey an apology. It's just that...after observing through our things, he just got me curious and..." He stopped and sighed, wasn't able to find other words to finish his statement.

I cracked a light smile and hugged him. I listened to him making slight murrs, which is good because he is really thankful for the comfort. I broke the hug and told him, "Don't worry about it. We'll just go to him and tell him that we didn't mean to make him feel uncomfortable. Let's just go and tell him, Kartz. I bet he's planning to kick us out somehow." I joked.

Kartz shakes his head, sighing. "Even at a time like this, you make lame jokes." He cracked a smile and added, "Okay, let's just go to Trey and do our thing." I grinned, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Then we went back inside the shrine and walked towards Trey's room. As we reached to the door, I stopped and look towards the elephantine. "Wait...before we go in...."

Kartz shifted his face towards me with a tilt of his head. "What is it, hun?" I leaned down towards his face and whispered through his ear. "You and me, on the bed, the usual." I saw his face and it was a slight grin. I looked at his trousers and I could see that there was a tent developing under the clothing. I returned the grin and licked his face. He blushes and gave me a light kiss onto my cheek. "Yes, but after we help Trey, Roland."

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, walked inside the room together to see how Trey is feeling at the moment.


The sore pain pulsing from my neck was going away, even when my face is covered by the pillow. I really felt uncomfortable when Kartz and Roland are around me; not because of their appearance. I am already used to their looks. The discomforting part about them is that they are going to crash in my home for a few days or weeks. I don't really know their true intentions besides training me, but I demand some info. It feels strange for one to go at another and say that they are going to try something that would benefit the other and say only part of the reason behind the offer.

I blinked as I heard the door opening and closing, but I didn't bother to look back as I knew that the anthros had come into my room. It's so hard to forgive them, especially when they made me feel unwanted around society with that question of theirs. I shifted my body, facing to the bed so that it looks as if I was sleeping, making soft snores. I bounced a little as the two sat down on my bed. I heard the both of them laughing softly.

"Trey...I should tell you right now that I was a teen around your age as well. There's no need to be faking." Kartz said. Well...that doesn't surprise me. I had a feeling that faking wouldn't do anyway. I thought. I shifted my body, looking at the elephant and the rhino, having a frown across my face. "I'm just not in the good mood. Leave me alone."

"We're sorry that we did it, but we were only curious and...ummm...ermmmm..." Roland stopped to a halt, then Kartz joined in. "Its just that we was not aware of our mission and just got carried away, that's all." What surprised me was that they were admitting their wrongdoing, which is a high rarity to me. Those two aliens are the only ones that were honest to me through my whole life. Now to think of it, since this has occurred, I feel like as if they were part of my family in a way.

I turned my frown upside down, sitting on the bed and said, "Alright...I believe you guys. It's rare to find honest people in this world." The rhino and the elephant smiled, both of them wrapping their arms around me and lapped my face. I giggled as they did this, returning the hug to them. "I guess that is how you guys say thank you, right?" They both chuckled and nodded. "'s a first for us to hug a human." Roland replied to me

I chuckled softly. I wondered how easily they got me to trust them, but it worked. Being honest has its benefits, and its consequences, but I'm willing to take those risks. I made a heavy sigh, just pondering about what it would feel if I left this planet and went with them. Probably, I might have to go to school again, which is a bit screwy, since I'm in school already, but most likely there are other things I haven't learned yet, and I'm going to need the knowledge. Yet, I have some doubts that I would leave this place. It's more like home than going out where the stars and planets reside.

I looked at them once again, this time with a serious expression on my face. "Kartz, Roland...was there something you guys were supposed to tell me?" They both blinked at the same time; looking at each other and exchanged looks. Roland was the first one to speak; looking directly at me. "Well...It is about our reason for coming here. You see...the reason why we came to this planet is to train you. We are only allowed to stay here for the maximum of 1 month to complete this. In the following month, the underground base will send another set of instructors to teach you. When you get more experienced, 1 of your DNA codes will unlock, enabling you to use a few special traits from a certain race."

Kartz continued from there. "So right now, you have unlocked one gene somehow. Either that you were born with it or it could've been the blow from Roland. Either way, we're not precisely sure, but if you recover quickly enough and get through with our training, maybe another gene could be unlocked. Remember that this all depends on your participation and how willing you are to do this. Any questions you want to ask?"

I thought about this for a while. It seems to make sense and all, but I want to know for what reason why they are doing this, especially for an adolescent like me. "Wait...I get all of this but I'm getting a feeling that there is something more to it than just simple training. There must be some catch to it."

The anthros exchanged looks at each other again, then switched back to me; shaking their head. "We're not exactly sure why we are ordered to do this, but probably when most of your genes are unlocked, and then there would be more instructions provided. But for now, all we could do is just send a pair of teachers and let them train you until we get orders from H.Q." Roland explained.

I sighed for a bit, now thinking if I should do this. I know that the training is going to be hard, but I'll have to do it in order to find out what is really going on. For now, since I'm still slightly banged up from the blow, I'll have to recover. I smiled at them and said, "Alright...I'll do the whole training thing, just to see if all of this is true." Even though I trust them a little more doesn't mean that most of what they are reporting is true. I'll have to find out; even if it means doing everything they instruct me.

I got up from the bed and looked outside. The sun was going down and the moon was rising. I looked at the anthros, walking over to them while stretching out my limbs. "'s almost time for sleep. Since tomorrow is Saturday, I got no school, giving us lots of time to train. This also counts for Sunday."

Roland and Kartz looked at each other with a grin, and then turned back to me. I didn't really get what they had in mind, but all I know is that the only thing I'm getting involved is the training. I'm expecting something screwed up happen, so I should be more aware. "What time is it, by the way Terry?" Roland asked me.

I thought for a few minutes and looked at the dresser which I would put my digital clock on. It was 7:34 PM, and it was growing dark already. "Its 26 minutes to the next hour, and that will be 8 PM." I turned my head to their direction. "So...gonna sleep now or later? Either way, I don't mind."

After what I had said, the anthros looked at each other and grinned once again. I started to think that they had some kind of prank planned out for me. It could be something else, but whatever they are thinking about right now, I hope they enjoy it later, because I'm not getting in the middle of what they have in mind. They switched their attention to me and Kartz replied with, "Huh? Ummm...yes, we should get our sleep. We can't get things started without a good night's sleep."

I shrugged my shoulders, stretching out my limbs and yawned. I went over to my dresser and pulled out the drawer, took out boxers, and shorts, and walked past my door; heading to the bathroom to hit the showers.


Whew! And I thought that Trey was suspicious of what Roland and I were planning. I've been horny recently and desperately hoped that Trey would leave so that Roland and I could have our session. We followed Trey out of his room and we waved at him simultaneously. I was nervously shaking a little while Roland was just waving at him with a perfect, straight face. The hubrid waved back at us slightly, slowly cocking a brow. He probably noticed that I was shaking above my knees, but he didn't comment anything about it as he walked in the bathroom and locked the door.

The primary reason why the rhino and I exchanged glances was that we were getting excited; mostly me about doing it. Sure, we have other times to do implement this, but I just wanted to expel my lust so that I could concentrate for tomorrow. I pulled Roland's hand and we quietly went upstairs; heading straight for our room. As we reached inside, Roland closed and locks the door. Then he gave me a soft tackle to the bed. I grunted as my body landed on the bed. He crawled onto the bed with me, gazing at my eyes as I do the same.

Without warning, Roland dashed to my mouth and kisses deeply, his soft, tender lips entwined with my own. His slick, moist tongue was licking between my lips, begging for an entrance. I parted my lips and let the rhino's tongue invade my mouth, lashing the flesh over and over again until I let out my own tongue and start wrestling with his own. We moaned in unison as this happened, my saliva mixing with his saliva. Roland broke the kiss; climbing off my body.

I gazed in amazement as I see Roland starting to strip his clothing, starting with his shirt. He lifts his shirt off his body, revealing his meaty pectorals with his dark, tender nipples, his well toned six pack and his solid biceps. Then he slowly unbuckled his belt, unbuttons his pants, and pulled it off, his underwear still on. As soon as the fabric was pulled off, the rhino's strong musk shrouding the room. I took a few whiffs of the masculine scent, savoring the smell with such appreciation.

I leaned over to the covered flesh, taking off the underwear, 9'' inches of semi hard rhino flesh swinging with his heavy ball sac. I ran my hand onto his chest and start to rub while my other hand was holding the male's flesh, stroking the length in order to make it erect. In return were Roland's moans, gritting his teeth as I caressed his length. He looks down to me with a smile and says, "Are you going to stroke me all day?"

I laughed softly and shook my head. "Don't worry. The fun part will come just in a few minutes." I winked, continuing to stroke the rhino.

As promised, after a few minutes, I leaned closer to Roland's shaft and gave the tip a few licks, the rhino softly moaned in return. I grabbed his heavy ball sac, giving the testes a firm, but gentle squeeze. The rhino shuddered when my hand has made contact with his sac, spreading his legs more to accommodate him and me. When I thought that the licks were enough, I opened my maw and engulfed the length, bobbing my head to the cock.

Roland mixed his groans with moans, gritting his teeth and starts thrusting his hips to my maw, his cock leaking pre seed with almost every thrust, his cock reaching to my throat, which made me slightly choke. I had forgotten that I still had my clothing on, but I didn't care. I was covered in a veil of ecstasy as I was giving the blowjob to Roland, and it was obvious that the other male was enjoying this as well.

After what it seems to be 6 minutes worth a blowjob, Roland slipped his rod out of my maw, my saliva forming a bridge between my mouth and his shaft. He grinned and points to my clothing. "Well this is something. You're not even undressed yet. Are you trying to go for a best clothed switch award, or this session has made you slightly lost?" I smirked, slowly taking off my clothing and revealed my body to the rhino.

I could tell that Roland was amazed on how my build has changed since our previous session. I used to look a bit chubbier, but now the muscles are more visible, my legs looked more defined, my abdomen is now covered with a six pack, and my biceps showed decent results. But what made Roland amused was the size of my girth, 11'' inch semi hard cock exposed to the male, who was literally drooling. "What? It's been that long since we've ever done it?" I asked.

Roland would smirk and leaned down to my length, holding it with his hand and strokes. "All of this work back at base has made me loss track, but we'll see how long it has been." With that said he opens his mouth and engulfs the flesh, bobbing his head onto the shaft. I gasped as the rhino engulfed my flesh, his expert tongue swirling around my cock tip. As he concentrated his tongue on my tip hole, I gasped, my cock already spurting pre.

Roland bobbed his head more to my flesh, more pre spurting from my girth. I would moan in return and give the rhino some gropes on his tender, muscular ass. I managed to slip my finger into his rectum, thrusting my finger into his prostate. I heard the other male moaned as my finger invaded his insides, thrusting his hips to the finger. Eventually, I pulled out my flesh, and pulled out my finger in unison.

Roland smirked, parted his lips and prepared for another kiss. I would do the same, leaning over to the rhino and our lips touched, his tongue soon starts mingling with my own, tasting each other's pre and saliva, my trunk wrapped around his neck; gentle enough so that I won't choke him. Roland shifts his left arm and rubs my back in vertical motion, while his other hand was squeezing my cock. He broke the deep kiss, turned around, and went on all fours, inviting me to enter him.

I smirked, noticing the invite and nodded, stroking my length to full hardness. I placed my cock tip to the outer rim of his tail hole, teasing the other male. The rhino looked at me, whispering the words, "I'm ready...take me..." Those words ignited my lust, my pulsing rod entering between the rhino's rump, thus continuing our taboo. He clenched his tail hole and winced a little, as I've noticed the rarity that he has been entered. I didn't want any harm to take place, so I started out by slow fucking him, hearing his mixed moans and grunts in return. I shifted my arm to the base of his horn and caressed him gently.

We would do this for minutes; my length shooting pre cum every time my hips connects to his rump. I decided to pick up the pace, pounding my hips in a fast pace; our moans getting louder with each thrust. Then he would meet his thrusts with my own, panting with medium puffs. My right hand, which was rubbing the rhino's horn base gently slide down past his muscular abdomen, his tender, tight rump; down to his erect, slick cock and stroked it. Roland gasped as he was slightly caught off guard when I touched his swelling hard cock, whines coming from him as if he was begging for release.

As I fucked the rhino, beads of sweat was covering our bodies; our scents mingled with each other, creating a new, strong, overwhelming scent that may send any male to his brink. Speaking of reaching his brink, Roland's cock was throbbing, unable to hold back his orgasm any longer as he roared, ejecting his load onto my slick hand; most of the jizz spraying onto the bed we were on. I let go of the male's length and licked off the spunk from my hand, savoring the salty, sweet flavor from the expelled cum.

Suddenly, my fuck rod begins to throb as well. I pounded into the rhino as fast as I can, my ball sac slapping Roland's ass. After a few thrusts, I yelled, exploding into the other male's insides. Even when this occurred, I still pounded inside the rhino, both of us moaning in lust. When I couldn't eject anymore, my cock begins to soften. I pulled out my length, cum leaking from my cock tip and from Roland's ass. We both heaved as this turned out to be a long session, but it was one to remember.

I lay down next to the rhino and grinned, slowly closing my eyes as I was really tired, feeling slightly numb. However, all I could feel is Roland holding onto my rod. Seconds after, I hear him making soft, snoozing sounds.


Relaxing in my room, I laid down on the bed, reading my book, only wearing my trousers. Lately, when I have been reading, I heard some weird, thudding noises on the floor above me. I thought that it was that those two couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep on, so I didn't bother with it. The sounds have continued for a long time, but still I didn't go upstairs. When I reached to a certain page, I set a bookmark to the page, closing the book, put the book inside the drawer, closing it and set my body onto the bed. I sighed a bit, slowly closing my eyes as I drift into a deep sleep.

Author's note: Dammit all. I'm finally done with this chapter. I didn't expect that it would take this long to finish. Anyway, I got to go now. Constructive criticism is cool with me, so that I could improve my skills as a writer. Later.

Kartz Suran

Height: 7'4

Weight: 284 lbs

Age: 32

Build: Muscular with a pudgy belly

Race: Elephantine

Roland Aalrin

Height: 7'5

Weight: 299 lbs

Age: 35

Build: Muscular

Race: Rhinonite