If he could speak Full verson

Story by delete341 on SoFurry

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#2 of If he could speak The Ivan story line

I changed my mind. Be aware the this has a violent rape scene and I felt it was too much so I published it and kept it private over night.<br />

Ether story you decide to read has implied rape in his past.It is there for back story. I have considered if pokemon have human level intelligence then, if you are special you can be ostracized. Let the reader beware lots of fighting later in the story. The last part reminded me of a pets last day and how energetic he was.

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak and anyone I do not know. Characters and plot are mine.

An espeon was carried into a house. He did not complain or scream. A human girl was pleading to her mother, "Can I keep him, please mom? I will take care of him I promise." Her mother allowed him to stay for one week. The other household pokémon introduced themselves; Angle was a pansage, she was pretty and had a major princess complex. She always got what she wanted and not well behaved. Victor was a timburr, and he was very strong and self-conus of other about himself. He was nice to the espeon. Yapper was a houndour, he had a personality that was a polar opposite of most dark types. Rose was a scrafty, and she was jealous hot head with an over sized ego. Lue was a just hatched merkrow. He was insecure. Rose asked for his name of the espeon and he did not answer. He could not answer. He could not speak. He communicated though telepathy and body language. Rose got angry with him and was about to storm off. He touched Yapper to tell him. Yapper said, "He cannot speak he is mute, his name is Ivan." Sarcastically Angle asked, "Does he still have a pair." Ivan gave the expression, "Are you blind?" He turned around and showed he had his pair still attached. Then, he walked away. The human mother grabbed him for a flea bath. She said, "He is natural and if he is here for one week it should not matter unless he has a bad temperament. I will decide after a week." Ivan was dried and was still a little wet. He just wanted to sleep and he hated special treatment. Ivan slept on a chair until it was dark.

He dreamed of his travels and coming across the blind ninetales. She was one of the few pokémon that treated him as an equal. She said, "You have a new scent, what is your name and intension?" She had pups with her. He was in unknown territory just traveling. He used telepathy and touched her, "I am Ivan and I cannot speak. Why did you not see my body language? I am just passing through." She replied, "My name is Clara and I am blind. I am assuming you do not want to tell the details so, it was nice to meet you." Then, he left.

Rose woke him up. She said when he got up, "I am sorry, I did not know your condition, but it is time to eat" It was dinner time and when he was eating the other pokémon were not the problem. The human girl kept trying to get uncomfortably close. The two adult humans were arguing about him. After dinner he found a place to sleep. It was relatively safe on top of a bookshelf. Yapper was watching TV and the others were roughhousing.

Ivan had nightmares that night. They were about his past. He was scratching the top of the bookshelf. It was not that humans hurt him but other pokémon abused him because of his condition. He was bullied so he became strong and ruthless. If fought, females would want him for his strength they wanted their children to be that strong. His first dream was after a horrific battle that four females saw. They wanted his seed at any cost. They knew he could not speak. When he refused, they held him down and forced themselves on him. Three held him down as the fourth was using him. He remembered being in pain as they took turns on him. He was on his back. He gave up fighting eventually after they each took several rounds on him. He was terrified and woke up. His heart was racing. When he calmed down, he fell asleep again. Ivan's second dream was about his mother. He was one week old and saw what happened. She was an umbreon and loved him. His grandfather killed her in front of Ivan. Slamming her against a cave wall and she screamed. He saw her expression of pain and sorrow as she died covered in blood tying to protect him. He saw her eyes fade away from this world as she looked at him, her eyes were open. He wanted to hide but, he was banished from the group that night as he cried for his dead mother. All because he could not speak.

He woke up exhausted like practically every morning. Lue flew up to him and said, "It is time for breakfast." Lue saw Ivan soaking wet and nervous. During breakfast Angle was sitting close to him and asked, "What do you think of the two of us having kids?" He veered his eyes away from her. Then, she said, "Not now but, in the spring."

He did not want Angle. Rose saw him walk away and realize his past was a problem. If he was so traumatize she could not trust him. Then, she saw his walking. He had a slight limp on his front left and plenty of scars. She wanted to know why and about his past. Ivan was looking on the porch in the front. He was missing his mother. He saw an umbreon, male walking on the sidewalk. He was thinking, "Was Clara the only one to see me as an equal." Rose walked up to him and asked, "What was so terrible about your past?" He gave her a look of, "Do you really want to know?" "Yes, I want to know why you are acting abnormal around the other. You stay away from everyone." She said. Ivan touched her and she saw and felt what he did about his dreams from last night. It only took seconds. She looked white now and stated, "I hope I never have dreams like that every night." He had those same dreams almost every night. Ivan was taken to the pokémon center that day. X-rays and a CAT scan was taken. He had several poorly heal bones, broken teeth, and a malformed larynx. His CAT scan showed several concussion and hyper brain activity. After a week he was allowed to stay there. His temperament was very passive and calming. For weeks Angle kept trying to get positive affection from him. She wanted to mate with him and he refused. No male had ever refused her and she wanted him badly. She saw him climb a tree in the yard. That showed he was strong and powerful. This fueled her obsession further. Rose confronted her she was angry, "Angle every time I am attracted to a male you take him first and now Ivan does not want you. I want him and have a better way to get him!" Angle was furious and was fighting Rose when Ivan walked by with a flower. "Their fighting of you Ivan I am enjoying the show." Victor told him. Ivan walked over to the fight. He put the flower down and grabbed Angle. He through her over the tree and she landed in a second tree. Then, he gave the flower to Rose. Rose asked, "Is this because of her or I respect you?" Ivan tapped the ground twice then made a line. Finally three taps to the ground and looked at Angle. His next act was one tap, line, and three taps to the ground. He looked at Rose. Rose said, "I understand."

Angle was heart broken she thought, "He is strong why not me?" Ivan touched Rose and his feeling came through.

Soon spring was approaching and Angle had three potential mates and Rose had one. Angle was still after Ivan. Rose went to end the issue. "Angle, Ivan does not want you as a mate. He wanted me. All the females in his past acted like you that is why he denies you. He showed me his past and I am with his child." Rose did not tell the whole story. She also had blackmail on Ivan. If he was her mate, she would not tell the rest about his past or his age. Angle was still obsessing over Ivan. The two females were locked up for a month because they were in the time of heat and the humans did not want to adopt out more pokémon. They did not believe in serialization unless the pokémon was too violent. It was their first week locked up. That is when Rose and Angle had a conversation. "Rose, when did you mate and where?" Angle asked. "We mated in the attic when the sitter was here for two days. I go in season before you do and I do not act like am in season, you do. The sitter knew we were both solitary and did not suspect a thing." Rose replied.

With this new information Angle picked the lock on the fifth night making sure Rose was fast asleep. She when to the attic and found Ivan. He was having a good dream for once. He was having an erection but not leaving pre-cum on the floor. The noise of Angle being in heat kept him up so, he slept in the attic. She woke him up and held him on his back. She said, "I want your child even if you are reluctant. I get what I want no matter what." Ivan tried to escape but, she broke his left leg. The bone had pierced the skin and he was not feeling the pain yet. She slid his penis in her and was moving her hips. He was immobilized and feeling his leg. She was moving faster as Ivan was breathing heavily. The pain in his leg was intense almost unbearable as he knotted in her and ejaculated several times in her. He was thinking "This is why I hate outgoing females. He blacked out shortly after. Angle re-locked her cage and she was happy. Ivan woke up and limped down the stairs. Half way down he fell to the second story of the house. Yapper tried to help him but, Ivan did not want to move. He wanted to die, however; he suspected Rose was pregnant with his child that he wanted. The human father woke up hearing the commotion. He saw Ivan with the look of extreme pain. He got his wife up and they got dressed quickly. They took Ivan to the pokémon center for treatment. Ivan had a cast on his leg. Ivan touched the nurse and tried to scream in her head, "Help me please." All that got through was the pain and anguish. The father also felt it and was shocked at the level of pain. When Ivan returned to the house he was thinking, "Angle was the worst and Rose really love me. Rose is the best for me. If I impregnated Angle, I do not want the child, I never want to raise it."

(Back to the main story)

After two weeks were up Rose was released. The humans figured out she was with child and then, She saw Ivan. He was really depressed to see her. She asked, "What happened?" Ivan gave the look of I wish I could forget. "Did Angle do this to you?" She asked. Ivan nodded yes. "Did she force herself on you?" Rose asked. Ivan began to cry. "It is okey Ivan, I am with your child and I will take care of Angle." Rose told him. Angle never got pregnant. All the humans could do, was change Roses' diet. They never figured out who the father was. Rose would rotate among all the males keeping a slightly further away from Ivan.

(Ivan s' new death experience.)

Rose was in late term eating near Ivan. A neighbor's flareon challenged him for Angle. Ivan ignored him not caring for Angle. He was still in a cast because of her. "Say something Ivan, or are you weak?" The flareon said sarcastically. Rose said, "Ivan is unable to talk and Angle caused him to be in a cast. What do you think, he thinks of her?" "Angle always gives him affection and not me! He must want her. That is not fair!" The flareon said. "She always wants the untouchable. She will want you if you give up and ignore her" Rose stated. The flareon did not listen and was jealous of Ivan and charged him. Ivan leaped up and stood there, he was unable to avoid it. The impact did not affect him and grabbed the flareon trachea and was suffocating him. Ivan released him as he was about to pass out. Unknown to him the flareon had a virus that make him extremely sick. The next day Ivan had a high fever. He was on the couch for days until Rose and he were taken to the pokémon center. Rose was going into labor next to him when she whispered, "Stay with me please, I love you and I am in labor." He was fighting a losing battle. He had a vision of his mother she said, "Ivan you must choose one path." He headed to her when he heard Rose, "Stay with me!" He turned around and headed to Rose. Rose saw his eyes brighten, and she was ecstatic holding their child next to her. She was with a new born scraggy sleeping with her. Ivan looked happy but he could not move. They were there for days and his cast was taken off. He checked frequently if he still had his genitals still attached, they were. When he came home, he found out Angle had laid an egg. Ivan was not the father, Victor was and the two were happy. Angle saw Roses' girl and felt a little jealous and proud of their new little girl. Ivan never felt safe around Angle after his leg was broken. The others did not understand why except Rose. When Ivan walked around he had a pronounced limp now. Months past by, Ivan slept with Rose during the day. It was a cool summer morning when the flareon challenged Ivan again. During this skirmish Ivan dogged a fire blast but it hit a dumbster and it rolled over and pinned Ivan. It crushed Ivan's left front leg. The human girl who found him came to the commotion and saw Ivan in pain. She got help and Ivan was taken to the center. He was terrified when he heard the nurse say, "To save him we must amputate his leg." He had to get payback for his leg. He hated the flareon had to suffer. He came home with a fake leg in a box and a harness attached to him. It was nothing more than a shaft with a plug attached to the bottom. A new leg was being made, but it would take time to make. The new leg was unconformable and he could not climb the bookshelf. Ivan stayed inside during the winter his leg was metal and the cold made his stub hurt or he lost grip on the ice. Angle was attracted to the flareon. When he was over Ivan watched him play and battle with the others never forgetting about his leg. During this time Ivan realized he really loved Rose and was happy around her, Yapper, and Lue. After months of practice Ivan could get on the top of the bookshelf and rest in relative safety.

(Round three)

It was now spring and Rose missed heat and it depressed her and Ivan. The human girl was entering trainer school. Ivan got his new leg and was taken as her favorite pet. Her best friend owned and trained that flareon. Ivan revenge was close at hand. Ivan saw many pokémon, some were familiar and some were not. He saw many from the neighborhood. Outside in the yard most of the males were fighting for dominance. Ivan could not recognize how they were battling. It was very formal and ineffective. They had strength but not ferocity or experience. Ivan was still fast and his new leg was reasonably conformable and more advanced. The hated flareon commented, "New leg but, still weak." As he spoke, Ivan got behind him. (In the wild you never lost sight of your opponent.) Ivan grabbed him and tossed him, dislocating his leg from his shoulder. The flareon charged him and Ivan dogged him. A wild glameow sat near the wood watching the contest. She walked to some males who were watching. They never saw those moves, but from a pokémon with a fake leg. She said, "The espeon is going to win watch carefully." The males did not believe her. That flareon had beaten all of them he was currently the strongest. The flareon got mad and charged Ivan. He grabbed Ivan on his right front leg assuming he would give up but he did not. The flareon s' eyes widened was Ivan bit near his face and he screamed. He was jumping about in unbearable pain. He screamed, "My eye, where is my eye!" his face was covered in blood. He looked at Ivan as his eye dropped to the ground and was smashed. His expression said it all. In seconds Ivan became the strongest in the yard. "How did you know?" a male asked the glameow. She replied, "First three rules of battles; make it quick, be decisive, and three, never lose sight of your opponent." A second male asked her, "What about the eye?" "Look at his fake leg and watch how he is walking now. I suspect he lost his leg to the flareon some how." She said. The flareon was still screaming, "Ivan you will pay I swear!"

Ivan ignored him and climbed a tree. I was too cold for him and he leaped to the roof and slept on a window ledge. The glameow fallowed Ivan and spoke to him. She sat on the tree limb and asked, "Were you wild for a long time?" He nodded yes. "Well Ivan I heard you cannot speak is that true?" He nodded yes again. "Clara sends her regards she thought she was the only one until she met you. It was nice to meet you dad and I am Rebecca" She said and left him alone.

"Did she just say "Dad? " A gable commented. Ivan took a nap until he was retrieved by an adult human female. She said, "How did you get up there and opened the window to retrieve him. On the way back home Ivan had his leg removed to allow some air around the stub. The flareon watched closely and tried to jump Ivan. Ivan heard him and stepped aside to avoid him. "I will get you for my eye!" He said. Ivan grabbed him by the back, rolled him over and held him down. With telepathy he told him, "I have spared you twice now, next time you will die by my hand." "I do not care if I die as long as I get payback." The flareon said angrily. Ivan told him, "I want my leg back and now we are even. You will care about your life when you have kids of your own." Then, Ivan let him go. The human girl thought, "They must be friends now." She was far from the truth.

(Round four)

It was summer and the flareon was nicknamed, "Eye Patch." He was getting better at battling but Ivan held back all but once just to take his eye. Ivan had far more hard experience and battling for survival. Ivan overheard about a domestic battle challenge and he had never heard of it. He had been in wild battles but he thought they were the same. He touched Rose to ask about "Challenge battles" and she said, "It is a battle between two pokémon, until one yields." He looked confused and to with telepathy asked, "What is the point if no one dies?"

"You never heard or seen them? Well it is to see who is the strongest one in the area or the dominance of the males. Sometimes it is over the female. Show me how you learned to fight like you do?" She asked. He showed and told her, "It was called wild battles where they are duels to the death." Then, asked her, "Where and when can I see these "Domestic Battles? " Tonight at a full moon, in the empty lot. They went there to watch the show, wild pokémon sometimes came to watch, however; they found them boring. Ivan trained to be better in appearance, but in truth he needed to be slim to move with his leg. The other reason was, he had arthritis and being light minimized the pain. Ivan saw the battles and thought they were funny. They were too ritualistic to be practical. Eye Patch saw him and challenged Ivan. Ivan touched Rose and she spoke, "You said if we fight again it is to the death. He took your leg so you took his eye? Are you lying Ivan?" He nodded yes.

"Your mate speaks for you, how weak." Eye Patch commented insultingly. Ivan got up and gave a signal he accepted. His honor was not important, but Roses' was. The crowd was in an uproar. Ivan was legendary for his strength. Wild pokémon came to watch this time. An announcer calmed them down and spoke, "Two rivals old and young will face combat til one yields. Old vs. young, speed against experience!" Ivan touched him and he corrected the statement, "My mistake it is to the death?" The wild pokémon knew this was going to be a good fight. Ivan used telepathy on Eye Patch to communicate without touching. Eye Patch spoke out loud, "You watched me and I fight like a pup and do not know how to battle!" Ivan stretched out and was ready. Eye Patch was a hot head with a massive ego and they never lasted long in the wild. Eye Patch was confidant youth would prevail. Rebecca watched. Ivan told Eye Patch something that alarmed him, and he spoke, "Once a challenge is met it does not end until one of us dies. Are you serous?" Ivan rushed in and tossed him in a foundation pit. Eye Patch realized Ivan was deadly serous and focused, it was a battle for life and death and Ivan was dangerous. He looked around and Ivan was on the top of a bulldozer and had the high ground. Ivan took the next move as Eye Patch move to the center of the area. With several quick attacks on the ground created a cloud of dust. Eye Patch focused on his blind spot, but Ivan when after the other side and slammed him against the bulldozer blade. His back was broken, smashed pelvis, and he coughed up blood. He could not feel his hind legs. Eye Patch said, "Mercy, I give just don't kill me." He paused, "I yield, what do you not understand!" he was terrified what was going to happen next. Ivan grabbed his trachea as Eye Patch squirmed he was release and Ivan wanted to know his real name. "You are going to kill me why my name? It is for credit and honor. Fine it is Jackal!" Ivan held him down and aimed for his chest. Ivan ripped his skin off and took his liver and kidneys out. Jackal died in seconds. The domestic pokémon were silent and in shock. The wild pokémon were cheering over the victory. It was a great fight. Rebecca said under her breath, "Flawless. Rules four through seven; No mercy, Expect the unexpected, You life is depending on winning, and be ruthless. You mastered all the rules of battle. I know why mom chose you now, dad." She saw he was limping off the field. It was a long, drawn out battle and he was looking old. Ivan saw Victor, Lue, Yapper, and Angle in the crowd. Angle was in shock. He came to Rose and looked half dead but, his smile calmed her down from what she saw. On the way home he washed his face and then, slept on the floor next to Rose. He had a good night sleep. Some pokémon cleaned up the mess and ended the night after Ivan's Battle.

The next day Ivan was really dirty and was given a bath. His leg was removed and the water was the color of clay and sand. After he dried off, he hopped on the front porch. Victor asked Ivan, "Ivan, was last night battle a wild battle?" Ivan nodded yes. (The final act)

It was winter and Rose was in heat. Ivan and Rose mated several times. The humans forgot to lock her up. They mated every chance they got until she got pregnant. He watched her every day. It was a cold night when Ivan got sick. He felt the end was near. Ivan slept longer and his joints were causing pain. When he felt better, he was outside watching the other pokémon with Rose. When he was an old pokémon walking by, he felt depressed his time was coming to an end. Rose tried to cheer him up but she was half his age. He had survived seven or eight winters. The human girl was going to start her journey in the spring. She wanted to bring him along but, he was not able to travel. Living in the wild made his life span shorter than, tame pokémon. He was riddled in pain. Soon he was not able to climb on the bookshelf anymore, no matter how much training he did. Yapper and Lue saw Ivan was not well, but Rose did not care. Ivan went to domestic battles to watch in the back where no one would see them. It became spring and Rose had a son. Ivan was taken the pokémon center to see what was wrong and they found out he was older than he looked. A few weeks later he woke up one day feeling really good. He gave Rose special attention and asked to mate with her for fun. She agreed and they mated several times that day. She did not figure out why he asked her? It was not like him. After dinner he was sitting next to her. He looked at her with expression, "I'm scared, I do not want to go." His eyes grew darker and Rose pleaded with him. "I need you Ivan, and I love you! Please stay with me!" The other heard the commotions and rushed over, he was passing on. Ivan was in the hall where he was when he nearly died. He saw his mother and she said, "You do not get to choose this time. I love and always will." He could not believe it and turned around, there was no door. He looked at his mother, he was terrified as she said, "You have been deemed worthy to come with me above." A light surrounded Ivan and he was gone.

Rose pulled his leg off and was hiding in the corner. The human girl came in seeing Rose with Ivan's leg. Then, saw Ivan dead and cried. He was buried next to the tree outside with some pieces of rebar welded together as a marker. For months Rose slept, with his leg and it never left the first floor by the stairs. When Rose passed on Ivan was waiting for her and the leg was mounted on the wall.

If he could speak (non rape version)

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak and anyone I do not know. Characters and plot are mine. An espeon was carried into a house. He did not complain or scream. A human girl was pleading to her mother, "Can I keep him, please mom? I will take care of...

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The princess in the tower.

Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak; anyone I do not know. Characters are mine A dewott was covered in blood. He screamed in terror. He had just killed his master, a garchomp. "What have I done? When did this happen? Who killed my master!" He said...

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Meet your new trainer part 7

Mary's student Copyright of Nintendo, Game Freak, BBC(, Toby Whithouse, Rob Pursey, Touchpaper Television, and Eleanor Moran, for BBC Cymru Wales) and anyone else I do not know. Character and plot are mine Mary's un-dead zorua (Jack) was...

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