Make a Wish: Chapter 1

Story by Xaven_Book on SoFurry

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This is a story about a special birthday surprise for an unsuspecting fox. It's a tale of deep, passionate, and until recently, unrequited love.

This is part one of a yet to be determined number of Chapters. It's the first story I've published in about 5 years, so please be constructive with your critisism. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Enjoy.

Adrian sat nonchalantly sipping at his drink while he awaited the arrival of his guests. It wasn't his idea to go out tonight, but some of his other friends had felt that the fox should be taking a break once in a while, particularly so on his 22nd birthday. He had always felt like it was just another year on the calendar excluding the age restriction alleviations. Tonight, he told himself, he would try and make the best of it.

They had chosen a popular club located behind his work so that he could come over soon after. It had been remodeled to look like an old time Irish pub. He had no idea how many people were actually going to turn up, so he hadn't given the attendant an exact number when she asked how many were joining him. It made it a little awkward when she sat him in a humongous private booth by himself. He didn't mind as soon as he flagged down a waiter and got his first tang and tonic to ease the after work stress. The stained glass and mahogany walls surrounding the booth also helped keep out the sound of the music as he relaxed and waited for whomever to arrive.

Leaning back against the glass he let his ears fold to cushion the vibrations of the dubstep playing beyond. He closed his eyes, crossed his legs, and grimaced with his paws folded on his lap. He always felt uncomfortable going out alone. It wasn't that he was unattractive. In fact, most told him that he was incredibly easy on the eyes for a fox. His great grandmother had been a pure malamute, which gave him very unusual color and poise for his species. Sky blue eyes, a fox's frame, and husky's muscle structure and color. It meant he got picked on a lot in school, but also hit on consistently by girls interested in capturing a "rare bird." He was never much interested in girls. Honestly, he just preferred meeting under a different setting.

His nose twitched as he picked up a familiar scent nearby, and sure enough, when he opened his eyes he could see the outline of three of his friends through the stained glass. A smile crept to his muzzle and he waved a paw as they came into view.

"Take a seat, any seat" He gestured to the rather large empty booth. Taking his drink in a free paw and waving it as he did so.

"Geez, think you got enough room there, faux?" Charm said with a grin on her muzzle. Following close behind was her girlfriend Hue and his old coworker Mech. Faux was a nickname Adrian picked up somewhere throughout their friendship. He didn't care for it, but his distaste is probably what made it stick in the first place. Trolls.

Hue gave him a smile, which he replied to with a nod. Charm had been his friend for years. He never much cared for Hue; probably because of his crush on Charm. He would tolerate her as long as Charm stayed happy. Think she got the hint.

Charm's markings were typical of a raccoon, except for her long hair and the tip of her tail, which was dyed bright pink. She had a very feminine figure. That made it easy for her to appear as an attractive woman, yet she still had very male parts. She had recently come out as transgendered and still preferred to be male at work, but here in the club among a different crowd she was letting her wild side show. Tonight she was dressed in her slutty club goer best; short shorts, skimpy top, and all. She stuck with Hue, not as a beard, but mainly because she still felt attracted to girls. As her longtime friend Adrian always accepted her feelings.

Her girlfriend Hue was an avian. Her feathers were a shade of dark brown and gold; always muddled and unkempt, which added to her male-somewhat nerdy personality. Adrian never really understood the attraction between the two, but he accepted her as part of the group and let it slide.

Adrian's friend Mech was next. He was a brown bear and always loved to flaunt his mannishness when possible. Not an attitude Adrian normally cared for, but Mech's hippie all-loving personality made up for it; even if he did get a little rough on occasion.

"Long time no see!" Mech walked up with a grin and surprised Adrian a tight bro hug, causing him to spill his drink down Mech's back as he yipped in surprise.

"Ah, dude. Party foul." Mech said jokingly as he took a seat beside Hue.

Adrian quickly switched his drink to his other hand and flung his paw at Mech, spraying him with what little of it had dripped on to him while Charm and Hue giggled to themselves. "You know you're buying me another one, right?"

Mech shook his head a bit to get the beads of liquor off and whipped out a hundred dollar bill to hand to Adrian, "Happy birthday from the three of us."

Adrian chuckled softly as his tail gave a swish, smiling wider as he accepted it and slid it in his wallet, "Thanks guys, so what's the plan?"

The trio exchanged glances and then looked back at Adrian with a shared grin. Charm was the only one to answer.

"We're going to take bets on who can get drunk faster and then go from there." Her tail fluffed out a bit, which was not lost on Adrian.

He tilted his head and stared back at Charm, "But... You don't normally drink."

Charm shrugged and smiled softly back at him, "Well, for your special day I'll make an exception."

The other two nodded in approval and Adrian tried not to let his tail wag to obviously. "I think that's a great idea, actually. What about Hue?"

Hue shook her head, "You know how I feel about this one. This is all on Charm." She seemed bothered by the idea. Adrian couldn't see her approving of it, but she let Charm do what Charm wanted and just went along with it. She gets points for that.

Mech leaned in, "You know me. I'll be drinking right along with you guys, but our goal tonight is for you to have a good time and to finally see Charm drunk." He pointed to both of us as he said it.

Charm held up her paws, "I said I would try it. It's up to you guys to try and find something that I wanna drink."

The fox grinned, "I don't think that will be too much of a problem. Honestly this is the best present you guys could get me." Smiling at them he looked around the table, "Anyone else joining?"

Mech shook his head, "Just us here. Maybe more when we get back to my place after."

Adrian raised an eyebrow, "Your place?"

Mech nodded and leaned back in a stretch, "Yup. You didn't think we were going to let you drive home, did you?"

The fox chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, "Figured that you had something planned for it." He looked over his shoulder, "Could always have gotten a cab. You never know."

Charm giggled and poked him with her footpaw under the table, "Like we'd let you take a cab." It made Adrian blush under his fur, but the club atmosphere hid it well.

Adrian started to get up, "Well then. To the bar!"


Altogether the other's joined him and they filed out of the booth and made a beeline to the closest bar. Adrian took one last look at the table and sighed with a smile. He felt bad for taking the booth since he hadn't really needed it after all, but tonight was still shaping up to be pretty interesting. He had always wondered how Charm would act intoxicated. She was normally pretty random and outgoing sober. Tonight could become monumental if they got her really drunk. Maybe a strip club would have been more appropriate? Dreams.

They ended up going out to the balcony where the music was a lot less obnoxious; they could let loose, chat, and share drinks between one another. Mech pretty much stuck to his favorite beer with Hue sitting with him drinking water. Charm and Adrian were standing up at the bar trying different drink combinations in attempt to find something that sat well with her. In a span of 15 minutes they went through shots of sex on the beach, buttery nipples, irish car bombs(which Charm couldn't even finish), and finally a Jäger bomb shared between the two of them.

"I think I like that one!"

Adrian raised an eyebrow, "I never pegged you as a Jäger fan."

Charm let out what sounded like a giggle and a murr mixed together and leaned closer to him, "You also thought I was gay when we first met"

Adrian blushed, once again, and met her gaze. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of amber in the moonlight. It was true. He had found her absolutely gorgeous when they first met, and hid his infatuation well. Charm hadn't been dating Hue and had just gotten out of a relationship. That was back before she came out. He always had strong feelings for her, but by the time he found out she was bisexual she had already started dating Hue. He kicked himself constantly for never taking the chance, but that's life.

Adrian nodded and motioned for the bar tender to make two more, "Well you were a very attractive, well groomed male." He smiled a bit more and let his paw rest on hers, "and then I found you were just a very attractive female."

It was Charm's turn to break their gaze as she looked down, a hint of nervousness in her posture as her tail twitched. "Yeah, I can see how that would put you off."

Adrian watched her intently and tilted his head. He wondered if she had ever felt what he did. If she did, she was really good at hiding it. He decided he should probably break the awkwardness as their drinks arrived, "Well. Let's head back to the table and see what Hue and Mech have been bantering about, shall we?" He raised his arm in a mock fashion to escort her back.

Instantly her expression brightened and she chuckled, accepting his offer and draping her arm around his. She still held something in her eyes. Adrian didn't quite know what to make of it. Despite that it was mostly meant to seem comical; the fox couldn't help but squirm a bit on the inside when her arm touched his. He stared at her for a moment in admiration before catching himself and letting his expression return to neutral amusement. The drinks were definitely beginning to take their toll.

They got back just as Mech was finishing the punch line of one of his favorite jokes. The effect wore off after a while, but every time he drank he would forget and repeat it. We still laughed with him cause that was Mech, and we love him.

"Oy! Where's my Jäger bomb?"

Adrian laughed and took a seat next to him as his raccoon escort retreated to the other side of the table to sit with Hue. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as Hue gave her a tender kiss when she sat down. He tried not to let it show, and instead stuck his tongue out at Mech.

"It's over at the bar when you decide to pay for it, silly."

Mech faked a bothered look and then laughed with him, "Well, fine then. I just might do that!" He took another swig of his Newcastle and finished it off before getting off his stool. He was stumbling a bit, which made Adrian wonder how much he had been drinking while they were at the bar. If there was anything Mech could handle, it was his liquor, so he decided not to worry.

He stopped mid stride and leaned against the table, looking between Charm and Adrian, "Guess that's what you guys decided on then?"

Charm nodded and looked over at Adrian, "Well, it's the only one I can say I'm looking forward to drinking more of. Most of the drinks we tried were either too bitter or too sweet." She took a small sip from the edge of the shot glass and hiccupped, "and this reminds me of black licorice!"

"Well then I'm going to get another round for the three of us. I don't wanna miss out on all the goodies." Mech chuckled.

As Mech walked away toward the bar Adrian held his shot over the glass of redbull and winked at the coon. "You ready to do this?"

Charm swished her tail and did the same as she nodded, "To faux's anniversary of bursting from the placenta!" Adrian snorted as he laughed.

"How about instead... to good friends, good drink, and waggy days?"

Charm thought about it, nodding in pretend reluctant approval before they dropped the shots in the glasses and gulped them down. Charm had to do hers in two sips with a cute hiccup in between. Hue even joined in with her water. Adrian was the first to set his glass back down on the table.

"Ah, the taste of black licorice!" He could feel the familiar burn in his stomach and his head becoming lighter as he caught site of Mech returning with more drinks. He appeared to be followed by a cute waitress carrying a small plate with cake and a candle in it.

"I thought I told you no cake." Adrian still couldn't help but smile as the bruin divided the drinks and sat back down with an ear to ear grin.

"Well, you see?" He pointed to the plate as the waitress set it down in front of Adrian. "It's not cake!" He was right, it was actually bread pudding. "Now blow out your candle and make a wish, so I can eat it."

Adrian laughed and smiled as he looked around the table at all of them. With his best friends here smiling back at him, he just couldn't think of anything else he would want more. Staring at the candle he thought about it further and then just as the wax started to drip it hit him. He grinned, and then with a small puff extinguished the flame.

His friends cheered a "Happy birthday" and he scooted the plate over to a very excited Mech as they all prepared their shots.

As the night continued Adrian lost track of the number of shots they had shared. Mech kept returning with more and they kept finding different things to dedicate them to. He could feel his inhibitions draining out of him and on multiple occasions caught himself staring dreamily at Charm. She even began to stare back. He looked deep into her eyes and they smiled at each other, each swaying slightly from the liquor coursing through their veins. His tail was wagging and he could feel it start to move in time with the music. He got his chance when Mech left to get more shots and Hue got up to go to the ladies room.

Without much thought he leaned into the slab and let his footpaw rest on top of Charms, catching her off guard. She gulped and bit her lip as their eyes met once more "So... Would it seem too gay if I, uh..." He looked down at the table and stroked the top of her footpaw with his for a moment before looking back at her. "..If I asked you to dance with me..?" He felt so nervous he was sure he would lose his cookies if she said no. He could see her blush under her fur and her tail fluffed out as she looked down and hiccupped a giggle.

"Umm... I don't.." She looked up and took a quick look to make sure that no one else was within earshot. "..Mind being gay for you.." It was Adrian's turn to blush and his jaw dropped for a moment before shaking his head a little and recomposing.

"Hmm... Right, then..." He got up and took her paw in his hand. "Shall we?"

They left the table and moved inside to the dance floor. Adrian actually hated dancing, but he wanted to take any chance he could to feel close with Charm. Even if it was just as friends. Her response puzzled him and he tried not to let show. Was she coming on to him or just trying to be funny? The alcohol clouded his judgment and he decided he was just thinking too far into it.

In the club lights he could just make out her shape and the reflection of her retinas every time the light flashed on them. Adrian was the first to start dancing and she slowly joined him. The music blared and he could feel the beat blow his fur with each drop; their footpaws barely keeping up. Charm moved closer to him so that they brushed softly with every other movement.

Adrian had been so focused on trying to dance well that he forgot to look back up at Charm. When he did she had moved so close that their muzzles could almost touch. He gulped and continued moving to the beat of the music as she pressed the front of her form against his. He moved his paws to her hips and he let his nose rest on hers as they moved their bodies and tails to the music.

In a cliché fashion Charm turned around and leaned into his chest, moving her hips in a gyrating motion and rubbing her tail and rump into his crotch. He all but yipped in surprise and released his paws as she danced down his body like a stripper pole. He could barely make out the full grin across her muzzle and chuckled to himself as she spun around and danced facing his front once more.

He was starting to get tired of dancing and was thinking for a moment of getting off the floor when suddenly Charm tripped and fell toward him. He caught her and they both laughed as he helped her back up onto her feet. Standing, she was the same height as he was and their eyes met in their shared laughter. Even in the darkness of the dance floor she was so bright and... beautiful.. Before she could protest, Adrian leaned forward and pressed his muzzle to hers in a passionate kiss. He felt her paw press into his chest to push him away and instead it just stayed there, pressed against his heart as it beat with the music that played around them.

He opened his eyes as they parted and just stared back at her. They had stopped dancing, and were standing with their bodies pressed warmly together. She slowly opened her eyes and stared back at him with a bewildered look. The smile drained from his muzzle as he saw this. Realizing what he just did, he released his paws from her side and took a step back. Charm stood in shock for a moment before turning and walking away, her head shaking. What had he been thinking? He should not have done that.

He started to follow until she went into the girl's bathroom. He couldn't believe he had been so stupid. This could ruin their friendship. There had always been something between them, but they were friends, and it was always just more of a joke once Hue came into the picture. He began to pace outside the restrooms as these thoughts circled in his mind.

He would have to go in after her and apologize, before it was too late.

He stepped toward the door and stopped for a moment to collect his thoughts. He would have to apologize and hope that she would understand that they were drunk, and that he hadn't meant it to upset her. Yeah, that might work.

Adrian sighed and pressed the door open. He glanced quickly around the restroom to see if there was anyone else inside. He could always pull the drunk card and say he went into the wrong bathroom. It looked empty outside of the stalls. Before going too far in he looked down to see if there were any occupants. The stalls were empty except for one set of legs which were easily recognizable as Charm's. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and locked the door behind him.

He heard Charm whimpering to herself as he approached. He gave the door a nock and she went quiet.


Silence. Shit.

"Charm... I'm sorry.. I..." His mind was suddenly drawing a blank and his chest hurt. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He heard her start to get up and stepped back as she opened the door. Her eyes were tearing and she didn't look at him. It made him feel worse. "I'm not hurt.. Just.." She looked up. "..Confused.."

Adrian tilted his head and leaned back against the wall with his paws in his pockets. "Confused...?" She nodded and used the back of one of her paws to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"Why are you confused?"

She took a step toward him and sighed, her stand ridged and still swaying slightly from the liquor. "I'm confused cause.. I wanted you to kiss me, and I think.. I needed you to.."

Adrian bit his lip and raised his eyebrows. It was his turn to be confused. "But.. Why?" He suddenly noticed that she was getting closer and his tail began to twitch as he tightened his grip in his pockets. "I don't understand."

Charm chuckled and smiled at him, "I don't understand either. I just.. It just felt right.."

He gulped and met her gaze as she approached. She was close enough that he could touch her. Feel her. Pull her against him. He couldn't. It wasn't right.

"What about Hue?" That was the million dollar question, after all.

Charm stopped for a moment and looked off to the side. "Honestly.. Hue and I have been talking about this for a while." She looked back at him and crossed her arms. "I've never been with another male, and... well... she suggested that it should be you."

He laughed under his breath, "Really? Wow.. So.. uhh.. Now what?"

He took his hands out of his pockets and put them between his back and the wall. He didn't trust his judgment anymore. She took another step towards him and he held his breath. That sudden moment when he realized that he was about to be kissed and should probably check the way his breath smelled came and went. He knew what was coming. Her eyes told him. Those deep amber eyes staring intently into his sky blues kept him frozen in place.

Charm smiled softly as she stepped within inches of his muzzle, leaning forward slowly until her nose touched his. "Now... I'm going to kiss you for a change.." She slowly closed the distance and Adrian closed his eyes as her lips gradually came into contact with his. Her body followed and pressed against his front.

Adrian was frozen for a moment as their muzzles pressed together. As he came back to reality he moved his paws to her back and pressed her form to his. He could feel a bulge under her skirt and rocked his hips, rubbing the tent in his jeans against it as their bodies entwined. He turned his head and parted his lips, meeting her tongue with his and deepening the already passionate kiss. He moved his paws down her back and pulled at her rear, squeezing the supple cheeks on either side of her bushy tail.

When it ended, it was steady, their lips separating slowly after which Charm gave his nose an affectionate lick. When he finally opened his eyes, she was already staring into them.

"Wow..." It was all he could think to say.

Charm chittered and grinned wide at him. "Wow? That good, eh?"

Adrian nodded, "Was... everything I had ever imaged it to be." That made Charm blush a deep red.

The moment was ended suddenly when there was a knock at the door. They were now uniquely aware that they were both in the ladies room in a club. It was a miracle that someone didn't try to come in sooner. "We should..."

Charm nodded and stepped away, straitening her posture. "Yeah.. go.. umm" She quickly gave him another quick peck before starting towards the door. He grabbed her paw, "What are we...?" She held a figure to his nose to silence him and smiled softly.

"Just come home with us and we'll figure it out later."

Adrian nodded as she unlocked the door and unleashed a very drunk squirrel waiting on the other side. "Haay! What are you doin in the gurrrls room?!"

Adrian tried to think of something to say, but Charm gave his paw another tug and they slunk back onto the dance floor without another word.

What an interesting night, and it isn't even over.