The Silver Mirror

Story by vyletrakun on SoFurry

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I wrote this a a 3 part piece, I hope you all enjoy it ^^ One day when I am less busy I plan to write more on these characters.

Soft winds of an imagined horror echoed through the minds of four scared boys. Creaking boards and lofty roofs greet them as they entered the rotting decrepit building. Their jaws agape as they stood in silent awe of the archaic structure. Four teens stood staring into the open door of, what they thought was, a haunted house. The building looked ready to fall down at any time and that was what made all four of the teens the most nervous, not ghosts, spirits or specters but a building collapse. All four of them leaned their heads in the building looking into the hollow dusty foyer, bickering about who would enter first.

"We really shouldn't be here" chimed in Tess, who stood there washing his paws together in a very nervous fashion. He was a very dainty almost feminine, 16-year-old male lion. He stood behind the group of other boys, wearing his favorite teenage mutant ninja turtle shirt and an old pair of fading teal blue shorts. His large paws filled flip-flops pocked and marred from the entire summer of surfing. His lemon yellow sun bleached mane ruffled in the evening breeze as he and his best friends enter the old building. Standing in front of Tess stood his four best friends.

There was Rory he was a large grey wolf wearing nothing but red swimming trunks; he was the tallest and oldest of the bunch, him being 17 and looked old enough to buy smokes. He was very concerned with his physical appearance and was constantly jogging or working out at the gym yet he loved to drink and smoke when he wasn't around adults. To the right of him was his brother Kyle, who was the youngest of the group at only 15 he wasn't the nicest guy in the world but he could be quite funny at times. He was always decked out in the latest fashion from Abercrombie and Finch and other such popular stores. Currently he had an open white button down and matching white swim trunks. "Shut up Tess, you're always bitching..." Kyle sneered before taking a hit off of a cigarette and passing it to Trent the fox.

Trent was only 16, being the same age as Tess but he was the most mature, he had been working at the local market since he was 13 and he just got promoted, plus his parents owned most of the town so he usually paid for everything the group wanted or needed. He was wearing a purple fedora that matched his own flip-flops and shorts. "Not to sound like a jerk Tess but I agree with Kyle. This was your idea originally and now you wanna chicken out, come on grow some balls" Trent laughed heartily and tossed arm around Tess and handed the cigarette to him, his eyes locked with Tess's for almost too long. Tess looked away embarrassed, ever since he had started heavily hanging out with Trent, he always felt odd around him, almost like Trent was flirting with him but that couldn't be, they were both male. Trent smiled at Tess and stuck his tongue out and slapped Tess on the ass before giving Rory a playful shove inside the open door. Rory jumped and squealed inciting a round of raucous laughter from his three friends.

"Shut up you jerks..." he growled at them but in turn he had to laugh at himself. "Come on lets go inside you girls" Rory smiled and inspected the empty house. Tess followed the others inside and was instantly impressed, "This had to have been owned by a governor or a senator..."Kyle and Rory both raised their eyebrows in confusion and Kyle grinned "Why you gotta be so smart all the time Tess? Trying to make us all look stupid...Like Rory does?" Tess, Trent and Kyle started laughing as Rory glared at his brother.

Rory snarled but it morphed into a grin, "Fine, you think you're so brave...Fine we will split up. Tess you take the basement, I'll take the first floor, Kyle you take the top floor and Trent you get the attic. Kyle smiled trying to act tough but inside he was as scared as the rest of them but put on a tough exterior. They all nodded and each went their own way.


Tess started climbing down the rickety wooden stairs, with each step a puff of dust was kicked up by his sandals. His delicate paw gripping the fragile railing as if it was his life line to sanity. "Fucking Rory...Why does he always have to be an asshole and try and prove himself...." Tess shook his head in exasperation and stepped onto the concrete floor. "Fuck...Where's my lighter?" *Tess fumbled around in his pockets till he found his black Zippo, on the front there was an inscription "Remember, I'm Always Here..." the lighter was given to him by Trent for his 16th birthday and it always puzzled him.

He Held it out and wandered into the gloom, it was a large basement with many askew wooden shelves covered in years of thick dust. Knick knacks and old belongings of the previous owner covered the shelves. A single soft footstep echoes out of the gloom causing Tess to jump, he definitely heard something behind him. Turning quickly he peered out into the darkness, his ears twitching, trying to discern any sound from the darkness.

"Hmm hmm...well what do we have here..." a soft raspy voice whispered into Tess's ear. Tess jumped and turned, fumbling with the lighter almost dropping it, finally recovering after some singed fur and a small burn. There was no one behind him, his paws shaking visibly, nothing but small flecks of dust floated in his bubble of light. "Hhhhelllloooo.....A-aany one there?" Trying to steel his voice and noticeably failing. "Iiif there iss anyone yourself!" He voiced slowly backing up until hu bumped into something firm, yet soft. "Hehe what a forward little lion you are..." The voice whispered again as two sets of arms grabbed him, one paw covering his mouth and the other one pinning his arms.

Tess dropped the lighter and was thrown into the dark, his screams muffled by the powerful large paw. He struggled and tried to claw at whoever or whatever held him, but alas there was near to no leverage. The Two arms were very strong, and he could feel hot breath brushing against his sensitive ear. "Hehe your mine now..." was whispered before whoever it was bite down onto his ear hard. Tess tried to scream loud as small tears formed and rolled down his cheeks and he shook all over, not knowing what his fate was.

"Im taking my paw scream and I will snap your neck like a fucking it?" The powerful paw released his mouth, and Tess stood there whimpering, too afraid to scream. The paw came back and shoved something in his mouth, it tasted terrible and it was made of rubber or latex. He felt something tighten around his head, it was a gag. The free paw pushed the back of his head forward, the leverage taking him to the floor. Whoever had him, was definitely male, he could feel his arousal on his back side.

Tess tried to scream again, he knew what was coming next as the paw pulled down his trunks exposing his tight little ass. Tess tried to struggle but a heavy sharp knife was put against his throat. "I want you to scream into the gag for me bitch, this is gonna hurt and that's how I like it..." The voice growled in between heavy panting. Tess could feel the hard member pressing into him as the person thrusted, the head of his cock sliding against the lions firm ass cheeks. Tess started crying, muffled by the gag, and braced himself for what was next, but internally he was confused, as much as he was scared and afraid, his own bulge started to grow. Pre started to leak out and make the front of his shorts wet. Whoever it was positioned his thick throbbing meat between Tess's cheeks, sliding it up and down his crack. The hot slick cock grinding against his virgin tail hole, with each pass he could feel the thrusts getting harder."Mmmmm time for the fun to begin..." The faceless voice whispered. Tess could feel the guy reposition his cock and press the thick tip against his pin tight virginity. Tess pleaded and cried, screaming in his head for someone to help him.

Top Floor

Kyle went bouncing off after Rory decided to split and climbed the ancient stairs. "Ugh...this house is so disgusting." Kyle sometimes spoke to himself when he was scared or lonely. The top floor was similar to the first, nothing but grime trash and leaves everywhere, as well as the occasional remnant of kids from town drinking here so they wouldn't get caught. He looked around trying to decide which room to enter. "Boo!" Trent shouted behind Kyle, having come up the stairs unknowingly to Kyle. Kyle jumped and spun glaring at Trent "You fucker....Why the hell did ya do that?" Kyle crossed his arms and blushed in embarrassment. "Haha cause you were staring blankly and shaking in your boots, I couldn't resist." Trent laughed happily and stepped passed Kyle, slapping him on the back. "Well, watch out for ghosts and demons!" Trent chimed as he went off to search for access to the Attic.

Kyle shook his head in embarrassment and flipped Trent off as he walked away. "Fucking jerk..." Besides Tess, Kyle got the brunt of most jokes, since he was the youngest, so he had to toughen up to match his Brothers masculinity. "Gah oh well" he sighed and looked around the room again. There were three doors and two hallways and directly in front of the stairs, centered, was a huge double door, most likely the master bedroom. To the right was an already open door so Kyle picked that one and entered.

It was a child's bedroom, complete with a huge four poster bed, matching dresser and toy chest. "ooooh" Kyle started sniffing around the room before finally settling on snooping into the toy chest. It was solid carved wood with a metal clasp and the entire chest was carved in different scenes. Grasping the lid with his paws, he lifted the lid and peered inside. "Whats this?" the inside was as clean as the day it was made, not a speck of dust and sitting on a small pillow was a small silver hand mirror. He picked it up and checked his reflection, bright blue eyes, soft features, high cheek bones and small nose. He looked away "Gah why did Rory get the muscle and good looks?" Sighing he started to put the mirror back but noticed someone else in the mirror. Jumping up and spinning he turned to see who it was, but no one was there.

"Alright asshole, show yourself!!" He snarled and waited but no one showed themselves. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out and lit a cigarette to try and calm himself down. "Must have been a mistake..." Tucking the mirror in one of his shorts side pockets he went over and investigated the dresser, opening all three drawers there was nothing of interest. Instead he jumped onto the old bed and stared up at the tattered muslin that once encompassed the bed. "Fancy living for some brat I bet...All I get is a shitty bunk bed that I have to share." Putting one paw behind his head, he pulled out the mirror again and stared into it. "Why did I get moms featu..." he stopped mid sentence and moved the mirror, his paws visibly shaking.

Someone or something was gripping his thigh but looking past the mirror there was no one there. "Uhm...*gulp* is someone there? Rory? Trent? T-t-t-ess?" He was now shaking all over as something else gripped his other thigh and held it to the bed.

"W-w-w-hat the hells g-g-going on...?" Kyle could barely whispered, petrified in fear as something pinned his arms to the bed and all four of his limbs were spread. "H-h-h-help" Kyle whispered, as he started to levitate in the air a scant 6 inches off of the bed. "Clinching his eyes tight, Kyle screamed in his head "GHOSTS ARENT REAL..." Whatever it was pulled his shorts down exposing his soft grey sheath and furry sack. "I...uhhh..." Kyle blushed even through the paralyzing fear, as some unknown entity started to caress his sheath, with each stroke and squeeze, he started to grow.

Top Floor

Kyle tried to struggle against his invisible restraints, but it held him with a firm and solid grip. "No I...Uh...", and invisible paw massaged and stroked his soft sack, the pink tip of his member poking through, glistening with a hint of pre. He could barely think through the pleasure he was receiving and his Vision was going gray. The entity pulled his sheath back exposing the length of his manhood, growing larger and harder with each stroke. "OH god....mmmmmmmm" his soft tongue hanging out of his mouth as his breath came in ragged gasps. Kyle's pink cock now fully erect and standing straight up, leaking tiny beads of pre. "Oh don't stop..." he whispers, his face blushing bright red.

Suddenly the room glowed purple and a face appeared in the gloom, a shapeless face "mmmm, you want me to keep going?" it asked soundlessly. Kyle blushed and nodded yes, his rigid cock telling the truth even if Kyle lied. "As you wish..." The rest of the specter materialized as a slender Raccoon male, fully nude and just as aroused as Kyle. Kyle stared with his mouth agape he had always thought of himself as straight but something about the specters touch was intoxicating. "I uhm...this is my first time." Kyle whispers and looks away embarrassed. But he felt a soft kiss against his cheek. "Don't worry..." Was the only thing the specter said before giving a soft lick to the tip of Kyle's pink. Gripping the bed, Kyle fell back onto the bed and closed his eyes. The specter slide his mouth down the entire length of Kyle's cock, deep throating his entire length, his tongue slide out to give his balls a lick. The specter reached under and started to massage Kyle's virgin pucker.

The fox's legs were quivering and shaking, having never felt anything quite like this before. "Oh....uh...I..." Kyle was afraid of anything penetrating him but the touch of the specter said yes. The specters fingers slide into Kyle, stretching and opening him for the first time. Kyle bit his lip from the twinge of pain and pleasure he was receiving, he couldn't help but buck into the specters mouth, leaking pre profusely. "Oh im....c-c-close...." He whispered, unable to take prolonged exposure to such pleasure. The specter smiled and massaged the fox's swollen prostate, while working his throbbing shaft, the specters other paw massaging his balls. "Cum for me..." the raccoon whispered wordlessly, sliding the entirety of Kyle into his maw.

"Oh I...." Kyle leaned back and in his mind 1000 points of light came together and exploded as he released his torrent of seed. Spasm after spasm, Kyle kept his eyes closed and drained his pent up balls into the specter, his claws gouging holes in the aged mattress. The specter kept firmly massaging his prostate milking him for every last drop. Kyle struggled and moaned but not from restraint but from pure unadulterated pleasure, his licks twitching and tongue lolling, his body quivering from the state of pure ecstasy.

The specter withdrew and left Kyle panting heavily and still twitching, in his state of coitus. Laying his head back he stared up at the decaying muslin, his world spinning, having never experience pleasure such as this. Laying there he heard a soft tune all around him, a haunting melody that matched his being perfectly. Cracking an eye he glanced at the raccoon sitting on the edge of the bed and singing into the air. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard, the soft notes gently lulling him to sleep. "hmmm...I wonder if this means I'm gay", was Kyle's last thought before falling asleep.


Trent mounted the stairs, passing Rory's floor and passing Kyle's floor and ascending into the dark dusty attic. Gingerly walking up the rotting stairs, afraid that they would break at any time, he gripped the wobbly hand rail trying not to imagine himself falling and dying. He could hear Kyle trashing around most likely destroying the room. As he finally mounted the stairs and made it up to the door into the attic, he struggled with the knob to open the door before it finally broke open Trent falling down into the dust "God damn it!" he cursed and started to sneeze as the dust fell down. Climbing up to his feet he looked around the room disappointed.

"Damn...I'm sure the others got better rooms than this...There isn't shit in here..." sighing, he turned around and started to head down stairs. Trent gingerly stepped over the shards of the attic door and down the stairs with caution. "I wonder what Tess is doing..." smiling at the thought of Tess, he looked down at the bottom floor from the 2nd floor railing he saw that the basement door was open, yet it was closed after Tess went in. "What the fuck?" Climbing down the stairs quietly he came up to the basement door listening in the basement, he could hear voices. Concerned he stepped down into the basement, careful not to make the rotting boards creak. The smell of decay and dust assaulted his sensitive nose, but there was something else...something foul he couldn't quite place.

As he turned the corner and came up to the last landing he could see only a few things in the gloom, a fire extinguisher was on the landing but the most concerning thing was Tess's zippo was on the floor still lit. Grabbing the fire extinguisher he walked over to the lighter ever so quietly and picked it up and held it out into the gloom, trying to discern where Tess was. He heard a zipper being either unzipped or zipped and he stepped forward, further into the gloom. "What the hell Tess...Where are you?" he whispered under his breath, he was becoming really concerned. Then there in the gloom he say a large shape, he stepped forward and saw Rory with his swim trunks at his ankles and his arms wrapped tightly around Tess. Straining to hear what he was saying. Rory grinned and whispered "Mmmmm time for the fun to begin..." Trent's jaw dropped, he could see Tess struggling against his grip.

Clenching his jaw, he stepped up and hit Rory as hard as he could with the bottom of the fire extinguisher, making a loud and audible crack. Rory stood stunned for half a second before losing consciousness and dropping to the ground. Tess stood there, his own shorts at his ankles. Trent dropped the extinguisher and he ran up and turned Tess around and hugged him tightly, Tess struggled at first but recognized it was Trent and fell into his embrace crying his eyes out. "Shh shh its ok hun...I'm here for you." His arms gripping Tess tightly till he stopped crying. Tess leaned back and looked up into Trents's silver eyes "Oh Trent...I was so scar..." His words were cut off as Trent kissed him deeply, his passion exploding into the singular moment that was their first kiss. Tess melted into Trent's embrace afraid of what was happening but strangely comfortable as Trent's tongue gently brushed against his own. Breaking away he looked back up at Trent "...Trent...I..." he looked away embarrassed at what he was about to say, but Trent's soft paw brushed against his cheek and turned his head back.

"Tess...I know what you are going to say...I love you Tess...I always have..." his own cheeks blushing bright red as he cast his eyes down.

"Trent I love you too..." Tess whispered before kissing Trent back and holding him as Trent picked him up and carried him up the stairs and out of the basement. Locking the basement behind them Trent carried Tess up stairs to the 2nd floor and into one of the bedrooms, he laid Tess down on the bed and took off his shirt. "I've wanted you for a very long time hun..." Trent whispered as he undressed and climbed into bed with Tess, removing his shirt and intertwining their bodies together. Kissing his nose gently and staring deep into his eyes. Tess looked down embarrassed and whispered, "Take me Trent...I want to be yours..." reaching down he grabbed a hold of Trent's semi hard sheath and began to stroke it, gently tugging and exposing his pink tip.

Trent smiled and reached behind to give Tess's pert ass a firm squeeze, he could feel his own arousal building until his firm cock was completely exposed and held by Tess. "Oh hun...please take me" he moaned and rolled onto all fours, looking over at Trent, "Your lion's in heat" he whispered shivering as his own cock hung between his legs, his tail twitching with anticipation.

Trent stood up and knelt behind Tess, rubbing his throbbing member against the lion's tight innocence. His tail swishing with want and arousal, he began to prod at his tight pucker gently pushing the tip of his slick cock inside of Tess. Tess's tail wrapped around Trent's body tightly and pulling him, urging him further as his legs quivered. Trent gripped the lions hips as he worked back and forth, working his tip in and out of the lion, gently pushing farther and farther with each thrust, his half swollen knot quivering. "Oh baby does it hurt?" Trent asked quietly and pausing for a moment for a response. Tess smiled back as his tongue hung out in pleasure, " more...gimme more..." he trailed off as Trent pressed in farther, his cock aching. In a moment of blind passion he pressed the last 8 inches of his cock deep inside the lions ass. Tess let out a lustfull roar of pain and pleasure, his legs quivering and pushing back into his cock. With a bestial growl, Tess gritted his teeth and gripped the bed and pushed back enveloping the foxes swelling knot, he cried out, the knot pushing massive amounts of pressure on his prostate, making his legs quiver. "Oooooho good now fuck me foxie...fuck your lion hard..." He growled bucking back and forth onto the fox's girth. Trent leaned back in sheer pleasure, arching his back as his knot popped into the lion. "God yes..." he moaned and started to slide his hips back and forth, the lions ass gripping his thick cock, milking him for all his seed.

Squeezing Tess's hips he pulled back till his knot wouldn't allow anymore and pushed forward completely. Reaching under he stroked the lion's own throbbing cock in unison with his thrust, forming a sympathetic rhythm between his firm deep thrusts and the strokes. "Oh're so tight I'm going to cum already..." Trent whispered as he started to thrust harder and deeper, his balls slapping against Tess's, his knot throbbing against the lion's prostate, he could feel Tess begin to shake. Tess pulled forward and pushed back as he shot a thick rope of cum all over his own chest and the bed, again and again he came, his prostate throbbing against his lover's massive knot.

Trent growled softly as he felt the lion's prostate pulse and quiver as he came, Trent began thrusting as hard and fast as he could, his balls pressed up against him. Shaking he pulled back as hard as he could, his knot popping out of the lion with a soft wet sound. He shoved it back inside as hard as he could with a single thrust and came deep inside his lion. A thousand points of light came together as he exploded in a wave of hot passion and pleasure. Gush after gush he filled the lions ass to bursting, his cum leaking out and running down his leg. He collapsed on top of Tess and shook as he drained every drop inside his lion. "Oh" he cooed, wrapping his arms around Tess he held him close, his member still swollen and knotted inside his lion. Nuzzling into his neck and kissing his cheek he whispered one last thought before passing out, "Tess...I love you...I'm here for you always..." In that moment the last 10 years of friendship suddenly became clear with that last line. "Oh Trent...I love you too..."