New Love and New Form

Story by Draconicus on SoFurry

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New Love and New Form

Eric had always admired the dragons. He lived in a time long after the wars when peace reigned and human and dragon finally fell into harmonious existence. Each helped the other, and they treated each other equally. Though the dragons were far superior in physical strength and intellect, they did not belittle the humans, mainly because such qualities as arrogance are generally a human trait to begin with, and rarely seen in dragons. Eric loved to sit and watch them fly overhead, their elegant wings carrying them across the sky above gracefully as was so often seen. He had befriended many, and knew much about them, but he always seemed to yearn for something more.

His life had always felt wrong somehow, as if a part of him was missing. Eric wasn't sure what it could be. He had a great family, a good income, many friends, and despite all of this, he still felt as though there was something important, something special and precious that was lost, or perhaps never there to begin with. He thought deeply about this as he watched what few airborne dragons were visible from the balcony of his apartment fly lazily across the horizon that was jagged with buildings and development.

He spent much of his time inside, when he wasn't watching the skies for sight of those magnificent creatures. It was easy enough to see them in the markets and occasionally walking along a sidewalk, but he loved to see them fly... a freedom no human could ever truely know...

So there he sat, at his computer, a machine he built himself with slightly outdated parts. When computers and the Internet started being as fast as people could possibly think, it occured to them that this technology really should progress no further. Aside from the helper robots and such, these processes were useless in the home.

He opened his usual chat program in the open-source operating system, which connected to an ancient system known as the Internet Relay Chat network. It was as old as the Internet itself.

Even today the centuries-old network bustled with the activity of so many chat servers, but these thoughts rarely interested him anymore. He had almost given up on life, not knowing the thing he needed above all else, that one piece of his life, his soul, that simply wasn't there.

As he was about to connect to his usual server and begin his busy Internet sub-life, he heard a knock at the door. He lived alone, and didn't know many people, so he was somewhat surprised at the idea that he might have a visitor. He opened the door only to find an eight-foot-tall dragoness standing in the doorway. She wore only a simple, thin robe, as most dragons did in public, which allowed much of her body to show, but hiding what she would want to keep private.

She had firm, plentiful breasts with considerable cleavage that seemed to draw Eric in, but at the same time he noticed her many curves, her long, smooth-scaled tail the added another five feet to her over-all body length, and her feminine snout, which was more gently curved than in male dragons, but still contained a powerful jaw line that only seemed more attractive. Anthropomorphic dragons were known for having 'perfect' bodies.

Her skin was a smoothly scaled, deep red that seemed to draw Eric in closer. Two medium-sized horns protruded from a point near her forehead up slightly, then sharply back towards the back of her head. Her wings were visible, folded behind her, passing through an opening in the back of her robe to allow her to fly with it comfortably on.

Eric realized he was staring, and forced his attention to the face of this beautiful dragoness, who looked slightly puzzled at his wandering eyes.

"Um. Hello..." He managed to get out once he had awakened from his state of awe. He then saw something in her silvery-green eyes; something that filled him with a warmth he had never felt before. It was almost as if the thing he had been searching for, that had been missing in his life for so long, rested in the dragoness who stood before him now. He nearly fell, for he became weak momentarily when he felt it.

"I found this package in front of my apartment. I'm at apartment 465, and it's addressed to 365. They must have made a mistake... It would seem I'm right above you, then, yes?" the dragoness said slowly.

The fact that she lived in the same building didn't surprise Eric. Many apartment buildings, including his, had floors with rooms designed to accommodate dragons rather than humans. The two species were equally spread for the most part. The fact did, however, stir his senses a little.

"Huh?" Eric said, still lost in her beautiful eyes, "Oh. Yeah... I guess so..."

"Well, here..." The dragoness said as she handed him the small package. "My name is Talia." She said in a tone that seemed to sooth Eric immensely, "What's yours?"

"I... My name's Eric." He said, seeming almost nervous, though he was still unsure of why he was feeling this way.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Eric. I hope I see you again some time soon." Talia replied enthusiastically.

"Yeah..." Eric said.

A few days later Eric decided to do something different. He went out for a walk. Being the type of person that usually stays indoors whenever possible, it was almost new to him. He went down to the forest-like park; a preserved plot of nature intended to have an uplifting and positive appeal to people. The fact that it was on the 50th floor of the massive tower city didn't help this much, but it was still very nice.

There were, of course, paved paths for people to walk along and benches for humans to rest at, since dragons rarely tired so easily. Both human and dragon visited the park frequently, but it was usually more common to see dragons enjoying the beauty of nature around them: trees, birds, a flowing stream, although all of it was synthetically made.

Eric sat down at a bench and looked around. To his utmost surprise, he saw Talia standing only a short distance away! She appeared to be talking to a dragon friend, but as Eric watched, their conversation ended, and they went separate ways. Eric gathered his courage and approached her, a hand shaking with nervousness, but at the same time he was propelled by this feeling he could not understand.

"Oh... Hi Eric," Talia said with a slight stammer. It seemed as though she too had somehow felt what Eric did... that strange force that seemed to draw the two towards each other. "It's.. nice to see you again..." she said, still clearly hesitant.

Suddenly Eric blurted out what had been building in the back of his mind from the moment he approached her again, spurred by that strange but now wonderful feeling.

"I don't know how to say this... but I... I want to be with you for the rest of my life. From the first moment I saw you, from the first moment I looked into your eyes, I felt something that I've sensed was missing in my life for as long as I can remember." He stammered at first, but as he said it, it seemed to simply flow from his lips as though it came not from him, but a voice inside of him.

Talia hesitated, then softly said, "I too have felt something for you since we first met those few days ago. Somehow I knew that you were the one I had to be with. That you need me, and that I need you."

Both of them paused for a moment, and at nearly the same time, they both said, "I love you..."

They embraced, and Eric felt even closer to what he though his life would never have. He felt it deep within his soul, shining a little brighter as they held each other.

Soon they were at Talia's apartment. It was different from a human's apartment. The ceiling was higher, the doors were larger, and everything seemed more dragon-sized. Talismans and various artifacts that appeared to be very ancient were on a shelf nearby, and on a shelf below those were rolled up scrolls and small bottles of strange-looking liquids. Eric was reminded of the strange ancient air that Dragons had always carried. Sure, technology was all over Talia's house. Typical hypercookers and such in the kitchen area, and cleanly projected holographic television displaying channel 1278, the weather forcast channel, in the livingroom. Still, there was a sense of antiquity in the unusual artifacts that decorated the place.

At this thought, candles around the room lit seemingly on their own, clearly by magic. His attention was brought back to what was happening when Talia pulled him onto her bed. She kissed him deeply, pressing her scaled lips against his. He was pleased to find that rather than rough, her scales were incredibly smooth. He returned the kiss, and soon pressed his tongue against her lips. She accepted him, and they embraced while tonguing and basking in each other's newfound love.

Talia stopped. She pulled out of the kiss for a moment in order to speak. Eric looked into her eyes, and waited for her.

"I sense something in you, that you feel something's still wrong... What is it?" She asked.

Eric replied, "From the moment I met you, I felt that a part of my soul that had been missing for so long had finally been found..."

"I felt the same." Talia said softly.

"Yes, but for my life I've felt that something was very wrong with me, that a part of my very existence needed to be some other way, needed something more to be right... You completed another part of me that was never there before, but that other thing seems to be missing still. My soul is still incomplete. Something is missing in my life, and I don't know exactly what it is." Eric continued, sighing as he felt that ache in his heart again, as though Talia had filled only a part of it.

"Hmm... I think I might know what you've needed. You're right, something needs to be different for you to feel complete... What is the one thing you've wanted to be more than anything? What have you always felt closest to?"

"...I've always felt a connection to dragons... your species... I've always felt as if they were a part of me, or as if I were a part of them... Is that what I've been missing?" said Eric, finally realizing what he had longed for throughout his life.

Talia paused for a minute or two, as though in deep thought, then said softly, "I can help you. I can make you one of my kind. I can make you what you've longed to be... a dragon."

"...Really!?" Eric asked excitedly.

"Yes, through some magic, as some call it." Talia said. "It's not a complicated mixture, actually."

The next few hours left Eric full of anticipation. Talia brought out a small pot. She had collected the ingredients earlier that day, and was now ready to create the mixture that would change her human lover's life forever.

When she was finished, she handed it to him. He drank it slowly, closing his eyes as sensations rushed over him. The taste was bitter, but slightly sweet. It filled him with a strange sensation. Soothing and warm, but at the same time giving him chills.

Eric felt himself begin to change. It was a delicious feeling. His whole body grew in length, and at the same time he could feel his limbs becoming longer and more muscular. His skin darkened and scales gradually became visible. His heart was pounding with his excitement, and yet at the same time he felt wondefully calm.

He felt a pressure on his backside, just at the base of his spine. He knew what was coming next. In human anatomy, there is a tailbone that serves no real purpose, but now this changed, morphed, grew into a length of jointed bone covered by flesh, muscles and skin, he could feel every new inch as it came to be. His buttocks vanished into the growing limb, being replaced by smooth muscles and new skin that instead formed a smooth, creaseless surface from his tail to his belly, aside from his member, of course. What could now be called his tailhole stretched and reshapped, no longer having the same distinct pucker shape, but being much smoother, and this caused a small moan to escape him.

He felt a wonderful new sensation between his legs and looked down, with a neck that had grown longer, to see a genital slit covering what would have been otherwise exposed. The new sheath bulged with what was clearly more size than Eric could ever have hoped to have when human. His now draconic length would not only be protected, but would probably bring him new pleasure never before imagined, he thought with a soft grin.

His face elongated into a snout, which gave him a shock at first. His whole skull changed structure, becoming a very draconic and much better suited one for his reshaping brain. He still felt no pain, and the sensations of his body changing seemed to give him pleasure, if anything. His vision became incredibly sharp, and his hearing improved. He could feel horns sprouting from just above his forehead as well. All over his body the sensations of transformation could be felt.

Claws grew from thickening fingertips and he flexed is new hands. His feet changed dramatically. They slowly became digigrade, where once he would have used his heel as part of his stance, he now would use only what was previously the ball of his human foot.

Large bumps formed on his back around his shoulderblades, and quickly sprouted into huge wings behind him. Thick, leathery skin was spread between each set of bones that formed the powerful structures. He was nearing the end of the transformation. Scales and skin perfected quickly, giving off a dull sheen, despite the dim light.

As Eric looked his new body over, he felt that what had so long tormented his soul with emptiness, was now filled. He felt complete. This was what he was meant to be, and he would never want to be human again. His scaled skin was a deep red like his lover's, though slightly darker. He moved his tail and wings in many different positions, loving his new appendages.

Eric silently embraced Talia, being able to completely hold her in his arms now that he was what he had longed to be for so long. They quickly found their way to the bed, unclothed, of course, and began with an onslaught of kissing and tonguing, as they felt each other's bodies longingly.

The lips of Eric's new slit soon parted as his cock was released and quickly became its full length, which surprised him. He was now the proud owner of a thirteen inch dragon cock.

Eric looked down, a bit confused. "Um... Talia, this is great, but what happened to my balls?"

Talia smiled, giving her mate's new endowment a single squeeze, then releasing. "They'll only be exposed at the omptimum state of arousal, when they can really aid. It's odd, I know, but you'll hav e a sac to smack against me soon enough, love."

He positioned himself over Talia, and looked into her eyes as the tip of his dragonhood touched the edge of her sex. He slowly pressed against, and then into her, eliciting a soft moan from her. He pressed deeper, slowly pushing himself into her warm depths, and finally filling her with his thick dragon meat as he reached the hilt. He growled seductively; a real dragon growl, nothing he was ever able to do as a human. They rested, kissed deeply, and their tails entwined, binding them even closer together.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Of course."

Eric began to thrust in and out of Talias hot sex, the muscles of her cloaca squeezing his shaft as it pulled out almost completely, then plunged back in. He started slow, then gradually he quickened his pace, going a little faster with each minute until he was pounding his love's cunt and every moment on either side had some sort of moan involved. He licked, then gently bit her neck, his instincts guiding him. He rubbed his body against hers, and tried all that he could to pleasure her as he knew best (though he wasn't very experienced). They kept going... over an hour went by, never did either dragon tire, for dragons are above all else, strong.

Finally, Eric finally felt close, after Talia had gone through numerous minor orgasms. The sheets were soaked, but there was much more to come. Suddenly, both lovers were brought into simultaneous climax. Eric let out a draconic roar as his burning hot seed was pumped into his lover. Talia's juices poured onto the bed plentifully, soaking the sheets even more and drenching her mate's pulsing shaft. His seed shot into her womb in copious amounts, amounts that surprised him. It dribbled out of her sex, further coating his member.

They embraced tighter as both felt weak from the explosion of pleasure. The loss of energy still had to hit them after so much. Eric kissed Talia deeply, and she returned it, purring with satisfaction.

"Will you become pregnant now?" Eric asked, concerned.

"Female dragons are able to choose whether the seed of the male is used for reproduction. It is a voluntary function, and one of many unique abilities we have over any other species known." Talia replied.

"Wow... No condoms then." Eric joked. Talia laughed happily at this and hugged him. "I love you beyond anything a human could properly feel. You complete me." Eric said softly. They both rested, and feel asleep in each other's embrace.

The next day Eric awoke to the sight of his sleeping lover, so glad that it was not just a dream. He carefully got out of bed, as not to wake her, and walked out to the balcony of her apartment. As he looked out over the city, he saw dragons flying high above, as always. He smiled at the fact that he was now something he had so longed to be. He wondered what it would be like to fly, to be so free. He stretched his new wings at the thought, but closed them again. He wasn't sure if he should try to fly without Talia's guidance, and didn't want to leave her there without him.

He found that although he had the same mind, his brain was still different. Thought flowed easily, he could visualize things more clearly, and questions that he had pondered throughout his life were suddenly answered by his own mind. He looked out at the horizon that was jagged with buildings and industrial development, and thought deeply about all of it. Here was the flaw in humans. He realized that greed, obsession, and violence were their nature, though it had been suppressed. He was now even more grateful for becoming the proud dragon that now looked out over the city.

Talia had awoken and now stood next to him.

"You see it don't you...?" she said, "Dragons have always known what is so wrong with the humans. We say nothing of it now, for telling them was what started the Great War."

"All this time," Eric said quietly, "and I never knew. None of the humans seem to..."

Eric was just now noticing how much deeper his voice was. He was too lost in passion before.

"They don't. Perhaps they don't want to know..." Talia replied.

They were both silent for a moment.

"...Thank you... for everything." Eric said, then put his arms around Talia and held her gently, nuzzling into her neck, a tear in his eye.

"You're more than welcome, my love." She softly replied as they embraced.

**This is the first story I've written. All character names and descriptions are exclusive to this story, and if they are found elsewhere, are unrelated... of course.

I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to read the sequel!

This has been a story by Draconicus.**

New Note (2009):

Well, this story had gathered quite a few cobwebs until somebody decided to comment on it this year. As my first work, it reflects my earliest literary skills, before I gained the experiences of following years. When I look back at this, it's hard not to start frantically editing it, but I've left it alone for the most part to preserve the past, embarrassing as it might be. :3