Chapter 3: That Unsettling Feeling

Story by Christian C Bailey on SoFurry

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#3 of Just A One Night Thing

The third installment, more to come later.

It was Friday morning and my office was barren. I slouched in my chair having barely slept a wink again last night made certain that I was in a fairly cross mood. Everyone was pretty much on holidays; I barely knew what that word meant though. After graduating school I had jumped right into business ownership with a partner that I'd bought out two years later. My company had assets somewhere in the ten million dollar range but that didn't mean I wasn't bored witless these days.

Even my secretary was on vacation and her replacement was also out of the country. Not that I ever answered the phone, it always went to voicemail. Why I couldn't stop thinking about my last one night stand was beyond my understanding, hell it had been a week. A week of nonstop harassing thoughts and no other willing participants to have sex with, I guess they don't just show up at your door after you throw them out though. I hadn't gone without tail around my cock for more than two days in at least a few years.

I paced back and forth in my very sparsely decorated office until I punched the wall-release button and unveiled the flat panel that was just kept around for the nights I felt like working late. Sports, since when had poker become a sport. Not that it mattered as I wasn't interested in sports of this kind anyways. The screen filled instantly with unadulterated yiff.

As I groped at the tent in my pants I wondered how many times a day these guys put on a show. The badger taking it was screaming like a school girl, it was barely believable judging by how small the spotted hyena giving it to him was. I wouldn't even give him half my size; I should probably be the one making that whiny girl moan.

I gasped as my hand found the right rhythm; I couldn't believe I was actually pawing myself again. My hands rarely touched my own cock, probably because I'd always had an infinite number of people willing to throw themselves on it. That just wasn't as enticing lately. My thoughts wandered to Caleb, his smooth contoured body, my essence filling his mouth and his rear... I felt my orgasm getting closer but I had lost all drive to climax. I turned the porn off.

These thoughts were permeating my consciousness day in and day out and I desperately hoped that he'd be at the bar tonight. I doubted it though. Depression set in for the remainder of the day as I wondered if I had squandered my chance at having a mate I could stand. It was really a weird thing to decide upon so quickly, I couldn't be sure I'd like him for more than ten minutes if I wasn't inside of him. Maybe it was sensible in a way as some people have claimed they experienced love at first sight. Why not me? Well, for a good number of reasons to be honest. But I didn't really want to consider those right now.


The bell rang signaling the class' end and the young fox grabbed his books, taking off for the door at a brisk clip. Not that the atmosphere of the classroom wasn't pretty icy towards him generally, but Matt elbowed past him in a little rougher manner than usual. Something was up that kid's butt all week; he'd been moody and refused to sit anywhere near other sentient beings.

Sky continued towards the gates until he noticed Caleb talking with Jenny. He stepped to the side of them, creating a triangle and catching the tail end of their conversation. She had just invited Caleb to come out with her and have a celebratory party tonight, first at her house and then downtown. Strange to see them without each other, the wolf and roo were almost inseparable and Jenny had never really been part of Caleb's social circle. He guessed Caleb wasn't as much of an outcast as he'd thought.

"Can I come?" Sky had said it, the three words that threatened to bludgeon him if he didn't spit them out right then. The pair looked at the short fox and smiled, then followed the obligatory invite.

"Sure. My place at eight?" Jenny finished.

Sky was excited, to say the least. "I'll come with Cal; he lives down the street from me."

"Caleb moved out last week after he had a fight with his mom." The otter girl sounded half-worried.

"You know I'm standing right here, right?" The roo smiled.

"Well, people are going to have to know eventually you're staying with Kara until September anyways!"

So that's why he got invited, Sky thought. Kara had been great friends with Caleb when they were kids, but as was so common, one became popular only to lose touch with the other for fear of being stigmatized. The fox wondered what spurned their move together, he'd always secretly hoped the tall roo beside him was gay but Kara didn't seem like much of a fag hag.

Caleb smiled nervously, "Okay, I can't guarantee I'll be there before you guys leave to the bar. Where are you guys going?"

"I want to go to 5." The little fox exclaimed.

Of course the new gay club would be popular with him. Well, it wasn't entirely gay but it was one of the most open bars in town. "Well, it's up to you Jenny... It's your party right?" Caleb persuaded her to no avail.

"Yeah, five sounds like it might be a good time." Jenny smiled and patted the roo on the shoulder.

Sky's face lit up. He slung his knap-sack over his shoulders and ran to the bus stop to catch the final ride home. The four o'clock was always the last bus to leave the grounds, even during regular hours.

"I'd better get the bus... Cya tonight?" Jenny smiled at the roo and punched him playfully. "Don't be nervous, I think everyone knows anyways."

Knows what? Caleb's head almost exploded. How could anyone know about what had happened? Matt would never have said anything, he knew that much. The roo began the trek home, one foot in front of the other until he was too tired to continue. Someone had probably seen them, of course. He found himself in the downtown about two blocks away from Adam's loft. He had about another hour before he'd be at Kara's if he kept walking, he could stop and... His thoughts trailed off into something else.

Last Sunday's vivid memories swamped him; he still couldn't believe what had happened! The elevator-lift slowly took him up to the top floor where it creaked as he opened the door. Heavy and monstrous, the steel door stood between him and his goal. As he stepped out of the enclosure and across the crack, the elevator clicked and began its descent. His decision was apparently made for him, though he wasn't favoring it at the moment.

His trembling paws caressed the cold metal, finding the handle slowly. He pulled on it to see if it gave way, it opened with a little bit of effort. Nobody was home. He'd just broken into his one night stand's loft. "I must be losing my fucking mind to be up here." Caleb's conscience was full of scorn. "I really need to go."


Matt sat next to Sky, boxing him into the window seat. "Hey pup, how are things?" Matt's one paw was around the tiny fox's shoulders and the other was against the seat in front of him. It was a little constricting.


"I saw you talking to Caleb today, what did he have to say?" Matt tried to sound polite, but the obnoxious tone in his voice had overwritten any semblance of civility he'd tried to portray.

"You mad at him?" Sky asked nervously.

"When your best friend fucks you over... Yeah, I'm mad."

Sky put a hand on Matt's knee. "I'm sorry."

"Me too, I can't believe I let him inside of me." Matt's composure was fading and the anger had dissipated into what could only be described as a veritable train wreck.

"You?" Sky stammered, "You're gay?" Apparently the sexual connotation had been lost on him, but now he understood why the two weren't talking at least. The more surprising of the facts was that the wolf had been sub for the roo. He always fantasized about Caleb being the girl, though it was just a fantasy after all.

"Am now, I guess."

Sky smiled inside, as it would be really inappropriate to look happy in a situation like this. That meant though that Caleb was free game though, unless Matt still wanted him after their fight.

The bus halted and Sky stood, Matt only noticed halfway through and just averted his eyes. Sky climbed over the wolf and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you wanna come over? I know I'm no substitute for Cal but you look like you could use a friend right now, honestly."

"Sure?" Matt was questioning his own motives for accepting, but even turning down bad conversation was beyond his capabilities at the moment. The slender grey wolf grabbed his book-bag and stepped off behind the much shorter kit, putting a hand on his shoulder so he could jump from the top step of the bus.

Matt looked around, this was an older definitely richer part of the town than what he was used to seeing. "Where to?"

"It's actually right here." The fox paw extended, pointing out the incredibly large Tudor style home they had been let out beside. "The bus driver always lets me off at the door step"

"Wow, nice place." Their gardens occupied the space of his parent's entire house. Not that it was uncommon; he'd just expected that Sky had been you know... average. Even the bus driver bent over backwards for the kid, maybe it was because of how little was left to the imagination by the kid's style of dress.

Sky smiled, leading Matt in through the front door by the hand. The entrance was covered in marble tiles and the walls were decorated with white board that looked like a chair rail filled in with white boxes that followed the winding staircase upwards, the rest of the view was lost when Sky practically dragged Matt in through the kitchen and downstairs into the den. "Let's watch some TV?" Sky asked rather loudly as he pressed the power button for the massive television.

A new Madonna track was on the music station, the surround system didn't leave anything to be desired. Sky half-danced over to the well concealed wet bar and poured himself a tall glass of rum and one for Matt.

The tall wolf fell back onto the couch with his arm around the fox as he brought the drinks back. "What are you, seventeen? Your parents let you drink?" Matt begged to know.

"My dads are away for the summer, they don't really mind as long as I'm responsible." Sky replied, tucked away under Matt's arm.

"Even your parents are gay?" The canine shrugged, he supposed it made sense when he looked at Sky. The glass of rum disappeared with a large gulp and a wince.

"Of course, I didn't even figure it would be a question. Have you seen how I dress? No hetero parents would allow their child to do what I do." Sky proclaimed his freedom loudly, finishing off his drink shortly thereafter.

The tiny kit sauntered over to the bar and grabbed the bottle, bringing it back. Never losing the sway in his hips he emptied the remainder of the clear liquid into their glasses.

"Bottoms up?" Sky stood up on the couch almost shakily, legs on either side of the wolf and downed his drink in a single gulp. At his size the alcohol went straight to his head, especially since he was drinking like he would die of thirst at any moment.

Matt followed, "Sure thing." He proclaimed, raising his glass. The clear liquid rushed into his mouth and hit the back of his throat, it burned a little bit but it certainly made him feel better.

Sky sat down without really moving, landing on Matt's leg. His arms circled around the wolf's thick neck as he tossed his head backwards and giggled. His paw groped at Matt's crotch and laughed again, "Do you wanna--do this?" The fox knew that this would never come to anything; after all they both had a thing for the same guy.

Matt just needed somewhere to put his dick in the interim. "Yeah." He almost hesitated; maybe he really didn't want to do this. The physical evidence was overwhelmingly contradicting though. His cock was unsheathed and hung down his pant legs, already pressing into Sky's butt cheek before he'd answered.

Sky slid down off the couch; resting his face in Matt's lap he put his mouth over the obvious outline of the wolf meat. His tiny fox-paws teased at the concealed member, trailing down his groin and feeling his butt through his pants.

The canid gasped as his fly opened and the cool basement air hit his bare skin. Sky took the initiative, pulling Matt's pants down a little further and running his hand along the wolf's swollen cock. His pants slid off of on leg and down to the knee on the other as the fox positioned himself between his burning cheeks.

"Hey there!" Matt protested.

Sky sat back a little. "I'm an exclusive top."

Matt sighed; he couldn't even bring himself to argue with the fox between his legs, "Oh, well I guess we could..."

Sky had been surprisingly convincing, he'd just wanted to try it though. It was better to be shot down than spend the rest of your days as a cock warmer, his dad had told him. That was gay logic at its finest, Sky laughed. "I'll make it good, don't worry." His hands pressed down on Matt's shoulders as his pink tip penetrated the trembling wolf beneath him.

Forming thoughts of anyone but Caleb was a little rougher than Matt had expected, the boy rutting him was actually doing it alright. All of the impulses to enjoy this were there, but he had no motivation to act on them. His aching cock flapped against Sky's stomach and back down to his own, the slight bit of friction making him tense his backside.

Sky pumped in and out of the wolf with a speed that only came with being as small as he was, the canine's cock was spinning around almost to the beat of the song that was on the music channel.

Internally the only thing he could manage to visualize was Caleb pumping him on the desk in their ninth grade geography room. Warmth spread all over him as he focused on the good parts of that memory. Matt lifted his head and nipped at Sky's chest fur and neck while moaning seductively into his hear before he fell back down on the couch to take his breeding like a man.

Arching his back, the wolf flipped himself up onto all fours with his tail raised high in the air without making Sky skip a beat. The fox gasped at the rotation, it was a strange but not unwelcome feeling. This position was a lot less in the way of intimate, but the tiny kit could push in and out without any resistance, increasing his already frantic pace.

Matt's rump was alternating between full and empty--quickly as he could register it as the fox-cock sped in and out of his entrance, stimulating all the tender areas. Heck it was impossible not to, he was going so quickly that the wolf's backside didn't have time to react, hitting every nerve ending possible. He yelped as one of the innumerable thrusts hit him in the right spot one too many times. Wolf seed shot out from his tip all over the couch as the assault from behind continued. His muscles clenched around the pink meat in his rear as Matt thrust his hips back to meet the onslaught.

Sky flipped the wolf over to his back so he could finish, pinning his ankles up to his ears. His thrusting slowed down as he came to climax, pumping his bottom gently full of his cum and collapsing onto his heaving stomach.

Instantly regret washed over him. Nothing could make this day poorer.

Embarrassing wasn't quite the word, it was far worse. If being gay meant he was to be shunned, he had just made it a thousand times worse by playing sub for the fox, a mistake he'd not make again. He'd be the subject of jokes for his entire stay at Columbia if Sky ended up going--the kid had a really big mouth.

Sky's finger moved to his cheek and brushed away the tears from under one eye. He hadn't even realized he was crying until then. Matt didn't hold back, he sobbed openly now.

"I'm sorry." Sky brushed his head fur with a hand and nuzzled the distraught wolf in his arms. Sky felt truly sorry for the older wolf, he knew what it was like to be feeling out of place in that fashion. The fox's chest heaved as he buried his face in Matt's neck. "I won't say anything if you don't want me to..." The panting kit whispered to him.


The elevator shaft clicked its way down to me from three stories above. I waited, eagerly anticipating a cold beer and a hot shower to relax me before I went out tonight. My balls ached, but I ignored the feeling. I could feel warmth settle over me as I stooped into the elevator-lift, I was getting aroused. It had been a few days since I'd climaxed and that strange feeling had just crept over me unexpectedly.

I figured that closing the office before five today was a good idea since I didn't want to sit in and wank all afternoon. Now as the elevator shaft rose, I began to feel hot everywhere. My fingers teased my khaki-covered cock, but it wasn't needed. The hardness was there anyways, it wouldn't matter if I waited until I got upstairs to touch myself as I doubted it would go away without actually dealing with it this time.

It was undeniable now, I could smell him. If my senses were playing tricks on me, I'd commit myself to the asylum. There was no doubt in my mind as the elevator ground to a halt and I practically tore the door open, rushing forward into my aromatic loft.

"Caleb?" I called out as commandingly as I could. I must be losing my head; his scent had dissipated days ago. It was fresh though, no trick of the mind. Had the boy come here looking for me and then lost his nerve and left?

I wondered if he'd felt that way about me too, I knew we shared a connection. Now I had an idea at least, as to how he felt about me. I would find him and claim him as my own.