Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon - First Night under The Moon

Story by Elia on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon

_Tales of the Broken fang, blue feather and silver moon.

By Elia Nemmar [email protected]

Warning: This text is not suitable for minors. Also it contains concepts and other themes that might offend some people. You may distribute it freely as long as it stay unchanged, and as long as it is distributed free of charge. Feel free to comment on the story.

Apart from that, this is a work of fiction, do not take it seriously and have fun. =^_^=_

It was a cold moonless night, full of shame and loneliness. The night my clan died... I fell onto the snow, half dead or like others would say barely alive, was i? Laying buried deep in the snow... did it really mattered? I was freezing, wind long ago shuttered my robe, last remains of my dignity. My fur, blood stained, cowered in mud, gave less then little protection. Most of it was missing anyway. My tail... I dared not to look at it. Burned, hairless, numb thing dangling lifelessly behind my back. Yet another shame... Have you ever seen a frog squashed by a falling rock? Well i looked very alike, with this difference, that i was still kind of alive and moving. Also in my case, it wasn't a rock that hit me...

They call it 'harenarr', the path of justice. A beautiful name for something which has nothing to do with justice, it is rather a cruel tradition and a perfect way to satisfy mob lust for blood. A line is drawn on the ground through the town square, then on the both sides of the line, 'volunteers', with any blunt object they could find, take their places and... you run... run along the line. Let be blessed those who die fast just after few steps, i did not. I run, and run, and run, and crawl when i couldn't run anymore. Goddess know how did i made it so far? I reached the end of the line, i was free. They throw me out of the town, i was bond and taken somewhere far, far away. I was suppose to get a weapon, supplies for a journey and i should never again come back to my town. So say the law.

They gave me a broken dagger, with an inch of blade left. Sack of rocks, a meal worth of a queen. A bottle of wine, filled with dirt, to satisfy my taste and thirst. And most of all they gave me a good bye gift, a slash that almost tore my left side apart.

I don't know how long I've been laying there, my eyes filled with blood, and tears, my head burning, pain screaming within my whole body. Goddess know how it happened but, through my blurred vision I saw a black spot in that endless carpet of white. Was it something or someone? No, not some one, just a black spot not far from me. A cave? I struggled hard, I crawled leaving a bright red trail behind me. Somehow I've made it. I've got inside and fainted.

It was light that woke me up, I was laying curled in a ball and shaking, but still alive. By the time i woke up my wound wasn't bleeding any more, well that was the good news, the bad one? That was the smell coming from it, an infection. So the decision was made, not much time has left for me. Well i could try to clean it but... no it was already too late for that, besides with no herbs nor medicines it wouldn't do any god at all.

That day many times I fell asleep just to wake up some time later feeling worse then before. I think it was midday when i thought the end was coming, funny how many weird thoughts can wander through your mind when you know your time's running out. No I wasn't afraid of death, i just felt that I haven't done something very important and it really scared me, I just didn't want to die yet. Suddenly, I felt a strange urge to go out and see the sun for the last time....

I crawled out, gathered all the strength that left me, and stood up. My legs were trembling but I stood still. I raised my head, and I looked at the sky. Then in the corner of my eye, I saw him...

He was slowly walking nearby, suddenly he stopped as if just saw me, then he raised his hands and started shouting at me. His words, they felt so odd, my mind was fuddled by the infection, i couldn't think clearly nor could I understand him. All of a sudden he started running towards me, holding his spear high in the air. Was he attacking me?! A sudden rush of fear hit me. No! I will not be the pray any more, i shall face him and die with honor! I draw my dagger and stood there waiting for him.

He aimed too high, his spear went right past me, gently brushing fur above my left arm. He was close enough, I launched myself, aiming the best as i could.


He was faster, he garbed her hand before it even reached his throat, holding her wrist he pulled her hand away from his body, soon after same fate met her left hand. In last desperate attempt she tried to bite his throat but he was holding her too tight, she just couldn't come near enough to reach it. She struggled for a while before she fainted, soon her numb body was all that have left in his hands. Trying to keep his balance he pulled her closer, holding her like a lover would hold his mate, she didn't move. He looked, at the beast laying dead behind her, his spear went straight through its mouth into its brain. Weird, why didn't she run when he warned her, why did she attacked him with that broken knife, and most of all what was she?


_**Part 1

Tales of broken fang, blue feather and silver moon - First Night under The Moon**_

They say that when someone special is born, the soul of the planet can feel it and will respond to it. According to our legends when Sheiah ai Tarril was born, Gaiah gave cry to greet her. Rain of falling stars covered the whole sky above the western continent, turning dark moonless night into a day, symphony of hundreds of thousands thunders accompanied them. That night, a legend was born, a child that changed the fate of my kind, a night to be remembered.

But that was more then a thousands years ago when i was born. My birth however not as spectacular as the one of Sheiah, was something that many would not forget, well at least not straightaway as normally they would. They told me that i was stubborn from the sole beginning. That night, as it seemed, I've decided to stay inside warm, cozy and safe womb of my mother, needless to say, much to her displeasure.

Her screams were heard in villages far, far away from our town. She cried and growled, her roars ware full of pain and agony, yet it looked like i was totally ignoring her efforts. My mother was a very strong woman who already gave birth to may brother and sister, so what was happening now was rather unexpected. Knowing that my father was even more anxious then the rest of my family. It is common among my kind that females seek peace and solitude during the last days of pregnancy. Some hide in barns others lock themselves in their rooms, most wander deep into the forest to return sometime after the childbirth, some never come back.

It was well past midnight when my father knocked out his guards, as they were trying to stop him, and went looking for us. Some might say brave of him others called him loony. Maybe he was? A women delivering a child is more dangerous than any beast you would meet in forest at night. He found her clutching a tree, crying in agony. What happened next, stayed between them, they newer discussed it with anyone. We came back a few days later, my mother holding me, my father with his fur clotted with dry blood, his body cowered in claw and bite marks. In such way i was born.

I don't remember much form those early days, they said I was a cute, little fuzzy thing, well only until i started talking, then most of them addressed me as little monster, yet sometimes cute. Being a child of wealthy landlord was something i purely enjoyed, practically no hard work and a lot of free time to play. When i turned four years old, i was send to school for highborns, a lonely place where I spent most of my youth, a place where I've learned what it really means to be highborn, a place where I've met some of my allies and most of my further enemies and finally a place where I've experienced my first heat.


He slowly lowered the furry body onto the ground, it or she like he thought in the beginning, lay there still, breathing with much difficulty. He had never seen anything like this. What was it? Some kind of animal? He examined it closely. It seemed to be some kind of cat like creature stretched on a human-like frame. He looked closer, these shapes on its chest were definitely breasts, maybe not as big as human woman, but nicely round and firm. So it was a 'She' after all? His eyes traveled down below her belly, thanks to the lack of fur, small pink lips were poking at him from between her legs. Definitely a 'She', he thought to himself. He continued to examine her, a lot of her fur was missing, either ripped or burned, her whole body was heavily bruised, her tail, he sighed, sorry thing. He mowed a bit closer and took a look at the lower, left side of her chest. Four long, deep, cuts. Claw marks? A smelly yellow substance was leaking from it. Skin round those cuts already turned black, it was rotting. A death sentence, infection. She must have been in a terrible pain, yet she tried to fight him? He sighed, there was nothing he could do for her, it was already to late. Was it? He watched her face, her muscles flexed in pain.

"Damn! You better be worth it!"


I have never felt so strange in my entire life, i was woken up by my own cries of pleasure, intense itching coming from between my legs overpowering my senses, strange tension building inside my abdomen, heat burning through my body, juices leaking from my bare sex. I didn't know what was happening, i didn't know what to do, my mind was fogged with all those new sensations. I was scared yet exited at the same time, somehow i got out of my room looking for help. I went through empty corridors, I've heard some noises coming from behind the door. I entered that room and almost fainted from the smell of all those males gathered inside the classroom, immediately my sent began to fill the room, soon they all knew what was going on, and began to react. They started gathering around me, and it was only thanks to her that i didn't end up being gang raped, not a very proper thing, for daughter of landlord, to be involved in.

Errina took me out of there back to my room, none seemed to oppose her, as i learned later they all were scared of her, she had some reputation, bad one as i heard. A few years ago, when it was her first time, some jerk and his friends wanted to have some fun with her, she said 'No', didn't like him for some reason. Being twice as big as her, he tried to force her. She ripped his throat nearly biting off his head. Since that no one bothered her anymore. She stayed with me that night, that and many others nights.

My relationship with Errina, as you may think, was something more than just friends. I never was physically attracted to other womans, neither considered myself as being able to. I've heard stories about 'girls playing around' but listening to stories was one thing but doing so... When I woke up next morning and found myself in her arms I almost got a heart attack. I started screaming , she silenced me with a kiss and... we did it again, and again, and again...


He finished drawing the protective circle in the snow around them. That was the last thing to do, he was ready now. She was laying in he center of this circle, he kneeled besides her and put his hands on her wound, he took a couple of deep breaths to steady himself. Her chest slowly moved up and down, he barely could feel her hart bit. He closed his eyes and focused his mind on that small spark of life that left in her body. It seemed as if the world suddenly froze, snow stopped falling, wind cased blowing, all sounds of the world slowly died. Suddenly her body arched, she opened her eyes and cried, gasping for an air, the snow was rapidly melting around them. And then it stopped. Her body fall onto the ground, she war breathing rapidly for a while, eventually relaxing and falling asleep. He lifted his hands and admired his work, the rotting black skin was replaced by a fresh pink one, the cuts on her left side, were gone, four thin, white, barley noticeable scars was all that has left of them.

"Good" he smiled to himself, "seems like it worked, you may have a chance now..."

Funny, his head felt so light, his body so, so... empty? He fell on his back unable to move, he just lay there looking at the stars.

"...as for myself I'm not so sure..."

Night came and took em both, moon silently walked across the sky, stars looked in amazement at the strangest couple sleeping in the snow.


"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh! No don't stop.... so goood.... so aaaaaaaaa!"

"My, my, such a horny girl you are" Errina smiled at me, her muzzle was covered in my juices, she cleaned her face with her tongue.

"Hmmm you taste like you had some fun today, was he good? Who was it? Darrerr?" I was still purring from the pleasure she just gave me.

"N-no..." Oh my ancestors! She was so good...

"A! I forgot, Darrerr is more salty then this... ow my! That's Hensell! My, my, Sia you've got a good taste, his a nice one, and definitely a big one. Hmmm, maybe i should too have some fun with him?"

"Oh, stop that already" I lay my ears flat and hissed at her.

"Why? You want to keep him for yourself?" I throw a pillow at her.

"Why, you little..."


"Errina you lazy bimbo, get up already, or we'll be late for the ceremony" I was grooming my fur with brush in front of a mirror while she was still i bed, her round but was poking out from under the sheets.

"Ceremeowny-shmowny, they will do without us..." she muttered, hiding her head under the pillow.

"Well it's a graduating ceremony and we are the ones to be graduating... so get your ass from there and groom yourself or I'm gonna pull you there by your tail" A pillow zoomed through the air and met with my face.


He woke up with extreme pain tearing apart his insides, blood was coming from his ears and nose, slowly he tried to stand up. Sudden pain made him to bend over, it felt like all his internal organs were trying to escape through his mouth. He vomited over, and over again, until there was nothing left inside his stomach. "...shit..." he, lay on his side, curled.

'You look like you have just pulled someone out of the grave' his conscience was telling him.

"Like fuck i did..."

His head hurt, his insides hurt, his mind hurt, every tiny little bit of him was screaming in agony. Many times in the past he had used essence up to the extreme, he pushed his limits and went where no one sane would go. At times that made him sick, but this? He nearly killed himself trying to pull her out... She was in much worse state then she looked, both legs, tail, and arms on the other side and still breathing? What was she? He turned around to look at her, she was sleeping peacefully, she looked much better then before. He had never seen someone so stubbornly holding onto it's life. Amazing. He tried to stand up again

" ...Fuuuuck..."

almost instantly he fell again vomiting, this time, blood mostly.


Most of the journey i spent sleeping in the back of the wagon, I still kinda couldn't believe in what have we done yesterday. Errina organized some sort of 'good bye' party, she invited her favorite girls she slept with and... we... Oh Goddess, what was i thinking? I Haven't even know half of them...

"My lady we are almost there" The voice of wagoner pulled me back to the reality.

"Thank you"

Home, i haven't been there for almost twelve years now...

V: 0.02

  • most (if not all?) of the crappy spellings replaced with the proper ones

  • some sentences were redone, now they make more sense

  • some grammar improvements... though my grammar probably still needs more workout :P