Surprising Love for Someone.

Story by wolfdude on SoFurry

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Hi all, this is my first short first person story. Please let me know what you think. ^_^

Surprising Love for Someone.

Life for me was going pretty smoothly, graduated high school and got a full ride scholarship to a very nice collage through baseball. I was actually surprised that a mainly fur collage offered me a scholarship due to the fact I went to an all human school. Furs at the school didn't seem to mind too much that a human was walking around the grounds. Don't get me wrong I did get the occasional shove or bad talk but with the baseball team close by that was sure to stop quickly. I even made friends like a certain lion named Chris that was right now pounding on my door at my apartment.

"Hey Eric you up?" I heard the lion yell with a few more hits to the door.

I groaned and lifted myself out of my nice warm bed and into the colder room, after putting on some shorts I walked over to the living room. "Okay okay I'm coming, stop hitting my door before you blow it off the hinges." I said as I opened the door.

Without another word the big lion walks right into my apartment with a huge grin on his face. "Hey bro, what you doin in a few weeks?" he asked as he walked over to my fridge and opened it up.

I closed my door and walked over to the counter and leaned against it. "Why?"

The lion's head came back out from the fridge and a carton of orange juice in his paw. "Okay so in a few weeks is spring break and my old buds from high school, Matt and Mike, invited me to go with them on vacation. I asked if I can bring a friend and they said sure, so you in?" The lion kept his eyes on me while he took a big swig of OJ.

At the time the only thing running through my mind is good thing I bought two jugs of orange juice. "I don't know, I was actually planning to see my folks."

The lion groaned as he set the jug onto the counter. "Oh come on, this is our third year and you talk to them constantly on Skype and visit them every off time you get. Come with me on vacation and relax."

The thought of going to a place to relax was actually sounding nice but I'd have to talk to my folks about it since I did have plans with them, so I told him I'll let him know my answer by the end of the day. With a big grin the cat told me I better say yes or he'll crush me, which would be easy for him. I ended up calling my parents that night, the conversation was going good. You know the normal 'yeah school's going great,' 'yes I am keeping my grades up,' and 'no I'm not dating yet.' But when the conversation went about vacation I told them my friend Chris wanted me to go with him on vacation and was surprised that they told me to go and was even willing to give me money for the trip if needed.



I heard my ears ringing from Chris yelling. "Yeah, my parents said that I could use the break."

"And you do, you work too hard."

Even though I rolled my eyes I still had a smile on my face. "Okay dad, where we going anyways."

"A resort in Wyoming."

That actually wasn't what I thought of when someone was talking about a vacation, I was actually thinking something like Hawaii or Florida. You know places that have a beach, bars, and all that stuff you see on MTV on spring break. "Wyoming?"

"Yep, the place is a nice hotel with a casino, pool, and outdoor activities like walking on a nature trail if you want."

"Hmm, doesn't sound too bad." I responded while I lay down on my bed.

"Na you'll like it."

I chuckled "I'm sure I will, just got to save up my money."

"Well I wouldn't worry too much about that, Matt's family is pretty loaded." The lion chuckled.

"That's good to know but I don't want to feel like I'm using them though, I want to pay for my part of the room at least."

"Okay, I'll let them know."

"Thanks." We didn't talk much more after that, it was pretty late and I still had to get up for class.


After our short flight I was still actually sleepy when we pulled up to the hotel, I stepped out of the cab and looked up at the huge 14 story resort. "Here," I was interrupted as Chris handed me my luggage and after paying the valet to park our rental we both headed into the hotel and was greeted by the front door man. The thing that set the hotel off the most was the huge water fall that greeted us when we first walk through the door. I looked around to see that the decorations were all made to give you a nature feel anywhere you were. Chris had informed me that we were supposed to meet up with the others in the lobby.

"Chris!" We heard from the right and seen a vixen running up and jumped into the lion's arms.

"Oh my god, Karen how have you been?" He asked as he gave the fox a tight hug.

She broke the hug and smiled up at the lion. "I'm doing well, what about you?"

"I'm good, heard things is still well between you and Matt."

She nodded. "Yep, still going good."

"That's good." He said and gave her another hug. "So where are the others?"

"They're getting the rooms for us." She said and then her gaze came over to me. Not surprisingly her smile left her face.

The lion laughed. "Oh sorry, this is Eric." He motioned to the Vixen. "Eric this is Karen, an old friend from home."

"Nice to meet you." I said as I extended my hand that she actually shook.

"Same, sorry if I'm a little rude." She looked up at Chris with her ears flat. "You never mentioned that he was a human."

I felt a little pain from that but I was actually used to insults about being human. I looked over at Chris whose ears were back. "Didn't think that mattered."

She smiled a little but her tail was now between her legs. "No, sorry I didn't mean it like that. It's just that well..." she looked at the ground obviously embarrassed about the situation.

"Well?" Chris asked, I could tell he didn't like the way this conversation was going.

She looked up at the cat. "Alex is also here."

"Shit..." was all I heard from him, I watched as he walked away before turning around and walked back to us trying to think something out. "Why wasn't I informed about this?"

Karen shrugged. "Kind of a last minute thing. You know how he is with his brother."

Eric started to rub his forehead. "Yeah I know but it made this trip a little more complicated." He let out a long sigh, he looked over to me which by the way I was more than confused on what was going on but the thing that really got me was that I actually seen sadness in his eyes. "Okay the thing is, Matt is very protective of his younger brother." The lion started. "You see his brother, Alex, he has Feral Disease."

Now that was something I wasn't ready to hear. I heard of the disease and seen pictures but never seen anyone with it up close and personal. The disease is an incurable deformation that happens at birth for a fur. The disease has an effect on the brain or physical features, it can be as small as bigger fangs that are too big for the mouth all the way to unable to speak except for growling and running around on all fours. The chance of getting it is one in a ten million but once someone is born with it the community isn't very fond of them, exceptionally humans, and tends to treat the victim as if their an abomination.

I didn't know how long I was standing in my spot just looking at the floor before I felt Karen touch my shoulder. I looked up and seen concern in her eyes. "So now you know, it's nothing wrong with you being here it's just that they haven't had good history with humans."

"I understand." I said softly.

"Chris?" We all heard, I turned around and felt my heart skip a beat. A horse was standing nearby but what caught my attention was the wolf. Male furs tend to grow big, at least 6' but this guy was standing at least 6.7'. His white fur looked thicker and had sharper claws and bigger fangs that were protruding a little from his lips than normal furs but what got me most was his eyes. I never saw bright blue eyes that had a look... well it's hard to describe them but a hint of wildness deep in them.

"Hey Mike." Chris walked over to the horse and gave him a small hug before looking over to the big wolf. "Hey Alex, how you doing?" If I didn't know that this was Alex before I knew now. I just couldn't believe how much bigger he was compared to the others, not just in height but muscle mass.

"Doing okay." I barely heard the deep voice as the wolf had his ears pinned against his head and shyly moved to the side so that Chris was between us.

The lion chuckled. "Alex he's okay, he's a friend of mine." He motioned me to come near him, which I did slowly, but when I got to Chris's side the wolf moved behind the Mike who was laughing. We all had smiles on our faces because of how much the huge wolf was like a big puppy, it was actually kind of cute. "Alex this is Eric." Chris said when I was beside him.

"Hello." I said softly with a small wave.

"Hi." The wolf said in a whisper, he was gazing at the ground while still trying to hide behind the horse.

Mike extended a paw to me. "Mike, nice to meet you."

"Eric." I shook the horses paw.

I looked back over at Alex with a smile, his ears weren't against his head now but I could see that he was still shy. As we all talked a little more, Alex ended up wasn't hiding behind Mike and has moved closer to me, guess he was still unsure if I was really friendly or not. We all ended up having a playful argument and I guess it was bad timing because I remember saying "Bull shit." to mike a little louder then I intended but before I knew what happened I felt someone grabbing me by my shirt's collar and a grey wolf was in my face, growling and baring his fangs.

Both Chris and Mike grabbed the wolf off of me. "Hey calm down." Chris said.

Matt yanked his arm away from the lion and glared at me. "Who is this?"

"This is Eric, my friend I said was going to come with me." Chris started to explain.

"Well I want him to stay away from Alex."

"Okay." I held up my hands and took a step back.

"Now let's just calm down everyone." Karen said and walked between us. "He isn't doing anything wrong and Alex actually seems to like Eric." She said to the wolf. The wolf was still glaring at me, obviously not really buying the story.

"Fine, I still don't like the idea of him being around my brother." The wolf mumbled.

"Everything will be alright," Mike tried to reassure the wolf. "Now let's just go to the rooms and put our stuff away."

"Can't yet." Matt said still irritated. "We're still early so the rooms aren't ready for another three hours."

"So what are we going to do?" Mike asked.

"Well me and Eric haven't eaten yet so let's get some lunch." Chris suggested. Everyone agreed, and after gathering our luggage we all walked over to the restaurant. Matt had Alex walk on the other side of him to try and keep him away from me, while we walked I was still looking around the hotel and noticed all the stares and dirty looks and some mumbling comments others where giving Alex, just the looks alone actually made me feel sorry for the guy. I think Alex knew about them because he still had his ears low and was keeping his eyes on the ground as he walked.

We made it to the restaurant and got to our seats, I figured that Matt was actually glad it was a buffet because when everyone was heading off to get their plates, I said I was going to stay back and watch all of the luggage till they all got back, Alex was the first to walk back and sat right next to me. He had two plates loaded with food, most being meat. He didn't wait for the others before he started to dig in.

"How's the food." I asked.

The wolf's ears flatten against his head and stopped what he was doing to look at me for a little, I gave him a smile to show that I was trying to be friendly.

"Nots bad." He said softly.

I nodded. "You like meat don't you?"

Alex gave a small smile, "Yesh, but mom said to eats other foods to."

I nodded. "That's good you listen to her." The wolf's tail was actually wagging before he dug back into his meal, when Karen came back she set her plate down and said that I could go get my food. I got up and not really thinking I patted the wolf on the shoulder while I walked past him.

All I could say was the food looked so delicious, and for those that don't know when it comes to picking out food is that people shop with their eyes. I walked up and seen the meats they had out was both steak and pot roast. They both looked nicely done and juicy but the steaks looked to be seasoned better, and that's what I went for. With my other sides on my plate I headed back to the table, when I got there I seen that my seat was actually taken by Chris. Not being a big complainer I sat in the only open seat.

Chris leaned over to me just when I got my fork in my hand. "Hey, sorry but Matt wasn't too keen on the idea of you sitting by Alex."

I looked back at the lion and nodded. "I understand." The table had conversations going on in two different directions, one with me talking to Mike about baseball and the other was Chris teasing Matt about being whipped. Karen didn't help much to Matt's cause when the wolf got a little load and she said to tone it down or they we're not cuddling at all this whole trip, Matt ended up saying okay with his head down low. Everyone at the table started to laugh, I looked over to see that Alex had a smile and then looked over at me.

I smiled back at him and leaned back into my seat. "So Alex, what do you want to do while here?"

Matt didn't give me an approving look but paid attention to his brother when he spoke. "I want to swim."

"Well I saw a decent pool here." Karen said. "We'll go tomorrow."

The big wolf's tail started to wag behind him. "Can we?"

Matt smiled and patted the wolf on the head, then looked back at me with a little softer gaze. "Yeah, we'll go first thing tomorrow."

The wolf looked as if he won the lottery, I chuckled while I got up went to go get some desert. I was just about to get a scoop of ice cream when I saw Matt out of the corner of my eyes. "I know you don't like me..."

"It's not you." The wolf quickly stated. "Look my family hasn't had the best time with humans and I'm sorry, I just don't want to see him hurt." Matt grabbed two bowls. "Alex may be twenty but he acts as if he's three sometimes, because of the disease he slurs his words and can be scared easily. He's just so misunderstood." He started to scoop up ice cream. "But I can't say that the others aren't wrong though, he does seem to like you." After I got my desert I looked up at the wolf and seen him smiling at me.

I smiled back him. "Well, I didn't want him to be afraid of me this whole trip and wanted to make sure he has fun while here. We are on vacation."

"Yeah, well thanks for trying to be friends with him."

"Not a problem." I started to walk back to the table, everyone looked about done. Alex was staring at the floor still waiting patiently for his brother to get back, but he did look up at me as I walked to my seat. We all chatted for a bit before we decided to see if the rooms were ready, we gathered our things then headed to the front counter and checked in. After paying for my share of the room and getting the keys we all headed to the elevator.

"So who's rooming with whom?" Mike asked while we were waiting to get to our floor.

"I bet Matt and Karen will be in one room." Chris chuckled.

"I rooms with Eric?" A soft mumble came from the corner of the elevator. We all looked at Alex, he was looking over at Matt.

The wolf took a deep breath before answering his little brother. "I don't know bud, why don't you room with Mike."

Even with the hurt look on the wolf's face I still had to agree that it would be best for him to room with Mike or even Chris, but before I could say anything I heard Alex start to whimper. The horse leaned over to me and had a smile on his face. "This is what gets Matt every time, he'll brake."

Sure enough Matt sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder. "If you want to that badly then it's fine with me but you'll have to ask Eric if it's ok for you to room with him."

The wolf's ears perked up while he looked over at me. "Cans I?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Sure." Now that that's over with and settled, Matt ended up going over rules that I had to know if I was staying with his brother. Like 'try not to rough house too much with him, he'll crush you by accident.' You know, nothing major that can be life threatening.

Once we got to our floor we started to exchange phone numbers so that we can always keep in contact. My room was right across from Matt's so he was a little more relaxed about his brother. The room that I entered in was actually massive, the bed rooms were separate from the lunge, bathroom had a big shower that Alex shouldn't have a problem, and the balcony has a nice view of the landscape. Matt wasn't joking when he said that Alex acts as if he was three, the big wolf ran into the room and pounced onto the far bed, I started to laugh while walking in with now both our luggage and watch him mess up the blankets and toss pillows around while rolling and pouncing on the bed. I put his stuff on his side of the room, after a quick tour of our temporary home I went over and laid on my bed and let the nice soft mattress relax my body, I closed my eyes for a bit and was starting to drift off till I heard my phone ring.

The thing about being around Chris is that he is full of energy, so before I could relax and get some rest we were up and out the door. We met the others just outside the elevators, they decided that the first night we could hit the casino. The whole time was fun to gamble our money, now I'm not a big card person unlike Matt, Chris, and Mike. So Karen and I decided to go play some slots, I have gone to the casino with my folks a few times and was tough that if you hit a good amount of money to pocket most of it, so I ended up hitting for five hundred and three hundred of hit went away for later. The night was nice, I did have to tell a human to fuck off since he made a comment about Alex should be in a zoo and not at a resort. Other than that the night went pretty well, it was around two in the morning by the time I fell onto my bed in my briefs from exhaustion. The room was fairly warm so the top couple covers that were on the bed had to go, so laying underneath the blankets I looked over at Alex that was sleeping on the top of all his blankets, curled up already dozing off.


I was dead asleep when I heard a lot of yelling, slowly I looked up from where my face was in the pillow to see Alex running around slipping on a tank top. "Whats up?" I asked.

The wolf looked at me after he grabbed a towel. "Wes going to the pool."

"Ok." I said and rolled over.

"Yous comin?" the wolf asked.

I nodded and groan before lifting myself up off my bed, it didn't take me long to get ready and out the door. The pool was located in the back of the hotel...or more like pools. Four big pools and half a dozen water slides and was all indoors. Little furs screaming and running around kind of did wake me up. Mike told Alex he can go in when he's ready once we got to a spot where a few seats were open. I put my stuff down before walking over to the deep end and dove in, the water wasn't too cold but did wake me up more than before. When I resurfaced all I seen was I big white mass landing in the water just in front of me. The wolf resurfaced and was laughing, so to have a little fun I splashed a little bit of water at him. He seemed to like playing rough but I wasn't ready for him tackling me and taking me under the water.

It was fun that we wrestled around, even Mike joined us and when the others finally got to where we were joined in the fun except Karen, who just lounged in one of the long chairs and was resting in the sun. Matt and Chris though it'd be funny and snuck up to her, picked her up and tossed her in. she did laugh about it but said that Matt was sleeping by himself tonight. We all laughed at the wolf but he glared at us and dove in to go back to our little fun.

After a while I got out and lay in a chair next to Karen. She looked over at me and smiled. "Having fun?"

I closed my eyes and relax. "Yep, haven't been this relaxed in a long time. Collage really can take a lot out of you."

"What you going for?" She asked me.

I shrugged. "I'm really there because of baseball, center field but I'm trying at least get my associates."

"Oh, you on a baseball scholarship?" I nodded. She propped herself onto her elbows. "Bet the girls are all over you." She chuckled.

I couldn't help but chuckle myself. "They try to be."

"Yeah, but you not into them are you?" That caught me off guard.

"What?" I actually was now looking at her.

She had this shit eating grin on her face. "I can tell, you're not into girls."

"I...I" I actually didn't know what to say at the time.

Karen just laughed while laying back. "Don't worry, no one will care. Just good to know, you know?"

"Yeah." I responded but barely audible. I laid back and thought about why so long I never dated, sure I found some guys attractive but I guess it's because I never found the right one. Back home there was no way that I'd get a boyfriend, they are so many homophobes I thought for a while that the school was designed for gay hating kids. My family, they're no better. My mom I don't think would mind but my dad, he once did make a comment that if I was gay he'd beat me to the point that I'd have to eat from a straw before disowning me. I think it was the fear that drove me to keep hidden from them.

When I looked back at the pool and watched Chris and Mike play chicken against Matt and Alex. I couldn't help watch them and how they looked without their shirts. I never thought of furs attractive, not even when I was hit on at parties at the campus.

"What you thinking about?" I heard Karen.

I kept my eye on Alex as he swam to the side and lifted himself out of the pool, I did know he was fit but with the water matting down his fur I actually could see all of his muscle bulge while he started to walk to us. "Nothing...just wondering what it would be like if I didn't hide my sexuality back in high school."

"Oh, is it because of your parents?"

I shrugged. "My dad wouldn't approve but I think my mom would be okay." I watched as Alex grabbed his towel and lay it across the ground and plopped down, obviously tired.

"So you never dated?"

"Nope guess I haven't."

I could hear her giggle as she propped herself up onto her elbows. Deep down I knew what question was going to come next. "So does this mean you still have your 'V' card?"

I glanced over at her and shook my head, I opened my mouth to answer. "You're a virgin?" yep of course Chris was there to hear this part of our conversation.

I looked over at the lion whose tail was swaying back and forth. "No I'm not, I just haven't dated is all."

"Ooh, so you're into one night stands." He teased.

I crossed my arms and lay back with a smirk on my face. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I could see Alex was paying attention to us while Matt and Mike walked up to the group and lounged onto the ground beside the white wolf.

"What's this about now?" Matt asked.

Chris was grinning. "Eric is into one night stands."

Mike's ears went straight up. "Really now?"

"I don't see why you're all making a big deal about one night stands." I said in defense.

"Nothin wrong with it." Chris said. "Just didn't think you're that type of person."

I ended up sitting up with my legs crossed. "Well I haven't found the right person is all."

"I can see that." I heard Karen.

I was looking over at the three guys and could see Alex yawn out the corner of my eyes. "So what you guys want to do now?"

"Let's go eat." Chris suggested.

"Is that all you think about?" Matt asked.

"Mainly." The lion answered with a toothy grin.

The rest of the day was nothing but relaxing as best we could after we ate, I did take a small nap back in the room while everyone else went out. It wasn't bad to just lie around and not worry about anything or being bothered. I think I was asleep for about two hours before waking up, I pulled up my phone and sent out a text to Chris to ask where he was. After finding out that he and the others were at a lake I decided to go down stairs and see what else this place has to offer. I saw an arcade and couldn't pass it up, I just had to go in, after betting some snot nose kid in DDR I went over and started to play one of the shooting games. I made it to the eighth level before I heard my phone ring which caused me to die, as the numbers counted down I walked away and had my phone up to my ear.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Hey Hun it's mum, just checking up on yeah. How's your vacation?"

I wasn't really walking in a set direction while I was talking. "Not too bad, Chris's friends from his home town are here also."

"Oh? That's good."

"Yeah, they're not bad." I ended up heading back to the room and was currently in the elevator.

"They're not giving you a hard time are they?" she asked.

I leaned against the back of the elevator. "Nope, everything is going fine." The doors opened after the elevator dinged signaling my floor. I got off and started to head off to the room, "So how's home?"

"Oh you know, dad is being dad and your brother will be here in a few hours."

I smiled at that, I haven't seen my brother in a long time. I just seem to always be gone when he's there and vice versa, "Didn't know he was going to be home. Tell him I said hi."

"I will." She responded.

I was going to ask how he was doing till I heard a loud voice that sounded like Matt. "Mom, I'm going to have to let you go."

"Ok Hun. Talk to later."

I hung up the phone and hurried to my room to see Mike, Chris, and Matt. At the time I really didn't know what was going on but the way Matt walked by the two and went to his room it wasn't good. I could hear some crying coming from my room as I rushed by it. "What's going on?" I asked.

Chris just shook his head and let out a long sigh. "Just a little problem in the lobby, Alex was walking behind us a little and someone started to shout at him. Matt tried his best to control the situation but it didn't go well. Security might be here in a little."

"That bad?" I asked to just get a nod. "And Alex is by himself in the room?"

"Well after he had a magazine threw at him from an old lady and cursed at, he took off running to his room and won't open up for anyone, and Karen went to get a key from the front desk to let us in, we tried to call you but your phone was busy." Mike informed me, sure enough security came around the corner with Karen.

"Let me talk to him." I said, they told me okay before they walked up to the security to let them know what's going on. I went over and opened my door. The sound of sniffling was louder while I walked over all the cloths that were tossed across the room to his bed, the big white ball was shivering and curled up tightly. I softly sat down on the side of his bed and placed my hand onto his back, I could feel the wolf tense up immediately. "Hey Alex." The wolf slowly lifted his head up to me, his blue eyes had tears rolling down from them. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what to do except hug him back. "It's ok." I said softly and rubbed my hand up and down his back.

The wolf shook his head. "Whys I have to be a freak."

That crushed me inside, "Is that what the lady down stairs said?" The wolf nodded and his grip tighten around me. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it up so I could look at him. "Alex, you're not a freak. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you."

The wolf pulled against my grip so he could lay his head against my chest. "Whys they no like me?"

"They just don't understand what you're going through and don't take the time to get to know you, they just assume that you're bad because of how you look."

The wolf sniffled more. "Yous understand me?"

I smiled and ran my hand over his head. "Yes, being human I've had a hard time with furs, I've been cursed at and had things thrown at me but like you I don't retaliate with fighting. You could have crushed them in an instant but because you just walk away that makes you a better fur." The wolf's tail wagged a couple times against the bed.

I could feel the wolf relax more while I petted him, the thing I thought was cute was when there was a knock at the door and the wolf wouldn't let me get up. After reassuring him that I wasn't going to go far he let me get up to the door. Matt was waiting at the door.

"How's he doing?" He asked while walking into the room and looked around to see the mess.

"He's doing better." Matt walked over to his brother and sat down beside him. I sat over on my bed and listen to him talk to his brother. "Hey big guy, how are you doing?"

"Betters." The wolf mumbled.

"You want me to get you anything?" Matt asked.

The wolf laid his head down near his pillow. "I don't know."

I saw Matt smile. "How about ice cream?" the wolf's tail was thumping against the bed. Matt chuckled while he bent down and nuzzled his brother's head. "I'll be back then." Matt got up and walked beside me, my eyes were still on the wolf but I felt him pat me on the shoulder. "Thanks." He didn't wait for a response but he walked out of the room.

The rest of the day went a little better, after a little convincing we got Alex out of the room and walking around. Everyone laughed at me when he didn't want to leave my side. I took him to the arcade and watched him start to play a basketball game. Mike was with me playing the shooting game I was on earlier while the others were off doing something else.

"So what they have to say?" I asked the horse.

He shook his head. "The security apologizes for the rudeness, and said that they were going to talk to the family and if they continue then they would be asked to leave."

"Yay." I said sarcastically.

Mike snorted "Yeah that's how we feel."

"Guess all we can do is keep an eye on him."

"That's all we can do." He responded while glancing at the wolf. We continued to play and was somewhat interrupted when Alex came up to us, his paws were full of tickets. Mike handed the wolf the plastic gun and took the tickets. "I'll go exchange them, be right back."

Alex and I looked back at the screen and started to shoot at the fake monsters. "You better now?"

"Yesh." The wolf answered.

"Anything you want to do tomorrow?"

The wolf was silent, concentrating on shooting at the targets. I took a quick look over at him and seen his ears were slightly down. "Cans we goes on the nature trails?"

I smiled and shot three zombies when the screen took us around a corner. "Sure, I'll let Matt know and we'll go just after lunch."

I heard him whimper. "ish it okay to go just me and yoush?"

That question distracted me and was killed, actually my last life. I looked over at the wolf, still a little confused. "Just me and you?" The wolf wasn't playing now and his last couple of lives went down quickly. He was looking at the floor with the gun still in his paw, I can tell he was hurt. "I don't see why not but you know you have to have permission from your brother."

The wolf nodded. "I knows."

"Listen," I walked up to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "If you get permission from him then I'll be more than happy to take you."

The wolf nodded more, I was about to ask him why he wanted to go just me and him but was interrupted by the horse. "Damn, you know how long the line is to just exchange tickets?"

I smiled at the horse. "That's why I let you go." I looked over and seen that Alex still looked down.

'He really wants to go just me and him.' I thought to myself.


By dinner time moods were calmed down and things seemed to be almost back to normal, Alex still looked down though. We were all sitting around talk when Alex brought up the nature walk that he wants me to go with him on.

"I don't know..." Matt said.

"Pleash." Alex whined.

Matt leaned back in his seat. "Why do you want to go alone with him anyways?"

I could see Alex blush a little, he shrugged. "Wanted to talks to hum and thought a walks on the trail would be nicsh."

Matt growled and scratched the back of his neck. "I still don't know, what if something happens?"

Alex shook his head. "Nothings happen I promises."

Karen looked over at Matt and placed her paw onto his arm. "Hun, just let him go. I'm sure everything will be alright and if not Eric will be with him."

Matt looked over at me, I just stared back not smiling or anything because I knew how serious this situation was to him. "Fine." He said, Alex's ears perked up. "But I don't want you gone too long though."

"I promise." The white wolf grinned.

After dinner we decided to hit the casino for a little bit before calling it a day. Everyone was enjoying themselves, including Alex when he hit a five hundred dollar spin on the slots. I didn't do that good that night so I decided to call it quits before I lose any more of my money. I told them I was heading back to the room and said good night to them all. I got back to the room and the first thing I did was put all the cloths that was on the floor back into Alex's luggage before I walked out to the balcony to see the sun was just about to disappear over the horizon, the nice cool breeze felt nice in the warm evening. I could see some dark clouds in the distance, I walked back in and got undressed before I lay onto my bed and turned the TV on.

Of course nothing was on and I was slowly dozing of when Alex walked into the room and turned the light on near his bed, which kind of woke me up more. The wolf looked around the room and his ears flatten. "You put my cloths back?"

"Yeah." I answered.

The wolf sat onto his bed. "Sorry. I should have done that."

I turned the TV off. "Don't worry about it bud, you had a stressful day." I rolled over and closed my eyes.

"Thanks." I heard him, after I heard him move about the room heard the click of his light and the room was in darkness.


The one thing that can wake me up easily is light, and with a big flash of lighting from out the window. It was fairly easy to wake up and if that didn't work then the big boom from the thunder did. What I didn't expect was a loud yelp and a big wolf jumping into my bed and squashing me to try and crawl on top of me. "Hey bud you ok?" I asked and wrapped my arms around him.

Alex was shivering and when another thunder went off he squeezed me tighter and hid his face. I actually think that's what did it for me and I fell in love with this big puppy. I held him close and started to pet him. "You're ok." After trying to calm the wolf down I knew that Matt would be worried and might come over so I sent him a quick text to reassure him that everything was fine, as expected a thanks and sorry came.

Alex curled up against me and his warmth was more than enough for the blankets, I could hear him whimper while I petted him gently. "It's okay, I'm here." I laid my head on top of his. His shivering did calm down but I could still hear him whimper. It took a couple of hours till the wolf fell back asleep, I didn't stay awake much longer after he did. But when morning came around I wasn't surprised that we slept in a little, the light from outside showed that the sky was nice and clear.

I looked down at Alex that was sleeping on my chest, he looked so peaceful in his sleep. I ran my hand over his cheek, causing small tracks in his soft fur. His eyes slowly opened and he moved his head so he was looking up at me.

I smiled down at him. "Morning." I said softly.

"Morning." He said at the same tone as I did.

I moved a little so now we were laying face to face, still smiling at him. "You're a big puppy aren't you?"

It's always easy to see when he blushes since his fur turns a little pink. "Sorry, I...I just can't helps it."

I placed my hand on his cheek again, he turned his head a little and nuzzled against it. "You don't have to say sorry for anything you didn't do wrong."

Alex nodded. "Are we still going to go ours walk?"

The chuckled at the silly question. "Of course we are." He smiled and pulled me closer and started to nuzzle the side of my head, I couldn't help but laugh and try and push against him. The wolf really doesn't know his own strength, he held me in place easily. After I calmed down and told him I was going to need a shower. He held me a little longer but he did let me go, I never liked taking a Hollywood shower so I was in and out within five minutes. Alex was slipping a shirt over his head when I came back into the room with a towel around my waist, after getting changed I text Matt and the others to see what they were up too, Chris and Mike were at the casino and Matt was sleeping in while Karen was at the pool to catch more sun. I looked and seen it was still fairly early before our planned walked so I asked Alex if he wanted to go eat and he nodded. The breakfast buffet was nice, I only had a little to eat since I didn't eat much in the morning but Alex had three plates of waffles and sausage.

It was about noon that I texted Matt that we were going on our walk, he texted back to let him know if we have a problem and when we get back. After telling him okay, I packed my travel backpack before me and Alex were off to the trails, the trails lead us out into the woods and up some rocky hills. The trails were pretty muddy from the storm last night but we managed to find a nice place to sit on a rock that looked over a river. I sat down on the rock and watched as the wolf followed suit.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked him.

The wolf just stared out into the distance, I didn't push him and I let him take his time. I can tell he was battling with some thoughts when he pulled his legs up to himself and rested his head on his knees, but still stared out at the river. After a while he just shrugged. "Just wanted to find shom things out I guess." He mumbled

I smiled and leaned back on my elbows. "Okay, what you want to know?"

I saw him pull himself closer to himself. "Wanted to knosh if you actually care about me?"

I stared at him a little. "Of course I care about you, you're my friend."

The wolf shook his head. "No I mean care about me."

The second time I knew what he wanted to know, I took a deep breath. "You want to know if I like you more than a friend." The wolf nodded, his ears pinned down against his head. "Well to be honest I haven't felt this way with anyone in a long time. I do care about you."

The wolf looked at me with his blue eyes. "Whysh?"

I didn't know how to respond because to be honest I have no clue why this wolf who I only known for only a couple of days means so much to me, I got up and sat behind him. I pulled the wolf back so he was lying back against me while I wrapped my arms around him "There is just something about you," I softly told him. "I hate to see you sad or hurt. When you smile I can't help but smile." I felt the wolf lean more against me and let out a small whimper, for a while we both just looked out into the distance. Just the two of us, this big puppy in my arms. I laid my chin between his big pointy ears. "Does Matt know about you?" I asked, the wolf only whimpered. That was more than an enough answer for me.

"Woulsh I be a one night stand?" Alex asked.

I started to run my hand over his chest, he let out a cut little murr. "No, I care too much to do that to you."

"So doesh this means you can be my mate?" The wolf asked with a hint of hopefulness.

I couldn't help but hold him tighter. "You really want me to be your mate?" The wolf's tail started to wag against my leg for a little.


I smiled and continue to run my hand over his chest. "Then yes."

He held my arm tightly against him. "Howsh we going to tell my brother, how cans we make thish work?"

I let out a deep breath. "I don't know bud, I think we should keep this on the down low for right now." He didn't reply for a while, he just kept looking out into the distance. "You know that we can always keep in contact, I can call or text, even email you. Then who knows, you might be able to move in with me." I had to say something to make him feel better, I think it worked since his tail was wagging harder.

"I can live witch you?" He asked.

I chuckled. "Not right away but yeah, if you want to that is. I know I'd love to have you live with me."

Alex leaned forward and turned his body so he was looking at me with his blue eyes. "How long would that be?"

I shrugged. "Don't know, could be a month to a few years. It all depends."

"On?" he persisted.

I smiled and reached up and pulled his face closer to mine, he move towards me and put his nose against mine. "When your family approves and knows about us."

The wolf nodded. "Okash."

I looked at him and seen how down he was, I ran my hand over his cheek. "Come on bud, it won't be that long I promise. Before you know it we'll be living happily together." Alex nodded. I leaned up and kissed his forehead. "What you say we continue our walk before we head back."

Alex nodded, the trail ended up taking us back to the hotel. I did text Matt that we were back. He told me that they were all heading to the spa, I responded to him that we were on our way. They guys all headed to the Jacuzzis while Karen and I went to get a full body rub down. I was told by the fox that was massaging my back and shoulders that I was pretty tense. Yeah with collage, this vacation, a new Boyfriend, things is just happening so fast I think I would be tensed. Not to mention that in the back of my mind we'll still have to tell Matt sooner or later and 'Oh shit, mom and dad!' yeah things just had to get complicated. So after an hour of kneading and pushing on my back I was out of the small room in a robe to sit down beside Karen who was now getting a pedicure.

"So how was your walk?" She asked.

"Not bad actually." I leaned back in the recliner.

The fox had her hand out so a badger could work on her nails. "What did Alex want to talk about?"

"He just wanted to get to know me better and thought it was a good idea to go on a walk." Technically was true, a female fox came up to me and asked if I also wanted a pedicure, I politely told her I was fine but thank you.

"You should have one done." She responded.

I chuckled and closed my eyes. "Na, I think I'm good."

I can hear the fox chuckle. "Your loss."


After dinner I told them I was going to head back to my room for the night, after a little declining on the casino tonight I was able to make my way to my room. I got undressed and plopped onto the bed before turning on the TV, it wasn't too late that Alex came and started to get undressed down to his boxers.

"Where you going?" I asked when I saw he was heading to his bed. The wolf had this cute confused look, the one where his head was tilted to the side.

"Wash heading to bed."

The chuckled. "Well I thought since we're together that we sleep in the same bed."

The wolf's tail started to wag when he dove over at me, I had my hands up to help stop him from crushing me. He quickly wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. I did the same, after a little moving around and turning the TV off I was laying comfortably in his arms with his chest against my back. I never felt so happy then to have this wolf lay in the same bed as me like this. I ran my hand over his forearm and noticed something was off, I moved his arm and I could feel something run down his arm a little.

"Alex what's this?" I asked while continuing to run my finger over it.

I could hear the wolf whimper behind me, his grip tightened on me as he put his head against me. "Itsh a scar I got when I was eight. Some humans were chasing me, they gotsh me corned and one threws a bottle at me and shatters on my arm."

I rolled over so we were face to face. "I'm sorry hun."

"Itsh not you." The wolf said, he moved closer to me and licked me cheek. I couldn't help but smile and hold him closer. I looked into those bright blue eyes for a while till I moved closer till my lips were pushed against his. I closed my eyes while I felt one of his paws move down to my lower back and pulled me closer. He let out a soft moan while I parted my lips, he did the same so that our tongues could touch and wrestle with each other. I moved my hand up his side up to his cheek and held him. Our kissing went on for a while till I ended up pushing him back so now I was straddling his lower stomach. I sat back and looked into those piercing eyes with a smile.

He smiled back, his paws were on my hips. I moved my hands down his chest while I slid back down his body. I got to his waist and seen the tent in his boxers, I slowly slid my fingers under his waist line and slid the boxers off to have his exposed cock stand straight up and out of his sheath. "Eric?" I heard him whisper.

I looked back up to the wolf to see him not really sure what to do. "Is this your first time?" The wolf nodded. "Do you trust me?" With another nod I leaned up so I could give him a quick kiss on the lips. "Just relax hun." I moved back down and grasped his cock just above his knot, heard the wolf gasp before I took the head of his cock into my mouth. I slid the fist could inches of his cock into my mouth before pulling off and running my tongue down his shaft, I moved back up to take his cock back into my mouth, I looked up to see that he has his eyes tightly shut and grasping the blankets tightly. I moved my free hand to cup his big balls while my other had stayed on his cock, I started to bob my head while moving my hand up and down his shaft in the same movements. I could taste his pre shoot into my mouth while he was gasping and moaning, I was happy that my wolf was enjoying everything. The bad thing though was I actually wasn't counting on getting laid on this trip so I didn't bother bringing lube with me so I made sure to get him as slick as I could with my saliva and his pre.

When I stopped everything and pulled off his cock I could hear him whimper. I giggled and crawled back up to him to give him a quick kiss on his lips, "Don't worry pup, you're going to enjoy what's next." I held him by the shoulders and rolled us over, he placed both of his paws on each side of me and held himself up over my body, I took the chance to slip out of my briefs and toss them to the floor before I moved my knees up on the side of him. I started to slide my hands up and down his sides, dragging my fingertips through his fur. "You doing okay?" I asked.

Alex leaned down and nuzzled the side of my face. I smiled and pushed my head against him and moved my hands back up to his shoulder while we nuzzled each other, I moved one of them to the back of his neck to hold him closer while my other moved between us, down the front of his body and I grasped his cock. I heard him whimper when I positioned him against me, when I got him aimed at my entrance I pushed my hips down to keep his cock positioned. The wolf leaned back and looked at me, his eyes were full of worry and doubt. I reached up and cupped the side of his cheek. "Just go slow Hun."

He nodded, before I knew if he was ready or not I felt him start to add some pressure with his hips. He was a big boy, and not being with anyone in a while I wasn't used to having something like that so I did groan when his tip entered me which caused him to freeze in place. His face was full of worry but after telling him to continue he added more pressure till he was a halfway in. I had my eyes closed while I felt him enter me inches at a time till I felt his knot push against my back side. I looked up to see his eyes were also closed and his tongue was hanging out of his maw. We waited for a little, I could feel warmness deep in me when he shot some pre.

Without warning he started to pull out before thrusting back into me, I let out a small grunt because I wasn't ready for him to start humping but I let him. I was gripping the sheets while Alex was thrusting in and out of me, he leaned back and bared his teeth while picking up the pace a little bit faster. I was now moaning with almost every thrust he pushed against me. When his body started to tense up and he let out a growl I pulled my legs against his hips and grunted while he shoved his knot into me. I was about to move my hand to my own cock to relive my own the awaited orgasm but Alex's paw beat me to it, he reached up and gripped me firmly and started to slide his paw up and down my shaft in time with his thrusts, I didn't last long once my cock started to get attention and started to shoot strands on cum onto my chest. With the extra tightness on his knot Alex bent down and bit my shoulder enough for it to hurt, maybe even burse it. He started to unload into me, I could hear him letting out a howl but with his mouth around my shoulder it wasn't very loud. Not long after I felt him finish his body collapsed on top of me, but I didn't care though, I love this wolf and wanted nothing more than to have him close to me. Alex's cock was still stiff though his breathing did slow down a little. I looked over at him before moving over to kiss his cheek. I could hear his tail thumping against the bed.

He looked over at my shoulder. "I'm showy." He mumbled, he leaned over and started to lick my sore shoulder.

"It's ok hun." I ran my hand over his cheek. I moved his face so he was looking right at me, I gazed into his eyes and smiled at him. "I love you." I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

I felt his arms tighten around me. When we broke our kiss he smiled back at me and licked my nose. I couldn't help but chuckle from the lick. "I lovsh you."

We lay in each other's arms, the smell of our mating was strong in the room while we continued to cuddle and having my face licked, I felt his knot start to swell down enough that he slipped out of me but Alex still continued to lick my face. After a little more cuddling I sat up and suggested that we go and take a shower. I led the wolf by his paw into the bathroom, I turned the shower on and waited for it to get to a nice temp, by the time I stepped into the shower I could feel his seed start to run down my leg but was quickly washed away.

He stepped in right after I did and his fur was quickly matted down. I smiled while I grabbed the fur shampoo, after I moved him out from under the water I put a big amount into my hand I quickly started to massage it into his soft fur. My wolf closed his eyes and murred while I continue to paper him, after I got done with his back I told him to turn around and kneel down. Once he did I started to wash his head fur and after I washed the soap away I kissed him on the lips.

When I had finished with his tail Alex wanted to wash me, I didn't complain and switched spots so I was out from under the water. He grabbed my body wash and started to wash my whole body. He was very gentle while he washed my chest and back, I couldn't help but chuckle when he rubbed his paws over my ass cheeks, he did lingered a little longer and gave them a squeeze, I did wince a little since I was still sore. The wolf pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around his waist, I leaned up so I could meet his lips. I quickly parted my lips to have his tongue slip into my mouth, we were both moaning as my hands moved over his muscles. He moved backwards a little so now we were both under the water while we were making out. While I continued to move my hands slowly up and down his sides, my wolf pulled away and started to lick my face.

I couldn't help but try and move away but he kept me in place. "Ha ha, you like to lick me don't you?"

"Yep." He responded, Alex reached behind him and turned the water off, before I could do anything he started to shake his fur to get as much water off him as he could. I laughed while holding up my hands, I stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel and dried off. Alex got out but he grabbed a fur dryer, I helped him dry his fur off and smoothed it out. I put the dryer back onto the counter and was about to walk back into the other room until Alex scooped me up into his arms and carried me all the way back to his bed, I had a big smile and his tail was wagging rapidly for the whole trip, he gently laid me down onto the bed and crawled over me. I reached up and pulled him into a small kiss, my wolf gently lay down beside me and yawned.

"Let's get some sleep hun." I rolled over while wrapping his arms around me and pushed back against him. Alex moved close and nuzzled the back of my head, he reached down and grabbed the sheet and pulled it over us before lying still for the night.

I twisted my body around as much as I could, "I love you Alex." I whispered before kissing him once more on the cheek.


I woke up from the best sleep I had in ages, my wolf still was holding me tightly so I had a little trouble with turning around in his arms without waking him. We laid in bed face to face for a little, he smiled and leaned forward to lick my nose.

I smiled back to him and reached up to scratch him behind his ear. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty goosh." He murred.

I chuckled but slipped out of bed. I could hear him whimper when he seen that I was starting to get dressed. I looked back at him, I almost jumped back into bed to cuddle with him when I saw him giving me puppy eyes. Damn he's good at that. "Well you going to get up and get dressed so we can go get some breakfast?"

I could see the wolf's tail thump against the bed from under the covers. He moved the blanket off of him and slid off the bed. He walked over to me and we kissed before I watched him slip on some shorts and a tank top. He just got finished when my phone was going off saying that I was getting a text. It was from Chris saying that him and Mike Is heading to breakfast, I replied that Alex and I were doing the same thing. We met them outside of our room and headed to the elevator.

"Where's Matt and Karen?" I asked while walking to the restaurant.

Mike chuckled. "They're sleeping in, they didn't get back to the room till about two."

"Damn." I responded.

"Yep, that's partially why Matt sleeps in, he stays up late all the time. Even back in high school he was like that, don't know how many days he missed because he over slept." Chris said when we arrived at the front counter of the restaurant, he held up four fingers for us and was instantly escorted to our tables. This morning I was actually starving so I ended up eating more then I intended, I was almost through my second plate when my phone buzzed.

I looked at it and it was a text from Matt. 'Get up to your room now'

I could feel my heart thump in my chest, I looked up to the others but they were all busy talking to each other. I glanced over at Alex, he looked over at me and his smile slowly disappeared when he seen the look I was giving him.

"Hey guys I forgot something back in the room, I'll be back." I told them, before they could answer I got up and headed to the elevator. By the time I got to the floor I was sick to my stomach, I knew exactly what was going on and I knew this wasn't going to go well. The door opened and I started to walk down the hallway, I rounded the corner when a cleaning maid walked passed me. The room was left open by a latch, once I had the door open a fist was slammed right into my face. I stumbled back against the wall when I was hit in the face again. I fell to the floor but quickly got up onto my arms to try and get on my feet.

"You fucking piece of shit." I heard Matt yell before he kicked me in the gut.

"Matt, I...I can explain." I tied to catch my breath from the blow, when I pushed against the wall to try and get up I was hit once more to the ground.

"No, you fucking slept with Alex you son of a bitch." Matt picked me up by my shit's collar and opened the door to my room, he threw me into the room. "Pack your shit and get the fuck out of here, I better not see you anywhere near Alex again." He stormed off.

My head was spinning but that didn't matter to me, it was how badly I fucked up is what really hurt. I slowly made my way to my luggage and packed everything I had, tears were slowly rolling down my cheek but I whipped it away with my arm. I looked over at Alex's bed before I tossed my room key onto the night table. There was still one thing I had to do though so I looked around the room and found a paper used for ordering food, I wrote Alex a small letter saying how much I love him and how sorry I am that I'm leaving, I also wrote my email at the bottom of the paper before I placed the letter on top of his bag then walked out of the room. I slowly got to the lobby without seeing anyone from the group and asked the front counter for a taxi to be called, they said that I would have one in about half an hour. I decided that I better wait outside, I barely walked out when I caught Alex rushing past. I wanted so badly to go after him but Matt and the other two were close behind him. I sat on a nearby bench waiting for my taxi when I felt my phone buzz.

It was a call from Chris, not wanting to make this situation worse I just let it go to voice mail. It rang a few more times before the texts started to come. I knew what they would say so I didn't even bothered looking at them. A taxi finally came, I got up and the coyote asked if I was Eric. I nodded and told him I needed to go to the airport. After he put my things in the trunk and I got into the back we were pulling out of the drop off when I caught a white wolf opening the front doors. I looked over and was able to see his matted fur from tears as he rushed after the taxi as fast as he could, the others were not too far behind him but I was too far down the road now. I felt tears roll down my face when seen him fall onto his knees and hold himself till the others were close to him. That was the last time I saw my wolf when the vehicle pulled out onto the main road.


When I got back to my apartment I tossed my stuff onto the floor before walking into my room and jumping onto the bed, I curled up tightly and held my phone in my hand. I slowly started to work through the texts. As I thought most of them weren't good, name calling and all that. I was about to give up reading the other ones till I came to one sent by Karen's phone. It was a text actually send by Alex.

'I love you, please come back-Alex'

I felt tears run down my cheek while I held my phone tightly and stared at the text. I was late in the night that I was actually able to find sleep.


Weeks went by and baseball was starting back up, my normal workout routine was back in full swing, and classes had begun. Even though I was still playing up to others expectations, I still wasn't myself. I haven't been out with any of my friends, I barely got any sleep, and worst of all I haven't got any word or call from Alex. Chris hasn't talked to me since, I had seen him a few times but he wouldn't even say hello to me. Just to sum it up I was going downhill quickly.

It was about a month after the best and worse vacation of my life that late in the evening I heard a knock on my door. I really didn't want to get up and answer it, right now I just wanted to be alone. But after the second harder knock I lifted myself up off my couch and walked to the door, I unlocked it and started to open the door when it flew open and I was blown onto the floor. Before I could do anything I heard whimpering and licking at my face. I pushed against the body to see a white face with blue teary eyes staring at me. My eyes started to water while I gazed back into them.

"Alex?" I whispered, I moved my hand to his cheek and watched as he nuzzled and licked at it. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me tightly, I didn't care that his weight was crushing me. I had my wolf in my arms and that's all that mattered to me. I kissed his lips and looked back at him. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"We brought him." I heard from my door way. I looked over and seen Chris and Matt, though not happy looks on their faces, they were still in the hallway. I sat up and took Alex to my couch while the others came into my apartment. It was a mess because I really didn't do much cleaning like I usually do.

Me and Alex sat down while Chris leaned against the wall and Matt sat in my recliner. Alex had his arms around my shoulders and was holding me close. "Look," I heard Matt start. "I don't approve of this what so ever. But after you left Alex wasn't the same, all he kept saying was how much he wanted his mate. After I talked to Chris he said you weren't doing well yourself." I glanced over at Chris who was looking sternly at me but I could see that his tail was swaying behind him so this situation wasn't all bad.

I looked down at the floor and shook my head. "I'm sorry, I know I fucked up."

"Damn straight you did." I heard him growl. Alex's grip tightened around me. "You know how I found out?" I shook my head because really I didn't know. "I walked by your room and could smell what you did when the cleaning lady was in there."

I let out a long sigh before looking up at him. "Look I'm sorry ok, I didn't want you to find out that way."

The wolf leaned back in the seat. "Well I did and when were you two going to tell us huh?"

"When you were more comfortable with me being around Alex, Damn it you wouldn't have let us go out on a walk if it wasn't for Karen."

"Because I care about my brother!" Matt yelled.

"And so do I, I love him more than anything..." I yelled back, if it wasn't for Alex's arm around me I think I would be up on my feet. "And I'll do anything I can to make him happy."

"Even if it mean taking care of him?" Matt asked in growled.


We both just stared at each other, the only noise we could hear was Alex's whimpering. "Fine."

Matt said and got up out of the seat. "I already talked to my folks, he stays with you."

"Wait, what?" I asked.

The wolf was starting to go to my door but stopped and looked back. "He's living with you now like you to discuss apparently. Just don't make me find out that you hurt him, so help me I will kill you."

I wrapped my arms around my wolf tightly. "Don't worry I won't."

"I know, but I'll find out if you do." He said and walked out of my apartment.

"Yeah sure." I said softly but not soft enough.

I heard Chris chuckle while he was leaving. "He enrolls next semester at our collage." he said before he left, which caused me to have a shocked look on my face. Alex just chuckled and licked my cheek, I looked back at him and kissed him on the lips.

Chris wasn't gone long and dropped off some duffle bags with Alex's stuff in them. After setting up his stuff in my apartment, Alex and I were on our bed in each other's arms. I moved close to him and put our noses together. "I love you."

"I losh you too." He responded.

Our lips slowly met as our embrace tightened, deep down I knew my love for this wolf will never fade while we stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the night. I also know that the future isn't going to be easy with my new mate but one thing is for sure, as long as I have him and he's happy I don't care what happens.