A New Love, A New Eeveelution chapter 2

Story by vulpinelover25 on SoFurry

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#2 of A New Love, A New Eeveelution

Okay so I forgot to mention that the story is with Pokemon being your classic furries. And I'm sorry if the warning on the first chapter put you off I was just telling you how it is. This chapter has the start of their mating experience. And sorry for the couple of spelling errors I was testing a new writing app on my iPod.

After racing through the mostly deserted viridian forest, we finally find a suitable camping spot. We wordlessly make camp. "Okay, the tents are up, woods gathered and camp is made," I say checking things off in my head, "Let's eat!" I snap my fingers and the pile of wood in the center of camp burst into flames. After a dinner of pot stickers, we both go to our respective tents. I'm all ready to go to bed when I hear a soft voice, "Yua, can I come in?" "Yah, Runa," I say watching her come in, "What's the matter?" "I have something to tell you." "What is it," I ask openly. "I... need to... tell you that... I... love you," she says, a bright blush showing through her fur. This admission leaves me dumbstruck. All I can say is, "What?" "I said... that I love you." "Wow... I love you too. I just never knew you felt the same way and didn't want to ruin our friendship," I say, blushing brilliantly as well. For what seems like no reason, Runa cringes as if in pain. "What's wrong," I ask worriedly. "It's my heat," she says grimacing, "it happens around this time every year. Normally it's weak enough that I can ignore it with some effort but this year it's the worst it has ever been." "Is there anything I can do to help," I ask naively. "Yes, but first I need to know some things. How much do you love me," she asks looking into my eyes. "I love you more than there is water in the seas and my love for you burns hotter than the sun." "but do you trust me," she asks moving closer and resting her hand on mine. "I would trust you with my very soul." she then moves over and locks me in a passionate kiss. I clumsily meld into the kiss (this being my first time and all). After a few minutes we break apart to get some air. "Wow, that was amazing," I exclaim, panting for air. "Well, it's about to get even better," she says with a mischievous grin playing at her lips. She removes her shirt revealing to me her supple, fur covered breasts. She looks at me and says, "there is one more thing I must know before we continue." "Will you be my mate?" "Yes, nothing would make me happier." "Good, well according to a rule among all eeveelutions all you must do to become my mate is mate me in my mouth, pussy and tail hole in that order." "Why," I ask curiously. "because that increasing tightness represents us becoming closer as a pair." She then removes her pants revealing to me her fully naked form. As she does this I'm hit with a strange scent. It smells sweet, but not overpoweringly so, with a hint of citrus. As I inhale this scent my mind starts to cloud up, and my thoughts are increasingly focused only on having sex with Runa. "What's that heavenly aroma," I ask trying to focus. "That's my heat. I knew you would agree after I removed my pants that's why I asked before hand." I stand up and pull her into a passionate kiss. Time seems to stop, and all that matters is her. We break for air, and she gets that mischievious smile on her face again. We kiss again, this time more passionate than the last, and I end up on my back with her atop of me. Our tongues battle for supremacy within the confines of our mouths. We seperate and I say, "I've never done anything like this." "Don't worry I'll talk you through it," she says smiling. She leans in and kisses me me lightly on the lips. Then she kisses a trail down my neck, going down my chest and moving to my chiseled abs. She sits up and uses her small claws to shred my boxers. She then turns around so that her head's above my dick and her nether lips are hovering over my mouth. There they are leaking her nectar and swollen with need. I try a taste of her nectar and find a flavor that I can't explain but I know I need more. I lean up and start to lick growing more courageous with each moan or pleasured sound she makes. "Yes Yua, that's it just keep it up." Then she engulfs my member with her mouth. Her tongue moves around my member, causing me to pause and moan myself. Then I get back to work, my tongue starting to slip inside of her sex. My tongue hits a small bump which causes her body to start shaking and her to scream out my name. Her fluids gushing out around my tongue and into my mouth. I swallow as much as I can but still some leaks out soaking my sleeping bag. Her inner muscles squeeze my tongue trying to milk it of fluids that it couldn't produce. After a little she releases my tongue allowing me to get back to work. She gets started on me as well. The feelings are so intense that my unexpienced body can't bear them any longer. "Runa... I'm gonna... CUM." This just spurs her on, she works furvently on the tip. Until I reach my limit and climax, coating the inside of her mouth with ropes of my seed. She just keeps swallowing it down until I come down from my orgasm. I feel the sweet grasp of sleep pulling me under but before the world fades to black I feel a strange tingling sensation flowing through my body...