Alone in a harsh world-Chapter 5

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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The events for the future are set


Going about explaining the situation about wanting to leave pack grounds to attend a reunion back in town this time planning on just staying the night and then coming home the next day. When the question of where they could stay that won't draw to much attention to them in the process, Miri went about suggesting that the two just use a pack safe house that located near the town and easier travel time.

However by the looks on Turek's face it looked like something wasn't working for him as he closed a file in front of him. "Tirol, I understand you are coming into this new world knowing little and I am more than happy to agree for both of you going to the reunion...we are still unable to locate your kidnapper or find out if we have an insider that is leaking information to him. Letting you either leave via a vehicle or helicopter is out of the option. Sorry."

"Do we have to travel there via a vehicle or helicopter?" Tirol asked causing Turek and Miri to raise an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Tirol?" Miri asked.

"Why don't we just travel via wolf forms to get through the patrols and make fast travel and then just hike to the safe house? Of course we will be wearing saddle bags so we can travel with extra clothing and won't look out of place until we can get to an area that we can't travel any further without drawing attention to ourselves." He answered figuring that with the new form why not try to use it the best of their abilities to sneak around.

At first the ideas seem to intrigue Miri for trying the idea however it just didn't seem to fit with him. "It does sound like an idea that could work fine with me..."

"However..." Tirol asked.

"However there is still a danger of hunters and poachers that have been spotted in the area not just here I am afraid as much of our numbers have been reduced because of the poachers that wait for one of our kind to make a mistake and go on a run in a wolf form before they kill them for their own hide which seems to fetch a nice price from traders and fur buyers." Turek answered letting out a sigh.

"I thought the pack is very careful when one of us goes out in their wolf form?" Tirol answered as it dawned on him that something didn't make sense. "Do the poachers and hunters know that they are killing werewolves not some regular wolf?"

"The councils of this pack and our allies believe that a rouge vampire company or more have hired these poachers to reduce our the human's seem to find a profit from skinning our kind of their fur and displaying them on their trophy wall." Turek answered shaking his head.

"And there is still a risk of us being seen if we leave pack grounds as humans hiking well outside of pack grounds before changing." Tirol deducted nodding his head. Although he wanted to see his friends once more even if it for one time he wasn't willing to risk even his mate to do such.

"Sorry, Tirol...there's just no way of allowing either one of you off grounds without running the risk of either getting capture or killed. So as my duty, unless either one of you have a reason or permission from the council neither one of you are to leave the grounds without an armed escort or heavily armed yourselves." Turek answered shaking his head. Even Miri seemed to have to agree with her father's deductions. "Maybe sometime in the future when things have calm down enough to allow for both of you to leave the grounds safely."

"Thank you for your time, sir." Tirol said standing up once more coming to realize that there wasn't much choice and it was time for the pair to get back to the field for the next class. Turek watched the pair leave feeling a bit sad for the denial however his reasons were well placed and deep down he had a feeling that Tirol would respect the order as he knew that if he ever found a loop hole in the order he may have gotten around it however there were several reasons why he wasn't ready to try the patience of the Alpha or the council at that point.

Turek watched the pair go with knowledge that neither would go against his strict orders not to go outside the territory without permission or a good reason. Letting out a resigned sigh figuring that he shouldn't worry about such things before Turek went back to working having little time to get what was needed to get done before the council got together for their daily meeting. Things would soon change quickly for the pack and set things into motion for the events of now to happen...

Taking a further drink of the juice once more looking further sadden by the actions that would be taken along the way which continued to haunt him up to this point. "Miri and I returned to our duties just in time for the class to begin, both of us in agreement that what Turek had told us was true and no sense in fighting it without causing problems. Miri would later tell me that we still had three days before the reunion was to take place so we shouldn't give up hope quiet yet.

"Miri's parents invited us to dinner at the house the next night and since we all have been busy with the visiting packs even the council had their occasional problems that they had to deal with, they felt that we both deserved an evening together to catch up on the weeks current events...

"So, honey how has your classes been going?" Sarah asked as the plates were taken away and the guests there settled down for a quiet conversation.

"Great so far, the visiting packs have some good learners." Miri answered as a bottle of wine was brought in, normally alcohol wasn't used much unless it was for celebration an idea that Tirol could agree with so however he somehow found himself taking a sip during the wedding. When the bottle was passed around coming to him first, he waved it off offering a thank you for the offer with a surprise when Miri did the same which Tirol shrugged off.

Putting the glass back down, Turek turned toward Tirol once more letting out a sigh. "Tirol, I understand there is still a risk to you and Miri however I am putting you on border duty tomorrow night as Dominic will be taking over for the day class."

"Why such a change? Did I do something wrong?" Tirol asked a bit surprised by the change.

"More like keeping you from getting bored. We do rotations with guards and hunting parties, and since you are still getting use to the pack duties and going-on. It's only for a couple of days then you will have a day off so you can get use to the shift of duties." Turek answered as they noticed that both Miri and Sarah had gotten up going into the other room leaving the two alone. "Tirol, I want to be frank with you and this means business...being on the border may give you and Miri a chance to leave pack grounds against my wishes."

"Sir, I-"

"Shut up, Tirol. I know my daughter better than you do and she is a headstrong and an independent person meaning that she is willing to break rules at times to do what she wants. Although that she may be, Miri knows her place well enough that she is the daughter of the pack leader and she does know that she needs to set an example for the rest of the pack. It's the same with members of the council and their families, it's the same way with the members of the visiting pack members doing something against the rules makes people start doubting pack leadership and power can shift." Turek explained although his tone was still harsh it began to lessen.

The news began to sink into Tirol's mind as the years past events started to hammer down on to him once more. If he had been mated to a lesser female in the pack, Turek may have allowed them to go to the reunion however since Miri and him had become mated Tirol had received a huge amount of responsibility although he was still of lower rank he couldn't abuse either's trust.

"By the looks of your face, I am guessing that you are getting the most of the picture now. Like earning your place in the pack, you need to make sure that you don't do anything that will cause people to doubt your abilities or any kind of trust that they have in you." Turek informed him however something was still bugging Tirol.

"There is something that still doesn't make sense to me, I can understand why Miri is being targeted but why am I also? I don't mean to sound offensive about the gift that my mate has given me but being a lonely Omega doesn't make me any more important than one of our kind." Tirol answered laying everything on the table.

"Tirol, there is a lot more than you would ever think that comes with becoming part of the pack; first off, since you are a werewolf although a small part you are still part of the pack, with a vampire you can be considered as a tool to be used to threaten more of the packs around the world. Once exposed to the world, packs around the world would be hunted and nowhere would be safe again for us to live.

"Second, you know being mated to Miri is going to have its own rewards and consequences...the day that you two were rescued from your prison she had told me how you told her that if she was released not to come back for you. Very kind of you although foolish of actions, Miri would never give up on a friend or in your case her mate that easily." Turek answered shaking his head as both Miri and Sarah returned at that time. Sarah moved up behind her husband as she leaned down and kissed his neck which caused him to look at her is surprise. "My, what has gotten into you, love?"

"Come on, love I think we have kept these kids for a good part of the evening." Sarah answered with a knowing grin flashed to both Miri and Tirol although he didn't have that much knowledge of what had been said between mother and daughter. The couple showed the two to the door with Sarah giving both a parting hug before the pair departed for their own home, not before Sarah offered an almost knowing grin to Tirol just as the door closed.

Walking away from the home and down the path, the events of what had happened still riding in his brain, Tirol looked down at the path wanting to truly understand what was in store for the future that it caused Miri to wrap an arm around him drawing him to her. "You okay, love?"

"Yeah...just getting another few pieces of what it means being part of pack." He answered looking up at her with a smile. "It's a lot to take in."

"You are starting to see why we avoid from accidentally biting or scratching a human in any case. Their whole life changes a whole lot more than most would think than their first full moon. They can never truly go back to their normal lives no matter what." She answered with a sad smile although one that was encouraging to him.

"I never did ask the one question...if a pack member does scratch or bite a human by accident or on purpose what happens to the pack member?" he asked curious playing across his face.

"Depends on if it was truly was an accident or not. The council decides the punishment for the person(s) that did such, ranging from their rank being lowered to being banned from the pack." She said recalling some of the past events that she had heard of.

"I thought the council doesn't like leaving a rouge werewolf on the loose without being kept under watch?" he inquired.

"True, however you have to realize that a werewolf is just like a regular wolf, without a pack usually they can't survive on their own. The banned member is usually kept under watch and the pack is not that cruel we make sure that the member is set up for work somewhere that knows about us and is kind to us so there is no fear of our existence being revealed." She answered frankly.

"So did you get into trouble for our accident?"

"Not really, although my father recognized that our coupling was meant to happen, it was accepted however I still got punished." She answered not going into detail kissing his neck once more. "Well it's not going to be the same without you on the range for the next couple of days."

"Oh don't you dare think that I am not going to prepare your lunch and bring it to you." He said smirking. "Although I am glad that your father did give me the task that way I can get your anniversary present finished up."

"Ooooh, now you are just being terrible." She said offering him a mockingly hurt look before giggling.

Alone in a harsh world-Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 Sleeping in knowing that his duties would be shifted to the graveyard shift of duty might've been the best idea in Tirol's mind at that point however he found himself getting up earlier than Miri with several things in mind that needed...

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Into the unkown-Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 After two weeks of getting everything going with new staff arriving with the staff that needed to be replaced gone with a humph not saying a single word, supplies began filling up storage bins and areas, ammo cartridges and missiles of...


Into the Unknown-Chapter 7

CHAPTER 7 And boy when the Admiral talked about hard work coming his way, she wasn't joking at all especially when Tirol woke up. Getting showered and dressed in a new uniform that was well stocked inside his closet, he stepped out of his...
