Gekkoukan High

Story by Artemis Snowtail on SoFurry

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This was a roleplay between my friend Jar366 (go read his stories, they're a lot better than mine) and I that I turned into a story. please ignore the awkward spaces that can't be helped. enjoy!

The sun shines over the beautiful Moorish architecture of Gekkoukan High

School, new students rushing to their first classes. Those who have been

enrolled for a while taking their time, enjoying the sunshine as they walk

across the vast park area that's surrounded by the square building to keep

out the wandering eyes of the nearby town. Students of every species going

about their day; wolves, leopards, dragons, the occasional human, etc. The

school was officially labeled as a selective enrollment high school, which

wasn't the full truth, nor was it a lie. It was very picky on who was

allowed to even see the inside. There was an academic test to pass as well

as a background check. Pretty standard, but there was a catch known only to

those admitted: to even be considered you must possess an extra ability. A

form a magic, if you will. Every student had an ability and along with

their rigorous classwork, every student works on how to better control

their powers and themselves through specially designed courses. Unlike

other high schools, you can't graduate until the committee deems a student

worthy. It could take the minimum four years, but it's not unheard of for a

student to remain there for six or seven. It all depends on the student's

academic performance as well as power control. The young cat stopped to

look up at the school, nervous about his first day. His name was Artemis,

and he was able to control light and shadow, but so far not very well. He

ignored the other people running around him, some floating, some moving

almost to fast to see as he turned back around, looking for a spot on the

grassy courtyard where he could sit. His eyes locked onto a large tree and

began toward it, casting no shadow as he moved across the sunny court,

glancing around, then looked up at the tree before dropping his backpack on

the other side and leaping up, grabbing hold of a branch and pulling

himself into the tree, getting into a comfortable spot where he could see

all of the courtyard. Roland watched the cat for a minute before saying

excusing himself from his friends and started walking over to the new

feline. Roland was a dark grey wolf, but with the addition of black,

feathery wings which were neatly folded behind him. He took his time,

enjoying the warm sun as he made his way to the tree. When he arrived he

put on his best smile and looked up. "Hey kitty cat, it's hard to make

friends by sitting in a tree instead of talking to other furs." Roland

wasn't worried about class, students chose how many classes to take per

semester and when to take them, like college. He made sure his classes

didn't start too early. Artemis started and looked down, not having seen

the wolf approach. He shrugged and leaned down to talk "well I'm new

here..I don't know anyone to talk to" and slowly lowered himself to the

branch just above the wolf, his eyes flicking back and forth on different

parts of the canine's face, then stopping to look into his eyes. The

wolfgon gave a soft smile "Well it's hard to make friends if you don't try,

silly kitty. I hope you don't isolate yourself in your classes" he reached

into his bag and pulled out an apple, holding out to the cat "Hungry? The

cat nodded hesitated a moment, then reached out and took the apple, nipping

and nibbling at it gently. "I've never been much for social interactions

with strangers...just never felt right to me" he purred quietly and took a

bite. Sitting down with his back resting on the tree, the canine took

out another apple and bit into it. He looked up again at the cat "All

friends start off as strangers. You gotta put the effort into making them

your friend" he took another bite "So kitty cat, what's your name? I'm

Roland" The cat took another bite and giggled softly, letting himself

drop next to the canine, then sitting legs crossed, still examining the

sight and smell of this friendly wolf "my name is Artemis, but I kinda

prefer Arty." Roland places an apple next to the cat. "Arty. Nice name

for a kitty cat." Taking another bite he lied down and murrs softly. "I

love days like this. When's your first class?"He shrugged as he set

down the apple core, then put the other apple in his satchel. "I don't

think I have it for some time.." he sat cross legged next to the wolf,

looking down at him. Finishing his apple, he murred and put his arms

behind his head "Me neither, I made my classes start later than other

people. It gives me time to relax before class" he looked around, watching

furs doing all kinds of activities. Talking, reading, sleeping, eating,

even some playing card games. "Where's your dorm? I'm in section B, its the

least crowded of them all" "it's..erm...hang on.." the cat rummaged

through his bag, then pulled out paper, then blushed very slightly, just a

small tint of red under his fur. "so am I..section B" he put the paper away

and held his tail in his lap, the end twitching slowly. The wolf's ears

perked up "Cool! I think you're the only feline in our section. Its mostly

canines and reptiles. My roommate is a dragon. He's never around though, he

always sneaks out to stay in his girlfriends dorm" He looked at the cat

"just so you know, there are some couples in this school

heheh" The cat jumped slightly at the wolf's sudden exclamation, his tail

swishing out of his paws. "I haven't met my roommate yet.." he mewed softly

and tilted his head "what do you mean active couples?" he looked out across

the courtyard "like people are kissing in the halls and stuff?" Roland

smiled wide "Active as in sexual. Trust me, on certain nights you can hear

growls and howls from them heheh. What's your roommates' name?" Artemis

blushed a bit deeper, looking at his paw to read what he wrote.

"it's..umm..a dalmation..and as far as I know he wants to be called

spots..." he looked closer, trying to find a name "umm..." he shrugged,

unable to find it. "Spots? He lost another roommate?" The canine shook

his head "He's a good guy, very nice and stuff, but he has a habit of

scaring off roommates" he stretched and let out a small sigh "He's in the

same year as me" Artemis's eyes widened slightly, a bit worried

"s-scaring off roommates? Wh-why?" he began wringing his tail in his paws

nervously. Roland giggled "relax kitty cat, its nothing too bad. He's a

nudist. Only in the dorm though, but all his roommates moved to other

sections because of it heheh" The cat sat a moment, thinking about it

"I..I guess that's not so bad..I-Is he cu-" the cat froze, then blushed

deeply and turned away, his eyes closed, then did his best to make a

sentence. "I-Is! I-Is he easy to get along

with?" he kept blushing, hoping the wolf wouldn't know what he almost said.

"Uhhh yeah he is" The wolf asked, looking at the cat "He figures that

if someone can put up with his nudism then he should be pretty

understanding with everything they do" he nudged the cat gently "stop being

so nervous, I'm sure you two with get along. You both seem pretty cool"

Artemis nodded, then looked up at the sky for a moment. "should we go

check out our dorms? And..could you show me where section B is?" the cat

smiled sheepishly, his cheeks still tinted red as he looked back at Roland.

"Sure thing" he stood up and stretched, murring as he spread his wings

and folding them back again "c'mon kitty cat" he said, offering his paw to

Artemis The cat hesitated a moment, watching the wolf's wingspan, then

nodded and took the wolf's paw, using it to pull himself to his feet "thank

you Roland.."The wolf smiled and started walking "I think you'll like

it here, I certainly do. It's so awesome to be able to be pretty much

free!" He said, smiling wide at Arty "Even though you're at a school, it's

sorta like living on your own." "but doesn't the school have rules about

stuff?" the cat trotted behind Roland quickly, smaller than the wolf and

having to move faster to keep up. He looked around at the furs as they

crossed the courtyard."Well of course it does" he said, slowing down a

bit for the cat "but they can't watch every student one hundred percent of

the time so you can get away with stuff" the canine pointed to a door a

ways off "That's the hospital. Nothing too serious has ever happened here

so its mainly used by people to get certain things from" He looked at

the door, nodding "what kind of things do people get from there?" he asked

curiously, imagining medical supplies that someone here would be able to

use"Well of course you can get band aids, bandages, and stuff like

that" the wolf replied "and you can also get other things form there like

condoms and other birth control stuff" he pointed to another door "That's

one of the cafeterias there"

"how many cafeterias are there?" The cat looked up at the wolf, very

curious about the school.Roland thought for a second, counting in his

head "Six, there's one near every section" he opened a door for the cat

"here's our section" Artemis went through the door, his nose twitching

quickly at the strong smell of dog and reptile. He didn't mind the smell,

but it's strong presence made him sway slightly, and breath through his

mouth. The wolf walked up to the second door on the left "This is my

room, B " he then walked down to a door on the right side, a little further

down "This is Spot's room so it's yours too now, I don't know if he has

class or not right now" The cat peeked inside, purring quietly, because

it was perfect for small cats like himself "hello?" He mewed softly,

looking for spots. Roland walked in "these dorms are set up kinda like

an apartment" he pointed to two doors on opposite walls "Those are the

bedrooms. Spots' room is obviously the one that he wallpapered with spots"

"He began pointing around the room "That's the kitchen, small but has the

basics. that's the bathroom, its shared. and where I'm standing in is the

living room. how do you like it?" "he smiled and turned to the wolf "I

love it!" he giggled and walked in, sniffing around and poking his head

into the unoccupied room. He put his bag down on his bed and then came out.

"should I see if spots is here?" he looked at the other door the wolf

was leaning on the wall by Arty's room "Sure, might as well introduce

yourself while you're here. Put your ear to the door, if you hear music

then he's here. He loves listening to music." He started to walk to the

door "I promised my friends I'd meet them to grab a bite to eat so I gotta

go, but I'll see you around" He gave a smile and waved before walking out

"oh! O-okay! Bye Roland" he waited for the wolf to leave, then gently put

his ear to the door, listening close for any sound coming from Spot's room

The naked spotted dog was using his brush as a microphone, singing along

with one of his favorite songs, not a care in the world as long as he was

lost in his music "Back off, ill take you on! Headstrong to take on anyone!

I know that you are wrong! Headstrong! Headstrong!" he imagined himself in

front of a crowd, cheering him on as he rocked out. "h-hello?" the cat

opened the door, then froze as he caught sight of the Dalmatian, not sure

whether or not to make his presence known, but was somewhat entranced by

the sight. Spots had his eyes closed, singing along and not even

noticing the cat. He was feeling the music, getting every note and cue in

the song with well practiced precision till the song ended and he smiled to

himself "Damn, I'm good" he chuckled to himself as he turned around to the

door to get some water and stopped when he saw the feline "Oh...uhh.. hi.

they told me I was getting a new roomie" he extended his paw to him "I'm

Spots, nice to meet you" The cat stayed frozen a few seconds, his mouth

slightly open, then managed to squeak out "I-I'm Artemis" and shook the

dogs paw, trying not to let his eyes wander downward The canine laughed

as he walked past the cat and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge "Go

ahead and look, I know I draw attention: I'm a nudist Dalmatian. I'm used

to the looking and staring" he said as he took a drink Artemis blushed

yet again and mewed, his eyes a bit wider "I-I wasn't staring!" he focused

his eyes on the window and kept blushing deeper and deeper, never having

been that close to a naked canine. Giggling, he walked over and poked

the cat's chest "You so were. Don't be embarrassed, you're definitely not

the first and won't be the last heheh" he hopped up on the counter, sitting

with his legs swinging "So Artemis, what power has brought you to this

wonderful school of ours?" he took another drink form the bottle The cat

rubbed his face, trying to get himself to stop blushing as he looked up at

Spots "well...I can control light and dark..which means I can control the

colors of light too.." he turned slowly, stretching his paw out and leaving

behind a small rainbow trail. "they said if I get good enough, I can make a

light decoy of others or myself" he stopped turning and the rainbow slowly

faded "what're you here for?" Spots smiled "that's pretty cool" he set

down his water "I'm here because it was hard for my parents to keep an eye

on me" he said as he disappeared, going invisible and reappeared behind the

cat and tapped his shoulder. "It's one of the reasons I became a nudist. I

still can't make anything else invisible except myself" "eep!" the cat

jumped and spun around. "th-that's a nice power to have..but what males

them think anyone here will be able to watch you better? And when you're

invisible, do you still cast a shadow?" He shrugged "I guess they

figured that this school would have some special way to keep track of me.

And I don't get a shadow when invisible, all light passes directly through

me like I'm not there. Which is good when I go walking around naked and

invisible heheh" "is there anyone that can manage to track you?" the cat

sat cross legged on a chair, doing his best not to blush Spots lied down

on the couch in the living room "Well my smell goes away mostly, but not

completely so if someone has a good nose and knows my smell, they'll know

I'm around" The cat smiled softly as he leaned a bit closer, subtly

sniffing the air to memorize the dog's scent. "heh you don't say.." he

giggled softly and then blushed "s-so what happens if something arouses

you? Do you just turn invisible to hide it? Or..." He put his arms

behind his head, looking at the feline with a smile "Depends where I am.

Here in the dorm I usually let my flag fly. In class I obviously have

clothes on but when I go to friend's dorms ill go invisible and take care

of before coming back" The cat blushed yet another time "s-so I'm just

gonna have to get used to it being out all the time..I think I can do that"

he glanced at the Dalmatian's body a moment, then looked away The

Dalmatian giggles and winked "well I wouldn't mind seeing a cutie like you

try out nudism. You might like it" "B-but I can't turn invisible if

someone sees" he blushed deeply and looked at the door, as if someone was

about to walk in and catch him doing something He smiled and walked

over, locking the door "That's why locks were invented. Oh before I

forget!" He rushed into his room and came back holding a key out to the cat

"This is yours" He smiled softly and took the key, then tucked it into

his pocket. "thank you Spots" he then bit his lip nervously "here goes.."

he slowly pulled his shirt off, revealing the multi colored stripes down

his back. Spots murred at the sight, sitting down on the couch to watch

the show "your really cute. come a little closer, I want to get a better

look" The cat trembled nervously as he drew closer, dropping his shirt on

the floor and blushing, a dim aura of light surrounding his body as he

looked at the dog on the couch The canine smiled softly "there's nothing

to be embarrassed about Arty, its not like I haven't seen a naked fur

before. Besides, I won't tell anyone you tried it, it'll be our secret if

you want" The cat nervously fumbled with his pants button, tugging his

jeans off and hesitating, his paws holding the band of his boxers,

preparing to remove them. The Dalmatian smiled wide and leaned forward,

getting an idea "can I take them off for you?" The cat whimpered softly

and shut his eyes, nodding and letting his paws relax "g-go ahead...b-but

please d-don't touch anything d-down there.." he put his paws at his sides,

trying not to get tense The dog slowly slid down the cat's boxers down

to his feet. He brought his nose close to the cat's crotch and taking a big

sniff, murring deeply "ohhhhh that's so good" The cat trembled harder,

his tail curling up between his legs to try and cover himself, his eyes

still closed. "wh-what...what's good?" he whimpered softly as he felt

Spot's warm breath on his crotch. "Your musk" he took another big sniff,

wagging "ever smell another males musk before?" Artemis let out another

small whimper, taking another small step backwards. "n-no..'I-I haven't.."

the truth was he had smelled it before, but had been unaware of what the

scent was, as he was never able to locate the source. Spots sat back,

slightly hard and making no effort to hide himself "So roomie, how does it

feel to be naked? You don't have to be nervous" He opened his eyes and

took a breath, relaxing slightly. "I guess its not so bad.." he said, his

body glowing slightly as he looked down at Spots, then caught sight of the

canine's semi erect length. "I...erm..." He giggled "don't be afraid to

look, its fine. Besides, I can perfectly see yours heheh" he said, pointing

at the cats crotch The cat sat down next to Spots, his knees together.

"b-but yours is.." he hesitated, not sure what word to describe it as his

tail relaxed into his lap Spots giggled and poked the cat's tail "is it

bad that you got me a little excited?" The cat's mouth hung slightly

open, not sure how to reply "h-how did I....h-how did I make you excited?"

he looked up at the dog "Well isn't it obvious? I think your pretty

sexy" he said, giving a wink "a-am I?" he blushed deeper, looking down at

his thin furry body, never having thought of himself as attractive.

Murring, he put his paw on his roommate's leg "you definitely are" He

looked at the canine's paw, a weak and shaky purr sliding out of the cats

throat "th-thank you.." Spots slowly began moving his paw up the

feline's thigh "ever been with another male before?" Arty trembled

slightly, watching the paw move up his leg as he let out a soft whimper

"n-no..I-I haven't...I-I'm still a virgin..." The dog grinned and kissed

the cat's neck, moving his paw higher "well we're both naked, and I know

you've been checking me out. I could help you get rid of that troublesome

virginity" He gasped softly his face a bright red as he felt his member

start to harden, putting a paw on the dog's chest. "w-wait...what time is

it?" he mewed softly He kissed the cat's neck again "who cares? Spend

some time with me" the dog pulled him close, murring deeply He whimpered

slightly, squirming a bit as he's pulled against Spots "b-but I'm gonna be

l-late for class!" he glanced up at the clock and squeaked "I-I'm late!"

The canine sighed and got up "guess you better get going then. Ill see you

when you get back, I gotta take care of this" he said, pointing at his hard

cock before heading toward his bedroom Artemis hurriedly pulled his

clothes on, trying not to think about what happened as he grabbed his bag

and sprinted out the door, staring at a map of the school, looking around

for his first class controlling the night a class that can help shadow and

creating illusions. Spots closed his door and picked up his phone,

knowing just who to call to help him with his...tension. "hello? It's me. I

could really appreciate your company. I can make it worth your while.

Awesome! See you soon, sexy" he hung up the phone and lied down on his bed,

waiting for his friend to come. Artemis looked around as he entered the

classroom, hoping the teacher didn't notice him as he sat in the back row,

next to several furs who looked like that hadn't seen sunlight in a while.

The teacher, a jet black raven wrote his name on the board as he spoke

"I am Mr. Nevmore and I am your Controlling the Night teacher." He faced

the class and looked around "Shadows are very common, which makes it easy

to practice. The limit is your imagination!" As he said the second part,

his shadow stood up next to him. It was almost a perfect replica of the

raven, but every color was obviously darker. Artemis watched in awe as

the replica of the raven stood up paying close attention to the teacher,

the end of the cat's tail twitching quickly. The shadow took a step

forward before speaking. "Once upon a midnight dreary, where I pondered

weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore" it

started before taking a step back and returning to its place as the

teacher's plain shadow. The raven smiled "I won't lie, getting a shadow to

speak is very difficult, but possible. Shaping shadows, however, is much

simpler and that's where we shall start. Everyone already has a shadow so I

want everyone to try to move it. nothing too flashy, just get it to move."

Artemis stood up with the others, who were already trying it, and closed

his eyes. His shadow rose slightly, waving at him before falling and

dissolving back into the floor in front of him. He smiled softly, the light

behind him growing slightly, and his shadow lifting shakily next to him. He

had already learned this technique, but was far from mastering it. Mr.

Nevmore walked around, watching his students. Some cursing under their

breath as they failed to accomplish the goal, but a few got their shadows

to at least lift a paw. He saw Artemis and walked over "Nicely done, but

have you worked on pulling it completely up?" The shadow fell as he

turned to see the teacher "no sir..I'll try though.." he turned back around

and held out a paw as though using a marionette, and lifted his paw

upwards, his shadow following and standing up unsteadily. Artemis focused

harder, and his shadow stood straight and bowed to the teacher.The

raven smiled at the shadow "Very nice. The puppet master look is a good

idea, you'll eventually learn how to control it without so much as lifting

a finger. You'll also learn how to control other's shadows." As he said

this, the cat's shadow began walking around the room and back to the cat,

laying back into a regular shadow. "Did you feel that odd sensation in the

back of your head when I took control?" The cat shivered softly as he

watched his shadow move around the room, and nodded in reply "yes sir I

did"He walked to the front of the room and addressed the class. "It is

impossible to take control of another person's shadows without them

knowing. There's a trigger in their minds that lets them know something's

wrong. Now everyone is doing well with getting their shadows to move a bit,

some moving faster than others. It's not about how fast you can get it,

it's about how well you can use it." He used his shadow to write on the

board - Homework: Get your shadows to walk around yourself once. "Now I

know it seems hard, but it's rather simple. It's also like riding a bike,

once you get it you never forget" He smiled and sat down at his desk

"That's my class for the day, I'll stick around to answer any questions. If

you don't have any then you can be on your way. Artemis picked up his

bag and started toward the door, heading back to the dorm. When he entered

section B, the scent of canine and reptile hit his nose again. blech...the

smell is so strong.. he thought as he drew closer to his dorm An otter

girl wearing tight shorts and a pink bra walked out with Spot, both of them

looking quite pleased. "Thanks for stopping by cutie" he told her with a

wink. The girl giggled "well I'm glad I came" she replied before walking

away "See you around stud" she called back as she passed the cat and out

the door. The naked Dalmatian saw Artemis and waved to him "Hey roomie! how

was class?" The cat glanced at her as she went by, blushing a slight tint

of red as he entered the dorm " was nice I guess" he couldn't

help pick up the scent of something unfamiliar, but seemed like a strong

smell of sweat, musk, and something else. Artemis opened his door, and put

his bag down on the bed, trying to ignore the scents. Spots walked in and

smiled. "hey roomie, if you want we can finish what we started earlier" he

said before he turned and went into the kitchen and called back "but you'll

have to give me a few minutes to recharge, heheh." He grinned to himself as

he took a drink of water.Artemis blushed a little deeper, shaking

his head "n-no thank you, I need to do homework.." and hurriedly went into

his room, leaving it slightly a. He hadn't had much of a chance to look

at the room, but it wasn't that interesting anyways. Just a bed, a dresser,

and a lamp. He hesitated a moment, then pulled off his shirt and looked

down at his shadow. The dog peeked in and

watched the cat. That feline was just to cute! He wanted to sleep with him

and he was sure Arty felt the same way. "In good time" he thought to

himself "he wants it just as bad, so why is he fighting it?" He shrugged

and opened the door wider. "What do you got for homework?"Artemis

looked up at Spots as his shadow fell back to the floor. "I have to

practice getting my shadow to move and walk this.." he put

his paw over his shadow and raised it, his shadow shakily taking steps

around, then standing up straight and moving next to Artemis, and slowly

taking his form, a dark replica of the bright furred cat controlling it

'sSpots smiled and leaned on the door frame.

"That's pretty cool, it looks like it'll trip and any moment though. Have

you tried a different style of controlling it?"what do you mean a

different style?" he lowered his arms, obviously working hard to keep the

shadow as it stood straighter, walking around him in circles.

"Like using something else. What if you used a game

controller? It might help focus your energy more."I don't think

my shadow can be hooked up to a game controller.." Artemis said, a little

confused and starting to sweat a bit from keeping his shadow moving.

'sSpot shook his head "Not plugging it in, just as a

representation. Think of controlling your shadow as controlling a video

game, it might come easier."gahh..." the cat panted, resting his

paws on his knees and panting. "but..I need to learn how to control it

without moving..gah.." he stood up, sweating as though he had just ran a

long way. The dog walked over, putting a paw

on the cat's shoulder. "You ok? you need me to get you some water?"

"y-yes please" he stood up, wiping sweat off his brow and panting softly.

He had exhausted himself by holding it for that long.

Spots went to the kitchen and came back with a bottle of water,

handing it to Arty and sitting on the bed. "Sit on the bed, relax. Does it

really take that much energy to control a shadow?" "it was my first

time making one that steady.." he sat on the bed next to Spots, taking a

drink of water and looking down at his sweaty body " there a shower

in the bathroom?" "Yeah of course, it's a tub

and shower" he said, lying back on the bed "I need to shower too, I got

class soon" "I'll try to be quick then" Artemis got up and went into

the bathroom, turning on the water. He glanced at the open door, then

closed it before pulling his pants off. Spots

smiled wide and got up and sat on the couch, deciding to wait a few minutes

before trying anything. "Feeling better yet, roomie?" He blushed

softly as he pulled off his boxers, stepping into the shower "a little

bit.." The canine walked up to the door and

listened, making sure his roommate was in the shower. When he was sure he

turned invisible, quickly and quietly going in the bathroom and closing the

door behind him. He was hoping the smell and sound of the water would keep

him from being noticed if he didn't get too close. The cat's nose

twitched slightly as he soaped up his chest, looking around the bathroom

nervously as he rubbed his fur. He shook his head and kept soaping, leaning

over to get his legs. Spots let out a quiet

murr, quickly stopping himself as he watched the cat. "Be quiet" he thought

to himself "you don't want him to catch you...yet" The cat's ear

twitched and he stood quickly, looking around the bathroom, his sense of

smell slightly numbed by the steam and soap. "S-Spots is that you! D-don't

watch me shower!" he stayed staring around the bathroom for a few minutes,

then whimpered softly as he went back to soaping his legs, looking behind

him as he leaned over. The dog smiled wide,

keeping himself from laughing as he kept watching, enjoying the scene. "Oh

I can't wait till he gives in to me" he thought, staring at the feline.

The cat purred as he started to rinse off his body, shampooing his hair

and running his fingers through it, humming softly to himself.

Sitting down on the toilet, the canine's eyes never

left the showering cat. He wanted to go over and join him, maybe they'd

have a little fun. He knew he would be in trouble if he was caught though

so he kept his distance. The cat rinsed off his hair slowly, making

sure it was nice and soft as he shook his head to get the water out, then

turned the water off and stretched, stepping out of the shower.

The Dalmatian quietly got up and stepped in the tub,

figuring that was the best place to stay out of the cat's way while he

watched him dry. The cat dried himself off, his tail slowly flicking

back and forth as he got his arms, then leaning over to get his legs,

looking around for clothes, cursing quietly that he forgot to bring in

clean clothes. Spots stayed quiet, just

watching and smiling as he watched his cute roommate, who he was still

hoping wouldn't catch him. He wrapped a towel around his waist and

peeked out the door, sniffing the air. The cat suddenly turned his head,

staring directly at where Spots was. His face slowly turned a bright color

of red as he turned his head away. He flung the damp towel directly at

Spot's face, his eyes narrowed. The dog tried

to step out of the way but slipped on the water, falling hard in the tub.

"Owww....I guess you found me..." Spots stood

up and moved the towel, turning the water on. "I guess I should have

expected my scent to be strong. I did just have sex..." he said to himself,

starting to soap himself. He was hoping Arty wouldn't be mad...but he knew

that the cat should be mad. He was just so cute and innocent, the dog

wanted him so bad. Arty sighed softly as he heard the water turn on,

then began looking around for clothes, along with his boxers, he pulled on

jeans and a t-shirt, then lied down on the bed, planning to take a nap. He

hoped Spots would wake him before class started.

He finished soaping himself and began rinsing, murring at the hot water

running down his fur. "He shouldn't be too mad, it's not like I did

anything but look. He gets to stare at me whenever he wants." The cat

stayed awake, thinking about what he just caught Spots doing. There didn't

seem to be any harm, but it still bothered him a little that he was being

watched while showering. (I need to post twice)

The dog finished rinsing and turned off the water, grabbing his

towel. He still had some time left before class so he had time to relax. He

started drying himself as he walked out and into the kitchen, looking for

something to snack on. Artemis had dozed off while thinking, and was

veiled up on his bed, purring softly in his sleep.

Spots made himself a quick sandwich and sat down at the small table.

As he took a bite he started thinking about his class, he really was hoping

that it wasn't going to be difficult. He wanted easy classes so he could

have a lot of time to just relax and try out as many students as possible.

The cat woke up to the sound of Spots making a sandwich and yawned,

opening his door slightly to look out at him. "hey..what class do you have

next?" He swallowed and thought for a moment,

trying to remember. "I have silent movement" he said, taking another bite

"you?" "same here.." he sat on the couch, his bag in his lap and

glancing at the clock every now and then.

"Awesome! I should go get ready though" the canine said before walking

into his room. He walked out a few minutes after in dark green cargo pants

and a form fitting black shirt. "I'm ready for class, how about you?"

The cat smiled softly and pulled his bag over his shoulder and nodded "I

dunno where the class is, you're gonna have to show me"

Picking up his book bag he opened the door. "Sure roomie, c'mon it

isn't too far." The cat purred softly as he went through the door,

his hips having a very slight sway as he walked without him realizing. He

started down the hall, moving slowly so that Spots could go in front and

lead the way. The canine walked out the

section and headed across the park area, waving at a few student as they

passed. "This class better not be boring, I tend to fall asleep in boring

classes." The cat let out a small giggle as he followed behind the

dog, still softly purring. As they got the the

class, Spots held the door open for the cat. "After you, sir" he said with

a mock British accent. The cat giggle again, sitting at the back of

the room and purring a bit louder The dog took

the seat next to his roomie and waited for the class to start. "Do you know

the teacher's name?" The cat hesitated a moment, trying to think

"it' that's close.." he leaned forward slightly,

the top of his rump slightly exposed to the dog as his T-shirt lifted a bit

"hmm..." Spots bite his lip, watching the cats

rump and murred quietly "I-I never heard of him" Artemis rested his

head on his paws, his pants slipping down a bit more in the back as he

waited for the teacher to enter. "me neither. I wonder what he looks like"

The Dalmatian kept looking, wishing he could

touch that butt. He didn't even look away when the teacher walked in, a

short panda. The cat sat up, his shirt sliding back down as he

watched the teacher. He glanced at Spots and blushed slightly before

returning his eyes to the teacher. "whatcha looking at there Spots?" he

said, looking out of the corner of his eye at him.

He blinked and looked at the teacher "uhh...nothing, I just spaced out

for a minute" he said, reading the name the teacher wrote on the board: Mr

Innitou. Artemis rolled his eyes as he wrote the name on his paw,

shifting slightly in his seat and giggling softly, his shirt slipping

further and exposing a view of half his backside, and whispered. "hehe he's

a short panda" Spots tried not to look at the

cat, he didn't want to keep getting distracted "heheh I think I have heard

of him, they say he's usually interesting." One of the cat's ears

stayed turned toward Spots as he stayed looking at the teacher.

"interesting how?" he giggled softly. "I don't

know, I just heard he was interesting" he said with a shrugged. The teacher

looking around the class. "Shadows, invisibility, flight, shape shifting.

Many powers can be used to sneak around and do things without being caught.

I've heard of guys sneaking into the women's bathroom, I've even heard of

people using invisibility as a reason to be in public naked. Those aren't

allowed in school of course, but I will teach you how to move as quiet as a

ninja." The panda suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of he cat.

"You control shadows, correct?" The cat gave a glance at Spots when

Mr. Innitou made the second example. He was about to say something, then

jumped as he heard the teacher right in front of him. "y-yes sir that's could you tell?" "Shadow users

have a habit of not having a shadow" he said, pointing at the floor "its

usually not intended, it just happens" The cat looked where his

shadow should be and nodded. "yes sir" he looked back at the teacher.

's The panda poofed back to the front of the class "If

you weren't able to tell, my power is teleportation." As he went on to

explain more, Spots glanced at the cat, seeing if he could catch another

peek. Artemis blinked slightly and looked up where the teacher

reappeared and leaned forward to hear the teacher better, most of his rump

exposed as he watched the teacher intently, listening to every word, too

focused on the teacher to notice his pants slipping down.

The dog wasn't paying attention, he kept staring at that cute

butt. He bit his lip to keep in a whimper as he shifted in his seat. He

wanted to do so many things to that cat. The cat giggled softly at

something Mr. Innitou said, shifting slightly as his jeans slipped past his

furry cheeks, his full rump now in clear view of Spots. His tail flicked

quickly from side to side as his eyes widened a bit, fully focused on the

panda. The Dalmatian felt a stirring in his

pants and looked away. He wanted that cat, he had to have him. Maybe after

class? He was certainly going to try until he got what he wanted. The

cat purred quietly as the teacher began to finish on the basics of stealth,

and suddenly noticed how low his pants were. He glanced at Spots as he

quickly pulled them back up to his waist and picking up his bag, then

turning to Spots as the class stood and began shuffling toward the door.

"isn't Mr. Innitou great? He's so smart!"

Spots smiled and looked at Arty. "Yeah, he sure seems to know a lot" he

said, not standing yet Artemis stood and started toward the door,

then looked back at Spots "well? Are you just gonna sit there or are you

gonna go back to the dorm?" he raised an eyebrow, his v-lines showing

between his shirt and pants. "Uhh yeah" The

dog stood up, holding his bag in front. "You can lead this time." The

cat shrugged and giggled as he trotted out the door, the top of his rump

exposed as he headed back to the dorm. Spot

followed, his eyes glued to that sexy butt in front of him. "So when's your

next class?" He purred as he walked, his hips swaying slowly. He

wrinkled his nose as he entered Section B, smelling the air. "Umm I don't

think it's for quite a while. I think it's some night class about using

moonlight and how to track or hunt stuff with your powers."

"That's you have plenty of time to relax." The

canine said, a grin spreading across his face. The cat nodded "I

guess, but I wanted to work on more shadow stuff.." he said as he unlocked

the door, his key slipping out of his paw onto the ground. He cursed softly

as he leaned over, his entire backside in plain view for a moment as he

picked up the key and entered the dorm, then starting toward his room.

'sThe dog closed the door and locked it before

grabbing the cat from behind, rubbing his noticeable bulge against the

feline's rump and kissing his neck. "Why don't we spend time getting to

know each other better roomie?"He let out a whimper as he grabbed

his pants, not letting them fall as he mewled "n-no! I-I can't!"

Rubbing the cat's chest, the canine gave his neck a

long lick. "Yes you can, you know you want it as much as I do" he said,

kissing his cheek.The cat knew it was true, but was terrified of

it happening. "p-please d-don't!" he shivered and froze, whimpering softly

as he felt the rough tongue dragging against his neck.

Spots rubbed down his roomie's chest and gave the feline's

crotch a gentle squeeze. "Do you really want me to stop?"Artemis

gasped softly as he let his pants fall, still whimpering, his face bright

bright red. "I-I dunno..." Turning the cat

around and took his paws, kissing his neck as he guided his roomie's paws

to his bulge. "Go ahead, feel as much as you want."The cat

continued blushing as he started to pull away, but stopped, and began to

squeeze and rub his paws against it, his own member slowly becoming erect.

Spots murred deeply, wagging as he squeezed

Arty's rump. "Why don't you help me out of my bothersome clothes?

"o-okay..." he mewed softly as he undid Spots's pants button, tugging the

canines pants down and gasping softly as his musk reached his sensitive

nose. Spots pulled off his own shirt before

pulling Arty close, grinding his hard cock on his moaning softly. "Now be

honest," he started, nuzzling him, "aren't you curious about how I taste?"

The cat put his paws on Spots's chest as he became fully erect,

letting out soft whimpering moans. He nodded the question and shifted down

onto his knees, the smell of the canine filling his nose as he licked the

tip, closing his eyes as he shivered at the taste.

Smiling and murring deeply the spotted dog put his paw on the cat's

head. "Does it taste good? Don't you want more?"The cat slowly

nodded, gently putting his paw on the base of Spots's shaft, sliding a bit

more into his muzzle, his tongue dragging against the underside of the

shaft, his own length slowly drooling pre down his shaft.

Pre flowed from his cock as he gently bucked into the cat's

warm maw. "Ohhh I h-haven't been with a cat in a while" he moaned out.

He whimpered softly around Spot's cock as be started slowly bobbing his

head on the shaft in his mouth, gulping down pre as he slid the shaft

deeper in. "mmmmph.." He pulled the cat off,

smiling wide. "Take a seat on the couch sexy kitty." A bit of pre

dripped from the cats chin as he sat down, looking up at Spots.

"Now it's my turn for a taste heheh" he said, winking

and getting down on his knees, taking in the feline's musk and murring

deeply. The cat stayed blushing and nodded, putting his paw on the

Dalmatians head and purred softy, in a sort of trance caused by pleasure.

Spots began gently suckling the cat's cock

head, using his paw to massage the feline's balls as he wagged fast.

The cat moaned louder as he tilted his head back, arching his back as pre

jets out, rubbing the dog's ears gently. The Dalmatian took the cat's whole

cock into his warm maw, sucking hard and bobbing his head, murring deeply.

He gasped loudly as he felt himself close to a climax, squirming on

the couch as he thrusts up, moaning loud. "oh g-god yesss!!!!"

Spots pulled off and smiled up at the cat and pulled

him into a deep kiss, wagging fast. He blushed deeply as he kissed

back, relaxing slightly, cum flowing slowly out of his tip and dripping

onto his balls. Spots gently pushed him down

and lied on top of him, rubbing their cocks together, murring deeply. "How

do you like it so far?" The cat let out a moan as he wrapped his arms

tightly around the Dalmatian "nghh...I love it..." he said as he kissed the

dogs neck gently. Growling softly he grabbed

some of the cat's cum and rubbed the feline's hole. "I know something else

you'll like." He whimpered softly as he felt his tight hole being

rubbed. "wh-what's that?" Rubbing a bit

harder, he licked Arty's chest. "I think you know." The cat whimpered

loudly as his member stayed rock hard. "p-please be gentle with me..."

The dog smiled and grabbed more cum, lubing up

his cock before poking the tip and the cat's virgin hole. "Are you ready,

cutie?" He shook his head and clung to the canine as he whimpered,

gritting his teeth as he prepared himself.

"Tell me when your ready cutie" he said, still rubbing his cock at the

cat's hole. "g-go ahead..." he nibbled slowly on the dog's shoulder,

his tail nervously twitching. "The quicker

the better" the Dalmatian said, grabbing the cat's hips and pushed his

whole cock into him in one quick thrust. He let out a loud scream,

his claws digging into the dog's back as pre spurts onto his chest. "t-too

fast!!" Kissing the cat's neck and rubbing

his sides, he murred softly "It's easier to handle if it's quick. The pain

will go away soon and I know you'll enjoy it." "g-go quick then..."

gasping quietly, he tilted his head back, gritting his teeth in pain and

pleasure. The dog nodded and pulled his cock

all the way out and back in another quick thrust, moaning softly. "D-damn

your so tight." The cat let out gasps as his claws dug deeper into

the dog's back, his hole squeezing around the member inside him.

Spots gently sucked on the feline's neck, slowly

thrusting in and out of him as he moaned louder. "V-virgin's are always so

wonderful!"His face turned redder as he scratched down Spots's

back, breaking skin and mewling loudly, jolts of pleasure coursing through

him as he felt the dog sink in deep, stretching his hole.

The canine winced and licked the cat's nose, slowly

picking up speed in his thrusts. "Watch t-those claws, kitty."The

cat whimpered and held onto the dog tighter as his throbbing length jetted

pre between them. "b-but it hurts s-so mu-much!"

Keeping a steady pace, he reached down and slowly started stroking the

cat's cock. "The p-pain will go away soon, I promise" The cat muffled

his loud moans of pleasure by gently biting into the dog's shoulder as pre

shot upland splattered against his cheek, his hole tightening further,

already close to another orgasm. Spots

pounded into the feline's rear as he stroked his roomie's cock faster. He

knew they were both close, pre was spurting out of their cocks already and

he knew neither would last much longer. The cat squealed as cum

sprayed out of his tip, drenching up his chest and face as he tensed up,

his hole squeezing tighter around the dog's cock.

The canine gave one last hard thrust into that tight hole, thick cum

shooting deep inside the cat. He started grinding against Arty, riding out

his orgasm as he gave a drawn out moan. The cat let out a loud squeal

as he felt himself being filled the dog's hot seed, biting deep into the

dogs neck to muffle his squeals. Spots was

enjoying his orgasm too much to notice the slight bleeding in his neck.

This cat was the tightest ass he had ever plowed! He absolutely loved every

second of it. "F-fuck that was good!" The cat whimpered softly,

keeping his jaw locked tightly on the dog's shoulder as he stayed frozen in

pleasure. The cat had loved it too, although he didn't want to admit it. It

was the best feeling he had ever had. Trying

to move is head, the dog noticed the pain in his neck and winced. "I-I know

you feline's have a thing for marking, but you can let go now." The

cat blushed a little deeper as he let go of Spot's shoulder and panted

slowly. "s...sorry" Spots smiled and shrugged. "It's alright, I can wash the blood off," he said, starting to lick the cum off the cat's chest. He shivered as the dog's tongue

dragged across his chest, squirming slightly. "I-I think I n-need another

shower..." The canine kept licking off the

cum, murring and wagging slightly. "Let me get you as clean as I can with

my tongue," he said with a big smile. The cat kept blushing as he

watched the dog "b-but I'm all musky and sweaty" he was pretty wet, as he

had gotten really worked up during the last climax.

The dog licked his way up to his roomie's face, licking off all the

cum and smiling wide. "You have tasty cum, heheh," he said, rubbing the

cat's sides. he gasped quietly as the dog licked over his face,

holding the canine's shoulders and keeping his legs around him as a weak

purr arose from the cat. "You certainly

seemed to enjoy your first time, kitty," Spots said before pulling the cat

into another kiss, murring deeply."I-I guess so.." he kissed back,

still blushing as he started purring a bit louder

Spots broke the kiss and smiled wide, wagging fast. "Wanna shower

together?" "I..erm..okay.." he said as he looked at the happy canines

face. "Awesome!" He slowly pulled out of

Arty before standing up and holding out his paw. "Let's go, cutie."

He gasped softly as he felt the dog's member pulling out if him, then took

his paw and stood, still looking up at the happy dog.

Spots led Arty to the bathroom and turned to look at him. "You

don't have a problem with baths, right?" He turned on the water, adjusting

it it slightly. "A bath is actually better to have to help any aching

parts." "n-no" he said as he watched the water in the tub rise. His

hole ached a bit and a bit of cum was still dripping from his tip.

The dog stepped into the tub and murred as he laid

back, enjoying the water. "Come on in, the water's great!"The cat

slowly stepped in, then lowered himself down into the water, slowly tugging

tangles out of his fur. Spots pulled him

against his chest, smiling. "So does this mean that you'll stay being my

roommate?"He looked at the dog and put his paws on his shoulders.

"I-I wasn't going to leave.." he had thought about leaving, but Spots was

really nice, even though he was a pervert, and he'd probably be put with

someone worse if he left. Wagging a bit,

he began rubbing the cat's back. "Good, I'm tired of losing roomies." He

grabbed the soap and began soaping his roomie's back.He purred

softly and arched his back, closing his eyes as he felt the canine rub soap

onto his back. Spots kept soaping, smiling

at hearing the cat purr. It wasn't the first time he showered with someone

he just mated with, but most people have to leave soon after the afterglow

fades away so he doesn't get to do it often. The cat mewed softy as

he turned, so that the dog could soap up his chest.

"So you've lost your virginity and now your being washed by the dog

who took it," he said, soaping up the cat's chest, "how do you like how the

day went so far?" "I-I really liked today.." He had loved it, and

purred a bit louder, leaning forward and gently kissing Spots.

The canine kissed back, holding the cat close and

murred. His tail wagged as he rubbed the feline's sides. The cat

mewed as he slowly started to rinse off his fur, blushing softly.

Spots started soaping up his own chest, smiling at

the cat and watched him rinse. He dipped his head under the water to

get his head fur wet, then rinsed all the soap off of his fur and got out

of the tub, smoothing down his now soft fur.

The canine soaped up his back and slid under he water to rinse off. He

took out the plug to let the water drain as he stood up. "So, how's your

hole?" The cat blushed softly as he dried off, rubbing a towel over

his chest "a little better.." he rubbed the towel against his rump, his

hole feeling tighter than before. "Sorry if

I was a little rough..." He closed the shower curtain and shook as much

water off as he could before stepping out and grabbing a towel. The

cat giggled as he watched the droplets of water hit the shower curtain and

blushed. "I need to get ready for my next class" he said and disappeared

into his room. Spots sighed and started

drying himself. Did the cat? They both obviously enjoyed it but it wouldn't

be the fist time a roommate ran out eve after they said they would stay.

The cat peeked back into the bathroom, his face red. "Erm..Spots?

Have you seen my underwear?" he was blushing very deeply, and didn't want

to have to go to class with nothing under his pants.

Giggling he shook his head. "No, but they're probably by the

couch; that's where we got naked."The cat shook his head. "noo I

need clean underwear" he glanced at the couch where their clothes were

scattered about. "Uhhh...well..." The dog

thought for a minute and gave a wide smile. "I got some you can wear,

follow me." He said, walking to his room The cat mewed quietly and

followed, wearing only a button up shirt.

Spots opened his drawer and pulled out a pair of pink panties, holding it

out to the cat. "Here, they're clean and they'd look great one you." He

said with a smile. His eyes widened slightly "b-but...I...wh-why do

you have panties?" he stared at them, wondering how it'd feel.

Ignoring the question, he waved them in front of the

feline's face. "You want to wear clean undies, right?"

"I...erm...o-okay..." he took the panties and blushed as he pulled them up

over his legs, barley covering his rump. "h-how do I look?"

Spots murred and giggled. "You look great, I think you should

wear those instead of regular underwear." The cat hid his face as he

pulled on pants and mewed, picking up his bag. "I-I need to get to class.."

The canine smiled and grabbed his laptop. "Me

too, but the rest of mine are online classes so I get to chillax here. "

The cat gave the canine a soft kiss on the cheek, then hurried out,

blushing softly and going out into the courtyard. The moon was full,

casting silver light over the grass as he headed over to a group of other

students by a tree. Smoothing out her brown

fur, a familiar otter girl walked up beside the feline. "Hey Arty," she

said with a big smile. Arty thought quickly, trying to remember her

name. He knew he had seen her before, he just didn't know where.

" I know you?" his tail twitched nervously.

She gave a giggle. "I had stopped by to see Spots, I was leaving

when you were getting back." "oh!" he blushed softly as he remembered

seeing her. "r-right..the naked one.." he kept blushing "w-wait how do you

know my name?" "Well, obviously, Spots told

me about you," she said, still smiling, "I wish I could have a roommate as

cute as you." At her words, his face slowly began turning redder and

stuttering. "I-I...u-um..I-I'm n-not c-c-cute.." he tail flicked quickly as

his mouth hung open slightly. The otter put

her arm around his shoulders. "I think you are. What's better is we have

class together next!" He continued blushing deeper and deeper as he

felt her arm around him, still unable to make a coherent sentence. "I-I

g-guess s-so" he had always loved otters, he had always been attracted to

them for some reason, and the fact that a cute one like her thought he was

cute was almost enough to make him faint. She

led him to the class and looked at him. "So what's your ability, cutie?"

He kept stuttering as he tried to talk, flustered by the otter girl.

"talk, idiot! She asked you a question! he coughed, then said "I-I can

control l-light and shadow..wh-what's yours?"

"I can clone myself!" As she spoke, she split into two identical otter

girls. "Not the most exciting but, eh, it's what I got." His mouth

fell open as the cute otter split into two, and hastily looked over at the

teacher, who was dismissing the class because he couldn't teach that night,

on account of something happening in the school. " think class is

canceled for tonight.." he blushed again as he remembered the panties,

quickly tugging at his shirt, since the shirt he changed into was almost

too small. The two otters morphed into one

again and sighed. "Well I guess we have the rest of the night free." She

nudged the cat. "So what do you have planned?" He shook his head

"nothing no.." then asked, in a slightly hopeful tone " you have any

plans?" and looked at her, trying not to sound too eager to spend time with

her. "I was invited to a party, but I don't

feel like going." She stood up and gave a cute smile. "So what do you like

to do?" The cat thought a moment, slightly more relaxed as his face

slowly began to turn back to it's normal color. "umm...I dunno.." he looked

out over the courtyard "you know us cats...climbing trees, lying on grass,

sleeping in the warm sun..erm..." he looked up at the sky. "um...stars.."

he mumbled something about otters and looked back at the girl.

The girl giggled and grabbed her purse. "What else do

you like?" "Otters...say otters..say it.." he thought as he looked back

at her " I dunno...what do you like to do?" He continued blushing as

he scolded himself silently for not saying it.

"Well like to swim, shop, and fool around." She said with a wink at the

last thing. "what do you mean fool around?" he tried his hardest not to

blush as he looked at the biggest tree. She stretched a bit, not noticing

her shirt going up and showing her abs a bit. "Well I like to

enjoy...anatomy." He tilted his head slightly as he looked back

and caught sight of her exposed abs, and mewed softly. "um..anatomy of..of

what?" "Anotomy of my fellow school mates, silly." She giggled and

smiled. "Do you like anatomy?" He hesitated, his eyes back on the

tree. "I-I guess so.." he hoped the otter couldn't see how much he was

blushing. She started walking into the park area, gesturing the

cat to follow. "I saw you earlier sitting in the tree. I was gonna say hi

but you were talking to...that wolf." The cat followed next to

her, smiling softly and shrugging. "well he came up to me..and why'd that

stop you from saying hi?" he said as he stopped and looked up at the tree

that he had been staring at. She gave a sigh. "He's just...not the

kind of friend I would want." She sat down, leaning against the tree.

He mewed curiously as I grabbed the branch above him, his shirt lifting

to expose almost all his stomach and half an inch of the pink panties above

his jeans, then pulled himself up onto the tree limb. "why not? What's

wrong with him?" She raised an eyebrow, seeing the panties. "He's

not might type. And you two might have more in common than I thought."

He glanced down, a little confused as he crouched on the branch, his

tail wrapping around the limb. "what do...erm.." he hesitated as he looked

at her. He started blushing, realizing he could see down her shirt from

where he was. "wh...what do you mean?" he tried not to look, but his gaze

continued being pulled back to the otter's chest. The otter

noticed where he was looking and grinned. Maybe she was wrong...but she had

to ask eventually. But for now..."My name's Lucy, by the way."

He blushed bright red and shut his eyes as she noticed his gaze, turning

his head toward the tree. "y-yeah..I was meaning to ask about that..." he

looked up at the tall tree, wondering how high up he could get, but not

wanting to leave Lucy on the ground. "You know, being an otter,

I never even tried climbing. You see to love it though."

"well..I'm a naturally I love climbing. You should try. Here, I'll

help!" he smiled, feeling back in his comfort zone as he reached his paw

down from the branch for her to take. He considered himself to be an expert

and climbing, as he had done it ever since he was little.,

: :She stood up and put her purse down before grabbing his paw.

"Well I guess I could give it a try..." He smiled as he held the

branch above him, leaning back and pulling Lucy up onto the branch with

him, took a moment to make sure she was steady, then looked up at the limb

above them. "alright..grab onto that branch right there and see if you can

pull yourself up." She grabbed the branch and pulled herself up,

struggling a bit before getting steady. "Us otters aren't used to being

this high, heheh, this is a new experience." The cat easily pulled

himself up next to her, smiling softly. "you're not afraid of heights are

you?" he giggled softly as he looked around for a branch to grab, the

nearest one several feet above where the cat could reach. "do you think you

can jump and grab that?" he blushed softly. Looking at the branch,

she thought for a moment. "Maybe if you give me a boost I can."

The cat kept blushing and nodded. He started to put his paws on her hips,

then hesitated and put his paws down for her to use to step up.

She smiled and stepped on his paw and put herson his shoulders. "I never

thought I'd be learning to climb in school, heh." He lifted her

up, turning his head away from her body as his sensitive nose caught a huge

smell of her scent. "e-everyone should learn h-how to climb trees in their

life" Grabbing the branch, she pulled herself up and sighed. "It's

a lot of work though. I might stick to swimming." She said with a giggle.

The cat giggled as he pointed up to a branch above her, within

jumping distance. "it is nooot! And all it takes is looking for thrings to

grab! right there. Jump to it." he grinned and climbed up to a branch next

to her. She smiled and shook her head. "I think I'm gonna get down

on the ground where I have a less chance of falling." The cat

nodded, although he looked rather reluctant. "do you need help getting

down?" he swung to a branch underneath her, holding up his arms.

She slowly lowered herself down, hanging. "M-maybe a little help..."

He looked at her a moment, then grinned. "heheh are you ticklish?" he

eyed the otter's exposed abs as he looked up at her. He had forgotten all

about his troubles, as he was currently having fun. "D-don't you

dare! If I fall I'm throwing you in the lake!" She said, worried.

The cat thought a moment. "b-but cats can't swim! I'd drown!" he weighed

his options, then gently poked her exposed tummy. She squirmed

away from the cat. "I wouldn't drown you, just scare a lot." "Well

don't worry, a drop from here wouldnt hurt you" he giggled as he poked her

belly button, tickling softly with both his paws. Lucy giggled and

squirmed. "N-no! Stop!" Her grip loosened, making her fall. "I

gotcha!" he dove, his tail wrapping around a branch and catching himself,

and grabbing her wrists. She held onto him, her eyes wide as she

kicked. "I-I think I'm done climbing trees! I'm staying on the ground!"

He giggled softly, still upside down, his shirt falling up to his

chest as he slowly lowered her down to the ground, hanging upside down in

front of her, trying to suppress a smile. "maybe some time you can show me

how to swim" he said, unaware that most of his chest and the pink panties

were exposed. As soon as she felt the ground, she let go and lied

down, letting out a sigh. "Maybe, but I'll have to think about it." She

gestured him to come down. He dropped down and blushed softly.

"er..sorry if I scared you.." he looked at her guiltily. She

smiled and shook her head. "Don't worry about it, cutie." She sat up,

resting on her paws. "So how's Spots as a roommate? I've heard rumors that

he's a queer but I don't think so. He's way to good in bed to be one."

He blushed soft and sat down next to her, purring quietly. "he's

really...erm...pervy." he giggled softly. "why would people say he's gay? I

thought you and he know.." "Oh we have, more than once.

That's why I don't think the rumors are true. But there are a few guys that

said they slept with him." She scoffed, shaking her head a little. "They

wish. I don't blame them for wishin though, he is petty cute. Like you."

She smiled a the felinenext to her. "I am nooot.." he blushed

softly and looked at his tail on the grass. He opened his mouth to tell her

about what he and spots did, then stopped, not knowing if it was a good

idea. He felt his face turning redder as he felt her looking at him.

She giggled and took his paw in hers. "So tell me cute how did you, a

guy, end up wearing my panties?" His eyes widened as his face

became even redder as she took his paw "w-well I was o..w-wait what?!

Th-these are your panties?!" he tried to make words to explain why he was

wearing them, but couldn't. "I-I...n-no boxers..a-and S-Spots..I-I d-didn't

k-know..." She shook her head with a smile. "He always waits to

do laundry. He's so lazy sometimes. Most guys would rather wear no

underwear rather than panties, but I hope you'll wash them before giving

them back." The cat stopped trying to speak and

nodded quickly. He didn't want to tell that they felt kind of comfortable,

and that Spots liked how he looked in them. "So cutie," she

gently nudged him, "how do you like this school so far?", :

:He opened his mouth, still having a little trouble speaking as he

lied down on his side next to her, propping himself up on his elbow. "I-I

like it..everyone has been nice so far.." "Most people here are

nice." She stood up, brushing herself off a bit. "It was nice hanging out,

Arty. But I have to get back to my dorm, my boyfriend will be there soon."

His ears twitched slightly as he looked up at her, his face

slowly regaining color. "b-boyfriend? But don't y-you and Spots..."

She grabbed her purse and gave a cute smile. "Yeah, so it's in

everyone's best interest if you don't talk about what me and Spots do."

He mewed softly as his tail twitched. "L-Lucy are you threatening

me?" he stood, moving back a bit. Lucy gave a confused look.

"'s just my boyfriend would be mad at me and Spots if he knew what

we were doing." "you just have an un..unpredictable

personality.." he mewed again "I wont tell anyone.." She bend

down and kissed his cheek. "See you around, cutie. I'll have to give you a

proper thank you soon" She gave a wink and walked away toward her dorm.

His cheek slowly turned red where she kissed, and he put his paw

gently onto his cheek. "b-bye Lucy.." he stayed on the grass for a few more

minutes, staring in the direction that she walked away in, then grabbed his

bag and started toward his own dorm, thinking about Spots and Lucy. It was

almost midnight as he entered section B, the familiar scent making his nose

twitch. He opened his dorm room as quietly as he could and entered,

wondering if Spots was still awake. Spots was sitting on the

couch playing a game on his laptop, not even noticing the cat enter. "Yes!

Finally beat that level! Now for the boss..." The cat smiled

softly and snuck around behind the couch, put his muzzle close to the dogs

ear, and said softly, wrapping his arms around the Dalmation's chest.

"whatcha up to, 'stud'?" The dog jumped, almost dropping his

computer. "Jesus! You scared the hell outta me..." The cat giggled

as he gae the dog a gently kiss on the cheek. "you'll be fine" he flopped

onto the couch next to Spots. "so. Why didn't you tell me these are

Lucy's?" Spots smiled wide and closed his laptop. "Because you

didn't ask." His face went from happy to confused. "How'd you find out?"

"I did ask! I said why do you have panties, but you didn't answer."

he tugged off his shirt and tossed it onto the canines face. The

dog giggled and took off the shirt. "Well I had it because it was left

here. How'd you find out they were lucy's?" "She told me they were

hers" he sighed softly and leaned his head back on the couch, tugging off

his pants so he's left in just the panties. He giggled softly, feeling

comfortable. Spots murred at the sight but then look worried. "She

saw you wearing them? And she didn't say anything bad about you?"

The cat sat cross legged, facing the dog. "Well I explained that I was out

of underwear, and that these were the only ones..why would she say

something bad about it?" he looked curiously at the dog's face.

"She doesn't like any guy that is sexual with guys..." he shifted

nervously "She doesn't know about me..." The cat nodded softly and

leaned closer, brushing his paw against Spots' cheek "well your secret's

safe with me doggy" "Thanks cutie." He leaned over and kisses his

cheek before lieing down, resting his head in the cat's lap. "And your

sectret's safe with me too." He said with a smile. The cat

looked down at the canine's head in his lap and smiled softly. "mm..thank

you Spots" he gently pet the dog, letting out a soft purr.,

: :Spots murred deeply, smiling up at the cat. "So how was class?

You were gone for ahile." The cat continued to

pet as he talked. "well I met with Lucy in the class and we talked for a

while" The dog kept murring, wagging a bit. "So you didn't pay

attention in class?" The cat smiled and scritched behind Spot's

ear. "well class was canceled..and she is pretty distracting.."

"Did she seem into you at all?" He asked, murring louder and wagging

faster. He scratched the dogs ears gently with both paws.

"well...I can see why you two get along so well.". "Why do you say

that?" He asked, wagging fast and murring. "Did she come onto you?"

He giggled at the enjoyment of the dog and shrugged. "well I'm pretty sure

she's going to.." he scritched the dogs ears as fast as he could.

Spots sat up and smiled wide. "Did she ask you out again? She must wanna

see how good you are in bed" The cat blushed slightly as he

shrugged again. "I-I'm still a virgin when it comes to girls...I dunno how

I'll be.." "Heheh don't worry about it, she thinks virgins are

cute. And besides, high school is for exploring as much as you can." He

said, giggling. "but I'm not cute!" he folded his arms, his tail

curling between his legs. Spots pulled the cat close and kissed

his cheek. "Oh you definitely are, you can't fight it, cutie kitty."

He squirmed gently and turned his head away. "I can and I will because

I'm not cute!" he kept his arms folded. "You are, that's why I hit

on you." He said, kissing the feline's neck and murring. The cat

turned his head away, trying not to enjoy the dog's soft kisses on his

neck. "I-I'm not cuuute" The dog kept kissing, rubbing Arty's

chest. "You're cute, no matter what you say." He purred weakly,

gently trying to squirm away. "b-but I'm noot.." he turned and licked the

dog's cheek softly. Spots gently pushed the cat on his back, lying

on top of him. "You are cute, stop trying to deny it." He licked the cat's

lips and smiled. "I-I will deny it.." he blushed softly as his

tail curled around the dog's leg, his tongue curling out of his mouth to

lick back. "d-don't try anything right now Spots, I-I'm kinda tired.."

"Denying it just makes you cuter." He said, standing up, smiling down

at Arty. "Nice panties, heheh". The cat kept blushing as he pulled

them off and tossed them onto Spots' muzzle. "shush. Why don't you wear

them then." he stuck his tongue out at the dog in a childlike manner as he

stretched out on the couch, looking up at him. The dog took a

big sniff and murred. "You smell good. And panties aren't my thing." He

poked the cat's tummy. "Ready for bed, kitty?" He blushed and

stood. "try it, they are k-kinda c-comfy..." he yawned slightly.

"y-yes..time for bed.." Taking off the panties, he put out his

paw to the cat. "Would you rather sleep alone or with your roommate?"

He blushes a moment, thinking. "umm...he looked at his empty room,

then looked back at the dog and took his paw gently. "w-with my long as I don't wake up with you inside of me.." he hesitated,

trying to think of anything else, tightening his grip on his roommate's

paw. Spots pulled him up and close, smiling. "Don't worry, I'll

pull out before you wake up." He said, jokingly. He giggled

softly, resting his head on the dog's chest. "s-so..your room or mine..?"

he said, wondering if the smell of Spots' room was as strong as the smell

of section B itself. The canine pet his roomie's

head, murring. "You decide, I'll be comfortable anywhere." He purred softly and led them into Spot's room, letting out a short whimper as he neared the bed, his nose twitching quickly, unable to decide whether or not he liked the strong smell of musk. "gahhh...d-don't you ever cl-clean iit?"

"Of course I do," He said, flopping onto the bed, "I just haven't had time

recently, heh." He opened his arms, inviting the feline. He mewed

and blushed as he crawled into the bed, wrapping his arms around the dog

and whimpering at the strong smell, which seemed to have an odd effect on

him. Spots held the cat tight, murring deeply. "Is my roomie comfy

enough?" The cat nodded and closed his eyes, exhausted from the day.

He let out a soft purr as he drifted off to sleep. The Dalmatian

smiled wide as he closed his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had such

a...friendly roommate that even said he'd stay! Of course others had said

the same thing, but the cat seemed to really mean it. He fell asleep, a smile still on his face.