The Scarlet Wolf (Page 1)

Story by ScarlettWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Scarlet Wolf

I've been thinking about this for awhile so i wrote it i hope everyone likes it cause i did.

It was a sunny day in RoseVally a new family moved into town 16 year old Gabriellea (Gabriellea has long bronze hair dark hazel eyes and pale skin) along with her parents Ryan and Jasmine they bought an all white house on a quiet street called Wolven st along with 12 other houses on Wolven st.


Gabriellea helped the moving people bring in stuff from the truck and unload as much as she could before unpacking her stuff geting out her bedsheets and pillow and some pictures she put on her dresser and got her mirror out puting it on the wall with a nail she got into bed to tired to change her clothes or anything falling asleep soon after.


She woke up siting up looking around at her room in the daylight scratching her head she got up and went into the bathroom striping down and geting into the shower leaving her clothes on the floor.


Turning on the water it was cold at first but got warmer the longer it ran, washing her hair and body she shut off the water and steped out geting a towel from a box and drying off taking her dirty clothes and puting them into a clothes basket left outside the bathroom.


Going into her bedroom she went through some stuff finding some clothes and changed into a pear of jeans and a t-shirt before geting in her bag geting out a brush and brushed her hair before going downstairs and greeting her mom and dad "Hey mom hey dad" They turnt to her. "Hey sweetheart" Her mom replyed "Morning dear" her dad greeted.


After eating she got up got her backpack and walked to school walking up into the door way looking around at everything being greeted by alot of other students walking by to there classes she found her locker and opened it puting in her books and notebook.

she closed it and looked at a guy beside her looking in his locker near her's, looking at her he closed the locker. "You new here?".


He asked looking at her. "Oh yea i just moved here this is my first day at school and my names Gabriellea by the way" He noded "Nice to meet you Gabriellea my name's Steve".

She smiled "Nice to meet you Steve". She said smiling again

(Steve is a 16 year old guy with black hair, dark brown eyes with tan skin)

He smiled and heard the bell ring for a class. "Well i got to go to class see you around"

She nodded watching as he walked away.

Sighing she got her books she needed and headed for her first class, it passed slowly until the bell rang and she got up gathered her books and walked out heading for lunch.

she made it outside and sat on one of there benches and got her lunch out that she made thismorning, she looked around at others while she ate.


Finishing up she went back inside and to other classes as hours passed the final bell rang and she got up gathered her stuff put what she needed into her locker and went out the door to the school, walking home she saw Mason walking infront of her "Hey" she said watching as he turnt around. "Hey nice meeting you here"


She chuckled "Yea, im heading home" She said smiling. "Same here" He said walking along beside her. "Cool, where do you live" She asked looking at him. "Up on the path into the woods theres a cabin a half mile up there that i live in with my parents" He said looking to the path up ahead.


"Oh cool it must be nice living in the woods" She said looking to the path stoping when he did. "Yea it is, well see you later got to get home" They both smiled and said goodbye to one another before switching paths and going there own ways to there homes.


She got home and went inside taking off her shoes and going upstairs sat down her backpack and went back downstairs greeting her parents, they sat down to dinner eating breakfeast food for dinner eggs beacon and pancakes.


She finished eating and by the time she put her plate in the sink and washed the dishes did some laundry and folded her clothes it was 1:34 she got into bed and began looking around she was still bored and had nothing to do so she beegan puting away her clothes and shoes and all her stuff from her boxes and put up some pictures and a large poster of a wolf in a forest beside her bed.

She always had a thing for wolves they were her favorite animal and such beautiful creatures, once done she picked her outfit for school on monday and wrote in her diary what she did today and all she soon got n bed and got her blankets on and soon fell asleep.


When morning came her alarm went off "Ughh, its saturday" She mumbled while turning off her alarm and got up scratching her head and screatching her arms and legs before geting up and got on some clothes puting the others in the laundry and went downstairs geting on her shoes and going outside breathing in the morning air and went walking down the sidewalk and to the path into the woods going off the path to go into the forest.


It was early day the sun was barely up it was atleast 5:30 am since her alarm went off way to early, she walked for awhile and stoped hearing a russel in the bushes beside her and looked to them looking around and not seeing anything, she began walking again dismissing it she walked for a while hearing a stick break near her she looked around hearing it again only closer.


She then stoped and looked around only this time seeing a tail of something flick around a tree so fast it was almost a blur, she watched it then slowly started backing up and heared a growl behind her and twirled around looking around, just then a large wolf pounced on her knocking her down.

It was just about to bite when another one lept out and knocked the other one off her snarling fericely while snaping at the large grey wolf who pounced on her the other was a blond colored wolf with golden brown eyes about the same size as the other maybe a little smaller but still strong.

The blond one looked at her for what seemed like minutes but was only about a second or two before he attacked the grey one biting its neck and clawing its face, the grey one lept up and ran off before the other could attack again.

This time he turnt and looked at her, (he was a inch or so taller then her much larger then any normal wolf would be) he walked towred her but she was to scared to move anywhere but felt some what safe after that grey wolf left and stared into the blond wolfs eyes, he backed away then and took off into the forest like a blur.

She slowly got up and looked around not seeing or hearing anything, she looked at her arm and saw some blood trickling down it and covered it with her hand and began runing home, she fell once but got back up and ran again, making it home she opened the door and ran upstairs into the bathroom geting some bandages and wraping it up after she cleaned it.

Looking at herself in the mirror she walked into her bedroom looking around at her room she got into bed looking at the ceiling wondering what happened and how any wolf could be that size or why it dident just attack her and get it over with while the other one was gone.

It could have easily killed her in that minute but dident, maybe he dident want to maybe he tryed to protect her? "No way" she said and shook her head, she rolled over pulling her blankets up on her and drifted off to sleep having an odd dream.

There was a thick green pine forest surrounding her the blond wolf standing beside her while she stood beside him looking into his golden eyes while he looked back standing motionless.

They stood in the forest with the sunlight shining down on to them, in a moment he took off into the thick forest "Wait!" she called as the trees and bushes seemed to ingulf her surounding her in a never ending forest keeping her unprotecded and alone....

Sould i continue this series? comment and tell me if i sould and you can commment and give me ideas of what to add to it and if you want and if you liked it fave it ^.^ I hope everyone liked it.

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