The Encounter

Story by MatheauTheRed on SoFurry

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The Encounter

Okay, this is a little bit out of the norm for me.....a dragoness and a vampire. Anyhow, you know the drill. No one under age read this, and if you do, im not to be held accountable. Thank you and enjoy the story.

The moon was full and the air had a slight chill to it. The perfect weather for a hunt. The year was 1445, and he was in the kingdom of King Ferdinand the third. He was different from everyone else in this kingdom. At least that he knew of. He was of average height, five foot eight. Shoulder length black hair and sea green eyes made him a rather stunning sight. But no one could see him. Because he was a vampire. He could go out during the day, for the sunlight would kill him. He was currently hopping from building to building in the kingdom. He cursed silently. None of the windows were open, none of the doors were unlocked....there wasnt even a drunk passed out on the street. How in the world was he suppost to get a decent meal when there was no one out? Or at least a window cracked open. He hopped and ran along a few more rooftops before sitting on top of one, resting. His skin was a dark tan, and his body was well muscled for one of his size. He was dressed all in black, complete with a black trenchcoat. He smirked to himself. He was living up to the myth, he supposed. He was thinking about going back home when something caught his eye. In the middle of town, one of the lights in one of the tallest buildings flashed on and off, then back on again. He stood and turned towards the light, and cocked his head slightly. "What in the hell was that?" He thought to himself. He started to move across the tops of the buildings again, little more than a passing of a shadow. It was ironic. He had been through the town at least a dozen times, and no windows were open. Now that he was moving towards that one that had caught his eye, he was seeing windows open left and right.

He knelt on the roof of the a nearby building, watching the light. The window was fully open, as if taunting him, inviting him in. But he was a little to smart for that. When one lived to be 200 years old like he was, one tended to learn a few tricks over the years. So he decided to watch and wait, see what this was all about. He pulled himself close to the building chimney so he couldnt be seen, looking up at the open window which was so brilliantly lit. A shadow passed in front of the window. The figure was tall. But other than that, that was all he could really tell about the figure. He could not tell the species, he could not tell the sex, nothing. That would require further inspection, and something he wasnt stuid enough to do just yet. The figure passed by the window again, and this time it lingered there. He could make out a bit more of the features.....long auburn hair cascaded down to the persons shoulders at least. And the figure was very.....curvaceous. So he had to assume that the person was female. He licked his lips and decided that he had to take his nightly meal from this person. He leaped from the rooftop and grabbed onto the side of the wall and started to crawl up it silently. The heavy smell of women's perfume hit his nose and he almost dropped from the ground. It was a very alluring scent. As he neared the window, he moved quieter, moving his head just enough for him to see over the edge. The room in which he looked was very plain. There was nothing in it save for a desk and a bookshelf. A candle was burning on the desk, and so was a small glass orb, filled with some kind of fire that was making the room so brightly lit. And there was the figure.....His breath caught in his throat. It was a dragoness. Her scales were of a deep green color. Her wings were folded neatly along her back, almost as if they were a cloak. Her tail moved slowly from side to side, weaving pattern behind her. He was covered only by a very thin, silk robe. He could see her shapely buttocks perfectly, and couldnt help but think what other treasures he may see if she only turned.

"Hello there handsome" the dragoness spoke softly in a voice that sounded like she was singing. She turned her head to look at him, but only her head. "I know your there at my window. I wanted you to come visit me. Thats why i caught your attention. He was amazed. He had been lured here! This dragoness had been trying to get his attention with her light! "Oh, dont be so shocked......Ive known about you a long time. I had heard there was a vampire in the area, but had never actually seen you until now." She smiled at him. She was seven feet tall, almost a whole foot of it being her slender, elegant neck. She was thin, sensually so. So he pulled himself up into her window and into her room since she already knew he was there. "Might i know your name?" The dragoness asked, her back still to him. "My name is Lavitz, my dear dragoness." he said in a thick english accent. "And i am a vampire.....are you not afraid?" He got a surprise again when the dragoness shook her head. "No, i am not afraid." She gave him a sexy little smile a turned fully to him. "My name is Sheela, by the way." He didnt hear her. Lavitz's eyes were glued to her body. He could indeed see everything through that robe. Her c sized breasts were perfect. Perky and round, begging for attention. His eyes slid down to her thighs. She had her legs crossed slighty as to hide her sex from his vision. "See something, you like, Mr. Lavitz?" Sheena asked him with a soft laugh. He nodded with another lick of his lips. "Aye, that i do, Sheena.....but i am a vampire. Are you not afraid that i will bite you?" She shook her head and undid the sash on her robe, letting it drop to the floor behind her as she walked towards him. "I am not afraid. I am a dragon, so to be bitten by a vampire is of no concern. I'll not be affected." She swayed her shapely hips as she approached him, running one of her talons down his chest. "In fact.....i want you to bite me....."

He shivered as her talon went down his chest. And it did more than just make him shiver. It cut clean through the fabric, and the shirt and trenchcoat fell to the floor, leaving his chest bare. Sheena purred and kissed his chest, which made him shiver all the more. A talon across either side of the waistband on his pants and they were gone too, leaving his standing there naked in a matter of seconds. His body stiffened slightly as she wrapped her claw around his manhood. "Well....nine inches hmmmm? Very well indowed. This should be a very fun experiance......" she purred to him. "Let your lust run free, and take me as you will, you sexy vampire........" He needed no further coaxing than that as he picked her and pushed her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he held her against the wall, his length caressing the folds of her sex. She moaned gently, wanting him to enter her. She had watched him many nights in her special globe of fire. She was a sorceress, and she wanted him. Now she had him, and she wasnt going to let him get away without taking her first. It was at that moment that he slammed his length into her fully, hilting within her. She let out a scream of pleasure as her legs tightened about his waist, trying to pull him deeper within her. He groaned gutterally as he began to rock in and out of her tight hot sex. It had been some years since he last made love , and he was going to enjoy the experiance fully. He gripped her firm buttocks tightly as he continued to pound into her heat, licking gently at her neck, getting ready to dine on her blood as he enjoyed her flesh. She panted and cooed to him, encourageing him to ravage her, to take from her as he pleased. She wanted his seed. To feel his warmth in her womb. She cried out suddenly as his fangs entered her neck, triggering a heavy orgasm within her, soaking his length in her juices. Lavitz groaned in pleasure as the taste of her draconic blood hit his tongue. He had never tasted blood so rich and pure before. He continued to drink and thrust, squeezing her firm ass as he came close to his climax. Sheena's head was rolled back and against the wall almost passed out with the pleasure. This stud of a vampire breeding her, taking her blood. She cried out again as a second orgasm overtook her body, squeezing his cock hard with he muscles. That did it for Lavitz as well, as her muscles squeezed him like a vise, and he emptied his white, hot seed deep inside of her body. He slowed his thrusting and withdrew his fangs, licking the twin holes to clean her wound of blood. They just stayed there like that for awhile, until the dragoness pushed off the wall with her tail, and the were now on the floor, her on top of him. She wrapped her wings around them both. "We'll sleep like this. I want you to stay inside of me until you leave tommorrow eve...." With that, the windows shut, and the room was as black as pitch, and she kissed his bloody lips, and purred. "Rest well until tommorrow, my sexy'll need it."

The End!