Just Another Friday

Story by ScyStorm on SoFurry

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Furry Lemon Fiction

By: Scy Storm


AUTHOR'S NOTES: A fiction written for Fur Addicted's story contest, for the yiffy half of it. The theme of the contest is school, so I thought up some ideas that are... I guess kind of stereotypical, but I don't really care. I made twists and my own little tweaks on it, I like the work over all. And so did the forum goers, as it won 1st place. :)

INEVITABLE DISCLAIMER: This is a sexual fic, and all that stuff, you gotta be of legal age, blah blah. Pairings are M/F and M/M, various situations.

"Damnit, damnit, damnit, come on! Tell me I have something clean here!"

Miakoda, a white wolf, digs through the drawers of his dresser, and soon into the closet on the opposite wall. He's wearing a blue button-up shirt that isn't buttoned yet, and a pair of plain green boxers. He's looking for a pair of pants to wear. "Shit shit shit..."

He soon heaves a sigh out and gives up on the closet, looking behind him at his messed up dresser. He decides to just check there again, his paws digging through clothes inside. Soon someone walks by the door, but has to double take, coming and opening the door with a creak. It's Miakoda's roommate, Kabutis, an iguana. He too is wearing a button-up shirt, only a red one, with khakis. He looks at the wolf with a wide smirk and a funny gleam in his deep red eyes. "... I told you to do laundry."

Miakoda's eye looks to him, blue eyes hitting the red, and he growls, quickly looking back to the dresser he's digging through. "God, just don't rub it in my face!" Koda says, annoyed.

"Fine, fine... Why don't you just throw on a pair of dirty ones?"

"Why don't you kiss my ass?"

"Oh come on... Just smell a pair, I'm sure they won't be bad."

Koda just ignores that, and soon blinks, his arms stopping for a moment before they yank out a pair of jeans from his drawer. He gives them a sniff, and his tail wags. "Yes! Clean!"

Kabu claps his scaly hands together, and gives a raspy chuckle. "You're lucky."

Koda smiles, and slips into the jeans, tucking his shirt into them. "I want to be clean, man."

"You always act like this on Fridays."

"... So? I like Fridays."

"A bit too much, I'd say."

Miakoda buttons his jeans, and then starts to button up his shirt. "Whatever you think."

Kabutis sighs, and just chuckles again, running his hand through the scale crest on his head, which is styled to look purposely messy. "I'm hitting class early. Later."

The iguana then leaves, Koda looking to see him leave few, and shrugs a shoulder. He knows well why he likes Fridays. He gets Ms. Persli's class last in the day. And he always stays after class for some... extra activities. She has the most private classroom on the entire campus, as well. It's all perfect. Grinning, he finishes buttoning up, and looks in the mirror to make sure he's good. Fixing a few creases and crannies on his outfit, he nods, and grabs his sack of books.

Koda's day went by as usual. It was class after class, with one test to do in his Calculus class. Lucky for him he's always been good at Calculus. The annoyed and frustrated faces on all the people around them as they tried to comprehend the test made him amused. Overall, he's glad his mind wasn't too set on Ms. Persli, and he was able to finish the test. Once it was done, however, he was back to daydreaming a bit. Not too much. He didn't want to get desperately horny right in the middle of math.

Finally, it was time for the final class: History with Ms. Persli. Koda and Kabutis have this class together, so like every time, they meet up on the way there. Upon getting to class, Ms. Persli is not in the room just yet. This has to make Koda smile. He loves it when she makes an entrance. The two take their seats, unlucky that they're nearly across the class from each other. The rest of the class is pretty much in there, a few coming in after the two of them. It's not long before the familiar clicking of high-heels is heard in the hall, and the classroom door opens. In walks Ms. Birrsali Persli. She's a panther with fur of jet black, eyes that gleam yellow, and long, flowing light gray hair. She's got supermodel looks, unlike any teacher seen at almost any school in the area. Her curves are like a rough mountain road, and her breasts look to nearly pop right out of her relatively-tugging red dress. And lord knows a lot of the boys in the class remember a few occasions when her breasts popped out: The school board has since asked her to wear a black bra to camouflage with her fur. She clops up to her desk in her red high-heels to match her dress, ignoring the ogles she's getting from nearly ever male in the class. Setting her books and lesson plans down on the desk, she turns to the class. "Afternoon."

Out sound all the males, "Afternoon, Ms. Persli."

She giggles a bit, always feeling the need to every time that happens. She sits the edge of her desk, putting her hands on it and swinging one leg over the other. The males in the room try not to murr. She smiles, looking around at everyone in the class. "So... I take it you all went over your notes?"

A few nods, a few groans, most deciding to do nothing in response to the question. She only giggles a bit, eyes moving over the class. "Well... Whether you did or not, the exam is happening. And don't worry, it shouldn't be very hard regardless."

Her eyes then lock on to Miakoda, and narrow a bit. Koda blushes faintly, and wants to just grin at her, since they both know what's going to be happening later. But he holds it in, and she looks down at her bags, getting off the desk and digging in her bag for papers. "Get pencils and the notes you took out. You may use them."

Maybe half the students take out notes. Not the brightest history class in the school, as she knew. Grabbing a stack of papers, she begins to walk down the rows of the classroom, putting down the exams on the student's desks, each a little bundle of a few sheets stapled at one corner. As she passes by Koda, she smiles, her tail passing up across his face as she lays the test down. This makes Koda smirk a bit as fights back a blush, getting over the urge to stare at her rump and getting to work on his exam. Good thing he had been taking notes.

The class went by with some gentle groans heard around the room from the ones who couldn't remember their answers. Others sat back and smiled, getting into leisurely activities with the time they had left after the exam. The bell rang at the end of the class, causing some loud groans from the few students who, remarkably, were not done. "Turn in your exams to the front of the class, and have a good weekend." Ms. Persli states.

The class begins to file toward the front of the room, placing their finished work in a basket tray on the teacher's desk, Ms. Persli smiling to all of them, before looking down at a paper in front of her. The only one not filing out yet is Miakoda, who stays sitting at his desk, looking through exam, looking like he's checking his answers a final time. Kabutis, laying his papers, sees this, and smirks. Guy is always so careful.

Koda, on the other hand, knows he's just buying time to let everyone else out of class. Ms. Persli gets up out of her seat at one point, walking around to the front of her desk, and then turning to look, using her hands to sort through the mess that the students made putting their exams in the basket. That's when she gets a presence behind her, and a white-furred hand places an exam down into the basket on the pile her hands are fiddling with. She snickers, and purrs, lifting her head and looking back at the smiling wolf right behind her. "Staying after class again?"

He growls a bit, and grabs her sides to spin her around face-to-face. "I gotta catch up... I missed last week's class..."

She growls in return, one hand immediately sliding up to grab his shirt and starts pulling the buttons apart. "That's right... You missed an important lesson..."

His hand is already trekking down her back, sliding the zipper of her dress down. As soon as it's down not even halfway, her breasts were popping out into air and dropping the front of her dress there downward. One claw also got the strap of her bra as he unzipped, so it fell slightly downward with her dress. His nose presses against hers then as he stares into her eyes. "I'll take the lesson now, Ms. Persli..."

She purrs loudly at him and growls when their noses are pressed, her hands still pulling his shirt off. "You know what I say... Call me Birrsali..."

Before he can say anything, she's kissing him lustfully, her throat growling even more. He can only murr and return the kiss with an equal if not greater lust, his head tilting far to one side and his muzzle pushing hers back a bit. She of course pushes back, causing kind of a fight for kiss dominance. The two growl as they kiss, tongues fighting, and Koda's paw moving to her front to pull her dress off, the hand immediately coming up to play with her breast, her pink nipple being covered by his furry palm and kneaded within it. She murrs amongst her growls, tossing his shirt off his back with her hands and actually yanking the bottom clear out of his jeans, save one bit, leaving the shirt hanging by a side down his leg. Her paw rubs over his heavily muscled body for a moment, and then goes down to his crotch and presses against it, an obvious pulsing bulge in his jeans. She pulls off the kiss at this point, though biting his bottom lip in hers. They both open their eyes, locking lustful gazes, a large smile on his face as she tugs his lip. Two of her digits then unbutton his jeans and slowly slide the zipper down, a thick, pulsing wolf cock sticking out immediately, coming though the hole in the front of his boxers. She chuckles a bit and purrrrs loudly, running her furred hand up the eager length. Koda immediately murrrs, his lip pulling out of her teeth as his head goes back some, eyes fluttering, and hips pushing up against her hand and body. She laughs a bit, gazing at him, until his face moves back down to be near hers. He adjusts his hips a bit to slide the tip of his cock under a strap of her panties, their tongues coming out to entwine with the other's in midair, eyes never leaving the other's. And that's when the door to the classroom opens. The two gasp and look over wide-eyed as the figure of none other than Koda's roommate Kabutis. Koda and Birrsali are immediately crimson in the face. Kabu is too as soon as he sees what's happening, his eyes lighting up with his face. "K-Kabu...!" Koda manages to spit out.

Kabu swallows a bit, his voice and movements jittery as his scaly hand points up toward his desk. "F-Forgot... my book..."

The three can only stare at what's going on. Birrsali realizing she forgot to lock the door in her eagerness. Koda can't believe it's his roommate of all people who has walked in. Kabu just plain can't believe what the heck he's seeing. "I... I think I'll just leave..." He says.

"No, stop right there." Birrsali says.

Kabu meeps a bit, as he was about to start closing the door, but stops. Koda backs away from Birrsali as she pushes him lightly. "Come here, Kabutis. And close and lock."

Kabu gulps a bit, and nods, closing the door and turning the lock as he walks hesitantly towards his teacher. She walks up a bit closer to him, her body lightly swaying, as he looks into his face. He's a bit smaller than she and Koda. He can only look slightly up at her with a flushed face, lightly shaking. She smiles and purrs, trailing an extended claw up his elongated chin, making him gasp. "You're Koda's roommate, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes... I am..."

She has to chuckle a bit. "Well your arrival is certainly a coincidence."

Koda rrphs. He thought the exact same thing. How embarrassing. "Heh heh... Yeah I guess..."

She purrs to him, moving her paw down to rub over his chest some, making him feel even more nervous. "Well you know a little secret now, don't you..."

He eeps. "I swear I won't tell anyone, Ms. Persli! Please don't fail me or anything..." He begs, since he does have a bit of a poor grade.

"Oh, don't worry about a thing, I'm not gonna fail you... And I'm sure I can trust you..." She says, purring louder.

He blinks, and then shivers, looking down to see one of her claws sliding down his shirt and undoing one button. "W-What are you doing?!" He asks.

Koda also looks at this with surprise, watching Birrsali's claw slide down and unbutton Kabu's shirt bit by bit. "... What do you think I'm doing? Undressing you..." She says with a laugh.

Kabu can't really make out any words, feeling his shirt unbuttoned all the way and pulled out of his khakis, then tossed to the ground, leaving him bare-chested. She purrs, seeing his lithe but muscled figure, and begins to rub her paw over his frontside a bit firmly. He gasps loud, and shivers, his throat rumbling to the touch, and an obvious bulge having already appeared in his pants. She looks down and sees this, and giggles, her paw grabbing it, and causing Kabu to squeal a bit. Koda, behind them, can't help but feel horny watching the two, as weird as he may find that fact. Birrsali's paw fiddles with Kabu's belt a bit to undo it. "You're a sexy little reptile, you know that?" She says, immediately yanking the undone belt out of the pant loops.

He gasps, but has to smile and murr at her. Though in disbelief that is amazingly hot teacher is doing this to him, it feels so good. She leans into his body and reaches her paw into his pants, grabbing onto his partially-emerged member and making him squeal again. Koda watches this and shivers, feeling a hard pulse of his own member. Birrsali giggles, pulling the tip of the reptiles red member to show over his pant's waist, before backing up a bit. "Well boys... I feel like being entertained..." She states.

The two boys look to each other slightly confused, before back to her. Koda smirks. "But what about my lesson?" He says, being a smartass.

She murrs, sitting on her test and crossing legs. "Oh, you'll get your... 'lesson.' But since your buddy is here, we have to let him get in on the fun somehow."

The two blink and look at her with bewilderment. She just laughs, her yellow eyes darting to the two of them. "... Why don't you kiss each other?"

The two's eyes go wide, their faces brightening as they let out a simultaneous "WHAT?" She laughs again. "Oh come on, not like you two have never thought of it before."

They look at each other. That was true, but neither was going to show it. They just sit, hearts racing and feeling incredibly embarrassed and awkward. "Now come on... I'm your teacher. You know what I can do to you."

The two groan lightly: Blackmail. But they'll have to shrug it off. Besides, they might like it. The two awkwardly near each other, Birrsali watching with intrigue. Koda bends down slightly to match Kabu's height, and with some hesitation, the two lightly kiss each other, though only for a second. Their eyelids droop as they do it again, then again, and soon press into a lasting one, their eyes closing. The kiss is soft at first, but they quickly and eagerly get deeper into it, their throats vibrating with murrs and their hands beginning to explore each other's bodies. Birrsali smiles. She thought these two were curious males. Of course, it even surprises -her- a bit when they start to slide off the other's pants. She blushes and murrrs, feeling the crotch of her panties get wet. The two boys kick their pants off their shoes and murr loudly, their hands rubbing the other idly as they tongue-wrestle. Birrsali eventually has to intervene. "Boys!"

The two perk their eyes and break out of the kiss with a gasp, lightly panting, and blushing hard when they realized how far they went, but smile. They both have to look down at endowments, though. Koda's member is a thick 8 inches above the knot, the knot at the top of the sheath being a lot thicker, as normal for a canine. Kabu's cock can't compare to a wolf's, of course, but he's still nicely endowed for an iguana, being a slender and tapered 7 inches sticking up out of his slit. They eventually stop checking the other out to look over at the teach, who is smiling. "Well, Kabutis needs to have his share of the fun now."

Kabu rrrs, feeling his member pulse with a bit of pain at the mention of him getting the fun. "H-How?" He asks.

She grins toothily at him, and then looks over at Koda. "On your hands and knees, wolf boy."

The two explode in surprise and bashfulness again. "... W-...What?!" Koda states.

She laughs, grabbing a metal yardstick and extending it to him, sliding it up the fur on his body up his chin. "I want Kabutis... to fuck you. Understood?"

The two boys shake in nervousness, hardly able to toss glances at each other. Koda gulps a bit. No male has ever mated him before. Not that he hasn't had thoughts about it, of course, just he's never done it. Let alone with his own roommate. "Come on, Koda, your little reptile is waiting."

Koda has to look over at him then. Kabu is whimpering gently and murring as his cock actually noticeably throbs, his hand trying to resist the urge to start pawing it off. Koda murrs. The idea of getting taken is actually doesn't sound that bad. Of course, he can't refuse, so he might as well. He looks at Birrsali and smirks, before he turns his back to Kabutis, dropping down to his knees, and then hands, tail lifting up to show his tailhole. Kabu gazes at this with a fiery blush and a noticeable shiver, looking over to the teacher. She gives a seductive smile and motions her head toward Koda. Kabutis just nods, and awkwardly walks up to his roommate's body, gulping, looking down at his pink tailhole. Koda gulps as well, an eye affixed back on the iguana. "Do it..." Birrsali says, her hand idly rubbing over the outside of her black panties.

Kabu just nods, and goes forward, shivering as he grabs his pulsing member in his hand, causing a line of precum to immediately begin sliding down it. He decides to spread that around his shaft, murring in the process, before using his hand to guide the tip to Koda's entrance. Koda takes in a breath and braces himself. Kabu waits a moment, and then starts to go inside, hissing loudly upon the feel of his member stretching the virgin entrance. Koda gasps loudly, and does his best to stay relaxed, feeling a nice jolt of pain go through his body when his sphincter is passed. Kabutis groans loudly, and grabs onto Koda's hips, suddenly trying to sink his cock in much quicker and needingly, despite the extreme resistance. Koda cries out loudly, tears going down his eyes as he looks back at the eager iguana. "Kabu... slow down... ahh...." He spits out.

Birrsali gives out a stuttering gasp, her fingers twitching over the outside of her panties as she watches this. "Oh dear...."

Kabu whimpers as he tries to forces his way into the wolf, doing a few small thrusts to get in, finally sinking down his 7 inches inside, making Koda cry out lightly. Kabu pauses for a moment, one of his legs kicking a bit, before he gets it stationary and starts to pull out of Koda. He's trying to go out fast, but of course the wolf's body isn't letting him, giving the feeling of trying to keep him inside. Koda whimpers and shudders heavily, but cuts himself off with a loud gasp as Kabu suddenly thrusts back in. Kabu does his best to create sort of a thrust pattern, but it's quite hard, up until he squirts out some of his precum. At that point, he's able to spread the liquid around and smoothen up the wolf's passageway, finally allowing for unresisted thrusts. Hence, the thrusts really began, going at a speed above moderate, Kabutis using roughly half of his member. Koda whimpers lightly at first, but he's really starting to murr when he can feel much smoother thrusts of the iguana's cock in and out of him. His cock leaks a bit onto the floor, thanks mostly to a constant rubbing on his prostate. Kabu is moaning outwardly at the feeling he's getting from the virgin wolf, leaking more now, and in a twitch, he gives an accidental jab into Koda's prostate gland. This causes the wolf to gasp and fasten his tailhole down upon the iguana, Kabu immediately stopping with a groan. He starts again soon enough, only noticeably faster and harder than before. "Oh god...." The iguana sounds out, a bit strained.

Koda moans now, feeling little to no pain, but rather a whole lot more pleasure than he knew was possible in this situation. His cock leaks again, and he can feel how hard it's throbbing. He gets the extreme urge to start pawing himself off, evident by quivering in his palms. Of course, he feels a tap from Birrsali's yardstick. "Don't even do it, Koda..." She says, knowing what he's contemplating.

He has to whimper loudly, feeling almost tortured by so much pleasure without being able to satisfy himself. Kabu, meanwhile, is just losing himself in a whole other way, moaning out loudly and getting a lot less rhythmic with his thrusts. Sometimes a thrust is small, then it goes right into one using almost his whole member, fluxuating wildly and still rather faster. Koda groans out and claws at the carpeted floor of the classroom, his cock leaking some more, but not nearly as much as Kabu's cock is. Repeated jabs to his prostate cause the wolf's tailhole to continually ripple, which is easily getting to be too much for the iguana. He groans and hisses loudly as he drives hard into his roommate's body a few more times, before Koda feels him begin to climax, hard bursts of the iguana's hot seed shooting deep inside of him, and closer to his entrance, since Kabu is still thrusting, albeit slower. Koda groans out happily as the pleasant-feeling liquid shoots inside him, his eyes closed. Kabu slides all 7 inches inside for the last few shots, and then pulls himself out, falling backward onto the ground and panting. Koda pants lightly himself to the pleasure rush, and after a moment, he catches attention of a pleasant scent on the air: That of Ms. Persli. He looks over to her, seeing her legs up with feet planted on the desk, two fingers inside her now exposed and rather wet pussy, and when she sees Koda's glance, she looks at him lustfully. "Mmm... wolfy..." She calls out to him softly.

Koda growls, feeling a hard, painful need pulse through his cock as he stands to his feet. Birrsali takes her hand away from her cunt and purrs loudly to him, the wolf coming up to place his paws on her knees, setting his cock down onto her slit, which is actually a bit too small for him. Not that either of them mind. She growls out to him upon touch of his hot member, and with little hesitation, Koda moves his hips and starts to spread her open, which is always tough at first for the two of them, but now moreso since it's been 2 weeks since their last coupling. He groans loudly and jettisons some of his precum as he fights to open her up, the pantheress crying out for him. Once he's got her initial opening spread enough, he grunts, and then shoots his 8 inches inside of her swiftly up to his knot's start, groaning again, louder than before. Her legs almost kick up from the feeling, her toes instead gripping at the desk's edge. "Ohh yes Koda!" She sounds out, almost a squeal.

Koda growls low to her, smiling, and he pulls out just over halfway and begins to pound into her, nice and tough, though not immensely fast despite how turned on he is. Early precum leaking helps smoothen her up quickly, since she is rather tight from two weeks of no action from the wolf. Both of them feeling the pleasure after the dry spell, loud moans echo through the classroom, luckily only heard by the three in the room. Birrsali purrs amongst her moans, helping to soak Koda's already wet cock with her own juices, making his movements get faster against his will. She smiles as she brings up her slick cat tail to rub at his balls, and actually wrap around and squeeze them. Koda groans loudly, one of his thrusts into her getting suddenly rather hard as the squeeze makes him pre again. "Mmmm...." Koda chimes out in the pause in action.

She growls to him, and suddenly hops her upper body up to grab his shoulders and pull him into a kiss, as well as pull him nearly onto the desk. Growling in response, he kisses her deeply, using his momentum to scoot her up the desk, not caring about what she knocks off it. He gets his own knees onto the desk, now looming above her body, and he begins to pound into her again, much faster and harder than before. She moans loudly into the kiss, lacing tongues with the large, dominant canine, their juices starting to leak onto the desk and drip down one side. Koda lacks the concentration to stay in the kiss for too long, and gets out of it, his chin tilting up and his throat sounding out his pleasure. Birrsali brings her hands down and grips either side of the desk, looking down at the wolf's body pounding into her, her face flushed and her voice exploding out for him. "K-Koda.... !!"

Not long later, she climaxes around him, getting plenty of her juices on his flailing hips, and taking his thick member for a nice ride inside. The wolf's pleasure is quite evident by his groans, and he savors the feel of her inner muscles tensing and rippling around him, milking him of whatever pre his throbbing maleness had left. He gets faster and harder into her still, feeling a very plentiful release building in him. Panting and moaning, she lies submissive under him, feeling how eager he is with his thrusts. Wanting to help, she snakes her tail off of his balls and instead goes for his knot, wrapping softly around it in a few rings, and then squeezing down hard. This was it for Koda as he howls, slamming his 8 inches down into her one last time and exploding. Thick and copious bursts of his hot cum shoot inside of the pantheress, being sucked up at first by an eager womb, though quickly filling up the void of her passageway and leaking out around Koda's knot just a bit. She lies back and purrs sweetly to the feel of his hefty load filling up her belly, and once it's done, the sweaty, muscular form of the wolf lightly rests atop her, lungs overcome by a need for air. She murrs near his ear, and gives it a lick. "Very... nice...." She says softly.

He smiles, and then receives a light jab from her hand. He gets himself up off of her, and rrphs, sliding his cock out of her well-used pussy, and then climbing off of the desk. She sits up on her elbows then, smiling widely at the big wolf. Hearing another set of panting other than theirs. Looking over at the desks, they see the iguana, hand on his cock and a belly & chest full of cum. The two have to a chuckle a bit. "Guess you enjoyed the show, Kabutis." Birrsali says.

He blushes and nods meekly, Koda smiling. "Alright, Koda. You know what to do. Take the little tunnel way to the locker room." She says, smirking.

Koda smirks as well. Birrsali's classroom was not too far from the gym area, and she had made a passageway to the male locker room. Koda grabs his clothes, and smirks, collecting Kabu's too, before helping him to his feet. Kabu's walk is shaky, but he manages to hold onto Koda's arm, smiling to him as Koda leads the way to the back of the classroom. Birrsali purrs and smiles, sitting up and swinging around to her feet on the ground. Feeling light-headed, she hardly notices the stream of wolf cum sliding down her leg. When she does, she quickly 'closes up,' giggling a bit. Taking a gentle stride to one side of the room, she turns on a ventilation system. "Let's clear the air in here..." She says to herself, snickering, and taking a whiff of the air for the heck of it.

She then takes a calm stride over to her desk, and drops down into her chair, letting out a loud sigh, and widely smiling in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, the two men get their way into the boy's locker room, Miakoda setting down their clothes near the lockers. Kabutis is already heard rinsing his body off in a shower. Smirking, Koda heads over to one of the showers himself, turning it on to a nice warm temperature, maybe a little on the colder side, to help ease his over-pleasured body. He murrs and just stands there with eyes closed under the water, until he's rudely interrupted by a touch on his member. Gasping, his eyes shoot open to see Kabutis standing in front of him, smiling. "... Kabu..!?" He stutters.

Kabu laughs, giving the cock a nice squeeze, and making Koda quiver and murr loudly. Kabutis murrs himself, hand lightly stroking the maleness as he uses his other hand to bring Koda's head down, pressing noses with him. "It's my turn..." He says, followed by a wide grin.


Characters © Me

~ Scy