A Clone's Love (preview)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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His body looked to be a slightly mixture of white and grey, on the back of his head looked almost like a tube that would go to the bottom of his neck. His tail draping off the bed he was laying in, a large bud at the end which would twitch at times. The tail and a bit of his lower belly a deep purple as well as his eyes which were closed. His body was covered in cuts and bruises from a fight he just went though from a group of humans who wished to capture him, but the clone Pokémon was much stronger and faster. Though he could've easily killed the humans so that he wouldn't be harmed, he did wish to take a life unless truly needed. Opening his eyes, he groaned softly, his weird looking three ball hands clutched at his head which was throbbing in pain, looking down at his body to see he was in a bed, a blanket covering his body as he looked around the room. He knew by the make, he was in a human building, which caused him to frown and growl slightly, but wince in pain as it still hurt to move even his face. The room was a pale white, a small window with blinds covering it easily seen, a nightstand by the bed also some water. He pushed the glass away, not trusting whatever human gave him the drink, before going to the window to look outside. What he saw outside made him somewhat distasteful, humans and Pokémon loving each other a way only their kinds should love their own. He had no idea why these Pokémon would turn their backs to their own kind, but when the humans harmed them, he would not be there to help them.

"Oh I see you're awake!"

Mewtwo looked over at the open door, seeing a woman, about the same size as him, standing at the door with a plate of food in her hands. Her body was very slander, her chest pushed out, and showing a bit of her skin from the top she wore. Her hair a bleached white, her eyes a deep blue, even her skin was somewhat pale as she smiled at him, her teeth shining a flash of white as the Pokémon backed away toward the wall, bringing his paws up and tried to release a energy blast, but groaned and fell on his knee.

"Hey easy there!" she brought the food to the table and went to help him up but he snarled and pushed her hand away.

"Stay away from me human," he hissed the words like poison. "I do not need your help..."

"To me it does look like you need help, now stop being suborned and let me help you!" the clone gave her a hard glare as he pushed her away again and started toward the door before falling forward on the floor again growling in pain as the human then took his arm over her shoulder and helped him up. The Pokémon gave her a sideway glance, but said nothing else as she brought him toward the bed again and sat him down on it, she went in front of him to see to his wounds, some burns were easily seen as she went to the nightstand, pulling out a burn heal and spraying his body with it. Mewtwo winced at times, but stood still, as long as no one knew that he was being helped by a human, a female human of all, he could still keep his dignity. "Well just great," she muttered shaking the empty heal burn. "I'm all out and the shops are sold out for the next couples of days, look like your stuck here until these heal!"

"I will be fine human," he looked away. "I'm leaving now,"

"What no thank you?" she gave a coy smile as he snorted.

"How about I don't turn your insides out?"

"You wouldn't do that even if you wanted to."

"Want to test me human?" she only smiled at him and stood up, walking away from him as she snarled.

"By the way," she looked back at him and smiled. "My name isAlice, and I still think you should stay until you are one hundred percent healed."

"I will think on it...human."

Mewtwo stayed, only because he wanted to be healed fully before going after those humans who did this to him in the first place, though he could walk around, he stayed in the room that he was given thanks toAlice. At times she would come in to see how he was doing, and he would only give her simple answers, never telling her of his past or what he planed on doing after he was healed.Alicewould look over his body from time to time to guess how long he would have to be here, she told him maybe two weeks, three at the most. He grunted and sat back on the bed, his stomach growled, she would laugh at him every time it did and he would only look away, he was not going to eat her food, not trusting her at all. She only rolled her eyes and went off, and once she was asleep, did he at least try the food. He liked it a bit and started to eat more, and once done, he too went to sleep.

The next day was no better for the clone Pokémon; he woke up in the same room, the smell of food easily coming in though the open door on which he closed. At first he thought that the female human had done something to him, but looking over his body, he found nothing wrong. He could easily make her forget him and then leave, but he was still injured and needed time to heal, and he couldn't teleport away ether because that would weaken him in this sort of sate. So he would have no choice but to stay with the human until he was better so he could do whatever he pleased. Leaving out the room, she noticed a few photos, an older female human with deep black hair, an older male human, and a smaller baby human.

"Her family no doubt, he told himself with a nod before walking into the living room. It was fairly large, a few sofas and a TV on the wall, he poked the TV with wonder, wondering what it was, never seeing one before.

"Good morning Mewtwo!" he jerked and jumped back hearingAlicecalled his name as she smiled poking her head out from the kitchen. "Food is ready in caser you are still hungry." Mewtwo only blinked and looked away crossing his arms asAliceshrugged. "Suit yourself then." And then walked back inside the kitchen. Waiting a bit more, the Pokémon looked over with one eye, his hunger getting the best of him before he made his way over seeing Alice setting up another plate and fork as she smiled giving him a helping of food.

"How do you know my name human?"

"It'sAlice," she told him with a finger up as she ate."

"You didn't answer my question." Mewtwo answered in annoyance.

"Call me by my name and I'll tell you," she answered with a smug look as he growled. "Fine, no answer for you." She smiled and started to eat again as he grumbled, never had he dealt with a human such as herself, or a female of Pokémon of that matter anyway!

"Fine then...Alice..." she smiled as she was called by his name. "How do you know my name?"

"You are pretty well known," she told him. "I mean, a Pokémon cloned from a Legendary Pokémon, very powerful and able to make everyone forget around you."

"How do you know that?" he demanded as he slowly ate his food as she smiled.

"I saw the old lab where you were made in," she told him as he blinked. "Well pieces, I found the hard drive of the computer and fixed it, a bit were missing, but a got a bit of information that others did not know about you." Mewtwo only hummed asAlicekept on eating. "So why do you hate me so much?"

"You are human," he answered. "Your kind, all they care about is lying to further their own plans."

"Now that's not true,"Alicetold him while crossing his fingers watching him as he ate his food. "Sure many humans do that, but there are a few, I am one, that doesn't think like that."

"I doubt that,"

"Think about this," she told. "If I wanted to, while you were sleeping, I could've capture you, did I?"


"I could've given you away to the highest bidder, did I?"


"So see, listen Mewtwo, I just want you to trust me, I mean, you do seem like you need a friend."

"I do not need friends...whatever those are."

"You don't know what friends are?" Alice asked in slight confusion. "Well you see...friends are those you can trust, you can count on that aren't family, they can be there to talk or have fun with."

"And what," he spat looking at her. "You think that just because you helped me, you can consider me your...friend?"

"I would like that," she answered him as he looked away. It seemed that this sort of conversation would be over for now, but at least Alice had gotten to at least make him speak to her, and call her by her name; even if it was only once. The days went slowly by for the Pokémon, he didn't want to leave, so he would have to ask Alice to go out and get some food for him if he didn't like what was in the house. Of course, the only way she would go for him, was that if he called and asked her by her name, not by 'human'. He had to at last on the first week he stayed with her, when all the food he tried and didn't like were the only one left in the house, so by the second week, he called her by her name, but only when he wanted something.

He had to admit though; he was amused by how she had stuck up to him, never had he met ether Pokémon or human to act like this to him before, and for some reason, he went along with it. As the last of the week came to an end, his body felt better then before, his strength returned once more, and he could use his powers at their fullest. Though by now, he didn't wish to leave the human he considered as his friend, though never telling her, he found that the more he spent time with her, he felt better, he felt...happy. When it was time for him to go, he promised her, or more like swore, that he would return, he had but one mission to do, and when he did it, he would return; and then, he was gone.

"We know you know where he is you damn bitch!" a kick sent the air out of Alice as she cried out on the ground, three young trainers circled around her, another kicking her back causing her to scream out again as they chuckled.

"Come on, just tell us where he is, that's it!" she only snickered as she spat blood on one of their shoes.

"Suck my ass pricks," she told them as the last trainer, the leader because of his large body, went to kick her himself, but screamed when he was lifted in the air. His body softly glowed purpled as he struggled and kicked the air as his two followers backed away in fright. He screamed as he was thrown to the ground, the other two looking around until a flash of light was seen, for standing before Alice, was Mewtwo. His eyes narrowed into silts as a small growl was heard from within his jaws. His hands pushed outward as the air around him seemed to simmer, the humans all screamed and ran into each other, before running down the street, Mewtwo bringing his hands down and turned to Alice, kneeling down before her.

"Are you alright Alice?" she smiled, when he said her name, it sounded to peaceful, not the rough hating voice he used to call her by."

"I am now," she spoke softly. "Mind helping me up?" he nodded and held onto her arms and pulled her up. "If I can get home...I can patch myself up..."

"No need," he spoke stopping her with a tail. "I can be of help to you now." she was confused, even more when he went to press two of his three ball fingers to her forehead, the hand glowing softly as she let out a startled gasp. Her bruised body slowly heal, her blood nose stop flowing, and the cuts around her arms closed up. when he was done, she examined her body, or what could be seen from her arms and legs, since her pants were slightly ripped, she felt as if she just came out of a full day spa.

"Mewtwo...I..." she didn't get to get what she wanted to say out, for he held onto her shoulders and in just a flash, they were outside her home.

"So what are you doing back here?" Alice was inside busy cooking a homemade pizza for the two, one of Mewtwo's most loving foods she made for him. "I mean, what possible reason is there to come back?"

"I did promise you I would return," he reminded her with a wave of his paw, he passed her over the cheese and cut them into smaller pieces for her as he sat at the table. "And I never go back on my word."

"Well I'm glad you are back," she spoke while taking the floating pieces and placing them on the pizza. "It was getting somewhat lonely around here without you here."

"I didn't know you would miss me that much," he told her as he watched her, his eyes roaming over her back before shaking his head clear.

"When you meet a Legendary Pokémon, things get pretty dull once they leave."

"So true," he answered with a smirk as she only rolled her eyes as she leaned her back on the counter.

"So what was this, 'mission' you spoke of before leaving?"

"I was looking for your brother,"

Alice didn't move or say anything for a while, her arms slowly crossed over her chest as she pondered.

"You did say that one day, you just...lost him right?" he pressed on, worried that he crossed a barrier of her pass, what was it?"

"That's...a long story,"

"We have time till the pizza is done right?" he asked as she nodded. Sighing loudly, she uncrossed her arms and placed the pizza in the oven and went to sit on the chair away from him, but still able to see his face.

"When I was younger, I left to go on a Pokémon adventure like any other child would, like a rite of passage if you would. My mother, had just given born to my brother before I left, I wanted to stay with them a bit more, but my mother pushed me to go, saying that we would always be there when I returned. I stopped training after I was twenty, when I heard my mother was killed by a few people who my brother beat in a fight. For a while, I hated him for it, blaming him; but I remembered; he was just a child." She closed her eyes then as she sighed loudly, a deep ragged breath. Years later, I heard that my brother killed our father, that our father allowed his Pokémon to rape and abuse him, I wanted to see him, to tell him everything would be alright, but I couldn't find the place where he was being held. A year went by and I did find the place, but he was already gone, going on his own adventure."

Mewtwo listened and watched as Alice broke down and started to cry, he got up and pulled her body to his own, hugging her softly and smoothing her hair softly. Her soft sob slowly died away as she held onto his body, looking up at him as he looked down.

"Why not we eat and you clean yourself up, then I'll tell you where he is, alright?" she nodded at him slightly, looking down as she pushed herself away softly, and went to get the pizza, which the buzzer just then buzzed. She nodded and removed herself from his chest and went to grab the pizza. Mewtwo was slightly surprised by himself, the way he held onto her, he never felt like he did when with her, it just felt so...right.

"So how is my brother?" Alice asked cutting the pizza up and wiping her eyes of the tears. "I mean, did you meet him?"

"I saw him from afar," he admitted. "Not up close, but from I gathered from his mind, is that he has two mates, both of them being Pokémon."

"Oh really?" she asked smiling. "Good for him then, I'm glad he can find happiness."

"And they are both with child." She nearly dropped her piece that she was holding as she looked to him.

"What?" she asked as he nodded.

"From what I gathered, he seemed to have made himself capable to understand Pokémon with this needle, the reason you can understand me, is because the human tongue is the only one I speak."

"Ah...the Pokémon Blood as they call it, but it was also so doubt the females he have gave themselves human breasts, it is possible, this increasing the chance for the human and Pokémon to have a child."

"So it would seem," he answered her again as she sat at the table.

"So...how is he?"

"He looks fine, his body is covered with scars from what I've seen...but he no doubt has more." Alice looked down, her mind going a mile a second trying to think what their father had done to him, or how he could think it was her brother's fault that their mother died. "And there is yet another reason why I came back Alice." She looked up at him.

"Oh?" she asked him while leaning on her elbows. "And what might that be?"

"I wish to stay with you, and become your Pokémon."

"R...really?" she stuttered looking at him as he nodded his head.

"You have a strong heart Alice," he told her looking into her eyes, her soul. "You cared for me, even while I was being unfriendly to you at the start, and even when those humans harmed you, you still never told me where I was, not that you knew anyway." She slightly smiled at him as he too smiled back. "It would be my honour, to call you Master."

"Well," she started looking at him more before standing up. "I don't want you to call me...that, it make me feel as if I owe you, and well, I want us to be equal, not by some title. And, I have something I want to ask you."

"And that is?" he asked as she looked to him more.

"Where is my brother?"

"The town three days away." She thought for a moment.

"Hrm, that would be...Viridian City, the gym leader there left years ago and they are looking for a new gym leader to replace him and I was wondering..."

"If I would be willing to do this with you, yes, I will." She smiled and hugged him tightly as the Pokémon gasped lightly.

"Thank you, well...I'm going to take a shower, you can use your old room if you wish." He nodded to her as she smiled and went toward the bathroom. "Oh and Mewtwo?"


"Thank you...for finding him." He smiled and nodded to her.

"Think nothing of it."

The grey and purple Pokémon waited while Alice ran her shower, he was in his room, not much had changed, save for where everything was at now, the bed close to the window. When scanning her brother's mind, he felt his love for his Pokémon lover, and it made him wonder about his feelings for Alice. It did feel somewhat the same as the human did for his Pokémon, could it...that he loved her? No it was impossible, he barely knew her, but, when he left, did he truly start to think of her. Her body, her hair, the way she was, it all made him feel like mush, made him feel weak, but in a good kind of way. He wanted to make her happy in all forms, but didn't know how to. Hearing the water stopped, he stood up, he was going to ask Alice what she truly wanted from him, but when he got there and opened the door, he stood there in shock, his eyes bugged, his jaws dropped.

Alice was drying her hair, so she couldn't see him, but he could see her, her slander body, the little bit of fat on her wide hips, her peachy skin and her perky breasts. His mouth went dry, he couldn't speak, couldn't move, and when Alice did see him, she only smiled.

"Oh hi there Mewtwo," she peeped. "Oh, like what you see?"