Testament of Love (Feat. Ketzio11 and TheMewTech)

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This is the story of how it happened for them.


By Silver Dimitri (Aka SpecialSilv)

"Sometimes, something beautiful happens in this world. You don't know how to express yourself, so you just gotta sing." - The Lonely Island 'I just had Sex' feat. Akon

This is a story for the lovely Ketzio11 and MewTech on Inkbunny. Their mate-ship has shown that love can be found anywhere, even in a world as dark and foreboding as our own. Let this be a gift to the both of you, in hopes that you will look back on it for years to come.

Testament of Love

Featuring Ketzio11 as Ketzie and MewTech as Razor Kranfel

It was a dark and stormy night, as a lone female feline was playing on Battlefield 3. She was certainly dominating the field, for she had a grand total of 34 kills to 12 deaths. She was a pure professional when it came to this game. She sat in her room, playing on her Xbox 360 when a loud clap of thunder told her it was time to shut down everything in her room. She shut her Xbox off, computer and even her TV, which she rarely turned off. She went downstairs to the kitchen, to get a glass of water. When she arrived in the kitchen, she heard someone knocking at her door. When she opened the door, she saw that it was her closest and dearest friend, Razor Kranfel. The rabbit was known well for his ability to mix music in a professional grade, nearly matching that of radio grade mixes. His alias, or nickname, was DJ Razor. "May I come in?" Razor asked as he stood there shivering from the rain. She nodded in response, moving to the side to allow him to enter. "W-What are y-you doing h-here, R-Razor?" She asked nervously. He didn't respond right away; instead he looked for something to dry off with. "Do you happen to have a towel or something I can dry off with? I'm awfully cold and wet." He spoke, chattering, considering the bunny wasn't one to get cold. He was purely wet to the bone. His tail was nothing more than a mass of wet fur as it hung from his tailbone dripping wet.

"Y-Yeah, hold on a minute," she replied softly, walking to the bathroom on the second floor. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom, only to turn and notice that she was blushing in the mirror. As she walked back down the stairs, she noticed that he wasn't standing in the Foyer anymore. She looked around for him. "R-Razor? W-Where are you?" She asked, sounding nervous. The truth is she was a shy feline. She wasn't one to talk aloud to people in person, yet she was very boisterous over Xbox Live. "I'm in the kitchen, Ketzie," he replied. Ketzie walked towards the kitchen, her face blushing fiercely. "S-So h-have you m-made any g-good t-tracks yet?" she asked, stuttering again. She handed him the towel, then noticed that he had shed his baggy pants. They were in the sink, dripping a little onto the floor. 'Oh dear...' She looked at the ceiling, blushing madly. As he dried off, Razor looked at her and smiled softly. "Ketzie, you and I have been close friends for about...3 years? I think it's time I asked something I should have a couple months ago." He spoke softly, love and compassion lacing his voice into a soothing symphony. "W-What's t-that, Razor?" Ketzie asked him softly, her blush deepening. "W-Will you be my mate? Be my girl, for all of eternity?" He asked, dropping to a knee and holding out a gold ring with a diamond on the top in the shape of a flower. She was totally speechless at this point, just staring at the ring. "Y-Yes..." she answered in a whisper, her voice catching in her throat.

Razor rose from his knees and drew Ketzie close, locking his lips with hers. In that moment, everything else was forgotten as the couple cherished their moment in the world together. Razor dipped down and picked Ketzie up, causing her to let a little squeak out of her lips as a protest, but she soon nestled close to his chest, hiding her face against him. He carried her up to her room, laying her on the bed and kissing her softly again. She responded by pulling him on top of her, pressing her lips tightly to his. As they were kissing, Razor proceeded to undress her, taking her panties and sweeter off. She didn't fight him; instead allowed him to do so, even helping him as she pulled his face back down and kissing him again. "P-Please R-Razor. Ma-Make me y-your mate p-please," she whispered to him, noticing that he was ready for her. She squirmed a little, blushing madly as she lay before him, naked and bare except for the hat on her head and the stockings on her legs. He smiled down at her as he lent forward, pressing his member against her wet entrance. "For you, my Ketzie." With that said, he pressed gently into her, spreading her softly as they both moaned together. The both of them locked lips again, kissing and holding each other as Razor soon found a rhythm to his thrusts, easing in and out of her. This wasn't just a carnal lust-filled mating, this was passionate and love filled mating. Razor continued his gently thrusting, not daring to hurt the one he loved. His heart and soul was in their coupling.

Ketzie moaned out her love for him, squeezing his member with her walls. She loved his style, every bit of him was screaming for release yet he held on miraculously. She didn't complain about this; in fact, she tried to urge him to go a little faster. "F-f-faster, R-razor!" She mewled loudly for him, purring and moaning as he sped up a little. He was being too gentle for her liking but she loved it nonetheless. Razor obeyed her and sped up his thrusts, going a little bit faster as he grabbed the sheets around her head and locked lips with her once again. After about another 12 minutes of this steady rhythm, his thrusts became erratic and uncoordinated. This showed her that he was very close to his release. "Y-Yes, m-m-mate me R-Razor! Sp-Spill y-your seed i-in me..." she moaned as he sped up again. With one final slam of his hips against hers, his member twitched inside her, and then she felt the warmth of his release deep inside, his seed flowing to her womb. "R-RAAAAAAAZOOOOR!!!!" She howled his name as she too reached her peak, toppling down to the very bottom. They slumped against her bed, arms in arms together as they both soon fell asleep after sharing one final kiss. Razor's final words to her before drifting off were "I love you, Ketzie." She replied, "I love you too, Razor." With that said, they were out like lights.

Testament of Love

Featuring Ketzio11 as Ketzie and MewTech as Razor Kranfel

This was a story designed for the wonderful Ketzio11 and MewTech, to celebrate their courtship. May the two of them have a wondrous life together and many happy years ahead. We all love you Ketzio. We all love you MewTech. May the both of you spend your evenings in each other's arms.

Sometimes you just can't decide for yourself what you want to do. Others make that choice, you just follow. Sometimes, you can make your own choice on what you want to do. Take that opportunity when it arises. Don't let it fall.

Written by Silver Dimitri (AKA SpecialSilv) with permission to use the characters Razor and Ketzie.

Razor Kranfel © himself.

Ketzie © herself.

Thank you for reading!

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