Keepers of the White Wind

Story by Wayfarer Lyeade on SoFurry

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An overly diligent Keeper of the White Wind is forced to take a rather embarrassing vacation by her friend and mentor.

Aneira growled in displeasure as she swept her gaze across the horizon. A soft blanket of snow rested over the rolling hills of Haven's Run. Behind her the evergreens of the Feywood were crowned with white, standing vigilant in the shadow of the mountain range that embraced the wood. The skies above were calm, tufts of cream brushed over pastel blues, and the sun spilled its warmth to battle the frigid cold of winter.

It was a beautiful and peaceful sight, one she oft enjoyed, but... Aneira sighed.

There should have been a raging blizzard where instead there was calm, and at that hours ago. Of course, it hadn't simply vanished, so that meant it raged elsewhere. Somewhere it was not supposed to be.

"Pardon me, Aneira, but we have a"

Rolling her eyes, Aneira turned to the familiar voice and sat back on her haunches. "I can see that, Roren."

Her companion drooped his ears and tail sheepishly. Roren's appearance was, like hers, that of a blue-eyed wolf covered from head to tail in white, though he did not share the pale blue runes that danced across her pelt. They had been working together a very long time and had gotten to know each other during the turning of seasons. Aneira had come to depend on him as her personal assistant.

"Where's my blizzard?" she asked.

"According to the others it's drifting southward. Already passed over Bleakwood, but slowed when it reached the nearby human settlement." He paused, sitting back thoughtfully. "Um-"

"Shalum," she said, answering for him. Another sigh escaped her muzzle. "There wasn't supposed to be a blizzard there, Roren. If any humans were harmed because of our mistake..."

Roren gave her a dismissive wag of his tail. "The humans are not as fragile as you believe them to be. Besides, you know better than anyone that you can't simply command the weather as you please."

A reluctant dipping of her head and the lowering of her ears conceded the point. Working the weather, especially the White Wind, was like dealing with a child nearly always in tantrum, a child who knew that ultimately it could do whatever it wanted and so only obeyed when the mood struck it.

Still, she thought stubbornly. There were steps we could have taken if our wayward storm had been noticed properly. Now this will make a mess of all the weather patterns and give its ego a hearty surge.

"We're going have to spend all day reigning in the area," she finally said, sullen.

"You can't be serious," Roren said, ears perking. "Difficult enough a task with only our own Circle, even if we weren't already dragging our paws, and you know the others are too overstretched to help. Leave it be and we'll deal with the consequences as they come." She parted her muzzle to protest, but Roren interrupted her with a throaty growl and said, "Aneira..."

"I'm not going to force anyone to work themselves to death," she replied indignantly. "I can do most of it myself. Anyone who wishes to help is welcome."

"Oh? And when's the last time you've slept? Eaten?"

It only bothered her a little that she couldn't actually recall.

"Mind your own business," she said, sniffing. "I take pride in my ability to keep things running smoothly."

Roren looked at her as if he wanted to say something, but then defeat washed over him in a show of lowered tail and drooping ears.

"Fine." He stood up on all fours and turned. "I'll hunt something for you to eat while you work on killing yourself. If you're still coherent when I return, I'll help as I can."

"How very sweet of you," she said teasingly, tail curling around her.

He grunted and started to make his way into the Feywood, but paused after only a few steps. Aneira watched him lift his nose and test the winds. Applying her own sense of smell, she caught a bold and heavy scent that was almost in itself cold, as odd as the thought sounded. Woven into it were many other faint odors; a jumble of memories, places, and events accumulated over a span of time incomprehensible even to her long-lived kind.

"Winter Lord's coming," Roren called back to her.

He was lucky to be a good two body lengths away, or she would have nipped him.

They glanced up at the skies together and saw a speck of silvery white draw close. Leathery wings spread far to either side of a sinuous, powerful body that ended in an unadorned tail. A dual-horned head craned downwards from a lengthy neck, amber and black speckled eyes bright. Razor sharp fangs glistened in the sun from what Aneira knew to be an amused smile. Scaly ridges descended from his chin like icicles, and each idle breath sent forth chilled the air around his maw.

The Winter Lord looped above them several times, then descended, beating his wings only when just above the snowy space before Roren and her. Somehow he still managed to land without disturbing even a single flake of snow.

"Winter Lord," she and Roren said in unison, lowing their heads and allowing tail and ears to fall.

The massive dragon folded his wings and regarded them both for a moment before saying, "Come now, there is no reason for either of you to be so formal." The dragon stretched. "I hear 'Winter Lord' so often that I scarcely remember my own name."

"If you're here about the rouge blizzard, Winter-er, Lacravar, then-"

"No," he said lazily. "I am here officially on unofficial business."

She had forgotten how...irritating, the dragon could be. "Lacravar..."

"I am entirely serious, my dear Aneira. There have been complaints about your performance."

That took her by surprise. Even Roren's eyes widened.

"What? Who? No, wait, what have they said? I mean-"

"The problem-" Lacravar began, interrupting her. "is that those working within your Circle have come to admire and respect you." He lowered his head until one large eye regarded her. "Do you know what that means?"

Confused, unsure if she was at the receiving end of some terrible joke-not a first for Lacravar-Aneira could only stutter out every thought in her head quickly enough that she made no sense.

The dragon saw her worry and confusion and, of all things, laughed. It was a deep rumbling, soothingly melodic. "It means they care and worry about you, Aneira! It is a sad day indeed when I receive complaints about your perfectness and the worry that you might be overexerting yourself to achieve it."

"That's what I've been telling her," Roren said, sniffing and puffing out his chest. When she tried to kill him with her glare, he quickly added, "Not that I had any part in this. I know you well enough to be afraid."

She perked her ears in indignation. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, so why don't the two of you leave me alone, all right?"

Lacravar brushed aside her statement with a snort. "You are like a daughter to me. How could I not worry?" The dragon looked thoughtful, impressing Aneira yet again with the wide range of emotions his rigid face could display. "All I ask is that you devote some time for yourself. It is not so difficult a request."

"There will be plenty of time for myself after winter has gone," she said stubbornly, head held high.

Both Roren and Lacravar made a disbelieving noise. Lacravar unfurled his wings part way and said, "From what I hear you are quite the diligent little worker."

A rebuke came to her muzzle, but even she knew it was a lie. Though Aneira and the other Keepers of the White Wind ran winter, they were subservient to the keepers of other seasons throughout the rest of the year as those keepers were during winter, aiding with their seasons until winter once again came. Normally it was a period of rest and lighter work for the winter workers, but she had been, and still was, eager to both increase her standing and prove herself.

Relenting, Aneira finally mumbled, "I'll keep your words in mind. Promise."

Lacravar chuckled at her hesitation. "Then with that aside, what would you say to starting sooner rather than later and spending the remainder of the day with me?"

"I'm awfully busy today," she said, frowning.

"Oh, how you wound me! And here I had merely wished to spend some of what little time I have left with my beloved friend." He spoke melodramatically, and Aneira rolled her eyes. Lacravar was ancient by any definition, and maybe even old in the reckoning of his kin, but she had little doubt that he would outlive her by far.

"What did you have in mind?"

"The Winter Wars begin later today, how about-"

"Pass," she said without hesitation. She had loved the Winter Wars as a pup, and had dreamed of participating in them when she grew older, but the event was nearly a week long.

"We could listen to the winter songs of the fey together."

"Not interested."

"How about a nice flight, just you and I?"

Aneira shuddered. She still had nightmares from the first time and that had been many seasons ago.

"Perhaps...not flying," Lacravar said with amusement, seeing her reaction. "Then, body sledding in the mountains? You would not believe how thrilling-"

"Lacravar," said, exhaling. "You are like a father to me, and I really appreciate what you are trying to do, but I am really busy at the moment, and honestly, isn't there something or someone more deserving of your attention?"

The dragon huffed and shook his head, tossing Roren a glance. "She is impossibly difficult to please."

Roren wagged his tail and laughed. "Don't I know it."

"Well then..."

Aneira eyed the large dragon. His tail stretched around his towering form, reaching for her. She tried to retreat, but was too slow. A yelp escaped as the tail gently wrapped around her torso and lifted her into the air.

"Lacravar!" she exclaimed, squirming in his grasp.

The Winter Lord ignored her, rising to all fours and stretching again. He craned his head down at Roren. "Your Circle is to spend the remainder of the day resting. Do not bother our dear Aneira unless it is of absolute importance." The dragon lowered his head to Roren's level. "And while I am aware, and appreciate, that you and your brethren are oh so terribly loyal to this boring ball of fur, should you decide to 'forget' my orders you and I shall find ourselves discussing the lapse tomorrow when I go for my morning flight. Am I understood?"

Roren lowered ears and tail, nodding. "Perfectly." Then, to a helpless Aneira, "Sorry, Aneira."

"Coward," she shouted halfheartedly as the took off towards the grove where her Circle made their home.

Satisfied, Lacravar made his own way through the Feywood, managing to somehow move through the tall trees without displacing a single one despite his bulk. Aneira had no idea where they were going; she only knew that they were heading north towards the mountain range that capped the wood. The dragon's large strides quickly ate the distance as they traveled in silence.

At some point her growing curiosity overcame stubborn anger, and she asked sulkily, "Where are we going?"

The Winter Lord curled his tail as he moved, bringing her before his large snout. "You will soon see."


"Come now, little one," the dragon said sweetly. "As you could not decide on a wondrous activity for us to share, I instead have done so. You will enjoy it, I think, for it is a compromise between our tastes."

"A compromise?" she asked. With Lacravar, that could mean anything.

"As long as I am entertained and you are in some way fulfilling your duties, I believe we could both enjoy the evening."

"You could have helped with the weather, then," she rebuked.

"Unfortunately, the mere mention of weather working leaves me drowsy."

The dragon said no more until they reached the thinning northern edge of the Feywood. Mountains stretched endlessly to the east and west and towered over them. Tilted trees, weathered boulders, and massive stone outcroppings dominated the area, all drowned in layers of pristine snow. In the center of them a series of outcroppings rose above all the others despite sinking into a bowl-like depression lined with packed snow. Aneira thought it would have made a wonderful den; the walls of the bowl and the outcropping's jagged protrusions protected the center from the fierce winds that sometimes frequented the area.

Lacravar paused at the edge, peering down, and Aneira saw that others already shared her opinion of the shelter. A large pack of lounging dire wolves glanced up at them, curiosity in the myriad multicolored eyes.

Aneira did not fail to notice that every single one of them was male.

"Lacravar..." she breathed in growing alarm as Lacravar began lowering her into the basin. "W-what are you doing!?"

"Calm yourself," he said as he set her down on her paws, then lowered his own body so that he lounged curving with the lip of the basin but behind the worst of the outcroppings. "This pack of dire wolves has claimed the region for countless generations, yet a harsh winter, other encroaching wolves, and the human mountain folk have seen them suffer. By pure chance all of their females have perished, so their pack will not bear any pups in spring and they will have to wait until those of other packs go wandering before hoping to regain females. A distressing situation, no?"

"Well, yes," she stuttered. "But what does that have to do with us?"

"Come now," Lacravar said evenly. "You are smarter than that."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"It is a duty your kind performs from time to time, one highly regarded."

That was...true. It was not often that they directly interfered with the laws of nature unless it was related something they maintained, like the weather, but from time to time they fixed minor imbalances that should not exist in the first place or would be better off not existing. Most of them were caused by humans, and though they were only partially at fault in this case, Lacravar was right; this was a situation in which she could intervene.

It simply wasn't something she particularly wanted to do, even if it weren't with such a large pack of dire wolves. Lacravar was out of his mind. She quickly turned and leapt onto a slab of stone, then continued to climb up towards the lip of the basin.

The Winter Lord watched her efforts lazily. "Come now, there is no need to act like this. It is a very noble and natural thing you would do for them, and who better to bear healthy and strong pups for them than one of your regal blood? Better yet, it is a situation in which you could truly allow yourself-"

Aneira scratched onto another snow-strewn boulder, glanced around, spotted a lump of stone leaning against the lip and poking out above it. She nimbly made her way upwards.

"-to let go and enjoy the rush of your more primitive instincts. Nothing quite relieves stress and relaxes the body, spirit, and mind like a good, long, healthy session of, well, exertion."

Aneira reached the tip of the outcropping and jumped down, but mere moments after her paws left the stone Lacravar's tail neatly caught her and replaced her back at the bottom.

She growled in frustration. "Lacravar!"

The dragon regarded her. "Are you listening?"

"No. Now let me out!"

"I think not," he said, sounding apologetic, but his eyes smiled. "Now, now, puff your fur at me all you want, but it earned you nothing as a pup and will earn you nothing now."

"Let me out and we can go to the Winter Wars," she bargained desperately. "Or listen to the fey, or even go for a flight! I don't care! Please!"

"You had your chance, little one," he said, yawning. "Perhaps next time you may decide, but this evening it is my choice."

Lacravar leaned down into the basin, humming, while she eyed the dire wolves. They were more intelligent than normal wolves, intelligent enough to know who and what both she and Lacravar were. They continued to lounge passively, watching her and the dragon, oblivious to the exchange between them.

Realizing that getting out of this mess was unlikely, she decided to instead cope with the situation. There were a lot of dire wolves, a daunting problem in itself, but even so there was little chance that she would actually bear them pups and that was her biggest concern. Thankfully, because her kind was long lived, she did not share nature's cycles of fertility. Even with a mundane dire wolf or wolf partner she wouldn't become heavy with pups without the aid of-

Her deep blue eyes shifted to what Lacravar was doing and a growl escaped her muzzle. One of his eyes rose up to her briefly, then returned to his work. With a claw he was delicately tracing a Symbol of Fertility into the snow, rich with his magic. Even unfinished she could feel the power emanating from it.

"Lacravar!" she exclaimed, her voice nearly a shriek, as she clawed at the runic lines.

"Yes?" he asked innocently, pushing her aside with a gentle sweep of his tail before resuming his work.

"You are not really going to make me bear their pups?" she asked nervously. "I mean-"

"Of course not, though as your superior it is within the scope of my command," he answered, focusing on his work. "For you however I am willing to present a choice."

"A choice?" Her ears perked up hopefully.

"Yes. I am determined that some good comes out of this for all present." The Winter Lord paused, turning his entire head towards her. "Thus, business or pleasure? You may enjoy yourself with the dire wolves, and in turn soften the stress of an unpleasant turn of the seasons for them, or you may simply view the task as a noble duty and weaken the physical blow it has dealt them." The dragon returned to his carving. "Of course, you may also choose to aid the poor dire wolves and enjoy yourself, as foreign a concept the two together might be for you."

A full range of thoughts and emotions cycled through her head, but she finally said, "Fine. I'll 'enjoy' myself, so there's no need for the spell."

"That is not how it works, Aneira. Prove to me you are truly enjoying yourself and I will use my magic to neutralize the effects of the symbol afterward. Continue to be a stubborn, boring rock and, well, then we shall let nature take its course. You will, of course, receive all due honors and so forth. Exactly what you desired, yes? Standing? Prestige? Recognition?

"That's not funny," she said, sitting back on her haunches.

"And I am not making a joke of it," the dragon insisted. "I very much admire your dedication, as do others, but where would I be without the infamous affection I privilege my subordinates with? I too have a reputation to maintain."

Aneira rolled her eyes, huffing. Lacravar ignored her and continued to strike more lines in the snow with an obsidian claw, magically burning them in place, even though the Symbol of Fertility was complete. She watched as he expanded the symbol, attaching minor symbols with the runic character for 'male'. It would extend the symbol to affect the dire wolves, she knew, though in their case it would greatly heighten their arousal and stamina.

"W-what are you doing!?" she protested.

"The longer you wait the longer I shall have to doodle, and I oh so do enjoy doodling."

Growling and taking his point, she exhaled slowly and trotted over to the waiting dire wolves. This would have been easier if they had been normal wolves, but the dire wolves knew her for what she was, knew that she was not a wolf, not really. To them she might as well have been a goddess.

Well, thanks to the efforts of Lacravar, they would get a chance to sate themselves with the body of a goddess.

Lupine eyes all focused on her as she approached, the scent of their owners masculine and earthy. The dire wolf she knew to be their alpha, scarred and prideful, lay curled upon a raised boulder above the others. He did not stand to either challenge or claim, knowing well that he was beneath her and that she was deserving of his respect.

She growled softly, then spoke in a series of short, sharp barks. The alpha rose and came down before her as she commanded, regarding her curiously. It was here that she balked, knowing that there were no words in the limited wolfen tongue to explain what she wanted. The dire wolves, for all their intelligence, still communicated mostly in the manner of animals, with their bodies and actions, unlike the fey, the humans, her own kind, and many others who forged thoughts into words.

Feeling more than just a little embarrassed Aneira let her tail and ears fall and lowered her body, whining softly, showing her submission to the alpha and, through him, his pack. With normal wolves she might have been done with the whole messy business soon enough, but the eyes of these wolves shun with intelligence and that intelligence gave way to surprise. They understood the signs well, but could not fathom why she was offering herself.

The alpha moved close and nipped at her ears, her neck. He nuzzled her in the barest sense of the word, his fur brushing against hers. There was no fear in his movements, only careful experimentation.

Aneira's whines became even softer while she endured his increasingly bolder affections. Eventually he nudged her, growling into her ear. She slowly turned around and raised her rump, tail pointed skyward, presenting herself to the alpha. Several of the wolves rose onto their feet, eyes now glowing with eagerness, the scent of their arousal and pent up desire filling the basin and intoxicating her.

It's...not a bad scent, she thought to herself as red cocks began to poke out of their sheaths. Of course, she'd never admit it to anyone.

A wet tongue brushed hesitantly against her slit and Aneira almost laughed. The dire wolf alpha had probably been in countless battles, had likely once enjoyed priority to a variety of females, and was obviously a wolf who carried himself with pride even before someone like her. That he hesitated now was a little funny. Maybe he was just now starting to realize what he was being offered.

Good, she thought. He should appreciate what I'm doing.

Her response was to simply spread her hind quarters further apart and waggle her bottom invitingly. A rough, wet tongue accepted her invitation, brushing with more confidence, then with increasing eagerness. Aneira closed her eyes as a pleasant warmth radiated from between her haunches. The thick scent of waking cocks tickled her noise, stirring something deep inside, lulling her into a relaxed state of mind. Her own growing arousal and the alpha's eager tongue moistened her slit with sticky fluids, enough that she was surprised to feel her fur become slick. In turn the scent of her own excitement teased and toyed with the dire wolves who were waiting for their leader to claim his right of first pleasure.

"My, that did not take very long at all," Lacravar mused drowsily, his head propped on a bolder. "I dare say you were as deprived as the dire wolves, poor thing."

She'd almost forgotten that he was even here. "I'm...huff...only...doing..doing-" She paused and breathed a lusty whine as the alpha shoved his muzzle hard against her, driving his tongue nosily inside her folds.

"Oh? So you have decided that we should keep this strictly professional, then?"

Damn him. She shook her head, not trusting her voice with the alpha eagerly eating her.

"Ah," the Winter Lord said, curling his tail languidly. "Then you are quite enjoying yourself, despite having endured only the briefest span of the wolves' attention?"

"Yes," she muttered, refusing to look at him.

"Pardon me, I do not believe I heard you. Aged earholes, you see..."

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Are you happy now?"

"As much as you will soon hopefully be."

The alpha's tongue relented, leaving her rump and slit a sticky, wet mess. An uneasy moment of waiting passed, then she felt the alpha mounting her. The sudden weight of his presence startled her, leading her to rise. He growled and Aneira felt his sharp teeth nip along her ears, neck, and muzzle until she whined an apology and lowered herself submissively once more.

At the moment Aneira was simply another bitch waiting to be mated, nothing more, and the alpha treated her like one. Being dominated by a weaker being than herself sent an unexpected but pleasant shiver down her spine.

He placed his paws to either side of hers, his powerful panting rich with lust. His muzzle rested on top of Aneira's, tongue hanging from the side. A pointed bit of flesh prodded her pussy hotly and she had to resist a sudden urge to press up into him.

The alpha paused, savoring the moment, enjoying making her wait, then without warning thrust deeply. They both yelped as he sunk all the way inside, then the male repositioned himself and began thrusting deep and hard.

He didn't give her a chance to get accustomed to his growing meat, nor did he really seem to care about how much he might be hurting her. That wasn't how it worked, Aneira knew. The alpha was using her body to pleasure himself to his satisfaction; she at the moment served no other purpose, and that purpose would lead to nature's true intention of making her a breeding receptacle.

Aneira breathed deep and slow, bracing herself against the alpha's lusty thrusting, arching her tail over his back and spreading her legs further apart as his cock grew harder and thicker inside her. The bulb of his knot pressed against her slit, only half inflated but kissing her sticky lips with a sinister promise she knew it would fulfill. The lewd noises and scents of their wild breeding filled the basin, driving the other dire wolves to pace with impatience. Aneira distantly noticed that many of them had rigid cocks and a few already had inflated knots.

The alpha continued to nip and growl as he mated Aneira, demanding that his bitch be entirely submissive. She whined in response to his attention, the brief spikes of pain sending hot shivers all along her body. When his thrusting became more urgent, more purposeful, pushing her powerfully into the snow, she merely lowered herself as he desired and allowed him plow her wet entrance, losing herself in the earthy scents tickling her noise, drowning in the pleasure both her sentient mind and her slumbering primal instincts both understood and craved.

With a rush of strength and need that Aneira felt to her very bones, the alpha pushed into her, thrusting down hard. A howl sounded in her perked ears as a ball of hot, hardening flesh forced itself inside and continued to grow until she was sure it would tear her apart. A low whine escaped her muzzle, eyes closed, as she took the alpha's knot. He ground more than thrust a few more times, then with an overwhelming sense of release shot a series of sticky, searing streams directly into her.

Aneira lost focus, her mind hazy as a powerful, primal sense of contentment and satisfaction overcame her, mixing with a burst of pleasure that exploded in her skull like the fireworks humans favored on certain nights.

It seemed like an eternity that she lay there being filled by the alpha, but eventually the jetting streams eased and his interest in her passed. He slid off her, allowing her to stand, and turned away, lifting a leg and favoring his embedded knot a glance. The other dire wolves pressed close, realizing their turn had come at last. Aneira ignored them, panting and trying very hard to ignore the pulsing lump of flesh still stirring up her insides.

One of the dire wolves came before her and pawed at her muzzle, whining softly. He lifted his leg to reveal a red cock fully hardened, knot fleshy and full. It twitched from an unfulfilled need, and from what Aneira understood the dire wolf did not wish to wait any longer. She knew what it wanted from her, but...

A ragged breath escaped her muzzle. Why not? It'll help move this along...there's too many wolves for me to take care of normally anyway, especially if they all end up knotting me like this.

Aneira lowered her muzzle towards his cock and brushed her tongue along the shaft. It twitched at her touch and the dire wolf shivered. He pawed her more urgently. Repositioning herself a little bit, Aneira began brushing her rough tongue along the shaft in short, wet strokes, favoring the pointed tip, but being careful to keep it out of her muzzle.

The dire wolf shook with delight, amusing her a little, and lifted his leg higher. Aneira rose, taking in his musky scent, and washed her tongue over his balls, her wet nose teased his pulsing bulge. After only a few moments of her attention he lowered his leg and began thrusting into the air. Aneira, even more amused, licked him in time with his thrusting. The male quickly came and released a throaty growl as his pent up need spilled onto the snow in steamy spurts.

Another wolf eagerly shoved the first out of the way, lifting his own leg and presenting to her another meaty, red cock awaiting her tongue. She sighed, though only halfheartedly, and set herself to the new challenge hanging rigidly before her, enjoying the wolf's scent and taste, nuzzling his furry balls.

Whilst Aneira was otherwise engaged, the alpha tugged on his knot, eliciting a yelp from her as the knot forced her pussy lips apart and popped out, quickly followed by a length of still twitching meat. Her slit immediately clamped shut and the lack of a fleshy rod inside her left her feeling...disappointed.

She was not left wanting for long however because the other dire wolves didn't bother giving her a chance to recover. They all pounced at once, fighting to mount her, until at last one male managed to align himself with her and rammed his cock all the way inside. His fangs sank lightly into the back of her neck while he pounded her with even more wild abandonment and ferocity than the alpha.

Aneira grunted beneath his eager lust, spreading her legs and properly bracing herself against his breeding. The wolf she had been licking whined impatiently and shoved his cock forward, catching her by surprise and sinking his cock into her open maw. He didn't seem to realize that his sensitive meat was surrounded by rows of perfect, razor-sharp teeth because, no doubt overcome by the sensation of being inside her wet muzzle, he immediately began to thrust deeply.

He was a very lucky wolf, because the only reason he still had a cock to worry about relieving was Aneira's own fear of harming him. She kept her maw open and her tongue out of the way, enduring his needy thrusts, snatching bits of breath in between. The wolf mounting her thrust down hard, erupting inside her pussy in a surge of pent up cum, his seed mixing with the alpha's. Already quite full, the sticky fluids attempted to gush out of her, but the dire wolf's hardening knot soon sealed her slit closed and forced her to accept everything he had to give, just as a bitch was supposed to.

She whined at the gentle pressure in her belly, her breath coming out hot as she was again bred. The vibration and warmth brought the wolf plunging his cock into her muzzle to climax. His throbbing cock too exploded, squirting warm cum down her throat. She drank as much as she could but had to pull away despite the threatening growl of the wolf on top of her when the other wolf's knot began to fill her muzzle. He lurched back, still cumming, his cock spraying its load all over her ears and snout, overriding the already powerful scents of arousal and sex with his own musky scent. The rest was wasted in thick streams shot into the snow, joining the first wolf's.

None of the other wolves gave her any more of a chance to rest than the first few to use her did. Another wolf presented her with his erect red cock while the wolf on top slid off and tugged on his knot until it popped out with a wet noise. A dire wolf quickly took his place, plunging his cock, knot already inflated, into her stinging pussy just as it attempted to clamp shut. This wolf came almost immediately, but continued to thrust with an almost desperate vigor as he came, his cock remaining rigid.

The dire wolf in front of her growled. Aneira gave him the attention he craved, not wanting a repeat of the last wolf, and pleased him with the full attention of her tongue. The hours began to blend together as she served the dire wolf pack and before she realized it darkness fell over the Feywood, the sky above lit only by familiar twinkling stars.

Aneira did not know how many times she had been mated or how many cocks she had pleased with her tongue. She'd lost count a long time ago since whenever one group of wolves sated themselves a previous group had again grown aroused and returned for more.

Not that it bothered her. In fact, she found giving herself over to her instincts wonderfully exciting, lifting her rump in invitation whenever a male growled into her ears or nipped at her neck. Though they sought only to breed her, she enjoyed their rough matings and swam in a sea of pleasure and multiple orgasms.

The cocks some wolves presented her, though less now that every dire wolf had had his chance to mount her, filled her muzzle and nose with an earthy taste and smell that she had quickly learned to enjoy. She even got a twisted sense of pleasure from knowing that she was unlike any other wolf these males would ever breed with and that no other female could compare to the flesh of one of her kind.

Lacravar had been right; nothing was quite as soothing as wearing herself out indulging body, spirit, and mind in a session of, as he put it, exertion. Letting her inhibitions and worries flutter away like petals in the wind felt good. She would have to make the time to do it again, and more often... Roren, at the very least, she knew well enough to know he would enjoy sharing some private time with her. Oh, he'd be surprised at first, but...

Something wrapped around her waist and without thinking Aneira automatically lifted her rear, tail rising lazily. Her sore slit was a sticky mess from being stuffed by so many dire wolves and the proof of their affections oozed down her hind quarters, but they hadn't seemed to mind and she certainly didn't. Not after she had grow accustomed to the feeling, anyway.

Lacravar chuckled as he brought her to eye level. "Perhaps I will take up your offer another time."

"'s you," she said, ears perking.

"You sound disappointed."

"Er, no, I was just, I mean-" She squirmed in his grasp, then gave up, flustered. "What do you want? Can I go home now?"

The dragon's eyes shone in amusement. "You could have gone hours ago, little one, had you merely asked. You seemed to be enjoying yourself however, so I suppose it was time well spent." He set her down out of the basin, then wiped his tail in the snow. "And it is not I who has need of you."

Aneira turned and was surprised to see Roren staring at her with a very amused expression.

"What is it, Roren?" she asked, too worn out to worry about the fluids and scents dripping off her.

"We have a bit of an emergency," he said, wrinkling his noise. "But perhaps not one that can't wait for you to take a dip in the river. Did you have fun?"

"I'll show you later," she said, perking up and focusing her mind. He tilted his head, but said nothing, and she got the impression that he had thought her comment misspoken. Aneira decided that she would correct that misconception later, when she was well rested and, well, clean. "And the bathe can wait, I suppose. What's the emergency?"

"The blizzard is holding over that human city and we don't know why," he said, one ear perked while the other drooped. "The Winter Lord said not to bother you, so we tried to break the storm ourselves, but..."

They needed her degree of magic, then. Breaking a tired storm would not be too difficult-it was already odd enough that this one had remained so long in the first place-but who knew how much damage an extended blizzard could do to the town if it was not handled promptly. Her mind was already working out the spells she would need, the worldly powers she would have to draw upon.

"Let's go," she said to him, and Roren nodded as they started through the darkened wood.

"I will stop by later," Lacravar said as the two lupine figures moved side by side through the Feywood, a smug draconic smile showing his fangs in the moonlight.

He doubted they had heard him, but it did not particularly matter. It was, after all, the result he had intended. He knew Aneira better than she knew herself; this little distraction had been easy to design and the spell to coax the storm into remaining powerful enough to demand her own strength had been even easier.

Lacravar glanced at the sated and tired dire wolves. A few were preparing for a hunt, but most were sleeping from exhaustion. He leaned down and casually clawed out the Symbol of Fertility, shredding both magic and the darkened lines.

It was not exactly as if he were going against his word. If that silly work-obsessed keeper recalled their agreement and requested that he neutralize the effects of the symbol, he would. Knowing Aneira however, she might playact indignation, might even secretly recall the pleasures she had experienced tonight, but the symbol's affects would no doubt slip her mind until it was too late.

Well, at least she would be forced to reign in her dreadful habits while she bore the young. Aneira would not have to nurture for them long; lessor still because dire wolves grew into their intelligence quickly. The dire wolves here would gain a handful of pups in the spring, perhaps a few of them females, and those could be traded for the females of other packs. Many more would join of their own accord, for this pack was yet strong and still owned a vast span of territory. Aneira's involvement would gently push them further towards the goal of regaining their strength and nature would take over from there, as it should be.

Aneira would not be happy about it at first, but the experience would be good for her, and who knew? Perhaps it would lead her to consider a family of her own. Her own assistant, Roren, was practically snout-over-tail for her, if she would only see it.

A chuckle rose from him, swirling frosty breath into the air. Ah, to be young.

Lacravar unfurled his massive wings and gazed towards the stars, tasting the winds. It was a calm night, good for flying, though he sensed that the weather would change for the worst soon enough. It seemed like Aneira would have her hands full after all, though the sad truth was that she was no doubt happier that way.

As for him, well, he would stuff himself with goats from the western mountains and then settle for a nice, long nap. Perhaps in a day or two he would visit Aneira's Circle and tease her just a little more.

Lacravar flashed a toothy smile. He was looking forward to it.