You Leavanny and Learn

Story by JayDeth on SoFurry

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Yes watchers, I am back! Back with... something completely unrelated to anything I've written before. Well, sue me. I've had this story thought up for months but one thing or another kept me from actually typing it out. Well, here it is. A quick story of a trainer losing his virginity to his Leavanny. It's not very long, but I feel it's just the right length and I hope to write more in the near future, not years from now.

And yes, I do plan on getting back to my other stories soon... hopefully.

Ah, to be a young lad in the pokemon world. No having to worry about school. No responsibilities. No work. Just me and all my... one pokemon.

At first I was really excited to finally be off on my own adventure, setting out west from Nimbasa City where I grew up traveling down Route 5 and after a week I still hadn't made it to the Driftveil Drawbridge. It wasn't because the bridge was up that I couldn't continue nor was I stalling because my one pokemon needed training. Quite the contrary, the Leavanny I had in my possession had been in my family for years. In fact, my parents even mentioned that she'd been around since they were little, acting as a second mother to them and latter to me. And now so soon after I'd started my journy I was also becoming more... sexually active. And here was good old Leavanny taking care of me and shaking her sexy abdomen everywhere she walked...

Every night since I'd set out from home I found myself with a stiffy just from being around her, she was almost never in her pokeball, and I'd quickly hide in my tent and tell her to go get as much firewood as she could find. It was on one such night that Leavanny returned sooner than expected, most likely because by then we'd gathered every dead branch the forest had to offer, to find me still inside the tent, naked and with my hand wrapped firmly around my young erection.

Even then, as embaressed as I was, looking into Leavanny's surprised red eyes, I found myself still so enraptured by that beautiful bug/grass type that I couldn't stop touching myself which only made me more embaressed.

The stunned silence didn't last long, however as she smiled at me, making my heart skip a few beats even in that awkward situation. She fully entered the tent and then stood in such a way I find difficult to recount but none the less made her look even more enticing than she did on a regular basis. It was a stance that all women perfect in their middle age. A stance that showed she knew exactly what she had and exactly how to advertise it. Indeed, I found out much later that my father had lost his virginity to this very Leavanny. And it was no secret that the best Sewaddle's in the region came from her eggs.

And so it was with shocked elation that Leavanny got on all fours between my legs, gently brushed aside my hand with her surprisingly delicate blade hands, and took me into her mouth. It was strange and some what awkward, but her gentle nomming was better than I could have imagined. I got worried when she tilted her head and took my boy sack into her mouth, but she knew what she was doing and my pleasure only intensified. Not sure what else I should do with my hands I pet her fondly around her antennae, watching the pokemon that helped raised me bent over my hard on and giving me fellatio.

After a few minutes of this, my inexperienced young mind thinking it couldn't get any better, she stops and looks at me, smiling and saying her name "leavanny" in that way that pokemon talk in such a way that sounded as sexy and lustful as the look her eyes were giving me. It was then that she crawled over my body so that we were face to face and as she opens her mouth to speak again I kiss her deeply, groaning happily and probing her mouth with my tongue in the way I knew adults showed their affection but had never actually tried before, my arms wrapping around her and hugging tightly as if I was afraid she'd come to her senses and leave me.

But I needn't have worried. I found out moments later that she wanted me just as badly. I gasp into her mouth as something warm and inviting kisses the tip of cock. Glancing over her shoulder I see that the end of her abdomen has curved down slightly and out of the corner of my eye I see Leavanny watching me intently as her back end presses down and envelopes my prick all at once.

And I absolutely lose it.

I cry out in ecstasy to the forest night as I enter Leavanny's oh so warm and damp insides, the inner walls of the foreign vagina uncaring of how distant we were on our evolutionary paths. I came in seconds of being inside her, my pokemon groaning and speaking her name on top of me as she milked my cock of all it had to offer. I was young, so it wasn't much, but I was young, so I wasn't finished yet and I kissed Leavanny again and continued making love to her through out the night.

As dawn broke the next day I was surprised to learn that my erection still hadn't gone down, but then neither had Leavanny's abdomen stopped it's steady, rythmic pumping. It wasn't until many hours into the morning that we left the tent, Leavanny felling more satisfied than she had in months and myself feeling like I had brushed heaven with my dick and the both of us closer than ever before.

I was finally ready to start my pokemon journy.