Love during the heat

Story by Alex Kitsune on SoFurry

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#2 of Yiff of the pleasant sort

What is this!?! Another smut story! By me? What blasphemy is this?! Well...I shall tell you! laughs

This is the result of four days of role playing with Myval, , followed by two days of editing. What I mean by that is merging our separate posts into a single cohesive story. Did it work? Well, I would like to think it did ^.^

Now, this is a male/male story, a feral Ninetales and a feral Growlithe, both Pokemon. What does this mean? There is smut, pokesmut to be exact, in this story; in fact, this one is kind of centered around it chuckles This also means, that if you are under the legal limit, I ask (although I know you won't) to please leave. Also, if you be hating on the m/m, well, I ask you be so kind to leave as well ^.^

In addition, I do not own Pokemon, Gamefreak, or whoever it is, they own it. What I do have claim to is the character of the Ninetales, Myval to the Growlithe.giggles and if you're able, be kind and leave a comment and a vote ^.^ and everyone loves favs, right? :p

So, without any further ado steps to the side please enjoy...

A lone Ninetales, walking a small path deep in the pine-filled forest, held his head low to the ground as he limped along, favoring his right-hind leg. His white fur was marred with long streaks of crimson red, running almost the full length of his body. Each slow, steady, step caused a wince of pain to flash across his face, and he gritted his teeth each time his hind leg had weight supported on it.

All around him, he could smell heating females of many species, their scents almost mocking him. Even worse, he could hear as their heats were sated by a strong male, either a new one or a life-long mate.

Setting his jaw firmly, the Ninetales continued down the path, closing his nostrils to block the smell and flattening his ears tight to his head. "It's been three years, and I still can't keep her out of my mind," he muttered to himself, rationalizing that as the reason he'd lost to the Houndoom.

Scoffing lightly, he looked up, noting where he was. "Hmph, almost home. Alone," his head dipped down, shoulders hanging low as well, "again," he said sadly.

Bracing himself once more, he continued to drag himself down the path, back towards his den.

Just a short ways away, a Growlithe glanced around, his nose twitching. He frowned, shaking his head as he continued to glance around nervously. The smell all of the females in heat was flodding his nose; and worst of all, most of them were being sated by other males. He gave a soft whine, shaking his head.

Maybe he would have better luck tomorrow. With a final glance around, he cautiously stepped onto a path, and started thinking on the recent days.

He'd been fairly lucky so far. The one female that he had, tried, to court already had a strong male with her.

The Growlithe wasn't a fool either. No matter how much the scents were messing with his head, he wasn't going to mess with someone bigger then him.

And when said larger male was a Rapidash...

The canine shook his head again, sighing softly. He wasn't sure what the big deal about mating was anyhow.

With that, he continued to move down the path, angling towards the place he had bedded down last. It wasn't far from where a Ninetales had a den set up.

Hopefully the Ninetales hadn't gotten a female, or things might get nasty. They had a pretty good relationship, all things considered, but things go crazy during this time of year.

Stopping in the path, the Growlithe started looking around, having caught a scent. Not only that, but also the sound of something moving along another path. Curiosity getting the better of him, the Growlithe started to boldly move forward, quickly catching the scent of blood. That made him think that this other might be injured.

Shouting loudly as his foot caught on a branch, the Ninetales fell face first into the pine covered path, eyes squeezing tightly as pain lanced up his leg. Instead of trying to stand up, he just rested for a moment, breathing in the smell of the pine needles. Slowly, but surely, they overwhelmed the sweet scent of heating females, and the bitter, coppery smell of his own blood.

There was also a familiar scent on the wind, but it was hard to distinguish over the tang of blood.

The sound of a branch snapping made him lift his head up weakly, hoping that it wasn't a pack of opportunistic Mightyena. He wasn't in the mood to fight off a horny male. Hell, he wasn't even sure that he could.

Growling deep in his throat, the fox struggled to get up, knowing that most would pass by when they saw that he was both injured and had no female to duel over.

Soon though, the familiar scent from before came again, this time much stronger. Sighing as he recognized it, the Ninetales finally managed to bring his head up to see a Growlithe coming out of the woods, sniffing the ground intently.

Taking a quick moment to make sure that there were indeed no females around, the Ninetales relaxed again. Even though he rarely let his guard down, especially during the mating season, he and the Growlithe had been good friends for a while now.

With a final sigh, he rested his head on his paws, watching the Growlithe. A faint ghost of a smile worked it's way onto the fox's muzzle. "I'm gonna guess you had better luck than me," he said, almost jokingly.

The loud crash had caused the Growlithe to start moving with less caution, having heard whatever it was collapse. Whoever it was obviously wasn't in any shape to do anything to him. So, he could satisfy his innate curiosity and look to see who it was.

When he saw the Ninetales laying before him, the Growlithe paused, doing his own look around. He smelt no others in the area, besides a small swarm of Butterfrees a good distance away, and they wouldn't bother him; at least not right now.

He tilted his head, examining the injured fire-type. At first he didn't recognize the Ninetales. But when he did, his eyes widened a bit as he stepped back. "That doesn't look pleasant," he told his erstwhile neighbor.

Well, at least he know knew where the fox had gone to. He gave a small chuckle, shaking his head at the Ninetales' comment. "I just know when it's a good time to back down."

Slowly, he approached the other, sniffing around cautiously. The fox looked injured, but otherwise he seemed like he would be fine if he got some time to rest and clean off the blood. "Come on, let's get you back to your den."

Looking back over his own haunches, craning his neck to do so, the fox gave a small laugh. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan," grunting again, he stood up, wincing as his injured leg took a bit more weight than it should have.

The Growlithe stood next to the fox, listening to his soft laugh. Scooting closer to the other fire-type, the Growlithe allowed the fox to put some weight on him, giving him enough support to stand. A quick glance and he also noticed that the Ninetales had an injured leg; not only that, but that he was obviously favoring it.

A small shout left the fox as he walked, and he was grateful that the Growlithe was there to catch him. Taking a moment, the fox's chest rested on the canine's back, until he was able to get his three good legs under him. With his bad leg lifting and tucking naturally up against him, he nodded to the Growlithe, who stepped back a touch. Tentatively testing himself, he took one slow step, and then another, and was once again on the move.

Now under his own power once again, the fox began his slow walk back down the path towards his den. When he occasionally lost his balance, the Growlithe was always right there to catch and help steady him. One thing he was grateful for was that the canine knew not to support him the whole time, allowing the Ninetales to keep a bit of pride.

The Growlithe nodded, stepping back when the fox nodded at him, and the canine allowed him to move of his own free will. Following the fox, the Growlithe moved slowly. He knew that the fox probably wanted keep some pride, all things considered. The only time he stepped in was when the fox started to waiver and was on the verge of collapse.

The more the fox thought about the Growlithe walking next to him, the more he felt a smile flickering across his muzzle. He quickly shook his head, thinking that it was merely all of the smells around him that were putting some of these thoughts in his mind.

The Growlithe, for his part, walked next to the Ninetales. The canine had made a mental note to scan the surroundings to ensure that no females, or males for that matter, were in the immediate area. When he saw none, he sighed softly to himself, glad for that piece of good luck.

Soon enough, the entrance to the Ninetales' den came into view, a small stone entryway leading down into a cave. Turning to the Growlithe, the Ninetales smiled, bowing his head in thanks. "You know," he said, lifting his head to look at the Growlithe, "I think it's all the smells, but I completely forgot your name." As he finished saying that the fox ducked his head shyly, blushing lightly from embarrassment.

The Growlithe smiled when the fox's den came in the view, and he gave a soft chuckle at the other's sheepish look. "It's fine," the canine chuckled, "my name is Cyro," he said, still laughing quietly. Then he gave a shrug, looking a little sheepish himself. "I don't remember your name either," he said blushing slightly.

The Ninetales smiled back, grateful that he wasn't the only one to have forgotten. "Marc," he answered, his blush fading away slightly.

Cyro gave a small nod, and an equally small smile. That was the Ninetales' name; or at least it sounded familiar.

Slowly setting his rear leg down, Marc winced, quickly lifting it up again. With a sigh, he started his way into his den, looking over his shoulder at Cyro. "You can come in, if you want. I'm sure that I have something to eat in here," he smiled as he said that, stepping into his den and allowing the canine to make his own decision.

Secretly, the fox hoped that the canine would join him. He had actually rather enjoyed the walk, even if his leg had been protesting and clamoring for him to attend to it the whole time.

Cyro watched the fox slowly set his injured leg down, winching slightly when Marc lifted it back up. When given the offer, Cyro gave a small smile, nodding. "Thank you for the offer. I haven't had a chance to get anything, for food," he said, with another small, thankful nod. In the back of his mind, the canine also felt it was a good idea to keep an eye on his friend.

"How bad, do you think it is?" Cyro asked, as he followed the fox into the den, being respectful of the other's space. He was also making sure to be cautious around the fox's lightly lashing tails, as well.

"eh," Marc grunted, unconsciously tucking his tails in closer as he walked further into the den, "it could be worse."

Inside the cave/den opened up a little. More than enough space for both he and Cyro to comfortably lay, fully spread out, if they desired.

Along the one wall there was a small indentation, and several natural ledges; very little of the space was taken up though, only a half-dozen berries resting there. Marc, for his part, laid down on a small bed, an actual human-made bed. Sighing contently, he slowly lowered his tails, arching his back gracefully to look at his gash. "Deeper than I thought," he muttered, nose twitching slightly.

Cyro watched the other limped towards what looked like a bed; he must have dragged it from somewhere. Sitting down near the center of the cave, taking in what was Marc's domain. It was cozy, though perhaps a bit empty; although, the Growlithe mused, that's what happens when one is mateless.

The Growlithe considered himself for a moment after a thought hit him; the canine realized that he was even less prepared for pups, or even a mate. He had no den yet, although he would start up his search again later. Maybe he would be lucky and find an old or abandoned one.

Sitting and cleaning his wound, it was times like these that the fox missed having a mate. But those were thoughts of the past, and the fox shook his head hard, ears flopping slightly, focusing on the now.

Glancing at his guest, who was sitting respectfully near the center of the den, Marc smiled. "Please, help yourself," he gestured to his meager supply with his nose, "and I won't take no for an answer."

Cyro was drawn out of his planning by the fox's voice, and he looked up at the other before glancing over at his food. He gave a thankful grin, bobbing his head slightly. "Thank you for your hospitality. I'll make sure to help you gather some to restock it," he said with another nod as he got up and went over to the ledge.

The fox relaxed a bit, glad that Cyro had accepted the offer. "That sounds like a fair trade to me," he said. Closing his eyes, the fox rested his head down again when he heard Cyro speak up.

Looking over Marc's meager supply, the thought that he would have to keep an eye out for more berries entered his mind; for his injured friend. "Should I grab you something, or do you want to get it yourself?" He asked, glancing back.

Marc blushed at the offer, but the twinge of his leg told him to swallow his pride. "If you could?" He asked, ducking his head down. He might be prideful, but Marc knew when to accept an offer, particularly one offered out of concern.

Cyro nodded noticing the other had started to relax some while he was busy looking at the berries. The fire-type grabbed a berry, holding it in one of his front paws, and he hopped over, setting it down in front of the fox.

"Here," he said, putting it down in front of the other. Going back over to the ledge and grabbing a berry for himself, the canine started chewing on it.

As he munched on his berry, the canine watched the fox stealthily, making sure that Marc was okay. He sighed and went to one of the walls, sitting down and leaning against it, still working over his berry.

Smiling, and giving a small "thanks," Marc bit into the berry, the sweet taste filling his mouth.

The Growlithe gave a wide grin, his curled tail wagging a bit, at the other's thanks. He promptly sat down, chewing on the berry he had gotten, a small grin on his face.

Looking up though, Marc saw Cyro sitting against the wall peeking up at him every now and again. Finishing the last of his berry in a single bite, the fox smiled and whistled to get the canine's attention. When the canine looked up, Marc moved over on the bed and patted next to him with a tail, smiling as he did so. "I know that the floor can be uncomfortable, so why not come on over?"

Cyro was busy finishing up the berry when the other's whistle caught his attention, and Cyro looked over at him. He looked down and blushed faintly. "I-I," he mumbled.

Blushing lightly, the fox craned his neck to look at his leg, "and a second set of eyes never hurt anything." As he said that, he made sure to keep his face away from the canine, not knowing why he was blushing so much.

Cyro sighed, and got up, going over near the other slowly, still blushing. He wasn't sure why he was so... hesitant, to go over. It had an awkward ring to the other, in a strange way.

Marc smiled, but felt a little guilty at the look of embarrassment on Cyro's face. Shifting a little more, curling his tails around himself, he watched as the Growlithe sat down. Cyro, for his part, gave a small grin, sitting down in front of the fox. He laid down on the bed with only a little awkwardness.

Attempting to lighten the mood, Marc grinned and commented "See? Isn't his way better than just sitting on the floor?" He then gave his biggest, cheesiest grin, trying to ignore the fact that his own fur was blushing even hotter.

Cyro chuckled faintly at the other's tone. "Yah it is," he said quietly, blushing even more, still laying there. He curled up a bit, resting his paws and smiling softly while looking out of the cave. "How long have you been here? I don't think you ever told me," he said, curiosity tinging his voice.

Looking around the den, Marc smiled gently. "Almost four years now," dipping his head in thought, "yeah, four years, because it was..." The fox trailed off, a faint glimmer in his eye.

Cyro nodded, listening to the other, before gently rolling over, to look at the fox. He was about to ask if he was okay; but he didn't, letting the other dwell.

Blinking rapidly, Marc shook his head hard, coughing quietly as he did so.

Clearing his throat again, he put on a smile, lifting a tail and nudging Cyro. "How 'bout yourself?" He asked, wanting to get to know his guest a little better.

But also to help take his mind off the past. "How long you been in these necks of the woods?" Marc groaned inwardly at the badness of his own pun, but hoped it would make the canine laugh.

Cyro gave a small grin, as he turned back to looking outside. That was a bad pun, but it worked of course. "I arrived just before the frost had settled in. Though.." He shrugged. "Well I've been here, for a couple years, though. I've just been wandering." He said with a small shrug.

Grinning, the fox slipped a touch closer, his tails suddenly gaining a life of their own. "Just, wandering?" Marc groaned at the pun he was about to make, but it was to perfect to pass up. "So, I'm wondering about your wandering, did you wander far?"

Mentally, he bashed himself for saying that, but the sheer horribleness of it made him giggle. And once the giggling started, he just laughed harder, almost reverting to a Vulpix, all the pain leaving him.

Cyro gave a undignified snort at the other's comment. The Ninetales seemed to be in a mood today. His mirth infested the canine too, and before he knew it he was laughing right along with the Ninetails, enjoying the other's company.

There was just something about this Growlithe; something that drew the fox in. He wanted to be closer to him for a reason he couldn't explain.

Cyro slowly relaxed again, laying on his side as he watched the outside of the cave. "Nah, just a bit," he said, answering the other's question, frowning slightly. "I'm currently looking for place to call my own," he said softly, ears flattening against his head. Ever sense leaving his sire's den, he hadn't had that much luck.

Even while he laughed, Marc made sure to keep some space between them, crossing only with a friendly nudge of a tall. As much as he wanted to just cuddle up, he wanted Cyro to make the first move.

Cyro barely noticed that the fox had been scooting closer; though, in all honesty, he might have not cared. He was enjoying the company, and he was kind enough to share his food with the Growlithe. That was good, no?

Emboldened a bit, Marc moved even closer to Cyro, just bumping the Growlithe's side with his own.

Why were these feelings coming over him? He's always considered himself straight, but he still accepted that some preferred their own gender. He just never thought he would be one of those Pokemon.

Cyro, froze, even holding his breath, when he felt the faint touch of the fox bumping him. His warmth was amazing; it was, oddly enough, comfortable. This confused the Growlithe even more. What was Marc even doing?

With a force of effort, the fox tore his gaze away from Cyro, who was still watching outside though the mouth of the den. Slowly, he edged away. Only a little bit, but enough that they were no longer touching.

Before Cyro could say anything, the Ninetales pulled away, and he had kept his gaze outside; although he was no longer paying attention. He could still feel the other's presence as he laid there, both of them afraid to move.

Then, a sudden thought came to the fox, and he blushed at it. "If you need somewhere to stay, my home is open," he whispered, closing his eyes and turning away. He swallowed quietly, wondering, hoping, what the Growlithe would say.

When the other's voice broke the silence, Cyro blushed as well, contemplating the offer. "I-I wouldn't want to intrude.. if you get a mate, and all," he muttered, blushing as he rolled to look at the other.

Marc closed his eyes, confused at what he was doing, in offering the Growlithe a place to stay.

Yet, he laughed. "You wouldn't be intruding at all," then he took a moment to look over himself again. But as he craned his neck, his paw moved out, lightly brushing against Cyro's.

Cyro froze, his eyes going wide, when the other's paw brushed against his own. He was blushing brightly too, both of their inner fires making the den, while uncomfortable to others, nice and cozy warm for them.

Cyro blushed again, tilting his head. How wouldn't he be intruding? After all, this cave, while cozy, would be crowded when the other found himself a mate and possibly had kits...

Still the fox continued. "These wounds you see are just the latest in a long line of them," bhaking his head, he blushed even harder, his inner fire warming up the den even more despite his best efforts. "Besides, I don't think I even want another female..."

Cyro's eyes bulged at the other's last comment. What did he mean when he didn't want another female?

Marc froze when he said that, his own eyes going wide as well. Had he really just voiced that out loud?

He blushed even harder, and shied away from Cyro even more, just waiting for the rebuttal, the disgusted shout. It was over. The one chance he had at finding happiness again, and he blew it because he couldn't control his feelings. He shut his eyes tightly, slowly shrinking into himself, hiding under his tails.

"If you don't want another female, then who..." He noticed that the fox had curled up underneath his tails, like he was expecting... expecting Cyro to freak. Reaching a paw forward, Cyro gently pushed a tail and tentatively reached his paw in, laying it on one of the fox's. "Do you want me?" He asked softly.

Marc now had silent tears in his eyes, fully expecting a verbal, maybe even physical assault.

Which is why he recoiled when Cyro gently pushed away a tail, and placed a paw upon his own. Uncovering his head just a touch, the fox looked Cyro in the eye, his own amber eyes watering. "I...I..." he froze up again, a single tear running down his muzzle.

Cyro felt the other recoil, and he felt a good deal of pity for the other fire-type. He noticed the other's tear-stained face, when it was uncovered, and the canine felt the pang in his heart again.

The Ninetales didn't know what he wanted. His heart was aching, more than it had the day his mate had vanished, and it was twisting, demanding to be filled. Still the silent tears were running down his muzzle, and he nodded twice, on the last one hanging his head low to the ground.

Whispering to the ground. "I do want you," and the fox said no more. Now, he awaited the inevitable judgement, but something deep down was telling him that he might once again find happiness. It was a fleeting, small, hope but the Ninetales clung to it like a life line.

The Growlithe was so confused. Marc... wanted him? Of all there was in this forest, why him? In his initial confusion, he failed to note that he wasn't at all upset by the fact that the other male wanted him.

But was it returned? After all, he hadn't ever considered this before, never even looking at another male in such away before. In his mind's eye, Cyro flipped back, looking at some of the other males he had met. Why hadn't he ever noticed before?

Maybe he wasn't interested, but it broke his heart to see the proud Ninetales like this. He looked down, biting his lip as he trembled, confused about all that was happening. He didn't move his paw away, but still he started to rub at the fox's gently as he made up his mind. "I-I don't mind," he said softly, looking back at the other.

That made Marc look up, both tears and a weak smile gracing his face.

Cyro's felt his stomach flutter a bit when he noticed the fox's weak smile. He had saved him, if there was such a thing.

But a thought came to Marc as he looked into the Growlithe's eyes. He saw apprehension, nervousness. Hell, Marc didn't blame him; he was feeling them just as strongly, more than likely.

Still curled up, he now allowed his tails to unfurl, and they slowly waved behind the fox as he lay there. A deep pang of guilt hit him, and he shook his head, forcing the last of a tear from his eye. "I don't want something...made from pity," the fox said, looking the Growlithe in the eye. Slowly, his composure recovered, and he closed his eyes as he thought carefully about what to say. "If we are going to," he paused, swallowing audibly, "mate. I want to because you want it. Not out of guilt for me."

Now, the fox had made up his mind. He wanted to be with the Growlithe, in more than a physical way. But, he wanted Cyro to feel the same, and not as if he was pressured into it. Looking deep into Cyro's eyes, Marc leaned forward slightly, but stopped, waiting for the canine to make the next move.

Cyro looked down as he heard the other's voice; it clear, and precise. He.. understood what the other was saying. Closing his eyes, thinking. "I've been wandering for these past 4 years, because... I couldn't find a place. I couldn't find a mate.. I would run, after the end of every spring, knowing that the other males, wouldn't take kindly to my presence. I tried.. I really did." He said, shaking his head. "But.. in the end, I never wanted it. There wasn't a female, that I was willing to go to extremes for."

He opened his eyes, tears forming shaking his head. "Then I meet you." Cyro paused for a moment. "You didn't chase me away. You even offered me a home and.." He glanced up at the fox, "I want this. In the end... I've realized, that I just, wasn't looking in the right places." He said, giving a soft sneeze.

Hearing Cyro open up to him melted what little resistance the Ninetales' pride had built.

Now, it was as if the sun had come to banish the early-morning fog. Marc realized that he could love another, that he could move on; even if that other was another male.

The tips of the fox's mouth tilted upwards in a smile. "I meant it when I said you could stay," he said slowly. "Sometimes..." he paused, thinking, "sometimes it just takes a little bit of luck to find what you're looking for."

Shaking his head lightly, the fox smiled again, his eyes almost lighting up as he allowed joy to fill his heart. "I always blamed my loss on something else. The other male was faster, stronger, or just luckier. Maybe..." Marc's tongue flashed out briefly, moistening his parched lips his. "Maybe, I just didn't want to accept the fact that she was gone."

Looking Cyro in the eyes, his head tilted, another deep blush coming over the fox. " I think I'm ready. Ready to find another, and," he stopped again, closing his eyes, his blush somehow getting even deeper. Suddenly opening his eyes, he gazed into Cyro's own eyes, "I would be honored if you would stay with me."

There, he'd said it. It was only now that Marc realized just how close his face had gotten to the Growlithe's. This time though, he didn't move back, blinking his amber eyes in anticipation.

Cyro, blinked, blushing when the other reiterated what he had said. He nodded at it as well. They had some pretty poor luck, hadn't they?

Despite that, the canine felt a strange warmth come over him when he talked about, well about his past. He held in his questions about Marc though. Who was she? Where had she gone? Was that why...

Cyro suddenly blinked, realizing how close the fox's face had gotten to his own; so close, and the fox's amber eyes gazing into the Growlithe's brown. He was holding his breath, gently blushing as the fox confessed to him. The canine couldn't move. "Marc," the Growlithe said softly, locking eyes with the other, a smile forming on his lips. "I would be more the honored to stay with you," he said as he leaned forward, touching noses with the other male.

The Ninetales heart quite literally stopped for a moment when Cyro returned the affection. Now that it had been said, Marc flicked out his tongue, quickly giving a thankful lick to the Growlithe's nose.

Now, it seemed as if all was right. Shifting his body again, Marc rested his longer neck over the canine's, inhaling deeply, taking in the other fire type's scent. The fox smiled again; the scent was spicy, much like his own. Except there was another, almost sweet, undertone to it.

Cyro grinned, blushing when the fox licked his nose. He chuckled softly, scooting back a bit and murring when Marc stretched out his neck, resting his head on him.

Slowly, Marc licked along Cyro's back, working over the nape of his neck with his tongue, gently massaging the area. The fox had no desire to rush things.

Cyro murred, making soft "oohs," When he felt the other's tongue on his back. He continued to softly murr, relaxing under the other's ministrations.

True, they had both decided to become mates, but this was something special; more than a simple heating season induced lust. The fox had, at last he felt, found someone to spend his life with. And Marc was determined to let his partner chose how far they would actually take this.

Cyro had never done anything, sexual, before. He hadn't even mated yet, not even once. He had always been chased away or lost in a duel. He had never even gotten as far as they had now. Although he wasn't even sure what they could do. That was something, though, that when they got there, they would figure it out.

Slowly, the Ninetales could feel as Cyro relaxed, the soft murrs making the fox smile. With that positive reinforcement, he continued to slowly run his tongue along the Growlithe's back.

Cyro murred softly, totally relaxed against the other, enjoying the attention that Marc was giving him. A serene smile came to his face as he laid there.

In the back of his mind, Marc was wondering how they would proceed as well, but he quickly shoved it away. For now, he was content to cuddle close to Cyro, still giving his loving ministrations with his tongue.

Marc tried thinking back to when the last time he'd gotten this close to another, but only thoughts of his lost mate came to mind. Closing his eyes, nostrils flaring as they took more of his partner's scent in, he suddenly saw her for a moment. The sight made him pause; but when he saw her nod, and slowly vanish from his mind, he knew that she would understand.

Now he resumed, much more lightheartedly, a broad smile breaking out over his muzzle. Behind him, his nine tails suddenly started moving around, bobbing, weaving, seeming much more animated than they had been a few mere minutes ago.

Cyro then sighed softly while rolling over a bit, taking a look at the other. "How's your paw?" He asked, looking at the fox. To accent his point, he licked the underside of the other's jaw, murring softly.

The Ninetales murred softly as the underside of his jaw was slowly licked by Cyro, closing his eyes as he rumbled deep in his throat.

Cyro grinned at the other's deep rumble, his murr indicating his enjoyment, and the Growlithe's curled tail wagged behind him with joy.

Cyro smiled softly as he inhaled, enjoying the other's scent, loving the reaction he was getting from his licking. He noticed that the fox's scent had a distinctly spicy tinge to it. Sighing deeply, the canine continued to nuzzle Marc's neck.

Suddenly remembering what Cyro had asked, the fox looked back at his leg, which he had somehow completely forgotten about; he saw that the wound had stopped bleeding. Chuckling to himself, he nuzzled Cyro again. "It's much better than it was before," giving a brief lick to the Growlithe's nose. "But for now, let's focus on this," he said, winking as he gave another playful lick to Cyro's nose.

Cyro glanced down, smiling, when the other said that his leg was better.It was comforting for him to hear. He suddenly blinked, scrunching his nose comically when the fox licked his nose; he then stuck out his tongue after the Ninetails licked his nose again. He chuckled, and and then playfully licked the underneath the Marc's chin.

Marc giggled like a Vulpix again, quickly giving another lick to Cyro, and getting the same response as before. Cyro gave a giggle as well when the other licked him back, he scrunched his nose again, then he licked back. He was giggling along with the other, as they where full out tongue warring with each other. Then, both of their tongues started dancing around each other, looking for supremacy.

Smiling again, Marc pushed forward lightly, wondering how the Growlithe would react.

Cyro gave a surprised yip when the fox pushed against him. With a small chuckle, he pushed back against the Ninetales.

Now both were caught in the grips of the passionate kiss.

Tilting his head, Marc closed his eyes in pleasure, suddenly withdrawing his tongue and allowing the Growlithe to enter his mouth. As he did so, he also lightly turned, placing himself on the bottom, underneath the Growlithe.

Cyro gave a soft murr, surrendering to the strange passions, his eyes closing as well, and as he felt the other's tongue retreat, the Growlithe followed eagerly.

He blinked when the other broke the kiss, and he looked down at the other male, realizing that his new mate was on his back.

Breaking the kiss, the fox smirked as he looked up at Cyro, his paws naturally folding up against his chest. Now, he let Cyro decide what to do next, taking all of his pride and shoving it away.

The Growlithe scooted closer, looking over the Ninetails' body before laying over him, licking the side of his snout gently.

Murring again, Marc slowly tilted his head back, fully exposing his throat to the Growlithe. Even as Cyro was licking him, a sudden flush of heat made Marc's heart flutter.

Cyro smiled, when the other, tilted his head back, and he moved down to the fire-type's neck, murring softly as he licked the other's neck, enjoying the rumbling from beneath him.

Glancing down, the fox quickly became even redder, and tried to casually cover his growing malehood with his tails. Smiling up at Cyro again, the fox quickly caught him in another passionate kiss, not sure if he wanted his partner to know about his 'condition' or not.

While he was passionately liking the fox, Cyro's eye started to wander down to where the fox had covered himself with his tails; but before the Growlithe could look properly, Marc caught him in a passionate kiss. All previous thought and curiosity melted away as he dueled tongues with his mate. He himself, was getting a little excited, by what was happening, but he didn't notice while they kissed.

In the end, the moment was to much for the fox, and his tails flashed to the side, revealing himself to the cool air of the den. He was so lost in the kiss though, he didn't even notice.

What happened next was almost unavoidable.

As they were kissing, the gentle bump against the Ninetales side couldn't be missed. The scent of two increasingly aroused males filled the den; a scent that normally made the fox wary, this time only serving to heighten his growing arousal. Perhaps it was because it was from his lover, or perhaps it was the idea that it was he that was causing this. Either way, Marc took it in, inhaling deeply.

Cyro could smell the scent of arousal around him as well. It was thick and incredibly arousing; and when he realized that it was his and Marc's, it made the moment all the more exhilarating. His nose flared much more frequently as he took in the scent, inhaling deeply.

Breaking off the kiss, Marc took a moment to breath deeply, nose flaring wide as he did so. The scent of the aroused Growlithe flooded into his nose, seeming as potent as a female's heat scent; yet, somehow much more enjoyable.

With a mischievous grin, Marc slowly, tantalizingly, ran a tail along the Growlithe's haunches, pausing just when he reached the base of the canine's tail. Looking into his lover's brown eyes, the fox just paused, waiting for Cyro's permission to continue.

Cyro was panting hard, blushing as well, when the fox broke the kiss, and he realized that the other knew. When he glanced back, his eye's went wide when he noticed the other's stiff member. This only made the canine blush, realizing what that meant.

He looked back, at the fox, feeling a small bit of fear. Blushing and shivering when he felt the other's tail against his haunch, rubbing teasingly, under his curled tail. He blushed even harder, wanting the other to do something; but he wasn't sure what he wanted the fox to do.

Bitting his lip, the canine looked down at Marc. "I-I've never done anything like this," he admitted, feeling so embarrassed. He wanted to, but just didn't know what to do.

Smiling comfortingly back at Cyro, Marc murred. Continuing his slow, teasing movements with his tail, he softly nuzzled Cyro. "We'll call it a learning experience, for both of us," he whispered, nuzzling the Growlithe comfortingly.

Cyro gave a small smile. It was sort of comforting to think that the Ninetales was just as inexperienced as he was in this field. Although, it seemed that the male had more experience in mating.

The fox's entire body suddenly shivered, his back arching lightly as Cyro's tail brushed gently over his member, a gasp of pleasure shooting through the fox.

Cyro blinked as the other arched his back, gasping. He suddenly blushed, realizing that he had accidentally brushed against the other's member with his tail; and obviously it was very, very, pleasurable for him.

When the wave of pleasure subsided, and control of his body returned, he once again licked Cyro, this time leaning up and lightly nipping at his neck.

The Growlithe gave a soft murr when the other started to lick him agian, and gasped softly when the fox nipped his neck, causing him to shiver with pleasure.

All this time, Marc's rod was sticking straight up, eager and more than ready to go. Marc forced control on himself. He had never been with another male before, and it sounded like neither had Cyro. So, for both their sakes, he went slowly, teasing with his tails. Ever so slowly, he dragged their tips down Cyro's flanks and underneath the canine, before withdrawing them, just inches away from having touched the canine's member.

The canine could feel the other's tails going along side his body, and he wasn't sure where they where going. Still, he murred when the other started to rub around the base his member; the thought of those tails almost touching his member made the canine blush even more. He looked down at the fox for a moment before he then rolled onto his back, next to the other male, exposing his own, hard member.

Panting slightly from his own arousal, Marc watched as the other male rolled onto his back. The fox's gaze slowly travelled downward, and he was soon eyeing the canine's hard member. For some reason, the fox's mouth started to water at the sight of the member, slowly bobbing as it kept time with each beat of the Growlithe's heart.

Cyro blushed even more as he felt the fox's eyes on him. He watched Marc staring at his hard member, and could feel his member throb in anticipation.

Rolling onto his stomach, Marc started nuzzling Cyro's neck. Gently, playfully, he nipped, just using his teeth enough to cause some pressure, the Growlithe beneath him reacting to each little nibble. Each of the movements only made Marc more intent that Cyro enjoy his first time.

Still blushing, Cyro panted as he watched the fox scoot closer to him, rolling over onto his stomach as he did so. The canine murred almost continuously, and yipped softly as the other nibbled down his body, causing him to squirm and murr even louder.

Now though, Marc slowly started moving down the canine's body, gently nipping until he was just at the base of Cyro's member. Here, once again, he paused, looking up at Cyro's face. "Are you ready?" He asked, gently smiling, knowing full well that his heated breath would wash over the Growlithe's member.

Cyro gave a soft sigh, shivering when the other's heated breath washed over his member, causing him to shiver again, blushing this time. He nodded, murring softly, "Y-yah," he said breathlessly, blushing; he sighed, relaxing as much as he could as he waited for the fox to continue.

Taking the acknowledgment, Marc wasted no more time. With one last, long whiff of Cyro's scent, the fox gave a single long, slow, lick from the base all the way to the tip of the canine's member.

The explosion of flavor on his tongue made Marc pause for a moment, savoring it while trying to decide what it reminded him of. Finally he settled on a spicy note, much stronger than his new lover's scent. Marc shuddered as he finally swallowed, and inhaled deeply before flicking his tongue out again.

Cyro felt an explosion of another kind when the other's tongue on his member. He felt his body shiver, and he gave a soft gasp as the warm, rough tongue started to bath his cock.

Readjusting his body so that he was off to the side, Marc continued to slowly, tantalizingly, bath Cyro's member in lavish strokes. Each time he restarted at the base, he paid special attention to where a slowly forming bulge was. Each time he breathed, he could feel as Cyro's member twitched, somehow becoming even harder as he worked it.

The canine blushed and moaned softly as the other started to bath his member, the fox's tongue causing his member to become even harder as he shivered and laid there, enjoying the other's attentions. "Aaaah," he hummed softly, melting under the ministrations of the fox's tongue.

Now Cyro was panting softly, his cock starting to throb and pre formed at his tip as he started to yip softly, wanting more. He really wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but he really was enjoying this.

The taste of pre was driving the Ninetales crazy, and his licking increased even more, each yip of pleasure music to his ears. When Marc felt Cyro thrust against him though, that's when the fox really started smiling.

Cyro was giving a soft whine as the fox continued to lick his member, his yips and murring growing ever louder and more passionate. He thrust up slightly, whining, as the other licked his member all over, trying to get more of the sensations being sent through him.

Opening his maw wide, Marc did something he never thought he would do. Slowly, he lowered his head down, engulfing the Growlithe's member, inch by warm, delectable inch. When he felt another small thrust, that's when Marc decided to place his paws on the Growlithe's hips, to keep him from accidentally hurting ether of them.

Cyro blushed, a pleasured groan leaving him as the warmth of the fox's maw enveloped his member, causing him to whine softly. The want, the desire, to have the warm maw surround his member completely slowly came over the canine. He gave a soft whine though, when the fox put a paw on his hips, keeping him mostly still on the ground. He yipped softly, murring in pleasure as he felt the other's maw taking in most of his canine member.

Once Marc had taken as much as he could, without going into his throat, he paused. The exquisite feeling of the warm, pulsating shaft in his mouth, combined with the explosion of flavors he was experiencing, made his own shaft suddenly pulse. He blushed as he felt a bit of pre dribbling down the length of his own shaft. But for now, he had work to do.

The Growlithe was now panting in full arousal as Marc held his head still for a moment. Just staying there on his cock, the warmth and wetness amazing.

Soon, Marc was bobbing his head down the length of the shaft, each breath washing over it. It was then that another idea came into mind, and he grinned around the shaft as he worked it, occasionally pressuring with his teeth. Never enough to do anything, but just enough to let Cyro know they were there.

This only made Cyro blush and moan as the fox continued to move his maw up and down on his cock, slightly bobbing. He gave a surprised yip, and whined softly, as the other gently pressured with his teeth on his member. Each time, bolts of pleasure shot through the canine.

Still grinning, the fox worked a tail around to inbetween the canine's legs. Then, he started fondling canine's balls, delighting in the response he was getting as he gently rolled them.

Cyro gave a whine as his balls were slowly massaged by the fox's tails, a deep murr leaving him.

The Ninetales knew that Cyro couldn't last much longer as, slowly, the scent, that musk of male, grew stronger and stronger. Cyro gave a soft whine, as the fox continued to bob his maw up and down his length, teasing him with his tails still, more pre squirting from his member.

Grinning again, Marc suddenly pulled off of the throbbing member, chuckling deeply as he saw a spurt of pre shoot into the air. Judging from the almost fully extended knot, Marc guessed that Cyro was dangerously close to the edge; all he needed was one last little push.

So, leaning in close, the fox got right up to the sensitive knot, and gave it a firm lick. He was rewarded with another small shot of pre from the canine's tip, which dribbled down his length. Sensing that the canine was perilously close, Marc ran his tongue up the length, gathering all the pre he could before once again latching onto the tip.

Cyro gave a clear whine as the other pulled off, and started to work on nearly expanded knot, which was now throbbing, and incredibly sensitive. He moaned softly as the fox started licking his knot, his cock spewing more pre, which was quickly lapped away by the fox's eager tongue. The canine continued to moan softly, his panting growing shallower as the other licked up his shaft, and he moaned again, this time a bit louder, as the fox started suck on his tip again.

It was now or never and the fox grinned, redoubling his fondling of Cyro's sack, softly rolling them with his tail. All the while, his tongue danced over the Growlithe's member as it was engulfed in his mouth. All of his hard work was soon to pay off for him as well, when he felt a bulge; murring in anticipation, the throaty sound rumbled through his mouth, and he knew that Cyro could feel it.

The canine gave another moan. "Ahhah," he murred, as the other continued to play with his balls, the tails gently rubbing and rolling them while his tongue worked over the sensitive tip of his member. Soon he was panting and yipping softly, and eventually it all caught up with him. When the fox's rumble reverberated on his cock, Cyro gave a soft howl and he started to cum into the other's muzzle.

With a playful grin, Marc clamped his mouth tight around the spurting rod, swallowing as another burst came into his mouth. The flavor was even more intense now, and the fox closed his eyes in ecstasy, even as Cyro murred and panted from the force of his orgasm.

Cyro was panting softly, relaxed utterly, as the other clamp his muzzle around his cock, collecting up his seed. He murred softly, his legs naturally folded up against him, as he reeled from one of the biggest climaxes he had ever had.

When he felt the spurts slow down, the fox finally brought his head up, dragging his tongue along the canine's sensitive length as he did so. A small strand of white cum was hanging out of the corner of his mouth. Smiling again, the fox sat down while tipping his head back, visibly swallowing; the feel of the warm stuff traveling down his throat made Marc give a small moan of his own.

Cyro moaned softly as he felt the other's tongue drag up the length of his now spent cock, his eyes opening up in surprise. He watched his mate lift back his head, and visibly swallow the contents, blushing as the fox gave a small moan from the taste of the his seed.

Now Marc's already throbbing shaft was screaming for attention. But, Marc smiled softly, nuzzling the slightly dazed Growlithe all along his chest and neck, inhaling deeply to take in the scent of his mate. The canine Pokemon laid there with a dazed look on his face, murring softly, as the fox nuzzled his chest and neck.

Running his nose deep into his lover's fur, Marc continued taking in his scent. Now though, his own cock required attending. Cyro murred when the fox ran his nose through his fur, murring as the other continued to sniff at him softly.

With a playful grin, Marc started licking Cyro's muzzle again, slowly shifting his body over. Soon, he was standing completely over the Growlithe, the fox's tails wrapping protectively around Cyro.

The canine murred, chuckling when the other licked his muzzle, and he blushed as he felt the other shift over him. Another pleased murr left the canine when the Ninetales' tails wrapped around him, causing him to murr even more, enjoying the closeness.

With the canine's cock a bit smaller but still firm, Marc licked his lover's face again. Then, he lowered himself, throwing his head back and throwing out a moan of passion as his member grazed the canine's. Slowly, he started moving, not wanting to blow to quickly. But still, waves of pleasure rushed through him, and he could only hope that his lover felt the same.

And enjoying it the canine was; as he felt the other's member pressed against his, he gave a moan. When the fox's cock grazed against his, he blushed and as the other started to rub against him, he was soon panting heavily again. From his position he licked the fox's neck, murring deeply as the other's member continued to rub against his own.

Tilting his head up, Marc loved the feel of Cyro nipping at the underside of his neck. Closing his eyes, he paused for a moment in his rubbing, just to revel in the feeling of the Growlithe being so close to him.

With a gasp, his own pre-soaked member throbbing again, the fox resumed his gentle rubbing against the canine's. The surface of the canine's cock was slick with both his own pre and the saliva and cum from the fox's working over just a few minutes ago; they only served to make the sensations shooting through them both all the more thrilling.

Cyro gave a soft moan, as the fox continued to rub their members together, murring as he continued to lick the other's neck. He was nipping it softly as the other continued to rock ontop of him.

Each gentle thrust brought not only his own growing knot, but also Cyro's already sensitive knot into contact. Each time they met, Marc would gasp in pleasure, a deep shudder running through him.

Cyro gave his own groan, as the other continued to rub against him, their knot's bumping against each other, causing them both to moan. He would continue to lick the other's neck, groaning, and nipping the other's neck, brushing his teeth on the flesh.

With out realizing it, the fox had lowered himself. When he did, he suddenly blushed, almost laying on Cyro; shifting his weight slightly, his member protesting his stopping of his thrusts. Gently giving another lick to Cyro's muzzle, Marc leaned in. "Sorry about that," he whispered, blushing hard.

Cyro was panting softly, murring, when the fox stopped, leaning his head in close. When the fox shifted, he realized that the other was nearly ontop of him, which only increased his their mutual blushing. "I-it's okay," the canine said said, blushing as the other licked his muzzle. Murring softly, he licked back.

Now, emboldened even more, Marc once again kissed Cyro, lightly forcing his tongue into the canine's mouth. Cyro happily allowed the other into his muzzle, his tongue darting over to meet the other's, initiating contact.

With another gentle push, the fox laid his head down by the Growlithe's, panting heavily. His member was throbbing hard, an almost continues line of pre dripping out of the tip. Neither of them seemed to notice, or care that Cyro's fur was slowly being matted by the thick fluid.

Marc, for his part, was almost overwhelmed by the feelings of euphoria coursing through him. Each breath of his lover's musk, now filling the den, only made his love grow deeper, his thrusts ever so slightly harder. His tails had completely taken on a life of their own, dancing over his lover's body, lightly wrapping around, releasing, and skimming through Cyro's fur.

The canine gave another moan as Marc started to thrust even harder. The den was full of the smells of their musk, mixing and mingling, overwhelming the two of them, lulling them into a lustful stupor. He couldn't care less that his mate's pre matted his fur, or that he was on top of him. He gave another groan, rocking back against the other's thrust, moaning as their members rubbed together sending waves of pleasure through them both. The other's tail was moving, caressing, and touching his body; all of it felt amazing.

It was all to much for the fox.

Pressing his muzzle passionately into his lover's again, Marc murred deeply, feeling his knot expanding. His already sensitive member suddenly went on overdrive, sending pleasure coursing through him, each bump of his knot against Cyro's making them both gasp and shudder.

Then, release.

Marc's eyes closed tightly as his knot fully expanded, and his first shot landed right against his lover's muzzle. He continued his thrusting against Cyro, ensuring that both of them could feel the ever increasing waves of pleasure.

Cyro moaned as the other pressed his muzzle into the canine's, his lover murring deeply, causing him to shiver in pleasure. He blushed as he felt the first string of cum hitting his muzzle, but he didn't care, because he continued to bump knots against each other.

The fox almost screamed out in pleasure as he felt a sudden, warm shot against his own member. Because, even as he was still cumming, Cyro joining him in an orgasmic high.

The smell of his lover's seed, the musk of their fevered mating, made Cyro's eyes close as well, his second climax of the night suddenly hitting him, his knot expanding as he continued to thrust against his mate's thrusting. He was moaning passionately as he felt the other's cum against his fur, panting hard as they both continued to hump against each other.

Marc moaned in even louder, feeling as more shots of cum landed against his underside, and his thrusts became more erratic.

For a brief moment, Marc could feel nothing other than his member rubbing against his lover's. The wonderful, warm, cum from both him and his lover matted his under side, mixing together.

Cyro was moaning softly as his mate, climaxed all over him, smearing his seed all over the fire-type. He panted softly, dazed, as his cock continued to throb as the fox continued to hump against him.

To anyone else the air inside the den would be unbearable, the two fire types losing all control of their body temperatures. Not only that, but the musk in the air was so thick it should have been choking them out; instead, it only made the fox desire his lover even more.

Slowly coming off his high, his throbbing cock shooting one last rope of cum, the strength in his legs suddenly left. With a sigh, he dropped softly ontop of his lover, his tails lightly drifting behind him. Looking into Cyro's face, Marc giggled at the sight of a strand of his own seed painting the Growlithe's face. Still smiling, the fox went to work, slowly licking his seed off in long, strong strokes of his tongue.

Cyro sat there, murring, as he slowly came off his second climax, giving a soft 'oof' when his mate collapse onto him, their matted fur mixing together. If he hadn't been floating on his afterglow, he would have made some sort of side comment about the mess. Still, he gave a soft giggle as the fox started to lick his face, cleaning off the seed that had landed on his muzzle. He murred softly, enjoying the feeling of his mate being on him, the closeness of them touching.

Murring deep in his throat, riding on his afterglow, Marc continued to lick his mate, even after all of their seed had been cleaned up. After a short while, the fox started to feel drowsy, and started to slowly nod off.

His long, loving laps became slower and the fox's eyes started to droop closed. With one last flick of his tongue against his lover's muzzle, Marc moved from being directly ontop of Cyro, his tails moving to wrap protectively around the Growlithe. The fox continued nuzzling the Growlithe, until sleep finally took him, his breathing becoming deep, and regular. The smell of their joining still filled the air, their body temperatures unbearable for anything other than a fire-type.

Cyro gave a loud murr, enjoying his mate's attention as he licked his chest moving lower, cleaning them both of their seed so they wouldn't mat their fur. He murred as the fox rolled off slightly and he shifted so that he was laying next to the Ninetales. Murring softly, he nuzzled the fox's back, the smell, the scent of their mating, hanging within the cavern. Smiling again, murring softly, sighing contently as well, he too fell asleep next to his new mate.