Into Another World Chapter 1: Washed Ashore

Story by Khajiitoro on SoFurry

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#1 of Into Another World

The story begins when an Orca whale was enjoying the ocean water. He was about to pay Yoshi Village a visit; when he discovers an unconscious naked human, whom was washed ashore. He inspects the human only to find out that he knew actually whom this human was. He was very weak, and was also dying. The orca took him to village the in a panic, fearing he would die. The chief grants them entry, and was taken in for care. The chief knew the human was special; he was destined to save Yoshi Village, and protect his people. The human regains consciousnesses; however, due to a shipwreck incident, the trauma the he suffered has caused him certain parts of his memory. The chief and all the tribesman have high hopes for the human because they believe he is the key to fulfilling the prophecy; yet the human is completely unaware. After the human learns of his miraculous rescue, he and the orca whale start becoming very close in a bond that seemed like it would appear to be love.

It was a beautiful evening summer day. The sun was setting. The sky made an aura of pink and blue. It was warm at a comfortable level. Out on the ocean blue waters, an orca whale was enjoying the waves, making diving leaps, and flops. His name was Meiko; an orca whale with a medium build, blue eyes, smooth black and white skin, a dorsal fin on his back, and a long tail to help propel himself as he swims.

Meiko was just about to pay a visit to Yoshi Village, when he spots something suspicious along the shore. He moved in closer, only to realize in fear that he discovered a naked human whom appeared to have washed ashore. Meiko dashed to examine the human more closely. The human was slightly plump, but not obese. He looked to weigh about 180 pounds. His hair was fairly short, and brown. He was a bit hairy, but not like a bear. His breathing was shallow, his body was cold. He was very weak, he was dying. Meiko started to panic, he knew this human!

"If you can hear me, please hold on! I'll get you somewhere safe!" Meiko beckoned.

Meiko took the human into his arms and quickly ran for the village. He began to wonder how he ended up washed ashore, how he got here, and why. But he had no time to think. His friends life was at stake. He could not afford to lose him or anyone else he loved. Meiko lost his grandmother to natural causes, that he could not prevent. However, he wanted to prevent the death of his human friend; he swore he would save him, no matter the cost.

Meiko finally reach the village gates, only to be stopped by 2 Yoshi guards. They were both tan color, muscular, wore white thongs, and wielded spears, both pointed at Meiko and the dying human. The right Yoshi spoke up, "Meiko, explain to me why you were running, and why are carrying you this....human?

Meiko protested still catching his breath from running, "He is my friend! Call the chieftain, I need to get him inside!!"

The right Yoshi gave Meiko a disapproving look, he cared little for the dying human. "Don't be a fool. He is an outsider, he could be bait for a trap! The chieftain has tasked us both of protecting the village! He said there was an unknown threat, maybe this human is the threat!"

The left Yoshi lowered his spear and turned to his partner, "Wait, don't you think yer going too far? This human doesn't look dangerous, he's dying! The chief ordered us to remain vigilant, but this human needs help. Maybe he can help us when he recovers...if he survives."

The right Yoshi started to lose his patience, and his temper, "We can't afford to take any chances!! Either you discard the human, before I kill it myself!!"

"That's enough!!" Said a voice in the distance. Both guards froze in fear. They recognized that voice. It was the chieftain himself. An obese green Yoshi with black eyes, he carried a jeweled staff, and wore a headress. An escort was with him, a muscular, red yoshi with yellow eyes.

The chief and escort approach the arguing bunch, he had a concerned look on his face, he looked at Meiko. "I am so sorry for being late. I've been expecting you for some time. Enter my village, and follow my escort. He will lead to the healers tent, do not worry, the human will live. One more thing, you are to remain at his side until he recovers. Do you understand?"

Meiko nodded, and he was relieved to see the chief, "Yes, yes of course."

"Good. You may take your leave. I'll handle this situation myself." Said the chief. He saw the orca and escort leave for the tent.

Content that the chief was finally alone with the 2 guards, he was finally able to speak his mind. He turned to the guard on the right. The chief was very angry with him. Everyone knew the consequences, should anyone dare get on the chiefs bad side. The Yoshi on the right was shaking, he had no idea why he was in trouble. The left Yoshi was shaking too, yet he stayed silent.

"You fool! How could you be so blind to see that the human needed our help!? Don't tell me you fell asleep while I was in the middle of stating the prophecy the other day, did you!?" The chief bellowed.

"I-I I'm sorry chief! I didn't mean to fall asleep in the middle of yer lesson! I thought I was doing as you asked!" The guard gulped.

The chief blew up in his face, "That human IS the prophecy you idiot!! You were also cruel and heartless to Meiko, you should be ashamed! We Yoshis have a reputation for being kind to strangers, did you forget that too!?"

The guard was starting to sweat, "Oh my god!! Chief, please forgive me!! I had no idea! I swear I won't do it again, I promise!!"

The chief was not impressed, "As punishment for your actions, I'm striping you of guard duty, and demoting you to garbage and clean up!

The right Yoshi beg him to reconsider, "What!? No!! Not That!! I'll do better next time!"

"Either you get to your new post now, or I'll give you the whip!!" The chief was losing patience.

Without argueing any further, the right yoshi went straight to work, fearing any more punishment. The chief breathed out a sigh of relief. He turned to the other guard, this time, the chief was calm.

"You can relax now, you did the right thing. I already have guards set up for night duty, go ahead and get some rest. Consider that a reward." Said the chief.

The left Yoshi smiled in relief, and went off to rest in the barracks. The chief went over to the healers tent to check on the human. The chief had strong faith that the human was destined to save his people. He could feel the love the human had for all Yoshis.

The chief arrived at the healers tent. The healer was a slim pink Yoshi with blue eyes. the healer was slim cause he focused on his craft more than eating, or physical labor. The healer turned to chief, and bowed down, "The human is recovering steadily, he is suffered head trauma, so expect his memory to be a tad foggy, it could be minor anmesia."

"Very good, now please get leave and get some rest. You still have others to tend to, do you not?" Said the chief.

The healer left, the chief, Meiko and the sleeping human were alone. The human was alive, but still unconscious. His breathing was steady, his color was returning, and his temperature was normal. Meiko sat on the bed where the human was laying.

The chief smiled, "He will awaken shortly."

"How do you know?? Can you...sense it? Do you know how he got here?" Meiko spoke in suprised tone.

The chief laughed, "Patience my orca friend, you will learn everything in due time."

Within moments the human slowly started regaining consciousness. He moaned as his eyes opened slowly. They were brown with a unique shine. His sight went from a blur, to clear. He saw Meikos face.

"M....Meiko??" Said the human as he stared into the orcas eyes.

Meiko held the human in arms, he was in tears, "Ohh thank god you survived. I thought I was gonna lose you. Don't you scare me like that again."

The human hugged him, and smiled, "It's okey Meiko, I'm right here, I won't leave you. Just please don't cry, cause I'll start if you don't stop."

Meiko looked the human, the human wiped away his tears, Meiko then smiled in relief, and layed the human down gently. The chief moved in closer, catching the humans attention.

The chief was still smiling, "I am the chief of this village, welcome to Yoshi Village. You are welcome amongst us, so please stay here until you recover. Do you remember your name?"

The human smiled back, "My name is Jason. I thank you for your hospitality. But..... Ohhhh my head is killing me. How did I get here? I can't seem to remember anything from the past few days."

"I was the one who found you washed ashore. I don't know how that happened, but I brought you here, you were pretty banged up too. If I didn't find you, you would've been dead." Said Meiko.

"Indeed. There is much to discuss with you when you are in better condition. For now, you should rest, I will see you next morning. It is close to midnight." Said the chief. He left for his tent.

Jason scooted over to one side of the bed, leaving room for Meiko to enter, he happily did so. The 2 friends cuddled each other closely. Both smiled at each other.

"Thanks for saving me, I owe you a great deal." Said Jason.

Meiko laughed, "You don't owe me anything. I'm just glad yer alive and well. I won't let anything bad happen to you again, I promise."

Jason was touched, "Then I will make sure I repay you, and it starts here and now."

The 2 friends kissed each others lips romantically. Jason layed his head on Meiko's chest, while Meiko wrapped 1 arm around Jason's back. Within moments, they were both fast asleep.