Into Another World Chapter 4: First Steps

The morning was unforgiving. Not a hint of sunlight. It was cold and windy. Deep puddles of water were scattered throughout the village. Most were above ankle deep. The tribesmen had to wear warmer garments due to the chilly wind; A leather harness as...

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Into Another World Chapter 1: Washed Ashore

It was a beautiful evening summer day. The sun was setting. The sky made an aura of pink and blue. It was warm at a comfortable level. Out on the ocean blue waters, an orca whale was enjoying the waves, making diving leaps, and flops. His name was...

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Into Another World Chapter 3: Remembrance

It was pitch black, midnight. The 5 friends were returning to the village after a good time at the beach with Toumal and the other orcas. Jason enjoyed it so much, he wanted to do it again. He started remembering the good times he had at the beach with...

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Into Another World Chapter 2: Paradise

The morning sun rose, the sky was blue and clear. Jason and Meiko woke up full of energy and life. They both wondered what today had in store for them; Jason wanted to get closer with everyone in the village, as well as spending more time with Meiko....

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