Francis and friends (Tarin 3)

Story by Jon Girard on SoFurry

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The following story is the third installment in the Tarin series that was my first story, 'Tarins First was the first, and 'Plans' was the second. I have been distracted as of late with friends wanting me to write them special stories and I have been focusing on them. For the moment I am done and able to continue what I started a while back

This story contains male on male action with oral and tail insertion. The characters represented here-in are of my creation and any resemblance to a person is sheer coincidence. If you would like to use Tarin in a story of your own please contact me and I will send you any information you require about him and his background. If this is not your bag, or if you came here by accident. Leave now or I am not to be held responsible. You have been warned... for everyone else. Please enjoy and remember to remove your pants before polishing any knobs, unless you like the mess


(Thursday) Francis and friends, Part Three

I awaken once more to my alarm blaring next to my head. It is not actually as loud as it seems, but I do have sensitive hearing... right? I sit up and stretch, yawning with a slight roar until it hits me what today is and what I need to finish at work all the while knowing what I get to do when I get out. Today is the day I get to meet with Francis again at the bar. I get out of bed quickly, showing in minutes and eating a small breakfast. I drink no coffee but I am sure that I will not be needing it to stay awake today. I grab by keys and my briefcase and make my way to the car. I head for the interstate, being sure not to speed, but trying to get to work earlier then usual to give me more time to work on my presentation. I want to have it finished and ready before I meet with Francis tonight.

About the time that I reach the interstate my phone rings. I reach for it and flip it open to check to see who it is. I am rather surprised to see that it is Margarette. She is not usually up at this time, but none the less I hit the send key and answer the phone.

"Hello?" Just because the caller Identification claims it is her, doesn't mean it is.

"Hi Tarin, this is Margarette, we haven't spoken in a while. Do you remember who I am?"

"Of course I do, how could I ever forget you?"

She blushes on the other end of the line giggling slightly. "I am glad to hear that. I'm sorry to call you so early, but I know it is a good time to catch you before you get to busy for callers. I was wondering if you would like to get together Friday night?"

I was excited, especially if I get to meet up with her alone... and not with her friends tagging along like they usually do. "Sure thing, what do you have in mind?"

"I thought I could rent a movie or two and we could watch it at your house. I could come over about 8ish. Does that sound like a good idea?"

"That sounds great Squeaks, I'll see you then."

"Hey Mr. Kitty! You know I don't like that nick name!"

I cannot help but laugh and my next comment escapes without me thinking clearly on the response. "Oh I know, I'm sorry it slipped... but don't you go yelling at me or this kitty will eat you!" I close my mouth quickly, knowing what I meant, but also knowing how it sounds. Her reaction surprised me greatly, though I cannot tell if she is serious or not.

She replies softly, a different tone then her usual. "Be careful what you offer to do Tarin, I might take you up on that offer someday. I will see you Friday night, take care until then."

I do not get any time to explain my words though she didn't seem to mind at all. I am not sure if she meant what she said, or if she was just jesting. I will prolly never know, but none the less it will be good to see her again. I wonder if she is still as hot as she was before. Once I shake myself from thoughts of the petite mouse's old looks I realize that I am just about at work. I look down at the speedometer and see that I am doing about 130 miles per hour. I immediately slow down, and none to soon as one I return to the speed limit I drive past a cop hiding and waiting for the fast driver.

With in the next few minutes I pull into the office parking lot. I realize that there is no one else here yet and that there won't be for about an hour or so. I park in my spot and get out of my car, bringing my things with me. I make my way to the door and have to wait a moment or two before the doorman realizes that there is someone there. Finally he buzzes me in.

"Good morning Tarin, aren't you a bit early today?" The doorman asks with sarcasm. He is a young, surly around 18, horse.. Or at least half of him is horse. Many of the office girls joke about how well endowed he is. He was the first horse I have met and I assume from that they are rare.

"Sure am Steve, just trying to get an early day. I have a chance for promotion but I need a proposal ready by tomorrow afternoon."

He smirks as I make my way to the elevators and head to the floor that my division is on. I place my things on the small desk and sit in the chair in from of the humming computer. I turn on the monitor and wait for it to warm up and actually turn on. Once it is functioning I open a few programs and begin doing research on the project I am going to be proposing. It takes me only 20 minutes to find that the technology needed for what I am going to attempt to push does exists, though is a bit more expensive then your average equipment.

The idea I am running is for a game unlike any other in existence. The game will incorporate two types from the beginning. The first being a medieval setting among the familiar lands and basic rules of the ever growing Dungeons and Dragons universe. Of course the company will need rights from TSR in order to use these worlds and ideas, but that part is not my job to worry about. That is the job of the companies president. The second will be set in present times and will have a military base of ideas. Both games will allow you to enter the world represented by the way you look in real life, or you will be able to completely create a character from scratch. Of course none of this sounds unique until I tell them the most important thing about the games. They will be completely Virtual Reality. A form of VR that I have been working on for quite some time at home.

Unlike other VR units and games the suit involved in this one will incorporate special pads that link your neural system to the game itself. What this will do is give the player a certain connection to the game. He will not only feel as though the game is real, but also his body will react to circumstances out of instinct just as though it were real. There will be a safety feature that will remind everyone that it is in fact just a game, and a playing will not be allowed to stay connected for any longer then 10 hours without taking a half hour break.

It takes me until lunch to finalize the proposal of the game, which I have dubbed 'Infinite Reality'. I take my lunch break, heading to the elevators and down to the main level where the cafeteria is located. I get myself a few slices of pizza and a bottle of chocolate milk. I may be a cat, but I can't stand plain milk... unless it is in my cereal of course. Just as I finish eating my lunch my phone rings. I flip it open and check the screen which read 'Unavailable' meaning that I do not know of the person and their number is blocked. I answer it anyway, sounding tired from my work.

"Hello, Tarin speaking."

"Oh hey Tarin, I was expecting to get your voice mail, figured you were still at work." Being as tired as I am, I don't recognize the voice, but they apparently know of me.

"Yeah I am on my lunch break, just finishing up actually. I was just heading back to my desk when you called."

"Okay, well I was just calling to let you know I will be at the bar at about 6 and that a few of my friends want to meet you, would that be alright, or would it make you feel uncomfortable?"

Now I know who it is and my heart rate speeds up a bit. "Sure thing Francis, I will manage, just as long as you will be there I'm sure you'll keep them off of me."

"Oh you know I will Tarin, After all... your mine right?"

I smile and laugh slightly. "Yes master."

He laughs as well. "Okay, See ya then."

I hang up the phone and put it back in its case, smiling the whole time. I get up and discard my garbage, heading back to my desk. I am surprised now to find that I have no actual work to do today. I log onto the system and check the boards and learn that they are deviating work from us until Friday so we have time to work on our presentation. If I had known this I would not have rushed to get done, but none the less that means I am done for the day. I pack up my things and head home. When I finally get home and put my work things away I decide to take a nap so I won't be to tired tonight when I meet Francis and his friends. I set my alarm for 4 and lay down, falling to sleep shortly afterwards.

For the second time in one day I wake to my alarm ringing though my head. I get out of bed feeling refreshed and head to the shower, discarding my remaining clothing on the way. I start the water and get it nice and hot, for some reason or another I can stand up to quite a bit of heat. Once I have it to a temperature that feels nice I get in. I purr as the hot water washes over my fur, matting it down. I am sure to clean my sheath good as well as my tail and tail hole. I do not know what Francis has planned for the night, but I will be clean just uncase.

Once in finish in the shower I shut the water off and shake myself dry. Seeing as I have the time I take an hour or so to groom myself carefully with my long tongue. I purr uncontrollably when I get to certain areas of my body. Though it may be my own tongue, it still feels nice. Once that is finished I stand up, cracking and stretching my joints and muscles. I check the clock and see that it is 5:15. I move to my closet knowing I need to leave in about 10 minutes if I want to be there in time to meet Francis.

I put on my finest shirt, a black button up shirt with dark red Chinese symbols on it. For pants I choose tight fitting jeans. The seams don't leave much for the imagination, but I figure I might as well try to knock the wind out of Francis when he sees me. I decide not to wear any of my jewelry, but finish up with my sturdy black combat boots. Finally I stop in front of the mirror to look at myself. The black and red of the shirt and pants really brings out my white fur and bright sapphire eyes. The pants accent almost every curve of my body, including my crotch and buttocks. I have never worn these pants out in front of anyone before. Normally I wear them at home with female friends around. My large sheath and balls can faintly be made out when I am sitting, and pretty easily when I am standing.

Turning to look at the clock I don't have any choice. I do not have any time to find something else to wear and change. Not to mention that changing would mean I would have to groom myself all over again, though it would not take as lone because most of the fur is not tangled up like it is when I first get out of the shower. I grab my wallet and the keys to my bike. It is my pride and joy, a custom build Suzuki Katana. Though I do not race it is one of the fastest bikes in the state and I have won may awards for the paint job and other custom work that I did myself. The whole thing is painted like a dragon, the front fender bearing the teeth, the sides the winds, and the rear fender the tail. I am a big guy, so the bike it a bit bigger then normal, making the paint work fit much better.

I put on my helmet which is black and resembles the head of a black dragon as well. Also putting on my black leather riding jacket so the wind won't mess my perfect fur. The visor of the helmet is completely colored on the outside, but I can see through it just fine. I start the bike and rev it up before peeling out down my driveway and make my way to the interstate. The plate on the bike reads 'BLK DRGN' and fits purrrfectly. All in all I look like a biker through and through, though in all honesty I am far from it. The respect I get from other riders though is very comforting and makes me feel like more then I really am. On the way to the bar I fall into a small group of riding who open their line to let be join in. I travel with them on the highway for over half the trip before I flash my highs at those in front and wave to those behind as I veer to the exit and drive the short distance to the bar.

I pull up to the front and park. There is a small group of people out side who immediately make their way over to me to check out my ride. I take off my jacket and helmet, placing them on the back of the bike. Once my face if free many of those checking out my bike turn their attention to me, blatantly staring at my face, body, and eyes. It is not just the men though, the females also. I smile the best I can and make my way towards the door, opening it and walking though. I am utterly amazed as I walk in when everyone stops talking for a moment or two to look at me, before some conversation starts up again. I can tell some people are talking about me, and normally it would bother me... but here, it is more then likely good talk.

I begin looking around for Francis and finally I see him sitting at booth off to one side with two others, they are all starring at me, one of them turned around in his seat just to look. I can tell that Francis doesn't yet realize it is me. Last time he saw me I had on my suit from work, and my fur was a mess. I mingle for a bit so that Francis and his friends stop watching me, as does mostly everyone else. Once they are done I make my way closer to Francis and his table. I get close enough to hear them and stop to listen for a few moments. Now I can see that he has two males with him. A wolf, and a husky. They all seem to know each other.

"So tell us Francis, who is this young one whom finally got you to have some fun?" says the husky.

Francis smiles. "His name is Tarin, he is a white tiger... and I have never seen such a beautiful body. His stripes are enthralling and is purr is more soothing then anything I have experienced."

The wolf sips his drink before speaking up. "That's because felines are very rare, much more so then the horses. The only feline I have seen in a long time was that tiger that came in earlier, and we are not the only ones who were checking him out... did you see the size of his..."

He is cut off by Francis. "Yes Drax, we saw... I will have to try and meet him some other time."

This is when I decide to have a bit more fun. I take my shades from my pocket and put them on. They are expensive and unique, as well as completely mirrored. Therefore he cannot see my eyes, which might give me away. I walk out from the back towards them, coming to stand next to them. I have to keep myself from laughing as all three of their jaws drop slightly. With a quick glance I can see each of the groins bulging slightly. I alter my voice so that Francis won't recognize me.

"Good evening boys. I noticed you staring my way earlier, mind if I sit down?" As I speak I sway my tail behind me, using it and its stripes to nearly mesmerize those standing behind me. Of course though they can see it as well.

Francis is the first to speak up, though I can hear the nervousness in his voice. "Feel free friend, we were actually just talking about you, and how rare it is to see your kind."

Before I can reply I hear someone in a booth near us say. "Look at that... not only is Francis one of the best lookers who comes in here, but doesn't want to fool around. But now we have this new guy... and who is he with.. None other then Francis himself... we need to find a new bar to meet people at."

I then reply with complete honesty. "I had no idea we were so rare. What is so special about a kitty anyway?" I say the second half speaking though a purr which comes out sexy and sensual. I then turn to the wolf. "What's the matter big boy... Cat got your tongue?"

He finally finds his words and reply slyly. "No, but if you want it you will have to suck it out of my mouth." He grins at his own comment.

"Down boy, I am here for this foxy fox over here." I turn my attention to Francis. "Say, how about you an me blow this joint and go somewhere... anywhere you want to."

I was not expecting what he said next. Apparently I mean a bit more to him then I thought. "I would gladly take you wherever 'you' wanted to go if I were not meeting someone here. Another feline, like yourself." Francis replies sincerely.

"First you tell me I am rare and one of a kind..." I pause to remove my glasses and look into his eyes with my own, knowing he will recognize me now. "... now you claim there is another?"

He is at a loss of words as his eyes go wide. "T-Tarin... Is that you?"

I smile and nod. "Yes master it is me."

He laughs and pulls me down to sit on his lap, holding me close to him. "Well you sure do clean up well. Let me introduce you to my friends." He points to the black wolf. "This is my good friend Draxion, but we call him Drax." Then he points to the husky. ", and this is his bitch..."

"Oh Francis! Come on he just met me."

Drax and Francis laugh, I Just nod my hello to him and he seems a bit more relaxed seeing that I am not going to berate him for the comment. "Oh Will, lighten up." says Francis.

Finally Francis moves me from his lap to sit next to him, Will moving to sit next to Drax on the other side. I didn't want to move, but I wasn't going to say anything. I am still new to this and don't want to embarrass anyone, nor get anyone into trouble. I speak up. "Nice to meet you both."

Drax replies and Will nods his agreement. "Tarin, the pleasure is ours. When Francis told us he met a feline we didn't believe him. You are certainly very attractive and if it weren't for Francis here threatening to remove my balls with his teeth if I touched you... I would have been all over you when you walked in here."

I'm not sure how to reach to that at first, but finally I see that it is in fact a big compliment so I blush. "Thank you Drax."

Drax and Will get up and Drax speaks as they gather their coats. "Well It was nice to meet you, but seeing you has be and Will all riled up. We need to take care of a few things before we go to bed, both got an early day."

"Take care you guys, I'm sure you will be calling me soon. Thanks for coming out to meet Tarin."

"Oh you better believe it. You don't think I would leave you alone with this fine feline and not want to hear how things went do you?" replies Drax.

"Drive careful guys, thanks for your kind words."

With that they leave, leaving me and Francis alone. We share a few drink and he asks me how my day went. I told him of everything, other then what exactly I am working on. It's not that I don't trust him, but there are other ears here that I definitely would not trust. A few drinks later he changes the subject.

"Say Tarin, you want to get out of here? Maybe we could head to your place?"

I finish off my beer. "Sure thing, do you want to follow me, or ride with me?"

"I will just ride with you, you can drop me off here tomorrow on your way to work... if that's alright?"

I grin. "Sure, but I should warn you that I am on my bike. Is that alright?"

He smiles and takes my arm with his, walking me to the door. Everyone is watching as we leave, bulges in many the groin as many think of what we might do together. "I don't know Tarin, you mean I will have to hold you the whole way to your house?"

I laugh as we reach the bike. I put on my jacket and my helmet and get in the bike, firing it up. Francis takes his seet behind me, I can feel his sheath pressed tightly into my back, just to the side of my tail. He wraps his arms around me, rubbing my thighs for a moment before patting my stomach. "Ok, Ready to go."

"Ok, whatever you do.... Don't let go."

I crank the handle and pop out the clutch. In seconds we are gone, a cloud of dust behind us. I do about 60 miles per hour to the interstate and once there I speed up to about 70. Just as I stop accelerating I hear Francis behind me.

"I'm in sort of a hurry to get back to you place... if you know what I mean. You put on quite a show tonight and cannot wait to have you all to myself. Go as fast as you can handle safely. If we get stopped I will take care of everything." He ends his suggestion by rubbing my groin with both of his hands, drawing my cock from its sheath a bit.

I shrug and shift from 5th gear to 6th. Once I release the clutch the bike comes up into a wheelie for a few moments before setting down. We go from 70m.p.h. to 185m.p.h. within moments before I shift gears once more to 7th. This gear is part of the customization I did, It incorporates Nitrous Oxide. I grin as the speedometer climbs quickly to 286m.p.h.

"Tarin... You didn't tell me... it was this fast."

He holds on a bit tighter as we fly along the highway. I am forced to weave in and out of lanes to avoid traffic. I can see a cop up ahead, but I was told to go until stopped. I fly past the cop who is in the passing lane by going to the shoulder. I am surprised as he does not give chase to me. At this speed we complete the hour ride in about 15 minutes. We get to my small home that was left to my by my foster parents when they died. As soon as the bike is parked and we are inside with the door locked Francis jumps at me, kissing me passionately. I have never kissed a guy before, but it was not really different from a girl.

As our tongues glided over each other I guided us to my room. Once we arrived Francis broke the kiss and began walking towards the bed, removing all of his clothing as he does before sitting on the bed facing me. I grin and also undress. I watch as his cock grows slowly as my clothing comes off. I can see there is something in his hand but not what just yet.

"Please Tarin, tonight you must be the one to mount me. You got my blood boiling earlier today... I think I need an injection."

He lays back and spreads his leg, showing me his begging tail hole. I walk over slowly and seductively, my tail swaying behind me as I carefully climb onto the bed and onto him. I work his neck over with my lips and my teeth gently. He writhes underneath my attentions as my attentions move down his body. I kiss his stomach before licking my way slowly to his long and hard member. My tongue swirls around the base of his member before I slowly and carefully take him into my mouth. I am surprised as I can tell he is at the control I have over my gag reflex. I am able to take all of him without falter.

He closes his eyes as I use my throat muscles to massage his member while my tongue continues to work. I take advantage of my feline body and without taking my mouth from his shaft I manage to position my cock against his tail hole. He gasps and mutters, still writhing with pleasure.

"In my... hand... lube... it has... been a while..."

I look and watch as he opens his right hand and sure enough there is a small capsule containing lubricant. I take it and pop it over my shaft. I use my shaft against his hole to be sure it is covered before I begin to apply pressure. Finally I feel my head pop inside of him and I pause. I am not sure if he has ever seen my cock fully erect, so I ask.

"Francis, last time we were together... did you see me fully aroused?"

"No.... why...."

"Just let me know if you need me to stop..."

I slowly begin to press into him and the first few inches goes in slowly but without much trouble, but when I reach his inner sphincter I cam stopped as he clenches his right hand over my arm.

"Wait... let me warm up... first."

I grin, surprised that he is unable to take me with ease. Surly he has been with larger then myself. Never the less I use the space I have and slowly piston in and out of him. I control my breathing and my blood flow as to not get close to the edge just yet. He is very tight... tighter then the only other hole I have been in. That being Jill, my first and last girlfriend. It takes a good 10 minutes before Francis nods and lets me know to go on. I press forward, finally slipping past the wall that was their earlier and into the depths of his body. I am unsure if he realizes how long I am, nor that he has taken it all, but my member is a good 14 inches long with an impressive girth to boot.

I fuck into him without abandon, my balls slapping against his thighs as I continue to suck away on him. Soon he is trying to push against me and moaning loudly. This is one of those times that I am glad that I have my own place and don't have to worry about a roommate or family member coming in on me in this position. It doesn't take me much longer to reach the edge.

"Francis... Im almost there..."

"Me too... just.... Let go...."

With a few more thrust I hammer into him one last time as my member erupts forth inside with powerful blasts of seed. Just as my first string hit's the walls of his intestines his member blows down my throat. To my surprise it does not taste half as bad as I was expecting. I swallow every drip before slowly withdrawing from him. I stop and turn me head curiously to see an iridescent blue liquid leaking from his gaping hole. He does a double take as he sees my member. Not just the size catching him, but also the color of the juices on it.

"What is all over you? Is that the lube?"

"No Francis, I think it is my seed. I have seen it this color one other time, thought it to be caused by things I had eaten."

"I see... and why didn't you warn me of how large you are mister!" he laughs. "I hope you know that I am going to be sore tomorrow... but my god... that was the best sex I have ever had with another man."

"That is the best sex I have ever had period."

We both laugh it up before taking a shower together and getting cleaned up. If we were not both so tired we surly would have fooled around there as well. Once we finish I have him step out so I can shake off, then he steps in and does the same thing after I leave. I set my alarm and we both go to bed. I am sure it looks silly but the way we are lying Francis looks like he is my bitch... but for the night... he was. I drift off to sleep on that thought, with a smile on my face. It seems since I have met him I have been able to sleep a bit better.


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